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IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, May 02, 2022

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psydruidtwin botsMay 02 00:00
bnchs__yeah i figured out how to run phirce, despite it having little to no documentation on how toMay 02 00:00
matey 02 00:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Official Video) - InvidiousMay 02 00:04
mateywhen neckbeards were coolMay 02 00:06
MinceRenjoy the violenceMay 02 00:06
mateythe worlds tiniest violins?May 02 00:07
mateyif i ever put out an album its going to be called "tiniest violins"May 02 00:07
matey/me really just likes making album titlesMay 02 00:07
matey/me will release an album of nothing but gillian anderson reading fake album titlesMay 02 00:08
mateyshe can have all the money, i just want to hear itMay 02 00:08
psydruidthe a-filesMay 02 00:09
matey"we made about ten thousand pounds"May 02 00:09
matey"thats more than i expected"May 02 00:11
matey"it was all you"May 02 00:11
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 00:11
MinceR"Hmm. We seem to be quite near something REAL big, so watch out. 28 sectors are ours, let's bring this to an end. Obviously one of your last missions on IO - enjoy the violence!" 02 00:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-MAP29: Kings of Metal (Memento Mori II) - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.orgMay 02 00:12
*psydruid is more into enjoying the silence than remembering to dieMay 02 00:14
MinceR:>May 02 00:14
matey 02 00:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hal Feat Gillian Anderson - Extremis - InvidiousMay 02 00:17
mateythat was certainly not what i expectedMay 02 00:18
matey/me isnt complainingMay 02 00:18
*psydruid isn't eitherMay 02 00:19
mateysorry, i was expecting a music video with some artsy fartsy...May 02 00:21
mateyNOT this softcore...May 02 00:21
matey/me staresMay 02 00:21
*psydruid wishes he found out about this back in the dayMay 02 00:24
mateywell i was right about the artsy fartsy part at leastMay 02 00:24
matey/me swears hes never seen this before todayMay 02 00:24
mateyi was looking for the time she was in a punk bandMay 02 00:25
mateythen i read "spoken word vocals"May 02 00:25
mateythis is wikipedias fault manMay 02 00:25
*goosestepping_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 00:26
mateyi love her voice. when i was in my 20s i wanted to make a speech synthesiser based on itMay 02 00:26
psydruidit's always their faultMay 02 00:26
mateyyes, everything is wikipedias faultMay 02 00:26
mateydamn you jimbo walesMay 02 00:26
matey'_fault,_reallyMay 02 00:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @'_fault,_really )May 02 00:27
MinceR 02 00:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living created on 2022-04-17 16:07:47.932149May 02 00:29
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 00:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesMay 02 00:31
techrights-news"You can examine the Arch repos through the use of Pacman but if you want to do so with a GUI Pacfinder is worth trying out, this is not a package manager like Pamac so there's no risk of doing anything bad." 02 00:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Explore The Arch Linux Repository With Pacfinder - InvidiousMay 02 00:32
mateya laser watch would be betterMay 02 00:32
techrights-news"Many Vim users find Doom Emacs overwhelming at first, because of the orgy of documentation. There is so much to learn! Don't worry." 02 00:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Doom Emacs On Day One (Learn These Things FIRST!) - InvidiousMay 02 00:33
mateyat least it might cauterise the woundMay 02 00:33
DaemonFCOn Amazon, I wrote: "I liked how NPR used the past tense when they said that during the 1800s, the police "were" the lapdogs of the 1% and that's why they attacked and murdered the proletariat.May 02 00:34
DaemonFCI wonder why they still do that in 2022.May 02 00:34
DaemonFCAmazon is getting a bit tetchy. It must be because they lost over $4 billion recently, and like $600 million of that was one of those stupid battery car companies that went tits up. The last thing they need right now is to have to pay a living wage. How will they ever make more stupid investments if they have to do that?"May 02 00:34
mateythe police always defend capitalismMay 02 00:35
mateycapitalism doesnt give a shit about the proletariatMay 02 00:35
mateyget back to workMay 02 00:35
DaemonFCWe need to get the Democrats out of the government before there isn't a country here anymore.May 02 00:35
DaemonFCThey've been an absolute godsend to Xi and Putin.May 02 00:36
DaemonFCWho are laughing their asses off while burning all the coal and gasoline they want.May 02 00:36
matey"boris, what he said, do you think hes already had some goof gas?"May 02 00:36
matey"natasha, what he said, that IS goof gas!"May 02 00:36
MinceRset up a single party system and have the government govern you out of existenceMay 02 00:37
techrights-newsLinux Foundation outsourced to Microsoft proprietary software to tackle the issue of Microsoft transmitting malware to people. This does not make any sense at all. 02 00:37
-cameron1/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 02 00:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open source 'Package Analysis' tool finds malicious npm, PyPI packagesMay 02 00:37
DaemonFCMinceR, I have an awfully dark sense of humor sometimes. Mandy's accent makes him pronounce squirrel like Boris and Natasha did on Rocky and Bullwinkle.May 02 00:37
DaemonFCHe says "Oh you ran over squirrel!".May 02 00:37
techrights-newsLinux 5.18-rc5, 5.15.37 and 4.19.241 • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 00:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 5.18-rc5, 5.15.37 and 4.19.241 | Tux MachinesMay 02 00:37
matey/me says MEH HEH HEH HEH like borisMay 02 00:37
DaemonFCI said, "Yeah, thank god it wasn't moose or I really would be in trouble.".May 02 00:37
techrights-news"When I visited Brussels for FOSDEM for the first time I was very excited and it was great fun. But this was primarily because I was meeting other software developers I already knew from the internet." 02 00:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Europe Trip Journal – Entry -1: The Day Before – vanitasvitae's blogMay 02 00:39
techrights-newsVideos/Shows: GNU World Order, Doom Emacs, and Pacfinder • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 00:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Videos/Shows: GNU World Order, Doom Emacs, and Pacfinder | Tux MachinesMay 02 00:39
matey"moose will never reach washington natasha, im going to use istragedy on him"May 02 00:39
matey"you mean 'strategy' darlink"May 02 00:39
techrights-newsAnother install-malware-for-discounts scheme 02 00:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GEICO DriveEasy dings safe drivers constantly. Including penalizing for avoiding accidents while draining phone battery. – BaronHK's RantsMay 02 00:40
matey"no, istragedy! im going to istragedy the rope across the path to trigger off the shotgun. and when moose trips over, what is it?" "ISTRAGEDY!" "you said it!"May 02 00:40
DaemonFCI don't think there are moose in Illinois.May 02 00:40
mateythey cant afford to live thereMay 02 00:40
DaemonFCWell, Pritzker can, and he's as big as one.May 02 00:40
DaemonFCSo I don't know if that counts.May 02 00:41
mateyi suppose the real question is what he would do if caught in a pair of headlightsMay 02 00:41
DaemonFCHe repealed the grocery tax, but only for one year.May 02 00:41
DaemonFCIt comes right back July 1, 2023 unless they extend it.May 02 00:41
DaemonFCI can see why he would though.May 02 00:42
DaemonFCIt'll save him $100 a day, what being 1% of your grocery bill and all.May 02 00:42
mateyhehMay 02 00:42
DaemonFCAnd freezing the gas tax automatic hike is just smart too. They say your car loses about 1% of its fuel economy per 100 pounds, so aviding a 9 cent increase saves him about 12% when he fills up the tank in his own car.May 02 00:45
techrights-news"Nathan Willis took a long look at the Open Source Initiative's 2022 board election and wasn't entirely pleased with what he saw." 02 00:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nathan Willis: Engaging with the OSI Elections 2022.1 | Tux MachinesMay 02 00:46
mateyhehMay 02 00:46
DaemonFCHe wants his babyback babyback babyback. He wants his babyback babyback babyback....Chili's babyback ribs! GET IN MAH BELLY!May 02 00:47
matey/me gets the reference but not the connectionMay 02 00:47
DaemonFCI ain't seen me willy in 8 years, which is long enough to declare legally dead!May 02 00:47
techrights-newsDeVault: Announcing the Hare programming language 02 00:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Announcing the Hare programming language | Tux MachinesMay 02 00:47
DaemonFCPritzker = Fat BastardMay 02 00:47
mateygot itMay 02 00:47
DaemonFC 02 00:48
-cameron1/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 02 00:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pritzker defends forcing gas station owners to put his propaganda on pumpsMay 02 00:48
mateywhat "propaganda"May 02 00:48
DaemonFC"Pritzker passed a similar mandate for grocery store owners to advertise the 1% grocery tax suspension in his 2023 state budget. No penalty was included for non-compliance."May 02 00:49
DaemonFC<matey> what "propaganda"May 02 00:49
DaemonFCA few years ago, the legislature tied the gas tax to inflation (after doubling it).May 02 00:49
mateymhmmmMay 02 00:50
DaemonFCSo they suspended the automatic hike for this year, and now they demand that gas stations put up signs saying that the Democrats saved you money by suspending an automatic gas tax hike (that they passed) for one year.May 02 00:50
mateylolMay 02 00:50
DaemonFCIf I was a gas station owner I would put up a sign that said exactly that.May 02 00:50
DaemonFC"The Democrats are forcing me to tell you that they saved you money on your gasoline. In 2019, the Democrats doubled the gas tax and the same law increases it every year. This year, an election year, the Democrats suspended the increase for one year. Next year, you will have the increase from this year and next year go into effect in May. Enjoy your "savings" and remember it when you vote."May 02 00:51
mateyso many layers of....May 02 00:52
mateyhonestly its like the matrixMay 02 00:53
*bnchs__ has quit (connection closed)May 02 00:54
DaemonFCIt's horrible. Eventually it will be cheaper to give up and drive up into Wisconsin to fill up my gas tank.May 02 00:57
DaemonFCIf it was safe to store 20 gallons of it somewhere I'd just go ahead and buy four 5 gallon gas cans and head up there once a month or so to fill the car and the cans.May 02 00:57
MinceR(cat) 02 00:58
-cameron1/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 02 00:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Weekend Random Randomness (35 Pics)May 02 00:58
*goosestepping_ (~goosestepping@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 00:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▅▆▆▆▃▅▆▆▆▅▆▄▄▃▄▆▄▅▃▁▅▂▅▄▆▄▃▂▃▅▁ avg(k/sec) 24.28 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▁▂▂▂▂▂▃▂▂▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▁█▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 29.95▕ swarm size (avg): 496.56  ⟲May 02 00:59
psydruid 02 00:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Ukrainian leftist criticizes Western war drive with Russia: US is using Ukraine as 'cannon fodder' - MultipolaristaMay 02 00:59
MinceRwell yeah, it would be better to just go ahead and glass russia alreadyMay 02 01:00
schestowitz-TRcan;t argue with that, psydruidMay 02 01:00
schestowitz-TRbut it would not be a tech issue tbhMay 02 01:00
MinceRthen if we're still alive, divide it up and place it under western occupationMay 02 01:00
