Something for GNU/Linux Aficionados to Celebrate and Take Note of, Fake Microsoft 'Results' Coming Tomorrow
THE estimated "market share" of GNU/Linux has grown some more today (higher than yesterday) and in India it flew from 16.2% to 16.3% today (16.2% was earlier today). This past Saturday I did a video about that and since then the numbers grew quite a bit, e.g. from 16.1% to 16.3% in India.
Microsoft has had a very terrible month as its monopoly gets rusty and rots away. Layoffs ensue. Windows share has fallen, whereas GNU/Linux userbase has soared. Microsoft even managed to brick loads of Windows machines.
Looking past some online comments, the spin (or lies) about ClownStrike has shifted gears - trying to basically paint Microsoft as the saviour rather than the problem/culprit (Microsoft also admits telling lies; telling lies and lying to the press is the standard routine at Microsoft) - and instead of talking about real results they shift the discussion to vapourware and buzzwords like "Hey Hi" and Clown Computing (this discourages shareholders from checking how real products are doing). Microsoft's faithful stenographer, Todd Bishop (who gleefully burns Microsoft whistleblowers), only talks about clown and "Hey Hi". Both lose a lot of money, but Bishop is a market "fixer", not a journalist. He speaks of "Microsoft’s earnings report Tuesday afternoon, July 30" (tomorrow), but he'll only be a parrot for Microsoft. Be very sceptical but what Microsoft's media operatives already draft for tomorrow (or Microsoft itself writes that for them). █