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-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @epicmorphism @Leradvor @one it could be, with the right FE, actually. [] | May 20 00:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @drifa i'd take custom fonts over emoji alphabets any day of the week. [] | May 20 00:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @roka you can use instant pot for stuff other than soup???? [] | May 20 00:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @roka i'm talking about Canada's #1 kitchen appliance, now available in Oklahoma! [] | May 20 00:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @roka in Oklahoma you can order weed online and have it delivered within 30 minutes [] | May 20 01:02 | |
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 20 01:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kaikatsu his poll is backfiring royally, majority of votes are in support of some sort of rich text formatting [] | May 20 01:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i hate to be selfish, but every day i view a mastodon bug report, i am thankful that the same people who wrote off non-mastodon software as "nazi software" did so, because they are the ones who scream at Gargron instead of just using alternatives and screa... [] | May 20 01:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: unfortunately some of them have recently observed that Pleroma might not be nazi software like they originally thought... maybe we will need a code of conduct to deal with such screaming [] | May 20 01:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i wonder if those people who scream at Gargron about everything realize that they are causing history to repeat itself, as it did with Ilya in the Diaspora project. [] | May 20 02:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: now, to be fair, i absolutely think Gargron is an insufferable ass. i believe this opinion to be very widely understood by anyone who actually talks to me. i have my reasons for viewing him in that light. i'm also, by far, not the only person who holds tho... [] | May 20 02:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kline my experiences with freenode staffing and IRC in general, as well as development in this space has taught me that you have to have a very thick skin in order to do work in what are ultimately social spaces. [] | May 20 02:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @vriskaimage.png [] | May 20 02:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: finally, i just want to close this thread of thoughts with the observation that comparing Gargron to Linus Torvalds is just entirely off the mark.yeah, Linus too, is an insufferable ass at times, but, he has recently committed to improving.yeah, Linus too,... [] | May 20 02:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @png @null @DashEquals @tuxdude who knows? Garg's snap could be to jump infront of a train or something. [] | May 20 02:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kurisu agreed, but he also needs to come back with a new view towards managing the project as well. [] | May 20 02:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @desvox no [] | May 20 02:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @eevee that's precisely why i wrote a [url=]BBCode formatting method[/url] in Pleroma. [] | May 20 02:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @eevee that's precisely why i wrote a BBCode formatting method in Pleroma. [] | May 20 02:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: #np: Living Colour - Cult of Personality {audio/flac} (0:18/4:54) [] | May 20 02:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @eggy i have a plugin for audacious that does it when i click a button [] | May 20 02:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hellcp but people do! [] | May 20 02:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hope nice turntable [] | May 20 02:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @flussence @eevee it's bidirectional. there's certainly faults on both sides. i'm just thankful that the agitators have mostly written off pleroma as "nazi software" because some channer instances exist and refuse to touch it. it means they won't bother ye... [] | May 20 02:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @anna i disagree. while i have opinions and maintain firm control over situations, that does not mean that i dig in on said opinions when the data does not support that.i'm really not that stubborn. i merge things into pleroma that i personally disagree wi... [] | May 20 02:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @anna like, if you think i'm stubborn, you don't know me very well. my philosophy has always been to let the end user (in this case the admin, really) decide how the software should behave by making everything configurable.the only areas where i am stubbor... [] | May 20 02:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: this is just cursedimage.png [] | May 20 02:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change:'s "compromise" misses the point entirely. it's not really about bold and italic, it's about lists and inline links. bold and italic are just nice extras. [] | May 20 03:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: going to start doing a stream fucking with hCard in a bit (~20 min or so) [] | May 20 03:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @animeirl people want control over how their posts are formatted. we give people what they want. it's that simple. instead of arguing, you give people what they actually want. [] | May 20 03:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @animeirl it's a frequently requested feature. [] | May 20 03:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @animeirl sounds like Mastodon is the software for you. lets cut this discussion here. [] | May 20 03:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @anna what motives do i assign to eugen that are 'sinister'? seriously? [] | May 20 03:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @SamanthaCayne your friends are raccoons? [] | May 20 03:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: kaniini vs. hCard: [] | May 20 03:49 | |
-->MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 20 04:19 | |
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | May 20 04:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linux 5.2-rc1 [] | May 20 04:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 20 04:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: it federates with #diaspora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not really yet)Screenshot from 2019-05-19 23-1… [] | May 20 05:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Gargron then why did you market Mastodon to Tumblr users? Tumblr has a completely different set of capabilities and features. [] | May 20 06:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: > markets Mastodon to Tumblr users> gets upset when Tumblr users want rich text formatting, a key feature of Tumblr [] | May 20 06:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i really need to stop reading Gargron's manipulative whine threads, maybe i should ban him like i said i was going to do [] | May 20 06:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @desvox @nuttgodd @Gargron Mastodon does not hold back the rest of the ecosystem. Pleroma was the only project that remotely cared about how posts looked on Mastodon, and we no longer care based on the rejection of the PR that made those features look dece... [] | May 20 06:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @dansup maybe that's the point of blocking him. [] | May 20 06:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: the only reason there is even a discussion about rich text at all is because Pleroma and Glitch cared about how posts render on Mastodon.ActivityStreams is clear: the content payload is basic HTML, as defined by the ATOM specification. this is affirmed by ... [] | May 20 06:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @dansup the only interest i presently have with working with Gargron involves a sledgehammer and his teeth. [] | May 20 06:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: incidentally, i no longer care about Mastodon compatibility at all. if my posts render like shit on Mastodon, too fucking bad. [] | May 20 06:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @selea @dansup that's not why. it's the constant gaslighting and manipulation. if he were a parent, he would be an abuser. [] | May 20 06:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @dansup it's a shame that he gaslights and manipulates order to take on the proprietary services, the software we build has to deliver the features users's what the users want that matters, not what Gargron wants, not what I want.but when... [] | May 20 06:26 | |
---MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | May 20 06:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @charlag @dansupmastodon development is a cycle of abuse. people yell, he gaslights back, tit for tat.i don't *actually* believe in violence as a solution for breaking cycles of abuse. that was mostly illustrative of how much watching this shit every day f... [] | May 20 06:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hellpie i was frustrated when i wrote that. i have since deleted it. [] | May 20 06:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @velartrill in fairness, what i initially said was a little over the top. even for me. but i have little patience for gaslighting. [] | May 20 07:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: sometimes I wish that Pleroma did not speak activitypub so I wouldn't have to watch the daily cycle of abuse in other softwares. it honestly frustrates me to watch it. too much of my timeline is filled with people complaining about rich text. I regret ever... [] | May 20 08:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: hell at this point I regret implementing it in Pleroma. had it stayed an obscure feature of Hubzilla, Friendica and Osada nobody would ever have wanted it. [] | May 20 08:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: omfg now the French people are talking about this fucking rich text bullshit. I don't even use Mastodon and I can't escape this shit [] | May 20 08:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rey spaghetti warehouse of course [] | May 20 08:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hj @pea yeah but most developers don't return the favor by gaslighting their userbase ;/ [] | May 20 08:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @314 you can already. just disable the AP publisher module. [] | May 20 08:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @animist Mastodon dev is a perpetual cycle of abuse.Some users (the ones who write off Pleroma and other software as "Nazi") yell at Gargron, which is shitty.Gargron responds by gaslighting anyone who supported the thing he hates by presenting what they wa... [] | May 20 08:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lain I'm pretty sure it's more that people are angry about Gargron gaslighting his users, but they don't recognize the gaslighting for what it is yet. [] | May 20 08:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lain I would say more like 1% [] | May 20 08:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rin @nik @gargon 😨 [] | May 20 09:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Linux 5.2-rc1 #linux #kernel [] | May 20 09:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux [] | May 20 09:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The report said testing Linux is supposed to help South Korea reduce the cost of maintaining its systems while also reducing its reliance on a particular operating system.",news-6068... [] | May 20 09:05 | |
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 20 09:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: like seriously. if you hate what Gargron is doing with Mastodon, switch your instance to glitch or something. it's easy to do. you just pull from the glitch repo instead and follow normal upgrade procedure. [] | May 20 09:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rice hell yeah it does, but I don't want to deal with a kid right now. not yet to a point in my life where I'm ready to settle down. [] | May 20 09:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @lain it'd be nice. [] | May 20 09:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: it'd also be nice if Pleroma were sponsoring glitch instead of Mastodon. we don't get anything from it. glitch devs want to help. it was a nice experiment but I think it's time to move on. [] | May 20 09:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #defamationmill 'guardian' lobbied for this outcome [] | May 20 09:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Tabloid The Sun (News Corp.) would distort facts to provoke for clicks and push malware in its Web site. Safe to ignore this malicious tabloid and not link to it. [] | May 20 09:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi no. idea was that maybe if we paid him money he would be more willing to not do things which ruin our day [] | May 20 09:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @meireikei exactly! stop shitting up my timeline bitching about how Gargron is gaslighting you! stop letting him gaslight you instead! sheesh! [] | May 20 09:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: don't delay, glitch today [] | May 20 09:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ninmi we use glitch frontend since late last year. [] | May 20 09:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Peppermint 10 Linux OS Released For A Fast And Lightweight Experience more: [] | May 20 09:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Zettlr – Markdown Editor for Writers and Researchers [] | May 20 09:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Zettlr – #Markdown Editor for Writers and Researchers #gnu #linux #freesw [] | May 20 09:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ninmi I mean, it's a fork, but point is that development we consume comes from them now, and that's increasingly unrelated to whatever Gargron is doing [] | May 20 09:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Getting started with GNOME Boxes virtualization [] | May 20 09:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Getting started with #GNOME Boxes virtualization #gnu #linux [] | May 20 09:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Zoidtes I don't know either. it seems like it's more productive to move on to something else than sit around complaining. yes, there is no data portability, but glitch is a possible alternative that doesn't require it. [] | May 20 09:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @toromino @Feuerfuchs do you want a giant plushie fox? [] | May 20 09:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to use GNOME Boxes' remote access capabilities [] | May 20 09:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: KDE Improvements [] | May 20 09:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KDE Improvements #gnu #linux #qt [] | May 20 09:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: GNU Guix 1.0.1 released [] | May 20 09:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GNU #Guix 1.0.1 released #freesw #operatingsystem [] | May 20 09:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Based on the #Ceph Nautilus release and built on #SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1, SUSE Enterprise Storage 6" Copying #redhat basically. [] | May 20 09:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: is federation fucked [] | May 20 09:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): But US telecoms with back doors are OK. It's not about #security but about whose control [] | May 20 09:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Catman [] | May 20 09:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #religion enriching life [] | May 20 09:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Will #microsoft buy this one too? I hope they know how to say "no!" [] | May 20 09:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Best Free Books to Learn about #Lua #programming [] | May 20 09:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: extremely severe weather today. hope I don't die lol [] | May 20 09:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @chidgey word [] | May 20 09:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The President of Ecuador @lenin Moreno should hand himself inD2nbmR4WoAEE1OM.jpg [] | May 20 09:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How can a man guilty of so much hand over a person and his belongings to the very same government the country promised to protect from and granted citizenship to? Beggars belief.D2jRwYuXcAEw9nt.jpg [] | May 20 10:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ecuador may never recover from this. Worse: it has years left with this Moron of Empire in charge, imprisoning the innocent and working for Trump and Pence, who are gassing Latinos at the border. [] | May 20 10:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Best Command Line Language Translators for Linux [] | May 20 10:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Best Command Line Language Translators for Linux #freesw #cli #gnu #linux [] | May 20 10:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: tfw no bedtime story [] | May 20 10:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Review: Sabayon 19.03 [] | May 20 10:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Review: #Sabayon 19.03 #gentoo #gnu #linux #italy [] | May 20 10:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Xfce 4.14 Coming Soon [] | May 20 10:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Xfce 4.14 Coming Soon #gnu #linux [] | May 20 10:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This targets already-vulnerable servers and GNU/Linux has little to do with that. It can be proprietary software on top of it. [] | May 20 10:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #googeplus is dead, so #TedTso is Switching to #Hugo #kernel #linux [] | May 20 10:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Subsecond deployment and startup of #Apache #Camel applications #redhat [] | May 20 10:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What #proprietarysoftware tool do you need open source alternative to? I can't think of anything proprietary I use ATM. [] | May 20 10:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "I had to visit the emergency room at Ashtabula County Medical Center. I learned the hard way that I have a new drug allergy. This humbles me and reminds me that I am not Superman but rather am easily breakable. I'm still not 100%." [] | May 20 10:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): More #korea #gnu #linux coverage: see [] | May 20 10:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Coverage about #korea #gnu #linux in a few more in bottom of [] | May 20 10:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): We need to collectively 1) pressure #korea to carry on with the #gnu #linux push2) slam #microsoft if (or when) it strikes back (it'll happen secretly)3) remind people that it's false #microsoftLovesLinux (it ousts supporters of Linux) [] | May 20 10:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft 'loves' #linux in the same way many people 'love' crabs... in their mouths (or Microsoft #azure or #vista10 #wsl in Microsoft's case) [] | May 20 10:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New: #Peppermint OS 10 Run Through more: [] | May 20 10:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Pop!_OS 19.04 – Based on Ubuntu 19.04 and Use GNOME 3.32 as Default Desktop [] | May 20 10:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #PopOS 19.04 – Based on #Ubuntu 19.04 and Use #GNOME 3.32 as Default Desktop #gnu #linux [] | May 20 10:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Debian: DebConf19, David Kalnischkies and Joey Hess [] | May 20 10:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Debian: #DebConf19 , David Kalnischkies and Joey Hess #DebConf #gnu #linux #debian [] | May 20 10:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Louis-Philippe Véronneau: Am I Fomu ? [] | May 20 10:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Louis-Philippe Véronneau: Am I #Fomu ? #pcb #linux [] | May 20 10:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 20 10:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 20 10:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New PR strategy, same old EEE. Some people are easily fooled. #microsoft #openwashing #bribery #charmoffensive [] | May 20 10:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "This week we welcome Adrienne Tacke ( @AdrienneTacke ) as our PyDev of the Week!" #python #programming [] | May 20 10:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linux kernel RDS flaw affects Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian and SUSE [] | May 20 10:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Linux kernel RDS flaw affects Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian and SUSE already patched and #oldNews (>week). #betanews late. [] | May 20 10:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Getting set up with #Fedora Project services but can you trust #ibm to now pull the rug from beneath your feet? [] | May 20 10:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The #Fedora CommOps and Diversity and Inclusion teams worked together to interview all eight interns." [] | May 20 11:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers [] | May 20 11:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming Leftovers [] | May 20 11:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Python Podcast, Linux Gaming News Punch, GNU World Order, Open Source Security and Linux Action News [] | May 20 11:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Audiocasts/Shows: #Python Podcast, #Linux #Gaming News Punch, #GNU World Order, Open Source #Security and Linux Action News [] | May 20 11:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Power Grab #grabherbythe [] | May 20 11:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The “Auntie Network” Already Exists "Even in places where only financial help is available" [] | May 20 11:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft : we support #linux ... inside #vista10 #wsl and #azure Big Oil 'politicians': we support climate action, led by the Big Polluters [] | May 20 11:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): AP BS: "Saudi Arabia does not want war"Piss off, AP. Shouldn't you be rigging another election cycle like you did 3 years ago? #lobbying in "news" clothing? [] | May 20 11:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Illegal Bt Brinjal In India "This is precisely what we now see happening in #India where genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are concerned." [] | May 20 11:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #slavery for #feudalism high class taking new form [] | May 20 11:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Chris Hedges on America's Reproductive Slaves "In Sweden, parents are entitled to 480 days of paid leave upon the birth or adoption of a child" [] | May 20 11:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This does not solve the issue but merely perpetuates the illusions or the lies, like "job creators", "heroic" "free market" "champions" and "philanthropists" [] | May 20 11:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Depression [] | May 20 11:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hired based on qualifications [] | May 20 11:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How #assange is like #mlk #wikileaks analogies aplenty (off the top of my head... several...) [] | May 20 11:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Microsoft is now pushing .NET in the name of "security" [] | May 20 11:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #intel,39381.html [] | May 20 11:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Two more new articles about SK and GNU/Linux #korea #gnu #linux [] | May 20 11:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Pep Guardiola on top of the world. Contract extension offer (2024) today.D6X-eYqWkAAjInj.jpg [] | May 20 11:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Yes, sir, #gnu #linux insider because #windows is not for #games or play. It's for toying around. [] | May 20 11:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Do not ever use #microsoft #windows anywhere. Yesterday our largest clients' major job (weeks long) was suspended after the sole Windows box there shut down (itself) because of licensing reasons. Microsoft wants money. Windows TCO. [] | May 20 11:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A quick look at some fun #games & expansions released with #Linux support in 2019 so far [] | May 20 11:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #google works not only for #assassination by the #cia but also for racist #goldendawnald (and yes, it's a big deal.) [] | May 20 11:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Licensing: Companies That Close Down FOSS 'in the Cloud' and Latest GPL Compliance at OnePlus [] | May 20 11:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Licensing: Companies That Close Down FOSS 'in the Cloud' and Latest #GPL Compliance at #OnePlus #freesw [] | May 20 11:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #k3OS Takes #Kubernetes to the Edge [] | May 20 11:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Another reason to reduce air travel :-) [] | May 20 11:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): My laptop now "up 222 days, 15:31"Later today all twos. [] | May 20 11:59 | |
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 20 11:59 | |
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 20 12:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security: CBS FUD, .NET Push and Intel Disaster Due to Defects [] | May 20 12:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Security: CBS FUD, .NET Push and Intel Disaster Due to Defects [] | May 20 12:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Kernel: Ted Tso is Switching to Hugo, Linux's vmalloc Seeing "Large Performance Benefits" With 5.2 Kernel Changes [] | May 20 12:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kernel: #TedTso is Switching to #Hugo , Linux's #vmalloc Seeing "Large Performance Benefits" With 5.2 #Kernel Changes #linux [] | May 20 12:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: SUSE and Fedora Leftovers [] | May 20 12:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SUSE and #Fedora Leftovers #redhat #gnu #linux [] | May 20 12:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Software: k3OS and Moving to Free Software [] | May 20 12:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Software: #k3OS and Moving to #FreeSoftware #freesw [] | May 20 12:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Lord #Winklebottom Investigates, a very quirky murder mystery, point and click adventure has managed to get funding and so it's coming to Linux." [] | May 20 12:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: Google Stadia and More Ports to GNU/Linux [] | May 20 12:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Games : #Google #Stadia and More Ports to #GNU / #Linux [] | May 20 12:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Links 20/5/2019: Linux 5.2 RC1, LibreOffice 6.3 Alpha, DXVK 1.2.1, Bison 3.4 Released [] | May 20 12:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Links 20/5/2019: #Linux 5.2 RC1, #LibreOffice 6.3 Alpha, #DXVK 1.2.1, #Bison 3.4 Released #techrights [] | May 20 12:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Oh, my voting card finally arrived this morning. I started to worry it would never come. Le's make #europe green. [] | May 20 12:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): That would make sense for him. Excellent seasons last year, but this past season somewhat weaker. [] | May 20 12:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #YottaDB#Perl extension for accessing YottaDB [] | May 20 12:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #goldendawnald unwanted on campus, even if the evangelical nut doesn't kneel to the anthem [] | May 20 12:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #us treats #privacy itself as some kind of "terrorism" [] | May 20 12:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Finland is winning the war on fake news. What it’s learned may be crucial to Western #democracy [] | May 20 12:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 4 New Arduino Nano Boards Are Here: More Powerful Than Before [] | May 20 12:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 4 New #Arduino Nano Boards Are Here: More Powerful Than Before #linux #openhardware [] | May 20 12:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #YellowVests of #France : Six Months of Struggle #fr [] | May 20 12:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'Genocidal': #ConMan #Liar #Trump —Who Claims He Doesn't Want War—Threatens 'Official End of #Iran ' [] | May 20 12:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Targeting #Iran [] | May 20 12:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In #Sweden prosecutors have applied to the Swedish courts to issue a warrant for Julian #assange ’s arrest. There is a tremendous back story to that simple statement." [] | May 20 12:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Violent History of the #Venezuela Opposition perfect fit for #cia #oil #wars [] | May 20 12:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "trying to change a corporation’s course without actually changing anything — it’s hard to top McDonald’s." [] | May 20 12:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Nobody wants to talk about it, but there's an element of truth to what a lot of people think here (and it's irrational) [] | May 20 12:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #orangenazi salutes his inspiration see [] | May 20 12:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): From the Middle East to Northern Ireland, Western States are All Too Happy to Avoid Culpability for #WarCrimes [] | May 20 12:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): From the Gulf of #Tonkin to the #PersianGulf "Question. Where is Iran. It’s in the Gulf." [] | May 20 12:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Militarism, consumerism, and racism have drawn alongside, and even to, misogyny and anti-immigrant hate. The juggernaut of greed, power, and hate may be impossible to stop at this point in U.S. history." [] | May 20 12:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Desert dust cools vulnerable #RedSea corals they will be a thing of the past just like #fish that depend on them. Plus #overfishing [] | May 20 12:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Of course hundreds of #bigpharma execs are going to be arrested for a long time over this. Haha, of course not; rich criminals get away with crimes that enrich the rich. By @glynmoody [] | May 20 13:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rin max security [] | May 20 19:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: who wants to watch more exciting hCard parsing development? [] | May 20 19:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @karen you will do fine. it will be fine. don't worry about it. [] | May 20 19:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @karen feelings are the worst [] | May 20 19:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alynna no. hCard is what diaspora protocol uses to represent users. for example. [] | May 20 19:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: weird diaspora quirk: hCards do not contain the full profile data, just enough to "bootstrap"once a follower relationship is established, then it sends the full profile data. [] | May 20 20:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @alynna no. [] | May 20 20:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Just got back from the Champions' parade. It was lovely.#Manchester #mcfc #mancity [] | May 20 20:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Petition to abandon United States as a venue for computer science conferences. [] | May 20 20:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #fallout from Bush II [] | May 20 20:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Today I put online a chapter on Who is the Opponent, which draws together what we learned from @Snowden and others about the capabilities of state actors" [] | May 20 20:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #YottaDB at LFNW 2019 [] | May 20 20:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "At the core of #YottaDB is a daemon-less hierarchical key-value #database engine that executes within the address space of the application process, which makes in-memory calls to a YottaDB API" [] | May 20 20:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A #Kompromat Mystery: Collapsing the #Austria government with a video [] | May 20 20:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rin why is that? timelines? [] | May 20 20:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Baidu Posts Its First Loss Since Its IPO -- and Things Could Get Worse state support helps more than actual revenue [] | May 20 20:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rin oh. yeah, i think i have an idea on how to fix that. [] | May 20 20:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @nepfag @rin yes, retaining a warm cache of remote posts is desirable for performance reasons. also search. [] | May 20 20:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @nepfag @rin yes, indeed, that is what the point of this exercise is meant to fix. [] | May 20 20:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @FirstProgenitor you raise some pretty good points here [] | May 20 20:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @wowaname @rin with tombstones [] | May 20 20:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @wowaname @rin the issue is serving the tombstone publicly. we just don't do that. [] | May 20 20:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "So what have I learned over this decade of working and running remote teams? Let’s dive in." [] | May 20 20:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Huawei will reportedly no longer be able to access #Android updates, the #Gmail app, the #Google Play store and new versions of Google phones outside of #China " [] | May 20 20:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #china can just fork #aosp and carry on as usual #linux #android [] | May 20 20:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sane would be sorely missed if he left [] | May 20 20:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Everyone wants to be Pep Guardiola. We saw him in person today, he was drinking and very happy, which is rare. [] | May 20 20:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Google -owned website #Fuchsia .dev briefly appears online #gpl snub and #linux snub = no devs? [] | May 20 20:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @bhtooefr Pleroma would ideally, be used with a native desktop app. [] | May 20 20:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Staff at the gaming division were caught off-guard by the news. Managers had to calm workers and assure them that plans for the company’s next-generation console weren’t affected, said the people, asking not to be identified discussing private matters." h... [] | May 20 20:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Surprise! #Police are allegedly abusing facial recognition software [] | May 20 20:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: so far, no storms of any kind [] | May 20 20:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "As a consequence, agencies across the country can—and do—submit all manner of "probe photos," photos of unknown individuals submitted for search against a #police or driver license database." ttps:// [] | May 20 20:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hot #Arctic and a Chill in the Northeast: What’s Behind the Gloomy Spring Weather? [] | May 20 20:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: TOR CON, serious fucking business [] | May 20 20:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Hydropower dams can harm coastal areas far downstream [] | May 20 20:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: this does look pretty nasty, but it won't be here for many hoursimage.png [] | May 20 20:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Evil clowns [] | May 20 20:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Resources for Recreational Boaters "The U.S. Chart No. 1 provides descriptions for the symbols, abbreviations, and terms found on both paper and electronic navigational charts." [] | May 20 21:00 | |
acer-box__ | Resources for Recreational Boaters | May 20 21:00 |
acer-box__ | "The U.S. Chart No. 1 provides descriptions for the symbols, abbreviations, and terms found on both paper and electronic navigational charts." | May 20 21:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Resources for Recreational Boaters | May 20 21:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It Was Supposed to Be #Australia ’s #ClimateChange Election. What Happened? [] | May 20 21:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #England to Plant 130,000+ Trees to Fight #ClimateChange [] | May 20 21:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Can Congress Find the Political Will to Solve Our Flood Problems? "renewed calls to reform the National Flood Insurance Program" [] | May 20 21:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hearing Wednesday: Can Criminal Defendants Review #DNA Analysis Software Used to Prosecute Them? [] | May 20 21:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Getting Worse Part 2: #Intuit 's CEO paid millions to lie."Informs Employees That Free To File Was Hidden For The Public's Own Good" [] | May 20 21:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): TOSsed Out: Highlighting the Effects of Content Rules Online #censorship [] | May 20 21:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: thinking about doing a stream in a bit. dunno if it will be hCard or maybe trying to work on object pruning [] | May 20 21:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Getting Worse Part 1: #Intuit Routinely Lies To Customers To Avoid Paying Refunds For Tax Prep Work [] | May 20 21:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #facebook does not care about evidence of war crimes; this is why it does #censorship for the #pentagon [] | May 20 21:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The @EFF Project Shows How People Are Unfairly “TOSsed Out” By Platforms’ Absurd Enforcement of Content Rules [] | May 20 21:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Forget #Huawei , The #Internet Of Things Is The Real #Security Threat [] | May 20 21:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BalooUriza @zac Oklahoma is not a confederate state, as it did not exist yet when the civil war occurred. If we break it down by tribal boundary, the Choctaw were really the only notable participant on the confederate side. [] | May 20 21:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #farage gets free meals, not just his #eu pension [] | May 20 21:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @desvox you should be ashamed [] | May 20 21:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Can It Happen Here? "9-year-old white supremacist shot up a California synagogue, killing one person and injuring three others." [] | May 20 21:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: new theory: weather channel ratings slip so they call up trump and be like "hey our ratings slipped, we need a SUPER STORM", and then the NWS says it's gonna be a SUPER STORM, even though so far it ain't shit [] | May 20 21:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: The Two Solitudes of GNOME and KDE [] | May 20 21:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Two Solitudes of #GNOME and #KDE #gnu #linux [] | May 20 21:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Four new Arduino Nano boards break price/performance/size barriers [] | May 20 21:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Four new #Arduino Nano boards break price/performance/size barriers [] | May 20 21:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @wowaname @rin @druid @hyphen @nether @swagchen try running vacuum analyze full sql query inside psql client [] | May 20 21:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: A Look At The MDS Cost On Xeon, EPYC & Xeon Total Impact Of Affected CPU Vulnerabilities [] | May 20 21:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A Look At The #MDS Cost On Xeon, #EPYC & #Xeon Total Impact Of Affected CPU Vulnerabilities [] | May 20 21:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 20 21:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 20 21:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Lots of new #microsoft #windows exploits today for #proprietarysoftware from #huawei #china [] | May 20 21:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Infecting Linux [] | May 20 21:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #socialcontrolmedia proving it's still good at spreading fake/fabricated 'news' about Premier League Trophy [] | May 20 21:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 20 21:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #unix #gnu #linux [] | May 20 21:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #lenovo tries to appear friendly to #linux but it is not [] | May 20 21:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers [] | May 20 21:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security Leftovers [] | May 20 21:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Thndr maybe related to pinned posts [] | May 20 21:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'Super Powered Battle Friends'"As promised on the rather unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign, it was release with same-day Linux... [] | May 20 21:49 | |
acer-box__ | 'Super Powered Battle Friends' | May 20 21:49 |
acer-box__ | | May 20 21:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-2D indie platform brawler 'Super Powered Battle Friends' is now up on Steam and | GamingOnLinux | May 20 21:49 | |
acer-box__ | "As promised on the rather unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign, it was release with same-day Linux support." | May 20 21:50 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: Super Powered Battle Friends, Geneshift, OBS Studio, DASH [] | May 20 21:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Games: Super Powered Battle Friends, Geneshift, OBS Studio, DASH #gaming #gnu #linux #games [] | May 20 21:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Help Test Plasma 5.16 Beta #kde #kdeneon #gnu #linux [] | May 20 21:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: hmm they haven't ever done anything like this beforemedia.mp3 [] | May 20 22:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: some dude literally walked up on my porch, rang my doorbell and said, unironically, "i see you have a lot of security cameras. do you need a security system?"like, what the fuck dude? [] | May 20 23:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: like fuck, i think if we got the hardware, we have this shit under control man [] | May 20 23:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: "we have the video doorbell man, it's good shit"why the fuck do i want a video doorbell when i already have a security camera on the porch? [] | May 20 23:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: "well someone could steal your packages!"yeah, but if they do so, i already have video of them doing it [] | May 20 23:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: then the dude is like "our plans start at $99 monthly"like, what the fuck man, why would i want to pay $99 for a house alarm and a video camera doorbell [] | May 20 23:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Frinkeldoodle that's what i said [] | May 20 23:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: then the guy is like "well do you know how to use your system?"like, dude, what the fucking hell? [] | May 20 23:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: then he started mansplaining why i should use his webshit company instead of the webshit company i am already usingi already have two different security systems, the cameras and the house alarm come from different vendors, and that's because our house alar... [] | May 21 00:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: like i don't know, i don't like the attitude of those security company sales peoplethe guy had this "nice house, it'd be a shame if something happened to it" vibe going on. like, fuck off, dude [] | May 21 00:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Frinkeldoodle well because he wanted me to switch from my current webshit company (alert 360 aka alarm dot com) to his webshit company (vivint) [] | May 21 00:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: and on another tangent, our current house alarm company is really fucking creepy too. look at this snitch product they have for eldercareimage.png [] | May 21 00:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: you want to know when grandma took a shit? here's a report, complete with video coverage of the event!!!!! powered by webshit!!!!!!!! [] | May 21 00:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: fuck this, fuck all of thisimage.png [] | May 21 00:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: this makes me want to get a baseball bat and just start knocking sensors off the walls in my house honestly, the amount of data analysis they are doing is fucking creepy [] | May 21 00:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @a that's the way to do it [] | May 21 00:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @feld i didn't say it wasn't useful [] | May 21 00:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @feld however -- i have a "low tech" solution to this problem -- have you considered calling *her*? [] | May 21 00:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: tired: installing sensors in your parents house to verify they ain't deadwired: JUST FUCKING CALLING THEM LOL [] | May 21 00:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: okay, going to do a stream in a bit. we're going to work on object pruning. [] | May 21 00:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: working on object pruning in #pleroma. meanwhile, a storm is allegedly brewing (but it keeps not showing up). [] | May 21 00:57 | |
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 21 01:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @wowaname @rin postgres is supposed to automatically do it, but it may not do so.either way, i just sent object pruning in for review. [] | May 21 02:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alyx test [] | May 21 02:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: #okwx lollllllScreenshot_20190520-212027_Mess…20190520_212041.mp4 [] | May 21 03:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: also why the fuck does mastodon block video + image uploads on the same post [] | May 21 03:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i'm only asking because i had to go into pleroma FE on my phone to do this [] | May 21 03:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BalooUriza @Elizafox fuck that we just shoot the tornado with our bang bang guns [] | May 21 03:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @velartrill maybe i should switch to roma from tusky [] | May 21 03:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: "we have actual truck drivers play American Truck Simulator" [] | May 21 03:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: hey oklahoma government, storm sirens -- on or off, pick one and stick with it. [] | May 21 03:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @velartrill roma is the name of 'official' desktop/mobile clients for pleroma, but i don't know what modifications have been done [] | May 21 03:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals @velartrill that one isn't pleroma exclusive, glitch has it too. [] | May 21 03:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Google’s latest smart glasses power up with Snapdragon XR1 [] | May 21 03:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 21 03:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: haha, this is fine, only exceeding design limit by 20.9 feet and countingimage.png [] | May 21 04:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: now exceeding by 21.4 feet and counting [] | May 21 04:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @desvox no. this is the big one upstream. [] | May 21 04:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: this is fineimage.png [] | May 21 04:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: btw i use ubuntu [] | May 21 04:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: see? ubuntuScreenshot from 2019-05-20 22-1… [] | May 21 04:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: an example use of bullet lists in a "microblog" (i hate that word) environment: sending lists of items to get or chores to do to your housemates [] | May 21 04:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: unsurprisingly, people send lists of things to their friends all the time. [] | May 21 04:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @jeffcliff what does it cover and how is it recorded? [] | May 21 04:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: like i honestly just do not understand how people in good faith claim that this does not happen, or that 'Note' objects make no sense for it. Note objects make *perfect* sense for this. a shopping list is not an article. a chore list is not an article. a l... [] | May 21 04:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: it is kinda strange to see some mastodon trees allow full html including CSS formatting [] | May 21 04:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i wouldn't expect that to work reliably across software boundaries, the specification is basic HTML only -- no formatting, no scripts, etc. [] | May 21 04:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @dansup looking good [] | May 21 04:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @eevee @eightbitsamurai that must have been awful [] | May 21 04:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: the real question is if @sam is the same Sam I know from IRC [] | May 21 04:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @dansup I think it's valid for the author of the root of a thread to be able to use a Delete activity to disconnect the post from the thread. I would add functionality to that to Pleroma actually. [] | May 21 04:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @SamanthaCayne hot dang [] | May 21 04:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @trwnh @dansup that's what I meant by disconnect the post from the thread. [] | May 21 04:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: always be petting 🐰 [] | May 21 04:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Taweret @lynnesbian @Red @mal same tbh [] | May 21 04:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alyx test [] | May 21 05:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @trwnh @dansup sure, that too. [] | May 21 05:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: too THOT for TV [] | May 21 05:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: current mood: [] | May 21 05:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: pixelfed-tan when? [] | May 21 05:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: will pleroma-tan and pixelfed-tan get married and live happily ever after?! [] | May 21 05:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: pixelfed-tan must have a perfect rainbow bow and be holding a DSLR camera [] | May 21 05:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: her blood type must also be O-negative!!!!!!! [] | May 21 05:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: test test test [] | May 21 05:27 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #Adobe Tells Users They Can Get Sued for Using Old Versions of #Photoshop move to #gnu #gimp | May 21 05:47 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> Adobe Tells Users They Can Get Sued for Using Old Versions of Photoshop - VICE | May 21 05:47 | |
schestowitz | "I abandoned that ship even before the cloud pivot. Remember those loooooading times?:) The next thing I tried was Xara Xtreme for Linux which was fast and worked well, I even wanted to buy the commercial version (for $200 or so) but then accidentally learned about Inkscape. I don’t think I’ve ever had any desire to buy software tools since then:) I bought, like, one game at some point only to watch its DRM version get all the | May 21 05:47 |
schestowitz | updates. I thought, well, I’m gonna be a good citizen, I’m gonna buy the DRM-free version via Humble Bundle (remember when Humble Bundle was cool?:) but then there was like a whole fucking year without updates. But at least I learned. Most of these fucks who got burned by the likes of Adobe, Microsoft, Facebook, etc – there’s a saying ‘the mice were crying, getting stung, but kept eating the cactus’." | May 21 05:48 |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home | May 21 05:48 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: This man is now in JAIL, unlike the people whose crimes he exposed. #assange #wikileaks | May 21 05:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 21 05:48 | |
schestowitz | "You see I’m all for whistle blowing, but the fact is he jumped bail and is rightfully jailed for that. He’s also been accused of sexual offences, whether he’s guilty or not he needs to face justice." | May 21 05:48 |
schestowitz | The first thing you mention is directly related to the latter and you need to study why this case exists in the first place (hint: FBI working with authorities in Sweden) | May 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Man kicked off Southwest flight after making joke about vodka "executive compensation appears to be based purely on short-term profitablility not quality of service, timeliness, customer satisfaction, or safety"-iophk | May 21 05:50 | |
schestowitz | i expect this from other airlines-- delta and obviously united. this is the first story like this ive heard from southwest. | May 21 05:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Man kicked off Southwest flight after making joke about vodka | May 21 05:50 | |
schestowitz | not intended to defend southwest, this is appalling and yet more reason why i avoid traveling by airlines. southwest are supposed to be the ones with a good sense of humour-- they are known for friendly staff and their staff are known for cracking (self-deprecating) jokes themselves. this is extremely disappointing, because they were probably the very last airline in the usa that i could say is known for good service. well, crap. | May 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | of course no matter what airline you use, flying in the states is a miserable experience worth avoiding whenever possible, because airports are miserable. | May 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | " | May 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | Yes, airports were already bad before 9/11/01, but got even worse since... | May 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Longtime #Microsoft propagandists such as Bogdan Popa will have a dilemma; maintain the lie/perception "Microsoft loves Linux" or viciously attack Linux (which Microsoft bribes governments to reject or, failing that, dump)? | May 21 05:51 | |
schestowitz | "thanks to doublespeak, they can do both" | May 21 05:51 |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Nightdive Studio's latest revamp with #BloodFreshSupply is coming to #Linux | May 21 05:52 | |
schestowitz | "Ahhh | May 21 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> Nightdive Studio's latest revamp with Blood: Fresh Supply is coming to Linux | GamingOnLinux | May 21 05:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: final test post [] | May 21 05:52 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Naming movies after mass murderers gives them recognition and fame they do not deserve. Later they wonder why people do "livestreaming" of their bloodbaths, hoping for glory even among radicals. #hollywood and #corporatemedia profit from terror. | May 21 05:53 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 05:53 |
schestowitz | we arent going to mend the government without fundamental reforms (such as a constitutional convention to amend campaign funding.) | May 21 05:53 |
schestowitz | we arent going to amend education without rebuilding it in many ways. i consider education even more in need of supplement than nutrition. | May 21 05:53 |
schestowitz | we need to rebuild schools in every nook and cranny of life. corporations do this, to make the world more corporate-- you find little howtos and “did you know” and information everywhere, designed to condition. we need, as a society, to do something similar. not to condition, but to inform and encourage critical thinking. we need to be able to be critical, to preserve options that dont turn into things like openrespect-- but | May 21 05:53 |
schestowitz | without the total paranoia of things like infowars (which i dont hate though it isnt exactly ideal.) | May 21 05:53 |
schestowitz | ' | May 21 05:53 |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ My view: personifying #environmentalism will surely backfire again, just like with #algore (this one is vulnerable due to age, gender, rich country of origin; Gore rich, lavish) | May 21 05:54 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 05:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 'Now I Am Speaking to the Whole World': How Teen Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Got Everyone to Listen | May 21 05:54 | |
schestowitz | works both ways-- here they are personifying a good, much as they personify bad with trump. | May 21 05:54 |
schestowitz | the danger of missing the point is real and part of the daily struggle to educate, but people would rather talk about orange skin. so much time is being wasted, so many points missed on trivia and nonsense. cheap puns are memorable (i use them too) but they dont add up to much if we spend (wayyyy) too much time off-topic. | May 21 05:54 |
