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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 11th, 2008


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*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 00:06
*goblinA ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 00:06
twitterLooks like some kind of troll.Dec 11 00:12
schestowitzWhere? Lxer? No.Dec 11 00:12
twitterWith four years of Gentoo and Windows using experience, he should know that changes to DOS partitions don't always propagate without a boot.Dec 11 00:13
twitterThere are other things that are strange, still reading and thinking.Dec 11 00:13
twitterhe did not have to reboot really.Dec 11 00:14
schestowitzLeave a comment to tell him that.Dec 11 00:15
*GoblinRFD has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 11 00:15
twitterit's one of those things you don't do often, so I'm not sure enough to bother - that's a troll warning sign.Dec 11 00:16
schestowitzBut Hans is not a troll.Dec 11 00:17
schestowitzHe's a lobbyist for FOSSDec 11 00:17
twitterIs this the same Hans we talked about a month or two ago with another guy from the Netherlands?Dec 11 00:21
twitterstill reading and thinking about this one, can't make up my mind.Dec 11 00:22
schestowitzWhich one?Dec 11 00:23
schestowitzThere's another Lxer guy called Hans. he defended me.Dec 11 00:23
twitter" Debian: you have to know its quirks to work with it on a day to day basis. If you do, I'm sure it provides an equal or better working environment than Gentoo and XP do. But just like with XP and Gentoo, you need some time to become familiar with it."  OK, he's nuts.Dec 11 00:26
schestowitzHe LOVES Gentoo. Nothing new.Dec 11 00:27
twitterIt's true that everything has it's quirks but some binary package install is easier than compiling things from source and nothing is more difficult than Windows.Dec 11 00:27
neighborleetwitter, lolDec 11 00:27
neighborleeif we're talking sheer ability to  work with your system , gentoo wins hands down, but grandma aint goin nowhere naer it :)Dec 11 00:28
twitterbbl, it's time for dinner.Dec 11 00:28
neighborleehave funDec 11 00:28
neighborleebout same here..that and xmas lights o_0Dec 11 00:28
schestowitzneighborlee: not trueDec 11 00:29
schestowitzPreconfigures Gentoo is OKDec 11 00:29
schestowitzZombu runs Gentoo... it's marketed as a laptop for 'grandma'Dec 11 00:30
neighborleeoh really ;)Dec 11 00:32
neighborleepreconfigures gentoo ???Dec 11 00:32
neighborleeand who is zombuDec 11 00:32
neighborleedain I feel like I just got off a train from russia or something ;)Dec 11 00:33
neighborleeanyway goiing downstairs for a bit..bbbbbbbbl ;)Dec 11 00:34
schestowitz*LOL*Dec 11 00:35
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 00:51
*goblinA has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 11 01:01
PetoKrausheheDec 11 01:20
PetoKrausberanger :DDec 11 01:20
schestowitzWhat did he say?Dec 11 01:20
PetoKraushe "quit"Dec 11 01:21
PetoKraus 11 01:21
*schestowitz looksDec 11 01:23
schestowitzHe's just playing a gameDec 11 01:23
schestowitzHe did the BSD loveaffair before.Dec 11 01:23
schestowitzIt's funny what he does for attention (he 'closed shop' for month, then came back angrier)Dec 11 01:24
twitteryuck, yuck, I just defined Oxite. 11 01:24
schestowitz"You'll come back, just as you did after the BSD experiment."Dec 11 01:25
schestowitzIt's sounds like "exert"Dec 11 01:26
schestowitzOr ox shiteDec 11 01:26
PetoKrausit doesn't matterDec 11 01:26
PetoKrausthe fact is, he's pretty much right most of the timeDec 11 01:26
PetoKrausPoor state of Xorg and DE's (or toolkits) being the prime exampleDec 11 01:27
twitterwhat's wrong with Xorg again?Dec 11 01:28
schestowitzSome people play with it hardcvore styleDec 11 01:28
schestowitzThen they complain it breaks.Dec 11 01:28
schestowitzThat's BergyDec 11 01:28
schestowitzAlways trying to break things..Dec 11 01:28
schestowitzOnly this way can he brag complexity and guru sk1llzDec 11 01:28
PetoKraustwitter: what distro do you use?Dec 11 01:28
twitterDebianDec 11 01:28
PetoKrausin arch, we've got vanilla packagesDec 11 01:28
PetoKrausXorg-server 1.5 with it's hotplugging just broke craploads of thingsDec 11 01:29
neighborleeyeah true..mandriva gnome edition ( im using kde version now and it didnt have th e problem go figure) on my system anyway doesn't boot into fails and it does offfer you chance to use xorg but its a really weird experience..Qa isn't what it should be atm I dont think.Dec 11 01:29
neighborleehe's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackDec 11 01:29
neighborleeo_0Dec 11 01:29
twitterI have not seen the breakage.Dec 11 01:29
PetoKrauswho's BAAAACK?Dec 11 01:29
neighborleelooDec 11 01:29
neighborleelDec 11 01:29
PetoKraustwitter: are you using 1.5?Dec 11 01:29
neighborleemoi ;)Dec 11 01:29
PetoKrauscause debian, afaik, has 1.4 only...Dec 11 01:29
twitterThat would explain why I have not seen problems.  Debian is nice like that.Dec 11 01:30
PetoKrausexperimental has Xorg 7.4 (xserver 1.5)Dec 11 01:31
twitterxorg_7.3+18_amd64.debDec 11 01:32
PetoKrausthat's testingDec 11 01:33
PetoKrausthere's stable (etch), testing (lenny), unstable (sid) and experimentalDec 11 01:33
twitteryeah and it looks like it will be a while before I see the problems you do, but then those problems will probably be fixed :-DDec 11 01:33
neighborleewhen I tried debian I went with testing, as I think its the best balanceDec 11 01:34
