African's Largest Population (Nigeria) Approaching 80% Android "Market Share" Amid Steady Monthly Increases While Microsoft Has Mass Layoffs in Nigeria
Flashback: Microsoft is bribing officials in Nigeria, as usual, a part of an overt act of serious corruption intended to undermine GNU/Linux adoption (Microsoft set up encampments there)
May 2024: Nigeria: Windows Down to 6%, Android at All-Time High of 77%
HAVING just taken a glimpse at this latest data, we see that Android reached an all-time high in Nigeria last month and Windows remains somewhere around 7% - i.e. about 1 in 14 Web requests. Yes, that's right! In Nigeria, not many people are computing with Windows anymore. So much has changed. Here are the latest numbers:
Nigeria is a massive country (nearly twice as large as France) with a huge population (more than France, Germany and the UK combined), so it is kind of a big deal even if Microsoft- and Apple-sponsored Western (or English-speaking) media chooses to ignore that or treat it as irrelevant (a racist disposition in its own right). █