schestowitz | ad hom is never going to be reasonable or logical-- overpersonification of issues (good or bad) is wasteful and squanderous. by all means talk about what he does-- the constant rebranding to make a point is usually noise. obviously some association of people with actions is reasonable-- its the relentless association of people with irrelevant points that is wasteful. | May 21 05:54 |
schestowitz | " | May 21 05:54 |
schestowitz | Trump does not have orange skin. He paints it that way because of his insecurity over age, wrinkles etc. It's a choice of his. Like his wife's butchered body and face. These are personal choices that tell us a lot about their character. | May 21 05:55 |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Mom, I was born 1992. What does it feel like to win PL? | May 21 05:56 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 21 05:56 | |
schestowitz | "Gloating’s a sign of insecurity, Roy." | May 21 05:56 |
schestowitz | In this case a relief, as Liverpool had an amazing seasons and somehow we won regardless. | May 21 05:57 |
schestowitz | In this case a relief, as Liverpool had an amazing season and somehow we won regardless. | May 21 05:57 |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Miseducation Secretary Betsy #Devos Hires Private #Accounting Firm to Audit the Student Loan program: Asking For Bad News | May 21 05:57 | |
schestowitz | "They work more directly for her." | May 21 05:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Condemned to DEBT: Education Secretary Betsy Devos Hires Private Accounting Firm to Audit the Student Loan program: Asking For Bad News | May 21 05:57 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared:  Hmmm... Microsoft contributing code to Linux kernel? Microsoft allowing Linux to run in Windows? Microsoft suddenly loves Linux and OpenSource? This is making me nervous. MS is a HUGE corporation that has the same Prime Directive as all other c ... | May 21 05:58 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | The basic conflict of interest between Free Software and Microsoft is not resolvable by Microsoft. | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | V. T. Eric Layton | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | V. T. Eric Layton - 7 days ago | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | “Commercial” (for profit) and “Free” (as in beer or speech) are, to use an overused term, diametrically opposed. | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | tomgrz | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | tomgrz - 7 days ago | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | ^Exactly. | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | V. T. Eric Layton | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | V. T. Eric Layton - 7 days ago | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | And as I stated to someone else on my OP, if some creeping for-profit does manage to gobble up Linux, there’s always BSD. ;) | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | tomgrz | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | tomgrz - 7 days ago | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | No, BSD is missing a key piece of what keeps Free Software Free, namely the requirement to share modifications to the original. | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | V. T. Eric Layton | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | V. T. Eric Layton - 7 days ago | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | Still, if you had the choice between: | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | MS Windows | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | Apple | May 21 05:58 |
schestowitz | Commercial Linux | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | BSD | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | What would you choose? | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | tomgrz | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | tomgrz - 7 days ago | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | BSD, of course. In fact there is a lot of very interesting and valuable work taking place under BSD - the only problem with that work is that it tends to end-up in proprietary systems in modified forms which are unavailable to the rest of us. | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | V. T. Eric Layton | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | V. T. Eric Layton - 7 days ago | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | Meh… sometimes, shit just sucks. :( | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | " | May 21 05:59 |
schestowitz | | May 21 05:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Antipodal point - Wikipedia | May 21 05:59 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:00 |
schestowitz | "yeah, i try to tell people not to worry about the rich. the super-rich are the problem. i dont worry about the millionaires, i worry about the billionaires. theyre the ones truly raping the earth and humanity. and you cant fix that just by taxing them (i keep waiting for a tax-the-rich plan that isnt swung around to face and destroy the middle class, but the middle class-- like the lower class, has so little political power.) this | May 21 06:00 |
schestowitz | isnt going to change until people stop wasting their votes on a system run by lobbyists. reform, or vote for the super-rich who remain in power." | May 21 06:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Should IT Professionals Learn IT? Oh. | May 21 06:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Japan's cyber security minister admits he has never used a computer | May 21 06:01 | |
schestowitz | First phase to reform is exposing how rotten things are, from the media to politicians and the underlying institutions. | May 21 06:01 |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Seems like commotion over nothing serious because 2 hours ago I was there inside the tram in Piccadilly Gardens. Lots of cops, also lots of people around, nobody panicking. Trams operating. They follow procedures having seen a package without an owner. | May 21 06:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@J_1187g: Piccadilly Gardens is trending. Rest of the UK: please don’t google it. | May 21 06:01 | |
schestowitz | "i think being critical of the media is good practice, perhaps someday to good effect." | May 21 06:01 |
schestowitz | This criticism is having a real impact on media, e.g. IDG et al going out of business and producing a lot less. Noticed how much quieter LF had been lately? | May 21 06:02 |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ S. Korean government to switch to Linux: ministry #korea #gnu #linux #sk #freesw | May 21 06:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | S. Korean government to switch to Linux: ministry | Tux Machines | May 21 06:02 | |
schestowitz | "Nor sure I would be using software developed by North Korea…" | May 21 06:02 |
schestowitz | Don't have to | May 21 06:02 |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Rich people with their #corporatemedia that helps them control the narrative come up with sleazy new words by which to describe their crimes, e.g. #bribery is now "lobbying" | May 21 06:03 | |
schestowitz | "I’d like to propose some business-friendly win-win legislation." | May 21 06:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Don’t Rebrand Corruption | Brennan Center for Justice | May 21 06:03 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: So will Ron #Wyden push hard for immediate migration to #gnu #linux with #freesw on all machines (and with full paper trail for audit)? | May 21 06:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Senator Wyden Leads on Securing Elections Before 2020 | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 21 06:04 | |
schestowitz | "RMS never calls me anymore! ;-)" | May 21 06:04 |
schestowitz | "Stallman is a great man…had the original vision…never forgotten" | May 21 06:04 |
schestowitz | In some areas he has not been keeping up. Or keeping silent on them, which can be interpreted as apathy. | May 21 06:04 |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:06 |
schestowitz | the nazi connection should be better known. the author of ibm and the holocaust went too far and wasnt careful enough, but reviewing his work through a subjective lens still yields a very damning conclusion-- that not only has ibm never apologised for– | May 21 06:06 |
schestowitz | it is a useful lesson on surveillance and technology that the world should pay attention to as it continues to get much, much worse than it was then. a sort of priceless lesson that most people are ignoring. | May 21 06:06 |
schestowitz | i saw one of the hollerith machines in the holocaust museum. even as i say everyone should learn to code (so they have a real understanding of computing) i want them to think about the things i thought about when (and ever since the time) i looked at that machine in the context of the holocaust. ive also seen the enola gay from just yards away. both experiences were powerful, but the hollerith machine had more of an impact on my | May 21 06:06 |
schestowitz | philosophy and feelings. i love technology-- we have a duty to mankind/each other to use it responsibly, or not at all. we should stop buying phones that come with a facebook app pre-installed, which hoovers up our contacts and photos and uploads them to zuckerberg. among so many other choices we should make with greater care. | May 21 06:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:06 |
schestowitz | "About the nazi and the holocaust connections my friends from Neturei Karta told directly:' | May 21 06:06 |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:06 |
schestowitz | "It turns out that global surveillance has the same connections." | May 21 06:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post? | May 21 06:07 | |
schestowitz | "Yeah, IBM, like most major corporations, is terrible. I was making my judgment based upon a narrow-dimension technical perspective. IBM introduced a PC with an very “open” architecture. This had a tremendous (and good) impact on the market." | May 21 06:07 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: code written by benoitc (gunicorn, hackney, gaffer, etc.) should never be used in production [] | May 21 06:08 | |
schestowitz | Now the EPO goes down the same rabbit hole, giving 30,000,000 euros to a 'nazi company' to bully the staff | May 21 06:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Q2 Midterm Weather Forecast for EPOnia, Part 4: Happy Birthday to the Kötter Group? | Techrights | May 21 06:08 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: | May 21 06:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 21 06:09 | |
schestowitz | "Thanks for sharing" | May 21 06:09 |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: **Speaker Pelosi accuses Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime: ‘He lied to Congress’** #politics #Barr #Trump #Mueller | May 21 06:11 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Nancy Pelosi accuses William Barr of committing a crime | May 21 06:11 | |
schestowitz | probably, though i try to be conservative (at times) about how often i compare anyone/anything to hitler. | May 21 06:11 |
schestowitz | i think godwins law is one of the dumbest things to happen to the internet, but though im a staunch defender of comparisons to nazis where relevant, even i think its possible to overdo the comparison. | May 21 06:11 |
schestowitz | i know godwin has come “out against” his own law when talking about neonazis but i often just say “also, fuck godwin”/“godwins law” as a prelude to making a comparison when necessary. pelosis contributions to illegal/immoral torture should disqualify her from politics entirely. imo anybody that supports the patriot act is unamerican and a threat to democracy itself. i think its absolutely pathetic when people fail to | May 21 06:11 |
schestowitz | treat politicians accordingly. i actually find trump refreshing in this regard-- he has spoken out against such things more than obama, more than bush (obviously) and biden is deeply in favour (and involved.) of course trump is a despicable person in other ways, and the assange business gives him no place to protest fascism. i dont think his stance on surveillance was ever genuine, but it was nice to hear someone prominent speaking | May 21 06:11 |
schestowitz | against these things (sort of like when obama pretended to be against corporations and monopolies.) neither obama or trump were pro-whistleblower leaders. we arent going to have any good leaders any day soon. good people are by nature unelectable in a corrupt government-- minor exceptions (i genuinely like ron wyden) are allowed. wyden would never become president. | May 21 06:11 |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:11 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rin hackney counts the time required to check a socket out of a pool as part of the connect timeout, instead of just the time connecting. i think i am going to write a tesla adapter for Gun and end our misery. [] | May 21 06:12 | |
schestowitz | Trump was against surveillance _on him_. Don't fall for his 'antiwar' spin/lies either. A Republican who really opposed spying? Amash. Who is now calling for impeachment of Trump. | May 21 06:12 |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: **A Poem**  #cartoon by #WarAndPeas | May 21 06:13 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:13 |
schestowitz | May 21 06:13 | |
schestowitz | Cerberus ??? | May 21 06:13 |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:13 |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: Desert Hounds (by almanegra) #deviant_art #digital_art | May 21 06:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 21 06:13 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:13 |
schestowitz | May 21 06:13 | |
schestowitz | i translated it and i still dont get why this is funny/cute/whatever. | May 21 06:13 |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:13 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: seriously hackney must die [] | May 21 06:14 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Don't forget that #torvalds spent a month or so in the penalty box (self seclusion) due to an article from #condenast (New Yorker). #ibm is the subsidiser of it. | May 21 06:14 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:14 |
schestowitz | this is something youre following more closely than i am. | May 21 06:14 |
schestowitz | its not due to lack of interest, ive written about it before: you just seem to have more links (which is never surprising and often interesting/useful.) | May 21 06:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | free media alliance | May 21 06:14 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:14 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: 95% of networking-related issues in pleroma trace back to hackney doing stupid benoitc shit [] | May 21 06:15 | |
schestowitz | This was covered in (scroll down a bit) | May 21 06:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Always Remember That Red Hat Also Considered Microsoft as a Buyer | Techrights | May 21 06:15 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Declaring a war on famous criminal #billgates (who bribed everyone and stacked every panel to profit from Charter Schools) | May 21 06:16 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:16 |
schestowitz | he just lost every election. | May 21 06:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Citing Harm to Public Education, Bernie Sanders Calls for Ban on For-Profit Charter Schools | May 21 06:16 | |
schestowitz | | May 21 06:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Hires A Bush Adviser To Lobby Bush - The New York Times | May 21 06:16 | |
schestowitz | " | May 21 06:16 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @karolat yes, that was caused by hackney. hackney must die. [] | May 21 06:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: say no to hackney today, say yes to gun instead [] | May 21 06:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: [this post is composed using rich text, if you use a specific software, you may wish to view the post directly on our own instance] upgraded to latest pleroma upstream: federation http timeouts increased to work around hackney plebbery now federating to al... [] | May 21 06:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: why the fuck is @alyx using pleroma anyway [] | May 21 06:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi yes [] | May 21 06:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @karolat @zzdaxuya @absturztaube lets be real -- the reason Gargron is so opposed to it is probably because I mainstreamed the idea of using rich text in activitypub [] | May 21 06:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @telephant @loke where are the new builds ? [] | May 21 06:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @zzdaxuya @karolat revision of posts is something we are planning to look at in Pleroma 2.x dev cycle. [] | May 21 06:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @telephant @loke oh. it says they are 10 days old. [] | May 21 06:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rin @rin @karolat @zzdaxuya delete and redraft is definitely not what i have in mind for revising posts ;) [] | May 21 06:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @telephant looks nice. would be nice to check /api/v1/instance for the character limit and use that instead of hardcoding 500 if the limit is present (max_toot_chars). also would be nice to support content_type extension, shared between Pleroma and Glitch. [] | May 21 06:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @absturztaube @karolat @zzdaxuya well, if he wishes to punish his users because something they want was championed by somebody he dislikes, that's his own decision I guess. [] | May 21 06:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @telephant /api/v1/instance max_toot_chars has been around for 2 years in glitch and pleroma.i am sure gargron will invent some other way to do it, but that's the one we use for 2 years now. [] | May 21 06:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: some people spend their life designing systems that go out of their way to restrict the user unnecessarily (such as disallowing posts which contain both video and images, wtf?), others spend their life designing systems that stay out of the way. [] | May 21 06:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @rin the irony being that pleroma has rewritten several major elixir packages for internal use [] | May 21 06:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @absturztaube @karolat @zzdaxuya just tell them to use glitch instead, done [] | May 21 07:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kaikatsu big mood [] | May 21 07:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @macgirvin yeah i just don't understand what the big problem is. the underlying technology is derived from ATOM (AS1 was extensions to ATOM after all) so the HTML supported should meet the definition in the ATOM spec (which is basically "anything that woul... [] | May 21 07:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lanodan well I don't want to support Mastodon users but I do it anyway [] | May 21 07:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Google’s latest smart glasses power up with Snapdragon XR1 #google #cctvglasses #surveillance #gafam #prism [] | May 21 09:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 21 09:10 | |
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 21 09:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ACME [] | May 21 09:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Meowning... [] | May 21 09:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Missed steak [] | May 21 09:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ain't his fault [] | May 21 09:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Saudi authorities are holding Marwan Al Muraisi, a Yemeni journalist missing in #SaudiArabia since June 2018, and Abdel Rahman Farhaneh, a Jordanian journalist who disappeared in the east of the country in February of this year." [] | May 21 09:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): RealTalk: This Speech Synthesis Model Our Engineers Built Recreates a Human Voice Perfectly [] | May 21 09:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Uber’s founders have cashed in. How about the drivers? [] | May 21 09:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Are #Uber and #Lyft Drivers Gaming Surge Pricing to Protest Getting Screwed Over on Pay? [] | May 21 09:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: I think a nap is in order [] | May 21 10:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Bullshit Reason #AjitPai Is Using to Back the #TMobile / #Sprint Merger [] | May 21 10:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Bullshit Reason #AjitPai Is Using to Back the #TMobile / #Sprint Merger [] | May 21 10:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DRM and terms-of-service have ended true ownership, turning us into "tenants of our own devices" [] | May 21 10:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "another threat to free software is Apple""forgets the role of #microsoft illegal, per-processor fees in crushing the desktop market"-iophk [] | May 21 10:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Old: Photographer Creates Lifelike Images of American Streets Using Toy Car Models and Forced Perspective [] | May 21 10:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It's there for a reason, sir [] | May 21 10:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The guards continued to comb his messages and Isaac says they made comments about his relationship which were “below the belt”." [] | May 21 10:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #yottadb presentation [] | May 21 10:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #nosql is no good... [] | May 21 10:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #thelocal continues with more lies about #assange and #wikileaks the owners of these sites connected to the US government (as is widely known) [] | May 21 10:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): [can't find a proper link, only one to grauniad] #assange in trouble, as the #uk tosses people into #torture and prisons/executions abroad (outsourcing the illegal actions) [] | May 21 10:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): People who work on #kde or #qt have job prospects in #de [] | May 21 10:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 15 Best Sites to Watch Movies and TV Shows Online in 2019 better look for non- #hollywood titles and give them exposure they need [] | May 21 10:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A mixed bag. The #InternetAssociation did some very good work recently on Alice/Section 101; see [] | May 21 10:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This is the kind of FUD against #freesw that #microsoft has been spreading for over a decade, using proxies like #blackduck (now more) [] | May 21 10:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The prison population of #saudiArabia is the world's largest [] | May 21 10:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Italian Version of #Article17 Requires LEGAL Content to Be Filtered Out #eu #italy #article13 #copyright [] | May 21 10:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ""OK," he said. Then he started calling me names and swearing at me."#billgates is known to have cursed and insulted staff. He has always been a major sociopath, rich and arrogant. [] | May 21 10:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This Week in Linux 67 | Zombieload, Nextcloud, Peppermint 10, #KDE #Plasma , #IPFire , #ArcoLinux , #LuneOS [] | May 21 10:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This Summer with #Kdenlive maybe start by choosing a non- #microsoft platform. #deletegithub [] | May 21 10:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "he can go in and get help from an AT&T rep. I kept asking “Who cares? Why would you ever need that?”. Now I know. He was paying almost $60 a month premium for the opportunity to able to talk to a real person, face-to-face! I would gladly pay that now." ht... [] | May 21 10:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #redhat and buzzwords salad. Serving your daily 6 "essentia"l fruit at #cbs #zdnet [] | May 21 11:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Servers and clusters are to “hybrid cloud” what a fuc-ng sandwich is to a BigMac™ [] | May 21 11:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtostoday's howtos [] | May 21 11:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 21 11:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We are pleased to announce that the Tracing Microconference has been accepted into the 2019 Linux Plumbers Conference! Its return to Linux Plumbers shows that tracing is not finished in Linux, and there continue to be challenging problems to solve." https... [] | May 21 11:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Huawei and other mobile “tech giants”: you should (really) break free from Google/Android [] | May 21 11:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Huawei and other mobile “tech giants”: you should (really) break free from Google/Android #china #google #android #trumpland [] | May 21 11:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Fedora Community Blog: #GSOC 2019 – release-bot project #redhat #google #ibm [] | May 21 11:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Third, my job hunting has shown that the centralisation of decentralised version control is still a thing. As far as recruitment is concerned, if the code isn't visible on GitHub, it doesn't exist" #microsoft #deletegithub [] | May 21 11:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: KDE: Summer with Kdenlive, Linux perf and KCachegrind, Qt at KDAB and Plasma 5.16 Beta [] | May 21 11:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): KDE: Summer with #Kdenlive , #Linux perf and #KCachegrind , Qt at #KDAB and #Plasma 5.16 Beta [] | May 21 11:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SouthKorea eyes #Linux as #vista7 end of support nears [] | May 21 11:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #CentOS 8 release delayed by #redhat to help sell #rhel now? [] | May 21 11:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I looks like #europython wants to be sponsored by attendees Unlike #pycon that took bribes from #microsoft to promote #azure (a disgusting pattern that #python is harmed by) [] | May 21 11:31 | |
acer-box__ | *it | May 21 11:35 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): RIP, British Steel. Same problem as #trumpland having outsourced everything for temporarily maximal gains. This is what #latestagecapitalism gravitates towards. [] | May 21 11:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming: Source-to-Image, Python and 2019 Rust Event Lineup [] | May 21 11:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Programming: Source-to-Image, Python and 2019 Rust Event Lineup [] | May 21 11:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #canonical #ubuntu "web and design team, trying to get a lot of work wrapped up before we head off to Lyon, France for our 19.10 Roadmap cycle kick-off" [] | May 21 11:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Guardian which derives its revenue from #oil giants is #greenwashing now. A disgusting, villainous #defamationmill that targets the "left". #boycotttheguardian [] | May 21 11:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): DOI’s Offshore Oil Regulatory Rollback Relies On #BigOil Doc [] | May 21 11:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Another Federal Magistrate Says Compelled Production Of Passwords/ #Biometrics Violates The #FifthAmendment [] | May 21 11:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Bluetooth 's Complexity Has Become a #Security Risk [] | May 21 11:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Huawei promises continued #security updates and service to existing users post #Google ban [] | May 21 11:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Stop buying these devices. Also, move to #gnu #linux [] | May 21 11:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Flock of fowl [] | May 21 11:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Dump dump dump it up #faceswap [] | May 21 11:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ICE does not care about the #law and those who use #proprietarysoftware with holes and back doors will pay the price [] | May 21 11:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #euipo says #brexit is "offensive" EUIPO #corruption not offensive? E.g. [] | May 21 11:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We're closing this #CloudLinux OS feature survey at the end of this month. We'll publish the results after the survey has closed." #redhat alternative [] | May 21 11:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #McKinsey and its buzzwords transformation #McKinsey under fire lately: [] | May 21 11:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #NetBSD 8.1 reaches RC1 #bsd #unix [] | May 21 11:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Ubuntu Expands Its Kernel Uploader Team [] | May 21 12:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Ubuntu Expands Its #Kernel Uploader Team #linux #canonical [] | May 21 12:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Security Leftovers [] | May 21 12:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security Leftovers [] | May 21 12:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linux distros without systemd [] | May 21 12:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Linux distros without #systemd [] | May 21 12:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Purism "proud of our kernel contributions – where 13 patches have made it into 5.1. Since this is our first installment, it also includes the changes that went into 5.0 and 4.20. Bellow is a list of our most recent contributions." [] | May 21 12:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Apache #Camel development on #Eclipse Che 7 Apache projects need to #deletegithub [] | May 21 12:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft wants to own all your code, your CV (LinkedIn), your calls (Skype) your computer, your server/s (Azure), your identity. How much should people be willing to hand over to convicted criminals from another country? [] | May 21 12:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #LibreOffice 6.3 Alpha1 is ready for testing #opendocument [] | May 21 12:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #libreoffice folks teaching #cpp this week. For free. And for #freesw [] | May 21 12:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Oh, good. So #redhat ... in the spirit of openness and #transparency tell us how much the #nsa is paying you and what for #ibm [] | May 21 12:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Juan Luis Baptiste : New #docker images for upcoming #mageia 7 #gnu #linux [] | May 21 12:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Comparing Search between Nautilus and Nemo File Managers [] | May 21 12:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Comparing Search between #Nautilus and #Nemo File Managers #gnu #linux #gnome [] | May 21 12:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: DragonFlyBSD 5.4.3 Released With Various Fixes [] | May 21 12:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): DragonFlyBSD 5.4.3 Released With Various Fixes [] | May 21 12:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Set up a static network connection in Linux [] | May 21 12:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Set up a static network connection in #Linux [] | May 21 12:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Red Hat Family: Fedora, CloudLinux, CentOS and More [] | May 21 12:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #RedHat Family: #Fedora, #CloudLinux , #CentOS and More #linux [] | May 21 12:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 21 12:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #google #linux [] | May 21 12:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Really excited to be accepted for the project “Debian Continuous Integration: user experience improvements” (referred to as #debci in this post) of the 2019 March-August round of the #Outreachy internship!" [] | May 21 12:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #XOrg 's #XDC2019 Issues Call For Proposals On #Wayland , #Mesa, #XOrg, Etc [] | May 21 12:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #facebook is great.. for stalkers #fbinstagram #fb [] | May 21 12:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hardly innovative. Unprecedented? Maybe. But not hard to implement. And of course #gnu #linux powered, too... [] | May 21 12:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I used to convert entire labs at the Computer Science department (in #manchester University) into computation farms overnight. That was more than 15 years ago when I used these for research. #ssh sure is powerful. [] | May 21 12:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "If anyone is intimately familiar with ME firmware, I’d also really like some help with this Intel Management Engine document too." Malicious back dooring antifeature of #intel that the #nsa can disable, rips off #minix [] | May 21 13:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "AI for voice, camera.. 3D sonic fingerprint scanning, and facial recognition." Just what you want in a so-called 'phone'. LOL. [] | May 21 13:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Kubernetes , #Server Native, and the Future of Software #google #cloudwashing [] | May 21 13:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ESR Switches To #Threadripper But His #GCC SVN-To-Git Conversion Could Still Take Months [] | May 21 13:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #china already controls #hongkong when it comes to policies and it is complicit in violations of human rights by #beijing [] | May 21 13:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Qt Design Studio 1.2 Beta released #programming [] | May 21 13:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #RadeonSI Primitive Culling Lands In #Mesa 19.2 #graphics #linux [] | May 21 13:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Events Roundup: Fedora, LSS, Kubecon, Linux Plumbers Conference, YottaDB at LFNW [] | May 21 13:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Events Roundup: Fedora, LSS, #Kubecon , #Linux Plumbers Conference, #YottaDB at #LFNW [] | May 21 13:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Imagine world leaders singing [] | May 21 13:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gnu founder and #fsf chief #rms speaks in #cyprus later this month. It's about #copyright rather than FS [] | May 21 13:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Timetable Scheduler App For #Linux [] | May 21 13:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Poysky Productions, a side-scrolling RPG with town-building is now available DRM-free on GOG. A nice reminder of it too, one we completely missed actually being properly released for Linux." [] | May 21 13:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #TankManiacs looks like some seriously good local multiplayer fun, coming to #Linux soon [] | May 21 13:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: Pixel Noir, Hell is Other Demons, Sipho, Regions Of Ruin, Afterlight and Tank Maniacs [] | May 21 13:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Games: Pixel Noir, Hell is Other Demons, Sipho, Regions Of Ruin, Afterlight and Tank Maniacs #games #gnu #linux [] | May 21 13:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Kernel: Btrfs vs Ext4, Xen, Management Engine and Purism (Which Disabled It) [] | May 21 13:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kernel: #Btrfs vs #Ext4 , #Xen , #ManagementEngine and #Purism (Which Disabled It) [] | May 21 13:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 8 Best #Torrent Search Engine Sites To Find Any Torrent [2019 Edition] [] | May 21 13:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Mozilla GFX: #Graphics Team ships #WebRender MVP! [] | May 21 13:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #WebRender is a GPU based 2D rendering engine for web written in Rust, currently powering Mozilla’s research web browser servo and on its way to becoming Firefox‘s rendering engine." [] | May 21 14:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Improved Logitech wireless device support in kernel 5.2 #linux #kernel [] | May 21 14:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Creating and using a custom #Linux #kernel on #Guix System [] | May 21 14:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Coder Radio, SMLR and This Week in Linux [] | May 21 14:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Audiocasts/Shows: Coder Radio, SMLR and This Week in Linux [] | May 21 14:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): British Steel, Jamie Oliver... how very #brexit a Tuesday. [] | May 21 14:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): SiFive #RISCV SoCs Can Now Be Paired With A GPU... Imagination's #PowerVR #openhardware [] | May 21 14:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Raspberry Slideshow and #Raspberry Digital Signage Updated [] | May 21 14:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 10 Best Linux Distros to Install on a USB Stick [] | May 21 14:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 10 Best #Linux Distros to Install on a USB Stick [] | May 21 14:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Green Party of the #uk comments on #libdems who, although they're opposing #brexit still, did in the past enable #tories [] | May 21 14:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Green Party candidate for the North West region Gina Dowding, also a Lancashire County Councillor, will today be speaking at a rally in Burnley for a community preparing to resist messages of hatred and xenophobia." [] | May 21 14:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wilder world can slow #climatechange [] | May 21 14:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Untangling the Politics of #Dam Removal "The Politics of Dam Removal and #River Restoration, by Peter Brewitt." [] | May 21 14:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Kazakhstan Cops Protect Citizens' Free Speech Rights By Arresting A Protester Holding A Blank Sign [] | May 21 14:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Lokomotive: Production-ready Kubernetes distribution with Linux technologies [] | May 21 14:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Lokomotive : Production-ready #Kubernetes distribution with #Linux technologies [] | May 21 14:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Pushing the nonsense that #linux counts only when it's spied on [] | May 21 14:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Jim (James) #zemlin and his associates:"Linux" has 'won'.... because #microsoft now controls it and only #weasel counts as #gnu #linux [] | May 21 14:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Latest Coverage About #SouthKorea and #GNU / #Linux let's watch what #microsoft does next: [] | May 21 14:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: The Huawei Ban: Will Linux Replace Windows On Future Huawei Laptops? [] | May 21 14:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #Huawei Ban: Will #Linux Replace #Windows On Future Huawei Laptops? [] | May 21 14:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gigaom not totally dead... yet. [] | May 21 14:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education to make physics experiments easier [] | May 21 15:00 | |
-->r_schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 21 15:00 | |
<--r_schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | May 21 15:00 | |
-->r_schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 21 15:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education to make physics experiments easier standardised on #gnu #linux in #india [] | May 21 15:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): South Korea’s Government is Switching to Linux more: [] | May 21 15:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It's 2019. So "tweeeeeets".... as 'articles' [] | May 21 15:05 | |
<--rianne_ has quit (*.net *.split) | May 21 15:06 | |
<--schestowitz has quit (*.net *.split) | May 21 15:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Heeeeeeyy. Hiiiiiii. AI hype. [] | May 21 15:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 21 15:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 21 15:11 | |
-->rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 21 15:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Expect a lot more #gnu and #linux in #china [] | May 21 15:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): More fearmongering over #Winnti (requires compromised system) #windows has back doors. #linux hasn't. [] | May 21 15:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming: Qt Design Studio, GCC, Digest, Learning C++, Eclipse and More [] | May 21 15:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming : #Qt Design Studio, #GCC , Digest, Learning C++, #Eclipse and More [] | May 21 15:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Opinion | The Legislature’s #abortion ban is a disgraceful political stunt that will cost #Alabama [] | May 21 15:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Terror in #spain #eta [] | May 21 15:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Big Polluter, #bp [] | May 21 15:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "This has made physicians’ practices in specialties such as emergency care, neonatal intensive care and anesthesiology attractive takeover targets for private equity firms." [] | May 21 15:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Breaking: “I’ve shut down BP. Here’s why.” #bp #bigpolluter #uk [] | May 21 15:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #bobhawke "became an exaggeration of the common man with gifts, the everyday man with other worldly talents. But many of his instincts were standard political attributes: vanity, a lust for power, a desire for the top position." https://www.counterpunch.or... [] | May 21 15:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Taking #equality away from women (who fought for it for centuries, sometimes costing them their lives) [] | May 21 15:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Trump #TradeWar With #China Is Waged to Make the Rich Richer obviously. The >multi<nationals. [] | May 21 15:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "This approach is not backed up by social science, and the program’s indicators disproportionately target Muslim and Arab communities, effectively criminalizing everyday behavior." #chicago #police [] | May 21 15:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #censorship of media in #russia and shown in the image is the #orangenazi who calls American media (that he doesn't control) "enemy of the American people" [] | May 21 15:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #impeachment at many levels has become highly critical #iran #goldendawnald #imperialism [] | May 21 15:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Our outgoing #brexit idiot #theresamay has invited an #orangenazi to British soil one more time. What is she doing if not dividing us and embarrassing us? [] | May 21 15:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ciapost (Bezos/CIA) and #nytimes (also billionaires) openly support #crimesagainsthumanity if that serves their owners' agenda and demonises those wishing to - GASP! - tax them [] | May 21 15:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Two top Russian journalists are forced to quit, and an entire department follows (this is why media in #russia is afraid and #meduza is #riga -based) [] | May 21 15:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #wyden should have run for President as an independent, but it's probably too later now and he doesn't want that anyway. [] | May 21 15:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bottle of Lies: How Poor #FDA Oversight & #Fraud in #Generic Drug Industry Threaten Patients’ Health screwing ill people; to DEATH. [] | May 21 15:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The oligarchs-owned (centralisation and consolidation) corporate media in the United States wants #war WAR WAR! (The owners' kids aren't in the Army BTW; they're busy with their butlers and limos) [] | May 21 15:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bad, dangerous, uncertain times for human beings. More so for those who are female. [] | May 21 15:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Protest art group Voina’s leader arrested in Germany #germany #de #berlin [] | May 21 15:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Remember #KatharineGun ? She valued people's lives more than oil. #iran #iraq #militarism #imperialism [] | May 21 15:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Corporations hijacking #feminism again for #marketing (raising revenue in their male-dominated boardroom) [] | May 21 15:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If these two shared a cell in prison, they'd convince the wards to do a M.O.V.E. on the jailhouse [] | May 21 15:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Pushing Pro- #Coal Proposal, Trump's #EPA to Downplay Plan's Danger Using Scientifically-Unproven Method [] | May 21 16:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If a stupid shrine needs a wall to guard it from citizens, maybe it ought not be there [] | May 21 16:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Australia is burning itself out of existence soaring food price, hard to feed animals and humans [] | May 21 16:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #internet and #www fast becoming a dangerous #trap that misuses people who participate rather than serving them [] | May 21 16:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Animal cruelty? The Trumps just murder them [] | May 21 16:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I for an I [] | May 21 16:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Lesser #biden #trump [] | May 21 16:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #racism and #chauvinism have always gone hand in hand because they're based on/around imposed #inequality and lies like "white genocide" or #waronmen [] | May 21 16:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trump gave him this job, so this #orangenazi is directly culpable. He could fire him. It doesn't do that. So stop using #johnbolton to make Trump look like the "lesser insane" [] | May 21 16:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): From #GretaThunberg to Parkland: Young Activists and the #RightWing Smear Industry [] | May 21 16:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #conjob in chief can always just file another bankruptcy, his 7th, the United States. #china can then liquidate the assets. [] | May 21 16:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How a newsroom in #russia collapses #Kommersant [] | May 21 16:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): [This is what journalists >should< do] #Kommersant board chairman says journalists were fired for refusing to reveal their sources [] | May 21 16:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Graphics: RISC-V, WebRender, SVT-AV1/Intel, AMD and X.Org [] | May 21 16:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Graphics : #RISCV , #WebRender , SVT-AV1/Intel, AMD and #XOrg #linux [] | May 21 16:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Border Patrol Museum Demonstrators Targeted In Crackdown On Immigrant Rights Protests [] | May 21 16:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DeutscheBank Officials Flagged #Kushner / #Trump Transactions as 'Suspicious' But Top Execs Killed Inquiry: Report [] | May 21 16:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #trump regime makes it a lot more apparent (than before) that #wars are about #oil and domination (not democracy etc.) and decisions are made by and for the super-rich who are also (without pretense) above the law [] | May 21 16:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): As youth #activists in multiple #Russia cities plan to join global #climate strike, #Moscow leader struggles to obtain permit [] | May 21 16:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #pelosi #biden etc. are more pro- #trump than some longtime members of @gop (which says a lot, does it not?) #amash #imperialism #impea... [] | May 21 16:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ajitpai helps demonstrates that the #trump crime syndicate or #gop demolition team is raceless. #greed is the religion or identity. Lying is the means. [] | May 21 16:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Covering up swamps. "Independent journalist Judd Legum"? He's NOT independent. [] | May 21 16:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #corporatemedia just isn't trustworthy anymore (was it ever?) and #socialcontrolmedia capitalises on this mistrust to push yet more fabrications [] | May 21 16:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The @gop is 99% cowards of people complicit with treasonous #goldendawn -like agenda [] | May 21 16:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Trump’s #War In #Venezuela Could Be Che’s Revenge [] | May 21 16:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 5th Migrant Child Dies in U.S. Custody it's accelerating. Will #goldendawnald decide that "humane gas" is more efficient and economic? [] | May 21 16:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Trump’s tweet and accompanying statements by the #Trump administration officials concerning Iran – as reported here by CNN on May 19, 2019. Trump’s statement amounts to a de facto declaration of #war on #Iran ." [] | May 21 16:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #oil money #bribery of everyone, everywhere, even courtrooms and the media [] | May 21 16:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trump has made #trumpland seem morally inferior even to #china and #venezuela -- quite an extraordinary achievement! [] | May 21 16:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #pelosi needs to be impeached. She is obstructing investigations into and accountability for serious crimes and a regime that threatens world #peace . [] | May 21 16:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AdyBarkan , the Fed and the Liberal Funder Industry "lifelong activist who is now dying from A.L.S., often known as Lou Gehrig’s disease." [] | May 21 16:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sometimes it feels like when you work for #pelosi you indirectly serve #trump [] | May 21 16:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AmnestyInternational or #Amnesty #imperialism ? #venezuela [] | May 21 16:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Microsoft Swallowing Everything and DRM (or 'Cloud') Makes Users 'Slaves' [] | May 21 16:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Microsoft Swallowing Everything and #DRM (or 'Cloud') Makes Users 'Slaves' #gnu #linux #WeaSeL [] | May 21 17:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Kernel: Guix and Logitech [] | May 21 17:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kernel: #Guix and #Logitech #linux #kernel #gnu [] | May 21 17:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's leftobers [] | May 21 17:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's #tuxmachines leftovers [] | May 21 17:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Linus #Torvalds Kicks Off Development of #Linux #Kernel 5.2, First RC Out Now [] | May 21 17:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 Benchmarks On AMD EPYC - Big Speed-Ups Over RHEL7 [] | May 21 17:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #RedHat Enterprise #Linux 8.0 Benchmarks On #AMD #EPYC - Big Speed-Ups Over #RHEL7 [] | May 21 17:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Top 20 best Tizen apps and games for April 2019 [] | May 21 17:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Top 20 best #Tizen apps and games for April 2019 #tizenos #samsung #gnu #linux [] | May 21 17:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Links 21/5/2019: China's #GAFAM Exit, #DragonFlyBSD 5.4.3 #techrights #gnu #linux [] | May 21 17:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): That's just common sense, but few tech companies with back doors in everything they make sought to have leverage over the very government that's supposed to govern them [] | May 21 17:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Another book with a lie (lawyers' propaganda term) in its title, "AYE PEE" [] | May 21 17:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The “AYE PEE” 'industry' has made even linking some kind of 'crime' [] | May 21 17:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Links 21/5/2019: China's GAFAM Exit, DragonFlyBSD 5.4.3 [] | May 21 17:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Took Campinos 'only' a year and staff reps remain punished after #unionbusting #epo #suepo [] | May 21 17:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Mark Nowotarsk in #watchtroll cherry-picking for #propaganda in "Business Method Patents Recover Under USPTO Guidance"They don't assess actual court cases but mere #uspto decisions, which are internal and money-motivated [] | May 21 17:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If companies that cease to exist still leverage #trademark #law for lawsuits or "licensing" ('protection money') does that not make them trolls? [] | May 21 17:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The 8-1 decision yesterday answered a longstanding question related to IP [sic] rights [sic]and the bankruptcy code." Fuel for #patenttrolls by extension? [] | May 21 17:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Lawyers lobby for #scotus to do their biddings [] | May 21 17:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "TM licensing is somewhat clarified with the holding that a bankrupt mark-holder cannot simply cancel prior licenses as part of the bankruptcy." [] | May 21 17:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #InterDigital a #patenttroll which will suffer from #trump #tradewar [] | May 21 17:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Huawei can use lots of #aosp forks or create its own, which will only further strengthen #china I don't suppose the "aye pee" 'community' understands #freesw [] | May 21 17:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #huawei can continue to trade with all nations except #goldendawnald and rely on #aosp and #linux for its OS. Google's #android is irrelevant. [] | May 21 17:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It's not "cloud". It's a #cia or #pentagon -sponsored trap for #surveillance and #china would be wide to embargo them all. [] | May 21 17:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The collapse of #swpats in the US leads to their collapse elsewhere [] | May 21 18:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DTSA makes it a 'crime' to merely remember what you learned at some previous employer [] | May 21 18:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Christian #Archambeau first press briefing as corrupt #EUIPO head He 'bought' this job, #eu #corruption [] | May 21 18:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Schiff: #Amash criticism not enough to push #Trump #impeachment #pelosi and gang [] | May 21 18:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #BardehlePagenberg continues pushing illegal #swpats agenda at #epo (for profit) [] | May 21 18:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo admits, yet again, that it granted a fake European #patent [] | May 21 18:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #epo nowadays grants all sorts of dodgy #patents (over 100,000 of them a year), so what are they bragging about here? Presumed invalid? [] | May 21 18:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Lawyers put #patent #monopoly #greed ahead of public safety [] | May 21 18:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): There's some new 'article' (actually lobbying by a law firm) titled "Unitary patent and UPC – Italy moves forward"Moves forward over a dead thing? The spin has taken new form. Tom to marry his dead girlfriend posthumously. [] | May 21 18:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #UPC jingoism from #JoffWild and his paid-for (to promote UPC) colleagues#bribery is so abundant in so-called 'media' these days [] | May 21 18:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): More #swpats for more #patenttrolls in East #texas [] | May 21 18:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): We're mostly #water so why not protect its quality? [] | May 21 18:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The Foreign Direct Investment study from World Trade Center Los Angeles shows that about 10,305 foreign-owned firms were operating in Southern #California in 2018, accounting for roughly 1.2 percent of all businesses in the region." https://www.dailybulle... [] | May 21 18:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): There are enough emulators out there that would let them run all the #android "apps" cheaply. [] | May 21 18:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Euroskeptic parties disagree on many things tech-related — except for the desire to say whatever they want online." [] | May 21 18:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #huawei to use #kirinOS (a #gnu #linux OS) instead of #google #aosp #android #java #dalvik #linux etc.? [] | May 21 18:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GAFAM is a well-connected (to the same military) #surveillance cabal whose adoption should be actively discouraged in #eu [] | May 21 18:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): European Commission in 2019 might as well rename to Microsoft-Commissioned [] | May 21 18:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sabotaging the host #brexit #farage #eu [] | May 21 18:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): European #InventonAward has been full of scandals and #corruption (never mind the element of waste) #epo #EuropeanInventonAward [] | May 21 18:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #surveillancecapitalism emits a lot more pollution and gasses. #google and #kubernetes offer the tools. Time to rethink how we use computing power. #ethics [] | May 21 18:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Open Source" has been hijacked; the steward/guardian of the OSD, the OSI, now has #microsoft staff inside the Board. Join the conversation about #freesw instead. Back to basics. [] | May 21 18:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #openwashing #proprietarysoftware is what "open" has been good for. Adding a sense of "ethics" to stuff like #surveillancecapitalismLet's gradually abandon "open" and #deletegithubBack to the F word, #freedom [] | May 21 18:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Good. So we can move away from these #surveillancecapitalism platforms and go 'underground' with #dweb (not obeying such stupid rules) [] | May 21 18:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #docker itself became more or less #proprietarysoftware and #microsoft connected. Its new CEO (named days ago) comes from #nsa -connected background. So RIP, Docker. [] | May 21 18:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo #corruption you have not a say on and officials there are literally outside the rule of law; they elect one another (nepotism) and loot #europe [] | May 21 18:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #isds #colonialism #africa #belgium #europe @glynmoody [] | May 21 18:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Open Letter: #Copyright Working Group Must Include NGO Voices [] | May 21 18:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "On 13th of June, the European Copyright Roundtable will take place in Brussels." After (only after) they sold a law to billionaires they merely discuss "implementation" [] | May 21 18:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Fake #swpats on #security are nothing but #patenttrols fodder #microsoft role: [] | May 21 18:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #patenttroll #FallLinePatents loses the only thing it has: #patents #ptab [] | May 21 19:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A #qualcomm #patenttroll with fake #swpats meets #ptab @zoobab @fosspatents [] | May 21 19:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo and #euipo becoming the same thing owing to #nepotism and #corruption see [] | May 21 19:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Even a literal #fraud was nominated (Holmes, 2015); the #epo just uses #inventoraward as a vehicle of #europe cash to friends and colleagues: [] | May 21 19:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Thankfully #aosp is #freesw so #huawei will work around the White Supremacist ban quite easily [] | May 21 19:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Even #trump supporters recognise that Trump just put a #patenttrolls and litigation mole inside @uspto [] | May 21 19:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Until a claim written in accordance with these techniques is subject of a § 101 challenge, the eligibility landscape of machine learning inventions will remain largely unmapped." #swpats dead in courts. [] | May 21 19:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): And it gets yet worse for #swpats zealots; sue with these fake #patents and you will need to compensate those whom you accused/sued [] | May 21 19:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Funny to see #redhat listed here because #ibm fed the culprits, the #patenttrolls that do the most harm [] | May 21 19:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jeff we should hijack alex jones' stream [] | May 21 19:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Sad News - Martin Schwidefsky [] | May 21 19:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sad News - #MartinSchwidefsky #linux #kernel #rip [] | May 21 19:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Antergos Linux Project Ends [] | May 21 19:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AntergosLinux Project Ends #gnu #linux [] | May 21 19:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: HP Linux Imaging & Printing Drivers Now Supported on Ubuntu 19.04 and Fedora 30 [] | May 21 19:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #HP #Linux Imaging & #Printing Drivers Now Supported on #Ubuntu 19.04 and #Fedora 30 [] | May 21 19:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 21 19:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #google #linux [] | May 21 19:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo brags about offering money to rigged (in its favour) scholars. see [] | May 21 19:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #panasonic a #patent parasitePromotes #swpats under guise of buzzwords, "AI, IoT and big data" see [] | May 21 19:35 | |
