Over at Tux Machines...
posted by Roy Schestowitz on Feb 27, 2024

Updated This Past Day
a locked-down prisoner PC
The madman who is digitally punching women
this year we're seeing real growth for GNU/Linux as a platform for desktops and laptops
Giada 1.0 has been released today as the first mature version of this open-source, minimalistic, and hardcore loop machine and music production software designed for DJs, live performers, and electronic musicians.
Richard Hughes released today fwupd 1.9.14 as the latest version of this open-source firmware updating utility for Linux-based operating systems adding support for new hardware and various improvements.
A list of the best Ubuntu apps for everybody (fresh list of 2024).
A new release of Sway 1.9 is now available.
GParted 1.6 open-source partition editor software has been released today as a maintenance update that addresses several bugs to improve support for various filesystems.
Barry Kauler asks, why is it so awful for me?
3 Python related news
4 items of relevance
2 gaming-related stories
KDE-related news
FOSS news
half a dozen howtos
Android Auto is making it safer to respond to texts while driving
Today, we bring you a report on the brand-new release of the Maui Project
today's leftovers
half a dozen hardware stories/links
Programming links for today
distros mostly
and some Windows TCO too
today's first batch of howtos
3 new episodes
Linus Torvalds on the ball
Tiny Core Linux 15.0 has been officially released
Only free and open source software is eligible for inclusion
I've been using computers for about 38 years and, throughout that time, I've made heavy use of command line interfaces
The LuckFox Pico Pro/Max is a cost-effective Linux micro development board designed for hobbyists and developers
There's also ChromeOS at 2.22%, bringing the total to about 6.5%
The 176th installment of the 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup is here for the week ending on February 25th, 2024.
Leah Rowe announced today a new version (20240225) of the Libreboot open-source and free BIOS/UEFI firmware alternative that adds support for more hardware, as well as other improvements.
Some of the latest articles
The corresponding text-only bulletin for Monday contains all the text.