PetoKrausyeah, debian testing is good :)Dec 11 01:34
neighborlee:)Dec 11 01:34
twitterIt's a matter of timing.  Some people run testing all the time.  I'm chicken and leave my systems alone for a year or so after testing goes stable.Dec 11 01:35
PetoKrausyeahDec 11 01:35
twitterI like to get used to things, so that I know what's missing.  Then I might move a system or two to the new testing.Dec 11 01:36
neighborleeyeah there is thatDec 11 01:38
twitterHa ha, I just visited one of these scam sites, 11 01:39
twitterI'm glad the FTC is pulling the plug on some of these vermin.  If only they would do the same to M$, which does exactly the same thing on a larger scale.Dec 11 01:40
twitter"You need to upgrade Winblows to protect your data from crashes, malware and viruses"Dec 11 01:40
neighborlee:))Dec 11 01:41
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 01:43
yuhongWhat if the patent part of the MS-Novell were to die or revised?Dec 11 01:43
yuhongI mean the deal, and I am not asking whether it is likely or not.Dec 11 01:44
yuhongWould Boycott Novell still exist?Dec 11 01:44
*yuhong has quit (Client Quit)Dec 11 01:46
twittercool stuff about ODF today, thanks for the links and storiesDec 11 01:51
schestowitztwitter: glad people found it usefulDec 11 01:53
schestowitzI posted this for wider reachDec 11 01:53
neighborleewhat did I miss o_0, that subject I find amazing..goes to checccccckDec 11 01:54
twitterNothing too amazing, it's just nice to read good news from time to time.Dec 11 01:54
neighborleeyupDec 11 01:55
twitterThe Wintel and general press are full of FUD and bullshit.  The world is not like that.Dec 11 01:55
schestowitzWintewl press= self-fulfilling prophecy mode. If you say "Linux not ready for the desktop" many times, it becomes true in people's mind.Dec 11 01:59
neighborleethats great news about germany!!Dec 11 01:59
schestowitzThe press is propaganda. I hope you watched that video/lecture I posted here ysterday (about propaganda mostly)Dec 11 01:59
schestowitzI'm off to bed now anywayDec 11 01:59
neighborleeokie ccccya tomorrow dudeDec 11 01:59
schestowitzneighborlee: Germany has been moving to OOo for quite some timeDec 11 01:59
neighborleeahDec 11 02:00
schestowitzOOo is now downloaded 2,000,000 times PER WEELDec 11 02:00
schestowitzThis doesn't include preinstalls (Linux) and distribution in clusters or via CDsDec 11 02:00
neighborleeyeahDec 11 02:00
twittergood nightDec 11 02:01
schestowitz < Teacher Throws Fit; Linux is NOT Free and Holds Children Back >Dec 11 02:02
neighborleeyup I saw thatDec 11 02:03
neighborleeout from under a rock comes THE TEACHER o_0Dec 11 02:03
neighborleerun fast as you the nearest fallout shelter!!Dec 11 02:03
neighborlee:)Dec 11 02:03
neighborleeODF TOOLKIT UNION ANNOUNCED < 404 NOT FOUND guysDec 11 02:11
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 03:32
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Dec 11 03:39
*neighborlee has quit ("Leaving")Dec 11 04:34
Omar871Hi allDec 11 04:35
Omar871schestowitz: I'm feeling very sorry for a friend of mine. He just became an Mac user. :)Dec 11 04:36
Omar871a* Mac user.Dec 11 04:36
twitterthose can be liberated too.Dec 11 05:16
twitterPower PC macs get good battery life too.Dec 11 05:17
Omar871Yes, they can.Dec 11 05:26
Omar871Except that he's using a Mac OS X. :)Dec 11 05:26
Omar871But can we guarantee that Mac users are not spied upon by Apple, just like in Vista?Dec 11 05:27
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellDec 11 05:52
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 08:59
Omar871Hi allDec 11 09:01
schestowitzHeyDec 11 09:03
Omar871So, after reading your latest post about Microsoft. is sounds as if my cousin's point of view isn't one of a kind, it seems as though all the companies who work with, or use MS products ad services share the same.. lets say ideology, or.. belief..Dec 11 09:06
schestowitzWhich post?Dec 11 09:09
Omar871The one about Microsoft embracing Open Source.Dec 11 09:11
Omar871It seems like the vast majority of proprietary companies are against the idea of sharing, in general.Dec 11 09:14
schestowitzThey are brought up this wayDec 11 09:19
schestowitzIt's a mode of education. Be selfish, make money by withholding information. It keeps people "helpless and divided," to quote RMS.Dec 11 09:20
Omar871Exactly.Dec 11 09:20
schestowitzI saw a lecture the other dayDec 11 09:20
schestowitzThis related to the workers' movement tooDec 11 09:21
schestowitzIn order for government to prevent dissent and pro-social movements of the working class (farmers, etc.) they need to find mechanisms of educating them in a certain way and keep them fragmented.Dec 11 09:21
MinceRr4wrDec 11 09:33
schestowitzLinux grows in China... 11 09:59
MinceR 11 10:22
schestowitz*LOL*Dec 11 10:23
schestowitz(should get Chinese subtitles soon)Dec 11 10:24
PetoKrausmoinDec 11 10:39
schestowitz"These bailouts are an awful idea -- the worst of K St. capitalism (== kapitalism) inviting an insanely bad future for the industries affected. If there's one thing worse than Detroit managed by the managers who have been driving the American auto industry into the ground for the past three decades, it is Detroit managed by politicians." 11 10:44
schestowitzBailout=lotting of the public by criminals in suits.Dec 11 10:44
schestowitz*lootingDec 11 10:44
schestowitzLessig also got cracked.  "My site was hacked by evil gambling spammers. I removed the code Google pointed to, and informed Google. I'm still invisible." < >Dec 11 10:45