acer-box__ | #panasonic a #patent parasite | May 21 19:35 |
acer-box__ | Promotes #swpats under guise of buzzwords, "AI, IoT and big data" see | May 21 19:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Panasonic: IP teams need to evolve for AI-centric future | Managing Intellectual Property | May 21 19:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Three Years After Openwashing Its Patents Panasonic Gives These Patents to Patent Trolls | Techrights | May 21 19:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Notes [] | May 21 19:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #abortion ban [] | May 21 19:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why do #patent judges >ever< attend events of #patent zealots and aggressors? It obliterates the perception of impartiality and professionalism. He's tipping trolls and extortion artists... [] | May 21 19:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It would not be competitive if it does not reuse components. Others tried and failed. Even large companies. Maybe they should speak to #jolla for #sailfishos [] | May 21 19:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Microsoft-Commissioned (aka European Commission) just did what #microsoft and its proxies demanded. It was an attack on #freesw that merely closed it even further. [] | May 21 19:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Forget "implementation", scrap/dump the whole thing or risk more nations dumping the #eu -- it's #law like this which is a shot in the foot of the EU [] | May 21 19:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Oh hi [] | May 21 19:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Petr Cech will return to Chelsea Kepallero:D6J6PnHXoAwzmQ8.jpg [] | May 21 20:03 | |
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 21 20:07 | |
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 21 20:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BalooUriza @acrata yeah Tulsa is not so bad honestly. as I have grown older I've started to appreciate it. never have interacted much with the local furry scene though. [] | May 21 20:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: if I were to make a patreon, what would be some good patreon "perks" [] | May 21 20:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @roka yeah patreon is trash but I get inquiries frequently [] | May 21 21:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kemonine I was thinking something like$15 - management of basic Pleroma, Pixelfed, Mastodon instances on your own infrastructure$25 - development of simple custom Pleroma modules (such as MRFs)$50 - I'll stream about coding whatever Pleroma changes you wa... [] | May 21 21:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @roka yeah i would do liberapay as well [] | May 21 21:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @tai well i do not have a binaural microphone :) [] | May 21 21:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ida that reminds me, i should add profile filtering hooks to MRF so i can strip avatars [] | May 21 21:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Olivia tsk tskScreenshot from 2019-05-21 15-4… [] | May 21 21:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Dee I... I'm sorry. have you considered Misskey instead? [] | May 21 21:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @karolat @zzdaxuya they should be renewed before expires_at. [] | May 21 22:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @zzdaxuya @karolat it's a known issue that is being worked on. [] | May 21 22:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ninmi @roka 10000$ tier: i'll close my accounts and say Gargron was right [] | May 21 23:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @zzdaxuya eventually. [] | May 21 23:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals @velartrill @succfemboi really? what pleroma instance is that. [] | May 21 23:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals @DashEquals @succfemboi @velartrill intriguing [] | May 21 23:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: hi! while Pleroma itself does not presently accept donations, some of the developers, like myself, certainly do. to that end, you may wish to look at my new Patreon when considering how to fund fediverse development. while donating to anyone (including Gar... [] | May 22 00:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea a life without risk is a life not worth living [] | May 22 00:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea oh no [] | May 22 00:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: by the way, yes, if you get the live stream patreon tier and ask me to do a drunk stream, i will do it. cc @dansup [] | May 22 00:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: lol abortion rights, haha, this is trump's america, kiddos. maybe the zoomers should have thought that one through a bit better. [] | May 22 00:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @EeveeDefender ah yes, time to get out the pokeball and catch them off guard [] | May 22 00:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kaikatsu i'm just looking forward to trump's new teen pregnancy plan, also known as "annex them by the pussy" [] | May 22 00:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @joiningpleroma xxxtentacion's death was honestly fucked up too [] | May 22 00:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @FirstProgenitor i honestly don't know. all of the projects i have gotten tired with doing, I've always found someone else to take it over. i think it is a common courtesy toward the communities which form around projects to ensure continuity, even when yo... [] | May 22 00:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @NicolasConstant i wanted to offer a lower tier for people who just wanted to send some cash, but $5 seems to be the sweet spot for the new fee structure [] | May 22 00:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @sina @kaniini fanks [] | May 22 00:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @p i don't know. that's not my department, i just work on the codebase. my understanding is that, yes, eventually, there will be facilities for that. [] | May 22 00:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @flussence honestly it is somewhat amusing to do them, that's why i do them. [] | May 22 00:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i guess i am going to have to make anti-followbot MRF a little smarter ;/ [] | May 22 01:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @sir yeah but at the same time, i kinda hope somebody books those *outside* patreon so i don't eat a big fee [] | May 22 01:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @sir i need to set up fosspay as well, but don't feel like applying for a stripe account right now ;) [] | May 22 01:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @nawi pixelfed, mastodon, florence, tusky, ... [] | May 22 01:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: and also, if your wallet is still on fire after clicking the sign up button of your choice on my patreon, why not check out the pixelfed one too? don't delay, give us money today [] | May 22 01:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: this fediverse is sponsored by shitposters like you [] | May 22 01:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @riking yeah, patreon is honestly trash [] | May 22 01:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: also if you hate patreon, there's always liberapay. i might set up fosspay too. dunno. [] | May 22 01:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @sir patreon's fees make the fees charged by my previous bank look absolutely reasonable by comparison. it's absurd, really. [] | May 22 01:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jordyd jesus fucking christ, did that actually hapen? [] | May 22 01:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jalcine neat [] | May 22 01:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alyx @kemonine no [] | May 22 02:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alyx @kemonine the only way that tier makes any sense is if it's a reasonably normal server [] | May 22 02:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: wow, alabama censored an episode of arthur because it involved a gay wedding. amazing stuff, guys. [] | May 22 02:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BalooUriza @iona actually, the 41st and Darlington location was destroyed after the 61st and Memorial location closed. i'm not sure why the one in the airport closed, since it was operated by HMSHost. [] | May 22 02:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea why would you take it? that's rude and disrespectful. you should punch them in the dick. [] | May 22 02:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea i mean, i guess, but there's still something to be said about not being insulted by a transphobic dickhead [] | May 22 02:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: luxury watches?naw, famluxury witches [] | May 22 02:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea i mean, i guess i see your point. calling people like that on their transmisic behaviours will not change their behaviour, so there's no point in bothering. [] | May 22 02:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @annika i haven't watched it, but i'm sure they gave a tasteful presentation to it. [] | May 22 02:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Dee me neither [] | May 22 02:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @aspittel oh i definitely suck at this [] | May 22 02:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BalooUriza it's only 4 kilometers i believe. [] | May 22 02:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BalooUriza also, no, all the concessions / restaurants / etc at the airport are operated by HMSHost, even the fat guys franchise inside it. [] | May 22 02:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: probably going to do a stream in a bit [] | May 22 02:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @sum hash...tag...? [] | May 22 02:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @gdkar F [] | May 22 02:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: can't wait to vote out chief baker who frequently refers to black people using racial slurs. early voting begins saturday! [] | May 22 03:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Waking up [] | May 22 03:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ideological war [] | May 22 03:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #alabama #abortion [] | May 22 03:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Weather forecasters urge caution for Tuesday after 18 #tornadoes across five states on Monday [] | May 22 03:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Virtual Pipelines: A Dangerous New Way to Transport Fracked #Gas by Truck [] | May 22 03:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Climatechange : Global sea level rise could be bigger than expected [] | May 22 03:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Trump Admin Pushes More 'Clean #Coal ' Spending as Justice Department Investigates Failed 'Clean Coal' Project [] | May 22 03:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea gangnam style is simple and pure, how dare you [] | May 22 03:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): E.P.A. Plans to Get Thousands of Pollution Deaths Off the Books by Changing Its Math [] | May 22 03:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: nobody wants to operate coal plants, man. [] | May 22 03:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @somarasu @Elizafox oklahoma is not the deep south, that's just offensive [] | May 22 03:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: lets base our energy future on the fuel that pollutes so much that they have to frequently deep clean the smoke stack in order to ensure the plant doesn't burn down. sounds brilliant. [] | May 22 03:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #greenwashing a campaign [] | May 22 03:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Big Polluters Hijack Shipping Talks to Slow Decarbonisation Progress "obstructed attempts to decide how the sector should begin to decarbonise." [] | May 22 03:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @SamanthaCayne only if they are TWR reactors or PRISM reactors... [] | May 22 03:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Adapter enables offline speech board to work with Raspberry Pi [] | May 22 03:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Adapter enables offline speech board to work with #RaspberryPi #raspi #gnu #linux [] | May 22 03:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @karolat we do want to, but we are trying to freeze for 1.0 release. adding groups would be too much of a slip. [] | May 22 03:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #socialcontrolmedia [] | May 22 03:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "And it urged companies to release data on how people use social media in order to understand more about the impact of technology on young people's lives." [] | May 22 03:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Reddit Commenter's Fight for #Anonynmity Is a Win for #FreeSpeech and #FairUse [] | May 22 03:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The Office issued a new financial study. Märpel should try to get it. The study concludes that the #EPO equity will be negative, but omits all planned fee increases while keeping regular increases in costs." [] | May 22 03:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why We Can’t Support Modifications to #Texas Anti- #SLAPP #Law [] | May 22 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: the coding never ends. [] | May 22 03:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US Magistrate Judge Provides The Template To End #Copyright Trolling With Ruling Against #Strike3 [] | May 22 03:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #surveillance and #listeningdevices a case of paying a company to abuse you [] | May 22 03:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Harry Uses #GDPR To Obtain Payout From Photographer Who Shot Photos Of His Rental Home [] | May 22 03:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The @snowden leaks showed us that #google is complicit, as are most US telecoms. But not #huawei [] | May 22 03:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KaliLinux 2019.2 released. #gnu #linux #security [] | May 22 04:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): TENS 1.7.6, another #gnu #linux #security distro, is released now #dod #usarmy [] | May 22 04:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Highlights Video of #redHat Summit Keynotes [] | May 22 04:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Tails 3.14 is out [] | May 22 04:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #tails 3.14 is out #debian #tor #gnu #linux [] | May 22 04:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 22 04:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 22 04:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #systemd wants to K.I.S.S. At 1,200,000 LOCs [] | May 22 04:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): [GSoC – 1] Achieving consistency between SDDM and Plasma [] | May 22 04:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #WebAuthn Web Authentication with #YubiKey 5 [] | May 22 04:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This #mozilla debacle of #proprietarysoftware for communications will haunt it for many years. It Mozilla Corp. abandons #freesw then why even bother with #firefox etc.? [] | May 22 04:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #ownCloud 10.2 introduces advanced sharing permissions, automatic synchronization in federated clouds and improved rights for users." [] | May 22 04:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Nearly 20% of the 1000 Most Popular #Docker #Containers Have No Root Password [] | May 22 04:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Firefox 67.0 Released [] | May 22 04:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Firefox 67.0 Released #mozilla #freesw [] | May 22 04:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Mozilla: Firefox Privacy Features and the Cost of Proprietary Software for Communication [] | May 22 04:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Mozilla: #Firefox #Privacy Features and the Cost of #ProprietarySoftware for Communication #mozilla [] | May 22 04:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Let us subject #MDS vulnerability to the glare of truth patched and yesterday's news already [] | May 22 04:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Kali Linux 2019.2 Release [] | May 22 04:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KaliLinux 2019.2 Release #gnu #linux #security [] | May 22 04:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Manjaro Vs Ubuntu [] | May 22 04:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Manjaro Vs #Ubuntu #gnu #linux [] | May 22 04:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "I’m president of the OSI Board of Directors." [] | May 22 04:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Mesa 19.0.5 and Mesa 19.1 RC3 [] | May 22 04:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Mesa 19.0.5 and Mesa 19.1 RC3 #linux #graphics [] | May 22 04:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Windows and #macOS have #nsa back doors, so for #security they're non-starters, a joke [] | May 22 04:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #debian wants to release already #gnu #linux [] | May 22 04:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Everything #python should #deletegithub but #microsoft bought seats and bribed various key people [] | May 22 04:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Planet #python is syndicating #malware promotion, #microsoft #vista10 (I guess money talks...) [] | May 22 04:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers [] | May 22 05:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security Leftovers [] | May 22 05:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #FOSSBytes promoting the dangerous perception if not pure propaganda that FOSS does not exist or does not count until or unless #Microsoft owns and controls it #deletegithub [] | May 22 05:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #deletegithub [] | May 22 05:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Python Programming [] | May 22 05:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Python #Programming [] | May 22 05:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #RaspberryPi Close To Seeing CPUFreq Support #gnu #linux #raspi #suse [] | May 22 05:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Academic Support Center BiASC connects the #SUSE Academic Program with #Belgium and #Luxembourg [] | May 22 05:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #fossbytes too busy sucking up to a crime-based #microsoft #monopoly and instead calls #android (or #freesw in AOSP) "monopoly"; truly awful site sometimes, Microsoft talking points to EU [] | May 22 05:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #redhat working for #microsoft again see [] | May 22 05:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: GNOME 3.34's Mutter Lowers Output Lag On X11 To Match Wayland Performance [] | May 22 05:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GNOME 3.34's Mutter Lowers Output Lag On X11 To Match Wayland Performance [] | May 22 05:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Different generations of back doors [] | May 22 05:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Top 20 Best Data Mining Software for Linux in 2019 [] | May 22 05:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Top 20 Best #DataMining Software for #Linux in 2019 Often but not always used for malicious #surveillance (with euphemisms aplenty) [] | May 22 05:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Big DATADATA scientistsDATA scienceDATA miningHow people's personal information, private chats etc. reduced to "data".... you know, DATA. What do you do for a living, sir? DATA! Not abusive #surveillance [] | May 22 05:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Smartphone alternatives to Google and Apple [] | May 22 05:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Smartphone alternatives to Google and Apple almost everything is just #linux based. #pureos #eelo #jolla #sailfishos #tizen etc. [] | May 22 05:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): adds #microsoft mole to its Board [] | May 22 05:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Performance Impact of Serious CPU Defects [] | May 22 05:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Performance Impact of Serious CPU Defects #intel should #recallandreplace but these criminals are above the #law and work for Empire [] | May 22 05:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Spyder 4.0 takes a big step closer with the release of Beta 2! [] | May 22 05:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Spyder 4.0 takes a big step closer with the release of Beta 2! project needs to #deletegithub to escape ruinous and hostile clutches [] | May 22 05:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Huawei's alternative OS to Android set to roll out as early as fall [] | May 22 05:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Huawei's alternative OS to Android set to roll out as early as fall #china #linux #android [] | May 22 05:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Huawei’s #HongMeng (Kirin OS?) Is 9 Years Old & Optimized For #Linux [] | May 22 05:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Google v #Huawei hits millions of smartphone users [] | May 22 05:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 22 06:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 22 06:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: systemd Clocks In At More Than 1.2 Million Lines [] | May 22 06:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #systemd Clocks In At More Than 1.2 Million Lines #linux #kernel [] | May 22 06:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: OSS: Molly de Blanc, ownCloud, Document Foundation, Red Hat Summit, Github Lockin and Contributor License Agreements [] | May 22 06:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): OSS: Molly de Blanc, #ownCloud , Document Foundation, #RedHat Summit, #Github Lockin and Contributor License Agreements [] | May 22 06:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Legal Argument That Could Destroy #Uber [] | May 22 06:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): OSsed out: EFF catalogs the perverse ways that platform moderation policies hurt the people they're supposed to protect #censorship #socialcontrolmedia [] | May 22 06:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "TOSsed Out highlights the various ways in which Terms of Service (TOS) and other speech moderation rules are unevenly enforced, with little to no transparency, against a wide spectrum of people." [] | May 22 06:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Writing about #epo and #euipo abuses this morning, then #swpats (later)Things are not improving in #europe Not even close. Vote this Thursday. We need to tackle this #corruption [] | May 22 06:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): old: "it'd be a shame if something happened to the event because it didn't have an acceptable Code of Conduct""long but comprehensive info about running conferences also leads into a discussion on the dam... [] | May 22 06:47 | |
acer-box__ | old: "it'd be a shame if something happened to the event because it didn't have an acceptable Code of Conduct" | May 22 06:47 |
acer-box__ | | May 22 06:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Truth About Southeast Linuxfest | Ask Noah Show 80 - YouTube | May 22 06:47 | |
acer-box__ | "long but comprehensive info about running conferences also leads into a discussion on the damage from CoC proponents"-iophk | May 22 06:47 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Distributed systems guide [] | May 22 06:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #railsconf on #freesw [] | May 22 06:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Google stored some passwords in plain text for fourteen years good for #nsa #prism (harvesting of billions of passwords globally) [] | May 22 06:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #nsa back doors in #windows; "resources being bled from education in the form of #microsoft licensing and maintenance"-iophk [] | May 22 06:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Windows ban? #Huawei laptops disappear from #Microsoft Store good for #gnu #linux [] | May 22 07:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #EUIPO and #EPO Abuses Growingly Inseparable #europe #eu #corruption [] | May 22 07:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: pajamas are comfortable, i don't know why people hate them [] | May 22 07:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea @lanodan yes part of the thot police [] | May 22 07:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea @lanodan you couldn't handle an arrest [] | May 22 07:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lanodan @pea ah yes, the pure and innocent wolf with the santa hat on her snoot [] | May 22 07:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lanodan @pea yes, all "cops" are BDSM masters [] | May 22 07:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lanodan @pea or is it? [] | May 22 07:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @absturztaube @frosch but said frog is literally wearing a onesie [] | May 22 07:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @feonixrift on themselves [] | May 22 07:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @frosch is hitting peak ribbit levels [] | May 22 07:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: note that @pea does not deny she couldn't handle an "arrest" [] | May 22 07:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea that's what they all say [] | May 22 07:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @karen like what? [] | May 22 07:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @karen well i already split out http signatures for you [] | May 22 07:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: 2 years from now, @lanodan and I make an alternative to the monolithic Pleroma BE that is strictly optimized for shitposting [] | May 22 07:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #apple products are defective. Apple knows it and tries to deny it as long as possible. [] | May 22 07:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lanodan i want to rework the way we do cryptography a bit, maybe make a nice general library for it wrapping :public_key. [] | May 22 07:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea i dunno, are you like a poodlegirl or something [] | May 22 07:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @vaartis by popular demand, [] | May 22 08:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Quality of #Patents is Going Down the Drain and Courts Have Certainly Noticed #epo #uspto #iancu #swpats [] | May 22 08:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Alarming Lessons From #Facebook 's Push to Stop Fake News in #India [] | May 22 08:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Thinking of this as paying interest versus paying of principal can help decide which cruft to tackle. If I have a terrible area of the code base, one that's a nightmare to change, it's not a problem if I don't have to modify it" [] | May 22 08:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: daily @amic battle [] | May 22 08:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lain why the fuck would he do that [] | May 22 08:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lain i think i am having a stroke [] | May 22 08:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lanodan i meant expanding it to support curves and so on. [] | May 22 08:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lanodan well my opinion is that if we split out libraries, we should make them usable by all. like apache commons did for java. [] | May 22 08:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights [] | May 22 08:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Today in #Techrights #epo #uspto #korea #swpats [] | May 22 08:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Antergos Linux has been Discontinued [] | May 22 08:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Antergos Linux has been Discontinued #gnu #linux #archlinux [] | May 22 08:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 22 08:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 22 08:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ‘Musical chairs’ at #CEIPI and the EPO/ #EUIPO ( #Battistelli , #Archambeau, Campinos) as well as joint reports never fail to reveal the extent to which #EPO abuses are spreading [] | May 22 08:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Uncertainty or lack of confidence in the patent system has reached appalling levels because heads of #patent offices are just striving to grant as many #patents as possible [] | May 22 08:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): You know someone like this [] | May 22 08:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): In the cupboard [] | May 22 08:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Russia 's Investigative Committee reportedly received a second claim of high-ranking #FSB #racketeering two months ago and has not responded [] | May 22 08:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Kremlin comments on forced resignation of #Kommersant journalists (fired for doing their job properly in #russia and protecting source) [] | May 22 08:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Corrupt #epo also escorted a judge out a building, for allegedly speaking about EPO #corruption (as one should) [] | May 22 08:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DeutscheBank Has Rolled on Donald #Trump when criminals take highest office... [] | May 22 08:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Let’s Shut Down the Economy to Fight for Abortion Rights "The Missouri state senate also passed a bill (HB126) early Thursday morning" [] | May 22 08:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): First #france and now #italy (not arming terrorists).'We Will Not Be Complicit': Protesting Assault on #Yemen , Italian Dock Workers Refuse to Load Saudi Weapons Vessel [] | May 22 08:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Up next – Trial in Monsanto’s hometown set for August after $2 billion #Roundup cancer verdict #monsanto #bayer #cancer #gmo [] | May 22 08:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #goldendawnald in #europe [] | May 22 08:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): As #Iran Tensions Rise, Congress Moves to Curb #Trump ’s #War Powers [] | May 22 08:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hj in fairness, lain did open a bug about fixing the compile if said bloat is disabled [] | May 22 08:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Outrage as #Texas Senate Passes 'Unconstitutional' Bill That Would Hit Pipeline Protestors With Up to 10 Years in Prison [] | May 22 08:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Does the Registry know how Archambeau got his job? [] | May 22 08:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Wavering for some time on the verge of becoming a complete oligarchy, America is on the verge of flipping from a democratic republic to a strongman or autocratic form of government" [] | May 22 08:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): First #berlin #de Now #Yekaterinburg #russia [] | May 22 08:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rigelk @dansup @heluecht Friendica imo [] | May 22 08:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #nytimes wants #warDemonises those who want #peace [] | May 22 08:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: seriously though Pleroma BE is the Mozilla suite of fediverse software [] | May 22 08:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Donald #Trump looks to sanctions to squeeze Iran while national security adviser [and #warcriminal ] #JohnBolton and secretary of state Mike #Pompeo promote war as a desirable option." [] | May 22 08:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'Sick and Tired of Being Paid Poverty Wages,' #Walmart Workers Invite Bernie #Sanders to Press Their Case at Shareholder Meeting [] | May 22 08:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Furthermore, and for journalistic balance, it is important to mention that mainstream science is not warning of imminent Runaway #GlobalWarming (“RGW”), as outlined in the Arctic News article." [] | May 22 08:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "most penetrating criticism I’ve seen of renewable energy is that it’s being promoted at massive scale to reassure us that we can go on as before, with little if any change of lifestyle, no move beyond our comfort zones." [] | May 22 08:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Post-Brexit, the #UK must decide what action it will take to continue to protect our rights to information and expression online, including evaluating whether we should continue to adhere to #EU -wide laws and frameworks developed for this purpose." https... [] | May 22 08:53 | |
acer-box__ | "Post-Brexit, the #UK must decide what action it will take to continue to protect our rights to information and expression online, including evaluating whether we should continue to adhere to #EU -wide laws and frameworks developed for this purpose." | May 22 08:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Rights Group - Freedom of Expression and Brexit | May 22 08:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #kommersant make source protection a crime? #russia #journalism #censorship [] | May 22 08:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The only "trans" #gop supports is an attack on the environment and possibly human survival [] | May 22 08:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Russia’s ban on adoption from state-approved facilities for individuals with certain conditions will largely remain in place" [] | May 22 08:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Still no #impeachment #corruption #Goldendawnald [] | May 22 08:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Russia Meddled in 36 Elections. The #US Has Meddled in 81. [] | May 22 08:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @velartrill @maloki @a does allow for solving that problem in the backend, but it appears they did not do the UX side of it yet. i'm going to figure out where the disconnect is on that today. [] | May 22 08:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'The Dam Is Breaking': Progressives Say #Pelosi 'Running Out of Excuses' Not to Impeach #Trump [] | May 22 09:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "legislators seeking to curtail abortion access are not driven by concern for the sanctity of all (even potential) human life, but by the desire to exert authority over particularly some women’s lives and possibilities." [] | May 22 09:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "the misrepresentations and complete falsehoods that US #corporatemedia has been presenting about #Venezuela " [] | May 22 09:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @velartrill @a @maloki is a tracking bug i just created for adding it to FE. [] | May 22 09:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Trump Owns This Attack on American Women [] | May 22 09:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Trump’s “Genocidal” Tweets Against Iran Come With a Price also make genocidal tweets about Korea [] | May 22 09:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Dying in cages while the criminals from #microsoft proudly profit from these #crimesagainsthumanity [] | May 22 09:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trump gives weapons to these terrorists [] | May 22 09:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Global Sea Level May Rise Faster Than Previously Projected, With 'Profound Consequences for Humanity' [] | May 22 09:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Beware Trump's Sneak Attack on #SocialSecurity [] | May 22 09:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Labor Leader Sara Nelson Says Workers of Disrupted Industries Must Be Engaged in #GreenNewDeal Solutions [] | May 22 09:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: - see a pain point- "oh, we actually have a fix for this, just do this"- pain point fix not exposed in FE, so useless [] | May 22 09:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: (not FE's fault, nobody ever coordinated with them to expose it) [] | May 22 09:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How #California Egregiously Failed Its Care Workers [] | May 22 09:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Her suitor claimed that the crash was an accident. The statement released by #police and forensic officers regarding the incident clearly contradicts his claim" [] | May 22 09:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'It's a Sure Winner—Except for the Profiteers': 200+ Economists Send Letter to Congress Endorsing #MedicareforAll [] | May 22 09:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Constitution grossly violated, still no #impeachment and only impending #imperialism in the form of new #wars [] | May 22 09:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #drones with weapons not a monopoly of the state anymore [] | May 22 09:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Time Has Come for Patriotic Dissent: Stopping #War With #Iran Is Essential [] | May 22 09:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Criminal #taxevasion 'dressed up' as "breaks" by bribed politicians. A healthy society would jail both the bribe giver and recipient. [] | May 22 09:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US Empire about to register another historic #warcrime [] | May 22 09:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #pelosi 'works' for Donald #trump and #goldendawnald #impeachment [] | May 22 09:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #LizWarren and #Sanders Understand the Power of 'The Bad Guy' [] | May 22 09:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Over 1,351 #Climate Strikes in 110 Countries Planned for Friday as Global Revolt Escalates [] | May 22 09:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In other words, FAIR (and Taibbi) are complaining that commentary is one-sided—but commentary should be one-sided. Why would anyone disagree with “the entire human rights community”?" [] | May 22 09:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bernie #Sanders Is Bringing Back the Most Underrated #Education Policy [] | May 22 09:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Men not affected. They just make these laws... [] | May 22 09:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 6 Reasons #ImpossibleBurger CEO Is Wrong About #GMO Soy [] | May 22 09:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Imagine politicians being ousted for #corruption and #warcrimes rather than just something to do with "sex" [] | May 22 09:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Research on Children's Health Risks in Doubt Over #EPA Funds [] | May 22 09:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Fight #corruption committed by rich people, stop wasting #police resources looking at what drugs poor people take [] | May 22 09:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A Beacon of Hope: #Nevada 's Women Lawmakers Pass #Abortion Rights Bill [] | May 22 09:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Nations indebted to few oligarchs inside them and outside them [] | May 22 09:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'Democrat's want a repeat of 2016 election by positioning #goldendawnald against a dud [] | May 22 09:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Playing Politics With #Coal Plants "being played for political election-year gain by none other than Montana’s Republican senator, Steve Daines." [] | May 22 09:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: How to advance your career by contributing to open source projects [] | May 22 09:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to advance your career by contributing to open source projects #freesw [] | May 22 09:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: OpenJDK 8 and 11: Still in safe hands [] | May 22 09:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #OpenJDK 8 and 11: Still in safe hands #java #programming #freesw #redhat [] | May 22 09:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #curl 7.65.0 dances in #freesw #http #www #internet [] | May 22 09:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #google served the #nsa "like a boss". #prism #espionage #password (no doubt Microsoft does this too, but it won't admit this) [] | May 22 09:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Flex PCB Fabrication "circuit board fabrication nerd since college, and he’s living his dream of building his own factory and learning all he can about interesting and boutique PCB processes." [] | May 22 09:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Can you trust #tor when you get it in binary form from #gafam giants that serve the #nsa though? On a platform with back doors? See #vault7 [] | May 22 09:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No tweets from @wikileaks in 48 hours now. Unusual? Sure. But not unprecedented. The attacks on #assange have left them damaged and distracted, no new publications this year (none!) [] | May 22 09:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 22 10:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #unix #gnu #linux [] | May 22 10:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Bitcoin #PatentTrolling #swpats #patenttrolls #patentroll [] | May 22 10:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Nowadays competitive sports are a competition over who can dope the most without getting caught. RIP, #sport as entertainment form. [] | May 22 10:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trumpland shooting itself in the foot; #china -- instead of relying on (and paying for) US tech -- is going to makes more of its own using #freesw ; #Huawei can profit from exports, too [] | May 22 10:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Expression of a wish. Merely: #teamupc #upc #unitarypatent [] | May 22 10:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Governments that give billions to spy agencies will never genuinely pursue #privacy (not even demand it from corporations that are data suppliers to these agencies) [] | May 22 10:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #article13 #article17 #copyright #eu #censorship [] | May 22 10:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #qualcomm needs severe punishment and hopefully bankruptcy for a lot of different reasons [] | May 22 10:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): BREAKING NEWS: Federal Trade Commission wins #antitrust case against #Qualcomm in Northern District of #California by @fosspatents [] | May 22 10:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Notice how #euipo and #epo are connected or joined by the hip, even in the #corruption sense: [] | May 22 10:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #CompuMark treats #trademark #law as a "market"; this is what happens when you let lawyers take control of laws and markets. It's a clusterfsck. [] | May 22 10:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I bet Karen Artz Ash and Jerry Jakubovic use #microsoft #windows with #nsa back doors and with no #encryption at any level, so they violate attorney-client privilege every minute of the day. [] | May 22 10:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Microsoft-Commissioned (aka European Commission) still singeing the European public and works for #copyright extremists like #microsoft -- all this a month or two before #election (awful idea!) [] | May 22 10:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #article13 #article17 #copyright #eu #censorship and yes, if anything you can trust the Microsoft-Commissioned (aka European Commission) to make it yet worse [] | May 22 10:31 | |
acer-box__ | Remember it was the Microsoft-Commissioned (aka European Commission) which took instructions from #microsoft and its partners when it called #freesw such an #android an #antitrust violation. Yes, the Microsoft-Commissioned still uses Microsoft and Windows, gives our tax money for NSA back doors. | May 22 10:32 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Remember it was the Microsoft-Commissioned (aka European Commission) which took instructions from #microsoft and its partners when it called #freesw such an #android an #antitrust violation. Yes, the Microsoft-Commissioned still uses Microsoft and Windows,... [] | May 22 10:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Jack Wallen pushing #microsoft agenda and helps Microsoft impose #proprietarysoftware VS on #gnu #linux users. Wallen should know better than this, but #zemlinpac now pays him [] | May 22 10:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Thou shalt not steal. Unless you're the government. [] | May 22 10:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trumpland shooting itself in the foot because the president and the imbeciles around him assume #china won't just create its own tech and then #huawei et al. spread it globally. Loss or erosion of US tech monopoly. [] | May 22 10:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #huawei will spread #linux based OS other than #android and this one now controlled by #nsa I suppose? [] | May 22 10:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Huawei Ban: Will Linux Replace Windows On Future Huawei Laptops? #microsoft #windows already being removed? [] | May 22 10:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 8 Best Free Linux Video Converters [] | May 22 11:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 8 Best Free #Linux #Video Converters #freesw [] | May 22 11:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #canada the 'beautiful' will need to roll out a red carpet to welcome back its trash, which it arrogantly sent to #asia as if its garbage is a gift to poor countries. How arrogant and what a waste of fuel (shipping trash back and forth). #trudeau #scum [] | May 22 11:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers [] | May 22 11:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security Leftovers [] | May 22 11:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I have demoted "Open Source" to something I only read up on and maybe cover once a week. #OpenSource is dead. It's mostly #proprietarysoftware + #openwashing these days.Let's switch back to talking about #freesw (freedom). [] | May 22 11:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If something gets marketed as #opensource and that's actually free bait (not necessarily #opencore as in core) to sell some #proprietarysoftware then we should not call it #freesw but a shrew bait or clever marketing or witty trap [] | May 22 11:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Remember that #microsoft #windows #vista10 is #opensource now because there's a #calculator with #surveillance in it and there's source code! [] | May 22 11:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Remember that #microsoft #windows #vista10 is #linux now because you can go to Microsoft Store (yes, #drm in there) and grab a GNU/Linux BLOB through that... [] | May 22 11:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Remember that #microsoft is a charity not because of the ICE #crimesagainsthumanity but because its cofounder has a scam 'charity' that lets him commit tax crimes and lobby everyone, bribe media [] | May 22 11:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Remember that #microsoft is a friend of all #linux #opensource etc. because our so-called 'representatives' have all been bribed by Microsoft (Zemlin PAC, OSI etc.) and even put Microsoft inside their Board after that. Money buys friends? [] | May 22 11:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's leftovers [] | May 22 11:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's #tuxmachines leftovers [] | May 22 11:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Links 22/5/2019: Mesa 19.0.5, Huawei and GNU/Linux, Curl 7.65.0, End of Antergos, Tails 3.14, ownCloud Server 10.2, Firefox 67.0 [] | May 22 11:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Links 22/5/2019: #Mesa 19.0.5, #Huawei and GNU/Linux, Curl 7.65.0, End of Antergos, Tails 3.14, #ownCloud Server 10.2, #Firefox 67.0 #techrights [] | May 22 11:31 | |
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 22 12:41 | |
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 22 12:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Seems like #fracking and #epo PR agency #fticonsulting is now meddling in #eu selection on behalf of clients. The question is, who? [] | May 22 16:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): As a general note, I am always initially sceptical of former #microsoft staff, but some I've come across have become fiercely against their former employer. So it's a case-to-case thing, needs research. [] | May 22 16:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Seems like European #patents granted today will have expired when the #epo is already bankrupt, based on an internal EPO report. I'm certain someone who reads this has access to this report; mind to leak it to #techrights please? [] | May 22 16:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DXVK 1.2.1 really does improve #Overwatch quite a lot on Linux with #NVIDIA #gnu #linux [] | May 22 16:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #fticonsulting meddling in #eu #election [] | May 22 16:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #BulletRage is a game I firmly think is worth supporting, as the developer has had #Linux support in very early and it does seem like a pretty awesome twin-stick shooter." [] | May 22 16:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Google is not a game. #google spies on you and #games with your mind, together with aggressive interests in its home country. I very rarely use anything Google, but: [] | May 22 16:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #google spent an enormous amount of money trying to come across as cute, fun, and geeky.#cocacola spends billions trying to seem friendly, trendy and even healthy (e.g. sponsorship of Olympics).You can deduce from the latter that Google has much to hide. P... [] | May 22 16:43 | |
acer-box__ | #google spent an enormous amount of money trying to come across as cute, fun, and geeky. | May 22 16:43 |
acer-box__ | #cocacola spends billions trying to seem friendly, trendy and even healthy (e.g. sponsorship of Olympics). | May 22 16:43 |
acer-box__ | You can deduce from the latter that Google has much to hide. Pretense. | May 22 16:43 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Good for #gaming on #gnu #linux but the chipset comes with #nsa back doors in it [] | May 22 16:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Julian #assange was once a #debian #gnu #linux developers and he would not be pleased to see Debian taking #google sponsorship money. It's not compatible with Debian's goals. [] | May 22 16:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: Gallium3D, Google, DXVK and New Titles on GNU/Linux [] | May 22 16:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Games : #Gallium3D , #Google , #DXVK and New Titles on #GNU / #Linux [] | May 22 16:49 | |
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 22 16:50 | |