MinceRand let ukraine have a chunk tooMay 02 01:00
schestowitz-TRlike USA in southern korea and southern vietnamMay 02 01:01
schestowitz-TRstepping in to assert their powerMay 02 01:01
schestowitz-TRmostly at the locals' expenseMay 02 01:01
psydruidit isn't but at the same time it's important to get to the root of the issue so many articles have been posted about which have made the tech news, but which are only derivativeMay 02 01:02
schestowitz-TRin techrights we posted many links that say the sameMay 02 01:07
schestowitz-TRunder Politics and AggressionMay 02 01:07
*bnchs (~bnchs_@sqxk3per9tsx2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 01:07
psydruidI haven't kept up with techrights lately apart from a few articlesMay 02 01:16
matey/me still glances at the frontpageMay 02 01:16
mateyive learned (but verified) some interesting stuff here sometimesMay 02 01:17
mateybut its mostly epo stuff todayMay 02 01:17
DaemonFCI think my favorite review of Windows 11 actually said that the drivers were optimized to handle rounded corners.May 02 01:17
DaemonFCIt's more AEROdynamic? May 02 01:18
MinceR:>May 02 01:18
mateyinput is optimised for swipingMay 02 01:18
mateywith the mouseMay 02 01:18
mateyvery importantMay 02 01:18
psydruidwe have officially entered the WoB eraMay 02 01:18
*bnchs has quit (Quit: Quit)May 02 01:19
MinceRswiper, no swipingMay 02 01:19
psydruidWaB*May 02 01:19
psydruidWindows as BullshitMay 02 01:19
mateywabsMay 02 01:19
psydruidyesMay 02 01:19
mateyi think we were there as of vistaMay 02 01:20
mateybut its a different era when people actually realise itMay 02 01:20
mateywhich theyre doing nowMay 02 01:20
mateyvista: bsMay 02 01:20
matey11: they know its bsMay 02 01:20
psydruidall they can do is BS the user, the media and everyone elseMay 02 01:20
mateymaybe the forced windows 10 installs were a hintMay 02 01:21
matey"LOVE ME!!!!"-- windows 10May 02 01:21
psydruidin the vista era you could ignore anything Microsoft didMay 02 01:21
matey 02 01:21
psydruidin this era they ram it all down your throatMay 02 01:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bruce Almighty Love Me Scene - InvidiousMay 02 01:21
psydruidand all you can do is swallowMay 02 01:21
matey/me hopes this isnt another hal by extremisMay 02 01:22
mateynope, its good!May 02 01:22
*psydruid wouldn't mind as long as it's clear what you're gettingMay 02 01:22
mateylolMay 02 01:22
*bnchs (~bnchs_@sqxk3per9tsx2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 01:22
mateythey should really put a nsfw on that thingMay 02 01:23
mateythis is what its forMay 02 01:23
bnchsdude i'll give you 35% discountMay 02 01:24
bnchson windowsMay 02 01:24
bnchspls pls plsMay 02 01:24
bnchsi cannot afford another big customer lossMay 02 01:24
psydruidyou'll have to pay me to use itMay 02 01:24
psydruidliterallyMay 02 01:24
bnchsbut i need money for that clippers thingMay 02 01:25
bnchsgonna rub thighs somehowMay 02 01:25
matey/me always thought it was rub elbows, but okMay 02 01:25
psydruidthrow some chairsMay 02 01:25
mateyyeah at least he didnt throw any chairsMay 02 01:26
mateyim pretty sure all the ones on the front row are bolted downMay 02 01:26
psydruidsing a song May 02 01:26
psydruidclippers clippers clippersMay 02 01:26
bnchsnail clippersMay 02 01:26
bnchsclippyMay 02 01:26
mateyclippers, clippers, clippers, clippers! May 02 01:26
matey <bnchs> clippy <- oh, you think theres a connection?May 02 01:26
bnchsyes they're both failuresMay 02 01:27
mateyhaMay 02 01:27
mateythey should sign clippy to the clippersMay 02 01:27
mateyhi! it looks like youre trying to play basketball! can i help?May 02 01:27
mateymicrosoft bob "hoops" editionMay 02 01:28
mateyyou put all your files in the "locker room"May 02 01:28
mateyandMay 02 01:28
mateyno, thats worseMay 02 01:28
bnchsclippy is a metal paperclipMay 02 01:28
bnchsand he doesnt have thighsMay 02 01:28
mateywe can make him thighsMay 02 01:28
mateysee, someone told steve they were field-testing some new uniforms with touchscreen-LIKE technologyMay 02 01:29
mateyhe was just trying to unlock... the... app?May 02 01:29
mateyno, thats worseMay 02 01:29
bnchsswipe the thighs to unlockMay 02 01:29
mateybeing in charge of public relations for steve ballmer is basically a suicide missionMay 02 01:30
bnchs|=>         |May 02 01:30
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 02 01:30
mateyits basically a pension, because youre done before you get startedMay 02 01:30
bnchssteve ballmer missionsMay 02 01:32
bnchsi wonder you could have something like that in GTA gamesMay 02 01:32
mateyif not they can buy itMay 02 01:32
mateymicrosoft gtaMay 02 01:32
mateyseems redundant somehowMay 02 01:33
mateygrand theft industryMay 02 01:33
mateygrand theft applicationMay 02 01:33
bnchsif they can buy rockstar gamesMay 02 01:34
bnchsit will be.... the same fucking thingMay 02 01:34
bnchsno differences between parent companiesMay 02 01:34
matey 02 01:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rich Text Format - WikipediaMay 02 01:34
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 01:35
mateyMicrosoft did not initially make the RTF specification publicly available, making it difficult for competitors to develop document conversion features in their applications. Because Microsoft's developers had access to the specification, Microsoft's applications had better compatibility with the format. May 02 01:35
mateyAlso, each time Microsoft changed the RTF specification, Microsoft's own applications had a lead in time-to-market, because competitors had to redevelop their applications after studying the newer version of the format.May 02 01:35
mateywrited-rtfdMay 02 01:35
bnchsyesMay 02 01:36
bnchsat least GNU UnRTF was thereMay 02 01:36
mateyand ted, i guessMay 02 01:36
mateyreally if you open an rtf fileMay 02 01:37
mateyyou can read it...May 02 01:37
mateythe formatting is whats proprietaryMay 02 01:37
mateydocx is i suppose, xml in a zip too?May 02 01:37
mateyas is odtMay 02 01:37
mateyso if i get an odt document, i dont even bother with libreoffice nowMay 02 01:37
mateyi just unzip itMay 02 01:37
bnchswant fun?May 02 01:38
mateyi care about libreoffice so littleMay 02 01:38
mateydoubtful?May 02 01:38
bnchsreverse engineer the FLA file before adobe bought flashMay 02 01:38
mateylolMay 02 01:38
bnchsFLA after adobe bought flash was a zip with tons of XML filesMay 02 01:38
mateyno!May 02 01:38
bnchsbut before was a big binary blobMay 02 01:38
mateyscandalMay 02 01:39
techrights-newsFOSS Patents: Lawyer at Auto PATENT conference: German judges will take patentee-friendly tendencies to Unified Patent Court, standard-essential patent holders will have upper hand again ⚓ ䷉ Source: fosspatentsMay 02 01:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FOSS Patents: Lawyer at Auto IP conference: German judges will take patentee-friendly tendencies to Unified Patent Court, standard-essential patent holders will have upper hand againMay 02 01:39
mateyhow did they buffer all that?May 02 01:39
mateyseems like it would be awfully slowMay 02 01:40
mateyjit?May 02 01:40
mateyLOADING...May 02 01:40
matey...May 02 01:40
mateyjrsn (just real soon now)May 02 01:40
mateythe less impressive cousin of jitMay 02 01:40
mateyi mean this is before js got faster and could do stuffMay 02 01:41
activelowi'll only try to keep some odf2txt and similar utilitiesMay 02 01:45
activelowpdf is awful tooMay 02 01:45
mateyi dont know of odt2txt. i keep meaning to write oneMay 02 01:45
mateybut by then ive read most of the document, so who caresMay 02 01:46
activelow"odt2txt - a simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text"May 02 01:46
techrights-newsForce of corporation occupation inside the UK see 02 01:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The UK IPO publishes its Research Priorities for 2022-23 - The IPKatMay 02 01:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The EPO’s Overseer/Overseen Collusion — Part VIII: Perfidious Albion and Pusillanimous Hibernia | TechrightsMay 02 01:47
techrights-news"The USPTO refused to register the proposed mark THE COOL CAT for "Flavored ices; Frozen confections; Shaved ice confections," finding confusion likely with the registered word-and-design mark shown below, for "cupcakes" [CUPCAKES and NO DAIRY. NO EGGS. NO NUTS disclaimed]." 02 01:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The TTABlog®: TTABlog Test: Are Flavored Ices and Cupcakes Related for Section 2(d) Purposes? Are These Marks Confusingly Similar?May 02 01:48
activelowi'll not bother with any libre/open/micro officeMay 02 01:48
activelowsuch type of software is conceptually flawedMay 02 01:48
matey 02 01:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "APPLE PRODUCT LAUNCH" — A Bad Lip Reading - InvidiousMay 02 01:49
activelowless pdf, less odt ... rubbishMay 02 01:49
activelowif a document or service cannot be processed with *nix terminal and some scripting then it is crapMay 02 01:56
mateypdf and odt can TECHNICALLY do that, to some degreeMay 02 01:58
mateyi made an epub without any sort of epub maker, thats a little bit easierMay 02 01:58
activelowi'll review Knuth TeXMay 02 01:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▃▃▁▂▅▅▆▇▅▅▇▆▆▄▆▄▆▆▄▅▃▄▁▅▃▅▄▅▄▆█▇▁ avg(k/sec) 28.33 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▁▂▃▁▁▃▂▂▃▂▂▁▂▁▁█▂▂▂▂▁▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 19.68▕ swarm size (avg): 371.95  ⟲May 02 01:59
*bnchs has quit (connection closed)May 02 02:02
techrights-newsSoftware Patents 02 02:04
-cameron1/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 02 02:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Prior art found on D3D Technologies patent — Unified PatentsMay 02 02:04
techrights-newsWhat BS. "Portfolio Velocity" 02 02:05
-cameron1/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 02 02:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tracking Innovation: Using Unified’s Portfolio Velocity Tool — Unified PatentsMay 02 02:05
*techrights_guest|15 (~264bd468@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 02:15
*techrights_guest|15 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)May 02 02:16
techrights-newsUPC Fake News Watch (and Tough Reality): Same Familiar Talking Points and Talking Heads | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 02:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UPC Fake News Watch (and Tough Reality): Same Familiar Talking Points and Talking Heads | TechrightsMay 02 02:29
*matey has quit (connection closed)May 02 02:32
*AdmFubar has quit (Quit: Leaving.)May 02 02:39
techrights-newsTeaser: Fortunately Stable | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Teaser: Fortunately Stable | TechrightsMay 02 02:39
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techpol + social irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 02 02:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, May 01, 2022May 02 02:40
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techrights irc ■ Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 02 02:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, May 01, 2022May 02 02:41
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 boycottnovell irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 02 02:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, May 01, 2022May 02 02:42
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techbytes irc ■ Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 02 02:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, May 01, 2022May 02 02:43
*AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 02:43
techrights-news✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩ Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! 🅷🆃🆃🅿: | 🅶🅴🅼🅸🅽🅸 gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)May 02 02:49
