Gemini Links 24/04/2024: People Returning to Gemlogs, Stateless Workstations
Gemini* and Gopher
Rest in peace old friend
About 15 years we worked together for different employers. We were not real friends but it was a long time seeing you every day before covid and chatted nearly daily after 2019. We talked about work stuff most of the time. But also about gaming, private stuff here and there. I nettled your wife with making you a big fallout fan. But we never met each other after work. I planed to invite you for bbq last summer, but haven't found the time. Maybe this year i thought...
all gas, no brakes
felt bad i went a few weeks without updating this here gemlog, so here i am.
i keep doing this thing where i'll get really obsessed with a new project and then my brain will shut down the hyperfocus beam and move it onto the next thing. it's immensely frustrating. i'd love to be able to stick to one thing and focus on it a normal amount. maybe i have adhd. my doctor is useless so i won't bother looking into that any further. let's just assume i have adhd and go from there. my mind is going a mile a minute right now—but it's usually going 5. a slow day, i'm only multitasking on 2 things at once. i'm writing this stream-of-consciousness style (could you tell?) while watching a baseball game on mute.
Technology and Free Software
23 April 2024
On the technical front of things i am currently experimenting with CLISP as login shell on the DevTerm, its working, but i have to adjust my muscle memory not to type unixy shell commands. In the same turn i moved away from X11 and moved completely to fbterm... the DevTerm is already a tad too slow for most things graphical and running console software in a window manager somehow felt... wasteful.
A Stateless Workstation
A Stateless Workstation
I always had an interest for practical security on computers, being workstations or servers. Many kinds of threats exist for users and system administrators, it's up to them to define a threat model to know what is acceptable or not. Nowadays, we have choice in the operating system land to pick what works best for that threat model: OpenBSD with its continuous security mechanisms, Linux with hardened flags (too bad grsec isn't free anymore), Qubes OS to keep everything separated, immutable operating system like Silverblue or MicroOS (in my opinion they don't bring much to the security table though) etc...
Five good things.
Sorry this post is up way past the end of the week. I couldn't connect to the gemini server on my laptop, but Christopher fixed it for me. I hope to have another post this week too.
Remembering five things I was thankful for from this past week. The hardest part was picking just five. We had a beautiful day today. We even saw a few butterflies, in spite of snow still in the yard. Silas remarked to me that "butterflies look so cute when they're twinkling around." They do twinkle around! I loved that.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.