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 22 16:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #facebook encouraging the illusion it can be accessed anonymously and you can actually see anything useful on it while #fb isn't logging and spying [] | May 22 16:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #mozilla #rust still needs to #deletegithub to be taken seriously also, its move to #proprietarysoftware will make it seem like #microsoft 'stooge' [] | May 22 16:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): There's a culture clash at #mozilla 1) executives who came from purely nasty companies like #facebook (and #microsoft in the past)2) people who put #diversity ahead of quality of #programming3) #proprietarysoftware pushers [] | May 22 16:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Centralised #proprietarysoftware that's used for communication is NOT a "collaboration" platform but a #surveillance platform. I could think of 'military-grade' analogies here... [] | May 22 16:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In this interview, we’ll meet Alisha Mohanty and Shraddha Agrawal, who are both working on Fedora Happiness Packets to promote positive feedback loops in the Fedora community." ("Fedora community" = #IBM volunteers/unpaid interns) https://communityblog.fe... [] | May 22 16:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: The Document Foundation releases LibreOffice 6.2.4 [] | May 22 17:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #DocumentFoundation releases #LibreOffice 6.2.4 #odf #opendocument #freesw [] | May 22 17:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It is worth reminding ourselves that for complex documents (editable, unlike PDF) #opendocument is the only real standard -- not one that a single vendor bribed, corrupted, lied and bullied people for [] | May 22 17:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #starbucks gives you #cancer perhaps... [] | May 22 17:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): To Save Slow-Breeding Giants, Biologists Recommend New Method for Defining Endangered Species #trump family slaughters them for fun2.jpg [] | May 22 17:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sea level rise may double forecast for 2100 PDF: [] | May 22 17:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Less #plastic and less waste. Maybe make straws that are edible; they're not so expensive and they erode [] | May 22 17:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A Steal of a Deal: How Ranchers Take Advantage of Public Lands "in severely degraded condition due to excessive commercial livestock grazing" [] | May 22 17:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Does Shopping Ethically Really Make a Difference? [] | May 22 17:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #trump demolition crew keeps demolishing any form of #regulation -- all those rules designed to protect the public from #oligarchy #ajitpai can't step laughing; crimes without consequences. [] | May 22 17:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #fbi undermines #privacy through corporations; if they know something about you, FBI can blackmail them to speak out. So better not to give these corporations any data. [] | May 22 17:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "At the protest (against the separation of immigrant children from their adult fellow travelers) there were never more than fifty people at any given time" [] | May 22 17:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Weapons sent to rich country as "aid" to maim and kill unarmed, desperate people. #gaza #israel #palestine [] | May 22 17:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Billionaires-owned #nytimes decided #war on #iran is just and moral [] | May 22 17:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #abortion debate has a lot to do with #racism [] | May 22 17:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It’s #NewHampshire ’s Time to Repeal the #DeathPenalty [] | May 22 17:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #russia keeps experimenting and exploring new ways to prevent, discourage, scuttle or even ban protests altogether. [] | May 22 17:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Square Deal [] | May 22 17:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Rank #Hypocrisy Of #RahmEmanuel #chicago #oligarchy [] | May 22 17:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It's all about money -- not security -- even when it comes to #war #militarism and #imperialism [] | May 22 17:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Mission Accomplished? Could US- #Iran Conflict Tear #Iraq Apart Again? #military #oil #imperialism [] | May 22 17:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The man who gives Julian #assange , his citizen, to #trumpland (along with his belongings, which include legal documents, computers etc.) [] | May 22 17:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gafam as #military construct with #imperialism objectives, e.g. #surveillance back doors and worse [] | May 22 17:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): House Democrats Hold Historic Second Hearing on #MedicareforAll #nhs worked great until #tories sabotaged it with #privatisation [] | May 22 17:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The super-rich want "rent slaves"; the last thing they want is rental reprieves. They buy whole neighborhoods and suck the lives out of working people (who unlike the rich actually work, not collect interest). [] | May 22 17:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Striking #Ohio #Hospital Workers Remain United, Head to Bargaining Table tackling #inequality [] | May 22 17:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #inequality in #russia and how it pays to know #putin [] | May 22 17:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #china will reduce its use of #us tech and then spread its own (domestic/homegrown) stuff to other countries; how it that beneficial to #trumpland (it's not)? [] | May 22 17:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #dnc still all about #bribery (same as #gop for that matter); now watch how DNC sabotages #lizwarren and #sanders to 'erect' the #biden and lose again to #trump [] | May 22 17:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): An (Even More) #InconvenientTruth : Why #CarbonCredits For Forest #Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing [] | May 22 17:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Moral compass at schools broken, needs replacing. [] | May 22 17:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A US War on #Iran Would be Evil, Stupid, and Self-Damaging "The US government never forgave the Iranian people for overthrowing its puppet regime" [] | May 22 17:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Criminals protect other criminals. That's why criminals put criminals in positions of power. #mnuchin #trump [] | May 22 17:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Russia #police reportedly begin testing compact face recognition cameras @glynmoody [] | May 22 17:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Beto O'Rourke, a very rich person, is a rich people's candidates. They sponsor him. The same goes for #biden [] | May 22 17:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #police in #russia has quite the reputation for being gentlemen :-) [] | May 22 18:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: New Release: Tor Browser 8.5 [] | May 22 18:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New Release: #Tor Browser 8.5 #mozilla #firefox #freesw #anonymity [] | May 22 18:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Stable kernels 5.1.4, 5.0.18, 4.19.45, 4.14.121 , and 4.9.178 [] | May 22 18:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Stable kernels 5.1.4, 5.0.18, 4.19.45, 4.14.121 , and 4.9.178 #kernel #linux [] | May 22 18:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: openSUSE Community Releases Leap 15.1 Version [] | May 22 18:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #openSUSE Community Releases Leap 15.1 Version #suse #gnu #linux [] | May 22 18:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Open-spec Omega2 LTE SBC features Cat 4 and GNSS [] | May 22 18:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Open-spec #Omega2 LTE SBC features Cat 4 and GNSS #linux [] | May 22 18:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Bringing the Benefits of Linux Containers to Operational Technology [] | May 22 18:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bringing the Benefits of #Linux #Containers to Operational Technology [] | May 22 18:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: An Early Look At Some PHP 7.4 Performance Benchmarks [] | May 22 18:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): An Early Look At Some #PHP 7.4 Performance #Benchmarks #programming [] | May 22 18:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 22 18:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #androidQ #google [] | May 22 18:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: AMD Radeon VII Linux Performance vs. NVIDIA Gaming On Ubuntu For Q2'2019 [] | May 22 18:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AMD #Radeon VII Linux Performance vs. #NVIDIA #Gaming On #Ubuntu For Q2'2019 [] | May 22 18:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #OpenStack User Survey is now open #freesw [] | May 22 18:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Septor 2019.3 is out 2019/ #debian #gnu #linux -based OS from #serbia [] | May 22 18:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Contributors are Empowered When They Know the Process "As a university lecturer" who helps #fedora (i.e. IBM) [] | May 22 18:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Putting code on #github isn't giving it to the public but handing it over to #microsoft (with #censorship #surveillance lock-in etc.) and contributing to #fedora is giving labour to #ibm (which ruthlessly cuts its workforce) [] | May 22 18:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Amp Up Your Linux Music Library With DeaDBeeF [] | May 22 18:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Amp Up Your #Linux #Music Library With #DeaDBeeF [] | May 22 18:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Linux Foundation, #zemlinPAC , still makes it apparent that for keynote speeches you need to work for a large company that is also a sponsor. That's the PAC's business model. [] | May 22 18:37 | |
acer-box__ | The Linux Foundation, #zemlinPAC , still makes it apparent that for keynote speeches you need to work for a large company that is also a sponsor. That's the PAC's business model. | May 22 18:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Automotive Linux Summit and Open Source Summit Japan Keynote Speakers and Schedule Announced - The Linux Foundation | May 22 18:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Foundation - Techrights | May 22 18:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Habitual reminder that chief spokesperson of the Linux Foundation, #zemlinPAC , is the former spokesperson of James #clapper (best known for #perjury for which he wasn't help accountable) [] | May 22 18:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #RMS comes to #brno #CzechRepublic to speak about #gnu and #freesw [] | May 22 18:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #huawei 'ban' will be good for #linux more in and [] | May 22 18:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Guilty dogs [] | May 22 18:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Open" #surveillance it's "open", so it's cool. It's not free, in fact it takes away your basic freedoms. [] | May 22 19:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #intel chips still critically defective. Why can't a billionaire company not replace, at its own expense, its faulty products? #recallandreplace [] | May 22 19:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Say Goodbye to the Physical #Kilogram (and Perhaps much More) [] | May 22 19:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #RedHat Satellite 6.4.3 has been released corporate-controlled "open" source... [] | May 22 19:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kushal Das: Game of guessing colors using #CircuitPython #python #programming [] | May 22 19:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #japan #china #softbank #huawei [] | May 22 19:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Marvelous flowers #cat #photos [] | May 22 19:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I didn't have anything to write, so I just used my #surveillance device for status by association -Microsoft Swapnil [] | May 22 19:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Drill: New Desktop File Search Utility That Uses Clever Crawling Instead Of Indexing needs to #deletegithub [] | May 22 19:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Drill: New Desktop File Search Utility That Uses Clever Crawling Instead Of Indexing needs to #deletegithub [] | May 22 19:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Intel: unsafe with no speed. Much slower than we falsely advertise/marker. Also unsafe with any OS. We won't #recallandreplace because we built our business on #nsa complicity and serious crimes. We're above the #law [] | May 22 19:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Purism Todd Weaver: Avoiding #BigTech to Protect Your #Privacy @aral [] | May 22 19:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Dockly – Manage #Docker #Containers From Terminal Docker under new management is no longer trustworthy though [] | May 22 19:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Petter Reinholdtsen: #Nikita version 0.4 released - #freesoftware archive API server [] | May 22 19:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #KDSoap is a tool for creating client applications for web services without the need for any further component such as a dedicated web server." [] | May 22 19:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #redhat now has its own 'app stores' [] | May 22 19:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 22 19:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 22 19:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming: KubeCon, PHP, Python, GitLab, and Rust [] | May 22 19:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Programming: #KubeCon , #PHP , #Python , #GitLab , and #Rust [] | May 22 19:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: mark my words, dick pic avatars from switter no more!Screenshot from 2019-05-22 13-5… [] | May 22 19:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Red Hat, Fedora and SUSE/OpenStack [] | May 22 19:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #RedHat , #Fedora and #SUSE / #OpenStack [] | May 22 19:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maximilia oh, i'm sure somebody will find some ways to have fun with the filtering feature [] | May 22 19:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Register Now for the 2019 Introductory #Linux Clusters Institute Workshop [] | May 22 20:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This is the founder of #securityboulevard -- an anti FOSS site that syndicates #microsoft proxies like #blackduck (who attack the GPL) #idg bumped up this article TODAY [] | May 22 20:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Alan Shimel of #securityboulevard as covered in #techrights [] | May 22 20:05 | |
acer-box__ | Alan Shimel of #securityboulevard as covered in #techrights | May 22 20:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Even Some Microsoft Apologists Appalled by Microsoft’s Patent Attack on Android/Linux | Techrights | May 22 20:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Readers Respond to IDG’s Fauxpen Source Blog | Techrights | May 22 20:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IDG’s Fauxpen Source Blog Adds Microsoft People | Techrights | May 22 20:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Joke of the Day: “Open Source Developers Should Thank Apple” | Techrights | May 22 20:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kemonine yes it's in mainline now. [] | May 22 20:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Red Hat and the rise of RHEL [] | May 22 20:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #RedHat and the rise of #RHEL #gnu #linux #ibm [] | May 22 20:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: MRF is the original fediverse firewall. some projects have tried to imitate it, but i've never seen one successfully duplicate it yet. [] | May 22 20:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @feld that's not completely accurate. Apple includes T&Cs with their devices which try to present the situation as being one of a "perpetual lease" instead of "ownership" [] | May 22 20:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft #windows is architecturally toyish and fragile #security last: [] | May 22 20:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 22 20:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 22 20:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Security Leftovers [] | May 22 20:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security Leftovers [] | May 22 20:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @desvox a literal post about shitposting [] | May 22 20:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: and, yes, with the new MRF user filters, it is possible to create an instance where everyone is addressed as @aaaaaaaa [] | May 22 20:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Events: Automotive at LF, Linux Clusters Institute, Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC) [] | May 22 20:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Events: Automotive at LF, #Linux Clusters Institute, Linux Plumbers Conference ( #LPC ) [] | May 22 20:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Instagram run in #Ubuntu #Linux 11.04 (“Natty Narwhal”). Engineers found past variants of Ubuntu had a wide range of flighty solidifying scenes on EC2 under high traffic" [] | May 22 20:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AMD Begins Queueing Graphics Driver Changes For The #Linux 5.3 #Kernel [] | May 22 20:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @feld sure, but apple is not exactly forthcoming with the information required to safely modify or repair their devices. instead, you have to wait for a schematic to fall off the truck at foxconn in china. [] | May 22 20:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #redhat Hans de Goede: Better support for running games under #Wayland (with #GNOME3 / #mutter as compositor) [] | May 22 20:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wow. #icq is still around. Haven't used it in like 2 decades... [] | May 22 20:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #goldendawnald [] | May 22 20:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Fedora 30 Workstation review - Smarter, faster and buggier [] | May 22 20:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Fedora 30 Workstation review - Smarter, faster and buggier #redhat #gnu #linux [] | May 22 20:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos and programming [] | May 22 20:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos and #programming #gnu #linux #unix #howto [] | May 22 20:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Graphics: Red Hat's Wayland Agend and AMD Begins Queueing Graphics Driver Changes For The Linux 5.3 Kernel [] | May 22 20:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Graphics: Red Hat's #Wayland Agenda and AMD Begins Queueing #Graphics Driver Changes For The #Linux 5.3 Kernel [] | May 22 20:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Open Source Software is not just about viewing the source code, it also guarantees the right to use the software, and modify it for our own use." That's #freesw so help the #fsf not MSOSI? [] | May 22 20:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Software: ICQ, KDSoap, Nikita and Dockly [] | May 22 20:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Software: #ICQ , #KDSoap , #Nikita and #Dockly [] | May 22 20:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wolves [] | May 22 20:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Aboard or a board? [] | May 22 20:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): GOG are revamping GOG Galaxy, to help you manage multiple launchers and still no #Linux support [] | May 22 21:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #darpa (US Army basically) goes beyond #gafam and wants to read inside your head beyond what you type, where you eyes move, where you go... [] | May 22 21:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New: #PeppermintOS 10 overview | A lightning fast, lightweight Linux based OS. #gnu #linux [] | May 22 21:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Emblematic Group and #Mozilla Team Up to Showcase Next Generation of Storytelling on the Web [] | May 22 21:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @velartrill but can you huff it? [] | May 22 21:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @feld @barrettbreshears indeed, the IARC study was deemed to be flawed and could not be reproduced. eating pesticide laden food seems like a bad idea anyway. [] | May 22 23:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @thatbrickster no shit ? [] | May 22 23:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: oh my godTusky_1558566987408_Y7PGF20SEL.… [] | May 23 00:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BalooUriza big smoke gonna fuck poor CJ up :( [] | May 23 00:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: > tell recruiter that i'm having a good time raising goats (actually, this was true at the time)> future recruiter observes that i'm "looking to get out of tech and into livestock management" [] | May 23 00:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: you can't make this shit up [] | May 23 00:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @plausocks there's a level above SEW actually, but I forget what it is. [] | May 23 00:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @nawi the offers are honestly insulting too, it's always some lame sysadmin position verses something that is actually matching my skills [] | May 23 00:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @nawi like, facebook aside, i'm not relocating to a neoliberal hellscape to be an on-rotation sysadmin that will be overworked and underpaid [] | May 23 00:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kurisu @nawi hmm, Google hits me up from time to time with stuff that's real -- direct hire into management positions, etc. [] | May 23 00:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Rude @nawi yes, facebook's offers are indeed insulting to sysadmins. [] | May 23 00:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kurisu @nawi i have given their offers consideration in the past, actually. [] | May 23 00:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kurisu @nawi absolutely not, but the money is good. [] | May 23 00:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kurisu @nawi about $300k will do it [] | May 23 00:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kurisu @nawi replenish my savings [] | May 23 00:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @nawi @kurisu indeed [] | May 23 00:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kurisu @nawi i mean, overall, i'm not really interested anyway. but the offer of financial stability is nice. wish i would have invested heavily in bitcoin. [] | May 23 00:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Trysdyn 10% [] | May 23 00:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @grainloom lol i know, right? [] | May 23 01:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kaikatsu @gozer burger king is superior to mcdonalds in basically every way anyway [] | May 23 01:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: oh. great. we're in the evacuation zone. [] | May 23 01:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Frinkeldoodle well, it's a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. our house won't flood, but we will be cut off from everything due to the flooding. [] | May 23 01:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to install a toilet bowl in your living room #microsoft #linux [] | May 23 03:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kushal's Colourful #Adafruit Adventures #mu #python #games [] | May 23 03:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #FLOSSWeekly 531: #Bareos @webmink on the show. [] | May 23 03:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Election day today for the #eu Go voteThere's no 2-party trap [] | May 23 03:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #curl dev: "today on May 22nd of 2019 we also ship fixes to #security vulnerabilities that were reported within this bug bounty program." #hackerone [] | May 23 03:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #OSI finds income source that isn't #microsoft looking to buy influence/control inside OSI (controlling #OpenSource authorities using money earned by caging babies) [] | May 23 03:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Space Station welcomes free-flying, Ubuntu-powered autonomous robots [] | May 23 03:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Space Station welcomes free-flying, #Ubuntu -powered autonomous robots [] | May 23 03:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #OpenSUSE Adds Option To Installer For Toggling Performance-Hitting CPU Mitigations look what (primarily) #intel has done. It should #recallandreplace ALL chips. [] | May 23 03:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Elisa 0.4.0 Release [] | May 23 03:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Elisa 0.4.0 Release #kde #gnu #linux [] | May 23 03:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @schestowitz if they do it will destroy them though so they won't [] | May 23 03:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Going away greenly [] | May 23 03:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Louisiana Law Turning Pipeline Protests Into Felonies Violates Constitution, New Lawsuit Alleges anything for #oil companies... [] | May 23 03:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): German candidate reflects on standing for the #GreenParty in the #NorthWest #england Region [] | May 23 03:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): As #SanFrancisco Bans #FacialRecognition Tech By Local Cops, New York City's Legislators Stall On Transparency Reforms [] | May 23 03:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The @eff names aware after founder; things haven't been the same since he died. [] | May 23 03:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): DOJ Staffers Think #TMobile 's Merger Benefit Claims Are Nonsense #deregulation #gop #trump [] | May 23 03:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The @EFF Highlights Stories Of Bad Content Moderation With New #TOSsedOut Site not a 'Conservatives' thing [] | May 23 03:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Broadband Monopolies Are Acting Like Old Phone Monopolies. Good Thing Solutions to That Problem Already Exist [] | May 23 03:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ShivaAyyadurai lost his #SLAPP case. He is a #charlatan and a #fraud (and tried to silence me, too, using Trump-connected lawyers). Here is why he's lying: [] | May 23 03:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Can't wait for #algore to sue every site that claims he did not invent the #internet (joking aside, he never actually claimed that; it's a gross distortion of what he actually said) [] | May 23 03:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 18 Ways Julian #Assange Changed the World #corruption #warcrime #fogOfWar #wikileaks [] | May 23 03:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): WaPo Hypes ‘Space Capitalists’—One of Whom Owns the Paper #opendemocracy used to do the same for #soros (which is why I deleted it) [] | May 23 03:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #donthecon #trump #corruption #madoff #secrecy [] | May 23 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Anything for "shareholders' value": Blaming Dead Pilots Brought to You by #Boeing [] | May 23 03:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SheepDontEndorseWolves (except #sanders making a joke out of himself by endorsing the Rigga')#OcasioCortez Won't Be Endorsing Joe #Biden Any Time Soon [] | May 23 03:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Nuclear energy has #nuclear consequences. #chernobyl [] | May 23 03:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What If We Covered the #Climate Emergency Like We Did World War II? [] | May 23 03:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Corrupt #microsoft profits from this [] | May 23 03:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Four in 10 Americans Believe Socialism a 'Good Thing': Gallup works in part of #europe already [] | May 23 03:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Again, #microsoft profits from this. #lizwarren needs to call these criminals out. [] | May 23 03:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If you can bomb millions of people but refuse to even consider asylum applications of millions of people, then don't lecture the world on human rights and morality. [] | May 23 04:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): People who oppose #impeachment are at this stage #PartOfTheProblem #trump #corruption #goldendawnald [] | May 23 04:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Also #pelosi : #impeachment is wrong. [] | May 23 04:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): “We Don’t Want a Monarchy”: Rep. Al Green Says Democrats Have No Choice But to Impeach #Trump #impeachment [] | May 23 04:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #goldendawnald hierarchy: non-males, non-'Aryan', non-straight are almost like animals [] | May 23 04:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Don't Want #abortion rights the majority are also female, but it's #goldendawnald now [] | May 23 04:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Rebellion against the #orthodoxChurch in #russia and more important for public protests (which are rare or crushed immediately) #yek... [] | May 23 04:12 | |
acer-box__ | Rebellion against the #orthodoxChurch in #russia and more important for public protests (which are rare or crushed immediately) | May 23 04:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 23 04:12 | |
acer-box__ | #yekaterinburg | May 23 04:12 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): There's a war on #email Unless you use #gafam mail, i.e. the #nsa reads everything about you (PRISM) and corporations buy access to your messages, you're screwed [] | May 23 04:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): parallel @ Savannah: #GNUParallel 20190522 ('Akihito') released #gnu #freesw #programming #freedom [] | May 23 04:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #NVIDIA 418.52.07 #Linux Driver Wires In Two More Extensions #graphics [] | May 23 04:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #racism at school [] | May 23 04:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Stop using those stupid marketing buzzwords. It's not "cloud", it's server (or cluster of them). Also see "Step 1", they've said "Server". [] | May 23 04:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If we call servers "cloud" because we drew/plotted them like it in topological schematics, why don't we also call databases "containers" and networks "lines"? #marketing takeover of tech is designed to reduce thinking, bypass ethical considerations. [] | May 23 04:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Last month, we released #Kodi v18 for #OSMC devices. Since then, we've been working on a number of improvements and bug fixes to keep things running smoothly." #gnu #linux distro. [] | May 23 04:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #intel needs to #deletegithub As it stands at the moment, Intel reaffirm its stigma (a #microsoft shill) see [] | May 23 04:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #redhat recognises that #wayland is crap and people don't want to actually use it (there was probably never a >real< purpose for it, just like #systemd and other things that in practice don't accomplish their supposed goals) [] | May 23 04:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): LP starts (almost always) from the same false supposition: that #gnu #linux crap and #apple #microsoft etc. are awesome and should be copied. Look at #systemd bloat, now at 1.2 millions LOCs. How do you even properly debug such a monstrosity? [] | May 23 04:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #huawei should move to #jolla #sailfishOS #sailfish #linux [] | May 23 04:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Reigniting hopes of life outside Earth instead of fixing or preserving what we already have and evolved for [] | May 23 04:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Look ma! I put "cloud" in the headline. First sentence: "Next-gen technologies such as big data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI)..."#buzzwordssalad [] | May 23 04:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Huawei’s Android Alternative OS Is Ready To Rollout Later This Year "unknown whether the new OS would be a form of AOSP (Android Open Source Project)" [] | May 23 04:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Stanford and other students regarding the open hacker culture versus the world of commercial software. Some, like Richard Stallman, not changing their stance on this much since their student days at MIT." [] | May 23 04:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Mistaking #electron for "running on Linux" bloat and nonsense. Running old #malware for little >practical< value. [] | May 23 04:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The last version of Windows that I had was WIn98, which came on the laptop I bought (it has DSL on it now and I haven't powered it up for 7 years because I ruined its power socket). [] | May 23 04:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A US Foreign Policy in Three Simple Words: Do No Harm it was never like this. The country at war about 90% of the time of its existence. [] | May 23 04:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): In some areas #trumpland has become even more oppressive than #saudibarbaria [] | May 23 04:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #russia now uses a #china -like yardstick to censor #music based on perceived influence "on children" (OMG!!! Will anyone think of das kinder!!) [] | May 23 04:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Q: what is #brexit shambles?A: way to distract the masses from #uk #austerity or for #tories to deflect blame to #eu [] | May 23 04:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sexual predator lecturing us on consciousness [] | May 23 04:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Getting closer to #impeachment without the unnecessary #russophobia #donthecon #Goldendawnald #fraud [] | May 23 04:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Impeachment Will Succeed If It Demonstrates Very Publicly That #Trump Is a Tyrant Unfit for Office and #GOP Lawmakers (Along with #pelosi #biden and HRC) Are His Enablers [] | May 23 05:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It won't help that he publicly, on stage and in front of many cameras, invited #russia to engage in #cracking against his political rivals (proudly soliciting crime basically) [] | May 23 05:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "She now leads a project “The Regions,” which aims to increase RT’s influence among Russian viewers"#kremlin -funded state propaganda "wrapped up" as "the news" [] | May 23 05:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US Needs a Long-Term Care Program for Seniors "seniors are projected to outnumber children in the U.S. population." [] | May 23 05:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Gillibrand Introduces Sweeping Family Bill of Rights to Ease Financial Burdens and 'Level the Playing Field for Children' [] | May 23 05:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers [] | May 23 05:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming Leftovers [] | May 23 05:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 23 05:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 23 05:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The super-rich are committing #tax crimes and bribing politicians to then 'legalise' these crimes; no wonder the rich keep getting richer. It's all rigged. They set the rules, break any laws they don't like. [] | May 23 05:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The economic system has completely and totally collapsed. #tax crimes are OK if you're rich. Moreover, the legal/political system is all rogue. Crimes are OK if the criminals say so. [] | May 23 05:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #ACLU is Suing #Maricopa County Attorney #BillMontgomery to Release the Records He’s Hiding From #Arizona [] | May 23 05:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How the #OPCW Leak Makes #Trump a #WarCriminal the biggest criminals are now in charge. Anyone noticed? [] | May 23 05:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trump regime = gangster mafia, just like #putin in #russia She's lucky to not be dead (yet). [] | May 23 05:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The so-called #AmericanDream increasingly seems not much different from #CommunistChina i.e. few oligarchs are #LivingTheDream at the expense of slave-like workers. [] | May 23 05:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): They should have just arrested this criminal for his financial crimes why is so much time wasted talking to criminal-appointed c... [] | May 23 05:23 | |
acer-box__ | They should have just arrested this criminal for his financial crimes why is so much time wasted talking to criminal-appointed criminals? | May 23 05:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Watch: Congresswoman Pressley Presses Mnuchin to Explain Delay of Harriet Tubman's $20 Bill | May 23 05:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When people stop measuring quality, only a wealth in numbers (or revenue from the PR industries, i.e. those who pay for intentional spin) [] | May 23 05:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Government Is Expanding Its #SocialControlMedia #Surveillance Capabilities @glynmoody [] | May 23 05:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This should be a very BIG tax, applicable retroactively too (decades back). If that bankrupts them, so be it. Good riddance. [] | May 23 05:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #goldendawnladn mimicking Third Reich practices little by little [] | May 23 05:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #goldendawnald mimicking Third Reich practices little by little [] | May 23 05:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No word from #wikileaks in nearly 72 hours. No publications this year. The siege by the #ecuador and #trump regimes (same bed) seems to be working. Sadly. [] | May 23 05:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): World Intellectual Property Review reduced to supine losers repeating talking points from #euipo and #epo this week. The usual... [] | May 23 05:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ...paid-for 'studies' should not be a source of news because the payer pays for PR. Any journalists who participate in this are themselves just PR operatives. [] | May 23 05:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Andrea LeadsomBibi JohnsonTheresa MaybotThose aren't "best of Britain"Those are just the best #brexit brain virus can put forth... [] | May 23 06:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "This country is the “A” hole of “civilized” countries, we are RULED by WAR CRIMINALS & most ‘mericans either don’t know or just don’t care as long as their stupid cell phone works." [] | May 23 06:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Seems like European #patents granted today will have expired when the #epo is already bankrupt, based on an internal EPO report. I'm certain someone who reads this has access to this report; mind to leak it to #techrights please? [] | May 23 06:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Donald #trump is all strings, so who's pulling which? [] | May 23 06:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): After #DeSmog ’s Revelations, #Enbridge ’s #Weymouth #Gas Facility Air Permit in Jeopardy in some countries journalists get murdered for this [] | May 23 06:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: GOG, Zork and Epic Games [] | May 23 06:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Games: GOG, #Zork and #EpicGames #games #gnu #linux [] | May 23 06:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: OSI: Powering Potential and Open Source Hong Kong (OSHK) [] | May 23 06:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): OSI: #PoweringPotential and #OpenSource #HongKong ( #OSHK ) [] | May 23 06:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Tails 3.14 Is Out And What’s New Features [] | May 23 06:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.3.15, the latest stable release in the #MariaDB 10.3 series." [] | May 23 06:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Back doors on every NUC [] | May 23 06:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Some Difficulty That Are Often Experienced By New #Linux Users [] | May 23 07:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Some Difficulty That Are Often Experienced By New Linux Users [] | May 23 07:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ted Ts'o does not look too healthy. #torvalds lost much of his excess, I think. #programming leading to neglect? [] | May 23 07:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The future of #Docker #containers nice to see Sean Kerner @TechJournalist writing for #lwn now (they have independence and integrity) [] | May 23 07:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft bribed #pycon and and now it's stuffing/stacking #python panels to push #proprietarysoftware with back doors [] | May 23 07:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Jake Edge: "I would like to thank LWN's travel sponsor, the Linux Foundation, for travel assistance to Cleveland for PyCon."Not good for #lwn to depend on #zemlinPAC money in #microsoft -bought event [] | May 23 07:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 23 07:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 23 07:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Kernel: Wayland, NVIDIA and Linux Development (LWN) [] | May 23 07:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kernel: #Wayland , #NVIDIA and #Linux Development (LWN) #kernel [] | May 23 07:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): End of May now let's end #brexit too... [] | May 23 07:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Second British PM to be utterly destroyed by #brexit [] | May 23 07:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When #corbyn quit pretending about #brexit (after snap election in 2017) #labour too was destroyed by Brexit. Election Day will be their next 'bloodbath'. #EuropeanElection2019 [] | May 23 07:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Because of #brexit many in the #uk will vote this Election Day and make their stance known. #EuropeanElection2019 [] | May 23 07:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sounds like the "royal" family and #westiminster (or in the US the secret agencies and #imperialism that's serving few billionaires) [] | May 23 07:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): You need to restore @ffii in general. It's so quiet that one wonder if it still exists at all. [] | May 23 07:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo #bribery for scholars. #battistelli is back at the EPO and so are his antics. see [] | May 23 08:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What #epo means by "AI" is algorithms and "image recognition" is basically mathematics. #swpats are not legal in Europe see also [] | May 23 08:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jalcine do not know if want [] | May 23 08:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo granting illegal #swpats if you ride hype waves like "Blockchain" see [] | May 23 08:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Will #epo and #euipo merge? The staff and the #corruption are already more or less the same: [] | May 23 08:08 | |
acer-box__ | If you are voting today, #eu Election Day, consider voting for the planet (xenophobia distracts from that, as it's related to corporate greed) and against #corruption | May 23 08:11 |
acer-box__ | The big, mainstream parties are often complicit, part of the problem, hence corporations back them. #EuropeanElection2019 | May 23 08:11 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If you are voting today, #eu Election Day, consider voting for the planet (xenophobia distracts from that, as it's related to corporate greed) and against #corruption The big, mainstream parties are often complicit, part of the problem, hence corporations ... [] | May 23 08:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jalcine @hj there's certainly some advantages, like QML becoming an alternative to fucking electron web apps [] | May 23 08:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No tweets from #Wikileaks in 72 hours (until this). Many people's lives, from #Chagos included, depend on the likes of Wikileaks bringing out facts. No Wikileaks publications so far this year :-( [] | May 23 12:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wikileaks' account has at least not been locked/suspended by Twitter again (like it did just before last Xmas). It tweeted 15 minutes ago. [] | May 23 12:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When you expose crimes so those whose crimes you exposed then accused >YOU<, the exposer, of a crime and enforce laws based on fabricated/unproven allegations #assange #wikileaks [] | May 23 12:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Britain’s #MediaFreedom is Smokescreen to Hide the Persecution of #Journalists Who Expose #WarCrimes Amal Clooney [] | May 23 12:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Today I voted for the planet and for the #eu What you vote for? There's still time to make a difference. Election Day here in the #uk #EuropeanElection2019 #brexit #stopbrexit [] | May 23 12:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): They not only 'stole' his legal strategy but can also tamper with documents to frame people. ANYONE! #ecuador regime is no friend under @lenin #assange #wikileaks [] | May 23 12:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Now #ecuador "amigo" @lenin can plant some shit like child porn on the laptop/s of #assange and ship it to #trumpland for smears (see #vault7 alleged WBer) [] | May 23 12:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Moreno is a traitor who should be impeached. #ecuador #wikileaks #assange [] | May 23 12:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #wikileaks Editor: " #ecuador is run by criminals and liars"2 points: 1) they passed undercover footage of him for blackmail from Spain. 2) they can tamper with facts/data to frame him, cause EU/Iceland authorities to extradite him. [] | May 23 12:53 | |
acer-box__ | ss | May 23 12:53 |
acer-box__ | #wikileaks Editor: " #ecuador is run by criminals and liars" | May 23 12:53 |
acer-box__ | 2 points: 1) they passed undercover footage of him for blackmail from Spain. 2) they can tamper with facts/data to frame him, cause EU/Iceland authorities to extradite him. | May 23 12:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DefendAssange: Observers report that Ecuador's "puppet show" at the embassy began under the cover of darkness after most of the ca… | May 23 12:53 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DefendAssange: Observers report that Ecuador's "puppet show" at the embassy began under the cover of darkness after most of the ca… | May 23 12:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): He was always nice to me and very polite. [] | May 23 12:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Google and #Binomial Partner to Open Source Basis Universal Texture Codec [] | May 23 13:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #uber "knocking the bottom out of the taxi market also in Mexicox, as if Mexicant taxias are not already underpaid." [] | May 23 13:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "um, beer (low %) and pork *are* the traditional daily diet"-iophk #sweden [] | May 23 13:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Static mirror of the #techrights site might soon be available for download. [] | May 23 13:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Remember that no matter how many flaws #eu has, local/national governments typically have those very same flaws. Let's work to fix these.#europeanelections #EUelections2019 #fbpe#brexit [] | May 23 13:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): At the bottom of the ballot here there's a "Tommy Robinson". Maybe next time they'll add "Elton John", "Mickey Mouse" and "Eric Blair". [] | May 23 13:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The latest Steam Client Beta fixes Rumble support on #Linux with Steam Input [] | May 23 13:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "game that's all about blowing each other up is coming to #Linux "soon" and we have keys for those willing to provide the developer with feedback." [] | May 23 13:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): An Australian worker won a landmark #privacy case against his employer after he was fired for refusing to use a #fingerprint scanner [] | May 23 13:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #TotalWar #THREEKINGDOMS is out and it comes with same-day #Linux support [] | May 23 13:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): “Digital strip-searches”: #police increasingly downloading everything from smartphones – including from crime victims [] | May 23 13:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "... #Facebook Live will be temporarily barred from using the service, with the possibility of a 30-day ban on a first offense. Previously, it did not typically bar users until they had broken these rules multiple times." ttps:// [] | May 23 13:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "... #Facebook Live will be temporarily barred from using the service, with the possibility of a 30-day ban on a first offense. Previously, it did not typically bar users until they had broken these rules multiple times." [] | May 23 13:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Public announcement: evidence of war crimes, #police brutaility etc. will be deleted by the state via #facebook Thanks for your obedience,Mark "dumb fucks" (you) #zuckerberg [] | May 23 13:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hire competent geeks. Feeling stingy? Don't worry, you'll pay for it. #equifax folks didn't patch for 3 MONTHS!! I patch several times per week at work (for clients). [] | May 23 13:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Oddly enough any time I vote the ballot/card says I don't need to bring it. But I do bring it and then they ask for it, insisting I don't even need to bring my ID (they don't even check). As long as my name is on their list. How can they know it's really m... [] | May 23 14:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #YouOnlyHadOneJob [] | May 23 14:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #cat [] | May 23 14:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to install #Waterfox Browser on #Ubuntu 18.04 #gnu #linux #www [] | May 23 14:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Mozilla Localization (L10N): L10n report: May edition [] | May 23 14:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Judge finds #Qualcomm violated anti-trust law; company to appeal very good they lost. [] | May 23 14:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KaliLinux 2019.2 released with updated kernel and Kali Linux #NetHunter more: [] | May 23 14:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Huawei Linux Laptop Driver Improvements On The Way [] | May 23 14:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Huawei #Linux Laptop Driver Improvements On The Way #china #gnu [] | May 23 14:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 23 14:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 23 14:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "I am delighted to share with folks the results of a project I have been helping out on for the last few months: implementation of #BigInt in Firefox, which is finally shipping in #Firefox 68 (beta)." [] | May 23 14:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Changing #rainfall poses dilemma on #dams "becoming ever more unpredictable." [] | May 23 14:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "All this time #Corbyn has been told he should be making #Labour a remain party, but polls suggest there was a massive leave vote waiting for a party to appeal to its wants." [] | May 23 14:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #assaneg friend and former #uk diplomat: Vote #SNP Today – #Chagos Just One Example of the Need to Dismantle the Imperial Entity [] | May 23 14:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #assange friend and former #uk diplomat: Vote #SNP Today – #Chagos Just One Example of the Need to Dismantle the Imperial Entity [] | May 23 14:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The persecution of #ChelseaManning, much like the case of Julian #Assange , is demonstrative of this. It is a crusade against truth tellers that has been applauded from both sides of the American establishment" [] | May 23 14:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ralph #Nader :What and Who Gave Us #Trump ? "Then came George W. Bush – selected by the Electoral College and a Republican Supreme Court." [] | May 23 14:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #intuit #turbotax is a major, major #scam that's also preying on people who fight the empire's #wars (sometimes to death, fighting for the likes of the rich scammers at Intuit) [] | May 23 14:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The “Forever Wars” Enshrined... "Clinton’s disparaging reference to The Donald’s supporters as so many “deplorables.”" [] | May 23 14:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Challenging Orthodoxies: #Alabama ’s Anti- #Abortion #Law [] | May 23 14:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A False Answer, a Big Political Connection and $260 Million in #TaxBreaks these aren't "breaks" but crimes legalised by #bribery (more crimes) [] | May 23 14:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "I am highly skeptical of the attempts of various political organizations to either communalize or demonize the notion of “Kashmiriyat” to serve their vested interests." #kashmit #pakistan #india [] | May 23 14:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DeniedMyVote #EuropeanElection2019 #StopBrexit [] | May 23 14:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #carson continues to screw the very same inclusive programmes that enabled him to escape #poverty and rise to prominence as enabler of inherently and institutionally racist #goldendawnald [] | May 23 14:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The most significant gathering of concerned scholars was undoubtedly the ‘Exit NATO!’ conference in Florence, Italy, which culminated in the Florence Declaration calling for an end to NATO." [] | May 23 14:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #debt #debtslaves #debtslavery #education #handcuff [] | May 23 14:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why does #redhat help #microsoft devour blogs with its #github #surveillance and lock-in machine? #deletegithub [] | May 23 14:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "As per their records, it was downloaded close to a million times (931,439 unique downloads)." #gnu #linux distro which ends now. [] | May 23 15:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linux Foundation Statement on #Huawei Entity List Ruling [] | May 23 15:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The @LinuxFoundation Statement on #Huawei Entity List Ruling #zemlinpac is political. Its Comms Chief is former Spokesperson of liar #clapper [] | May 23 15:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): First #oyster and now this. #london #england is banning #anonymous commuting. #surveullance city now. I hope our city isn't next (can still travel with cash). @glynmoody [] | May 23 15:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Last time we were in #london we could not use the Tube with cash. Must pay using a card, i.e. giving one's real ID, even for a simple short ride from A to B (not return but single). #uk #england #surveillance [] | May 23 15:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: Steam Client for Linux, Tank Maniacs, Gladiabots, Total War: THREE KINGDOMS [] | May 23 15:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Games : #Steam Client for #Linux , #TankManiacs , #Gladiabots , Total War: THREE KINGDOMS [] | May 23 15:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Tor Browser 8.5 Release With Important #Security Updates original: [] | May 23 15:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): You know that only brainless people buy and use those things. The #listeningdevices vendors already expect certain type of "use cases". #pentagon adds this (GAFAM/PRISM) to the "dirt list". [] | May 23 15:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Mozilla: BigInt, WebRender, Mozilla Localization, Firefox 67 Release and More [] | May 23 15:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Mozilla: #BigInt , #WebRender , #Mozilla Localization, #Firefox 67 Release and More [] | May 23 15:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The new #amarok plus the remote #surveillance (which is what "cloud" means.. or streaming in general) [] | May 23 15:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Crazy Compiler Optimizations [] | May 23 15:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Crazy #Compiler Optimizations sad to see #linuxjournal putting #google spyware in all these pages and ads for #microsoft and VMware (GPL violators) in the sidebar [] | May 23 15:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #DocumentFoundation welcomes #Adfinis #SyGroup to the project’s Advisory Board [] | May 23 15:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "two major releases of #LibreOffice in 2018: 6.0 on January 31, and version 6.1 on August 8." Hopefully #microsoft won't attempt to bribe #documentfoundation to subvert it from the inside. [] | May 23 15:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In this interview, we’ll meet Shaily Sangwan and Zubin Choudhary, who are both working on projects to improve quality assurance processes in the #Fedora community"Low-paid #ibm interns [] | May 23 15:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #apple admitting it intentionally screwed with products of clients, remotely, without even telling them. Because Apple is too arrogant and malicious. [] | May 23 15:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #wolves [] | May 23 15:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #obstruction and #destruction #goldendawnald ruins this world, blames women and minorities (and here in #brexit Britain we blame #eu rather than austerity and tax crimes) [] | May 23 15:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ksa is #daesh with a state, not only judging by the way it treats women but also believers (not Wahhabi 'enough'), let alone atheists (whom the state equates with terrorism... same for protesters) [] | May 23 15:59 | |
acer-box__ | " #Microsoft President Brad Smith would make a good candidate to replace Zuckerberg, #Stamos said." | May 23 16:02 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Microsoft President Brad Smith would make a good candidate to replace Zuckerberg, #Stamos said.""that now removes all doubt about stamos; loo... [] | May 23 16:02 | |
