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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 6th, 2008 - Part 1


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*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 01:04
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerDec 06 01:04
MinceRgnDec 06 01:45
*kapipi has quit ("Ah Nah!")Dec 06 02:02
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 02:04
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 06 02:21
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 06:57
Omar87Hi all.Dec 06 06:57
Omar87I've had a tough conversation with my cousin a hours ago, and unfortunately, it turned out he completely despises the Freedom of knowledge.Dec 06 06:59
Omar87When I told him about free software, he said something that would kill you before it manages to make any bit of sense to you: "Oh but cars, are not free, airplanes are not free, why should software be free?"Dec 06 07:01
Omar87As if freedom was all about money.Dec 06 07:01
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 07:02
Omar87Imagine guys, if Thomas Edison, Isaac Newton, Albert Einshtein had done the same thing to their inventions, would we still be at the same level we are at now?Dec 06 07:03
Omar87If each one of them decided to monopolize his invention to his own brain and not share with the world, how would have we been right now?Dec 06 07:04
Omar87It makes me sick every time I think about it. And it also makes even more determined to fight this satanic selfishness away!Dec 06 07:06
Omar87Proprietary, DRM, and organized satanic selfishness MUST burn to the grown. And FOSS, CC, and the philosoph philosophy of Ubuntu MUST rise and rule the world!Dec 06 07:08
Omar87Are you with me people? We have to unite against the evil selfishness that lurks within this world!Dec 06 07:10
Omar87I'm not playing Braveheart here, nor am I big fan Lord of The Rings, but I'm saying what everyone of should say.Dec 06 07:10
Omar87YES to freedom and sharing, and NO to selfishness!!Dec 06 07:11
anivarschestowitz:  some links from keralaDec 06 07:18
anivar 06 07:18
anivar 06 07:20
anivar 06 07:21
Omar87anivar: What do you think of what I just said?Dec 06 07:33
*anivar has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 06 07:44
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 08:08
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellDec 06 08:53
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 09:00
Omar87schestowitz: HiDec 06 09:00
schestowitzHeyDec 06 09:00
schestowitzI was asleep earlier, but I got the messageDec 06 09:00
Omar87Did you read what I wrote?Dec 06 09:02
schestowitzYes.Dec 06 09:02
schestowitzYou should read this: [fetches link]Dec 06 09:03
Omar87I personally felt very sad that my cousin, the one whom I really admire, has turned out be a selfish man..Dec 06 09:03
schestowitz 06 09:03
schestowitzSome people create products; other create fences.Dec 06 09:05
schestowitz*othersDec 06 09:05
schestowitzHehe. Carla's reaction was the same as mine: 06 09:07
Omar87Imagine that he explained his point of view by saying that technologists also need money to pay the bill, man.. -_-Dec 06 09:09
schestowitzThat's fineDec 06 09:10
schestowitzThey should make products.Dec 06 09:10
schestowitzNot by 'selling' ideas.Dec 06 09:10
Omar87As if he (or the "technologists") were the only ones who need money to eat and pay the bills.Dec 06 09:11
schestowitzThere's the notion of commonsDec 06 09:11
schestowitzThe CC guys stress this.Dec 06 09:11
schestowitzFor each person making money, there is another losing money or being deprives access to knowledgeDec 06 09:11
schestowitzThat's feudal.Dec 06 09:12
Omar87That's also dictatorship.Dec 06 09:12
schestowitz 06 09:14
Omar87Because people are not allowed to use the technology the way they want to. They are locked down to the inventor's own rules and regulations, even if they were wrong and against humanity.Dec 06 09:14
Omar87My cousin also claimed. and this is what hurt most, that FSF and CC ppl don't even know what they're talking about.Dec 06 09:15
Omar87As if he were the only man who knows anything in the world.Dec 06 09:16
schestowitzThat's intolerance.Dec 06 09:17
schestowitzWhen a person declares the other person's view as irrelevantDec 06 09:17
schestowitzThat's fascism. brbDec 06 09:17
Omar87It's disgusting how a pathetic human being can sometimes forget that whatever he has learned and invented is all the creation and knowledge of God, and he was only guided by God to reveal this thing or that for the human kind.Dec 06 09:19
Omar87Oh, yeah, and that's what made me sure that I have defeated him successfully. :)Dec 06 09:20
Omar87But I didn't mention that to him of course.Dec 06 09:20
Omar87Because, apparently, it seems as though my cousins worst nightmare is when someone gets close to proving him wrong.Dec 06 09:21
Omar87Of course, let alone being someone half his age, and has less than 0.0001%  of experience than he does.Dec 06 09:23
Omar87experience in programing and soft/hardware dev. of course.Dec 06 09:23
Omar87take your time. :)Dec 06 09:25
Omar87And I'll b r b too.Dec 06 09:25
schestowitzIt's a question of scarcity. There's none on the Web, except superficial ones.Dec 06 09:29
schestowitzWMD Used by 2013 < >Dec 06 09:51
schestowitzServer market takes a tumble < >Dec 06 09:56
Omar87schestowitz: That's his(my cousin) latest answer to my question(the same one I've posted here): 06 10:20
schestowitzPeople kstify what they doDec 06 10:21
schestowitz*justifyDec 06 10:21
schestowitzI imagine that he makes money by withholding so-called trade secrets of some kindDec 06 10:21
Omar87Of course he does.Dec 06 10:22
schestowitzThat's OKDec 06 10:24
Omar87Yes it is.Dec 06 10:24
schestowitzIt's a class thing. As soon as we rid ourselves from this exploitation of mental monopolies, that's a solves problemDec 06 10:24
