Bonum Certa Men Certa

Suicides Don't Move Cases Forward

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Jun 10, 2024

Boy crying

EVERY Monday we write about the vicious attacks on us - attacks that began or greatly intensified in 2022. Today is the birthday of the sister site (20 years), so let's clarify false claims about the site, based on 'trophy files' that are legally invalid. For one thing, falsifying addressees is an own goal. Second, it has been a year (2023) and no progress is made because "Justice is Not Free. Quite the Contrary. Justice is Expensive," according to HRTO. Many months ago I explained to them how they had been gamed. But they would be constantly harassed some more by the filer, falsely claiming life was at stake (typical, threatening one's own life to compel token/symbolic actions to be taken). Nobody wishes to be held accountable for a loss of life posthumously. It's objectively bad press.

Just because someone chose to undergo some therapy, as in to remove one's genitals, does not entitle one to "special treatment" at courts. As far as I know, the person filed no less than 4 cases in one month (at zero cost!), looking for nothing but harassment by proxy. The tribunal wasn't foolish enough to go ahead with it, but as we shall show in the future, the tribunal will be sent threats to make some minimal effort to give an impression of progress.

This is what I told them a very long time ago:


This reply concerns:

HRTO FILE: 2023-54773-I
HRTO FILE: 2023-54633-I
HRTO File: 2023-54509-I

To avoid time-wasting, let me clarify you are being gamed by a frivolous filer. And guess who has possibly just committed 3 federal crimes in Canada by falsifying addresses in a tribunal and thus intentionally lying to a local tribunal?

Lozza knows the other party is not Canadian. The same is true in:

HRTO FILE: 2023-54633-I
HRTO File: 2023-54509-I

Lozza knows the parties are well outside the jurisdiction, and thus faked the address of the respondent (wrong continent).

Lozza is wasting resources by submitting a false and invalid complaints, three times in fact.

This is classic abuse of process and I am certain, due to this abuse not being a mere error, that it is likely a federal crime.

Lozza keeps pretending (to you) that we live in Manchester, Ontario. We don't. Lozza has been harassing me, my family, and my friends for well over a decade. Now Lozza tries to game your tribunal for further harassment.

There are already several cases against Lozza in British police.

Lozza is doing the same to the webhost, one might assume, basically trying to blackmail and intimidate the host based on invalid documents that look official.

Don't let your staff unwittingly participate in the ongoing harassment by Lozza. I was going to ignore these E-mail, but you really need to be aware that your system is being misused repeatedly.

As it turns out, there are at least 4 (not 3). This lunatic decided to also target our IRC regular (Ryan) with a complaint, asserting "discrimination" because of IRC disagreements. Imagine every Canadian citizen opening a case (free of charge) every time he of she disagrees with somebody online.

At one point Ryan told me: "So Lobsta [Lozza] claims that even the cops were grossed out by him and scowled at him. And that he wanted to abandon his complaint because he was "psychotic" due to "a lot of pot". And that this caused him to be paranoid that they were coming to get him. On behalf of his old boss, who he claims is a sovereign citizen. Brandon Lobsta in REEFER MADNESS."

Well, being stoned on drugs is not a legal defence for misuse of process. The whole thing has only been a total waste of time for everyone, except the unemployed "Lobsta", who turned online harassment against perceived enemies into a hobby that Canadian taxpayers foot the bill for.

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