Gemini Links 01/07/2024: New ICQ and Demise of 'Agile' Cargo Cult
Gemini* and Gopher
🔤SpellBinding: GILPSTU Wordo: TAWNY
So my camping weekend was great. Saturday morning we dumped our campervan at the dealer for repairs and we hike from there with our trekking gear to a campsite about 7km further out. It wasn't a commercial campsite but a non-profit camping club that ocassionaly accepts visitors. They just had their opening weekend and had activities like a petanque tournament, a guided walk and ended the day with a BBQ. We took part in the guided walk in the nearby forest and it was really chill and interesting. We did not have any meat with us for the barbeque so we made our "Knorr" pasta with our OmniLite Ti about when they started lighting their BBQs. Great timing it seemed because when we were done eating a big rainstorm passed by and they had to place the BBQs under a roof. It was funny how they were concerned with us like we wouldn't have enough to eat or something :-) Anyway we had a free Sangria and played some games to end the evening.
Two perspectives on personhood
What does it mean to be a person?
Technology and Free Software
On Open Source and the Sustainability of the Commons
TL;DR: put your open source code under the AGPL license.
Much have been said about the need to pay Open Source developers for their work and the fact that huge corporations use open source software without contributing back.
Most articles I’ve been reading on the subject completely miss the mark. Plenty of commentators try to reinvent some kind of "free software but with forced contributions" or "free software but non-commercial". Those are naive and wrong. If you impose limitations, it’s, by definition, not free software anymore.
Emacs Fun - Split Window
I want to talk about different features of Emacs, such as programming Lisp, running the built-in apps (games, doctor, web browser), using a shell, and more.
I like to do my writing and programming in Emacs! All wood elves do, btw. It is a Sylvan tradition!
This first entry is about splitting windows, to be able to more efficiently work on documents. I'll mention a few more details (ex. saving a buffer) in this one as well.
How does one escape the Ctrl-W zone?
which I'd imagined must have existed back when I thought posting images of writings on 3x5 cards was a fun and/or worthwhile thing to do.
Of late, posting in any form feels more like caving into an addiction: the buzz is no longer palpable, yet doth fear of missing out on the possibility of it happening again taunt.
On the reading side, I'm increasingly getting no more than a couple paragraphs into chance-upon's before realizing initial excitement was mostly my imagining possibilities again.
Hello! I just registered to
It looks cool. It is very lightweight. I love it!
new ICQ
Hi all. the old ICQ died, a new one appeared, to connect to on the desktop you can use the old software, ICQ Qip Miranda, for android only this:
Fun with clj-pnm library and Babashka
With 'clj-pnm' deployed to Clojars [1] it's easier to have some fun with it. And by fun I mean Babashka! We will write a script that will take a number as an argument and spit out a Portable Bitmap (pbm) [2] file representation of it. We will use numbers as input because it is a smaller set of values to cover, but the same logic can be used for alphanumeric values.
Re: Is Agile dead?
I just read an article titled "Are Agile and Scrum Dead?" by Mike Cohn, one of the most excellent and respectable experts in Agile.
Four lines of code … it was four lines of code
How can a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) service take more time than a TLS (Transport Layer Security) service? Especially when TLS runs over TCP? And TLS generates six times the packets than TCP?
There's some difference in how I handle TCP and TLS that's causing this. Profiling the code didn't reveal much as my attempts kept showing that gopher [2] should be using less CPU than Gemini [3], so then it was just a matter of staring at code and thinking hard.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.