schestowitz"People speak about this as if not bailing out Detroit means automobile production in America ends. That's not what failing to bailout Detroit means. Not intervening now would be these automakers would enter bankruptcy. And bankruptcy means the assets of these dinosaurs get reorganized: Someone else buys these companies, at a price the market sets, and runs them profitably, because of the price the market set."Dec 11 10:47
MinceRwas that the "mp3fiesta" thing?Dec 11 10:57
PetoKraus 11 11:28
schestowitzI saw it before.Dec 11 11:43
schestowitzI don't like it because it says "piracy"Dec 11 11:43
schestowitzI think Glyn Moody linked to it 2 months agoDec 11 11:43
schestowitzFrom corrupt companies into the FBI: 11 12:00
schestowitz ( MySQL: does marketing win over technology? ) Better to know the truth than to do a marketing polish.Dec 11 12:22
schestowitzUS IT Employment Falls, Hiring May Be Stalled for Months < >; Heads Begin to Roll at Yahoo < >Dec 11 12:29
schestowitzWOOHOO!!!Dec 11 12:42
schestowitzThe Microsofter that poisoned Firefox is out!Dec 11 12:42
schestowitz -- "Window Snyder, the head of security at Mozilla Corp., will resign her position at the end of the year, she said in a blog post Wednesday." Good riddance. She was praising Microsoft under Mozilla's name because she used to work at Microsoft.Dec 11 12:43
MinceRfunny nameDec 11 12:48
schestowitz 11 12:54
schestowitzSometimes there's no gentle way to say the truth. I'm always reminded by people how dangerous it is to hire former Microsoft employees. They are still part of 'the movement' because of the training and the colleagues.Dec 11 12:55
schestowitzWTF?Dec 11 12:56
schestowitz"The story headlined "Former Intel World Ahead executive joins NComputing," posted Thursday, Dec. 11, has been removed from the wire. The story is under embargo. It will be reposted on the wire when the embargo is lifted." < >Dec 11 12:56
schestowitzSo they gave away the news anyway. First they hire a Microsofter for the board and now part of the Intel pack of crooks (with convictions)? What is "Intel World Ahead". And what will that mean to GNU/Linux, which makes up 40% of the business at NComputing?Dec 11 12:57
schestowitz$41 Billion Deal to Buy Bell Canada Collapses < > Convergence = globalisation?Dec 11 12:58
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 13:03
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 13:28
schestowitz "A patent application for Google Gears has recently been published at the US Patent and Trademark Office."Dec 11 13:39
schestowitzWhat a waste of paper ."One embodiment of the present invention provides a system that facilitates using a web-based client-server application offline. During operation, the system receives a function call at an object within a browser that is executing on a client, wherein the function call is generated by the web-based client-server application and is directed to a communication layer on the client."Dec 11 13:39
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 11 13:57
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 13:57
_dougit's to stop anyone else patenting Google Gears ...Dec 11 14:03
_dougand coming after them for intellectual revenue .. :)Dec 11 14:04
schestowitzDefensive, eh? All patents begin as "defensive"Dec 11 14:05
schestowitzThen they get used when the company dies or sold to some shell like IV which proceeds to extortion.Dec 11 14:06
schestowitzNuclear weapons and cluster bombs... just for "Defense".. then sold to some country in the east to *ahem* defend itself (by killing)...Dec 11 14:07
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 11 14:24
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 14:24
*exlt ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 15:02
exlthi - I typically read via rss, but wanted to know if I could pass along layout issues in firefox to someone..  (or is this a known issue..)Dec 11 15:05
exltheh - or should that go to beccary designer  ;)Dec 11 15:07
exlteww.. beccary no longer has a site..Dec 11 15:07
schestowitzHeyDec 11 15:08
schestowitzWhat happens there?Dec 11 15:09
schestowitzEek.Dec 11 15:09
schestowitzYes, cPanel default.Dec 11 15:09
exltah - I'll grab a screen for you - just a minute (at work..)Dec 11 15:09
schestowitzThanks.Dec 11 15:09
schestowitz 11 15:12
exltthis is ff-3.0.4 on linux - looks the same on two different machines - one is a user install of ff, and the other is debian's iceweasel_3.0.4 - 11 15:13
schestowitzWhere is the error?Dec 11 15:15
schestowitzI'm sure I'm missing something.Dec 11 15:15
exlthehe - the light grey shaded body, umm, thing.. looks out of place with the right column "editors" and "recent comments" blocks - the logo header with balmer photo look to be vertically challenged (I am not a web ui human, but a pretty good systems eng..)  I could probably dig around the css in further detail if I get some time..Dec 11 15:20
exltit just doesn't seem to have things lined up well to my eyeDec 11 15:21
schestowitzIt's part of the design.Dec 11 15:22
schestowitzThe original one too.Dec 11 15:22
schestowitzI didn't realise that it looks erroneous.Dec 11 15:23
exltthe overlap of the elements?Dec 11 15:23
schestowitzYesDec 11 15:25
schestowitzIt's an image based thing.Dec 11 15:25
exltthe vertical shaded line going through the editors, comments, and the entire right menu is probably the most destracting visuallyDec 11 15:25