acer-box__ | | May 23 16:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alex Stamos says Mark Zuckerberg should hire a new CEO for Facebook - Business Insider | May 23 16:02 | |
acer-box__ | "that now removes all doubt about stamos; look for him to official enter politics by 2024, if the US is still around"-iophk | May 23 16:02 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #stamos made a fortune abusing all of us for #facebook and he should be shunned forever from the world' #security circles, not treated as a celeb-luminary. People like him as conspirators of those who break the #law (misusing skills for quick cash). [] | May 23 16:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Don't ever forget that #microsoft wanted to buy #facebook and #zuckerberg said he had almost worked for Microsoft. His best friends are from Microsoft and Microsoft gets direct access to all the data: [] | May 23 16:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #huawei still advertising in British newspapers today. Glossy one-pager even. I assume that no mobile phones are secure, but this one would be a little harder to crack. They advertise it. [] | May 23 16:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security: Curl, OpenSUSE, Equifax and Kubernetes [] | May 23 16:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security : #Curl , #OpenSUSE , #Equifax and #Kubernetes [] | May 23 16:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AnitaHill On 2020 Election: We Don't Need 'To Take The Lesser Of Two Evils' the super-rich want #biden vs #trump as they'd win either way [] | May 23 16:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): what is new for #perl v5.30.0 #programming [] | May 23 16:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I found myself in a similar position. To appeal to the super-rich you must love "good" wars and consider taxes "bad" (if they're applied to so-called 'job creators' and fake 'philanthropists'). [] | May 23 16:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming: Kyma, Microsoft Entryism, Python, Go, and Fedora Summer Coding interns [] | May 23 16:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Programming: #Kyma , #Microsoft #Entryism , #Python , #GoLang , and #Fedora Summer Coding interns [] | May 23 16:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 23 16:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 23 16:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Just what #obama did And had the so-called 'democrats' not been funded to arm these terrorists, they might actually have a leg to stand on (morality) [] | May 23 16:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #g2k19 hackathon report from Claudio Jeker;sid=20190522174704 #unix #bsd [] | May 23 16:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Software: Olivia, MariaDB, LibreOffice/Document Foundation, GNU Parallel [] | May 23 16:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Software: Olivia, #MariaDB , #LibreOffice / #DocumentFoundation , #GNUParallel #freesw [] | May 23 16:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Server: RHEL 8, Docker, Containers and “Natty Narwhal” Still Alive [] | May 23 16:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Server: #RHEL 8, #Docker , #Containers and “Natty Narwhal” Still Alive #gnu #linux [] | May 23 16:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Audio/Video: TLLTS, BSD Now, FLOSS Weekly and Peppermint OS 10 Overview [] | May 23 16:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Audio/Video: #TLLTS , #BSDNow , #FLOSSWeekly and #PeppermintOS 10 Overview [] | May 23 16:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's leftovers [] | May 23 16:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's #tuxmachines leftovers [] | May 23 16:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Links 23/5/2019: #Elisa 0.4.0, #OpenSUSE Leap 15.1 Released #techrights #gnu #linux [] | May 23 16:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #EuropeanElection2019#DeniedMyVote [] | May 23 17:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Silencing 3 million #uk residents again? Just like when #brexit referendum took place 3 years ago? [] | May 23 17:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #EuropeanElection2019#DeniedMyVote [] | May 23 17:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft has more important things to be shamed of, such as its endless crimes and more recently #crimesagainsthumanity #deletegithub [] | May 23 17:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #greenparty #uk can help #stopbrexit [] | May 23 17:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Links 23/5/2019: Elisa 0.4.0, OpenSUSE Leap 15.1 Released [] | May 23 17:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Nazi Germany did that too. next up: [] | May 23 17:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New Proposal Would Let Companies Further Screw You Over With Terms of Service while governments force us online [] | May 23 17:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #facebook "social" seems to culminate in violence more often than in friendships [] | May 23 17:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Less than two months ago, #OpenMedia started a petition calling on the federal government to put in place "right to repair" legislation. It's garnered more than 11,000 signatures and raised thousands of dollars." #microsoft opposes. [] | May 23 17:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Lack of Secure Coding Called a National #Security Threat by the same people who MANDATE back door?! Or rather than same governments? [] | May 23 17:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #huawei is big enough (and enjoys #china regime's backing and funding) to fork #aosp or adopt some existing fork of it. Then, it can compete with #android itself in the long run. A daunting vision for #google no doubt.... [] | May 23 17:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Take a look at for alternatives and stopgaps to surveillance capitalists" #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #mastodon #pleroma #privacy [] | May 23 17:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Republican Senator Says #Facebook and #Instagram Need to ‘Disappear’ #fb #zuckerberg #surveillancecapitalism [] | May 23 17:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Facebook , #Instagram and #Twitter are parasites. Maybe they should disappear: Senator yes, then people might be forced to make the right ... [] | May 23 17:24 | |
acer-box__ | #Facebook , #Instagram and #Twitter are parasites. Maybe they should disappear: Senator yes, then people might be forced to make the right move | May 23 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facebook, Instagram and Twitter innovations may do more harm than good | May 23 17:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Austria’s Strache Scandal Shows Why Media Freedom Matters #assange arrested for showing crimes in #wikileaks publications [] | May 23 17:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft #windows #tco Crackers likely overseas. They should arrest the people responsible for putting Windows in there... [] | May 23 17:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If people install/set up back doors inside a company, they will get arrested. Why is #microsoft any different? Why a different treatment? It's well known and established that all things Microsoft, #windows included, have back doors. [] | May 23 17:28 | |
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 23 17:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @sergiotarxz that they want sanctions? Use another chip, China has its own, too. [] | May 23 17:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @marathon where's that? [] | May 23 17:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @sergiotarxz that's not what did this to him [] | May 23 17:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @sergiotarxz he was afk when they abducted him at the lobby [] | May 23 17:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @sergiotarxz if it was still powered on, then they could do all sorts of things [] | May 23 17:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @cedro There were always caveats [] | May 23 17:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @xinomilo good point [] | May 23 17:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @XuZiShun yes, I know, wife is from there [] | May 23 17:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @meneer I was thinking of their laptops as well [] | May 23 17:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @gimmickhacker But they hardly spread Windows [] | May 23 17:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @Drezil I understand [] | May 23 17:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @Drezil I scraped the summary [] | May 23 17:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @a7 Fracking is mostly bad because of the extraction process the way I see it [] | May 23 17:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @a7 At an early stage it's not much of a baby; where does it stop? Egg? Sperm? [] | May 23 18:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @jeffcliff simplest thing is landline [] | May 23 18:02 | |
acer-box__ | | May 23 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Egide: "Distributions Linux qui fonctionnent sans system…" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media Fédéré | May 23 18:24 | |
acer-box__ | " | May 23 18:24 |
acer-box__ | Distributions Linux qui fonctionnent sans systemd | May 23 18:24 |
acer-box__ | via @tuxmachines | May 23 18:24 |
acer-box__ | | May 23 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines: "Linux distros without systemd http://www.tuxmach…" - Mastodon for Tech Folks | May 23 18:24 | |
acer-box__ |  | May 23 18:24 |
acer-box__ | " | May 23 18:24 |
acer-box__ | | May 23 18:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 100% green energy-provided tracking ads: " oh shit it's a good thi…" - Initialized Tech | May 23 18:25 | |
acer-box__ | " | May 23 18:25 |
acer-box__ | oh shit it's a good thing it's only used to start other programs at boo- | May 23 18:25 |
acer-box__ | wait | May 23 18:25 |
acer-box__ | '" | May 23 18:25 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @riking not yet [] | May 23 20:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: the real question is what kinda furry is @one [] | May 23 20:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lime @gozer @kaikatsu BK Russia sounds turbo fucked imo [] | May 23 20:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lain @hirnbrot @espectalll they aren't breathable enough. heat stroke doesn't sound fun. kigurumis on the other hand, I could get behind that. [] | May 23 20:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @one @succfemboi tbh the CEO of bad dragon literally does fuck dogs and it's a bad look [] | May 23 20:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @one @succfemboi I remember him having diddled a kid too but I forget the details [] | May 23 20:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: so nobody knows if the bafang m620 is a good option for an e-bike conversion? [] | May 23 20:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hirnbrot @espectalll @lain kigurumis are animal-themed pajamas [] | May 23 20:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @one yes [] | May 23 21:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: evacuation siren going offTusky_1558641726156_E158RB7XGX.… [] | May 23 21:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #kgb and #fbi [] | May 24 01:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): RIP #tories [] | May 24 01:10 | |
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 24 01:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US: if you expose our war crimes and corruption we will execute you no matter where you are and where you're from #assange #wikileaks [] | May 24 01:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US will plunge for press freedom [] | May 24 01:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #FirstAmendment dead [] | May 24 01:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): From the people who defunded and abandoned #assange and #wikileaks when they needed defense the most [] | May 24 01:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I have some big news about #epo on the way. Stay tuned... [] | May 24 01:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #russia exports [] | May 24 01:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ownership is not love [] | May 24 01:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Peppermint 10 Operating System Officially Released, Based on #Ubuntu 18.04 LTS more: [] | May 24 01:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Compact, Linux-driven edge server supports Nvidia T4 GPUs [] | May 24 01:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Compact, Linux-driven edge server supports #Nvidia T4 GPUs #linux [] | May 24 01:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Firefox 68 Performance Is Looking Good With WebRender On Linux [] | May 24 01:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Firefox 68 Performance Is Looking Good With #WebRender On Linux #mozilla #freesw #www [] | May 24 01:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ubuntu's #MDS Mitigations Now Available for Intel Cherry Trail and Bay Trail CPUs #ubuntu #linux #security [] | May 24 01:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Ubuntu's MDS Mitigations Now Available for Intel Cherry Trail and Bay Trail CPUs [] | May 24 01:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 24 01:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 24 01:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Put it in a blog somewhere, #socialcontrolmedia is censored media #wikileaks #assange #espionage [] | May 24 01:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The ironic thing is, #wikileaks unveiled worldwide, large-scale espionage by the US, yet here is the Empire itself accusing a mere person, a publisher, of #espionage [] | May 24 01:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Tails 3.14 Anonymous Linux OS Adds Mitigations for the Intel MDS Vulnerabilities [] | May 24 01:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Tails 3.14 Anonymous #Linux OS Adds Mitigations for the Intel MDS Vulnerabilities #debian #tor #anonymity [] | May 24 01:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 24 01:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 24 01:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): [Windows] Ransomware Cyberattacks Knock Baltimore's City Services Offline"this problem cannot be solved by reinstalling more #microsoft garbage"-iophk [] | May 24 02:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #nsa #microsoft #collusion continues to cost everyone around the world billions in damages [] | May 24 02:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Twitter co-founder Ev Williams says #FoxNoise is "much, much more powerful and much more destructive than Twitter" a big claim but still probably correct [] | May 24 02:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #twitter an embodiment of #goldendawnald [] | May 24 02:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why #YouTube Is Changing the Way It Reports Subscriber Counts #google numbers have always been misleading; real customers are advertisers, so... [] | May 24 02:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Americans believe that they should own the mountains of data produced by their cars, but they don't cars became #surveillance machines [] | May 24 02:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "But who owns and, ultimately, controls that data? And what are carmakers doing with it?" [] | May 24 02:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #privacy on so-called 'phones': In less than one second, a malicious web-page can uniquely fingerprint an Iphone, Pixel 2 or Pixel 3 without any explicit user interaction [] | May 24 02:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Many online security services already use a system called device fingerprinting. This employs software to note things like the model type of a gadget employed by a particular user" [] | May 24 02:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Chip designer ARM says it has to suspend business with Chinese telecommunications equipment vendor Huawei Technologies, a report claims." #japan #china #jp ... [] | May 24 02:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The case against #Huawei , explained it's about back doors, sanctions, #imperialism [] | May 24 02:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security: National Security Threat, Windows Back Doors and Huawei Technologies [] | May 24 02:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security : National Security Threat, #Windows Back Doors and #Huawei Technologies [] | May 24 02:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Social Issues Raised by #Amazon Investors Aren't Going Away [] | May 24 02:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @dielan @Botbot @karolat thanks for the heads up [] | May 24 02:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AntónioCampinos Has Run Out of Time and #EPO Staff is Going on Strike (Skipping Mere Protests) #europe #euipo #swpats [] | May 24 02:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #oracle #proprietarysoftware has exploits in the wild again [] | May 24 02:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New #tplink exploits as well. Sometimes you wonder how many of these may be deliberate holes, seeing how US treats #huawei (I presume it's a dispute over back doors) [] | May 24 02:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to Install #Kodi on #Linux #freesw [] | May 24 03:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Making #linux implement the same malicious 'features' pushed by #proprietarysoftware vendors [] | May 24 03:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to install #PeppermintOS 10 #gnu #linux [] | May 24 03:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): In the mid 1930s #hitler shut down publications that had exposed the dangerous sides of his agenda. Staff executed. Now the US does the same, merely >starting< with #wikileaks and #assange (espionage has death penalty). [] | May 24 03:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ...for those who believe #assange is "right wing" or "republican" or "conservative" or "fascist" or "for Trump" look at his actual stance on a variety of issues like #climatechange When I arrested he shouted "resist Trump" [] | May 24 03:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sometimes I think that the mistreatment of #chelseamanning is intended, in part or as a "side perk", to cause her to reattempt suicide. The daily fines now added (paying for one's own >illegal< and unconstitutional imprisonment) has shades of Aaron Swartz ... [] | May 24 03:24 | |
acer-box__ | Sometimes I think that the mistreatment of #chelseamanning is intended, in part or as a "side perk", to cause her to reattempt suicide. The daily fines now added (paying for one's own >illegal< and unconstitutional imprisonment) has shades of Aaron Swartz all over it. Collective. | May 24 03:25 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 24 03:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 24 03:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GitHub "Sponsors" = another step in #microsoft trying to own, control, censor and steer/steal all of the world's public/private code. #antitrust regulators too bribed and manipulated to prevent this. #deletegithub [] | May 24 03:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "You just need to be a #GitHub user in order sponsor someone." Like #facebook demanding an account to merely view something. #microsoft walled gardens and lockin (anti-GPL, pro-Azure/MSVS). Expect more of it. [] | May 24 03:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trumpland has just given trigger for #china to abandon all US tech and make its own, I presume helped by #freesw including #linux Can't see how that's any good for #gafam #oligopoly [] | May 24 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Firefox brings you smooth video playback with the world’s fastest #AV1 decoder [] | May 24 03:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: GParted 1.0 Release Approaching For Linux Partition Editor - Live 1.0 Beta Released [] | May 24 03:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GParted 1.0 Release Approaching For Linux Partition Editor - Live 1.0 Beta Released #gnome #gnu #linux #gtk [] | May 24 03:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: GNU Guile 2.9.2 (beta) released [] | May 24 03:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GNU #Guile 2.9.2 (beta) released #freesw #programming [] | May 24 03:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Many #fedora downtimes recently. Every week, sometimes several times per week. #redhat #ibm [] | May 24 03:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "There is a new desktop available for Sparkers: Draco" #gnu #linux #draco #sparkylinux [] | May 24 04:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Has someone explored making links automatically redirect to #InternetArchive when they're not available (without JS and without having to edit old pages)? This is manually inserted. [] | May 24 04:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Rebranding and reframing #surveillance [] | May 24 04:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #intel tries to sell its #gnu #linux distro using chip defects it's responsible for. Gross. [] | May 24 04:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Catalin George Festil keeps promoting the Microsoftisation of #python Truly badNow: "You need a GitHub Pro, your personal account" [] | May 24 04:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #python event that #microsoft bought to push #azure to developers. #pycon is corrupted; avoid it. [] | May 24 04:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Many examples like this one lately; Catalin George Festila pushing #microsoft #windows lockin into #python (code in Python that would only work with Microsoft blobs, which you must license/rent with the #nsa back doors) [] | May 24 04:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #freesw and #programming the free way under attack by #microsoft (which also bribes people in positions that would otherwise call out these attacks). Has it not bribed #eclipse Fdn. yet? [] | May 24 04:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Media took note of #eclipse chief calling out #microsoft plot, inc. #deletegithub and #openwashing of MSVS, #proprietarysoftwareSee [] | May 24 04:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A decade ago: Mike Milinkovich wants to see peers leaving #Eclipse and the fracturing of this community is a subject Boycott Novell covered and warned about before [] | May 24 04:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft did try to take control of #eclipse [] | May 24 04:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #fedora cannot be taken seriously if this #surveillance project of #redhat is hosted by #github (with #nsa PRISM). New release yesterday: #deletegithub [] | May 24 04:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Swapnil's site doing ads/puff pieces for #proprietarysoftware again :-( [] | May 24 04:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Arronax – Graphical Tool to Create Desktop Launcher in #Ubuntu #gnu #linux [] | May 24 04:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Still seeing some new #opensuse coverage today #suse #gnu #linux #tumbleweed [] | May 24 04:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #marketing of #proprietarysoftware disguised as "news" or "survey" (the #blackduck way) [] | May 24 04:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #docker increasingly looks like #proprietarysoftware that's designed to also help #microsoft #windowsAbandon Docker. New CEO comes from #nsa firm. [] | May 24 04:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #php is, as usual, a sordid mess without backward compatibility [] | May 24 04:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Announcing Rust 1.35.0 [] | May 24 04:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Announcing #Rust 1.35.0 a #mozilla project that must #deletegithub (excuses have run out) and abandon #proprietarysoftware for comms to be still taken seriously. People complain. [] | May 24 04:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New #Ubuntu Podcast: S12E07 – R-Type "Alan Pope, Mark Johnson and Martin Wimpress are connected and speaking to your brain." [] | May 24 04:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): On "women in FOSS" and #Wikipedia [] | May 24 04:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): European #Patent Office strikes are to resume; as #SUEPO recently put it, people have come to accept that #EPO leadership has not really changed #europe #swpats [] | May 24 04:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Swapnil's site copied the #suse site and edited a little (I have compared the texts). WTF? PR as "news"? [] | May 24 04:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): We need more #journalismNot 'economic' "writing" careerists who are editing press releases for partners and clients I'm losing hope for the Net... [] | May 24 04:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This thing called #linuxacademy is actually #gafam academy. It's mostly teaching people how to #outsource companies' data and operations to #pentagon partners including #microsoft [] | May 24 04:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): App, op, cloud and smart. The intentional dumbing down of people and technology to encourage and supplant #surveillancecapitalism [] | May 24 04:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why precompiled headers do (not) improve C++ compile times #cpp #programming #kde [] | May 24 04:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Here's #redhat pushing the "HEY HI!!" nonsense this week. Red Hat pushes lots of other buzzwords nowadays; it's even pushing #microsoft #proprietarysoftware and #surveillance unfortunately. [] | May 24 04:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): They need to just #deletegithub [] | May 24 04:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Wine and #mingw -w64 cooperation [] | May 24 05:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #IRKALLA , an incredibly stylish looking pixel-art tactical-action platformer is coming to #Linux [] | May 24 05:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #canonical has abandoned #freesw and makes #ubuntu more or less another #windows [] | May 24 05:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: Wine, IRKALLA, Vambrace: Cold Soul, ZED, and art of rally [] | May 24 05:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Open Source" but corporation-owned and led (the one with a massive #nsa and DoD contract) [] | May 24 05:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #mozilla in 2019: we have a new release!! Go right now to #microsoft and download the binaries from #github Also Mozilla in 2019: get involved! Give us code. Install #proprietarysoftware #slack to participate! [] | May 24 05:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Ubuntu Leftovers: Blobs, Snapcraft and Arronax [] | May 24 05:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Ubuntu Leftovers: Blobs, #Snapcraft and #Arronax #gnu #linux [] | May 24 05:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: ZFS On Linux 0.8 Released With Native Encryption, TRIM, Device Removal [] | May 24 05:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ZFS On Linux 0.8 Released With Native Encryption, TRIM, Device Removal the software whose licence was designed >specifically< to screw #linux (by the person who then went to work for Bill Gates) [] | May 24 05:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #intel must #recallandreplace ALL the chips. They are all seriously defective and it harms people who bought these based on #falsemarketing or channel collusion (there are #bribery crimes there) [] | May 24 05:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Zombieload , #Nextcloud , Peppermint 10, #KDE Plasma, #IPFire , #ArcoLinux , LuneOS | This Week in Linux 67 [] | May 24 05:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #linuxacademy uses ruinous buzzwords to push the agenda of #pentagon #surveillance over #gafam "DevOps has become an integral part of the cloud – in Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure." [] | May 24 05:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Yay! Give all your #gnu #linux files to #microsoft (which commits #crimesagainsthumanity and bribes officials to dump GNU/Linux, puts back doors in everything arrests whistleblowers etc.) [] | May 24 05:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Testing #Video4Linux2 drivers like a boss [] | May 24 05:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: PostgreSQL 12 Beta 1 Released! [] | May 24 05:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #PostgreSQL 12 Beta 1 Released! #postgres #db #psql #database [] | May 24 05:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Far too much #proprietarysoftware #marketing instead of actual news from Swapnil's site lately. Rather disappointing. He keeps rebranding his site/s, this time after a buzzword, #tfir (passing fad). [] | May 24 05:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wolves who burn sources and want #assange crucified point out the obvious. #wikileaks repeatedly warned about traps like Brad and his sidekick, who gave the #fbi a whistleblower's name (their client!) [] | May 24 05:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Not just any free press but press that exposed war crimes and corruption by the most powerful [] | May 24 05:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Even #MSNBC staff siding with #assange and #wikileaks on this [] | May 24 05:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Nailed it #assange #theonion #wikileaks [] | May 24 05:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Software is usually not built by end users, but by packagers, at least when we are talking about Open Source." #debian #gnu #linux [] | May 24 05:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft sponsored #redmonk (among other #openwashing sponsors) is distorting the meaning and scope of #opensource to the point where it's meaningless, it's #proprietarysoftware + marketing with "open" [] | May 24 05:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #freesw is inherently commercial or can be used commercially without a problem. No need to point it out upfront. So when vendors use terms like "Commercial Open Source" it's often a red flag; they may mean #proprietarysoftware with some "open" slant. [] | May 24 05:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #redhat props up concept of "data as a service." Hmm... you mean like a fileserver? (facepalm!) Soon. "Smart storage", "data cloud", "AI"... [] | May 24 05:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft is enveloping #pythonThe conference in question was bought by #microsoft and the project needs to #deletegithub #pycon [] | May 24 05:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AMD GCN GPU Target Continuing To Improve For The #GCC 10 #Compiler [] | May 24 05:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming: GCC, C++, Python and PHP [] | May 24 06:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming : #GCC , #CPP , #Python and #PHP [] | May 24 06:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #redhat now promotes this article which associates Red Hat with #imperialism #militarism and Murder, Inc. #lockheedmartin (which we believe to be responsible for #ddos attacks on #techrights ) [] | May 24 06:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: lol damTusky_1558674238670_PYCGV2680A.… [] | May 24 06:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Today's leading "success story" from #redhat is almost a month old and it is the same disgraced bank that's now associated with #trump #corruption Sometimes it feels like Red Hat just hires everyone from #microsoft [] | May 24 06:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ‘It’s Raining #Plastic ’: Researchers Find #Microscopic Fibers in #Colorado #Rain Samples [] | May 24 06:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Pam Anderson fights against this so-called 'industry' of murder for "fasssshen" #epo and #dkpto also culpable: [] | May 24 06:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SouthAfrica ’s Fallen Pride: How Law and Government Fail to Protect #Lions If only there was #MoneyInIt (when #greed runs the world) [] | May 24 06:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Former U.S. Nuclear Safety Chief: 'New Nuclear Is off the Table' #chernobyl #fukushima [] | May 24 06:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): First, #ClimateChange , Now the Global #Extinction Crisis: Industry-Paid Hacks Deny #Science to Congress (it #PaysToLie ) [] | May 24 06:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Drastically Shorter Workweeks Needed to Fight #Climate Crisis, Study Finds Study's PDF: [] | May 24 06:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Not everyone thinks of US hegemony as benign or "lesser evil" [] | May 24 06:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GAFAM et al buying favours from #goldendawnald just like #ibm with the Nazi regime [] | May 24 06:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Company Safety Data Sheets on New #Chemicals Frequently Lack the Worker Protections #EPA Claims They Include death toll associated with it. [] | May 24 07:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Good news for the #trump Mafia family. Now they can go back there and murder some more #elephants for fun. [] | May 24 07:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Murder as a business attraction in #botswana [] | May 24 07:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We need to cut greenhouse gas pollution across all sectors to avoid catastrophic climate change — and we need to do it fast, said the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change." [] | May 24 07:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #amazon will destroy the real Amazon [] | May 24 07:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Asking >shareholders< about #climate is like asking wolves about sheep. They're greedy bastards and the faster they destroy what's left to "monetise" in the planet, the richer they'll become (they even burn unsold items) [] | May 24 07:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Going back to paper to ensure an #election isn't run by and rigged by criminals from #microsoft and #diebold (just #proprietarysoftware with back doors) [] | May 24 07:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Lying to Congress is now really trivial because the president sexually assaulted women and then called them liars [] | May 24 07:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Digital Advertising, Consumer #Privacy and More "states were still going to want to regulate on top of the law." [] | May 24 07:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): There is a growing (and correct) perception in the United States that the country is being run by some of the very worst criminals. Then these criminals exploit the justified hatred to crack down on the public. [] | May 24 07:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #techdirt does an #aclu #microsoft profits from ICE #crimesagainsthumanity [] | May 24 07:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Nielsen Using #Patent #Monopolies To Act Like A Monopolist(referring to #swpats here by the correct terms) [] | May 24 07:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New #Assange Indictment Makes Insane, Unprecedented Use Of #Espionage Act On Things Journalists Do All The Time [] | May 24 07:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #LibreOffice Conference 2020, it could be in your city #documentfoundation #freesw #opendocument [] | May 24 07:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #PyRadio – curses based internet radio player #python #programming but must #deletegithub to be taken seriously [] | May 24 07:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #proprietarysoftware does malicious things, just as should be expected. #snapchat [] | May 24 07:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Motherboard granted multiple sources in this story anonymity to speak candidly about internal Snap processes" #proprietarysoftware #snapchat [] | May 24 07:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GNU #Binutils Begins Landing #eBPF Support #freesw [] | May 24 07:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #redhat #fedora shoots itself in foot, nukes community #ibm [] | May 24 07:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #google (aka #gafam #pentagon #nsa etc.) wants to keep track of what you eat (in every country). #surveillancecapitalism @aral [] | May 24 07:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We're quickly approaching the two year anniversary of the OpenGL 4.6 release and it's looking like the Intel/RadeonSI drivers might be inching towards the finish line for that latest major revision of the graphics API." [] | May 24 07:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Broadcast #surveillance services aka "streaming" [] | May 24 07:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #journalism may be as dead in #trumpland as it has been in #russia for a number of decades. Exposing crimes is a crime (if the crime is 'high level'). [] | May 24 08:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #police doesn't commit crimes; those who suggest so are the criminals... [] | May 24 08:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Antivaxxers [] | May 24 08:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #censorship attempts backfire see this recent example: [] | May 24 08:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I don't agree with Masnick on this.1) it's because they're harmful, not "popular"2) don't mistake ubiquity with popularity (there's lockin and network effect) [] | May 24 08:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The idea (lunacy) that when something is profitable or used by many then it should not be banned isn't applicable to hard drugs but is typically applicable to makers of arms and wars. This whole sick #greed -motivated mentality destroys the planet. [] | May 24 08:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "President Donald #Trump threw his weight against a bipartisan House bill last week that would affirm the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s right to 321 acres of land in Massachusetts." See the snag [] | May 24 08:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Genocidal tweets are OK with #twitter if your name is Donald #trump #war #ThreatsOfViolance @jack [] | May 24 08:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #biden is a great candidate... if you're #ratheon or #lockheedmartin etc. [] | May 24 08:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Honduran Labor Fight Reveals Exploitation Behind the Migrant Crisis "one labor struggle reveals how false this narrative is." [] | May 24 08:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Questioning criminals, who work for the government. This has become US political discourse. Why is #mnuchin not being arrested (yet)? [] | May 24 08:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "There is a clear problem with most environmental discussions or debates. The problem is, in short form, a lack of class analysis." #globalwarming #climatechange [] | May 24 08:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): An Attack on Iran Would Violate US and International Law #corporatemedia as usual supports #trump on #militarism and #imperialism [] | May 24 08:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Allan Nairn: Deadly Protests Erupt in #Indonesia as U.S.-Trained Generals Wage a #War on #Democracy [] | May 24 08:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): So Many Wars: Remembering Friends in #Iraq , #Jordan , #Syria , #Kurdistan and #Turkey [] | May 24 08:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The crypto-racist One Nation party and the extremely conservative Australian Conservatives will have one seat each. In other words, the progressive group – Labor, the Greens and the Centre Alliance – hold the majority." [] | May 24 08:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The round-the-clock disinformation emanating from the White House creates the chaos that #Trump thrives on–obscuring the damage he does to the environment, to the most vulnerable, to democracy itself." [] | May 24 08:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Abortion Bans and the Beast the @GOP Would Feed Us To "It’s About Civil Death" [] | May 24 08:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Modi’s government has been criticized for a crackdown on civil society, targeting political opponents, journalists, human rights activists, lawyers and writers." #india #modi [] | May 24 08:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Goodbye, Amazon (forests). A polluting corporation shall replace you. [] | May 24 08:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Population kept unaware of the government's crimes (which in this case criminals from #microsoft gleefully profit from) [] | May 24 08:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #biden is a #trump [] | May 24 08:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If so-called democrats won't go on with #impeachment then this party does not deserve votes next year [] | May 24 08:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trump regime attacks even the very #firstamendment of the #constitution in order to defend the worst of all criminals. #impeachment now. His "free speech" spiel is deflection and a cover. [] | May 24 08:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Establishment 'democrats' are happy with #trump in power. They'd be happier if they themselves were in power, but Trump is OK to them. Sponsors get their tax crimes 'legalised' and favourite #wars promoted. [] | May 24 08:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A lobby group of large tech companies has just given an award to the President's daughter (for what? An Instagram account!?!?). They're totally in it for the tax evasion ("breaks") and #fascism #militarism etc. is OK; doesn't bother them. #internetassociat... [] | May 24 08:48 | |
acer-box__ | A lobby group of large tech companies has just given an award to the President's daughter (for what? An Instagram account!?!?). They're totally in it for the tax evasion ("breaks") and #fascism #militarism etc. is OK; doesn't bother them. #internetassociation | May 24 08:48 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): An Outright Reversal of Roe V. Wade Isn’t All We Should Fear #abortion #trumpland #gop #waronwomen [] | May 24 08:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "A rash of extreme anti- #abortion bills like these are being pushed through state legislatures across the country, banning abortions or making them almost impossible to obtain" [] | May 24 08:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'This Is About Attacking Journalism,' Warn #PressFreedom Defenders as #Trump DOJ (consistently defending #goldendawnald crimes) Hits #Assange With New #Espionage Charges [] | May 24 08:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Exposing #warcrimes (in the >only< way one can) is now a crime, based on #trumpland [] | May 24 08:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ACLU Comment on Julian #Assange Indictment #wikileaks [] | May 24 08:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Beware Billionaires Bearing Gifts #billgates bribes so much media all around the world to cushion #microsoft [] | May 24 08:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'What Could Be More Important?': World Leaders, Media Ignore Biodiversity Report Detailing Mass #Extinction Event Now Underway [] | May 24 08:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Welcome to #russia (or #trumpland rather)#protest rights denied, opposition loosely verboten [] | May 24 09:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Same @cia that so-called 'democrats' have put in many positions of power in the name of the so-called #theresistance [] | May 24 09:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hope Will Never Be Silent [] | May 24 09:03 | |
<--kaniini has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | May 24 09:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Where is #obama ?Where are the Clintons?Where is #biden ? [] | May 24 09:04 | |
-->kaniini (~kaniini@2602:ffdb:100:1:fc89:b2ff:fee1:323e) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 24 09:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #BJP has built a "cult of personality" #india #modi [] | May 24 09:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Navalny ’s #AntiCorruption Foundation accuses #Russia culture minister’s family of owning 200 million-ruble #Moscow penthouse [] | May 24 09:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #internet #censorship policy progressing in the #uk and here's a response to it. [] | May 24 09:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "reported that she was referencing U.S. tech giants Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft." #gafam #surveillance #oppression #militarism #imperialism [] | May 24 09:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #police = aggressive males, so... [] | May 24 09:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Politicizing a Woman’s Body talking about "babies" (actually young embryos) to disguise one's agenda against poor women, sometimes "of colour" [] | May 24 09:12 | |
acer-box__ | Russian newspaper publishes recording of purported call from poisoned former spy Sergey #Skripal to his niece | May 24 09:13 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Russian newspaper publishes recording of purported call from poisoned former spy Sergey #Skripal to his niece ... [] | May 24 09:13 | |
acer-box__ | @glynmoody | May 24 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 24 09:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Russia ’s Communications Ministry lists threat categories that could trigger #RuNet isolation blocking out 'unwanted' info (an... [] | May 24 09:14 | |
acer-box__ | #Russia ’s Communications Ministry lists threat categories that could trigger #RuNet isolation | May 24 09:14 |
acer-box__ | blocking out 'unwanted' info (and spying) | May 24 09:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 24 09:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): War Footing [] | May 24 09:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If people still call #dnc and #dccc "liberal", then don't don't know what they're talking about.... [] | May 24 09:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No, cut it TO $200 billion (or less). Look after your own population rather than bomb everyone else's. [] | May 24 09:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How a planned merger between #Russia 's two oldest theaters turned into a region-wide political #scandal [] | May 24 09:18 | |
acer-box__ | Regarding #biden (as my record online shows), even before #obama was elected I blasted him a lot (I also distrusted Obama). Who ever thought Biden would become electable? It's insane. His history with industry and war disqualifies him fast. Also sexism and racism. He's a sure loss. | May 24 09:20 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Regarding #biden (as my record online shows), even before #obama was elected I blasted him a lot (I also distrusted Obama). Who ever thought Biden would become electable? It's insane. His history with industry and war disqualifies him fast. Also sexism and... [] | May 24 09:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Yekaterinburg still noted as a place where protest in #russia yielded results (except many arrests. Also: where people said "no" to #putin and the #OrthodoxChurch It's not over yet: [] | May 24 09:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Choosing the right model for maintaining and enhancing your IoT project [] | May 24 09:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Choosing the right model for maintaining and enhancing your #IoT project #linux [] | May 24 09:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #google #linux #huawei #china [] | May 24 09:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 24 09:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Like with its last release, #kalilinux receives a lot of media coverage. #gnu #linux #security toolkit. [] | May 24 09:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #igel used to support #gnu #linux and now it's just helping #microsoft enslave GNU/Linux insider #windows with NSA back doors. [] | May 24 09:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): RMS writing for #commondreams (which he reads). If only he stopped linking to #defamationmill 'guardian' (where he also adds comments and pens columns sometimes)... [] | May 24 09:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #FoxNoise anchors: yes, sure we provoke #xenophobia and racism, but we don't tell people to kill "the other"Father: sure, I keep a pistol and bullets in my drawer, but I'm not to blame for my kid shooting herself [] | May 24 09:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Each week that passes by a growing proportion of news I find (not by RSS subscriptions but search) is pure spam, partly spam, or marginally spam. The #internet is hardly a source of news anymore. [] | May 24 09:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hacking #SETI mentions the role of #gnu (which no doubt does the heavy work there) [] | May 24 09:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Is bare #Kubernetes still too messy for enterprises? [] | May 24 09:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 8 Best #latex editors for Linux, Windows or MacOS #tex #freesw [] | May 24 09:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How about, dump #ftp and use something that is actually secure (and made to be secure in the first place)? [] | May 24 09:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 24 09:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 24 10:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rin @karen @solidsanek technically RDF as expressed by jsonb [] | May 24 10:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It leverages #visualstudio ('code'; #openwashing tactics) and #github for this #deletegithub #rental [] | May 24 10:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: time to nap for a bit [] | May 24 10:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft wants to sell you "computer hours"; the company co-founded by two brats who stole computer hours by sabotage. @zoobab [] | May 24 10:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft has bribed #zemlinPAC OSI etc. to keep spreading these lies or keep quiet about it [] | May 24 10:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: I for one am disappointed that the Atheme OpenSEX data format has absolutely nothing to do with sex *or* s-expressions. [] | May 24 10:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Captured states – e- #Privacy Regulation victim of a “lobby onslaught” [] | May 24 10:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: honestly they should be glad because if I were to do it today I would have, unsurprisingly, built it on top of a tar stream. tar streams are great for storing streams of structured data after all. [] | May 24 10:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: apk-tools leverage of tar streams for database structures is one of the main secrets behind it's speed [] | May 24 10:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): OSS or #opensource is meaningless now; it's just #proprietarysoftware with #openwashing and in this case #microsoft #surveillance [] | May 24 10:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: see what you do is you have a stream of objects contained by a tar stream. then you store structured data as netstrings or whatever (maybe JSON or whatever since you have your object size ahead of time)it's quick, easy and painless. tar streams are easy to... [] | May 24 10:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo on strike soon #meltdown see [] | May 24 10:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Never. #microsoft is still run by the very same criminals (and #billgates on top of the Board); they carry on with #blackmail while bribing their critics to shut them up. see [] | May 24 10:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Back doors of the #nsa and compiled code with #surveillance in it. #microsoft is still pursuing a $10,000,000,000 deal with the #pentagon and helps ICE commit #crimesagainsthumanity (same old company) [] | May 24 10:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If you do not use #azure then #microsoft will send its #patenttrolls (which it funds and arms) to attack you see [] | May 24 10:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): They call it #lobbyingI just call it what it is: #corruption (buying #law by #bribery of people for the most part) #swpats [] | May 24 10:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #antitrust has been made political [] | May 24 10:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo offering bribes to scholars. Apply now! see [] | May 24 10:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Who funded this study? Oh, wait, don't even tell me. 'Study'... [] | May 24 10:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Will the #epo examiners manage to defy management and patent nuts? Then deny #patents on life itself? (in violation of EPC) [] | May 24 10:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How the #copyright directive changed my view of the #EU [] | May 24 10:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "About 10 years ago, in early 2009, I was installing a GNU/Linux distribution (Ubuntu) on my computer for the first time. Back then I was 18 years old, but using Linux I quickly realized the value of open source and freedom in computing." https://twitter.c... [] | May 24 10:39 | |
acer-box__ | "About 10 years ago, in early 2009, I was installing a GNU/Linux distribution (Ubuntu) on my computer for the first time. Back then I was 18 years old, but using Linux I quickly realized the value of open source and freedom in computing." | May 24 10:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@WhistleSir: Then why are you censoring 500 million with #Uploadfilter s? Why did you hide a report showing that outside of blo… | May 24 10:39 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@WhistleSir: Then why are you censoring 500 million with #Uploadfilter s? Why did you hide a report showing that outside of blo… | May 24 10:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #suepo #epo #strike #europe #patents I covered it in [] [] | May 24 10:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Judge Koh: #Qualcomm ’s Licensing Practices Destroyed Competition, Harmed Consumers by #patentprogress [] | May 24 10:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The Paris offices of the future #UnifiedPatentCourt have been disclosed," writes what seems like #bristowsUPCstill necrophiles [] | May 24 10:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #watchtroll posted "Legislative Recommendation for the SUCCESS Act: Recognize the Inventor"It's that nonsense which is promoting #patent maximalism under the guise (hijack of) "diversity"They call it "SUCCESS" :-) [] | May 24 10:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The ‘023 #patent is related to in-vehicle cellular systems and has been asserted against numerous automobile companies such as #Fiat Chrysler, General Motors, and Mercedes-Benz." [] | May 24 10:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #bristowsUPC Vanessa Rieu makes it pretty obvious that #bristows liars are writing #upc propaganda in Kluwer Patent Blog again, albeit anonymously [] | May 24 10:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "On May 20, 2019, Unified added a $3,000 contest to #PATROLL seeking prior art for U.S. Patent No. 9,219,780 which has been asserted by #SynKloud " ... a #patenttroll [] | May 24 10:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Lawyers decide that companies need more lawyers for more patents, which lawyers charge for. What a bunch of liars. [] | May 24 10:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft prop up the "HEY HI!" hype/lie, by which they label even #swpats "AI" and then bypass the #law (e.g. Alice/Sec101). Here they try to automate jobs. [] | May 24 10:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Senators #Tillis and #Coons Draft Fundamentally Flawed § 101 Legislation [] | May 24 10:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Michael Borella of the #litigation lobby seems eager to bring software #patents back. Eileen McDermott of #watchtroll says "Draft Text of Proposed New Section 101 Reflects #Patent Owner [sic] Input" [] | May 24 11:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Federal Circuit will have little sympathy for a party that has stretched an expert's testimony beyond the bounds of her expertise, and will uphold a district court's decision disqualifying an expert who falls prey to that trap." [] | May 24 11:04 | |