schestowitzIto needs to travel the world and 'unbrainwash' people affected and inflicted by the 'copyrights cartel'Dec 06 10:24
Omar87YeahDec 06 10:26
Omar87I wish I could bring my cousin down here.Dec 06 10:26
Omar87I can assure you'll be taking good care of him for me. ;)Dec 06 10:27
Omar87But, yet he still never gives himself a minute to stop looking at life from his own corporate eyes.Dec 06 10:28
Omar87That's unfortunate.Dec 06 10:28
schestowitzThat would be worthwhileDec 06 10:31
Omar87That's how I answered him.Dec 06 10:47
Omar87 06 10:47
Omar87What would be worthwhile?Dec 06 10:48
schestowitzIdeas Are Everywhere... So Why Do We Limit Them? < >Dec 06 10:49
Omar87You read my pastebin?Dec 06 10:51
schestowitzYes, I have/Dec 06 10:52
Omar87What do you think??Dec 06 10:53
schestowitzIt's true.Dec 06 10:53
schestowitzBeing an ahteist, however, I attribute knowledge only to societyDec 06 10:53
Omar87okDec 06 10:54
schestowitzWe're all weird creature. Trying to enslave others for 'daring' to think somethingDec 06 10:54
schestowitzMicrosoft bullies Linux vendors for daring to write instructions.Dec 06 10:54
Omar87Oh man. :)Dec 06 10:56
Omar87And yet, my cousin points out Bill Gates, the filthy backstabber, as an exceptional inventor. :)Dec 06 10:56
schestowitzThere's brainwash around it.Dec 06 10:57
Omar87How hilarious./Dec 06 10:57
schestowitzThere are many known people who merely copied others.Dec 06 10:57
Omar87Yeah, and I showed him a link about the unusual story of MS-DOS, the one where Bill Gates backstabs Gary Killdal.Dec 06 10:58
Omar87However, I can bet 1000000% that he never even clicked it. Why? because it falsifies his claims.Dec 06 10:59
Omar87It's been a pleasure to talk to you Roy.Dec 06 10:59
schestowitzExactly.Dec 06 10:59
schestowitzExactly. [to that former: " because it falsifies his claims.")Dec 06 11:00
Omar87Oh yeah! When I showed him, only two words came out of his mouth: "Not interested.". :)Dec 06 11:00
Omar87Yeah, I know [to that former: " Exactly"]Dec 06 11:01
Omar87Anyhow, I talk to you soon.Dec 06 11:01
Omar87Best wishes, and thanks for your time. :)Dec 06 11:01
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellDec 06 11:02
trmanco 06 11:19
schestowitz"Linux needs a Wine 1.0 release, installed and preconfigured on desktop distributions."Dec 06 11:20
trmancoit is oldDec 06 11:21
schestowitzI knowDec 06 11:21
trmancothe comment carrying this link on the wine release was dugg downDec 06 11:22
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 11:23
EruaranhelloDec 06 11:23
trmancohiDec 06 11:24
schestowitzHeyDec 06 11:24
EruaranWelpDec 06 11:24
EruaranI'm using Gnome nowDec 06 11:24
EruaranMy KDE 4.2 install didn't go so swimminglyDec 06 11:25
Eruaran:PDec 06 11:25
schestowitzCould you go back?Dec 06 11:25
EruaranKDE is all brokenDec 06 11:26
schestowitzIt's betaDec 06 11:26
EruaranI should have done a separate install for 4.2Dec 06 11:26
schestowitzYesDec 06 11:26
EruaranI was way to cavilier about it :PDec 06 11:26
EruaranBut I was like, "she'll be right"Dec 06 11:27
EruaranA while later I was saying, "ah crap"Dec 06 11:27
EruaranNot to worry thoughDec 06 11:27
schestowitz"Eruaran> Welp >> I'm using Gnome now" Sounds like "they forced me to use Windows"Dec 06 11:27
EruaranhehDec 06 11:27
schestowitzdid you files a bug report?Dec 06 11:28
EruaranI installed Gnome to get a working desktop up and running againDec 06 11:28
schestowitzMaybe you can fetch an update to this update, which will fix it.Dec 06 11:28
Eruaranwell I might... If and when I figure out what happenedDec 06 11:28
EruaranI cringed as I installed Gnome thoughDec 06 11:28
schestowitzIt's a good DEDec 06 11:29
schestowitzNothing evil about otDec 06 11:29
EruaranThere were far too many "libmono..." things flying up the screen during the installDec 06 11:29
schestowitzMono is not GNOMEDec 06 11:29
schestowitzSorry to hear thatDec 06 11:29
EruaranI don't mind gnome itselfDec 06 11:29
EruaranThe new Dust theme is niceDec 06 11:29
EruaranIts not that I hate gnome or anythingDec 06 11:30
EruaranI'm just not really excited by itDec 06 11:30
EruaranIts a nice rock solid desktopDec 06 11:31
EruaranWhich is what you want when you've just broken your other desktopDec 06 11:32
schestowitzWith a betaDec 06 11:32
Eruaranyes :DDec 06 11:32
schestowitzBest thing is to use what's preinstalled with Distro X version Y.Dec 06 11:33
EruaranyesDec 06 11:33
EruaranBut I wanted to seeeeeDec 06 11:33
Eruaran:PDec 06 11:33
EruaranKDM still works :PDec 06 11:34
EruaranHow good is it thoughDec 06 11:35
EruaranYou can totally bork your desktop and just install another and carry onDec 06 11:35
schestowitzLXDE?Dec 06 11:36
EruaranNo, I installed GnomeDec 06 11:36
schestowitzWhat if.......Dec 06 11:36
EruaranAll my usual KDE apps are automatically in the menus and everythingDec 06 11:36
schestowitzYou backed up ~./.kde + more, then deleted them and fetched a stable KDE version?Dec 06 11:37
EruaranyesDec 06 11:37
schestowitzI don't see why you can't just fix it, by backing up, removing and then installing.Dec 06 11:37
EruaranI canDec 06 11:37
EruaranBut this was last nightDec 06 11:37
schestowitzThe b0rkness is at the home dir and install packages, so remove them.Dec 06 11:37
EruaranAnd it was late...Dec 06 11:37
schestowitzYou can do it later.Dec 06 11:38
EruaranyesDec 06 11:38
schestowitzWhich distro is this?Dec 06 11:38
EruarankubuntuDec 06 11:38
schestowitzAh, easyDec 06 11:38
schestowitzsudo apt-get rmove kubuntu-desktopDec 06 11:38
schestowitzor sudo apt-get rmove kde-desktopDec 06 11:38
EruaranyepDec 06 11:38
schestowitzthen install (should get the stable release)Dec 06 11:38
Eruaranyes I already ## my experimental sourceDec 06 11:39
Eruaranuninstalling nowDec 06 11:40
EruaranI think I'll keep both desktopsDec 06 11:44
schestowitzWhy not? It's the same price.Dec 06 11:45
schestowitz$0Dec 06 11:45