exlthmm - the Live News block sits on top of the shaded line - that element is somehow forward of the background imageDec 11 15:26
schestowitzI've always liked it. It's a matter of teaste, I think.Dec 11 15:26
schestowitzI like translucency with intersections.Dec 11 15:27
schestowitzLive news is an iframeDec 11 15:27
exltsounds good to me  :)  I thought it was perhaps an older css that might need a little tweakingDec 11 15:28
exltbtw - I do enjoy the content - thanks for all your time over the yearsDec 11 15:28
schestowitzOh Gosh.. now NComputing hires anti-OLPC bastards.. "Beckford, who was a key executive behind the creation of Intel's World Ahead program, joins Will Poole, who ran Microsoft's Unlimited Potential program, and Lindsay Petrillose, formerly of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), at NComputing. Poole is now NComputing's co-chairman and Petrillose oversees government affairs for the company, which sells virtualization software and devices thaDec 11 15:28
schestowitzt allow a dozen or more users to share a single computer."Dec 11 15:28
schestowitzFrom They already have MS poison inside.Dec 11 15:28
schestowitzexlt: thanks for pointing this outDec 11 15:29
schestowitzPardon me being distractedDec 11 15:29
*exlt is constantly distracted.. such is life..Dec 11 15:29
schestowitzI'd redesign the site, but it would screw layoff of existing posts.Dec 11 15:30
exltbeen there - I totally understandDec 11 15:31
schestowitzThe FSF site is downDec 11 15:36
schestowitzI can get in via Google Cache either.Dec 11 15:37
_dougAntigua threatens to allow piracy ..Dec 11 15:37
_doug 11 15:37
schestowitzI'll use the Web Archive.Dec 11 15:38
schestowitz*/ 11 15:38
schestowitzPiracy? Boats?Dec 11 15:39
schestowitzF* journalistsDec 11 15:39
_doug 11 15:39
schestowitzIt has nothing to do with piracyDec 11 15:39
schestowitzJust an eye-catching headlineDec 11 15:39
schestowitzThis is getting strange. FSF is down... can't get in through cache.. not even Web ArchiveDec 11 15:40
schestowitz─(15:41 $)─> ping fsf.orgDec 11 15:41
schestowitzPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.Dec 11 15:41
schestowitzCan you try it over there?Dec 11 15:41
_dougI see the cache page but not fsf.orgDec 11 15:41
schestowitzAhDec 11 15:42
schestowitzI get cahce nowDec 11 15:43
_dougSCO license and the GPL ..Dec 11 15:45
_doug"Because the SCO license authorizes run-time use only, customers also comply with the General Public License, under which Linux is distributed."Dec 11 15:45
_doug 11 15:45
schestowitzYahoo! waves goodbye to 1,500 workers < >. Go ahead, study 'IT', spend plenty, buy a house on a loan... like everyone else... just WAIT!Dec 11 15:45
_dougThat's the exact opposite of what the GPL says ..Dec 11 15:46
schestowitz:-)Dec 11 15:46
schestowitzHere is what I needed the FSF site for: 11 15:46
_doug"We have identified numerous .. derivative code in the Linux 2.4 and 2.5 kernels"Dec 11 15:47
_dougshow me the code, show me the code ...Dec 11 15:47
schestowitzThe criminals (in suits) from Intel take it up to politics: 11 15:47
schestowitzSnyder not going back to the monopolist: "Her role will be split between other Mozilla staffers pending the recruitment of a successor" < >Dec 11 15:49
*neighborlee ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 15:49
_dougthe idea of selling 'binary form only' was an abberation that should have been strangled at birth ..Dec 11 15:50
_dougcoming soon Binary XML, what could be more open than that :)Dec 11 15:51
_doughowabout parsing it into tokens like they used to do with BASIC ..Dec 11 15:52
_dougcompany patents 'patent application writing software' .. I kid you not .. :]Dec 11 15:55
_doug 11 15:55
schestowitzWhat?!?!Dec 11 15:55
schestowitzOh, it's old, no?Dec 11 15:55
schestowitzIt has PageRank.Dec 11 15:55
_doug"PatentPro helped me determine that a product thought to be unpatentable, was indeed worth the effort for a ... patent. This enabled the discussion with corporations which then led to the sale of the license for the invention."Dec 11 15:55
_dougDid you actually go out nad make something, or just go straight to 'licensing' your 'invention' ?Dec 11 15:56
schestowitzA method for viewing a site presenting a patent.Dec 11 15:56
schestowitzA method for challenging legitimacy of patents (BM)Dec 11 15:56
_dougpatents made PatentPro customers ..Dec 11 15:58
_douga method of playing a card game ROTGLMAODec 11 15:58
_doug 11 15:58
MinceRa method of enabling the lung to supply the blood with oxygen.Dec 11 15:59
*MinceR patents breathing and starts his Pay Or Suffocate campaign.Dec 11 15:59
schestowitzMinceR: patent pending, right?Dec 11 16:01
MinceRindeed.Dec 11 16:01
schestowitzTHat would make a nice tattoo.. "patent pending"..Dec 11 16:01
_douga cigarette smoking ceasation system, comprising a cigarette box with motovational pictures and phrases .. :)Dec 11 16:01
MinceR:)Dec 11 16:01
MinceRor comprising a cigarette box made of steel, welded shutDec 11 16:01
schestowitzWHo pays the royalties? the smoker?Dec 11 16:02
MinceRthe manufacturer of the boxDec 11 16:02
schestowitzCessation tax.Dec 11 16:02
MinceRor rather, of the product including the boxDec 11 16:02
MinceRtaxation tax.Dec 11 16:02
MinceRtax for using the privilege of paying a tax.Dec 11 16:02
schestowitzKeep people locked either waytDec 11 16:02
schestowitzCarry on smoking -> pay dutyDec 11 16:02
_dougWriting Instrument, a nip extender actuated by pressing a switch :)Dec 11 16:03