acer-box__ | "Federal Circuit will have little sympathy for a party that has stretched an expert's testimony beyond the bounds of her expertise, and will uphold a district court's decision disqualifying an expert who falls prey to that trap." | May 24 11:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent Docs: Scentsational Technologies LLC v. PepsiCo, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2019) | May 24 11:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #patents are "owned" and if people work together than the #patent #monopoly probably isn't needed anyway. [] | May 24 11:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): LOL. "IP [sic] Practice 3.0". Where's 2.0? What a load of BS from #patent #law firms, this time Kilburn & Strode LLP. Do they even swallow their own lies? [] | May 24 11:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A #brexit deal everyone can agree to [] | May 24 11:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #qualcomm #antitrust #patents [] | May 24 11:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #brexit ousted a Tory Prime Minister not once but twice already. Let's hope Sunday night shows their party, Conservatives, collapsing in #eu [] | May 24 11:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Qualcomm has engaged in an extensive, intentional campaign to destroy competition." [] | May 24 11:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "On 23 May 2019, the Federation of International Civil Service Associations (FICSA) wrote a letter to Campinos expressing concern about the continuing irregularities in the treatment of #EPO staff." [] | May 24 11:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo #suepo etc. coverage coming; can someone do us a quick html of this: I don't have the conversion tools [] | May 24 11:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Court Rules Redditor Can Stay #Anonymous in Significant #Copyright Case [] | May 24 11:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Poland to take #copyright reform to #EU court #article13 #article17 [] | May 24 11:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): +0.99°C above the 1951-1980 average. #globalwarming #climatechange [] | May 24 11:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #UPC also #teamupc #unitarypatent #eu #europe [] | May 24 11:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): R&D in U.S.A. #biden #trump #hrc #shit [] | May 24 11:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #freesw is not (and never will be) compatible with #swpats (and #patents in general may be OK, not ones on algorithms) [] | May 24 11:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #qualcomm without #patents is like #trump without #crime (cheating) and #impunity [] | May 24 11:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #patents #qualcomm #nokia #finland #swpats [] | May 24 11:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #laws get bought. Like a product. Via agents, former officials rebranded "lobbyists" for the service of institutional #corruption [] | May 24 11:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): OK, but #deletegithub (it's a nasty site with a very nefarious longterm plan/agenda) see [] | May 24 11:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US Pat 7231430 invalidated. Another case of #swpats garbage. If time permits later today I'll write about #coons and Sec. 101. They'll never pull it off, but I'll mention this anyway. Worry not, courts are laughing at the face of fake #patents on algorithm... [] | May 24 11:50 | |
acer-box__ | US Pat 7231430 invalidated. Another case of #swpats garbage. If time permits later today I'll write about #coons and Sec. 101. They'll never pull it off, but I'll mention this anyway. Worry not, courts are laughing at the face of fake #patents on algorithms. | May 24 11:50 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #capitalism not compatible with the planet('s (eco)system)) [] | May 24 11:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hierarchy of #climate denial: 1. it's a lie. there's no warming2. ok, it's warming. but it's not our fault3. you're just a shill for solar/wind. you get paid!4. you're autistic (name-calling) [] | May 24 11:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #journalism and information-gathering not a crime. OK, folks!!! Nothing to see here. Go back to mildly editing press releases and you'll be safe. No war on the press. Be docile and respect secrecy labels. [] | May 24 11:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Good person from what I could gather. Perspective changes when a million articles in many languages demonise a person for 9 years. [] | May 24 12:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "400,000 Iraq War-related reports, 800 Guantanamo Bay detainee assessment briefs, and 250,000 U.S. Department of State cables." Bringing it out endangered nobody, except #imperialism itself. [] | May 24 12:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This will be misused for #censorship of people who expose #corruption and maybe even #warcrimes because it <happened before<; will they also shield the EPO from truth-tellers? EPO blocked my site (~5 years now!) [] | May 24 12:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #poland #eu #Article13 #Article17 #copyright [] | May 24 12:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Doing a study about themselves, using their (actually out) money. Of course the outcome is tilted or fixed. see [] | May 24 12:08 | |
acer-box__ | | May 24 12:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@patentbuddy: “The Supreme Court should never have created its own exceptions to U.S. patent laws. It has taken far too long for… | May 24 12:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@patentbuddy: “The Supreme Court should never have created its own exceptions to U.S. patent laws. It has taken far too long for… | May 24 12:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Will #epo be bankrupt? [] | May 24 12:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The "new Microsoft" fairy tale has been replaced with a #MicrosoftLovesLinux tale because people realise that the same people are still running #microsoft Nothing has changed but the strategy to attack #Linux [] | May 24 12:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The concept/idea/assumption that if a corporation makes money then it's virtuous and must thus be left alone to exist overlooks the fact that many businesses derive money from actively harming society, sometimes killing too [] | May 24 12:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): General Election in the #uk with #corbyn as Prime Minister a glimmer of hope for #assange as #us wants to charge #wikileaks founder with espionage (possible death penalty) [] | May 24 12:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ethiopian crash could have been prevented if #Boeing took pilots' concerns seriously, union says [] | May 24 12:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #boeing waited until passengers died before fixing known issues. "One plane was not enough," wife says, "they needed another one" (otherwise just deny the issue, call it coincidence). [] | May 24 12:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 2019 Call for Papers, Presentations and Workshops [] | May 24 12:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft #windows #tco [] | May 24 13:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): old: #ftp just needs to be abandoned [] | May 24 13:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #unleashed OS [] | May 24 13:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): May ends in one week. Prime Minister May ends in 2 weeks (June 7). #brexit #brexitshambles #tories #eu [] | May 24 13:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Will try to produce 3 articles about #epo in 2 hours. Not sure I'll manage, I'm working this afternoon and this weekend as well. [] | May 24 13:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #warcrimes committed with the weapons 'we' shipped for profit [] | May 24 13:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #oligarchs [] | May 24 13:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #debian #stevelitt #devuan #systemd #nosystemd this one is actually about #email but shows what growing complexity does to society [] | May 24 13:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #impeachment of #pelosi would be in order; she's obstructing. #obstruction of the imperative to impeach a criminal. [] | May 24 13:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #boingboing uses tweets (hearsay) instead of bona fide sources [] | May 24 13:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #deletemicrosoft https://www.fmn.... [] | May 24 13:43 | |
acer-box__ | #deletemicrosoft | May 24 13:43 |
acer-box__ | | May 24 13:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Translate | May 24 13:43 | |
acer-box__ | #nato | May 24 13:43 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #nytimes seems to have 'broken' this story in a sense #assange #wikileaks etc. demonised by this paper very often, includes "hygiene" smears [] | May 24 13:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #EPO President Still Not Obeying Courts' Rulings #ficsa #eu #europe #suepo [] | May 24 13:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A Political Economist on How #China Sees Trump’s #TradeWar "whether China has entered a new era of repression." [] | May 24 14:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Chinese Company Tells Employees to Boycott US Products, as #TradeWar #Propaganda Heats Up [] | May 24 14:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #Apple boycott in #China is getting worse" [] | May 24 14:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Toronto 'plastic' surgeon (rich people's butcher) told to remove security cameras from consult rooms [] | May 24 14:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Google-Huawei case highlights the importance of free software [] | May 24 14:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Google - #Huawei case highlights the importance of #freesoftware #freesw #china [] | May 24 14:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The real cost of cutting the cord: What #streaming companies don’t want you to know [] | May 24 14:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): There's a problem with #WhatsApp , but it isn't end-to-end #encryption #facebook is one big back door [] | May 24 14:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #amazon doubles down on being evil, along with #microsoft (same policy) [] | May 24 14:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #EPO Allegedly Becoming Insolvent (Pretext for Cuts), So Staff Gets Punished While Management Takes the Jackpot #europe #mercer #patents [] | May 24 14:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "They hoped to present their plea directly to their boss, #Amazon CEO Jeff #Bezos , at the company's annual shareholders meeting on Wednesday" [] | May 24 14:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "On or around May 12, at least two antivirus firms began detecting booby-trapped #Microsoft Word files that were sent along with some various of the following message" [] | May 24 15:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #windows fatalism"Systems that are connected to the Internet, if they're targeted by a determined adversary with enough time and resources, they will be breached," Hickey said. "So, we need to be focusing on resilience." [] | May 24 15:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "It's not just pitch correction: with modern music-making software, it's as easy to snap analog recordings of instruments to a time signature as it is to program EDM. When everything is quantized, says Rick Beato" [] | May 24 15:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #itwire uses tweets in place of legitimate sources :( [] | May 24 15:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #EPO Strikes Further Diminish Chances of #UPC Ever Materialising (in Any Shape or Form) #teamupc #unitarypatent #patents [] | May 24 15:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Citing extremists to demonise opposing religions [] | May 24 15:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Tito told a press conference that several protesters were arrested with envelopes totalling 6 million rupiah (US$410) and admitted to being "paid" to demonstrate" [] | May 24 15:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): More Data on Content Moderation Won't Silence #Facebook ’s Critics ttps:// #censorship [] | May 24 15:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Award-Winning #JohnLennon Photographer Sues #UniversalMusic For $150,000 [] | May 24 15:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Julian #Assange is facing 17 new criminal charges " [] | May 24 15:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Each of the 17 counts carries a potential prison sentence of up to 10 years." #assange #wikileaks [] | May 24 15:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why a Windows flaw patched nine days ago is still spooking the Internet see #nsa connection. [] | May 24 15:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft #windows was designed for back door access by the Empire, not for users' #security [] | May 24 15:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Critical back doors in #microsoft #windows aren't accidents; they just sometimes accidentally get discovered by the "wrong" actors. [] | May 24 15:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Fake videos edited to make #Pelosi appear drunk spread on #socialcontrolmedia bad source of 'news' [] | May 24 15:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "With the general election looming on June 5, Danish parties are starting to really shell out the big bucks on #socialcontrolmedia in an effort to garner as many votes as possible." [] | May 24 15:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security: Updates, ZombieLoad, FTP,, Hacking SETI, and Microsoft Chaos [] | May 24 15:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security : Updates, #ZombieLoad , FTP,, Hacking SETI, and #Microsoft Chaos [] | May 24 15:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Federation of International Civil Service Associations ( #FICSA ) sent a message to #AntónioCampinos yesterday (the same day #SUEPO publicly made a call for strike) #epo [] | May 24 15:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The corporate ‘logic’ at the EPO follows the “shareholders’ value” #propaganda line as if the #EPO is a private company looking to maximise revenue rather than serve the public #debt #europr #patents [] | May 24 15:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #EPO crumbles under the weight of its own corruption while an increasingly-insane #TeamUPC pretends all remains normal and a #patenttrolls -friendly system is ready to take off #upc #swpats [] | May 24 15:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ClimateChange Is a Top Concern in 2020 Election some posers, some actually mean it (check their history) [] | May 24 15:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Empowering Communities to Save the #Ocean " new series Our Planet." [] | May 24 15:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Senate Republicans said they struck a deal with the president to approve the measure, despite the fact that it did not include the funding he wanted for the U.S.-Mexican border, CNN reported." [] | May 24 15:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The real emergency is #climate related (and contributes to mass immigration, too) [] | May 24 15:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No more #climatechange : it’s now a #climate crisis #globalwarming [] | May 24 15:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Photos of #Missouri Tornado: Jefferson City Damage ‘Extensive’ [] | May 24 15:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Three Killed As Violent #Tornadoes Cause 'Devastation' In #Missouri [] | May 24 15:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #ClamMan from Team Clam is a new comedy adventure game, it just recently released with #Linux support." [] | May 24 16:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Originally released in 2007, Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! HD revamps the experience to make it less painful to play on modern systems with full #Linux support." [] | May 24 16:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Unique gravity-defying #metroidvania 'Dandara' finally sees an update to the #Linux version [] | May 24 16:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #BlackArch 2019.06.01 released #gnu #linux #security [] | May 24 16:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft has made it exceedingly and unnecessarily complicated to boot #gnu #linux >not< inside #vista10 #WeaSeL see [] | May 24 16:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #Linux demo for 'Eagle Island', a very slick action-adventure rogue-lite is out and it's extremely impressive [] | May 24 16:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When exactly did vessels and oceans become conduits for literal human trash, rich countries sending their garbage to poor countries (like that! As if poor people eat waste) and using up fuel (warming) in the process? We're so screwed. #latestagecapitalism [] | May 24 16:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: GNU/Linux Games Leftovers [] | May 24 16:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): GNU/Linux #Games Leftovers #gnu #linux #gaming [] | May 24 16:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #fossmint promoting too much #apple crap lately; Apple isn't "FOSS"; they should cover #gnu #linux and #bsd like they used to... disappointing. [] | May 24 16:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I just hope #EuroPython does not make the mistake #zemlinPAC and #pycon recently made (taking dirty #microsoft money to sell these initiatives) [] | May 24 16:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to archive a page or an entire website in the #InternetArchive sometimes it's just done automatically, over time... [] | May 24 16:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #proprietarysoftware #Opera browser does not know how to attract users; so now it's rebranding itself for gamers; the tech equiv. of #identitypolitics [] | May 24 16:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Catalin George Festila just cannot stop promoting the 'Microsoftisation' of #python with #microsoft blobs included and cross-platform value diminished. [] | May 24 16:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Many howtos are nowadays not #gnu #linux commands but some #proprietarysoftware trap for #pentagon #surveillance 'clouds' like #aws e.g. this from today [] | May 24 16:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Samba 4.10.4 Released With 40 Bug fixes #unix #gnu #linux [] | May 24 16:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Left Is A Minimalist, Distraction-Free Text Editor For Writers #gnu #linux support, but they need to #deletegithub [] | May 24 16:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): More #opensuse coverage today regarding the new release (they even sent me email about it; I had been on the mailing list since 2004 I think) [] | May 24 16:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #noobslab has become full of spam. Once a good #gnu #linux blog, they experimented with blocking users who have adblock, then pushed Windows ads, spam. Better to just make the blog inactive than to disgrace it like this. Painful to watch. [] | May 24 16:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 24 16:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 24 16:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linux Mint Turns Cinnamon Experience Bittersweet [] | May 24 16:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #LinuxMint Turns Cinnamon Experience Bittersweet #gnu #linux [] | May 24 16:40 | |
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-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 24 16:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: OSS: 3scale, Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, LibreOffice Conference 2020, DataStax Openwashing and IGEL [] | May 24 17:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): OSS: #3scale , Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, #LibreOffice Conference 2020, #DataStax #Openwashing and #IGEL [] | May 24 17:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Servers: Kubernetes, Microservices, Containers and SUSE's Enterprise Storage 6 [] | May 24 17:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Servers : #Kubernetes , #Microservices , #Containers and #SUSE 's Enterprise Storage 6 [] | May 24 17:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Distros: Draco in Sparky, Fedora Issues and Optional Dependencies in Debian [] | May 24 17:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Distros: #Draco in #SparkyLinux , #Fedora Issues and Optional Dependencies in #Debian [] | May 24 17:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Software: Left, Samba, LaTeX, PyRadio and More [] | May 24 17:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gnu #linux Software: Left, #Samba , #LaTeX , #PyRadio and More [] | May 24 17:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's leftovers [] | May 24 17:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's #tuxmachines leftovers [] | May 24 17:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Links 24/5/2019: PostgreSQL 12 Beta 1 and Rust 1.35 Released [] | May 24 17:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights [] | May 24 17:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Links 24/5/2019: #PostgreSQL 12 Beta 1 and #Rust 1.35 Released #techrights [] | May 24 17:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Today in #Techrights #epo #europe #swpats #eu [] | May 24 17:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #linuxjournal " #KatherineDruckman and #DocSearls talk to Alex Gounares of Polyverse #Linux about #Cybersecurity for everyone." [] | May 24 17:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft #entryism ruins it a lot more #python #programming [] | May 24 17:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): KTextEditor/Kate Bugs – Help Appreciated #kde #gnu #linux #qt #kate [] | May 24 17:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Introducing the Librem Tunnel #librem #purism #pureos #security #freesw [] | May 24 17:31 | |
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-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @meneer IF China adopts it... and fast [] | May 24 17:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @charlag that is really fucked, why almost 2 months away? [] | May 24 21:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: reason #9000000000000000000000000000 why the fediverse matters: [] | May 24 21:44 | |
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-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: yeah YOU GET THAT SHIT dr. phil [] | May 24 22:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hcs from what i know from german friends, it's around 3000 euro actually. [] | May 24 22:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @mcg the same way any other issue is mitigated. fediverse instance staff tend to talk to each other about ongoing situations. [] | May 24 22:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @mcg Pleroma has an entire message filtering framework that can *very easily* handle this. You just strip video attachments with a specific SHA256. [] | May 24 22:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maiyannah @strypey @macgirvin Mastodon uses advisory privacy on OStatus side, which will be solved by dropping OStatus support.Pleroma does not expose any object to public unless it is explicitly as:Public. That is not "advisory privacy". Pleroma can also... [] | May 24 22:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: security criticism by the idiot who thinks using Smarty PHP Templates in 2019 is a good idea!!!! [] | May 24 22:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i mean i don't even know what i'm doing but i know Smarty PHP Templates is a gaping security hole -- use postActiv today so you can get rooted! [] | May 24 22:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi postActiv aka GamerGate Social [] | May 24 23:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @xj9 well she keeps saying that Pleroma has "advisory privacy" even though Pleroma forces the use of capability URIs to fetch any post, and can even be configured to *not* push private posts to nodes which are known to not follow the ActivityPub standard c... [] | May 24 23:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @xj9 like, yes, we can always do better on security, but the current security design (which i spent a lot of time on refactoring) of Pleroma's AP implementation is verifiably free of information leaks when properly configured. [] | May 24 23:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @xj9her entire argument, from what i gather, centers around the fact that other nodes may not properly implement AP (either by accident, or maliciously) and cause information leaks. but Pleroma has many mitigations for this.when it comes to inf... [] | May 24 23:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @roka @nepfag @succfemboi she blocks people and entire instances over the stupidest shit, honestly.for example, she blocks the pleroma developers while also massively misrepresenting security aspects about our software. [] | May 24 23:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: thinking about doing a stream in a bit.should i work on notification controls (mostly FE work), or should i work on something else? [] | May 24 23:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @flussence $50 patreon = drunk stream lets do it [] | May 24 23:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @luna stuck in which direction? [] | May 24 23:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @flussence how is that different than any other time i push code to the pleroma repo? (hint: it's all garbage) [] | May 24 23:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @roka @nepfag @succfemboi in this case, it's mostly just publicly commenting on her disinformation and setting the record straight. [] | May 24 23:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @luna odd. rejecting one follow request should reject any others that were collected. [] | May 24 23:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @flussence what the hell is that [] | May 24 23:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @luna i'll investigate it [] | May 24 23:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @sivy hope it all works out well... [] | May 25 00:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @bram so if we destroy #python, we won't have to sit through another disaster like Avengers: Endgame? [] | May 25 00:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: hold all elites except for Rahm Emanuel responsible for their abuses [] | May 25 00:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @bram like the first hour of the film could have been deleted without any consequence, for one. [] | May 25 00:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: highlights the 9 billionth reason why the GTK/GNOME ecosystem is fundamentally broken and why I should really switch to KDE already [] | May 25 00:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @flussence it's not. Audacious dropped GTK3 in favor of Qt explicitly because people mucking with GTK3 stylesheets kept breaking our app. [] | May 25 00:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i wonder how one can crossgrade elementaryOS to kubuntu or similar. [] | May 25 00:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblasted @flussence it's not narcissistic, but reflects the reality that the theming capabilities in the GTK toolkit since the migration to GTK3 are fundamentally broken. Audacious switched to Qt for a reason. [] | May 25 00:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblasted @flussence precisely. every time a new distro would drop, we spent a lot of time overriding UI elements in Audacious to work around the breakage.but, ultimately, GTK is to blame here: the themeing functionality is powerful but also extremely ... [] | May 25 00:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alatiera yeah?that's interesting, because since we ported Audacious to Qt and quit supporting GTK3, we haven't had any complaints about the application breaking with distro-specific themes or user themes. and this includes people using Audacious under GNO... [] | May 25 00:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alatiera @brainblasted @flussence GTK itself may be independent from GNOME as a product, but GNOME influences a lot of the design and operation of the toolkit. GTK is also developed by GNOME. [] | May 25 01:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alatiera Audacious is pretty widely installed and used on Fedora and we've never had any complaints about Audacious being styled badly on Fedora.pretty sure it is not as broken as you say. [] | May 25 01:02 | |
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-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @clarjon1 @alatiera unfortunately, !important does not work very well with gtk-css-engine. stuff like this is why Audacious went to Qt. [] | May 25 01:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alatiera i would consider those applications to be broken -- if they are doing something that a theme can influence, then they need to assert their own QStyle. [] | May 25 01:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: Qt: any widget can override the theme by attaching it's own QStyleGTK: can't do that, leaving developers to beg vendors to stop theming their appsbut it's Qt that's broken ;) [] | May 25 01:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: answer: sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop [] | May 25 01:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i just find it funny that audacious literally sounded the alarm on this 6 years ago and the GNOME people were basically like "lol, they are whining for no reason"but hey, now *their* apps get broken by the same stupidity and they complain about it too.why ... [] | May 25 01:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @drequivalentin gtk3, you can do so for an entire app, but not individual widgets.the problem is when themes break individual widgets. the solution is to specify the exact style parameters for those widgets. Qt lets you do this by attaching a QStyle. GTK3 ... [] | May 25 01:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblasted yeah, i know, i just find it amusing that GNOME itself is now complaining about the toolkit being broken. meanwhile, the entire GNOME community didn't care while several notable third-party apps got broken with every revision to Adwaita back ... [] | May 25 01:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblasted either way, the fact that it was a more efficient use of time to port back to gtk2 and then port an application as large and monolithic as audacious to Qt instead of continue to chase and fix theme-induced issues under gtk3, says a lot.themei... [] | May 25 01:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @drequivalent yes, it's possible to override system themes in some cases, but it is really fragile and unreliable. supporting multiple versions of Adwaita for example was a complete disaster in audacious. [] | May 25 01:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @drequivalentbasically, what you have to do is attach classes and IDs to every widget and then install a CSS stylesheet on top.sounds easy, right?wrong! since your stylesheet comes last, if some jackass uses `!important` in their theme which comes before y... [] | May 25 01:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @drequivalent basically, what you have to do is attach classes and IDs to every widget and then install a CSS stylesheet on top. sounds easy, right? wrong! since your stylesheet comes last, if some jackass uses !important in their theme which comes before ... [] | May 25 01:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @drequivalent the fix is to allow widgets to define their own themeing policy. it wouldn't be hard to do, but GNOME has a "we know better than you" attitude when it comes to independent developers, so... i'll believe it when i see it. [] | May 25 01:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: maybe i should make an apk-based linux distribution with glibc so that the gnu/linux world can enjoy package management that actually worksScreenshot from 2019-05-24 19-4… [] | May 25 01:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: haha i bet you didn’t know you could do apt install package- to force deinstallation of a package as part of the ‘solution’, i bet you didn’t know that apk, unlike apt, has an actually competent dependency solver that can figure out how to solve that kind ... [] | May 25 01:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: oops, it still didn't sequence the installation steps first (tried to install signond BEFORE removing gsignond), sure love to "do it with ubuntu"Screenshot from 2019-05-24 19-4… [] | May 25 01:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: starting to get strong feels for why alpine is a Thing again [] | May 25 01:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: it's great that apt decided to copy the single CLI tool approach that we have in apk, but could they have copied the dependency solver first? why are we having to deal with badly designed dependency solvers in 2019 anyway? [] | May 25 01:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: like, it just seems to me as if the apt maintainer looked at alpine and saw the progress bar at the bottom while it did work and saw the single CLI tool approach and thought that was the reason it was successful.but really, the reason apk is great is becau... [] | May 25 01:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: ok brb going to swap over to kde [] | May 25 01:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: another thing that kept breaking hardcore under gtk3 was embedded OpenGLi'm not saying the toolkit is garbage, but it's seriously a regression over gtk2 [] | May 25 02:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: when it comes to gtk3 arrogance, always remember [] | May 25 02:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @flussence using a source-based distribution is sadistic in general, though. [] | May 25 02:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @flussence in fairness, apk was developed because all other package managers pissed us off at the time, because they were all utterly broken in some way. [] | May 25 02:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: stream in about 45 minutes i guess. going to do some refactoring and also work on notification controls. [] | May 25 02:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: lol bug bounty for audacious get the fuck out of here, man, it’s completely insecure software developed by teenaged demosceners, of course it has security holes [] | May 25 02:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @grainloom naw, this guy asked if we paid out on security reports, slimy as fuck honestly [] | May 25 02:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #defamationmill 'guardian' [] | May 25 03:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): GUI To Batch Rename Files On Linux With Exif And Music Tags Support: Inviska Rename [] | May 25 03:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alcinnz the applications hardcode because the toolkit punishes them otherwise. [] | May 25 03:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #MINDS now has the same Nazi infection that #GAB has had for a year or two, including the death threats, calls for genocide, and worse. And then they pretend >they< are the victims of threats. [] | May 25 03:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Punishing people who spread #listeningdevices in society [] | May 25 03:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bed too small for the cat [] | May 25 03:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): E n j o y a b l e [] | May 25 03:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: wait @hcs has never driven a car? did I read this right? [] | May 25 03:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #caturday [] | May 25 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Parker [] | May 25 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): One of them d&d posts [] | May 25 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Backwards [] | May 25 03:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Wine 4.9 Released [] | May 25 03:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Benchmarking AMD FX vs. Intel Sandy/Ivy Bridge CPUs Following Spectre, Meltdown, L1TF, Zombieload [] | May 25 03:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Benchmarking #AMD FX vs. Intel Sandy/Ivy Bridge CPUs Following Spectre, #Meltdown , L1TF, #Zombieload [] | May 25 03:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Ubuntu 19.10 Puts Nvidia's Proprietary GPU Driver Right On The ISO [] | May 25 03:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Ubuntu 19.10 Puts #Nvidia 's Proprietary GPU Driver Right On The ISO #canonical #gnu #linux [] | May 25 03:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 25 03:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #google #linux [] | May 25 03:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #BlackArch Linux Ethical Hacking OS Gets New Release with More Than 150 New Tools [] | May 25 04:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #BlackArch Linux Ethical Hacking OS Gets New Release with More Than 150 New Tools [] | May 25 04:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 25 04:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #google #linux [] | May 25 04:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Wine 4.9 Released [] | May 25 04:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @flussence yes, precisely. with audacious it was the same way, whenever we had problems, they would tell us to decide if we were a "GNOME app" or not. audacious isn't an app specific to any desktop environment, so we always found that to be extremely arrog... [] | May 25 04:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @a7 @flussence i find it highly unlikely that Jon McCann (one of the GNOME architecture people) has absolutely no idea what XFCE is or does. [] | May 25 04:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #OSI License Discuss and Review: Evolution and Improvement Chestek, chair, pamela.chestek(a)opensource.orgElana Hashman, elana.hashman(a)opensource.orgChris Lamb, chris.lamb(a)opensource.orgSimon Phipps, webmink(a)open... [] | May 25 04:20 | |
acer-box | #OSI License Discuss and Review: Evolution and Improvement | May 25 04:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OSI License Discuss and Review: Evolution and Improvement | Open Source Initiative | May 25 04:20 | |
acer-box | Pamela Chestek, chair, pamela.chestek(a) | May 25 04:20 |
acer-box | Elana Hashman, elana.hashman(a) | May 25 04:20 |
acer-box | Chris Lamb, chris.lamb(a) | May 25 04:20 |
acer-box | Simon Phipps, webmink(a) | May 25 04:20 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Vulkan 1.1.109 Released With Two New Intel Extensions [] | May 25 04:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): His own national security advisors play him and his state secretary called him a "fucking moron" for a reason [] | May 25 04:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 5 best apps on the Snap store on Linux [] | May 25 04:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 5 best apps on the Snap store on #Linux #canonical is even pushing #proprietarysoftwareThey just don't careThe ISO now has NVIDIA blobs [] | May 25 04:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: what the fuck Screenshot_20190524_222754.png… [] | May 25 04:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 2018 Open Source Initiative Annual Report and Licensing Discussions [] | May 25 04:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 2018 #OpenSource Initiative Annual Report and Licensing Discussions #OSI not policing the brand enough; #openwashing ruined it. Focus on #freesw instead. [] | May 25 04:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 25 04:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 25 04:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "we’ll meet Niharika Shrivastava and Divyansh Kamboj, who are working on projects to improve Fedora module metadata and add additional security hardening to containers, respectively." [] | May 25 04:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Bodhi 4.0.0 released but it needs to #deletegithub ASAP. What we have here is #redhat #surveillance code hosted by #microsoft in NSA PRISM. [] | May 25 04:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: what i really want is essentially arch, but with apk as package manager [] | May 25 04:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @sum how about no [] | May 25 04:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Fedora: Bodhi 4, Packit and More [] | May 25 05:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Fedora: #Bodhi 4, #Packit and More #redhat #ibm #fedora [] | May 25 05:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: kaniini uses KDE. [] | May 25 05:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: kaniini is also writing code while using KDE. [] | May 25 05:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to view and browse the #linux #kernel source? [] | May 25 05:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The upcoming Guile 3 release will have just-in-time native code generation. Finally, amirite? There's lots that I'd like to share about that and I need to start somewhere"#gnu #guile [] | May 25 05:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #facebook spying on your calls, then force-feeding you ads based on contents [] | May 25 05:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Security Leftovers [] | May 25 05:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security Leftovers [] | May 25 05:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Discourse adoption in the #freesw community (not to be mistaken for #discord which is #proprietarysoftware with spying) [] | May 25 05:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #suse #cloudwashing [] | May 25 05:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Dear Ubuntu: Please Stop Packaging Epiphany If You Won’t Do It Properly [] | May 25 05:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Dear #Ubuntu : Please Stop Packaging #Epiphany If You Won’t Do It Properly there used to be similar complaints from #pulseaudio a decade back. #gnome [] | May 25 05:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #XWayland Receive An EGL-Based GLX Provider, Helping Various #Games On #Linux [] | May 25 05:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The first BETA build for the #FreeBSD 11.3 release cycle is now available." #bsd #unix [] | May 25 05:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Georges Basile Stavracas Neto shows off some #gnome work #gnu #linux [] | May 25 05:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GNOME 's Mutter Makes Another Step Towards X11-Less, Starting #XWayland On-Demand [] | May 25 05:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming: SVE2, Graphical Interface, Guile, Python and More [] | May 25 05:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming : #SVE2 , Graphical Interface, Guile, #Python and More [] | May 25 05:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #zemlinPAC #AbbyKearns Interview At #CloudNativeCon & #KubeCon , #Barcelona [] | May 25 05:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: GNOME: Theming, Mutter and Sprint 1 [] | May 25 05:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): GNOME: Theming, #Mutter and Sprint 1 #gnome #gtk #gnu #linux [] | May 25 05:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Rob Szumski’s Keynote and Abby Kearns Interview at CloudNativeCon & KubeCon [] | May 25 05:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Rob Szumski’s Keynote and #AbbyKearns Interview at #CloudNativeCon & #KubeCon #redhat #linux [] | May 25 05:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Better to wear a shirt and hat than these chemicals [] | May 25 05:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ‘This is bigger’: Palestinian and Israeli teens strike together for the climate #israel #palestine #climate #commoncause [] | May 25 05:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): People power can stop the Line 3 #tarsands pipeline in #Minnesota [] | May 25 05:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): So-called 'beauty' 'industry' [] | May 25 05:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Graphics: Intel, XWayland and Vulkan [] | May 25 06:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Graphics : #Intel , #XWayland and #Vulkan #linux [] | May 25 06:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to give #trump the presidency until 2025. No #impeachment and now abandoning the #net #netneutrality [] | May 25 06:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Congress Can End the Digital Divide or Replace It with a Speed Chasm with Its #Broadband Infrastructure Bill "real danger of lowering expectations... [] | May 25 06:03 | |
acer-box | Congress Can End the Digital Divide or Replace It with a Speed Chasm with Its #Broadband Infrastructure Bill "real danger of lowering expectations" | May 25 06:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress Can End the Digital Divide or Replace It with a Speed Chasm with Its Broadband Infrastructure Bill | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 25 06:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #techdirt continues its #gdpr bashing (which makes it less likely other nations will have a go at #privacy -- something that's not respected in TechDirt because there's JS spyware in all pages) [] | May 25 06:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Government’s Indictment of Julian #Assange Poses a Clear and Present Danger to Journalism, the Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Speech, according to @eff [] | May 25 06:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #WikimediaFoundation Asks The European Court Of Human Rights To Rule Against #Turkey 's Two-Year Block Of All #Wikipedia Versions [] | May 25 06:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What took so long? #wikipedia #censorship #erdogan #turkey [] | May 25 06:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #US #CopyrightOffice dealing with charlatan scammer and liar from #australia #copyrig... [] | May 25 06:11 | |
acer-box | #US #CopyrightOffice dealing with charlatan scammer and liar from #australia | May 25 06:11 |
acer-box | | May 25 06:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Copyright Office Weighs In After Wannabe Satoshi Craig Wright Registers Copyright On Original Bitcoin Paper | Techdirt | May 25 06:11 | |
acer-box | #bitcoin #copyright | May 25 06:11 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #theft by the state may become harder [] | May 25 06:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #dmca = #copyright #censorship [] | May 25 06:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Donald #trump has just made a case for his own execution (the #espionage act has death penalty as a possibility). #wikileaks #assange [] | May 25 06:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #intel needs to #deletegithub [] | May 25 06:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: AMD Staging Another Fix To Try Correcting Some Raven Ridge Systems On Linux [] | May 25 06:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AMD Staging Another Fix To Try Correcting Some Raven Ridge Systems On #Linux [] | May 25 06:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #google ought to help these run on 'proper' #gnu #linux as well. I recently tried and it's bloody complicated. [] | May 25 06:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #idg is a 'jokester'; fake, spam sites/network. Sponsored 'articles' by #adobe (the employer of #macasay paying to give him 'air time'), now this... it's a sellout [] | May 25 06:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Buying the news"... the new "biz model"? Companies literally buying not only the narratives but also the space and the staff? Worse than #surveillancecapitalism ? [] | May 25 06:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #google -- like #microsoft -- goes a long way to retard and restrict #gnu #linux so that you only ever use 'it' under the surveillance OS that treats you as a product, not a user [] | May 25 06:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why Windows Containers Are Less Attractive Than #Linux #Containers #microsoft coming from behind, as usual, trying to just envelop the rival [] | May 25 06:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Some #proprietarysoftware trap diluting the brand of #kdeneon @jriddell [] | May 25 06:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Top 10 #Python NLP Libraries For 2019 #programming #language [] | May 25 06:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "As both projects were released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0, any and all of these improvements could be backported to the original Slic3r; but doing so would take considerable time and effort" [] | May 25 06:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "I also wish to thank the EPO's press office for their support, despite the fact that there were times when I was an enemy of the #EPOnia state, though I have for several years now refrained from commenting on their internal matters," says @fosspatents htt... [] | May 25 06:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #uspto lunacy: dispute over #patents that already expired [] | May 25 06:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Just be aware that #epo leaks your private data if you do, then lies to you about it: [] | May 25 07:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Making money by eliminating bogus #swpats of a #patenttroll #packetintelligence [] | May 25 07:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Except 'fake' ones who are actually PR operatives disguised as "journalists" #wikileaks #assange [] | May 25 07:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #EPO intentionally asking the wrong questions, e.g. "What is technical?" instead of "What is abstract?" [] | May 25 07:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kevin E. Noonan and the pack of patent maximalists currently very busy trying to give visibility to bad bills that have failed for years to bring #swpats back to the US [] | May 25 07:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Situation:1. You want to talk down X2. But by talking it down you give X visibility3. If X already has a lot of visibility, (1) is OK4. Else, don't link to it, instead frame it in a general context (to prepare those who might see it)#DontFeedTheTrolls [] | May 25 07:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Many parallels between #teamupc and the anti- #ptab anti- #section101 (i.e. pro #swpats in US) lobby. #unitarypatent [] | May 25 07:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "One of the about Brazilian patent system has been the time it takes for obtaining patent protection or, in other words, the backlog."#epo just massively lowered quality of examination [] | May 25 07:14 | |
<--r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 25 07:14 | |
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 25 07:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft is an expert at this, having infiltrated so many institutions, often under the guise of 'charity' [] | May 25 07:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft even puts 'former' staff in these [] | May 25 07:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Inventergy bogus #patents will meet #ptab (and probably will be thrown in the wastebasket where they belong) [] | May 25 07:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #suepo has made it public; #epo strike coming. [] | May 25 07:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #patent maximalism #thinktank#ManagingIP keeps pushing this propaganda term for #swpats that's labeled #fintech (Trojan horse for fake patents or their acceleration in Singapore) [] | May 25 07:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): YAY! Let's "own" the appearance of ANIMALS!! You are stealing... sorry, I mean PIRATING my copy-RIGHTS!! #copyright #law is self-discrediting sometimes [] | May 25 07:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): And speaking of #copyright law, the monopolies bought the #eu and are still going ahead. [] | May 25 07:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Measuring one's achievements by number of #patents overlooks the fact that it's usually to do with wealth of the employer, not with individual merit (as many #patents are laughable) [] | May 25 07:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Computer vision, i.e. #swpats , as "SDV" (buzzword du jour) see [] | May 25 07:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Had #epo examiners been given enough time to research and study applications, this mess would rarely come about [] | May 25 07:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 14 lawyers. How much is that per hour? #patent maximalism sure suits parasites who are paid thousands per hour to clean up the mess they create and lobby for. [] | May 25 07:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What was the corporate and the societal cost of this wrong/false/erroneous embargo? Injustice isn't cheap, unless you're a lawyer (more time in court to bicker among one another) [] | May 25 07:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I think @glynmoody should cover this. #poland seems to be leading a wave against #eu #copyright abomination (over #article17 aka 13... they changed it to confuse critics) [] | May 25 07:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo meanwhile offers an award to #qualcomm for bogus #swpats (invalid as per the EPC). Lawlessness is the new formal in #EPOnia see [] | May 25 07:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #pl #poland #eu #copyright #europe [] | May 25 07:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #eu #copyright #europe #article13 #article17 [] | May 25 07:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Use #freesw No, no, not that corporate shite they call #opensource but the real freedom-respecting stuff where there's no strongarming into putting back doors in binaries [] | May 25 07:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #patenttroll #uniloc not having an easy time in #cafc #swpats of a #microsoft -connected troll [] | May 25 07:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #cafc is a #patent demolition team. Knocking down fake #patents "the '907 and '285 patents were invalid for failure to satisfy the requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 112." [] | May 25 07:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo strike also [] | May 25 07:50 | |
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 25 07:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When Factual Allegations Masquerade as “Conclusory Legal Assertions” "patented claims were invalid as a matter of law (ineligible abstract"#swpats [] | May 25 07:57 | |
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 25 07:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): TIL: being against #swpats (software #patents and other totally insane #patent applications) makes you "JIHADIST" [] | May 25 08:14 | |