Eruaran:)Dec 06 11:45
EruaranMy brother is coming down next weekend, so I want him to have a look at bothDec 06 11:45
schestowitzJust remove mono >:-| It'll poop on your KDE. j/kDec 06 11:45
Eruaranmaybe creat a script which you start with the command, "unpoop"Dec 06 11:46
Eruaransudo sh unpoopDec 06 11:47
EruaranI like Fedora's new animated boot with PlymouthDec 06 11:48
EruaranShortly after, suddenly there's video's on youtube of Windows 7 with a somewhat less impressive animated bootDec 06 11:49
schestowitzThere's monononoDec 06 11:53
schestowitz 06 11:54
EruaranyesDec 06 11:57
schestowitzEruaran: did Fort 25 approves your comment in their Microsoft Fort?Dec 06 12:29
schestowitz*approveDec 06 12:29
Eruaranhaven't checkedDec 06 12:36
EruarannopeDec 06 12:37
EruaranI tried to comment on the "FOSS in India" entryDec 06 12:37
schestowitzDo they /ever/ accept comments?Dec 06 12:42
schestowitzMaybe it's in moderation?Dec 06 12:42
EruaranYes, thats what it is ;)Dec 06 12:50
MinceRgeekingsDec 06 13:30
EruaranhelloDec 06 13:32
schestowitzGreetingzDec 06 13:36
trmancohiDec 06 13:37
trmancoMicrosoft partners with Strawberry Perl to improve the CPAN: 06 14:10
trmancoMicrosoft infiltrating itself in FOSS againDec 06 14:10
trmancoSilvershell 0.6 Released: 06 14:13
trmanco"It runs in the browser with Silverlight 2 or on the desktop with a WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation - which means it won't run on Mono) User Interface."Dec 06 14:13
trmancoweird :|Dec 06 14:14
schestowitzYuckDec 06 14:16
trmancoLOLDec 06 14:16
schestowitzThey want to leave Linux nakedDec 06 14:17
schestowitzIt's Embrace and Extand.Dec 06 14:17
schestowitz*ExtendDec 06 14:17
schestowitzAnd I was gonna write about it soon because there are more examples.Dec 06 14:18
trmancoI would prefer to use Mono/Moonlight then pure Windows/SilverlightDec 06 14:22
trmancoeven better is to avoid, avoid,avoidDec 06 14:24
trmanco 06 14:33
trmancoIt would be better if they could rename it to Fedora TweakDec 06 14:34
schestowitzhaha.Dec 06 14:35
schestowitzit makes it sounds like Fedora needs tweaking to "be more like Ubuntu"Dec 06 14:35
trmancoMost recent Windows infections result from the same simple trick: 06 14:37
*schestowitz is glad he needs to know nothing about virusesDec 06 14:41
schestowitzA computer should like a toaster... you need to clean it before you use it ;-)Dec 06 14:42
trmancoI do clean my computerDec 06 14:43
trmanco:-PDec 06 14:43
schestowitzDust.Dec 06 14:43
trmancoyes dust :-PDec 06 14:45
trmancoamong other things, system stuffDec 06 14:46
trmancoI clean apt-cache to save disk space, I clean grubs boot menus só that I don't have a bunch of kernels to boot from, etcDec 06 14:46
twitterif you remove old kernels, grub will clean it's boot menu.  ;-)Dec 06 14:48
trmancoI only remove unnecessary kernels when I do a system upgradeDec 06 14:51
trmancogrub just hides the kernel, in my caseDec 06 14:51
trmancoold kernels*Dec 06 14:51
twitterI'm lazy about it myself, so I'll sometimes end up with four kernels.  It would be better for me to free the disk space, but as long as they sit there, I might as well have a way to use them.Dec 06 14:52
twitterMy Thinkpad 600 had a lot of kernels under Sarge and Etch.  It had a nasty sound chip, and one or two of those kernels worked it.  Lenny seems to have fixed that.Dec 06 14:54
twitterI still had to load the module with irq and other parameters with /etc/modules to make it work though.  :'(Dec 06 14:55
*traveler3 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 14:58
schestowitzhey, traveler3 Dec 06 15:02
traveler3hi there ..Dec 06 15:02
schestowitzHey, what's up?Dec 06 15:03
traveler3I'm on a web gateway ..Dec 06 15:03
twitterwhat does your gateway do?Dec 06 15:03
schestowitzgetawayDec 06 15:04
traveler3IS a web to IRC gateway ..Dec 06 15:04
twittermine stays in the same placeDec 06 15:04
traveler3 06 15:04
twitterif your gateway is on a getaway, catch it quickly.Dec 06 15:05
traveler3Any idea how to set up your own applets on your own website ?Dec 06 15:06
trmanco 06 15:09
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 15:10
traveler3trmanco: what's the significence of that slashdot article ?Dec 06 15:11 06 15:13 ?Dec 06 15:15
schestowitzThat's the domainDec 06 15:17
schestowitzI didn't clickDec 06 15:17
traveler3"Microsoft Word and Excel, on the other hand, set the timestamp on the ZIP archive to be January 1, 1980"Dec 06 15:19
twitterSo?Dec 06 15:20
traveler3Not much good for forensics then :)Dec 06 15:20
twitteris that what you do?Dec 06 15:20
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 15:21
traveler3Well, I do test out security, don't want to leave any tracks :)Dec 06 15:23
twitteris it true that XP and Vista leave more tracks than Word then?Dec 06 15:24
schestowitzIt's an antifeatureDec 06 15:24
*kentma has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Dec 06 15:24
schestowitzHow do they market it? "Recovery" purposes?Dec 06 15:24
twitterundo features are nice to haveDec 06 15:24
schestowitzCellphones... buy one... use one... you must... see how everyone on TV has one.Dec 06 15:24
schestowitzIt's 'good' for you so that "YOUR FRIENDS" know where you are (also good for government surveillance... SHEESH)Dec 06 15:25
twitterI like persistent, personal communications, not what telcos do with the information.Dec 06 15:25
schestowitzVista shadowcopy (or whatever it's called)... good for the user? Or good for the police?Dec 06 15:25
traveler3Linux Unified Kernel 0.2.2 was released[->]Dec 06 15:26
traveler3 06 15:26
traveler3"Linux Unified Kernel is a computer operating system kernel intended to be binary-compatible with application software and device drivers made for Microsoft Windows and Linux"Dec 06 15:26
twitterIf it's like most M$ things, it is good for neither police nor user.  It will be unreliable.Dec 06 15:26