schestowitzQuit smoking -> pay royalties.Dec 11 16:03
MinceR:)Dec 11 16:03
schestowitzThe necons would love thatDec 11 16:03
schestowitz*neoDec 11 16:03
schestowitzThey suffocate the Web ATM: 11 16:03
neighborleeschestowitz: haha , I got reply back from web author form 'get fedora' page, where picture at top of page showed 'tomboy' as apparantly from dvd install.I said you default to livecd and its not there why show picture of it..they said well 'mono is free software, blah',,I showed them a few urls, have yet to hear back, I guess they didn't know its only free for   SLED o_0 9 <<so much confusion out there >>Dec 11 16:04
schestowitz"Internet is bad... it's 'too' free"Dec 11 16:04
neighborleelolDec 11 16:05
schestowitz is availableDec 11 16:05
schestowitzMaybe worth an awareness campaign.Dec 11 16:05
_dougAcoustinc Percussion Circuit: isn't this known as the audio amplifier ..Dec 11 16:06
_dougMeg Whitman don't own ..Dec 11 16:08
_doug 11 16:08
_dougMicrosoft innovates .NET Chart Controls .. 11 16:12
neighborleeas per usual ;)Dec 11 16:12
neighborleegood find though , thx man ;0-Dec 11 16:13
_dougthe worlds leading software company ??Dec 11 16:14
neighborleelolDec 11 16:14
schestowitzIn their own mindsDec 11 16:14
neighborleeleading convicted monopolist maybe ?   ;)Dec 11 16:14
schestowitzSun tried something similarDec 11 16:14
schestowitzIn Wikipedia "a" versus "the"Dec 11 16:14
schestowitz"the leading" vs "a leading"Dec 11 16:14
_dougschest: do an article on the various incarnations of .NET framework ...Dec 11 16:15
_doug............................Dec 11 16:15
_dougAnother Yahoo investor seeks Microsoft search dealDec 11 16:15
_doug 11 16:15
_doug...............................................................Dec 11 16:15
schestowitzThere's this guy in Mixx that says "Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the worldwide leader in bribery, extortion, blackmail and customer abuse." 11 16:15
schestowitzHe has been a fan of BN. I don't know who this is.. there's another one in FSDaily... they like the site enough to cite it.Dec 11 16:16
neighborleeMicrosoft banner: ' Welcome redmond the home of M$, where we innovate ways to steal and fud,- turn right here and follow the smiley signs ' < feel the love>Dec 11 16:16
schestowitz_doug: I don't know .NET well enough.Dec 11 16:16
schestowitzAsk PeejDec 11 16:16
schestowitz_doug: Microsoft plan: crush Yahoo, then pretend you come to the rescue (after crushing them)Dec 11 16:17
MinceRMicrosoft is the world's trailing software companyDec 11 16:17
_doug"We envision a deal whereby Microsoft would acquire all of Yahoo's search assets and enter into a perpetual agreement for Microsoft to be the search provider for all Yahoo properties,"Dec 11 16:17
schestowitzIs she ill or something BTW?Dec 11 16:17
schestowitzBeen slow recently.Dec 11 16:17
_doug419 patent ?Dec 11 16:17
_dougAsk someone technical to do it ?Dec 11 16:18
schestowitz419?Dec 11 16:18
schestowitz 11 16:18
_dougno, the search patent ..Dec 11 16:20
_dougthe 361 patent ..Dec 11 16:21
schestowitzI know... same scam, different perpetratorDec 11 16:21
_dougthe 419 patent is the one I patented on phishing scams :)Dec 11 16:21
schestowitzWatch the Microsoft scammers in Nigeria attacking MS critics. "No other large companies as far as I know use their employees as attack dogs to silen[ce] dissent. It’s time for Microsoft to stop this nonsense." < >Dec 11 16:22
_douga method of fleecing idiots who will click on any old URL or open any attachent ..Dec 11 16:22
schestowitzOpen or /execute'Dec 11 16:22
schestowitzRemember that conventionally you can just 'run' some arbitrary stream of bitsDec 11 16:23
schestowitzWhy is Basic Instic labeled Novell 2007? ( _doug  don't click)Dec 11 16:28
schestowitz"Novell 2006" ... just uploaded.. ... man pissing. WTF?Dec 11 16:30
*seller_liar (i=c95cc3c4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 16:32
seller_liarIwas thinking...Dec 11 16:33
seller_liarIf all GNU Linux apps is made in .net , thenDec 11 16:33
seller_liarM$ can support all Linux apps and in a better way!Dec 11 16:33
seller_liarbecause .net 3.5 have more features and thenDec 11 16:34
seller_liarpeople probably prefer running apps in a better frameworkDec 11 16:34
seller_liarIs this correct?Dec 11 16:34
seller_liarand thenDec 11 16:34
seller_liarpeople will using windowz instead GNU LinuxDec 11 16:35
seller_liarIs this the plan?Dec 11 16:35
schestowitzWell.Dec 11 16:38
schestowitzDotNuke comes to mindDec 11 16:38
seller_liarDotNuke?Dec 11 16:38
schestowitzThey'll try to market .NET stuff and have people like Novell employees use .NET as well.Dec 11 16:38
schestowitz.NET competition that mimics PHP and Perl stuff.Dec 11 16:38
schestowitzThat surely is part of the intent.Dec 11 16:39
seller_liarBut .net framework of m$ will be always better of monoDec 11 16:39
seller_liarand then ,people will prefer run apss in .net framework instead monoDec 11 16:39
seller_liarLinux .net apps = More powerful windows .net appsDec 11 16:39
schestowitzYesDec 11 16:42
schestowitzThat's the issueDec 11 16:42
schestowitzMicrosoft wants Linux to be second classDec 11 16:42 apps is better for m$ because gives more interoperabiltyDec 11 16:42
schestowitzThat's also why it will fight FlashDec 11 16:42
schestowitzFlash has identical functionality in all platformsDec 11 16:42
schestowitzThere is no Silverlight for LInux.Dec 11 16:43
seller_liarand turns linux in slave of m$ , promoting m$ technologiesDec 11 16:43