techrights-news"Elephant Robotics has developed a 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) robotic arm platform that comes in an RPI 4 model B" ☛ | Source: Linux GizmosMay 02 02:50
-cameron1/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 02 02:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )May 02 02:50
techrights-news"In 1999, Krakoff was behind the first-ever gaming mouse: the Razer Boomslang." ☛ | Source: The VergeMay 02 02:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Razer co-founder and gaming mouse pioneer Robert Krakoff has died - The VergeMay 02 02:51
techrights-newsMicrosoft Windows TCO" ☛ | Source: The HillMay 02 02:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Russia’s cyber warfare against Ukraine more nuanced than expected | The HillMay 02 02:52
techrights-news"I block essentially all Javascript myself" ☛ | Source: uni TorontoMay 02 02:52
-cameron1/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 02 02:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chris's Wiki :: blog/web/OnNeedingJavascriptMay 02 02:52
techrights-news"Paid operatives working from a factory in St. Petersburg use the Telegram messaging app to recruit and coordinate" ☛ | Source: VOA NewsMay 02 02:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UK Says Russian Cyber Soldiers Target Foreign Leaders May 02 02:52
techrights-news"Satellite [Internet] has been around for decades." ☛ | Source: The EconomistMay 02 02:52
-cameron1/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 02 02:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Satellite internet is a hot new commodity in Ukraine | The EconomistMay 02 02:52
techrights-newsFake "currency is going mainstream. Just think back to the Super Bowl ads" ☛ | Source: The HillMay 02 02:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | We need a global approach to regulating cryptocurrencies | The HillMay 02 02:53
techrights-newsBill Epstein Gates "This transformation was no doubt helped by Gates’ extensive funding (over $250m) of various media organisations" ☛ | Source: uni CambridgeMay 02 02:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How the cult of Bill Gates is leading us towards a climate disaster | VarsityMay 02 02:55
techrights-newsBill Epstein Gates ☛ |May 02 02:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | , Author at Fair ObserverMay 02 02:56
techrights-news"Josh and Kurt talk about the Google Project Zero blog post about 0day vulnerabilities in 2021" " 02 02:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Episode 321 – Relativistic Security: Project Zero on 0day – Open Source SecurityMay 02 02:57
techrights-newsChernobyl ☛ | Source: CNNMay 02 02:58
-cameron1/#techrights-📣 CloudFlare: | 🙆 Alternative: 02 02:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Opinion: Thirty-six years after Chernobyl, Russia is still keeping us in the darkMay 02 02:58
techrights-newsDisinformation and Obama. Disinformation came from him, too. ☛ | Source: The HillMay 02 02:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Obama tackles disinformation after failing to ‘fully appreciate’ issue while president | The HillMay 02 02:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▄▇▄▅▅▄▅▅▆▅▆▅▅▅▅▄▄▅▆▅▅▅▆▆▅▅▂▆▆▆▃▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 41.76 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▂█▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▃▂▁▂▃▂▂▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 20.33▕ swarm size (avg): 454.08  ⟲May 02 02:59
*cameron1 has quit (connection closed)May 02 03:00
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ Gemini requests since start of month:   34744 total • Total number of pages in capsule: 40418 •     Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-02-07 16:50:38 GMT; 2 months 22 days agoMay 02 03:06
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated.  TotalIn: 30 GB  •  TotalOut: 6.4 GBMay 02 03:07
techrights-newsSection 230 ☛ | Source: GizmodoMay 02 03:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Marjorie Taylor Greene Plan to Abolish Section 230May 02 03:07
techrights-newsSection 230 ☛ | Source: ProtocolMay 02 03:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces bill to abolish Sec. 230 - ProtocolMay 02 03:07
techrights-newsSection 230 ☛ | Source: Broadband BreakfastMay 02 03:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Proposes Section 230 Repeal, Spectrum Innovation Act, E-Rate Bidding : Broadband BreakfastMay 02 03:08
techrights-newsSection 230 ☛ | Source: Associated PressMay 02 03:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | White House didn’t tie Section 230 reforms to Musk | AP NewsMay 02 03:08
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.May 02 03:08
techrights-ipfs-botQmeJ3YXwyJcW6kexCygGpKWEiZPC21tTub4dQeBZofT8kCMay 02 03:10
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin has just been added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with the CID above.May 02 03:10
techrights-news"Lockpicking is more of an art than a science: it’s probably 10% knowledge and 90% feeling." ☛ | Source: HackadayMay 02 03:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-This 3D Printed Robot Can Actually Pick Locks | HackadayMay 02 03:12
techrights-newssteganography ☛ | Source: HackadayMay 02 03:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How To Hide A Photo In A Photo | HackadayMay 02 03:13
techrights-news"Online [file sharing] is constantly evolving and its effects on legal consumption vary greatly." ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakMay 02 03:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Piracy Increases 'Internet Buzz' Which Boosts Legitimate TV-Show Viewership * TorrentFreakMay 02 03:13
techrights-newsMay Day ☛ | Source: TruthOutMay 02 03:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | On May Day, Let’s Link the Rising Labor Revolts to Community StrugglesMay 02 03:14
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 02 03:18
techrights-news">When designing even a reasonably simple 3D-printable part" ☛ | Source: HackadayMay 02 03:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bend Your Prints To Eliminate Supports | HackadayMay 02 03:23
techrights-news"The 80s were the golden age of synthesizers in pop music." ☛ | Source: HackadayMay 02 03:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mini MIDI Synth Uses Minimum Number Of Parts | HackadayMay 02 03:23
techrights-news"If we could change just one mistake in our Linux journey, what would it be?" 02 03:24
techrights-newsDisconnecting is becoming increasingly difficult "I got shocked. It’s overwhelming and disturbing to acknowledge how badly I was using my time"May 02 03:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Disconnecting is becoming increasingly difficultMay 02 03:29
techrights-newsReview: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 03:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Review: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS | Tux MachinesMay 02 03:30
techrights-newsWe take stock of the most recent propaganda from Team UPC; notice how there’s not even one single case of objective journalism on the matter (we’ve searched and tracked this very closely), it’s just a bunch of law firms (patent litigation profiteers) and their operatives — in sites like JUVE — quoting them 02 03:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UPC Fake News Watch (and Tough Reality): Same Familiar Talking Points and Talking Heads | TechrightsMay 02 03:31
techrights-newsAndrej Bakhirev (et al) from SaM has made millions from the EPO while Benoît Battistelli took away permanent contracts from EPO staff and António Campinos lowered salaries, pensions etc. (based on complete lies) 02 03:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Teaser: Fortunately Stable | TechrightsMay 02 03:31
techrights-newsWhat is Wrong with the Linux Community • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 03:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What is Wrong with the Linux Community | Tux MachinesMay 02 03:33
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▅▄▅▅▄▅▄▅▅▅▃▃▄▇▃▄▃▄▅▄▃▄▃▄▁▃▄▅▅▆▂▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 20.53 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▃▂▁▃▂▂▃▁▁ avg(k/sec) 27.81▕ swarm size (avg): 346.13  ⟲May 02 03:59
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 02 04:03
techrights-news#Techrights Bulletin for Sunday, May 01, 2022 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintextMay 02 04:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bulletin ArchivesMay 02 04:19
techrights-news#Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharingMay 02 04:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexMay 02 04:19
*goosestepping_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 04:37
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▆▅▄▃▅▆▃▆▆▆█▇▂▂▅▆▄▄▄▅▅▆▁▃▄▁▄▇▃▂▁ avg(k/sec) 27.55 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▂▂▂▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 13.48▕ swarm size (avg): 498.16  ⟲May 02 04:59
*techrights_guest|64 (~4756d1a8@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 05:00
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techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▂▁▄▅▄▅▄▅▂▃▆▁▄▂▅▁▃▄▅▄▅▂▃▄▅▅▃▅▆▄▅▅▆▄▃▄▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 16.91 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂█▁▂▁▁▂▃▁▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▁█▁ avg(k/sec) 9.56▕ swarm size (avg): 347.16  ⟲May 02 05:59
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)May 02 06:03
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techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▅▇▅▂▅▅▅▂▃▄▃▆▃▅▃▅▅▃▃▁▁▁▂▅▃▁▄▅▅▄▅▅▁ avg(k/sec) 32.38 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▁▁▁▂▂▂▁▁▁█▁▁█▁▂▂▂▁▂██▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 58.00▕ swarm size (avg): 348.96  ⟲May 02 06:59
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*rianne (~rianne@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 07:02
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*matey (~matey@5hesnxpnd72pg.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 07:19
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▃▅▇▃▅▅▇▃▆▄▅▆▄▄▅▂▂▃▅▆▅▂▂▇▃▂▃▇▃▆▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 25.55 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▁▂█▂▃▁▁▂▁▂██▂█▁▁▁▂▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 60.88▕ swarm size (avg): 416.96  ⟲May 02 07:59
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 08:00
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*rianne (~rianne@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 08:05
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techrights-newsNot good iophk: non-reciprocal licenses are what you want your competitors to use, not your own project :/May 02 08:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-actual/LICENSE.txt at master · actualbudget/actual · GitHubMay 02 08:32
techrights-newsEU social control media 02 08:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ - EU VoiceMay 02 08:33
techrights-newsGNOME 42.1 Released with Huge Set of Bug Fixes • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 08:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 42.1 Released with Huge Set of Bug Fixes | Tux MachinesMay 02 08:34
techrights-newsIRC Proceedings: Sunday, May 01, 2022 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 08:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Sunday, May 01, 2022 | TechrightsMay 02 08:39
mateyactivelow was right, freetype actually requires brotli (googles github repo) at least in debianMay 02 08:57
