Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) and Linux Foundation: Same Mentality of Revisionism and Plunder
Lie about history (or dehumanise the founders [1, 2]) and then 'cash in'
It's hardly surprising that the Linux Foundation and the Software Freedom Conservancy collaborate and pay themselves gigantic salaries while censoring critics*.
To remove doubt: The person in the top photo isn't Kuhn, he just looks like him. The screenshot at the bottom is real and it illuminates an ongoing relationship between SFC and the charlatans (and frauds) at 'Linux' Foundation, which devotes only about 2% of its budget to Linux. It's a racist thing to do, but they invert the narrative by trolling. █
* You also cannot criticise them. A CoC in the commercial world is a lot like sportwashing in the political world; those with the money acquire the ability to silence their critics (and there can be no polite questions about it, just suck it in and shut up). Recipients of bribes censor people or lose the money.