schestowitzOf course.Dec 11 16:43
seller_liarAll linux apps turns m$ appsDec 11 16:43
schestowitzSome people like de Icaza don't mind it.Dec 11 16:43
schestowitzRight now I argue with other MS apologistsDec 11 16:43
schestowitzWatch this discussion: 11 16:44
seller_liarAnd people prefer .net frameworkDec 11 16:44
seller_liaroh, god stupid Alex and JoDec 11 16:44
schestowitzBN readers: Microsoft wants to ruin Linux; apologists: Microsoft makes Free softwareDec 11 16:44
seller_liarM$-pl can protect m$ patents, I thinkDec 11 16:46
seller_liarM$ tries to buy people with a candy for working ins OOXMLDec 11 16:47
seller_liar 11 16:49
schestowitzIs this the fork/branch of OOo?Dec 11 16:49
schestowitzI read about Brazil having a popular ODF-based suite, based on OOo in factDec 11 16:49
schestowitzOh wait.Dec 11 16:50
schestowitzIt has Microsoft logosDec 11 16:50
schestowitzMaybe you should comment here and there. I feel like arguing with useful idiots (to Microsoft) here.Dec 11 16:50
seller_liarNoDec 11 16:51
seller_liarThis is m$ promoting OOXML at cost of moneyDec 11 16:52
seller_liarcreate OOXML solutionsDec 11 16:52
schestowitzI know.Dec 11 16:52
schestowitzKickbacks.Dec 11 16:53
schestowitz 11 16:53
twitterGood MorningDec 11 16:53
schestowitzMoin'Dec 11 16:53
seller_liar"Create a OOXML render and gain a XBOX!!!"Dec 11 16:53
twitterM$FT is back under their $20 rock, 11 16:53
twitteropps, that's a new troll bust.Dec 11 16:54
schestowitzParody: (Microsoft to launch Zune clothing range)Dec 11 16:54
twitterthe M$ bust is 11 16:54
schestowitzIn real news, MS denies Zune phone.Dec 11 16:54
twitterall advertising and buzz for a failed product most people don't know exists.Dec 11 16:54
schestowitzDow 8,799.81 +38.39 (0.44%)Dec 11 16:55
schestowitzS&P 500 903.50 +4.26 (0.47%)Dec 11 16:55
schestowitzNasdaq 1,566.52 +1.04 (0.07%)Dec 11 16:55
schestowitzWhat's the explanation then, re: MSFT?Dec 11 16:55
twitterThey suck?Dec 11 16:55
schestowitzDid Microsoft investors find out that they invest in imaginary property that Microsoft now sells for $18 or less?Dec 11 16:56
schestowitzWindows is dead as a cash-generating products.Dec 11 16:56
twitterMy guess is that they only forged ahead because of their buybacks.Dec 11 16:56
schestowitzIt's not dead as a product yet, but the margins are dyingDec 11 16:56
schestowitzNow they proceed to acddicting more kidsDec 11 16:56
twitterXandros would have been happy to get $18 per EEEPC.Dec 11 16:56
schestowitztwitter: when did the buybacks end?Dec 11 16:56
schestowitzI think there's no disclosureDec 11 16:56
schestowitzWhen do they enter the debt?Dec 11 16:56
twitterI did not say the buybacks were over, only that they prop M$ up.Dec 11 16:57
schestowitzEee is f*ed for many thingsDec 11 16:57
twitterI know, I documented some of those things in a comment under a recent Xandros story.Dec 11 16:57
schestowitzEarlier today Tony from The Register talked about cutbacks in SSD and maybe Linux. But since ASUS says it was "tied up with Microsoft," no surprise.Dec 11 16:57
twitterIt's sad.  The original EEEPC was a great thing.Dec 11 16:57
schestowitzThe most Neelie can do it launch words at the criminal and then duck because the shills will conquer Europe with big cannons and bribesDec 11 16:58
schestowitzThe original EEE pc was also supposed to cost $199Dec 11 16:58
schestowitzBut Intel wouldn't like thatDec 11 16:58
schestowitzBad margins for the other criminals... the hardware bribers. Dec 11 16:59
twitterIt also had a camera that did video phone and ogg recording.Dec 11 16:59
schestowitzI bet Intel pulls some stringsDec 11 16:59
twitterthey provided the graphics chipset and 3d acceleration.Dec 11 16:59
schestowitz"Wait for Vista 7... make it chubbier... make it expensive.. help our collusions buddy MS (see court case)"Dec 11 16:59
seller_liarVista 7 sins promotes new processorsDec 11 17:00
twitterwell, at least the specs for 3d accel.Dec 11 17:00
seller_liarMakes the user buy new hardwareDec 11 17:00
seller_liarPromotes intelDec 11 17:00
twitterVista 7 will be stillborn like Vista.Dec 11 17:00
seller_liar"Buy a new hardware and runs 3d apps without a VGAcard!"Dec 11 17:00
schestowitz"According to Far, Mac OS X runs "a little faster than Vista" with an SSD drive, but Linux is "always faster" than Vista or Mac OS X -- to the tune of 1% to 2% -- because like Windows 2000, "it never runs anything in the background."" Dec 11 17:00
schestowitz 11 17:00
twitterStrange, I run background processes all the time.  They are just nice.Dec 11 17:01
schestowitzShouldn't Intel be pulled into the calss action?Dec 11 17:02
schestowitzi mean, the company colluded with Microsoft.Dec 11 17:02
twitterDual processors help a lot but I routinely do video capture and transcription in the background.Dec 11 17:02
schestowitzHow does one even punish such beasts?Dec 11 17:02
schestowitzYou try to embargo, you get attackedDec 11 17:02
schestowitzJust look what the US did to Cuba.Dec 11 17:02
MinceRsince when does w2000 not run background processes?Dec 11 17:02
twitterPunish by purchasing other chips.Dec 11 17:02
schestowitzThe story goes like this.Dec 11 17:02
twitterAMD is nice.Dec 11 17:02
schestowitzIn the past (19th century), America wanted to take over Cuba, just like with FloridaDec 11 17:03
schestowitzThis wasn't quite allowed (a trade agreement with Canada later made a bigger bonus for them)Dec 11 17:03
seller_liarI'm buying amd now to maintain control in pc marketDec 11 17:03