mateywhat a nice dependencyMay 02 08:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▃▂▅▆▄▅▃▇▇▂▄▂▂▄▅▆▄▄▁▄▅▄▄▅▃▅▂▄▅▄▅▄▁ avg(k/sec) 22.40 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▃▁▁▁▁▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 4.80▕ swarm size (avg): 318.56  ⟲May 02 08:59
techrights-newsWe may get our first win and bill signed into law - Colorado Right to Repair passes the house! ⚓ ䷉ Source: rossmanngroupMay 02 08:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | We may get our first win and bill signed into law - Colorado Right to Repair passes the house!May 02 08:59
mateythough i cant seem to find a trace of it on my system (even using find /) which is bizarreMay 02 08:59
mateythis is surely an error (wrong string / name etc)May 02 09:00
techrights-newsIs Apple’s self repair program an unnecessary invasion of privacy? ⚓'s-self-repair-program-an:9 ䷉ Source: rossmanngroupMay 02 09:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Apple's self repair program an unnecessary invasion of privacy?May 02 09:00
mateyits a mysteryMay 02 09:01
matey/me ran into this while looking at zstd which is facebookMay 02 09:01
*goosestepping_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 09:02
techrights-newsLinux needs to keep away from Microsoft 02 09:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | El "nuevo" driver de NTFS de Linux corre peligro...May 02 09:02
techrights-news"last week I had this realization that I should focus more on enjoying life instead of striving towards achievement and accomplishment. and I spent the week basically doing nothing" gemini:// 02 09:05
techrights-newsRaspad Linux Tablet for a Solarpunk, First Look gemini:// 02 09:05
mateyas for harfbuzz... im not sure what it is other than a frontend (this is guesswork, not analysis) for graphiteMay 02 09:06
matey 02 09:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian -- Details of package libgraphite2-3 in bullseyeMay 02 09:06
mateygraphite seems to do all the things we "need" harfbuzz for, and harfbuzz depends on itMay 02 09:07
techrights-news"Today a weird thought hit me. It is the 40th anniversary of the Falklands conflict where the UK armed forces did something rather unthinkable and win a conflict with no land bases near by. My Dad was a surprise combatant." gopher:// 02 09:07
techrights-newsIt was a simple bug, but … gemini:// "The authors of two Gemini crawlers wrote in about the double slash bug, and from them, I was able to get the root cause of the problem—my blog on Gemini"May 02 09:08
techrights-news"Given that today is May Day [1] I was curious as to what I wrote on past May Days [2]. And lo' sixteen years ago I wrote about `` [3] and their attempt to “change the world!”" gemini:// 02 09:09
mateyof course graphite is also github-based, just like harfbuzzMay 02 09:12
mateyno surprise thereMay 02 09:12
mateyand its mostly c++ which doesnt bother me, though its useless to those trying to remove c++May 02 09:13
techrights-newsA Look From the Inside: Open Source Initiative’s Voting Process is a Sham, Large Corporations Are in Charge | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Look From the Inside: Open Source Initiative’s Voting Process is a Sham, Large Corporations Are in Charge | TechrightsMay 02 09:18
techrights-newsMedia became gossip 02 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ocasio-Cortez, Musk get into awkward Twitter exchange | The HillMay 02 09:20
*goosestepping_ (~goosestepping@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 09:21
mateyim not sure, but it looks like this is because something needs EITHER brotli from google OR zstd from facebookMay 02 09:25
mateyi dont pretend to understand thisMay 02 09:25
mateywhen the deps vary between distributions they dont seem like they could be hard depsMay 02 09:25
mateybut sometimes these things do require EITHER one or the other, but neither is not an optionMay 02 09:26
mateyyoud have to look at the source to be sure, and i try to avoid that level of detail when possible (how easy it is to conclude from source depends on quality of documentation and organisation of code)May 02 09:27
mateysome of these dependencies remain mysteries. most however, are very obviousMay 02 09:27
mateyleafpad requires gtk. theres no mystery about this.May 02 09:27
mateya pdf reader that requires ghostscript really requires ghostscriptMay 02 09:28
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)May 02 09:29
techrights-newsToday in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 09:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesMay 02 09:30
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 09:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesMay 02 09:33
techrights-newsGeneration 4 Kubuntu Focus M2 Linux laptop now available with 12th gen Core i7 02 09:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kubuntu Focus M2 Linux laptop now available with Intel Core i7-12700H Alder Lake-H | Tux MachinesMay 02 09:35
techrights-newsIBM/Red Hat finally admitting they have been name-dropping meaningless buzzwords, as usual 02 09:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The term 'digital transformation' needs a makeover: What would you rename it? | The Enterprisers ProjectMay 02 09:47
techrights-newsGDB 12.1 Released • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 09:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GDB 12.1 Released | Tux MachinesMay 02 09:48
techrights-newsNo-code and low-code integrations with Camel and Kaoto | Red Hat Developer ⚓ ䷉ Source: ICBMMay 02 09:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | No-code and low-code integrations with Camel and Kaoto | Red Hat DeveloperMay 02 09:49
*techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 09:50
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 02 09:55
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*rianne (~rianne@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 09:55
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techrights-newsThe Open Source Initiative (OSI) is dominated by openwashing, self-serving giant corporations that are neither Open Source nor tolerant of the Free/Open Source community (they mostly try to dominate or overthrow the community, using money and smear campaigns) 02 10:03
techrights-newsIBM/Red Hat Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM/Red Hat Leftovers | Tux MachinesMay 02 10:14
techrights-newsShows: LINUX Unplugged and Security • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 10:15
techrights-newsProprietary Software Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 10:15
techrights-newsProgramming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 10:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Shows: LINUX Unplugged and Security | Tux MachinesMay 02 10:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Proprietary Software Leftovers | Tux MachinesMay 02 10:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesMay 02 10:15
techrights-newsProgramming Leftovers | Tux Machines ⚓ Programming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: Programming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ gemini:// 02 10:16
techrights-newsLinks 02/05/2022: Linux 5.18 RC5 and GDB 12.1 Released | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 10:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 02/05/2022: Linux 5.18 RC5 and GDB 12.1 Released | TechrightsMay 02 10:18
*Skywave has quit (connection closed)May 02 10:41
*Skywave (~SkywaveC3@ewst3uyndmu3k.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 10:41
*Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)May 02 10:58
techrights-news9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: May 1st, 2022 • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 11:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: May 1st, 2022 | Tux MachinesMay 02 11:05
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 12:10
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▄▅▃▄▅▅▅▅▅▃▄▅▆▅▅▆▄▄▅▆▆▃▅▁▂▆▁▁▅▅▄▅▁ avg(k/sec) 20.26 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▂▁▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▁▂▁▁▁▂▂▁▂█▁▂██▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 49.28▕ swarm size (avg): 323.78  ⟲May 02 12:10
*Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 12:35
*bnchs (~bnchs_@sqxk3per9tsx2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 12:41
SomeH4x0rhiMay 02 12:42
SomeH4x0rwill you come to UplinkIRC too?May 02 12:43
mateyhow many times have i answered this?May 02 12:43
SomeH4x0rI ask bnchs, not youMay 02 12:43
mateymy bad, sorryMay 02 12:43
*bnchs has quit (connection closed)May 02 12:44
*bnchs (~bnchs_@sqxk3per9tsx2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 12:44
SomeH4x0rafk now thoughMay 02 12:45
*bnchs has quit (connection closed)May 02 12:54
*bnchs (~bnchs_@sqxk3per9tsx2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 12:55
bnchsoh?May 02 12:56
bnchsyeah this is my mobile irc clientMay 02 12:56
bnchsdoesnt have uplinkIRC savedMay 02 12:56
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▄▃▄▅▆▆▆▅█▄▅▅▇▃▂▅▃▆▃▄▁▃▅▃▄▃▄▁▇▂▂▃▁ avg(k/sec) 22.60 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂█▂▁▂▃▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▁██▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 31.51▕ swarm size (avg): 344.23  ⟲May 02 12:59
SomeH4x0rbnchs: it is (6667 non-TLS), #uplinkMay 02 13:10
*bnchs has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 13:16
*bnchs (~bnchs_@sqxk3per9tsx2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 13:19
SomeH4x0rwbMay 02 13:19
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*Skywave has quit (connection closed)May 02 13:38
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*CrystalMath (~coderain@2y67ajwccuc9s.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 13:55
activelowmatey: epends on the versions of freetype/fontconfig, for what is required and what isn'tMay 02 13:56
activelowas usual older versions did the trick here, to cleanup the dependency graphMay 02 13:57
*bnchs has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 14:00
activelowwith the latest version of fontconfig it was gperf which was blockedMay 02 14:01
SomeH4x0rmatey: as for the videogames, Introversion Software has three more games I like because their (mostly, minor exceptions exist) source code availability: Darwinia, DEFCON and Multiwinia. You can watch stuff for them too if you want to.May 02 14:01
SomeH4x0rif I didn't tell you earlier, I sometimes feel like I have bad memoryMay 02 14:02
SomeH4x0rI will go afk again nowMay 02 14:02
*bnchs (~bnchs@sqxk3per9tsx2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 14:04
*techrights_guest|96 (~df185cf4@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 14:22
MinceR 02 14:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living created on 2019-05-26 19:44:13.748257May 02 14:29
*techrights_guest|96 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 14:35
*matey has quit (connection closed)May 02 14:36
*psymin (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 14:40
*psymin (~psymin@user/psymin) has joined #techrightsMay 02 14:40
XRevan86 "Hungary Floats Veto Threat as EU Works to Ban Russian Oil"May 02 14:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bloomberg - Are you a robot?May 02 14:47
XRevan86Ha-ha, classic Vitya Orbán.May 02 14:47
*goosestepping_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 14:47
MinceRyeahMay 02 14:50
MinceRhungary is a tumor that's killing the EUMay 02 14:51
XRevan86Not the only tumour but the largest one.May 02 14:52
XRevan86Yes, I'm looking at you, Serbia.May 02 14:53
MinceRserbia isn't a memberMay 02 14:55
MinceRpoland is, thoughMay 02 14:55
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▄▄▂▂▃▆▅▃▇▆▂▅▃▄▁▂▄▅▄▅▃▄▄▂▁▂▁▃▄▂▅▆▄▆▄▅▇▁ avg(k/sec) 23.13 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▁▁▁█▁▁▂█▂▂▂▁▁▁▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▃▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 50.96▕ swarm size (avg): 379.60  ⟲May 02 14:59