twitterRoy pointed to a few opinions of what a bad idea that is recently.Dec 06 15:27
schestowitzWhich idea?Dec 06 15:28
twitterbinary interfaces for the kernelDec 06 15:28
twitter points to 06 15:30
twitterfree software does not need a fake standard like a "stable" binary interface.Dec 06 15:31
twitterSuch things are only good for non free software and that is bad for everyone.  The more non free software you add to a GNU/Linux distribution, the closer that distribution comes to the Windows cesspool.Dec 06 15:33
traveler3Microsoft tackles auction pirates .. :)Dec 06 15:36
traveler3 06 15:36
traveler3"These dealers are peddling bogus products that can put customers and their personal information at serious risk,"Dec 06 15:36
twitterYes, Windows does that.Dec 06 15:38
traveler3Gates Meets with Obama ..Dec 06 15:41
traveler3 06 15:41
schestowitzHe'll corrupt himDec 06 15:41
schestowitzAs usual.Dec 06 15:41
schestowitzVisas.. concessions... tax, antitrust...Dec 06 15:42
schestowitzThere's some BS about Zune, which Microsoft probably gave him to flog its waresDec 06 15:42
traveler3It'll be interesting seeing if Obama is allowed to do any actual reform ..Dec 06 15:42
schestowitzHaha. "capitalist-turned-philanthropist." Capitalist turned to oil tycoon under "philanthropist" undercover it should state.. with tax exemption for running as a 'charity'Dec 06 15:43
traveler3Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?Dec 06 15:43
traveler3 06 15:43
schestowitztraveler3: /whose/ reform?Dec 06 15:43
traveler3"I have just released eChicken2008, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook. Internet Explorer is an integral part of eChicken2008. This new platform is much more stable and will never crash."Dec 06 15:44
traveler3Obana: he said he wanted to help the 'middle class', extend healtth care, promote bio-fuels, up taxes for the richest .. etc ..Dec 06 15:45
traveler3Compare what he said he was going to do, with what he is doing ...Dec 06 15:46
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 06 15:48
traveler3He said the morgage bailout plan must extend to the home owners, asked the banks to pause on evictions ..Dec 06 15:48
traveler3Instead, the bailout is only goig to help wallstreet and evictions are going full speed ahead ..Dec 06 15:49
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 15:50
twitterHow do PC World and Bill Gates take themselves seriously?  Bill Gates giving economic advice to the president?  Why not medical advice or home surgery?Dec 06 15:50
traveler3he called for a family tax rebate to be funded by taxing the huge OIL profits .. that's gone ..Dec 06 15:51
twitter" Gates emphasized that he'd like the government [to do a list of things]"  Me too, but I pay a higher proportion of my income for taxes.Dec 06 15:51
traveler3seriously: they should put Gates in charge of the car industry ..Dec 06 15:52
schestowitzWho did, traveler3?Dec 06 15:53
twitterno thanksDec 06 15:53
schestowitzThe guy is delusional.Dec 06 15:53
schestowitzHe is polluting planet eartyh in Africa  because it's cheaperDec 06 15:53
schestowitzIn the process, he kills Nigerian kids too.Dec 06 15:53
schestowitzBecuase it's cheaper, i.e. it's "good money"Dec 06 15:53
schestowitzSo here he talks about green fuels..Dec 06 15:53
schestowitzAnd advising on finance???????/ The guy is a lawyer who knew how to screw the technical people, steal from them and then play politics with his patents in order to escape convictions.Dec 06 15:54
schestowitzGates does not even pay taxDec 06 15:54
schestowitzNeither does Microsoft.Dec 06 15:55
traveler3delusional: who Gates, he's only very good at market capitalism ..Dec 06 15:55
twitterM$ is one of the worst things to happen to education, ever.  Their insane attacks on sharing and the Winblows monopoly have made it impossible to implement the kind of universal public library that should exist based on P2P.Dec 06 15:55
schestowitzMicrosoft operates from Ireland and Gates puts his stash in a can called "charity", from which he invests in tobacco, alcohol, gas, oil, etc.Dec 06 15:55
traveler3What does my info show up as ?Dec 06 15:56
twitterBill Gates gave the world Encarta.  Freedom has given the world Wikipedia, which is universally hated and attacked by big publishers like M$.Dec 06 15:56
schestowitzeasynetDec 06 15:56
schestowitzhah.Dec 06 15:56
schestowitzTrust Microsoft with encyclopediasDec 06 15:56
schestowitzLast night I showed W-E brushing up their articles in WikipediaDec 06 15:56
twitterFree enterprise and charity created the OLPC project.  Intel and M$ have worked relentlessly to destroy it.Dec 06 15:57
schestowitz 06 15:57
twitterSaw it, thanks.Dec 06 15:57
schestowitzLet Churchill write historyDec 06 15:57
schestowitzBetter yet, let the neo-Nazis do it. /sarcasmDec 06 15:57
traveler3I don't know why you berate Gates, it's just business ..Dec 06 15:58
twitterWikipedia is just the start.  Professional groups will naturally start their own, specialized wikis.Dec 06 15:58
traveler3As someone once said, s**t sells :)Dec 06 15:58
schestowitztraveler3: shit sells, but people should knowDec 06 15:58
schestowitzLike the "X recommends Windows Y"Dec 06 15:59
twitterI would not berate Mr. Gates so much if he did not use so much government protection and purchasing to prop himself up.Dec 06 15:59
MinceRtraveler3: that's no excuse for doing evil thingsDec 06 15:59
twitterHis company has warped laws around the world to suit his purposes.Dec 06 15:59
schestowitzThey still do it.Dec 06 15:59
schestowitzThey derail EU and Indian lawsDec 06 15:59
schestowitzThey single-handedly (With their Windows support companies) lobby to legalise patents on thought.Dec 06 16:00
twitterbblDec 06 16:01