seller_liarBuy Intel is destroy the marketDec 11 17:03
schestowitzThen, in the communist era, they used communism as an excuse to attack and 'punish' CubaDec 11 17:03
seller_liarUS fragment RussiaTooDec 11 17:03
schestowitzNow there's no Soviety threats and they use new excuses like "to protect democracy" (of which the US has none)Dec 11 17:04
seller_liarLook georgiaDec 11 17:04
schestowitzSo they punish the population... NO other country embargoes Cuba.Dec 11 17:04
seller_liarand other ex russia countriesDec 11 17:04
schestowitzI'm not familiar with Georgia's storyDec 11 17:04
seller_liarUs helps all themDec 11 17:04
schestowitzBut they assassinated and 'cleaned' up a lot of south and central America too.Dec 11 17:05
seller_liarThe same style of divide and conquerDec 11 17:05
schestowitzIntolerance at its finest... courtesy of "Land of the Fee"Dec 11 17:05
schestowitzThey still trouble Brazi.lDec 11 17:05
MinceR"Land of the Fee" :DDec 11 17:05
schestowitzseller_liar: did you see the post about OOXML and BrazilDec 11 17:05
seller_liarYesDec 11 17:05
schestowitzThey try to push this with patents.Dec 11 17:06
seller_liarNoDec 11 17:06
schestowitzIt's disguysting.Dec 11 17:06
schestowitzThey have enough turncoats to corrupt the system there.Dec 11 17:06
schestowitzAnd I fear that unless labour union takes it to the streets notthing will changeDec 11 17:06
seller_liarSouth america and Central Ameria and Mexico are controlled by USDec 11 17:06
schestowitzJust watch the response to Brazil's protest against Microsoft't OOXML corruptionDec 11 17:06
seller_liarThere's  no need to conquer these countriesDec 11 17:07
schestowitzNothing. The US (and Switzerland) are indifferent. They have their ski trips and s*Dec 11 17:07
twitterturnabout is fair play for the B.E. but I'd rather not see the US dick around like that.Dec 11 17:07
schestowitzBush made it worseDec 11 17:07
schestowitzNot that he's much different from proecessorsDec 11 17:07
twitterBush made it obvious.Dec 11 17:07
schestowitzHe just made it more visible what a beast the government (-corporarations) are.,Dec 11 17:07
schestowitzYes, he made it obviousDec 11 17:08
twitterHis administration did not even play lip service.Dec 11 17:08
schestowitzAnd now not only has he angered the Arab worldDec 11 17:08
schestowitzHe pissed off Europeans and the Chinese threatens to dump the dollar too.Dec 11 17:08
seller_liarThe only way to stop this system ,is not give money for stupid companiesDec 11 17:08
schestowitz*threatenDec 11 17:08
schestowitz(sorry about typos)Dec 11 17:08
seller_liarBut american people continues to buy crAppleDec 11 17:08
twitterHe had diplomats treat NATO members like a dumped girlfriend. Really, his analogy.Dec 11 17:08
schestowitzWell, Americans..Dec 11 17:08
schestowitzThe US surveys measure this.Dec 11 17:09
schestowitzLinux @ 0.8%, eh? Where? In SF?Dec 11 17:09
schestowitzArgentina has some new Mac OS Hackintosh) ripoff like Psystar nowDec 11 17:09
twitterSan Francisco should have a very good GNU/Linux uptake.Dec 11 17:09
schestowitztwitter: US doesn't care about NATO and UNDec 11 17:09
schestowitzThey s* on themDec 11 17:09
schestowitzIn fact, the autonomy (diplomatic) is just fragmenting the world and the likes of Bush promote this.Dec 11 17:10
schestowitzCan Obama change anything?Dec 11 17:10
schestowitzDoubtful.Dec 11 17:10
twitterCould be, but to do it so out in the open and so tastelessly, that's a big difference between Bush and others.Dec 11 17:10
schestowitzHe's still controlled by the same motor. It's just whoever's in the cockpit... illusion of controlDec 11 17:10
seller_liarIf people continues to buy crApple , nothing canchangeDec 11 17:10
schestowitzYesDec 11 17:10
schestowitzBut awareness plays a roleDec 11 17:10
schestowitzApple got uglier recently.Dec 11 17:11
schestowitzThreatening bloggers more often than before.Dec 11 17:11
*seller_liar has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 11 17:11
schestowitzBy highlighting these issues hopefully people can be educated or Apple be reformed.Dec 11 17:11
schestowitzRedesign at the Inquirer:  School teacher bans Linux < >Dec 11 17:15
*seller_liar (i=c95f31eb@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 17:16
seller_liarIf people buys crApple ,M$ ,intel ,Dec 11 17:17
seller_liarnothing will changeDec 11 17:17
seller_liarbecause these companies does lobby in a lot of waysDec 11 17:17
seller_liarand not only in US ,but  in UK and Australia tooDec 11 17:17
seller_liarIf people wants a good government , people MUST stop to buy products from theseDec 11 17:18
seller_liarcompaniesDec 11 17:18
*exlt ( has left #boycottnovell ("have a nice one :)")Dec 11 17:20
schestowitzThere's a trap here. People follow advertising.Dec 11 17:21
schestowitzThey are educated to respect what's advertised. It's easier to keep users under control this way (also with back doors in proprietary operating systems)Dec 11 17:21
schestowitzTo topples the cycle of stupidity you need to inform and to expose. That's why I love what I do in BN, enough to do it voluntarily so much of the time.Dec 11 17:22
seller_liarBut ,sometimes is very hard to convince peopleDec 11 17:23
seller_liarThe better way is to produce a good Linux distroDec 11 17:24
seller_liarand support channelsDec 11 17:24
schestowitzConvincing people is hard when competing with $billions in brainwashDec 11 17:25
seller_liarYes, and in human history , ethics and freedom was not the priorityDec 11 17:26