XRevan86Oh, it applied but could never join. I forgot about that.May 02 15:00
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 15:00
*XRevan86 opens 02 15:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | European integration - WikipediaMay 02 15:02
bnchsshould we really know what you're opening?May 02 15:03
XRevan86Well, now I know that Serbia is not Eurointegrated whatsoever.May 02 15:03
XRevan86And ye know too!May 02 15:03
*goosestepping_ (~goosestepping@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 15:08
bnchsThe Open Source Initiative has approved the license as open source, but Debian, Fedora and the Free Software Foundation have rejected it because "It requires you to publish the source code publicly whenever you “Deploy” the covered software, and “Deploy” is defined to include many kinds of private use."May 02 15:09
bnchswould you rather go with OSI or FSF on the Sybase Open Watcom Public License May 02 15:10
MinceRhow is this different from the AGPL?May 02 15:10
bnchsbecause when you use it privatelyMay 02 15:13
bnchsyou have to distribute the source code?May 02 15:13
MinceR 02 15:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living created on 2019-05-27 19:56:48.460723May 02 15:13
techrights-newsRockchip RK3566 Ubuntu 20.04 mini PC offers HDMI and VGA video outputs • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 15:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rockchip RK3566 Ubuntu 20.04 mini PC offers HDMI and VGA video outputs | Tux MachinesMay 02 15:32
techrights-newsBest Free and Open Source Alternatives to Google Forms • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 15:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Google Forms | Tux MachinesMay 02 15:32
techrights-newsUbuntu’s Unity Desktop Still Lives: Version 7.6 is Available for Testing After 6 Years • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 15:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu's Unity Desktop Still Lives: Version 7.6 is Available for Testing After 6 Years | Tux MachinesMay 02 15:33
techrights-newsGoogle #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 15:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesMay 02 15:33
techrights-newsImprovements to Fedora Docs • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 15:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Improvements to Fedora Docs | Tux MachinesMay 02 15:33
MinceR 02 15:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living created on 2019-05-27 18:11:15.178254May 02 15:43
XRevan86 Oh.May 02 15:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tonirl 🇪🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦⚛️ (@toni_tonirl): "He is watching FOX now…😄" | nitterMay 02 15:48
MinceRlolMay 02 15:50
MinceRdementia?May 02 15:50
psydruidRepublika Srpska je najboljaMay 02 15:50
XRevan86psydruid: The one in Bosnia and Herzegovina?May 02 15:51
psydruidXRevan86, I can only talk about the sovereign and independent non-EU countryMay 02 15:52
psydruidas I went there and met some of my friendsMay 02 15:53
XRevan86psydruid: That one is technically called Republika Srbija.May 02 15:53
psydruidall-rightMay 02 15:53
psydruidRepublika Srbija je najboljaMay 02 15:53
XRevan86Unfortunately it's falling down the authoritarianism hole.May 02 15:55
XRevan86And Revanchism.May 02 15:57
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsMay 02 16:03
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 16:03
psydruidEven with its puppet regime in power?May 02 16:04
MinceRbnchs: after reading a bit of the AGPL, i can see the difference. i'd stay away from the SOWPL.May 02 16:07
MinceRcan't really tell how this relates to the OSD and the FSD, though.May 02 16:07
bnchsit's funny how OSI considered it "open source"May 02 16:07
bnchswhile FSF rejects it as non-freeMay 02 16:07
XRevan86psydruid: "Even"? That's the problem.May 02 16:07
XRevan86Does anyone know what's going on with Italian TV?May 02 16:09
XRevan86I keep hearing of Russian propaganda having a presence there.May 02 16:10
psydruidXRevan86, what exactly is the problem with Vukić and his SNS party?May 02 16:11
MinceRthey're allied with orban, fideath and putlerMay 02 16:13
psydruidand at the same time they're trying to gain accession to the EUMay 02 16:14
psydruidwhat is the alternative? overthrowing the government?May 02 16:14
MinceRmaybe their attitude toward the EU is schizophrenic, like fidSS'sMay 02 16:14
XRevan86"overthrowing the government?" <- That would be illegal!May 02 16:19
*SkywaveC3 (~SkywaveC3@bkb7tdc7zpz6c.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 16:20
psydruidwho cares about what is legal or not at this pointMay 02 16:21
*Skywave has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 16:21
psydruidthe whole world is illegalMay 02 16:21
techrights-newsFrom Belarus With Love — Part X: From “High-Tech Hub” to “No-Go Zone” | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 16:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | From Belarus With Love — Part X: From “High-Tech Hub” to “No-Go Zone” | TechrightsMay 02 16:22
schestowitz-TRpsydruid: apropos ^May 02 16:22
XRevan86Anyway, we don't know the alternative, both MinceR and I live under authoritarianism, in my case the worse one, and it's not fixed.May 02 16:23
XRevan86Try your best before it's too late.May 02 16:24
psydruidI wish both of you good luckMay 02 16:31
techrights-news[Meme] Cool Strongmen of a “High-Tech Hub” in Minsk | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 16:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Cool Strongmen of a “High-Tech Hub” in Minsk | TechrightsMay 02 16:52
schestowitz-TRXRevan86:  psydruid: MinceR: Can't imagine getting good work done like this ^May 02 16:54
schestowitz-TRPutin, Luka, OrbanMay 02 16:54
schestowitz-TRthey attack their own tech workersMay 02 16:54
psydruidOnce in a while recruiters contact me for jobs in HungaryMay 02 16:55
psydruidI've never responded even onceMay 02 16:56
XRevan86schestowitz: Of course. Having a dictator or a wannabe dictator harms the economy.May 02 16:57
XRevan86One could try to imagine a dictatorship with a good economy, but for some reason it isn't happening.May 02 16:57
MinceRauthoritarianism is bad for the economyMay 02 16:58
MinceRthis is really difficult to understand for many people, apparentlyMay 02 16:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▄▅▂▄▄▄▆▆▆▆▂▂▅▆▆▅▅▇▇▆▄▅▄▃▄▅▃▂▂▃▆▆▇▁ avg(k/sec) 27.61 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂█▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▃▂▁ avg(k/sec) 20.00▕ swarm size (avg): 355.20  ⟲May 02 16:59
MinceR(cat) 02 17:04
XRevan86MinceR: Putin's regime (and Orban's as well IIRC) draws its legitimacy from the economic growth that happened at the start of it.May 02 17:04
MinceRwhich wasn't because of them, and is unsustainableMay 02 17:04
XRevan86The catch is that the growth only goes so far, and eventually the dictatorship will find it reversed.May 02 17:05
*psydruid would do anything to move away from the authoritarian dictatorship, if it had such a negative impact on his lifeMay 02 17:05
XRevan86"unsustainable" <- Exactly.May 02 17:05
MinceRthe previous russian empire collapsed because they strangled their own economy and couldn't maintain the military units they used to keep countries like hungary and poland under occupationMay 02 17:05
XRevan86psydruid: I'm a very passive person.May 02 17:05
XRevan86I failed to overcome that in time, and now I'm stuck.May 02 17:06
psydruidXRevan86, I guess I am the oppositeMay 02 17:10
psydruidI already left my cosy environment a decade ago, although I came back only for resuming my studiesMay 02 17:10
psydruidonly to find out that the field has fundamentally changedMay 02 17:10
psydruidand I may not even enjoy working in it anymoreMay 02 17:11
schestowitz-TRclownOpsMay 02 17:11
schestowitz-TRlearn to walk the ropeMay 02 17:11
schestowitz-TRand stuff..May 02 17:11
techrights-news[Meme] Belarussian Roulette | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 17:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Belarussian Roulette | TechrightsMay 02 17:14
bnchsold man yells at the cloudMay 02 17:14
techrights-newsFirefox 100 Is Now Available for Download, Enables GTK Overlay Scrollbars on Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 17:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 100 Is Now Available for Download, Enables GTK Overlay Scrollbars on Linux | Tux MachinesMay 02 17:14
bnchsbut now it's trueMay 02 17:14
bnchsand unironicMay 02 17:14
techrights-newsTrinity Desktop Environment (TDE) Latest Release Brings PolicyKit Support and Updates • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 17:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) Latest Release Brings PolicyKit Support and Updates | Tux MachinesMay 02 17:14
bnchsthe bot links are much cleaner without the altlink pollutionMay 02 17:16
bnchsone thing i noticedMay 02 17:16
psydruidwhat about the altlinks, thoughMay 02 17:19
psydruiddidn't they work at all?May 02 17:19
bnchsthe links weren't archivedMay 02 17:20
bnchsand you had to manually tell to download the pageMay 02 17:20
psydruidand alternatives such as didn't work either?May 02 17:21
techrights-news"We are seeing a censorship wave from the right the likes we have never seen. Shredding common core math books, “Don’t Say Gay”, Maus book banning, burning the muṣḥaf, denouncing reality as “fake news”. Do we hear one peep about that? Nope. But try to block direct harassment and it’s a deadly sin apparently." gemini:// 02 17:24
techrights-newsMaking Some Big Changes to Antenna gemini:// 02 17:25
techrights-news"In some countries they put you in prison for saying anti-government things, but not in the US, where you can clearly do that. Ainent is a "free speech absolutist" which I suppose means believing that it's ok to shout "fire" in the proverbial crowded theatre. I think that most people would diagree." gemini:// 02 17:26
bnchspsydruid, i'm planning to use this APIMay 02 17:28
bnchs 02 17:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Robust Links - Make Your Link RobustMay 02 17:28
bnchsautomatically archives URLs with an APIMay 02 17:28
psydruidbnchs, that looks niceMay 02 17:29
psydruidI guess cameron1 can be retired too nowMay 02 17:29
psydruidcameron1 has left the buildingMay 02 17:30
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@s8babdvbqh3nw.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 17:40
DaemonFCMinceR, I told mom the BMW story about the lady who poured Steel Seal in her radiator and drove around until the enging blew a piston out into the hood.May 02 17:41
DaemonFCShe about died laughing.May 02 17:41
DaemonFCWe were talking car problems and I was telling her how almost nobody with a 20 year old car that develops a blown head gasket wants to pay $1,500-3,000 to pull apart the engine to fix it, so they use a head gasket sealer and if you use it right, the car might drive okay for several more years and stop overheating.May 02 17:42
DaemonFCThat lot in Roanoke that sold her the Impala did some "rust repair" to the wheel wells that didn't hold up.May 02 17:42
DaemonFCAnd now the whole thing is bubbling back up.May 02 17:42
DaemonFCShe wants to get rid of it but she owes another $3,000+ in payments and is just hoping it holds together long enough for the payments to stop and sell it to someone while it still runs.May 02 17:43
DaemonFCThe engine is in there making some horrible noise while she's driving.May 02 17:43
*mib_4odp0v (~02456b36@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 18:07
*mib_4odp0v has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)May 02 18:11
*bnchsbot (~bnchsbot@sqxk3per9tsx2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 18:11
