Techrights is Officially an Adult
FOUR weeks ago we celebrated this site's eighteenth anniversary. Now we have a small album for that occasion. Techrights turned 18 on November 7th and 6 days from now Tux Machines turns 20.5.
Later this month my friend's blog turns 20 (he passed away last year) and my personal blog turned 20 last month. I set up his WordPress blog a month or so after I had set up mine.
As said the other day, 2024 had been the most productive year for us. We managed to publish a lot, we improved the sites a lot, and in spite of wars we've managed to stay relatively positive and generally happy.
2024 was a good year for GNU/Linux growth (it made great gains) and nothing pleases us more than seeing that more people nowadays speak of "Free software" instead of "Open Source". It means that they have the right objective in mind. █