traveler3For example: way back in Hollywood, a group of actors/directors got fed up with the system of beign told what to make by a few all powerfull film companies. They went out and created United Artists. To create real artistic movies instead of the factry produced pap that was the nowm. Well, over time, they became just like the rest. You see, producing quality is difficult and expensive. You can make more money out of selling massDec 06 16:01
traveler3Same with the car industry. When anything really innovative came along, the car industry acted to suppress it.Dec 06 16:02
traveler3 06 16:04
traveler3More recently we have the OIl industry acting to supress bio-fuels in the US, and the car industry draging-their-feet on electric cars ..Dec 06 16:05
traveler3nickDec 06 16:11
schestowitzYes, but it doesn't change the subject at hand.Dec 06 16:13
schestowitzThat's the "equally evil" pattern of defence.Dec 06 16:13
schestowitzX is OK because Y is "equally evil"Dec 06 16:13
schestowitzMicrosoft tries this game, using Apple and Google as scapegoats (sometimes rightly)Dec 06 16:13
*traveler3 ( has left #boycottnovellDec 06 16:25
*_doug (n=traveler@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 16:26
_doughi allDec 06 16:27
_doug"Microsoft Corp .. is now eying a search deal with the internet major"Dec 06 16:28
_doug 06 16:28
schestowitzBullies. 06 16:29
_doug"Carl Icahn .. held talks with the software company about a purchase of Yahoo2019s Internet search business"Dec 06 16:30
_doug 06 16:30
_doug201che is in favor of pursuing a transaction with Microsoft relating to the Yahoo!2019s search business.201dDec 06 16:30
schestowitzWhat's with the chars?Dec 06 16:30
schestowitzIcahn is their proxy fighterDec 06 16:31
schestowitzCan he be put in prison for agitation and abuse of companies?Dec 06 16:31
_dougWSJ:  (2026) Are there any kind of talks about a search deal between Microsoft and Yahoo at the moment?Dec 06 16:32
_dougBallmer: The answer is no, but I wouldn't tell you if there were. But in this case it's easy.Dec 06 16:32
_doug 06 16:32
schestowitzMaybe they'll punch it some more before grabbing the broom.Dec 06 16:33
twitterheh, Bruce Byfield was handed his ignorant ass by Bruce Perens the other day, 06 16:33
*_doug has quit ("Java user signed off")Dec 06 16:34
*traveler5 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 16:34
*traveler5 has quit (Client Quit)Dec 06 16:34
*_doug (n=_doug@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 16:45
_dougcompany patents video uploading ..Dec 06 17:03
_doug 06 17:03
_doug"Make A Star uses a patented online process .. uploading a video of their performance"Dec 06 17:03
_dougYou mean like Youtube ?Dec 06 17:04
schestowitzThey should auction it.Dec 06 17:04
schestowitzMaybe some troll will sue the world.Dec 06 17:04
twitter1 in 10 US are either in foreclosure or more than 30 days late on their mortgage 06 17:05
schestowitzWhat's the diff b/w uploading text and a video?Dec 06 17:05
_dougcompany patents application whitelisting ..Dec 06 17:05
_doug 06 17:05
schestowitztwitter: it's probably worse.Dec 06 17:05
schestowitzThey say 90% of the couple are unhappy. The rest don't talk about it.;-) Same with debt...Dec 06 17:05
schestowitz*couplesDec 06 17:06
schestowitz_doug: you should become a patent troll.Dec 06 17:06
schestowitz"Do what *they* do*Dec 06 17:06
_dougyea, if only I had gone to lawyer school :)Dec 06 17:06
_dougVI Labs patent Piracy Analysis ..Dec 06 17:08
_doug 06 17:08
twitterNYT recommends buying a house.  That's a good idea but you have to be rich enough to buy outright to do it.Dec 06 17:08
twitterYou can't always do what's in your best interest.Dec 06 17:08
_dougThrough V.i. Labs2019 patented technology .. are able to easily detect .. and protect against the threat of piracy .."Dec 06 17:09
twitterPrior art, Spanish Armada.Dec 06 17:09
twitterarrrrDec 06 17:09
_dougIntel sues UW-Madison ..Dec 06 17:10
_doug 06 17:10
twitterfuckers!Dec 06 17:11
_dougComtech patents patented forward error correction ..Dec 06 17:14
_doug 06 17:14
_doug"A combination of carrier-in-carrier technology and our patented forward error correction technology enables"Dec 06 17:14
schestowitz"Intel fires back, sues WARF" seems like crossfireDec 06 17:14
_dougScalado patented software technologies ..Dec 06 17:20
_doug 06 17:20
_doug"With unique and patented software technologies, it is solving critical performance issues using less memory and CPU requirements. Scalado CAPS is the leading imaging solution for camera phones, embedded in 200 million devices"Dec 06 17:20
_dougEven technologies patents video compression  ..Dec 06 17:21
_doug 06 17:21
schestowitzThey need fences, I guess.Dec 06 17:21
schestowitzThey can't compete based on peritDec 06 17:21
schestowitzThey build some walls instead of better products.Dec 06 17:22
_doug"High quality, interactive IPTV can be distributed to entire telco networks without upgrading the network infrastructure"Dec 06 17:22
_dougI'll believe it when I see it ..Dec 06 17:22
_doughow is any IPTV program going to scale to 10 million simultainous viewers ?Dec 06 17:23
schestowitzFibreDec 06 17:23
schestowitzForget about it now amid depressionDec 06 17:23
schestowitzBT already curled its tail and ran away with that plan for broadband improvment.Dec 06 17:24
_dougFrom what I've read, it's a hack of peer-to-peer, the broadcast flag and VPN ..Dec 06 17:24
schestowitz*improvementDec 06 17:24
twitterIPTV would work great as p2pDec 06 17:24
schestowitzWith Windows it's riskyDec 06 17:24
twittereverything with Windows is risky.Dec 06 17:24
schestowitzYou never know if a cyber-criminal goes down the line.Dec 06 17:24
schestowitzBut if you validate the data, then it's OKDec 06 17:25
_dougI mean p2p at the ISPs and at the users desktop. For instance, if one user is viweing a prog on a local DSL switch, the switch should share that stream .. locally ...Dec 06 17:25
schestowitzHad content been shared it would be easierDec 06 17:25
schestowitzDRM expiresDec 06 17:25
