Bonum Certa Men Certa

Over at Tux Machines...

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Oct 04, 2024

Ladies Summer Straw Hat And Sunglasses

Updated This Past Day

  1. today's leftovers
    kernel, LibreOffice, and more
  2. Programming Leftovers
    coding with Qt and more
  3. Free, Libre, and Open Source Software in Web and Back End
    Some back-end FOSS news
  4. Security Leftovers and Windows TCO
    a few Windows TCO examples
  5. Fedora Family / IBM: RPM 4.20, Ansible, and Fedora 41
    Some Red Hat news
  6. Open Hardware: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, RISC-V, and More
    some hardware projects and such
  7. today's howtos
    only 4 more howtos for now
  8. Events and Event Reports: Akademy and openSUSE.Asia Summit
    A couple of events
  9. The 2024 Maintainers Summit: Articles in LWN
    4 new articles
  10. Kangrejos Coverage at LWN
    3 new articles outside the paywall today
  11. KDE sets its goals through 2026
    KDE e.V., the non-profit organization that supports KDE
  12. Linus and Dirk on succession, Rust, and more
    The "Linus and Dirk show" has been a fixture at Open Source Summit for as long as the conference has existed; it started back when the conference was called LinuxCon
  13. today's howtos
    many howtos for the afternoon
  14. Security Leftovers
    and Windows' toll
  15. Android Leftovers
    Android now lets you check ‘Google Play services data usage’
  16. PINE64 Unveils StarPro64 RISC-V SBC with EIC7700X SoC
    While the Ox64 was technically the first Linux-capable SBC from PINE64, the Star64 marked their first full-fledged RISC-V single-board computer
  17. Pine64’s Linux E-ink Tablet Is Coming Back
    Pine64 has released many different Linux-powered phones, tablets, development boards over the years
  18. Why Don't Linux Commands Say Anything When They Run?
    When you first start using Linux, you'll often find yourself using the command line
  19. Say goodbye to Microsoft Windows 11 and hello to Nitrux Linux 3.7.0
    It’s time to ditch Windows 11 and embrace Nitrux for a smoother, more streamlined experience without the bloat
  20. Mozilla’s New Branding Looks Even Better Animated
    A few months ago I reported that Mozilla is getting a brand revamp and that it incorporates the non-profit company’s iconic red dinosaur mascot
  21. Free and Open Source Software, howtos and Installations
    This is free and open source software
  22. today's leftovers
    Mozilla, IBM, and more
  23. Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi and OpenWrt
    devices and such
  24. KDE: Akademy 2024 and Kraft Version 1.2.2
    Some KDE updates/publications
  25. Audiocasts/Shows: mintCast, Linux Matters, FLOSS Weekly
    New episodes
  26. (Updated) Pine64 Unveils Oz64: An Upcoming SBC Featuring Sophgo SG2000 SoC and Wi-Fi 6
    This includes support for NuttX and Debian variants tailored for the SG200x
  27. I am a translator for the Mageia Wiki. And it’s fun work -for ladies too!
    It’s not only a pleasant activity. I also learn a lot about how Mageia works in a playful way
  28. Security Leftovers
    Security centric news
  29. Software: WebDAV, Textual Paint, and More
    Free Software leftovers
  30. today's howtos
    many howtos for the morning
  31. Steam: A Month After Microsoft 'Bricked' Many Dual-Boot PCs (Making Them Unable to Start GNU/Linux)
    "Pretty much as expected, the Linux user share overall on Steam has dropped off a bit with the Steam Hardware & Software Survey for September 2024."
  32. Nitrux 3.7 ’ub’ Brings the Latest Software and Security Fixes
    Systemd-free GNU/Linux distro Nitrux 3.7 is now available
  33. Audacious 4.4.1 Released with Assorted Minor Improvements
    improvements are on offer in the newest update to the popular open source, cross-platform Audacious music player


  34. Today in Techrights
    Some of the latest articles
  35. NetworkManager 1.50 Adds Support for Configuring Wi-Fi Channel Width in AP Mode
    NetworkManager 1.50, an open-source network connection manager for Linux-based distributions, is now available with various improvements and new features.

    The corresponding text-only bulletin for Thursday contains all the text.

    Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):

