Microsoft Fired Loads of Staff in Kenya, Which is Another Large Country Where GNU/Linux Has Grown a Lot
Population size similar to the UK's (almost 1.5 billion people live in Africa), but Microsoft pays Kenyans only less than 2 dollars an hour for an IT/office job and then throws them out.
THE news about mass layoffs in Microsoft Nigeria was only obscured by the shutdowns and layoffs in Microsoft's game studios (acquired). Having just checked these latest figures from statCounter about Kenya, this is what we see: (data as ODF)
Now add mobile to the mix and find Windows at a meager 18.5% compared to Android with about two-thirds of the market.
What is Microsoft planning to respond with other than looking to destroy, destabilise, discredit, delegitimise, and even deplatform anything that mentions these 'inconvenient' facts? █