schestowitzImagine a network where the data pervades PCs more widely.Dec 06 17:26
schestowitzLike Akamai in a sense, but not quiteDec 06 17:26
_dougThere's a lot of loot to be makde from delivering rich content to the end-users ...Dec 06 17:26
twitterI mean real p2p, not a bunch of expensive and owned ISP boxes.  ATT is using those in giant metal boxes on street corners.  It's absurd.Dec 06 17:26
_dougWould Akamai work with streaming video ?Dec 06 17:26
twitterThere's a lot of loot in .... warfare, that does not make it right.Dec 06 17:26
schestowitz_doug: ask MSDec 06 17:26
_dougmaybe we need a video Akamai network, the media companies would subscribe to this ..Dec 06 17:27
twitterIt would be better to let people share.Dec 06 17:27
twitterfuck the media companiesDec 06 17:27
schestowitzMedia companies, securing centralisationDec 06 17:28
schestowitzOf media, power, money.Dec 06 17:28
schestowitzA world where knowledge is free would do justice to societyDec 06 17:28
schestowitzBut here we have those patents _doug is listing on trivial ideas.Dec 06 17:28
schestowitz"Maths you can't use"Dec 06 17:28
_dougOLPC Patent Infringement Suit Dismissed by Middlesex Judge ..Dec 06 17:29
_doug 06 17:29
schestowitzMost people can't afford such a suitDec 06 17:29
schestowitz(unless you're rich, you go under)Dec 06 17:29
_dougCorinex patents noise reduction ..Dec 06 17:30
_doug 06 17:30
schestowitzOLPC also lost confidence when dealing with govt. (at the same time under lawsuits)Dec 06 17:30
twitterI like that RMS quote about patents and mosquitoesDec 06 17:30
schestowitzBilski killed many Mosquitoes.Dec 06 17:30
twitterinjustice creates unrest 06 17:33
_dougpirated CD detector to be patented ..Dec 06 17:33
_doug 06 17:33
_dougCompany patents computerized health care billing ..Dec 06 17:35
_doug 06 17:35
twitterugh.Dec 06 17:36
twitterMedical billing in the US is insane.  When you have something done in a US hospital, you often get labwork bills from other places.  What you end up with is a blizzard of bills.  Anyone can walk in and send fraudulent bills and people would tell because they don't know what's real.Dec 06 17:38
_dougForm a readign of such a patent, is it possible to design and construct such a system. No, not from a bunch of 'A method' statements ..Dec 06 17:38
twitterthere's another windows virus making the rounds.  Why won't the press call it a windows  virus? 06 17:39
twitterThis is nice 06 17:41
twitterpictures donated to wiki by German government.Dec 06 17:41
twitterwhile US government starts using silverlightDec 06 17:41
_dougHothand Wireless patent web to mobile gateway ..Dec 06 17:42
_doug 06 17:42
*_doug has quit ("Java user signed off")Dec 06 17:43
schestowitztwitter: the press didn't get the memo which says "COmpiter != WIndows"Dec 06 17:45
schestowitzCarla wrote about it twice recently.Dec 06 17:46
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 17:46
schestowitzShe says Microsoft pressure might be to blame]Dec 06 17:46
Omar87schestowitz: The Slated post you gave me was amazing.Dec 06 17:47
Omar87schestowitz: I covered all the points I wanted to make and more! :)Dec 06 17:48
Omar87schestowitz: I contained an answer to every single claim they made.Dec 06 17:49
schestowitzIt's from [H]omer  (in IRC)Dec 06 17:49
Omar87Thanks both of you.Dec 06 17:49
Omar87It was a great enlightenment.Dec 06 17:49
schestowitzHe uses that too (Enlightenment)Dec 06 17:50
schestowitzI'm off for some exercise, or else I'll need to consider a career as a sumo fighter.Dec 06 17:53
*schestowitz back at 8Dec 06 17:53
Omar87Enjoy your time.Dec 06 18:00
twitterha ha, Obama not a Zune user after all, 06 18:18
MinceRbeing an iPoo user isn't better eitherDec 06 18:24
twitterit is if you use Rockbox.Dec 06 18:24
MinceRexcept if you value things like warranty and having enough processing power to play Ogg Vorbis and FLAC.Dec 06 18:25
twitter?!Dec 06 18:26
MinceRiirc most DMPs are too weak to play them even with rockboxDec 06 18:27
twitterI can play ogg on my Trekstore and Zaurus.  Are iPod ARMS really that sad?Dec 06 18:27
MinceRand warranty probably breaks if crApple finds out you've put other firmware on itDec 06 18:27
MinceRi'll checkDec 06 18:27
twitterbuy the iPod used.Dec 06 18:27
MinceRif the server is willing to talk to me, that is.Dec 06 18:28
twitterEverything I've read gives Rockbox the thumbs up.Dec 06 18:28
twitterI would not consider iPod without it.Dec 06 18:29
twitterEvery division of M$ is looking bad, 06 18:29
twitter" Microsoft may be avoiding job cuts, Bellini said. That is making it hard to reduce costs quickly enough, she said.             “It takes a long time to take costs out, it’s not easy,” she said."Dec 06 18:34
kentma"Among the 25 most popular laptops on today, only one, the 18th best seller, runs Vista"Dec 06 18:35
twitter" Bellini, the top-ranked software analyst by Institutional Investor magazine, said every one of Microsoft’s five divisions may miss the company’s and analysts’ sales forecasts. The world’s biggest software maker won’t be able to cut enough costs to meet profit goals "Dec 06 18:35
twitter “You see the unemployment numbers -- I don’t think people are worrying about upgrading laptops and desktops.”Dec 06 18:35
kentmaBut... Bellini thinks Oracle is in a better position... clearly, Bellini hasn't heard of mysql and postgresDec 06 18:36
zoobabpongDec 06 18:38
twitterBellini is an optimist.  Oracle's 50% recurring contracts mean Oracle will only lose half their business but M$'s 35% recurring contracts tell a less assuring story for M$.Dec 06 18:39
twitterHere's an odd story. 06 18:39
twitterOh how a select few love the M$.Dec 06 18:39
kentmatwitter: I think you miss my point - the contracts will only be renewed whilst customers remain unaware of postgres, mysql and so on...Dec 06 18:39
twitterI like how M$ sent them a nasty gram.Dec 06 18:39
kentmahehe - that's funny!Dec 06 18:40
