Microsoft "are still in their Extend phase and have been for some time. They know how to play the long game. It's anyone's guess when their Extinguish phase will begin."
Many more good comments in this page:
Back in the mid to late 2010's I was a member of a couple of LUGs on facebook. I was surprised by the lack of concern over Microsoft's involvement with Linux. What seemed to be a bigger concern was systemd. Which of course has and always will be concerning but I think it offered a bit of a distraction. Systemd replaced Microsoft as the threat to our computing freedom but Microsoft never stopped being a threat.They thought the license would offer all the needed protection. No one could take over Linux since anyone can fork it therefore Microsoft can be trusted.
I'm not saying I have great powers of insight and/or I know better than those other members but my reasoning was if Microsoft wants to collaborate with Linux, open source, etc then they must see a way to take it over.
They are still in their Extend phase and have been for some time. They know how to play the long game. It's anyone's guess when their Extinguish phase will begin.
Lots more in there. It's reassuring to see recognition of the threat. Microsoft and Systemd are now a joint threat. █