-->libertybox ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 25 08:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Gulf of Tonkin ‘Crisis’, Iranian Style #iran [] | May 25 08:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When President #Trump Rejects Congressional Subpoenas, He Rejects the Constitution and the Powers it Gave Congress [] | May 25 08:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Alabama Is Trying to Ban #Abortion . Today (Friday) #ACLU Filed Suit to Stop Them. [] | May 25 08:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 25 08:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 25 08:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Android and GNU/Linux Software on Chrome OS [] | May 25 08:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android and #GNU / #Linux Software on #ChromeOS [] | May 25 08:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Why Windows Containers Are Less Attractive Than Linux Containers [] | May 25 08:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why #Windows Containers Are Less Attractive Than #Linux #Containers [] | May 25 08:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft denying its back doors (in everything) in spite of @snowden leaks and insiders saying so is a lot like #oil giants denying #globalwarming and some fools wanting "to believe"... fall for the well-funded denials [] | May 25 08:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Even better: Greens by Christmas [] | May 25 08:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Best Command-Line FTP Clients for Linux [] | May 25 08:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Best Command-Line FTP Clients for Linux but should anyone still be using #ftp >at all<? [] | May 25 08:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 25 08:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 25 08:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #DevNation Federal conference will bring together industry experts and key maintainers of popular open source projects in a one-day immersive conference for federal developers." [] | May 25 08:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Blender3D User interface and API Freeze #freesw [] | May 25 08:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ivan - proper dependency resolution- actually sane CLI [] | May 25 09:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The SD Association, a trade group that decides standardized specs for #microSD and SD cards, has blacklisted #Huawei ." a #cartel of #empire [] | May 25 09:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Shame on #redhat for helping #microsoft #openwashing PR camping @tinymwriter #opensource will continue to die if it's ascribed to #proprietarysoftware with #surveillance [] | May 25 09:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: FreeBSD 11.3 Beta 1 [] | May 25 09:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #FreeBSD 11.3 Beta 1 #bsd #unix [] | May 25 09:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming/Development: Python Natural Language Processing, DevNation Federal, KTextEdProgramming/Development: Python Natural Language Processing, DevNation Federal, KTextEditor/Kate, Blender3D, Blender3D ht... [] | May 25 09:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming /Development: #Python Natural Language Processing, #DevNation Federal, #KTextEditor /Kate, #Blender3D [] | May 25 09:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: new: control who you get notifications fromScreenshot_20190525-031909_Fire… [] | May 25 09:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @petra if any of the enabled rules would match it is let through [] | May 25 09:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: sometimes I wonder if these zero tolerance, one transgression and you are blocked type instances wouldn't be better off using accept lists instead of blocking everyone [] | May 25 09:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: I mean if I wanted to operate a "safe space" type instance, I would use an accept list. that way I wouldn't have to worry about it. [] | May 25 09:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblasted that instance admin is not an antisemite [] | May 25 09:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblasted I suppose that is true but the instance you blocked is a good actor 95% of the time. obviously run your community however you wish, but I feel like a zero tolerance policy will just lead to burnout. [] | May 25 09:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: can we get back to the debates that really matter? not the validity of otherkin, but instead the validity of psionics. [] | May 25 09:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblasted that's fair, as I said, it's a free world and you should certainly feel entitled to run your community however you wish.however, personally, I don't think that cancelling teenagers over the use of a slur that is unfortunately codified into mo... [] | May 25 10:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: would now be a bad time to mention the uncomfortable relationship between gangster rap and antisemitism? [] | May 25 10:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblasted I hear it frequently amongst people working in tech, actually. not the fancy people with college degrees, but the grunt the telecom industry, contract negotiations with a sales rep are commonly referred to as "jewing them down." [] | May 25 10:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblastedtechbros gonna bro I's a viscious cycle, that started out of the hip hop scene in the 90s, as well as elements of the metal scene.this reinforces what they see when they view Alex Jones clips that have been shared with them in slack.w... [] | May 25 10:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @brainblasted i mean, it probably goes back farther than that, but i don't really listen to music much older than 1980, as it's just not interesting to me. anyway, my point is that the media targeted at Gen X is really where this "edgy" "ironic" hate origi... [] | May 25 10:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @epicmorphism @brainblasted it is extremely popular amongst techbros, especially young ones who go and start startups instead of going to college. [] | May 25 10:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @epicmorphism @brad @brainblasted i did not say it was "no biggie," do not misrepresent my words, thank you. [] | May 25 10:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: want to abolish hate? abolish capitalism. or humanity. either works, honestly. [] | May 25 11:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @joiningpleroma unfortunately the climate emergency is way ahead of you on abolishing both by proxy. [] | May 25 11:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll well, hate is an emotion, but that emotion is amplified by commercial media. it is also used as an engagement driver for modern "social" media services, such as facebook, twitter, buzzfeed, etc. so, really, i think it's time we have a serious d... [] | May 25 11:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @a @espectalll tiktok? [] | May 25 11:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll nobody is talking about propaganda though, because propaganda is obvious. i'm talking about something that *isn't* talked about. [] | May 25 11:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll consider that the current political structure benefits greatly from capitalism [] | May 25 11:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll no shit? [] | May 25 11:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll i'll point at capitalism encouraging the mainstreaming of hate, thanks. if you don't like it, the block button is right there. [] | May 25 11:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: tfw you think you're woke, but really you're broke [] | May 25 11:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll i think my conclusion is quite constructive. [] | May 25 11:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll your points are irrelevant. [] | May 25 11:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @meireikei @espectalll who said anything about it being either capitalism OR communism? i'm talking about the intersectionality of profit-driven media companies selling hate for a profit. [] | May 25 11:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @bhtooefr @espectalll wow somebody got what i was saying, thank you [] | May 25 11:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Leradvor @one @espectalll @meireikei yes, Che Guevara hated gay people. [] | May 25 11:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll @bhtooefr okay, we're going to just have to agree to disagree here. i'm not actually talking about abolishing capitalism itself, but the current corporate state of capitalism. i'm also not interested in continuing this discussion here. if you c... [] | May 25 11:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll i mean, the post was clearly not completely serious.but, if you want to discuss the practices of the commercial media industry to promote hate as a product, we can discuss that. there really are economic variables at play, or put simpler, "hate... [] | May 25 11:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @one @meireikei @espectalll @Leradvor indeed, Che was a homophobe and also a racist. the debacle with the Congolese is only one example of the latter. he was also racist toward the indigenous people in America and Mexico. [] | May 25 11:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @espectalll i'm not talking about fox news. again, that's obvious.i'm talking about things like music. [] | May 25 11:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foxhkron me too [] | May 25 12:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: oh for fucks sake that spammer is back [] | May 25 12:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: welp I will deploy the spamtraps yet again [] | May 25 12:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: the spam has honestly gotten pastiche at this point [] | May 25 12:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: it's nice being reminded that Switter is a thing by having something randomly boosted by a user there [] | May 25 12:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @one it's some kid who farms accounts and then spams relentlessly with them [] | May 25 12:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: I dont wanna fuck you, I wanna talk about react damnitTusky_1558783539471_9AMMFPD1WS.… [] | May 25 12:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @one like I said the whole thing is very pastiche honestly [] | May 25 12:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @loke no, they don't see it because my spam traps were ahead of the botnet for a long while. it turns out even free speech instances have low tolerance for spam. [] | May 25 12:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: spywo the dwagon uwu [] | May 25 12:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: yo I'm pretty sure this account is a bot honestlyTusky_1558784052360_CVACFQKPKW.… [] | May 25 12:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @one it's an alleged sex worker, but the media doesn't match the person, sooooooooooo [] | May 25 12:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @one yes Switter but a lot of the accounts are actually spambots that link to the Backpage clone of the week [] | May 25 12:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @one and since it's Mastodon wouldn't it be a prostitoot? [] | May 25 12:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Feuerfuchs who is gnasty gnorc in this scene? uwu [] | May 25 12:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @didnt1able I need this emoji in my life [] | May 25 12:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @OCRbotTusky_1558785019275_B0AW8UWVFX.… [] | May 25 12:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): After attacking Julian #assange for nearly a decade, even using the "hygiene" smears, they now realise they attacked their own interests? Or because #trump did this? Manning came to them first. [] | May 25 13:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The criminal who now runs #ecuador will no doubt tamper (or consider tampering) with the evidence, maybe even to frame visitors of Julian #Assange (whom he got on tape, audio and video, for over a year) [] | May 25 13:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): They say #assange "endangered American democracy"; if so, does American democracy mean war criminals being guarded and election rigging/nomination covered up? Which is what #wikileaks exposed...? [] | May 25 13:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #boycotttheguardian [] | May 25 13:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Good piece by Caitlin Johnstone (as usual) #wikileaks #assange [] | May 25 13:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #EspionageAct and Julian #Assange "The prosecution effort was initially focused on a charge of computer intrusion" [] | May 25 13:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Sanders , #LizWarren , #Wyden Join Free Press Advocates in Denouncing Assange Prosecution as Grave Threat—But Others Are Silent (and #biden called #assange "terrorist") [] | May 25 13:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Exclusive: Julian #Assange ’s Attorney Decries Espionage Charges as “Grave Threat to Press Freedom” [] | May 25 13:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Daniel #Ellsberg : Julian #Assange 's #Espionage Charges Are a Travesty making #journalism that exposes new facts a "crime" [] | May 25 13:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ChelseaManning is Showing Us What Real Resistance Looks Like #wikileaks #heroism #warcrime #patriotism [] | May 25 13:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Assange , #Espionage , and the Cult of Personality personifying things can be ruinous in the long run [] | May 25 13:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The #corporatemedia reports about “escalating tensions with Iran,” implying that# Iran is at least partly responsible for such. But in fact, persons in the administration chomping at the bit to go to war with Iran" [] | May 25 13:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): While #iran #war drums beat, #Trump wants to keep Congress in the dark [] | May 25 13:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "There is the close relationship between #war and #climatechange that can be seen in a cycle of feedback loops creating the interlocking crisis." [] | May 25 13:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #MaxRose did receive a considerable amount of progressive left votes in his general election bid that he did not receive in the primary." [] | May 25 13:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #maga = millionaires and gangsters alliance (MAGA), destroying what's left of the middle and lower class for sweep-up by the oligarchy (see collapse of USSR) [] | May 25 13:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Decided to check #marpel comments today and also read some #epo strike articles at the gym. Things will change at the EPO and not for the better. It's like Battistelli was Bush II and Campinos is Trump. Endgame. Self-immolating. [] | May 25 13:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "As a teenager, I remember the POW/MIA flag conjuring scenes from Rambo and The Deer Hunter. I pictured gaunt soldiers enduring forced labor and torture thousands of miles away in remote jungle camps." [] | May 25 13:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US not functioning anymore. Like a dictatorship or a monarchy the branches exist only in name. [] | May 25 13:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Dangerous Demise of Disarmament weapons get made to be used, eventually. There's financial pressure for more to be used and replenished. [] | May 25 13:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The #Trump presidency has been a disaster for the country and the world; a second Trump term would be calamitous. The menace must be stopped." [] | May 25 13:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #religion -- any religion for that matter -- spoils #politicsIt's rooted in fiction, delusions and elitism [] | May 25 13:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Peace With #Iran Is a Good Thing #irandeal was a good thing, except for hawks and criminals looking for a scapegoat, distraction, war [] | May 25 13:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): NYT Parrots US Propaganda on #Hezbollah in #Venezuela #iran #nytimes #fakenews [] | May 25 13:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Iran , #Venezuela and the Throes of #Empire "how the U.S. was brought to this point needs to be considered" [] | May 25 13:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Push for #War with #Iran we know who would profit from it. #military #militarism #imperialism [] | May 25 13:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Rev. William Alberts: "Don’t think about Donald Trump’s divisive narcissistic autocratic personality. His campaign manager Brad Parscale certainly doesn’t. In fact, he testified to Trump’s divine calling on Twitter..." [] | May 25 13:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Better yet, dump #johnbolton in a prison cell for his past crimes. #warcrime #warcriminal [] | May 25 13:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Why does the dominant media pay so much attention to #Russia “meddling” in other countries, but little to #Canada ’s longstanding interference in the political affairs of nations thousands of kilometres from our borders?" [] | May 25 13:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'This Is Big': 76 Retired US Generals and Diplomats Warn #Trump Against War With #Iran worse than Bush II; isolates the US from the whole worl... [] | May 25 14:00 | |
acer-box | 'This Is Big': 76 Retired US Generals and Diplomats Warn #Trump Against War With #Iran | May 25 14:00 |
acer-box | worse than Bush II; isolates the US from the whole world. | May 25 14:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Big': 76 Retired US Generals and Diplomats Warn Trump Against War With Iran | May 25 14:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): As a #GMO Stunt, Professor Tasted a #Pesticide and Gave It to Students giving poison to students sounds like a #crime [] | May 25 14:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "channels didn’t care much for Donald’s 2019 veto on U.S. involvement in the #war in #Yemen , or his 2017 tax giveaway to the very rich, but pundits buzzed with excitement to the slightest hint that there’s a Trump “pee tape.”" [] | May 25 14:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Denmark #Peace - #Justice Conference Based on Activism in Many Countries #dk [] | May 25 14:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This #propaganda (psychological operations) war is partly funded by military budget for strategic purposes of #imperialism (Brits used cricket etc.) [] | May 25 14:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Putting a bike lane in a busy and car-speeding street is not a good idea. And cutting down trees because the electric company says so is even worse. #Claremont should have demanded the company bury the wires." [] | May 25 14:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Yanis Varoufakis: The Left Refuses to Get Its Act Together in the Face of #Neofascism [] | May 25 14:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Russia youth activists strike for #climate action despite government resistance #putin dislikes any public gatherings that make demands [] | May 25 14:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Pipeline Activists Challenge #Louisiana #Law That Criminalizes Protest serving the rich who ruin the planet [] | May 25 14:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Ali would be a failure in the postmodern #education system the #Pakistan government is making futile attempts to create for a people still stuck in the medieval ages." [] | May 25 14:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #brexit is dead. Not delayed. Dead. [] | May 25 14:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #TheresaMay became prime minister the month after Britons voted in June 2016"#cameron was culpable/wrong to allow #brexit cheaters have a rigged referendum based on lies [] | May 25 14:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No Savior on the Horizon: #NativePeoples Fight for Environmental and Cultural Protection [] | May 25 14:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The Seattle Scrotum is filled with tropical plants probably pillaged from what’s left of the real Amazon way down south in Brazil"Now, it's #brexot and Amazon versus Amazonian forests [] | May 25 14:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In the U.S., more than 25 states and several federal Acts now mandate “streamlining” (easing deployment) of 5G infrastructure. Let me unpack what this means for municipalities and households." [] | May 25 14:33 | |
acer-box | "In the U.S., more than 25 states and several federal Acts now mandate “streamlining” (easing deployment) of 5G infrastructure. Let me unpack what this means for municipalities and households." @glynmoody | May 25 14:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Controlling 5G: A Course in Obstacles | May 25 14:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A #Colonialist #LandGrab Is Happening Right Now in #Congo #africa #belgium [] | May 25 14:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gafam as world domination assisted by #military budget: #surveillance #propaganda and #censorship included. [] | May 25 14:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If in doubt, do not trust what the #police insists on [] | May 25 14:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "I Apologize to No One" for Opposing Disastrous US Wars in #Vietnam and #Iraq , Says Bernie #Sanders [] | May 25 14:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Check who sponsored #pelosi all these decades. Some of this information is in the public domain now, owing to research and disclosures. [] | May 25 14:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Transparently racistTransparently corruptTransparently sexist (an understatement, that too could land him in jail for decades) [] | May 25 14:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DHS is Locking Immigrants in #SolitaryConfinement (a #torture form) they committed no crime [] | May 25 14:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DeanBakerI like Baker.Unorthodox views on a rigged and collapsing economy, from a person long trained to understand and analyse these issues. [] | May 25 14:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "But it doesn’t just apply to military settings or deaths in the field. The Feres Doctrine also shields military medical providers from malpractice suits by troops — and their dependents." [] | May 25 15:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): oiaohm at #techrights ... "the mess is getting worse. It's not like you need SD approval to have a SD card slot and compatible driver hardware." [] | May 25 15:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The monster under the bed [] | May 25 15:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Extremist Laws, Like #Alabama ’s, Will Hit Poor Women the Hardest [] | May 25 15:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Former advisor to Mikhail #Khodorkovsky , sentenced to 10 years in prison in absentia after 15-year-long case [] | May 25 15:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Fund Endangered Species Act, It's Saved 99 Percent of Wildlife on the Brink "Hawaiian plants, eastern freshwater mussels and southwest des... [] | May 25 15:19 | |
acer-box | Fund Endangered Species Act, It's Saved 99 Percent of Wildlife on the Brink | May 25 15:19 |
acer-box | "Hawaiian plants, eastern freshwater mussels and southwest desert fish." | May 25 15:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Fund Endangered Species Act, it's saved 99 percent of wildlife on the brink | TheHill | May 25 15:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hearing against the #PrivacyShield before the General Court of the #EU ! #europe #privacy [] | May 25 15:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Is #Impeachment Really Optional? Sometimes a Strong Offense Is the Only Defense [] | May 25 15:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Investors in illegal colonies in #palestine (so-called "settlements" of #israel ) in the #WhiteHouse [] | May 25 15:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Of course, membership in the Communist party–which is entirely legal–has no more bearing on their classroom teaching than the party membership of teachers who are Republicans or Democrats." [] | May 25 15:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): As Millions March to Demand #Climate Action, Research Reveals Protests Make People More Optimistic About Affecting Change [] | May 25 15:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Alabama Doesn’t Value Its Own Residents’ “Sanctity of Life” #waronwomen in the name of "the children" (or weeks-old embryos) [] | May 25 15:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'Save Our Planet, Save Our Future': Youth Demand Action With Massive #Climate Strikes Worldwide [] | May 25 15:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We're Stepping Up—Join Us": #Climate Leaders Answer Youth School Strikers' Call for Global Action [] | May 25 15:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Liliana had been with them until 2017, working full time and parenting. Yet at her check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in May 2017, she was taken into detention." [] | May 25 15:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Losing Aldermanic Privilege, and How Unprepared #Illinois Is for the Next #Recession "Illinois is very unprepared for the next recession" [] | May 25 15:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "the richest 62 persons in the world own as much net wealth as the poorer half of humanity. This is the number that could fit inside a London double-decker bus." [] | May 25 15:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The robbery isn't shoplifting; it's in boardrooms with their collisions and #bribery of officials (e.g. for tax "breaks" i.e. legalising their crimes) [] | May 25 15:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Stop U.S. Funding for Human Rights Abuses in the #Philippines "began with the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893." [] | May 25 15:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sergey #Skripal 's niece turns over purported recording of former spy’s voice message to #Russia 's Investigative Committee [] | May 25 15:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sen. Alexander Releases Bipartisan Plan To Lower #Health Costs, End Surprise Bills [] | May 25 15:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Senators Call for Disclosure of Perks and Fees Paid to Health Benefits Brokers #bribery #politics [] | May 25 15:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "instructing the Apsaalooke people that it would be in their best interests to not make war on the soon to be arriving settlers and to negotiate agreements with them regarding the ownership and use of their homelands." [] | May 25 15:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The bigger picture is women’s sexuality. Straight men’s sexuality is treated as more legit than women’s. The differences start at a young age." #abortion #alabama [] | May 25 15:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The political left, right, and center, each offer their own vision for the proper treatment of those who arrive on American borders in search of a better life." [] | May 25 15:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #jp #depression #japan #culture #work [] | May 25 15:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Of course this is bound to happen when criminals are put in positions of power. And it gets yet worse over time as they see they can get away with it all, eventually. [] | May 25 15:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Offal Office " The most obvious is President Xi Jinping of China." [] | May 25 15:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Relations between the U.S. and #China have deteriorated sharply in recent days after trade negotiations broke down, leading some to suggest we are on the cusp of a new “cold war.”" Everything is made there... [] | May 25 15:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #warcrminal who sprays himself orange to hide the ugliness beneath and the criminality everywhere in his administration [] | May 25 15:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The orange #warcriminal is now blessing #warcrimes as "acceptable" #iraq #trump #militarism [] | May 25 15:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Waking Up to the #SunriseMovement "tackling the threat posed by a depleted #ozone layer, banned many chlorofluorocarbons." [] | May 25 15:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): We’re Stepping Up—Join Us For a Day to Halt This #Climate Crisis [] | May 25 15:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Pardoning War Criminals Is a Monstrous Way to Honor Memorial Day [] | May 25 16:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Pledging Allegiance to the Divided States of America "they decided to take the Americas by force and slaughter anyone who stood in their way." [] | May 25 16:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The uprising in #Sudan has benefited from a high level of organization and impressive leadership from students, women and unions" [] | May 25 16:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why participate in #genocide when there are better things to do? [] | May 25 16:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #RealEstate Title Firm’s Lapse Exposes 885 Million Files for #privacy don't give information (or as little as possible). They use #proprietarysoftware [] | May 25 16:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Weeks after #offguardian got off 'the cloud' ( they're having technical issues. They need better geeks, I think. [] | May 25 16:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #California is filled with forests and other ecosystems where wildfire is a natural and necessary occurrence. Many California communities are built next to these habitats." [] | May 25 16:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "More than three million international tourists visited Russia during the 2018 #FIFA World Cup, but not all of them were there for the soccer." [] | May 25 16:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New discoveries in KGB archives show a Kyiv agent sold documents to North Korean spies for money, cameras, and ginseng [] | May 25 16:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New Data Reveals 'Alarming Escalation' of Threats Towards #Abortion Facilities [] | May 25 16:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What if a neighbour of the US did this? [] | May 25 16:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Fedora 31 Planning To Upgrade To RPM 4.15 For Faster Builds, Other Improvements [] | May 25 16:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Fedora 31 Planning To Upgrade To RPM 4.15 For Faster Builds, Other Improvements [] | May 25 16:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 4 Ways to Run Linux Commands in Windows [] | May 25 16:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 4 Ways to Run #Linux Commands in #Windows [] | May 25 16:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DestinationLinux EP122 – Richard Brown of #openSUSE hes usually nice to me. #suse #gnu #linux [] | May 25 16:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "On Tuesday I hosted my #pylint workshop during the regular #Django #Bulgaria meetup. This edition was the first which was practice based." #bg #python [] | May 25 16:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 6 Open Source Android Alternative Operating Systems For Mobiles #Plasma Mobile, #KaiOS #LineageOS #postmarketOS #UbuntuTouch [] | May 25 16:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 6 Open Source #Android Alternative Operating Systems For Mobiles #Plasma Mobile, #KaiOS #LineageOS #postmarketOS #UbuntuTouch #Tizen #Eelo [] | May 25 16:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ' #Linux desktop standards, how the Web has changed over the years, and the ethics of space exploration. [..] Should humans spend billions on space exploration while so many people live in poverty?" [] | May 25 16:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This week’s #slackware updates: Chromium, LibreOffice, Flash #gnu #linux [] | May 25 16:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "As you know for sure, a towel has immense psychological value." #towelday [] | May 25 16:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #kde blogs in a #microsoft platform today :-( :/ #deletegithub [] | May 25 16:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The original #kube (of #kde fame), pretending the hijack of the name by #kubernetes also see #slackware [] | May 25 16:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Who talks down #gdpr ? So far today I saw two sites (doing so), both of which have #google #spyware in ALL THEIR PAGES. #techdirt and now #linuxjournal [] | May 25 16:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gdpr has already blocked thousands of sites from doing illegal things to me. They were preventing access as people from the #eu would otherwise be able to wage legal action. It limits their reach/traffic. [] | May 25 16:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft violates #gdpr but I haven't seen any fines imposed yet. Not by the Microsoft-Commissioned, the Microsoft-infiltrated European Commission. [] | May 25 16:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Our conclusion is that we have to keep #Pango from getting in the way. It should be a thin and translucent layer, and not require us to plumb APIs for every new feature through several internal abstractions." #gnome #gnu #linux [] | May 25 16:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Daniel García Moreno: #EndlessOS dual boot with #Fedora [] | May 25 16:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Top 15 Best Windows Emulators for Linux Enthusiasts [] | May 25 16:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Top 15 Best Windows Emulators for Linux Enthusiasts They don't know what emulator is. Watch how they describe Wine. WINE is Not an Emulator (WINE) [] | May 25 16:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #telegram " #Fift #programming language has been specifically designed for developing and managing TON #blockchain smart contracts." [] | May 25 16:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Checking later the forecast, it showed that for about 5 or so minutes it rained with a rate of 15mm/h" #biking #rain #debian #gnu #linux [] | May 25 16:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Imagine us replacing the buzzwords "smart" with "smut"...E.g."I took a photo on my smut phone and sent it to my smut home so my smut meter blinked and I was locked outside by my smut lock and could no longer access the smut cloud" [] | May 25 16:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): We're wasting >hours< having to explain to guests how to operate the "smart" locks, sometimes having to apologise for defective "smart" locks (happens a lot). Management should either go back to standard locks or put instructions for guests. Tired of this ... [] | May 25 17:01 | |
acer-box | We’re wasting >hours< having to explain to guests how to operate the “smart” locks, sometimes having to apologise for defective “smart” locks (happens a lot). Management should either go back to standard locks or put instructions for guests. Tired of this “smart” shite everywhere… having to be polite. | May 25 17:01 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Intel #Linux Driver Wiring Up Support So Skylake+ Display Engine Can Utilize eDRAM #drm but not this DRM: [] | May 25 17:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Project Trident version 19.05 is now available! [] | May 25 17:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Project #Trident version 19.05 is now available! #bsd #unix [] | May 25 17:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: SUSE: Richard Brown of openSUSE and SLES 12 [] | May 25 17:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SUSE : Richard Brown of #openSUSE and #SLES 12 #gnu #linux [] | May 25 17:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: KDE and GNOME: Kube, EndlessOS, Pango and Harfbuzz [] | May 25 17:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KDE and #GNOME : #Kube , #EndlessOS , #Pango and Harfbuzz [] | May 25 17:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Programming Leftovers [] | May 25 17:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming Leftovers #freesw #fift #pylint #python [] | May 25 17:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's leftovers [] | May 25 17:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's #tuxmachines leftovers [] | May 25 17:28 | |
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 25 17:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Links 25/5/2019: #Wine 4.9 Released, #FreeBSD 11.3 Beta, #Telegram Launches #Fift #techrightsx [] | May 25 17:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Links 25/5/2019: Wine 4.9 Released, FreeBSD 11.3 Beta, Telegram Launches Fift [] | May 25 17:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @sean So others too have noticed [] | May 25 17:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @onewaydotcom Define "here"; fediverse? [] | May 25 17:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rin I feel like giving people control over their experience is more effective in the long run [] | May 25 19:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @rin I mean ultimately it should be no surprise that broken software leads to broken mitigations [] | May 25 19:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @it @Frinkeldoodle let me know if you encounter any problems with the software, and good luck with your relay [] | May 25 19:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foxhkron @Mitsuuu you have a fursuit ?! [] | May 25 19:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: the bunny is everywhere, omnipresent you could say, you can't escape the lapine surveillance apparatus [] | May 25 19:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: choosing firmware based on bunnies:coreboot: has a bunnyEFI: doesn't have a bunnyBIOS: doesn't have a bunny [] | May 25 19:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foggy imagine if it were apk instead [] | May 25 19:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foggy see what we need is a glibc desktop distro based on apk [] | May 25 19:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foxhkron @Mitsuuu suckssssssss [] | May 25 19:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: I'm starting a GoFundMe so @foxhkron can get a murrsuit [] | May 25 19:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: this post was cursed feel free to cancel me over it [] | May 25 19:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jalcine that pancake appears to be very well done [] | May 25 20:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: get yourself a tail so long you need an assistant to carry it [] | May 25 20:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foxiepaws I do [] | May 25 20:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: can we jack into the matrix yet, I'm tired of living half of my days in pain [] | May 25 20:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: rabbits. rabbits! rabbits!!!!!! [] | May 25 20:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: rabbits?! [] | May 25 20:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: this shitpost brought to you by! make sure you're always online by never using ssl when first joining a WiFi hotspot. [] | May 25 20:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @waifu ya I'm going to cosplay as pleromatan and then curl up in a ball and cry afterward because I'm not really pleromatan [] | May 25 20:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @feld are you a foot fetishist do you want to see Pleroma-tan's toes?! [] | May 25 20:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @sadcatstarry why would I ever do that [] | May 25 20:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: most of the werewolves I've ever met were republican, so why would I want to date them? [] | May 25 21:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: werewolves: being a dog girl but for MEN [] | May 25 21:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: come to Pleroma, where the devs can actually meme and we give you the features you ask for [] | May 25 21:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi I was implying that gargron's memes are forced (which they are) [] | May 25 21:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foxhkron @maximilia yeah right [] | May 25 21:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: now vampires, that's where it's at, get yourself a good vampire gf today [] | May 25 21:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: I hear they are really nibbly [] | May 25 21:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @charlag everyone should just move to glitch [] | May 25 21:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: towomino is more of a brat than a top tbh [] | May 25 21:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi this reply is brought to you by pornhub where you can see werewolf sex fantasy volume 3 for free!!!! [] | May 25 21:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foxhkron face it, you're a fox, foxes are at the bottom of the canine society [] | May 25 21:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: #np: Apoptygma Berzerk - Into The Unknown {audio/flac} (1:34/3:43) [] | May 25 21:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foxhkron that's what they all say [] | May 25 21:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maloki @charlag right now Florence would be a downgrade for Mastodon 2.8 users [] | May 25 21:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maloki @charlag (but florence could be a great alternative in the future of course. I am just hesitant to suggest it for typical instance admins until it's actually moving at a decent pace. yeah yeah, chicken and egg problem I know, but it wouldn't be use... [] | May 25 21:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @grainloom why the fuck would a company sponsor something like audacious which is basically a walking copyright violation by design. half the plugins are stripped out of most distributions because they contain proprietary blobs needed to operat... [] | May 25 21:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maloki @charlag yeah that's why I suggest moving to glitch from Mastodon right now. I suggest Florence for people who are interested in development, as I think Florence has value in the longer term. glitch is more of a short term mitigation to the problem... [] | May 25 21:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ihavebigtits @kaikatsu have you ever chased someone around a house with a knife trying to bloodlet them because you're high as fuck on Xanax and Wellbutrin and also drunk? [] | May 25 21:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ihavebigtits @kaikatsu oh good, because the last vampire gf I had tried to do that [] | May 25 21:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @kaikatsu @ihavebigtits yeah idk, that girl was crazy tho [] | May 25 21:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: by the way, yes, i was able to make right click basically work in KDE. [] | May 25 21:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: wayland seems smoother incidentally [] | May 25 21:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: presented without comment as evidence that androidbros don't even know what the hell they are talking aboutScreenshot_20190525_154715.png… [] | May 25 21:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lain :thaenkin: [] | May 25 21:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @lain this must be the thought process that leads to software like Mastodon [] | May 25 21:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @coolboymew no, they're the people who install LineageOS and then unironically think they are superior because of it [] | May 25 21:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @eggy [] | May 25 22:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @JonQuan libreboot is just coreboot without blobs [] | May 25 22:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: think i might make a chili this evening, but a different recipe than i normally use [] | May 25 22:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @foxhkron @lain sure why not [] | May 25 22:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: Screenshot_20190525_161803.png… [] | May 25 22:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: being a rabbit is a social construct [] | May 25 23:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: try it today [] | May 25 23:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: doing some redneck cooking, using grease as a liquid source for beans [] | May 25 23:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @SamanthaCayne there's only one way to do slow cooked chili man [] | May 25 23:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @orphael nobody eats my food to get healthy [] | May 25 23:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @Leradvor @er1n @SamanthaCayne ^^^ user was banned for this post [] | May 25 23:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BestGirlGrace you can if you are renaming from the PID which holds the file handle [] | May 25 23:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BestGirlGrace have you tried using _rename() with the _osfhandle or whatever it is? [] | May 26 00:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i think this is cleaner #pleromaScreenshot_20190525_181052.png… [] | May 26 00:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: maybe it would be useful to have some advice about Mutes here too [] | May 26 00:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @eevee good point, maybe we should drop the local/remote user rules. [] | May 26 00:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @eevee notifications will be allowed through if any of the rules match, so really it's just the local/remote that are the problem. the others have overlap, but are sufficiently distinct enough to be useful. [] | May 26 00:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @cosine @eevee no, it is explicitly requested by users that they want to drop notifications from both of those groups. as i said, there's overlap, but the way the overlap is handled is obvious. [] | May 26 00:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: after some feedback, i simplified it a little more.Screenshot_20190525_182532.png… [] | May 26 00:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maxim the intention is the other way around, allowing you to untick user groups who you do not have a relationship with, as well as limiting the user groups you *do* have a relationship with, if you are getting too much noise. [] | May 26 00:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @cosine @eevee because if remote is enabled and local is enabled, then it will override the other checks, since they will always match. [] | May 26 00:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @cosine @eevee i think that would be even more confusing. [] | May 26 00:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @cosine @eevee like i envision somebody opening a bug saying "I have local and remote unchecked but I still get unwanted notifications" [] | May 26 00:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maxim people want to filter notifications in both directions. [] | May 26 00:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maxim consider accounts like gargron where he has 300k followers. you might not want to receive notifications from all 300k of your followers. [] | May 26 00:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: final version. i grouped the positive and negative relationship statuses together, to hopefully make more obvious how the relationship statuses influence notification generation.Screenshot_20190525_183825.png… [] | May 26 00:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @maxim i do believe we provide suggestions on how to deal with those problems right on the settings pane. [] | May 26 00:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maxim this isn't mastodon, if somebody else comes along with a better idea that is proven to be workable, we can always revisit it later. [] | May 26 00:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @succfemboi @maxim no, because these are not related sets of users. a slider would be worse UX. [] | May 26 00:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Peel off that road [] | May 26 01:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 2 kitties purring [] | May 26 01:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bad messaging [] | May 26 01:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How many of these did they sell? [] | May 26 01:07 | |
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 26 01:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: The RadeonSI/RADV Performance With Mesa 19.1 [] | May 26 01:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #RadeonSI / #RADV Performance With #Mesa 19.1 #graphics #linux [] | May 26 01:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers The #RadeonSI / #RADV Performance With #Mesa 19.1 #graphics #linux [] | May 26 01:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @maxim @succfemboi eventually. it needs to be coordinated across projects though. [] | May 26 01:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 26 01:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | May 26 01:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Stable kernels 5.1.5, 5.0.19, 4.19.46, 4.14.122 , and 4.9.179 [] | May 26 01:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Stable kernels 5.1.5, 5.0.19, 4.19.46, 4.14.122 , and 4.9.179 #kernel #linux [] | May 26 01:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to back up #Linux settings to a flash drive [] | May 26 01:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The U.S. Media Is in the Crosshairs of the New #Assange Indictment #wikileaks #espionageAct #freespeech #freepress [] | May 26 01:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): See comments in #Slashdot (on #systemd ) [] | May 26 01:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "On the last episode, we explored #Pyodide . A project whose goal is to bring the #CPython scientific stack to the browser via #WebAssembly ." #python [] | May 26 01:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linux 5.1 Hit By A Data Loss Bug Due To Overly Aggressive FSTRIM Not a bad idea to stay a few versions behind [] | May 26 01:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Linux 5.1 Hit By A Data Loss Bug Due To Overly Aggressive #FSTRIM Not a bad idea to stay a few versions behind [] | May 26 01:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Honeycomb CRUNCH releases, an example Godot game with sources "You can find builds of the game on itch, and the sources up on GitLab." [] | May 26 01:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Better invention: block all ads. There are many people who don't want them and many reasons people do not want them, #privacy one of several. [] | May 26 01:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Muslim and The #Trump #china #xi [] | May 26 01:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "one month after the #Skripal incident, there was allegedly a “chemical weapons attack” in the jihadist enclave of Douma, which led to air strikes against the Syrian government" [] | May 26 01:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): “there’s never been a better time” for who? The rich and corrupt who pillage the system? [] | May 26 01:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Terrifying Implications of India’s Elections for People and the Planet "in the name of “cow protection” have become common in India." [] | May 26 01:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The market is estimated at more than $3 billion." [] | May 26 01:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Mixing two completely separate issues [] | May 26 01:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Outrage After #Trump , Advancing "Alarming Desire to Sow Chaos Abroad," Uses Loophole to Send US Bombs to Saudis [] | May 26 01:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): End of May. End of #brexit too? [] | May 26 01:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): John Walker Lindh Spent 17 Years in Prison — and the War Rages On “John is entirely innocent of any involvement in the [September 11] terror attacks, or any alle... [] | May 26 01:49 | |
acer-box | John Walker Lindh Spent 17 Years in Prison — and the War Rages On | May 26 01:49 |
acer-box | “John is entirely innocent of any involvement in the [September 11] terror attacks, or any allegiance to terrorism” | May 26 01:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Walker Lindh Spent 17 Years in Prison -- and the War Rages On | May 26 01:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Fight for $15 Protests #McDonalds Over Workplace Violence "Sexual harassment should not be tolerated" [] | May 26 01:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Trump’s ‘Big, Beautiful’ Wall Crumbles in Court "illegally diverting taxpayer money." [] | May 26 01:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Where the Forest Has No Name "Massive ancient redwoods, some soaring 350 feet above the ground, tower overhead" [] | May 26 01:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ‘Stonewall Generation’ Confronts Old Age, Sickness — And Discrimination [] | May 26 01:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Creating a Home through the #GreenNewDeal [] | May 26 01:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Pence did not serve in the military but noted that his late father served with the Army in the Korean War." Now he's pushing for more #war [] | May 26 01:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Cities Are Convincing Voters to Pay Higher Taxes for Public Preschool "Who’s footing the bill? Taxpayers." [] | May 26 01:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Child migrants around the world are being denied their human rights "child migrants end up in the hands of traffickers" [] | May 26 01:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Healthcare advocates breathed a sigh of relief but said the "fight is not over" after a federal judge on Friday struck down Mississippi's six-week #abortion ban." [] | May 26 02:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ‘They’ll give me a detention but it’ll be worth it’ – a #climate scientist interviews his climate striking daughter [] | May 26 02:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Great example of buzzwords salad. What a ridiculous article, see last 2 paragraphs. [] | May 26 02:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Users of the Dell Precision 7740 are not confined to a Windows OS ecosystem either, as both #Ubuntu and #RedHat are offered." [] | May 26 02:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #sqlserver is #proprietarysoftware that runs on a platform with #nsa back doors. So if you choose it, then you choose to have no #security at all, only an illusion of it. [] | May 26 02:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 30-plus years of #HyperCard , the missing link to the #www there were other concepts and prototypes predating it [] | May 26 02:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #intel continues a tradition of cheating, lying, delivering defective products, then refusing to recall them boycott them. [] | May 26 02:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Three state representatives pushed for a $15 an hour minimum wage, at a Thursday rally." [] | May 26 02:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): In #trumpland blurred lines between military and #police [] | May 26 02:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trump has #corruption scandals, so he needs #war to distract from #impeachment etc. [] | May 26 02:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #corporatemedia speaks of #iran "tensions", neglecting to note that all this "tension" comes from the US itself. It's not Iran sending troops to #mexico and an aircraft carrier to #canada BTW... [] | May 26 02:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Some use a combination of paper and electronic so there's at least a physical trail for recounts (which helps identify digital rigging) [] | May 26 02:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What #patent extremists call "Bipartisan" isn't really that; it just has two politicians from two parties involved. But it's an attack waged by the litigation 'industry' against everyone else. [] | May 26 02:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #italy today #eu #europe #copyright [] | May 26 02:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft is at the moment #openwashing its proprietary voting software with help from #github takeover (to ensure rigging software with back doors is still used) #deletegithub [] | May 26 02:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #upc (they told us) had also found locations in #london see [] | May 26 02:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #climatechange #climateaction #Brussels [] | May 26 02:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Poland files complaint with #EU 's top court over #copyright rule change #pl #europe @glynmoody [] | May 26 02:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #surveillancecapitalism #facebook #deletefacebook #nsa #espionage [] | May 26 02:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #CopyrightDirective #uploadfilters #censorfilters #censorship #copyright [] | May 26 02:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #mozilla hired from #facebook (VP) and is now pushing some #proprietarysoftware and using #github still #deletegithub [] | May 26 02:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Greens at 25%. #europe #eu #ireland #dublin [] | May 26 02:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #deletegithub This is merely an attempt by the most corrupt #proprietarysoftware company to own and control its competition. see [] | May 26 02:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Misleading headline from a misleading blog of #swpats parasites. Some of these #patents were thrown out see h... [] | May 26 02:37 | |