twitterkentma, I understand, thanks.  Losing half your business is a hell of a thing, so I think Bellini's stance is wildly optimistic.Dec 06 18:40
kentmatwitter: ah, okay I see what you mean...Dec 06 18:41
twitterIt's like Bellini said, "Oracle is in better shape than M$ because they may only lose 60% of their business next year."  Investor asks, "Where's the exit?"Dec 06 18:42
twitterIt may be true that Oracle is in better shape than M$, but they are both well, you know.Dec 06 18:43
kentmaI suspect that the proprietary software business is on the verge of a total collapseDec 06 18:43
twitterThere are a few niche businesses that will survive, but yeah.Dec 06 18:43
twitterit's about time.Dec 06 18:43
trmancoI'm trying out emacsDec 06 18:44
*trmanco-on-emacs ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 18:44
trmancoLOLDec 06 18:44
trmanco-on-emacscool,emacs has an irc client :-)Dec 06 18:44
kentmatrmanco:  emacs probably has an emacs.Dec 06 18:45
trmancolet me checkDec 06 18:45
trmanco:|Dec 06 18:45
trmancoI just forgot how to open a new buffer :|Dec 06 18:45
twitterone of my favorite things about knoqueror is vi motion commands.  emacs, I'm sure, is more powerful the way you are using it.Dec 06 18:46
trmancotwitter, emacs has VI mode :-PDec 06 18:46
trmancohahaDec 06 18:48
trmancofound a tab bar pluginDec 06 18:48
trmanconow thats more like itDec 06 18:48
trmanco-on-emacsI'll be going nowDec 06 18:55
kentma cuDec 06 18:56
trmancocrapDec 06 18:56
kentma?Dec 06 18:56
trmancoI can't kill the buffer nowDec 06 18:56
kentma:-)Dec 06 18:56
*trmanco-on-emacs ( has left #boycottnovell ("ERC Version 5.2 (IRC client for Emacs)")Dec 06 18:57
trmancohahaDec 06 18:57
trmancokilledDec 06 18:57
schestowitzIt was so cool what they did at the health club. Lots of winning notifications there with my name. :-DDec 06 20:04
schestowitztwitter: no Zune, eh?Dec 06 20:04
schestowitzI guess Gates hasn't convinced him yet. He'll push him into 'bigger' things.Dec 06 20:05
schestowitz'According to the Wall Street Journal, an Obama spokesperson put the rumor to rest, saying “Not true, the President-elect uses an iPod.” It's good to see the incoming administration is on top of the important issues of our day. I feel better about the future already.'Dec 06 20:05
schestowitzAnother 'phony controversy' 06 20:06
schestowitzAt least the Microsoft booster took advantage of this lie while it lasted.Dec 06 20:06
schestowitztwitter: tell Belini that Microsoft is ALREADY axing jobsDec 06 20:07
schestowitzFirst the TEMPs and the subsidiaries.  That's what BillG and Folks love employing people on Visa.. cheaper and disposable.Dec 06 20:08
schestowitztwitter: re unemployment, I talked about an hour ago with a friend. The assumption is that the Chinese (or others) will sweep the big companies like GM and if they really feel like it they'll give some jobs to Americans (which are 'expensive')Dec 06 20:09
schestowitzTurns out the health club I go to has some 'redundancies' near it.Dec 06 20:09
schestowitzzoobab: ACKDec 06 20:10
schestowitzkentma: if they renew with Oracle, they'll feed the titans while being forced to lay off their own. The CIOs responsible for such a thing should be laid off.Dec 06 20:11
schestowitzkentma: the non-Free software biz is already collapsing, AKAIK, with the exception of the very top elites like Intel and Oracle (both appears to be fraudulent, BTW).Dec 06 20:12
schestowitzEllison was caught deleting mail, IIRCDec 06 20:12
schestowitzThis means that choosing non-Free software is no longer the 'safer' route because even big names like Sun may have uncertain futures. Best one can do is OWN the code.Dec 06 20:13
schestowitztrmanco: can emacs emulate emacs?Dec 06 20:14
trmancoschestowitz, I haven't tried yet :-PDec 06 20:14
trmancoI'll see if I can find a plugin for itDec 06 20:14
trmancoemacs^2Dec 06 20:14
*wispy (i=9f5b894f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 06 20:15
twitterBellini seems to understand M$ layoffs.  What they said was "might be resisting" layoffs.Dec 06 20:15
wispyhi roy!Dec 06 20:15
wispyhello twitterDec 06 20:15
twitterhelloDec 06 20:15
twitterForry Ackerman, ruined by US healthcare failure 06 20:18
wispyripDec 06 20:19
kentmathat's a great shameDec 06 20:19
kentmaAll the key guys of this era are passing away - Asimov, Clarke and now AckermanDec 06 20:20
wispyso trueDec 06 20:20
wispyand carlinDec 06 20:21
twitterWhat kills me is that he was ruined to pay for healthcare.  If he can't afford to die, who can?Dec 06 20:21
wispythe system is broken :(Dec 06 20:25
wispydo you guys know where roy is?Dec 06 20:25
twitterBallmer wants a quick smack down for Yahoo, 06 20:25
twitterRoy is here somewhere.Dec 06 20:26
wispyoh ok thanksDec 06 20:26
twitter" joint interview Friday with Qi Lu, the newly appointed president of Microsoft's online services business, Mr. Ballmer argued for the two companies to quickly come to an agreement."Dec 06 20:27
twitter- drink my koolaid as fast as you can.Dec 06 20:27
wispyi still think google will winDec 06 20:27
twitterYahoo has been damaged.  They have to hold out for an honest justice department.Dec 06 20:28
schestowitzCool, RMS helps in organising  a protestDec 06 20:28
wispyHey Roy!Dec 06 20:29
schestowitzWatch MS here: 2008: Diamond Sponsor: Microsoft 06 20:29
schestowitzHey, wispy Dec 06 20:29
wispy:)Dec 06 20:29
schestowitzJust a moment.Dec 06 20:29
wispyokDec 06 20:29
twitter"Interoperability" and panel stacking.  Somewhere in the Slog literature is a reference to killing Apple conferences with "cross platform" development hype.Dec 06 20:34
wispyinterestingDec 06 20:35 takes you to, just to let you knowDec 06 20:36
twitterM$ would hype any given conference as being all about Winblows development.  That turned off real Apple developers who had no interest in it.  M$ would then gloat about low attendance and say, "Apple is dying"Dec 06 20:36