bnchstest drive?May 02 18:11
MinceR(audio:important) 02 18:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 02 18:12
-bnchsbot/#techrights-@Invidious: 02 18:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | George Carlin - You Are All Diseased [1080p Remaster] (1997) - InvidiousMay 02 18:12
-bnchsbot/#techrights--> | George Carlin - You Are All Diseased [1080p Remaster] (1997) - InvidiousMay 02 18:12
*bnchsbot has quit (connection closed)May 02 18:12
*bnchsbot (~bnchsbot@sqxk3per9tsx2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 18:14
bnchs 02 18:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open source 'Package Analysis' tool finds malicious npm, PyPI packagesMay 02 18:14
-bnchsbot/ | Open source 'Package Analysis' tool finds malicious npm, PyPI packagesMay 02 18:14
-bnchsbot/#techrights-Cloudflare MiTM detected in! Alt: 02 18:14
bnchsthe robustlink request slows it down alotMay 02 18:14
*bnchsbot has quit (connection closed)May 02 18:15
*techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 18:16
XRevan86MinceR: 4:3 fit into 16:9? Good thing MPV has panscan.May 02 18:21
MinceR:>May 02 18:21
XRevan86Honestly doesn't look like a remaster, pretty bad quality.May 02 18:22
XRevan86Was it worse?May 02 18:22
XRevan86The colour grading is a mess.May 02 18:23
MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯May 02 18:23
MinceRi haven't seen another version of thisMay 02 18:23
XRevan86I wouldn't have complained if not for the title.May 02 18:24
MinceRnot in full, that isMay 02 18:24
MinceRi've seen bits of it cut out, and those were usually in lower qualityMay 02 18:24
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 02 18:29
DaemonFC 02 18:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Warren Buffett Shares The Inside Scoop: He Bought A Cadillac, Not A SubaruMay 02 18:35
DaemonFC"She told me about 50 things that were better on the new Cadillac."May 02 18:35
DaemonFCI wonder what those were, exactly.May 02 18:35
MinceRi guess he can afford to maintain an unreliable carMay 02 18:36
DaemonFCI know they got rid of the Northstar V8 and replaced them with mainly 4 bangers.May 02 18:36
DaemonFCI drove the Buick down to the shop today.May 02 18:36
*bnchs__ (~bnchs@u3vixtamx7fw2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 18:36
DaemonFCMy mechanic is going to drive it down to a body shop he has a deal with to get the rust off of it.May 02 18:37
DaemonFCIt needs a couple of fenders, some rust repair on the passenger side rocker panel, and the driver front wheel well.May 02 18:37
DaemonFCIt'll be a couple thousand bucks.May 02 18:37
DaemonFCIt's unusual to see a 14 year old car around these parts without any rust on them at all, but I didn't think this one was too far gone to be worth fixing.May 02 18:38
DaemonFCEspecially when they sell them for twice what I paid with well over 100,000 miles on them.May 02 18:38
*bnchs has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 18:38
DaemonFCThere's a point where you just go ahead and drive it like that for as long as you can while you save money for something nicer.May 02 18:38
DaemonFCThat's where the Impala was.May 02 18:39
DaemonFCI still have it. I told mom I needed to keep it for a little while because otherwise I'd have to pay Enterprise about $400+tax to rent a car for the week while the Buick is in the body shop.May 02 18:39
DaemonFCIt's much cheaper to just drive around in the Impala for a little while instead.May 02 18:39
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 18:45
MinceR   ( )May 02 18:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Ai Death With Dignity - Dilbert Comic Strip on 2022-04-30 | Dilbert by Scott AdamsMay 02 18:48
*techrights_guest|46 (~cfeddc48@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 18:53
*AdmFubar has quit (Quit: Leaving.)May 02 18:58
*AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 19:01
immibisI bet it's somehow the fault of democratsMay 02 19:06
bnchs__black people*May 02 19:08
bnchs__you haven't guessed dfc rightMay 02 19:08
bnchs__maybe democrats, maybe black peopleMay 02 19:09
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 19:10
activelow 02 19:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Spain says PM Sanchez′ phone hacked with Pegasus | News | DW | 02.05.2022May 02 19:32
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@7adiimzyx9th6.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 19:36
*techrights_guest|46 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)May 02 19:41
*techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 20:10
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▂▄▄▁▂▆▆▅▆▅▅▅▄▆▃▄▅▇▄▄▃▄▅▅▅▅▄▄▃▂▃▄▃▂▆▁ avg(k/sec) 35.23 ▕  IPFS upstream: █▁▂█▂▂▂▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▁▁█▁▂█▂▂▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁█▂▁ avg(k/sec) 45.91▕ swarm size (avg): 343.35  ⟲May 02 20:10
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▂▃▃█▅▇▆▃▄▅▆▅▅▃▃▅▆▅▅▆▆▅▄▆▆▁▁▂▃▅▅▆▇▁ avg(k/sec) 28.86 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂█▂▂▂▁▁▂▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▂▂▂▂██▂▂▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 67.30▕ swarm size (avg): 479.53  ⟲May 02 20:59
techrights-newsKdenlive 22.04 released • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 21:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kdenlive 22.04 released | Tux MachinesMay 02 21:07
techrights-newsStart Here When Things Go Wrong on Your Linux System • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 21:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Start Here When Things Go Wrong on Your Linux System | Tux MachinesMay 02 21:08
techrights-newsTop 10 Linux Courses Online in 2022 • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 21:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 10 Linux Courses Online in 2022 | Tux MachinesMay 02 21:08
techrights-newsGoogle #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 21:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesMay 02 21:08
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 21:15
MinceR 02 21:19
techrights-newsWindows Starts May 2022 at 24% Market Share (Less Than a Quarter!) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 21:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows Starts May 2022 at 24% Market Share (Less Than a Quarter!) | TechrightsMay 02 21:22
psydroid2what is causing Vista to completely go the way of the dodo?May 02 21:26
psydroid2and why only now?May 02 21:26
schestowitz-TRusually it's lower at start of monthsMay 02 21:27
schestowitz-TRnot sure whyMay 02 21:27
schestowitz-TRtechrights gets a lot of traffic atm, not sure whyMay 02 21:27
schestowitz-TRmaybe some social control media 'buzz'May 02 21:27
schestowitz-TROK, I see nowMay 02 21:28
schestowitz-TRsome 'hacker' 'noise' thingMay 02 21:28
schestowitz-TR 02 21:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | HN Front Page (@hn_frontpage): "Why People Should Never Ever Use DuckDuckGo (2020) L: C:" | nitterMay 02 21:28
schestowitz-TR 02 21:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hacker News 20 (@betterhn20): "Why People Should Never Ever Use DuckDuckGo (2020) (" | nitterMay 02 21:28
schestowitz-TR 02 21:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Winson Tang (@winsontang): "Why People Should Never Ever Use DuckDuckGo (2020)" | nitterMay 02 21:28
psydroid2it won't take long for them to flag itMay 02 21:28
schestowitz-TRyeah, it's [soemthing bad]May 02 21:28
schestowitz-TRhahaahaMay 02 21:29
schestowitz-TRiut's ALREADY flaggedMay 02 21:29
schestowitz-TRsome xamarin (Microsoft) employes in the commentMay 02 21:29
schestowitz-TRso they bury itMay 02 21:29
schestowitz-TRbecause [my employer]May 02 21:29
schestowitz-TRtalking about "nazis" somethingMay 02 21:30
schestowitz-TRtruth is "nazi"May 02 21:30
psydruidwhat is causing Vista to completely go the way of the dodo?May 02 21:30
psydruidand why only now?May 02 21:30
schestowitz-TRmicrosoft makes it easier for "hackersMay 02 21:32
schestowitz-TRthus "hackers" like MicrosoftMay 02 21:32
schestowitz-TRthus, techrights is evil...May 02 21:32
psydroid2hmm, those messages got stuck ...May 02 21:33
psydroid2yesMay 02 21:33
psydroid2with 24% market shareMay 02 21:33
psydroid2and fallingMay 02 21:33
psydroid2they're like a parasite taking over the host (free software) while shedding its previous hostMay 02 21:34
psydroid2but we shouldn't be fooled by this "newfound" loveMay 02 21:34
psydroid2and now with stories of Android phones being emulate to emulate Vista and being able to play games for it, they are really starting to feel the pinchMay 02 21:35
psydroid2Vista is a total liability for them, but they don't have anywhere to go but to poison free software and GNU/Linux in particularMay 02 21:36
bnchs__schestowitz-TR, lolMay 02 21:36
bnchs__microsofties don't like when your blog gets on hacker newsMay 02 21:37
bnchs__that says alotMay 02 21:37
bnchs__"Reads like: They talk to nazis, so they need to be nazis."May 02 21:37
bnchs__you can dismiss anything by saying "nazis"May 02 21:38
bnchs__techrights is full of nazisMay 02 21:38
schestowitz-TRI didn't read the commentsMay 02 21:39
schestowitz-TRjust scanned them with my eyesMay 02 21:39
schestowitz-TRsaw some microsofters thereMay 02 21:39
schestowitz-TRthey probably buried itMay 02 21:40
schestowitz-TRby ganging up on that "flag" buttonMay 02 21:40
schestowitz-TR"mission accomplished"May 02 21:40
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@7adiimzyx9th6.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 21:40
psydroid2more people should post articles on "hacker noise" all the timeMay 02 21:42
schestowitz-TRI stopped CARING about social control hiveminds a long time ago and stopped participating completely this yearMay 02 21:42
psydroid2let them flag anything they seeMay 02 21:43
psydroid2it's going to be a game of "whack a mole" regardlessMay 02 21:43
schestowitz-TRthat's whyMay 02 21:43
bnchs__3 hours when the post was postedMay 02 21:43
bnchs__and it got fucking flaggedMay 02 21:43
schestowitz-TR1) you should not rely on such sitesMay 02 21:43
schestowitz-TR2) you should not partiicpateMay 02 21:44
DaemonFC 02 21:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Police: Off-duty Waukegan officer shoots, kills husband | WGN-TVMay 02 21:47
DaemonFCShe's "cooperating" with police.May 02 21:47
DaemonFCShe ought to know better, being the police and all.May 02 21:47
DaemonFCHow hard is it to wait a few hours and "cooperate" through your attorney?May 02 21:48
schestowitz-TRoff topicMay 02 21:50
schestowitz-TRanyway, you cannot appease social mediaMay 02 21:50
schestowitz-TRthere is no pointMay 02 21:50
schestowitz-TRthere are subjects that are simply not permissible thereMay 02 21:50
schestowitz-TRor "not interesting"May 02 21:50
bnchs__schestowitz-TR, they enforce the hivemind with concepts like upvotesMay 02 21:50
schestowitz-TRwhich sums up what it's forMay 02 21:50
bnchs__and likes and retweetsMay 02 21:50
schestowitz-TRit's for clickbait and misinformation... and ads May 02 21:50
bnchs__you have to roll with it or risk get your social credit downMay 02 21:50
schestowitz-TRads ares ALWAYS allowedMay 02 21:50
schestowitz-TRyou CANNOT flag adsMay 02 21:50
bnchs__ad posts lolMay 02 21:51
bnchs__they pay the social media to get their post up to the front pageMay 02 21:51
bnchs__and unhidableMay 02 21:52
bnchs__and unblockable unreportableMay 02 21:52
DaemonFC 02 21:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Lake County courts to resume pre-pandemic operations after more than 2 yearsMay 02 21:52
DaemonFCI did "Zoom traffic court".May 02 21:52
DaemonFCIt was really easy to show up, actually. I can see why they want it to end.May 02 21:53
DaemonFCYou don't have to drive halfway across the county to contest it, so more people take their chances in court.May 02 21:53