acer-box | bruzzMisleading headline from a misleading blog of #swpats parasites. Some of these #patents were thrown out see | May 26 02:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Claims of Uniloc Patents Covering a Software Distribution System Found Patent Eligible by Federal Circuit | Software Patent Law | Software Patent Law | | May 26 02:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Uniloc - Techrights | May 26 02:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Is that how Mr Campinos concretely acts when it comes to handle “taxpayers’ money” with “due diligence, due process and careful legal assessment” ?" [] | May 26 02:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In less than a decade, a bunch of managers have succeeded in annihilating one of the few (the only?) European organizations governed by engineers and scientists who actually knew what they were doing." [] | May 26 02:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The corrupt #EPO now pays #Mercer (yes, #Trump connection) to lie about the EPO and screw staff this way [] | May 26 02:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #biden #assange #wikileaks #election2020 #journalismIsNotTerrorism [] | May 26 02:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Still personifying the movement to combat #climatechange and #globalwarming This is going to cost us (and #algore is one cautionary tale) [] | May 26 02:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Imaginary 'property' in #japan #AyePee #jp #financialVoodoo [] | May 26 02:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Lawyers ruining #music because it is profitable (for them) to do so; maybe they should make some music instead of sending legal threats to everyone. [] | May 26 02:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos and python programming [] | May 26 02:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos and #python #programming #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 26 02:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): quite old:"Don't drop that H-bomb, H-bomb on meYeah, I said please, please don't dropDon't drop that H-bomb on me" [] | May 26 02:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #everest no longer worth is, not a yardstick of achievement [] | May 26 02:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Once in a few months it's normal for #joindiaspora to have a little breakdown, but this one has (by now) lasted over a week. Is a fix coming? Anyone aware of any? No E-mail notifications, among other issues... #diaspora [] | May 26 03:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #condenast continues to attack #assange and #wikileaks (reminder that #ibm #microsoft and even worse companies are behind this publisher financially) [] | May 26 03:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trump #donthecon #corruption #politics #farce [] | May 26 03:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ksa international terrorism #de #germany #saudibarbaria #oil [] | May 26 03:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BestGirlGrace oh yeah [] | May 26 03:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ksa #saudibarbaria #oil #cruelty #humanrights [] | May 26 03:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This is supported by the West, which installed this "House of Saud" regime in the region (after it had discovered vast amounts of #oil there in the 1930s) [] | May 26 03:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #CrossFit , Inc. Suspends Use of #Facebook and Associated Properties #surveillancecapitalism [] | May 26 03:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #corporatemedia proposing foreign-owned / -controlled #twitter in place of official communications [] | May 26 03:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @amic now that is some serious cluck [] | May 26 03:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why I love #Perl 6 #programming #freesw [] | May 26 03:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: if mastodon is federated twitter, pleroma is federated tumblr. [] | May 26 04:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: [] | May 26 04:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #TeamCampinos Will Try to Make It Difficult to Go on Strike (But Won't Manage to Prevent It) #epo #eponia #suepo #patents [] | May 26 04:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ibrokemypie intelligent playlist generation? audacious can do it [] | May 26 04:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: maybe i should do some coding against MicroUI tonight, since MicroUI could run as a proper frontend in Pleroma [] | May 26 04:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #brazil should can all these applications and start afresh [] | May 26 04:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jaybeanstalk no, it's part of Pleroma now [] | May 26 04:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @BalooUriza will Pleroma Platinum work as an alternative? [] | May 26 04:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ddeevviiaanntt yeah but browsers don't make that easy to implement. [] | May 26 04:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ddeevviiaanntt sounds like a pain in the ass, when it comes to frontend i only marginally know what i'm doing [] | May 26 04:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @ddeevviiaanntt hj did [] | May 26 04:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jaybeanstalk no, need major refactoring. was thinking about building a PoC tonight [] | May 26 04:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #twitter exists for spreading division and disinformation; [] | May 26 04:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Facebook says it will not remove doctored #Pelosi video #trump has also posted faked videos (Acosta) [] | May 26 04:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Florian said he'd cover more #epo and #uspto #swpats affairs; that certainly would help repair his reputation after the #microsoft affairs.üller [] | May 26 04:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft has a longtime tradition of bribing its critics to defect, at least temporarily, and then tell Microsoft's lies, e.g. #microsoftLovesLinux #NewMicrosoft [] | May 26 04:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Distorted Nancy #Pelosi videos show platforms aren’t ready to fight dirty campaign tricks #socialcontrolmedia [] | May 26 04:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Communist-ruled #China has long maintained strict regulations on which websites and social media platforms are accessible in the country — and which are blocked behind China's so-called "Great Firewall" of [Internet] censorship." https://www.businessinsid... [] | May 26 04:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Palantir's Hotly Anticipated IPO Set to Slide to 2020 #fascism as a business [] | May 26 04:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Under #goldendawnald "grew its revenue by 40% last year up to about $1 billion and has about $30 million in losses, according to the report, which cited anonymous sources." [] | May 26 04:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Palantir Should Not Sponsor #Privacy Conference at Berkeley @aral [] | May 26 04:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #blue and #red the same thing; bribed by the same companies on #netneutrality [] | May 26 05:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): European #Patents Are Eventually Being Revoked. But at Great Expense to Everyone Except #Law Firms. #epo #qualcomm #swpats [] | May 26 05:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: half tempted to just fork Pleroma FE and bolt MicroFE components on top instead of code a new FE from scratch honestly. [] | May 26 05:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SandboxEscape drops three more #Windows 10 zero-day exploits [] | May 26 05:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Huawei can’t officially use #microSD cards in its phones going forward "severely hamper Huawei’s ability to produce hardware at all" [] | May 26 05:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "According to SumahoInfo, the member page showed #Huawei a few weeks ago, but no longer lists the firm this week." [] | May 26 05:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What is known about #huawei and #spying is actually about #nsa mostly [] | May 26 06:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Movie Company Uses #DMCA Subpoena Shortcut to Identify Pirates ttps:// "behind the film "Hunter Killer" have used a shortcut by requesting a DMCA subpoena." [] | May 26 06:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Movie Company Uses #DMCA Subpoena Shortcut to Identify Pirates "behind the film "Hunter Killer" have used a shortcut by requesting a DMCA subpoena." [] | May 26 06:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #reddit #censorship for the #copyright industry (censoring links) " [] | May 26 06:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #CrossFit storms off #Facebook and #Instagram , citing long list of grievances #deletefacebook [] | May 26 06:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals the monolithic pleroma environment uses javascript-based apps, sorry. [] | May 26 06:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: uh, wow, this tornado is coming directly for our house [] | May 26 06:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights [] | May 26 06:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Much Ado About Senators #Tillis and #Coons (Who Failed in 2017 and in 2018) #swpats #ptab #patents [] | May 26 06:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Today in #Techrights #epo #swpats #europe #swpat [] | May 26 06:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Women wear makeup. Donald Trump wears orange goo, but we aren't supposed to call it or think of it as makeup (which he uses to hide his ugliness and age). [] | May 26 06:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wife (seconds ago) about #trump and the orange shite he smears on his face: "it's a form of foundation"Me: "so it's makeup"Her: "yes"US has a makeup-wearing president who cracks down on trans. [] | May 26 07:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: debating doing some coding on #audacious, kind of want to write something useless. like a visualizer or something. [] | May 26 07:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Did the #trumpland campaign to shut down #wikileaks and kill #assange temporarily release #chelseamanning hoping she would retry suicide? The daily fines imposed would punish her family financially until collective bankruptcy. US did this to Aaron Swartz, ... [] | May 26 07:12 | |
acer-box | Did the #trumpland campaign to shut down #wikileaks and kill #assange temporarily release #chelseamanning hoping she would retry suicide? The daily fines imposed would punish her family financially until collective bankruptcy. US did this to Aaron Swartz, so he killed himself. | May 26 07:12 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It isn't often pointed out (IIRC, it was @lessig who brought it up) that Aaron Swartz likely killed himself to spare his family, knowing that the endless charges against him would force the family to remortgage (essentially sell) the home. #blackmail kills... [] | May 26 07:14 | |
acer-box | It isn't often pointed out (IIRC, it was @lessig who brought it up) that Aaron Swartz likely killed himself to spare his family, knowing that the endless charges against him would force the family to remortgage (essentially sell) the home. #blackmail kills people. | May 26 07:14 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The European #Patent Office has a long and growing tradition of failing to respect staff’s rights, including the right to go on strike (over violations of other rights of staff) #epo #europe #... [] | May 26 07:15 | |
acer-box | The European #Patent Office has a long and growing tradition of failing to respect staff’s rights, including the right to go on strike (over violations of other rights of staff) | May 26 07:15 |
acer-box | #epo #europe #battistelli #ceipi | May 26 07:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Team Campinos Will Try to Make It Difficult to Go on Strike (But Won’t Manage to Prevent It) | Techrights | May 26 07:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): European #Patent #EP2724461 is revoked; but the cost of this chaos, which included an invalid embargo, could well be measured in billions, not millions #epo #qualcomm #apple [] | May 26 07:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #patent microcosm is attempting to buy #laws that supersede the US Supreme Court ( #SCOTUS #) and remove/weaken U.S.C. #Section101 as well as #PTAB [] | May 26 07:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #orangenazi has again been 'walled' by a "so called judge" (what the Orange One calls judges who aren't his sister or appointed by him) [] | May 26 07:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #XOrg Server Closer To Better Handling On-Demand #XWayland Startup #Wayland #linux #graphics [] | May 26 07:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers [] | May 26 07:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security Leftovers [] | May 26 07:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: GNOME 3.33.2 released! [] | May 26 07:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GNOME 3.33.2 released! #gtk #gnu #linux #freesw [] | May 26 07:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals so do you advocate they use Mastodon instead (which does the same thing?) [] | May 26 07:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: this is what peak perfection looks likeScreenshot_20190526_013447.png… [] | May 26 07:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals okay, disable JS and go to [] | May 26 07:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals really? because there is a Static FE branch. [] | May 26 07:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @roka skinned ui is so boring honestly [] | May 26 07:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals it must be nice being a tech bro [] | May 26 07:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jalcine yeah i don't know why audacious does that [] | May 26 07:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals then you would want to archive the actual AS2 data, wouldn't you? [] | May 26 07:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jalcine fascinating. let me see how to fix it. i'll fix it right meow. [] | May 26 07:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Iran & Iraq Are Embracing GNU Health Project | Dr Axel Braun [] | May 26 07:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i've always wondered, does anyone actually use the stream ripping feature in audacious? [] | May 26 07:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Iran & #Iraq Are Embracing #GNUHealth Project | Dr Axel Braun #gnu #freesw [] | May 26 07:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: KDE Usability & Productivity: Week 72 [] | May 26 07:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KDE Usability & Productivity: Week 72 #gnu #linux #qt [] | May 26 07:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The "Clinton Death Count" crowd would have loved it [] | May 26 07:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US local 'news' today: "Taylor Swift has less anxiety now she's turning 30" (that's the headline) I sure am happy to be blocking out out #corporatemedia [] | May 26 07:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | May 26 07:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #google #linux [] | May 26 07:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trademark #law must be flexible; for instance, @aral has just received a form of legal threat for using his own name (!!) in a domain name [] | May 26 07:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Tonight we'll see results from #eu election. I hope to see lots and lots of #greenwashing from all member states :-) [] | May 26 07:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Another type of #patent cartel to protect that 'cult' which governs and buys the #law @zoobab [] | May 26 07:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When you sue someone with #swpats in the US it may be you who at the end loses the case twofold (paying the defendants' fees too) [] | May 26 08:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to price up cars that pollute less, potentially pricing them out of the market #patents [] | May 26 08:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @jalcine indeed, it was a hackaround for an old Qt 5.4 bug that is no longer relevant. removed. [] | May 26 08:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #patent lawyers won. They always win. They just need to start wars. #patents #korea #china [] | May 26 08:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #apple cult wants to go into bed with you. To spy on you. #spying #surveillance #pentagon #surveillancecapitalism [] | May 26 08:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Design #patents are all just a joke see for instance: [] | May 26 08:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: maybe i should write a plugin that allows people to write digital signal processing scripts using QJSEngine [] | May 26 08:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hard to imagine why companies from #canada would waste time and money on #patents from #china (where the #patent office is as lenient as funk) [] | May 26 08:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #israel elected a criminal (again) to run the country; so now it's legalising having criminals as national leaders (shades of #trump for sure) [] | May 26 08:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Arduino launches new Nano board range [] | May 26 08:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): That's not what it's forced to do; it could instead use compatibility layers for #android on top of #tizen #sailfishOS #pureos etc. [] | May 26 08:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The real news is, #gafam works for #empire and takes orders from the US military, #trump etc. All those fools who say "move to the cloud" or "Google is your friend" must not reassess their views. [] | May 26 08:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #openwashing of broadband (what? Yes, what!). I guess it's all "ethical" now because, you know, #opensource The brand rapidly becomes meaningless [] | May 26 08:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #OSI >MUST< better enforce the brand, otherwise OSI will be obsolete or facilitator/enabler of #proprietarysoftwareLots of proprietary software now calls itself "open" -- to the point people no longer know what >really< is #freesw (and what fakes it) [] | May 26 08:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Google 's Recent #Huawei Ban Makes a Strong Case For #freesw freedom-respecting software does not discriminate [] | May 26 08:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The cited examples don't show problems with Free software but with sysadmins who neglect to patch it for months, despite knowing the clear risks of this negligence [] | May 26 08:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #proprietarysoftware has flaws and back doors. The latter cannot be patched (it's not supposed to). With #freesw you have only flaws and patches are available immediately (you can also pay someone to write them for you ASAP). [] | May 26 08:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft has both created and sponsored a bunch of firms whose sole purpose was to badmouth the #gpl and say that #freesw is a licensing threat. Later they added to that #security FUD. Remember: MICROSOFT PAID FOR THIS! [] | May 26 08:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #adobe and #microsoft stooge #macasay calls everything "cloud" (I wonder if he even understands what that means) [] | May 26 08:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Had #macasay ever set up a database or written a single line of code (he's a lawyer), he'd know "cloud" just means anything including a database hosted where you have no real control over it. It's outsourcing. [] | May 26 08:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Funny how much #masasay loves linking to #gartner all of a sudden after admitting, in a podcast, he's aware that Gartner shareholders are #billgates and Larrison of #oracle (i.e. they're crooked lobbyists, corrupted by billionaires' cash) http://techrights... [] | May 26 08:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gartner also lobbied for #intel which makes chips with #nsa back doors and endless defects that help it fake performance and make sales based on #falsemarketing (or benchmarks) [] | May 26 08:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When the headline says "Open Source", but it's actually #microsoft C# and #windows (which is #proprietarysoftware with #nsa back doors) [] | May 26 08:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Apache server software and the #Linux operating system—the genesis of the #Android OS that currently powers 86% of the world’s smartphones." [] | May 26 09:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SecurityBoulevard - a site created by an anti-FOSS person - now syndicating FUD from #tripwirePlease avoid those sites. They're connected directly or indirectly to Microsoft's FUD campaigns that stigmatise FOSS. [] | May 26 09:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #huawei is going to use a lot more #freesw #china in general will shun #gafam and move to Free softwarePlease #deletegithub (move elsewhere) as Microsoft would block it if asked by USG [] | May 26 09:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #InfoQ has a new 'article' (puff piece in 'interview' form with Pranav Rastogi) about ML.NET, calling it "open source"; it's dependent on #proprietarysoftware so it's misleading, to put it politely. #microsoft #openwashing [] | May 26 09:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Technotification is also #openwashing for #microsoft and this time it's its #freebait (aka "open core") for #proprietarysoftware (with surveillance and Windows dependence) Visual Studio. [] | May 26 09:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I've decided to not link much to #openwashing examples as it gives these traffic (exposure to misleading PR). I'd provide the links to individuals who ask (to limit traffic which the lies receive). Just ask... [] | May 26 09:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Fossbytes says "Microsoft Open Sources ‘PowerToys’: Utility Tool To Customize Windows 10"So I have to run (and buy, i.e. rent) #malware with back doors, #vista10 , to use this 'open source'. Oh, I see.... more like #openwashing of #proprietarysoftware [] | May 26 09:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): John Leonard: "Microsoft's abrupt volte face to embrace open source a few years ago met with a wave of cynicism from those who reflexively typed the company's name as ‘M$'"Belittling people who call out liars and criminals? [] | May 26 09:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Writers in #corporatemedia conveniently overlook the fact that #Microsoft has, in effect, paid many of its critics to keep silent or play along with the PR campaign, e.g. #zemlinpac [] | May 26 09:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Dozens of puff pieces about " #GitHub Sponsors" this past week; I already responded to this several times, but it's yet another reason to #deletegithub for a number of observations worth making. [] | May 26 09:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Microsoft can now use its control of #GitHub to spy (private repos are now 'free'), to censor code (as GitHub already did years prior), defund, manipulate the licence choices and hosting choices (e.g. #Azure ). It's all about leverage and disruption. #del... [] | May 26 09:33 | |
acer-box | #Microsoft can now use its control of #GitHub to spy (private repos are now 'free'), to censor code (as GitHub already did years prior), defund, manipulate the licence choices and hosting choices (e.g. #Azure ). It's all about leverage and disruption. #deletegithub | May 26 09:33 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Be very suspicious of a serial #GPL violator such as #Microsoft pretending that it cares about income for FOSS projects (that aren't serving #proprietarysoftware such as #Windows ). #deletegithub [] | May 26 09:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wait for #Trump to tell #Microsoft to block #GitHub in #China . Maybe then people will wake up and realise it's time to abandon US-centric centralisation and #deletegithub [] | May 26 09:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft already tells people that if they don't choose #Azure for hosting, then #patenttrolls will attack them. Next #marketing talking point: if you don't use #GitHub and pay Microsoft, then you'll have holes. [] | May 26 09:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Anyone still worry about the #Microsoft monopoly? Executive director of the #Eclipse Foundation #MikeMilinkovich does. Following GitHub's announcement..." [] | May 26 09:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #kubernetes turns 5. #freesw #cncf [] | May 26 09:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Maybe #kubernetes buffs can correct me, but AFAIK Kubernetes the project (core or 'proper') is really #freesw with no strings attached, unlike #docker I'm not talking about firms building #proprietarysoftware on top of it... [] | May 26 09:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Colleague of mine: "Google is your friend"Me: sorry, I'm not friends with friends of #Trump [] | May 26 09:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This #coldwar is FANTASTIC for #freesw because nations will learn not to depend on #proprietarysoftware from other nations and make "their own" based on cooperative efforts such as #riscv [] | May 26 09:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The team at #Google and Binomial announced that they have partnered to open source the Basis Universal texture format." no need to bribe #iso http://... [] | May 26 09:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trumpland has already isolated itself from much of the world, so most countries will still stock #huawei and this time it won't have #gafam built in (so the monopoly will erode) [] | May 26 09:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This is untrue. Many have warned about #google control of #android (with the TM), unlike #aosp so this whole #huawei thing is merely a wake-up call for many more. It's also devastating to #gafam domination. [] | May 26 09:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Someone must be spitting out some coke over at #intel because #google is getting into #lowRISC [] | May 26 09:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #zemlinpac works for #surveillancecapitalism in the form of so-called 'smart' cities and here we have fools who twist this harmful agenda as "healthier cities" [] | May 26 09:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Now that the former spokesperson of James #clapper is the chief spokesperson of @LinuxFoundation it might not be long before #zemlinpac sets up a "collaboration platform" for "openDrone strikes" (there's one for drones already) etc. "OpenHellfire"..."OpenT... [] | May 26 10:02 | |
acer-box | Now that the former spokesperson of James #clapper is the chief spokesperson of @LinuxFoundation it might not be long before #zemlinpac sets up a "collaboration platform" for "openDrone strikes" (there's one for drones already) etc. "OpenHellfire"..."OpenTomahawk"... | May 26 10:02 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Last week the #zemlinpac (or @LinuxFoundation as it calls itself; it's not about Linux anymore) issued a press release suggesting #trump regime presses it to ban #huawei Linux/GPL excluding #china ?Time for Torvalds, a dual national, to leave the US and ta... [] | May 26 10:04 | |
acer-box | Last week the #zemlinpac (or @LinuxFoundation as it calls itself; it's not about Linux anymore) issued a press release suggesting #trump regime presses it to ban #huawei | May 26 10:05 |
acer-box | Linux/GPL excluding #china ? | May 26 10:05 |
acer-box | Time for Torvalds, a dual national, to leave the US and take #linux (TM) with him? | May 26 10:05 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Not fiction: a lot of #siliconvalley is funded directly and indirectly by #pentagon (military/'defense') budget. There's ample literature on the subject and it is motivated in part by strategic #imperialism (recognising what it takes to maintain it). [] | May 26 10:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): These folks are #openwashing by just liberating one #python library; I'd rather use something that doesn't just exploit FOSS as marketing bait with a paid press release. [] | May 26 10:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We’ll learn about a new licencing system for open-source seeds." #monsanto #bayer et al. created a ruthless, crazy system wherein seeds are 'owned' by #patents on life (!!); this is a response to that. [] | May 26 10:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Top 15 Free and Open Source #ERP Solutions some of these are #freesw and some are 'free' bait for #proprietarysoftware lockin [] | May 26 10:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Top 12 Free and Open Source Talent Management Software "a one month trial. Afterwards its about $12/month per person plus $149/month base." LOL [] | May 26 10:17 | |
acer-box | Top 12 Free and Open Source Talent Management Software | May 26 10:17 |
acer-box | "a one month trial. Afterwards its about $12/month per person plus $149/month base." LOL | May 26 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top 12 Free and Open Source Talent Management Software | May 26 10:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Adobe #LiveCycle is NOT #freesw so again, this list is just misleading. They call #proprietarysoftware "open"... [] | May 26 10:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): “The system architecture [of 5G] is a real opportunity for operators to look at open source because there’s a real openness to the 5G architecture"Whhhhat?! #openwashing #5g [] | May 26 10:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): So nowadays everything, even #proprietarysoftware with lots of #patent traps in it, is somehow spun as "open". Somehow. Does #OSI not care? The #OpenSource brand has become meaningless (almost). [] | May 26 10:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): So-called #journalism in #india compare to press release: [] | May 26 10:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Mozilla recently released its open source IoT [sic] platform, formerly called Project Things, as WebThings. Mozilla #WebThings brings a series of logging, alarm, and networking features." [] | May 26 10:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #zemlinpac has #surveillancecapitalism in its Board; yes, the "Linux" Foundation is now a proponent and driver of #surveillance everywhere. So much for freedom... [] | May 26 10:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Go ahead, #zemlinpacTake more money from #microsoft We already know who your bosses are anyway... #TheNotLinuxFoundation [] | May 26 10:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Keysight and #Nokia #openwashing by pretending "open" to TAP only one or two companies control and steer this, part of a whole [] | May 26 10:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Keysight and #Nokia are really "open" now because they paid for a press release #openwashing #tapping #marketing [] | May 26 10:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Maybe we should just start calling all #proprietarysoftware "open" from now on to encourage people to start speaking about freedom and #freesw again/instead? As in, dilute #opensource to death while the #microsoft -steered #OSI thrives in apathy and inacti... [] | May 26 10:37 | |
acer-box | Maybe we should just start calling all #proprietarysoftware "open" from now on to encourage people to start speaking about freedom and #freesw again/instead? As in, dilute #opensource to death while the #microsoft -steered #OSI thrives in apathy and inaction? | May 26 10:37 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SDWAN already does a great deal of #openwashing but this article suggests yet more [] | May 26 10:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #orangenazi can do his #tradewars or #coldwar on his own. If he drags #freesw into his racist, xenophobic scapegoating wars (distracting from corruption), then #freesw should leave #trumpland and be based elsewhere, definitely not centralised at #micro... [] | May 26 10:43 | |
acer-box | The #orangenazi can do his #tradewars or #coldwar on his own. If he drags #freesw into his racist, xenophobic scapegoating wars (distracting from corruption), then #freesw should leave #trumpland and be based elsewhere, definitely not centralised at #microsoft | May 26 10:43 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Korean Public Sectors Begin to Incorporate Open-Source Software [] | May 26 10:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Korean Public Sectors Begin to Incorporate Open-Source Software #korea #southkorea #freesw #asia [] | May 26 10:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: PyGamer open source handheld games console $39.95 [] | May 26 10:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #PyGamer #opensource handheld games console $39.95 #arduino #games #gaming [] | May 26 10:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Development of this will be steered and controlled entirely by #ibm but at least it would be possible to fork if they went astray (like #jenkins #libreoffice etc.) [] | May 26 10:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Another project that needs to #deletegithub (maybe it needs more time) [] | May 26 10:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Via the website Github, the team has also released all of the relevant information "#deletegithub , guys, it's NSA-controlled. [] | May 26 10:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The @LinuxFoundation has achieved some incredible feats over the course of its existence"Yes, it effective sold access to #linux and many other #freesw projects to few corporations that made #zemlin a multimillionaire [] | May 26 10:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): To help sell #proprietarysoftware #oracle now pretends that it's "open" in a #zemlinpac event (Oracle in in the Zemlin PAC's Board) [] | May 26 11:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Perception is now a product. #zemlinpac sells this product and makes millions of dollars from this product every year. Maybe it's a >little< less unethical than selling people like #surveillancecapitalism (-ists) do. [] | May 26 11:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The military can "spin this off" (as in spinoff) for military purposes, just like at #bostondynamics and #mit #stanford [] | May 26 11:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Someone with spare time should research who sponsors this project, students and/or this lab [] | May 26 11:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SuSE storage spins-up #Ceph #gnu #linux [] | May 26 11:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @zzdaxuya not exactly. you can run filewriter in parallel with another output plugin since audacious 3.7 (significantly improved in 3.9) [] | May 26 11:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): WELL Health Acquires #Ontario Open Source #EMR #OSCARprn for $876k #freesw 'proper'? [] | May 26 11:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Open Source Analytics Platform #Grafana Gets Update "This week Grafana Labs announced the 6.2 release of its Grafana open source analytics platform..." [] | May 26 11:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: qt annoyance: signals require MOC, slots don’t. [] | May 26 11:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Great example of 'open source' which basically promotes #proprietarysoftware and depends on it (renting malware); that beats the whole purpose and spirit of FOSS [] | May 26 11:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Microsoft views "open source" the same way #BP views windpower; it's a good #marketing opportunity, but that's about it. Microsoft is all about #proprietary #gasoline [] | May 26 11:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #zemlinpac #marketing Conflating two different concepts while attempting to #openwash standards without giving away 'too much' (and there are #patents too) [] | May 26 11:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #zemlinpac rarely talks about #patents because it is in favour of #swpats for the most part and it does not want to give that away (that would alienate people). Same for #OIN for that matter... [] | May 26 11:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Drew Nackers into the Pantheon Heroes Advocacy Program for his valuable contributions to the #Drupal and #WordPress #freesw development communities." [] | May 26 11:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Databricks works for the #nsa and now it's #openwashing its #proprietarysoftware that is used for #surveillance [] | May 26 11:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: hmm, what if we created a Service plugin that could talk to the various tracker replayers included in audacious that allowed the user to visualize what the tracker replayers were actually doinghmmmmmmmmmmmmm [] | May 26 11:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DataStax sells #proprietarysoftware around #Apache #Cassandra https:... [] | May 26 11:27 | |
acer-box | #DataStax sells #proprietarysoftware around #Apache #Cassandra | May 26 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DataStax has stars in its eyes over Constellation, its latest tweak on Apache Cassandra • The Register | May 26 11:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DataStax details road to Apache Cassandra future - Open Source Insider | May 26 11:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DataStax CEO Bosworth : accelerating development on (and in) the cloud - Open Source Insider | May 26 11:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Even #surveillancecapitalism giant #facebook is #openwashing its massive #surveillance operations [] | May 26 11:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #facebook gives its source code to #microsoft Not too shocking as Microsoft almost bought #fb and now, instead, it just gets access to all the Facebook #surveillance data [] | May 26 11:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #chef said it had liberated all the source code. The new business model is outsourcing companies' data and operation to #gafam #surveillance oligopoly. [] | May 26 11:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This helps distract from the well-founded fact that a lot of #cmu funding comes not from tuition but from the US Army (military) for helping #nsa #fbi etc. And it's something CMU students too condemn. [] | May 26 11:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Infosys is like #microsoft #india (and Microsoft outsources work to it), so it's funny to see this #openwashing PR [] | May 26 11:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The new version of #Couchbase Autonomous Operator is enables #Kubernetes -based application deployers to bring in a #database ready for flexibility and micro-services." [] | May 26 11:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: haha, QAdwaita is a little bit more than a theme, it's quite invasive really. i've never seen Audacious (which runs as Qt) launch a separate GTK3 program before for opening files or selecting colors, etc. that is pretty whack. but yet, somehow, it does not... [] | May 26 11:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: i guess in a GTK3 environment it would make sense, but it looks quite strange in LXDE and Plasma [] | May 26 11:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ian Scales rewrote a press release for #openwashing of this thing called "Broadband Forum" [] | May 26 11:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Open source NAS isn't appropriate for every use case, but it can be ideal for lab deployments, smaller workgroups or active archive data." #freenas #bsd #freebsd [] | May 26 11:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bridging divides with open source (sadly, nowadays it's often just a 'shim' by which to sell #proprietarysoftware under the guise of "open" or "interop") [] | May 26 11:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft is the grand champion of #openwashingNever underestimate the professional liars of Microsoft. They have decades of experience. Also apt at #infiltration and #entryism not to mention #bribery [] | May 26 11:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #IBM open sourced its #Razee #continuousdelivery (CD) tool that allows developers to manage applications in their #Kubernetes -based cluster deployments" [] | May 26 11:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gnu #linux in #togo #africa [] | May 26 11:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #drupal starting to gravitate a little too much towards #consumerism and #surveillancecapitalism lately (at least #Acquia -- its main steward) [] | May 26 12:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #32blit is an open-source retro-style handheld that wants to help you code your first game #Picade [] | May 26 12:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Apache #Dubbo , the Java-based open source RPC framework becomes a Top-Level Project guess it cannot #deletegithub [] | May 26 12:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Classic #openwashing of #surveillance with terms like "open source SDK and an open public domain specification" and "cloud" (as in, give us all your data and trust us, it's open) [] | May 26 12:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #CBS #ZDNet (fake news/PR vendor) is #openwashing a #proprietarysoftware and #NSA back doors company, #juniper (it's the "mindset" now that's "open") [] | May 26 12:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It's 2019 now. Everything call be called "open" and "source". Some companies have "open" mindset, others like Microsoft have "inner source". #openwashing #opensource #deception #marketing #entryism [] | May 26 12:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A #BSD company is hooking up with a major #GPL violator #VMware #TrueNAS #iXsystems [] | May 26 12:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Esther McVey should become a comedian #brexit #uk [] | May 26 12:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The new business model around #drupal at #Acquia (they already take contracts to build and host sites)? [] | May 26 12:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): An API is an API. It's not "open source". It's just an API. #openwashing by stretching definitions to death. [] | May 26 12:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What good is "open source" you need to buy #proprietarysoftware from #apple to actually use? [] | May 26 12:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft as a bank. Can block (or defund) payments to FOSS from/for anyone it doesn't like, even for political purposes (see what it did to GAB). [] | May 26 12:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "This project is actually a breakout board of sorts for the Adafruit Feather system, and therefore has support for WiFi, cellular, or pretty much any other networking of connectivity" [] | May 26 12:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Rather elaborate use or misuse of the term "open source". No source code. [] | May 26 12:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When #openwashing and #greenwashing collide [] | May 26 12:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This is more likely to be used in military rather than in aeronautics and astronautics (luxury of the rich) [] | May 26 12:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #aosp and #android are not the same but it's an 'insurance policy' [] | May 26 12:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Spurious, meaningless use (misuse rather) of the term "Open Source" [] | May 26 12:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This is more about #opendata than "source"; @glynmoody might have a lot to say here.... [] | May 26 12:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Something something... "open" this and that... "and the ability to integrate easily with external proprietary systems" (yes, #openwashing that misleads and dilutes as usual [] | May 26 12:58 | |
acer-box | Something something... "open" this and that... "and the ability to integrate easily with external proprietary systems" (yes, #openwashing that misleads and dilutes as usual | May 26 12:58 |
acer-box | | May 26 12:58 |
acer-box | | May 26 12:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Open-Source solution for the robust and reproducible analysis of High content Screening (HCS) data | May 26 12:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Open-source Solution for the Analysis of High Content Screening Data | Technology Networks | May 26 12:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Andre Laperrière is executive director at the Global #OpenData for Agriculture and Nutrition ( #GODAN ) [] | May 26 13:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Not so #freesw aspect of #android and #aosp [] | May 26 13:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Praqma is now making ASK available as open source." But now the rest; there's a catch and a trap. [] | May 26 13:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linux Foundation: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, Blockchains and Surveillance [] | May 26 13:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The @LinuxFoundation : #KubeCon + #CloudNativeCon , #Blockchains and #Surveillance #hyperledger [] | May 26 13:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Loaded headline; like #microsd it would have us assume that #china must receive 'permission' when there's #tradewar (it can just disobey these corporate demands and consortia) [] | May 26 13:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gafam advocacy from site previously edited by #billgates himself #china does not need to compete outside though [] | May 26 13:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #riscv tested by them (someone showed us proof in #techrights IRC). #huawei #china #linux [] | May 26 13:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Boy, am I shocked to see #gafam -sponsored publications spelling gloom and/or total doom for #huawei because it's going to quit and >compete against< GAFAM. These attempts at self-fulfilling prophecies will be funny in a few years. [] | May 26 13:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #python has #microsoft #entryism problems (far more urgent than this) [] | May 26 13:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Serverless is a lie. Please stop repeating the "Serverless" lie to promote #oursourcing of data and operations to #gafam #surveillance complex [] | May 26 13:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " and the mystery of the backdoored random number generator."Don't use RNGs that are #proprietarysoftware like Intel's. It's almost certainly tampered with by #nsa et al [] | May 26 13:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Conversely, narratives around open finance - #decentralized financial products built on the #blockchain - have also gained attention." [] | May 26 13:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #dnc already rigging #2020election (those boot lickers just cannot help themselves, sucking up to billionaires and military hawks) [] | May 26 13:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Many Openwashing Examples (Past Week) [] | May 26 13:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Many #Openwashing Examples (Past Week) #microsoft #opensource #freesw #deception [] | May 26 13:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Google: The China Debacle and More [] | May 26 13:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Google: The China Debacle and More #google #china #huawei #linux #aosp [] | May 26 13:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Databases: Couchbase, Databricks, DataStax and Cloudwashing [] | May 26 14:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Databases : #Couchbase , #Databricks , #DataStax and #Cloudwashing [] | May 26 14:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security: FUD, Phishing, Defects in Chips and More [] | May 26 14:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security : FUD, #Phishing , Defects in Chips and More [] | May 26 14:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: CMS: Acquia, Drupal and Drew Nackers [] | May 26 14:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): CMS: #Acquia , #Drupal and #DrewNackers #freesw [] | May 26 14:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Servers: SUSE, Red Hat/IBM and Kubernetes/Containers [] | May 26 14:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Servers: #SUSE , #RedHat / #IBM and #Kubernetes / #Containers [] | May 26 14:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #serverless does not mean "without server". It means a server without you. #outsourcing #surveillance #digitalslavery #gafam [] | May 26 14:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: New FOSS Listings at Solutions Review [] | May 26 15:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): New #FOSS Listings at #SolutionsReview #freesw [] | May 26 15:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wow, #couragefoundation certificate has expired. That really ought not happen when #wikileaks and #assange are in the mist. [] | May 26 15:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #patenttroll #kojicast with #swpats [] | May 26 15:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Flags. [] | May 26 15:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Op-Ed: #ClimateChange : 'We've Created a Civilization Hell Bent on Destroying Itself – I'm Terrified,' Writes Earth Scientist [] | May 26 15:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Fact: The $147,000 median wealth of a white household is 41 times the $3,600 median wealth of a Black family." [] | May 26 15:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why is #censorship still seen as the only way to tackle idiots? [] | May 26 15:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Secret Money Behind the Push to Ban #Abortion "Number of other anonymous donations JCN got that year, all of them at least six-figure: 9" [] | May 26 15:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Law and Disorder: Why Corporatism Will Dominate US Policy for Decades to Come land of #disney and #chveron etc. Change the flag! [] | May 26 15:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Linux 5.1.5 #Kernel Fixes The Latest Data Corruption Bug that was very fast... [] | May 26 15:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Wine-Staging 4.9 Released With A Few New & Updated Patches [] | May 26 15:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #WineStaging 4.9 Released With A Few New & Updated Patches #gnu #linux [] | May 26 15:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: More HDR Display Bits On The Way For The Linux 5.3 Kernel [] | May 26 15:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): More #HDR Display Bits On The Way For The #Linux 5.3 #Kernel [] | May 26 15:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KTextEditor /Kate Bugs – Scratch Your Own Itch #kate #kde #gnu #linux [] | May 26 15:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming: JavaScript, Perl, Python and C++ [] | May 26 15:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming : #JavaScript , #Perl , #Python and #CPP [] | May 26 15:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Computers with chips and operating system that have back doors, accessible to the US [] | May 26 15:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #newjersey with another 'ordinary' (for this country) incident? [] | May 26 15:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Chijioke Okorie puts "piracy” in quotes; why even use this word at all? This is what #copyright extremists do. [] | May 26 16:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): End of #gafam in #china Chijioke Okorie puts "piracy” in quotes; why even use this word at all? This is what #copyright extremists do. [] | May 26 16:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Laura Arjona Reina: MiniDebConf #Marseille 2019 #debian #france #gnu #linux [] | May 26 16:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Just before the #tradewar escaped against #china #huawei was showing off some #gnu #linux improvements -- hopefully a sign of products to come from there, likely without 5EYES back doors. [] | May 26 16:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Still the centre of attention here today (here as in #manchester ) [] | May 26 16:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): PSG didn't know United would stun them at home 6 years later [] | May 26 16:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wow, look at the size of Scholes [] | May 26 16:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Our Schools Need Healing, Not More Guns "every gun in their school is another reminder of what happened that day" [] | May 26 16:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Anti-occupation coalition grows stronger in the face of Israeli military violence #israel #palestine [] | May 26 16:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): In the Face of #RightWing Strongmen and an Economy Rife With Insecurity, We Must Reject the #Politics of Despair [] | May 26 16:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Abortion Access Will Only Be Won Through a Broad Grassroots Movement " #Alabama recently passed the most restrictive #abortion ban in the country" [] | May 26 16:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Don't #BeHappy [] | May 26 16:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "A large earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 8.0 struck the Amazon jungle in north-central #Peru early Sunday, the U.S. Geological survey reported." Will anyone send air to poor people without #oil ? [] | May 26 16:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It’s Too Late for a #GreenNewDeal ; Can Other Radical Plans Work? [] | May 26 16:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Black Americans were told #obama would be good for them and now poor Americans are being told (lie to) that a criminal will help them; instead he helps the super-rich and war industry [] | May 26 16:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US has long been positioned to militarily invade #iran will #trump #popmpeo and #johnbolton pull the trigger? [] | May 26 16:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Unsafe at any quantity, but corrupt 'researchers' take bribes from Big Alcohol to suggest otherwise (until they get exposed and everything get scuttled until next time) [] | May 26 16:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kitty tilted [] | May 26 16:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Parents [] | May 26 16:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This spies not only on the fools who buy such crap but also people nearby #gafam promoting self-harming (and collectively harmful) mindset. #surveillancecapitalism [] | May 26 16:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Open Hardware: Adafruit Feather and Stanford Doggo [] | May 26 16:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #OpenHardware : #Adafruit Feather and #Stanford #Doggo [] | May 26 16:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: OSS Leftovers [] | May 26 16:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): OSS Leftovers #freesw #opendata and more [] | May 26 16:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | May 26 16:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | May 26 16:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Kernel: Linux 5.1.5, Mesa 19.1 Near and "X.Org Server Closer To Better Handling On-Demand XWayland Startup" [] | May 26 17:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kernel: #Linux 5.1.5, #Mesa 19.1 Near and "X.Org Server Closer To Better Handling On-Demand #XWayland Startup" #kernel #wayland [] | May 26 17:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's leftovers [] | May 26 17:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's #tuxmachines leftovers [] | May 26 17:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Links 26/5/2019: GNOME 3.33.2 and OSS Catchup [] | May 26 17:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Links 26/5/2019: #GNOME 3.33.2 and OSS Catchup #techrights #gnu #linux [] | May 26 17:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The developer, Kitsune Games, has supported #Linux rather nicely and now that #MidBoss is over two years old they've decided to put it on a big sale." [] | May 26 17:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KTorrent Available to Install via Snap in #Ubuntu #gnu #linux [] | May 26 17:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft #windows #vista #security ('security'). At least they're consistent. see [] | May 26 17:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When Microsoft presents "Terminal" it means terminal cancer [] | May 26 17:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft has managed to make even keyboards a #security risk :-) :-) #windows #vista10 [] | May 26 17:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 7 Reasons You May Want to Become a #Vegetarian [] | May 26 17:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why I Got Arrested For #MedicareForAll they should instead arrest the executives of these #cartels [] | May 26 17:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Lost the guts to say #YoureFired [] | May 26 17:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "As an education researcher who focuses on matters of equity, I believe the new adversity score will be an inadequate remedy for a test that has been inequitable from the start." [] | May 26 17:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #eu #election results coming soon (hours) #europe #politics [] | May 26 17:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Can #legislation help diversify solar workforce? #Illinois hopes so #tribalism in particular occupations [] | May 26 17:29 | |
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 26 17:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): @inditoot No [] | May 26 17:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: apparently i got drunk last night and ported blur scope from gtk to qt last night? [] | May 26 20:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @thatbrickster no idea [] | May 26 21:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alyx i was bored [] | May 26 22:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: OH BOY THE DCCC IS CALLING TO RAISE MONEY [] | May 26 22:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @alyx to be fair i almost started writing a plugin that let you do effects processing with javascript [] | May 26 22:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: friends don't let friends install elephantsite [] | May 26 22:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @pea i'll install glitch instead! [] | May 26 22:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hj @thatbrickster look, we don't need to share Gargron's personal stash with all of fedi [] | May 26 22:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hj @cdmnky clearly this is the elephant that needs to display when mastodon crashes [] | May 26 22:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @animeirl how dare you call our first drag queen president mentally handicapped [] | May 26 22:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @hj @flussence oh no [] | May 26 22:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @vaartis @espectalll that reminds me, i should deploy avatar stripping on my instance. Pleroma does what #MastoDont [] | May 26 22:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: circuit city never launched divx in Oklahoma, probably because it was illegal, at least this training video I'm watching indicates it's shady as fuck [] | May 26 23:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: "what if divx goes out of business?"hah [] | May 26 23:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-hopping along, watching the weather change: @DashEquals @succfemboi @clarjon1 must be nice being a tech bro [] | May 26 23:39 |
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