wispyhahaDec 06 20:36
wispydo you know VB, twitter?  i never learned itDec 06 20:38
schestowitzwispy: wait. I found that out.Dec 06 20:39
schestowitzI'll post a copy here.Dec 06 20:39
wispycoolDec 06 20:40
twitterVB?  Stay far away.Dec 06 20:40
wispyi thought so ;)Dec 06 20:40
twitterWhy would you think of it?Dec 06 20:41
wispyyou reminded me of that when you mentioned cross platformDec 06 20:41
wispyand developer conferencesDec 06 20:41
twitterVB is cross platform?Dec 06 20:41
wispyi dont think soDec 06 20:41
schestowitzOK, here's what I foundDec 06 20:41
schestowitzRMS is willing to help organise a protestDec 06 20:41
schestowitzIt's not my proposal.Dec 06 20:42
wispywhere's it held?Dec 06 20:42
schestowitzHere is the 2007 Web site... Watch Microsoft and Novell here: 06 20:42
schestowitzwispy: I don't know yet. He asked me.Dec 06 20:42
schestowitz2008 brought this other conference from the same strand: . It seems like they renamed Linux Asia (to "Open source"). In 2006 it was still called Linux Asia and took place in New Delhi < >. Dec 06 20:42
wispycool, RoyDec 06 20:42
schestowitzMicrosoft was not a sponsor that year, but it changed after they had signed the patent deal with Novell. They are listed in alignment now. See? "Diamond Sponsor: Microsoft"Dec 06 20:42
schestowitzMicrosoft is listed on top.  I ought to add that Microsoft also was a sole sponsors of Awards this year. I think a few others joined much later but did not contribute much money.Dec 06 20:43
schestowitzIt's in Bn somewhere. I wrote about it like 5 times..Dec 06 20:43
wispyms supports sourceforge??Dec 06 20:43
schestowitzYesDec 06 20:43
schestowitzAlso by associationDec 06 20:43
wispyO_oDec 06 20:43
wispylolDec 06 20:43
schestowitzand formerly.. NewsForce and other sites of this networkDec 06 20:43
schestowitzThat's why Slashdot is sponosroed by MSDec 06 20:44
wispythey're everywhere!Dec 06 20:44
schestowitzThat's also why they have so many Microsoft ads (as ads and 'news')Dec 06 20:44
schestowitzPseudo-newsDec 06 20:44
wispyhahDec 06 20:44
schestowitzIt's a matter of money. The awards included patent-inspiring and lawsuit-inspiring things, which were probably related to this sponsorship. was flogging Visual Studio to 'open source' developers (it is proprietary software that mostly targets Windows). I have detailed listings of other such examples. OSBC and OSCON are part of this wave too.Dec 06 20:44
schestowitzIt's time to set a foot down and say "no morE".Dec 06 20:44
wispyyesDec 06 20:45
wispyso are you going to that protest, Roy?Dec 06 20:45
wispyor is it held in India/Dec 06 20:45
twitterIndeed, the hijack is sickening.  "... it was time to grow beyond Linux." into non free software?  Barf.Dec 06 20:46
wispythat's a step backwardsDec 06 20:47
twitterSo what's the protest plan?Dec 06 20:48
twitterI think the best thing that can happen is that people go to the conference and ignore the M$/Novell/Mono stuff in a way that can be observed.Dec 06 20:50
schestowitzwispy: no, no protest from meDec 06 20:50
schestowitzUnless it's in the UKDec 06 20:50
twitterI imagine pictures of empty rooms with a few protest banners here and there.Dec 06 20:50
schestowitztwitter: where is the quite from?Dec 06 20:50
schestowitz"... it was time to grow beyond Linux. [sic]"?Dec 06 20:51
twitterQuote is front and center of site.Dec 06 20:51
schestowitzIt's GNU/Linux first of all (there's a philosophy), but eh Shafters like to make it seem like fanboi games of names and some 'idol' called Linus.Dec 06 20:51
wispyshafters hahaDec 06 20:51
twitterIt's the caption to the image of free software people.  " The last four years, this event has been held under the brand LinuxAsia. But now, with many more open source champions gaining popularity, it was time to grow beyond Linux. Plus, with the event growing from a Delhi-only affair to a week-long, three city mega event--it has been named Open Source India Week."Dec 06 20:51
schestowitzGNU is now Apple.Dec 06 20:51
twitterApple is using GNU.Dec 06 20:52
schestowitzwispy: there are weasel words and terms like "Linux fans"Dec 06 20:52
schestowitzIt would be harder to say "Freedom fans"Dec 06 20:52
schestowitzThat's like saying "water lovers"Dec 06 20:52
wispyoh ok, RoyDec 06 20:52
schestowitzLinuxWorld is also changingDec 06 20:53
schestowitzIt 'opens up' to more things.Dec 06 20:53
wispythey look defensive when they call Linux advocates namesDec 06 20:53
schestowitz(not  GNU stuff and GPL necessarily)Dec 06 20:53
wispyit's childishDec 06 20:53
schestowitzThey don'tDec 06 20:53
schestowitzThey use proxies like Enderle to do thatDec 06 20:53
schestowitzHe calls them namedDec 06 20:53
schestowitz*names. Aggravate, then accuse them of being intolerant or children. it's a bair gameDec 06 20:54
wispyokDec 06 20:54
schestowitz*bairDec 06 20:54
schestowitzArghhh *baitDec 06 20:54
wispyheheDec 06 20:54
wispytrolling?Dec 06 20:54
wispyi see that a lot in the comments for some articlesDec 06 20:55
schestowitzYes, lots of heckling todayDec 06 20:55
schestowitz "Keep up the good work, Roy.  You can tell by the name calling that you have been hitting nerves."Dec 06 20:56
wispyXDDec 06 20:56
schestowitzThey don't talk about the posts muchDec 06 20:56
schestowitzThey just shoot from the hipDec 06 20:56
wispyRoy, don't listen to the hatersDec 06 20:56
wispyyou are much better than themDec 06 20:56
schestowitzThey deraila the Dec 06 20:58
schestowitzThey derail the  page off topicvDec 06 20:58
wispy:(Dec 06 20:59
twitterIf they do that, label them as the hecklers they are.Dec 06 20:59
schestowitz "Seriously, it's gone past silly now. Are you on something?"Dec 06 20:59
wispyif you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at allDec 06 20:59
schestowitzOh, I see... first pathology (calling me senile or something)Dec 06 20:59

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