DaemonFC 02 21:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Illinois budget sweeps $5 million from 911 fund, concerning law enforcementMay 02 21:57
DaemonFCI don't know why they would need a new number for "mental health emergencies" when odds are that it's just going to be the cops that show up anyway.May 02 21:57
DaemonFCScream at you, use foul language. Tell you that you're a waste of their time.May 02 21:57
DaemonFCAnd if they do take you anywhere, you'll get a $15,000 bill for it later.May 02 21:58
techrights-newsCracking Down on Scientists | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 21:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cracking Down on Scientists | TechrightsMay 02 21:58
DaemonFC 02 21:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Illinois State Police adding more license plate reading cameras to assist in expressway shooting investigationsMay 02 21:59
DaemonFCMore license plate readers.May 02 21:59
DaemonFCEventually, the criminals will be smart enough to swap license plates with a similar car or something.May 02 22:00
DaemonFCIt would probably take anyone but me weeks to notice that they have the wrong plates on their car and complain about it, and by that time, the cops may well be pulling them over because they drove past a license plate scanner.May 02 22:00
DaemonFC 02 22:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-'Rapid Expansion' Puts a Strain on Starlink's Customer Support | PCMagMay 02 22:04
DaemonFCI replied: That's okay. Scotty Kilmer was talking about Musk's other scam, Tesla. A guy spent $116,000 on a Tesla that allegedly got 400 miles per charge. He drove it home a half a mile from the store and it ticked down 15 miles on range, and then he found out the battery was defective. In the mean time they had put a fast charger in his garage that ended up costing him ten times what they said it would, and eventually he returned the car. They May 02 22:05
DaemonFCsaid, two YEARS ago, that they were processing his refund, and he still hasn't gotten it, and they keep taking his car payments out of his checking account.May 02 22:05
DaemonFC(He doesn't even have the car.)May 02 22:05
DaemonFCschestowitz-TR, I took the Buick to my mechanic this morning. It's going to the body shop. He said that they'll get it back to me next week.May 02 22:06
DaemonFCThere's some cosmetic issues and minor rust. I knew about it when I bought the car, but I knew it was worth fixing.May 02 22:06
techrights-news[Meme] High-Calibre Patent Office | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 02 22:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] High-Calibre Patent Office | TechrightsMay 02 22:07
DaemonFCMost of it is just touch up paint, light scratches that can be buffed out, but the real work is going to be replacing the fenders and grinding down to the healthy metal on a rocker panel. Someone jacked the car up improperly and damaged the right fender and then rain got in and started rusting the rocker panel a bit, so they can just grind that sucker down and use anti-corrosion treatment and paint and then hook it back up to the trim.May 02 22:08
DaemonFCPeople do dumb things to cars all the time.May 02 22:08
techrights-newsFirefox 100 Is Now Available For Download 02 22:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 100 Is Now Available for Download, Enables GTK Overlay Scrollbars on Linux | Tux MachinesMay 02 22:11
techrights-newsUbuntu Cinnamon 22.04 -- A great 22.04 release! 02 22:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix 22.04 LTS Released with Cinnamon 5.2 Desktop Environment | Tux MachinesMay 02 22:13
DaemonFCMinceR, Buffett is very relatable.May 02 22:13
MinceRis he?May 02 22:13
techrights-newsPop!_OS 22.04 is here, and it’s the best release yet from System76 02 22:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop!_OS 22.04 Launches Based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Powered by Linux 5.16 and PipeWire | Tux MachinesMay 02 22:13
DaemonFCI know I have $68 billion in the bank and just get rust damaged Buicks to repair and drive around in for the hell of it.May 02 22:13
DaemonFCI put my pants on one leg at a time and eat at McDonalds.May 02 22:13
DaemonFCI'll tell you how bad the used car market is.May 02 22:14
DaemonFCCarvana puts 2009 Buick LaCrosse CXLs on their site with comparable mileage (50,000-60,000) and prices them higher than $15,500 and they sell within one day.May 02 22:14
DaemonFCI was like "Jesus Christ. Who is buying these!?".May 02 22:15
DaemonFCI felt $7,950 was pretty steep, but things just are how they are now. Mine needed some work, but there's no guarantee it will turn out better on Carvana.May 02 22:15
DaemonFCYou'll have just blown the whole wad buying the damned thing and then it does whatever it does.May 02 22:15
DaemonFCI'm told the rust repair and everything should be about $2,200.May 02 22:16
MinceR(cat) 02 22:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Walter and Oscar - Album on ImgurMay 02 22:16
DaemonFCI've already put about $1,100 into brake pads and rotors and new wheel bearings on the front axle, and about $750 into a new belt tensioner (it's a really funky part), and another five hundred or so flushing out old nasty fluids, getting an oil change, and replacing filters.May 02 22:17
DaemonFCAnd even after this body work, I'll somehow be ahead of going to Carvana by about $3,000.May 02 22:18
techrights-newsBlank is Great gemini:// 02 22:20
techrights-news"If you want to talk to _me_, though, then sit next to me. I want to hear what you have to say." gopher:// 02 22:21
techrights-newsToday in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 22:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesMay 02 22:24
techrights-newsThe EPO’s partners in Minsk, unlike several (even many) other companies from the same ‘science park’, are no foes of the autocratic regime that EPO President António Campinos pretends to oppose 02 22:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | From Belarus With Love — Part X: From “High-Tech Hub” to “No-Go Zone” | TechrightsMay 02 22:25
techrights-newsBelarus Battistelli (shown above) has gambled with the very survival (and money) of the EPO, which nowadays seems to rely on breaking the law, replacing legitimate patent judges with kangaroo courts that approve European Patents granted in clear violation of the EPC 02 22:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Belarussian Roulette | TechrightsMay 02 22:25
techrights-newsThe godfather of Belarus has taken greater control of the “science park” in Minsk; this did not alarm EPO President António Campinos, the ‘other’ Orange Friend of Team Putin, who is “cool” with it (SaM is also “cool” with it) 02 22:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Cool Strongmen of a “High-Tech Hub” in Minsk | TechrightsMay 02 22:25
techrights-newsAs the EPO’s war on workers and retirees escalates (breaking promises to scientists who work or worked as examiners) we find some similarities in Belarus, where some of the EPO’s work has been outsourced to 02 22:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cracking Down on Scientists | TechrightsMay 02 22:26
techrights-newsToday, taking a new month’s snapshot/check at StatCounter, Windows seems to be down even further as Android climbs to nearly half of all Web requests. As we enter the month of May it becomes more apparent that Windows isn’t recovering and Vista 11 was just a waste of billions of dollars in false marketing. 02 22:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows Starts May 2022 at 24% Market Share (Less Than a Quarter!) | TechrightsMay 02 22:26
techrights-newsEPO staff is astounded to see how much self-harm Benoît Battistelli and António Campinos do to ‘their own’ institution, which has been reduced to a rubber-stamping operation (this includes European software patents, which are slowly being challenged) 02 22:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] High-Calibre Patent Office | TechrightsMay 02 22:26
techrights-news5 Best Free Android Emulators For Linux 2022 - Play Retro Titles - DekiSoft ⚓ ䷉ Source: dekisoftMay 02 22:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-5 Best Free Android Emulators For Linux 2022 - Play Retro Titles - DekiSoftMay 02 22:28
DaemonFCMinceR, Also, everyone can drive around with Mary Barra and have her explain how many things have improved on the latest Cadillac and why they should replace one that still looks really good, has no rust or mechanical problems, and has 19,000 miles on the odometer just because it's from 2006.May 02 22:36
DaemonFCIt's like he's just an everyday guy, you know?May 02 22:36
DaemonFCMy mom has no sense when it comes to cars.May 02 22:38
MinceReven if i was that rich, i wouldn't want to waste my time on an unreliable carMay 02 22:38
DaemonFCShe practically gave away that low mileage Crown Victoria I gave her because "The paint was a little faded." and she kept an Impala that was a rusted out oil leak with 3 times as many miles on it.May 02 22:38
techrights-news"Confidential Computing" is usually a euphemism for spying (keeping the STOLEN data 'safe'). Now Canonical is promoting Microsoft surveillance as "confidential". ☛ | Source: UbuntuMay 02 22:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Confidential Computing and financial services cloud | UbuntuMay 02 22:39
DaemonFCThe biggest part of that disaster with John was that I gave a reliable car to my mom, she squandered it, and then I had to drive around in this thing for three years while it breaks down on my at least twice a year.May 02 22:39
techrights-newsIt's not about "Innovation", it is just ICBM marketing and platitudes ☛ | Source: Red Hat OfficialMay 02 22:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Recognizing the 2022 Red Hat Innovation Awards honorable mentionsMay 02 22:40
techrights-newsRed Hat Summit ☛ | Source: Red Hat OfficialMay 02 22:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Know before you watch: Red Hat Summit 2022May 02 22:41
DaemonFCMinceR, Mandy had one of those TikTok videos where some guy walked off and ignored his car that was overflowing at the gas pump.May 02 22:41
techrights-newsNo Raytheon this year? ☛ | Source: Red Hat Official 02 22:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Announcing the winners of the 16th annual Red Hat Innovation AwardsMay 02 22:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Giving Awards to Raytheon Won’t Help Red Hat’s Image | TechrightsMay 02 22:41
DaemonFCI said "$10 says he doesn't even go to the car wash and then the paint bubbles up.".May 02 22:41
techrights-news"Going Rogue: A Festival of Persistence is a new week-long event on Steam" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Going Rogue: A Festival of Persistence event is live on Steam | GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:42
techrights-newsMatomo Web Analytics ☛ |May 02 22:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to Install Matomo Web Analytics on Ubuntu 20.04 - RoseHostingMay 02 22:43
techrights-newsRockchip RK3566 Arm processor ☛ | Source: Linux GizmosMay 02 22:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )May 02 22:44
techrights-news"Embracer Group" sounds like a name for Microsoft. It's how they kill competitors. ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Embracer Group to acquire Eidos, Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix Montréal | GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:45
techrights-news"Linux recently as a Native title" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed gets a huge character overhaul and lots of fixes | GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:45
*goosestepping_ has quit (Quit: Ping timeout: Over 9000!!!)May 02 22:46