    Span from 2024-09-27 to 2024-10-03
    1228 /n/2024/09/27/CVE_2024_47076_CVE_2024_47175_CVE_2024_47176_and_CVE_2024_47177.shtml
    1095 /n/2024/09/29/Arch_Linux_Announces_Collaboration_With_Valve.shtml
    792 /n/2024/09/22/There_s_No_Lower_Spec_Linux_Machine_Than_This_One.shtml
    699 /n/2024/09/26/Latest_in_the_WP_Engine_Dispute_and_Lawsuit.shtml
    658 /n/2024/09/30/today_s_howtos.1.shtml
    650 /n/2024/09/27/VirtualBox_7_1_2_Released_with_3D_Acceleration_Support_for_VMs_.shtml
    645 /n/2024/09/30/Mozilla_Firefox_131_Is_Now_Available_for_Download_Here_s_What_s.shtml
    641 /n/2024/09/27/Uniting_for_Internet_Freedom_Tor_Project_Tails_Join_Forces.shtml
    605 /n/2024/09/28/Arch_Linux_and_Valve_Collaboration.shtml
    591 /n/2024/09/25/Openwashing_Winamp_Collaborative_License_WCL_and_Open_Source_Jo.shtml
    588 /n/2024/09/29/Linus_Torvalds_Announces_First_Linux_Kernel_6_12_Release_Candid.shtml
    566 /n/2024/09/27/today_s_howtos.shtml
    551 /n/2024/09/27/today_s_leftovers.shtml
    549 /n/2024/09/27/Programming_Leftovers.shtml
    544 /n/2024/09/30/FFmpeg_7_1_Peter_Released_with_Full_Native_VVC_Decoder_MV_HEVC_.shtml

Other Recent Techrights' Posts

Revisiting Julian Assange's Excellent Talk, His First Talk Since 2019 (Tactful and Almost Invulnerable to 'Cheap Shots')
Assange need not be politically-correct or self-censor
Mozilla is GAFAM, HTTPS is Monopolies
Firefox used to boast that it would make the Web more accessible. Today's Mozilla is rowing in the opposite direction.
Links 04/10/2024: Telegram Issues Deepen, Texas Sues TikTok
Links for the day
"The Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly has voted to confirm that Julian Assange was held as a political prisoner."
This stuff should not have been in Twitter (X)
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) Do Not Run Windows
The projects that deal with ICBMs are extremely unlikely to involve Microsoft
"Microsoft is asking for a handout... yet again"
Just over a month after the last bailout fell through the cracks
One Step Closer to the End of Microsoft's XBox
XBox sales are down over 50% in the past year
GNU/Linux Flaring Up in ASEAN
We said we'd not post statCounter for a few months
Gemini Links 04/10/2024: Asteroid City and Retro Gaming
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, October 03, 2024
IRC logs for Thursday, October 03, 2024
Resting Time
we deserve a short break - even if only for tomorrow
Wikileaks Revelations About the History of IBM and Its Role in the Cold War
IBM is still an ICBM company (to this very date)
Windows Kills More Than Most Wars (But the Media Casually Ignores the Death Toll of Microsoft)
The bottom line is, many people are dying, they die due to Microsoft, and the media fails us by not informing us and failing to even name the principal culprit
Gemini Links 03/10/2024: RetroChallenge and Change of Online Habits
Links for the day
Links 03/10/2024: Quantum Computer Vapourware (as Usual) and Samsung Layoffs
Links for the day
Links 03/10/2024: "Hey Hi" Scandals and Copyright/Trademark Disputes
Links for the day
Invidious Seems to be Nearing 'End of Life' After Repeated Crackdowns by Google/Alphabet/YouTube
To Free software users, YouTube ought to become a "no-no"
Links 03/10/2024: Climate Issues and Tensions in East Asia
Links for the day
Like a Marketing Department of Microsoft, Canonical Sells Back Doors and Surveillance as "Confidential" and "Hey Hi" (AI)
Notice how Canonical has made no statement critical of Microsoft for years
Gemini Links 03/10/2024: Frozen Tofu and SGI O2
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, October 02, 2024
IRC logs for Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Links 02/10/2024: Microsoft Spying on Windows Users Grows, Microsoft's Surveillance Arm LinkedIn Used to Highlight Employment Crisis
Links for the day
Links 02/10/2024: Students Who Can’t Read Books and Dead Butt Syndrome
Links for the day
Gemini Links 02/10/2024: GNU/Linux Distros, Flat-File Databases, and How the Web ate Gopher
Links for the day
Technology: rights or responsibilities? - Part II
By Dr. Andy Farnell
A Cost-Free Bribe From Microsoft
Daniel Stenberg is not dumb, but he seems rather gullible or unprincipled
Plans for the Site's 19th Year
Like TechDirt, we expect to devote more efforts/time to covering free speech online
Network Getting Faster
Loading up the site in 0.077 seconds
The Manchester Experience
Yesterday Tux Machines served 436,897 Web hits
If Red Hat Has Mass Layoffs This Year, Nobody Will Tell You About It
We seem to have entered a strange quasi-cosmic era wherein layoffs aren't disclosed anymore and news sites don't bother to report them, either
IBM, Kyndryl, Subsidiaries (Like Red Hat) and Silent Layoffs
Kyndryl follows in IBM's footsteps with rolling layoffs likely affecting thousands
Anniversaries and New Beginnings
The world needs more transparency and far less secrecy
Links 02/10/2024: Microsoft Kills Off HoloLens, Media Discusses Assange Speech
Links for the day
Gemini Links 02/10/2024: New Car, Broadband, and Gemtexter 3.0.0
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, October 01, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, October 01, 2024