techrights-news"free and open source retro pixel-art sim" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cytopia is a free and open source retro city-builder in development | GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:47
techrights-news"city-builder that brings in some social society management" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Society management city-builder Kapital: Sparks of Revolution is out now | GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:48
techrights-news"shifting 100,000 copies in the first 24 hours" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe hit 100,000 sales in 24 hours | GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:48
*goosestepping_ (~goosestepping@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 22:48
techrights-newsDorfromantik ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Relaxing and gorgeous city-builder Dorfromantik is out now | GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:49
techrights-newsHinterland ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Long Dark has some huge changes on the way with paid survival DLC | GamingOnLinuxMay 02 22:49
schestowitzx 02 22:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'We've not seen the WORST of Covid' warns Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates | Daily Mail OnlineMay 02 22:50
schestowitz# bill sez; they must feel confident that andrew has taken one for the teamMay 02 22:50
techrights-newsSPAMnil boosting anti-Linux proxies again. So called 'Linux' Foundation... boosting anti-Linux proxies... giving them a platformMay 02 22:54
techrights-newsMany AMD 'ads' (as articles) in Phoronix today. No disclosure. 02 22:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | When Blogs Become Marketing and Benchmarks Become Product Promotions | TechrightsMay 02 22:55
*someMiB (~5bfaf20c@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsMay 02 22:56
techrights-newsNotepad Next is a Reimplementation of Notepad++ for Linux Users • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 22:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Notepad Next is a Reimplementation of Notepad++ for Linux Users | Tux MachinesMay 02 22:58
techrights-newsCanonical is selling itself cheaply -- or for free -- to MicrosoftMay 02 22:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▅▅▆▆▃▄▅▂▃▆▆▅▂▅▆▃▂▃▂▅▂▅▅█▅▃▅▅▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 46.68 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▂▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▂▂▂█▁▁▂▁▂▁█▁█▁▂▁▂█▂▃▁▁▂▁█▁▁ avg(k/sec) 77.63▕ swarm size (avg): 352.96  ⟲May 02 22:59
techrights-newsThe Fall of Ubuntu as a Gaming Distro in Video - Boiling Steam ⚓ ䷉ Source: boilingsteamMay 02 23:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Fall of Ubuntu as a Gaming Distro in Video - Boiling SteamMay 02 23:03
techrights-newsWordPress 6.0 Beta 4 • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 23:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WordPress 6.0 Beta 4 | Tux MachinesMay 02 23:05
psydroid2 02 23:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Why PC Gaming is Dying | DiamondLobbyMay 02 23:06
psydroid2look at the commentsMay 02 23:06
schestowitz-TRI have long wondered about thatMay 02 23:06
schestowitz-TRother things I wondered aboutMay 02 23:06
SomeH4x0rit is not dying. Just FUCK THE CORPORATIONS.May 02 23:06
SomeH4x0rthe old games are not going anywhereMay 02 23:06
schestowitz-TR1) why does web traffic wane (I suspect not social control media but "apps")May 02 23:06
psydroid2the author is being called out for misleading the readersMay 02 23:06
SomeH4x0rdiscard the new shit which abuses your hardwareMay 02 23:06
SomeH4x0rstupid graphisMay 02 23:07
SomeH4x0r*graphicsMay 02 23:07
schestowitz-TR2) how can the media be so complicit in  claiming Windows is still so bigMay 02 23:07
SomeH4x0rhow do I report Cloudflare btw?May 02 23:07
schestowitz-TRyou cannotMay 02 23:07
schestowitz-TRthey are part of the EstablishmentMay 02 23:07
schestowitz-TRnow post-IPO with Wall Street shareholdersMay 02 23:07
schestowitz-TRCF employees block me in TwitterMay 02 23:07
schestowitz-TRlike their employer instructed them toMay 02 23:08
schestowitz-TRso they don't see facts I've said about them for nearly a decadeMay 02 23:08
SomeH4x0rno, I mean report a website to CrimeflareMay 02 23:08
SomeH4x0rso your bot starts complainingMay 02 23:08
SomeH4x0rbecause it didn'tMay 02 23:08
schestowitz-TRask in #decloudflareMay 02 23:08
techrights-newsGames: Fall of Ubuntu, Classics/Retro, and New Titles • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 23:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Fall of Ubuntu, Classics/Retro, and New Titles | Tux MachinesMay 02 23:09
techrights-newscURL is hardcore. "Vodafone UK has taken it on themselves to make the world better by marking this website ( “adult content”. I suppose in order to protect the children." 02 23:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Considered “18+” | daniel.haxx.seMay 02 23:16
techrights-newsRhythmbox 3.4.5 Improves Its Support for Podcasts • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 23:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rhythmbox 3.4.5 Improves Its Support for Podcasts | Tux MachinesMay 02 23:16
AdmFubar 02 23:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibriVox | free public domain audiobooksMay 02 23:17
techrights-newsdahliaOS – A Unique Linux Distribution Based on Google Fuchsia [First Look] • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 23:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | dahliaOS – A Unique Linux Distribution Based on Google Fuchsia [First Look] | Tux MachinesMay 02 23:17
*psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 02 23:19
techrights-newsWhy does a site called "linuxsecurity" amplify talking points that help distract from the back doors and actively-exploited zerp-days of Microsoft??? 02 23:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Log4Shell a huge wake-up call for 95% of security leadersMay 02 23:21
techrights-newsThe insecurity industry is a shady little 'industry' which benefits financially from the false perception of a lack of security (even where it's not a big issue)May 02 23:22
techrights-news"Last friday I had my final defense for my dissertation. After an exhausting, humiliating, and also helpful two hours of critique and discussion, I managed to pass! So I am on my way to being Dr. Mieum after seven long years!" gemini:// 02 23:24
techrights-newsHughes: fwupd 1.8.0 and 50 million updates 02 23:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fwupd 1.8 Linux Firmware Updating Tool Is Out With Support for New Hardware, More | Tux MachinesMay 02 23:28
techrights-newsFrom one sinking ship to another? 02 23:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Brendan@Intel.comMay 02 23:29
techrights-newsDaniel Stenberg now on HTTP/3 • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 23:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Daniel Stenberg now on HTTP/3 | Tux MachinesMay 02 23:30
techrights-newsPieces of proprietary junk, likely with a lot of back doors 02 23:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AnyDesk vs. TeamViewer vs. Splashtop vs. LogMeIn: Battle of the Remote Desktop AppsMay 02 23:31
techrights-news[PATCH 00/11] i915: Introduce Ponte Vecchio - Matt Roper ⚓ ䷉ Source: intelMay 02 23:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [PATCH 00/11] i915: Introduce Ponte Vecchio - Matt RoperMay 02 23:33
techrights-news"What? Today's video isn't about the Steam Deck? That's right." A break from his ads... 02 23:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Remember when Windows Media tried to take over the world? Microsoft's still at it. - InvidiousMay 02 23:34
techrights-newsICBM Red Hat on How to make community recognition more inclusive see and 02 23:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to make community recognition more inclusive | Opensource.comMay 02 23:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM (Red Hat) Lectured FSF That It Needed More Diversity, But Was It Looking at the Mirror? IBM and Red Hat Are Even Less Diverse. | TechrightsMay 02 23:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Diversity Comes in Many Forms | TechrightsMay 02 23:36
techrights-newsAndroid RISC-V progress update, emulator support, and roadmap to 2023 02 23:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android RISC-V progress update, emulator support, and roadmap to 2023 - CNX Software - Embedded Systems NewsMay 02 23:36
techrights-news"Announced almost 4 years ago, Nimbus Data set out to produce and sell a Solid State Drive (SSD) that was 100 Terabytes (TB) in size. It is called the ExaDrive." 02 23:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nimbus and the Forever Lasting SSD: Is it cost effective? – Random [Tech] StuffMay 02 23:38
techrights-news"linuxsecurity" increasingly turned to anti-Linux FUD and now it publishes webspam 02 23:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WinMagic SecureDoc for Linux: Fortify Your Infosec Architecture & Z...May 02 23:40
techrights-newsIt has back doors. Intel is a sinking ship. It just pays the media (it does, the media occasionally admits the bribes) 02 23:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Meteor Lake can already boot Windows, Linux and ChromeOS | KitGuruMay 02 23:42
techrights-newsLibrePlanet workshop - May 23 - Installing Ourselves into LibrePlanet 02 23:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibrePlanet workshop - May 23 - Installing Ourselves into LibrePlanet — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free softwareMay 02 23:47
techrights-newsTobias Bernard: Save the Date: Berlin Mini GUADEC 02 23:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Save the Date: Berlin Mini GUADEC – Space and MeaningMay 02 23:48
techrights-news"Software Freedom Conservancy initiated the consumer-oriented copyleft compliance lawsuit against Vizio and succeeded in approval at the copyright office for two new DMCA exemptions (and expanded a third)" 02 23:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software Freedom Conservancy Launches Self-Service Copyright Assignment Process - Software Freedom ConservancyMay 02 23:50
techrights-newsWhy brag about Microsoft proprietary software support? 02 23:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2022.18 Period – Rakudo Weekly NewsMay 02 23:51
techrights-newsPerl Weekly Challenge 163: Sum Bitwise Operator and Summations 02 23:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Perl Weekly Challenge 163: Sum Bitwise Operator and Summations | laurent_r []May 02 23:51
techrights-newsGNU Linux Debian – winamp like audio player – qmmp 02 23:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )May 02 23:52
techrights-newsSparkyLinux: "Many thanks to all of you for supporting our open-source projects. Your donations help keeping them alive." 02 23:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sparky news 2022/04 – SparkyLinuxMay 02 23:52
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 02 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesMay 02 23:54
techrights-news"Today, we launch our self-service Copyright Assignment form. This new form, carefully vetted by our lawyers, allows you to quickly and easily assign your rights in your code, documentation, and other copyrightable works to Software Freedom Conservancy" 02 23:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fighting for the right to repair your electronics - we need your help - Conservancy Blog - Software Freedom ConservancyMay 02 23:57
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 02 23:57
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 02 23:57

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