schestowitzSo one route is to advocate, as I so often do (and have done for years) and the other is to expose the corruption and manipulation. People need to be told about technically superior solutions but also to be given compelling reasons to switch. Lots of people treat Linux as "cheap Windows"Dec 11 17:26
schestowitzThey are also taught that cheap means badDec 11 17:26
schestowitzMicrosoft reinforces such logic ("free puppy" analogies and such)Dec 11 17:27
seller_liarYes ,I remember when I see revolution OSDec 11 17:27
seller_liarEric Says : "Free software?! , cheap,worthless "Dec 11 17:28
schestowitzseller_liar: these are priorities to the vast majority of the people (ethics and freedom) but they are taught (trained) not to understand that. It's brainwashDec 11 17:28
schestowitzUsing worlds like election, democracy, unity, etc. Dec 11 17:28
schestowitz*wordsDec 11 17:28
schestowitzTop Senate Republican opposes $14B auto bailout < >Dec 11 17:35
schestowitzTossing billions of public money around like it's a puzzle game for the aristocrats to play at everyone's expense.Dec 11 17:36
seller_liarThe interesting thing in this economical crisis is governement gives a lot of help for companiesDec 11 17:37
seller_liarand for people does nothingDec 11 17:37
schestowitzEXACTLY!Dec 11 17:38
seller_liardoes ntoDec 11 17:38
seller_liardoes notDec 11 17:38
schestowitzThey'll argue that they save jobsDec 11 17:38
schestowitzIn reality, they save managers and their bonusesDec 11 17:38
schestowitzBeecause the bailout is not distributed evenly.Dec 11 17:38
seller_liarCompanies employes have reservesDec 11 17:38
schestowitzThe capital returns to rich shareholders and such.Dec 11 17:38
schestowitzseller_liar: whose reserves?Dec 11 17:38
seller_liara lot of patrons can live years without a jobDec 11 17:38
schestowitzThe managers hid it in some Swiss bank accountDec 11 17:39
schestowitzNow they can whine about going brokeDec 11 17:39
seller_liarChief patrons guards a lot of money in case of crisisDec 11 17:39
schestowitzOne side of the mouth: "I'm richDec 11 17:39
schestowitzOne side of the mouth: "I'm rich. Sheesh" Other side "Poor me, I need money"Dec 11 17:39
seller_liarA lot have False accounts in central america and swedenDec 11 17:39
schestowitzSweden??Dec 11 17:40
seller_liarYes, Switzerland ,Norway are the haven for white collar peopleDec 11 17:40
schestowitzMicrosoft sinks -3.35% today.Dec 11 17:40
schestowitzMarket overall is upDec 11 17:40
seller_liarheavenDec 11 17:40
schestowitz s/People/criminals/ in many casesDec 11 17:41
seller_liarof courseDec 11 17:41
seller_liarcentral america tooDec 11 17:41
schestowitzIt's hard to make a conviction about rich peoleDec 11 17:41
schestowitzThey wear suits and appear in newspapers, so..Dec 11 17:41
seller_liarCayman is a heaven for white collar peopleDec 11 17:41
seller_liardirty moneyDec 11 17:41
schestowitzIt's only people in jumpers who lift a loaf of breads that are "Criminals"Dec 11 17:41
seller_liarrich people does not need helpDec 11 17:41
seller_liarrich people continue to live WellDec 11 17:42
schestowitzHow can you reverse this?Dec 11 17:42
schestowitzAnd how's your book coming along? :-)Dec 11 17:42
seller_liarheheh, I don t knowDec 11 17:42 11 17:42
seller_liarI do not know ,maybe somedayDec 11 17:43
seller_liarBut actually ,I was thinking in make a java implementation of .netDec 11 17:43
schestowitzGovernment crook just busted: Kevin Martin  < >Dec 11 17:44
seller_liarI have found some good programsDec 11 17:44
seller_liarJacilDec 11 17:44
schestowitzWhat's jacil? let me lookDec 11 17:44
seller_liar 11 17:44
schestowitz 11 17:44
seller_liargplv2Dec 11 17:44
schestowitzOh, you beat me to itDec 11 17:44
seller_liarbut the project is stooped in 2007Dec 11 17:45
schestowitz"JaCIL leverages the Mono Cecil library to read CLI assemblies and the ObjectWeb ASM framework to generate Java class files. In order to use the ObjectWeb ASM Java API, JaCIL utilizes the IKVM.NET JVM implementation for the CLI."Dec 11 17:45
schestowitzMono Cecil?Dec 11 17:45
seller_liara library of monoDec 11 17:45
seller_liarbut is better than nothingDec 11 17:45
schestowitzHere's the problem with "open source" mindsets: "Leeching, if such a thing exists, is a feature and not a bug. Taking from open source leads inevitably to giving, if just to keep up."  < >Dec 11 17:46
schestowitzIOW, they advocate making non-Free software to subjugate people using other people's workDec 11 17:46
schestowitzDana does not even use Free software. He just writes about it in a Microsoft-ish siteDec 11 17:47
seller_liardana is analistDec 11 17:47
seller_liarm$ pays analistsDec 11 17:48
schestowitzAnalystDec 11 17:49
schestowitzThey do, but I doubt it on this case.Dec 11 17:49
seller_liaroh sorryDec 11 17:49
seller_liaranalyst , I got itDec 11 17:49
seller_liarWhy?Dec 11 17:49
schestowitzIn fact, he crtitices them too much. He's trustworthy on the Microsoft thing...Dec 11 17:49
schestowitz*criticisesDec 11 17:50
schestowitzseller_liar: I don't know. I just can't think of him selling out _to them_Dec 11 17:50
schestowitzAs for OStatic, well..Dec 11 17:50
schestowitzTheir boss took money from Microsoft to AstroTurf.Dec 11 17:50
schestowitzHe recited their slogans in exchange for money.Dec 11 17:50
schestowitzMicrosoft knowingly corrupts the blogosphere like this.Dec 11 17:51
schestowitzThe Goebbels-ism of the blog eraDec 11 17:51
seller_liarI find another good project to port Java to crApple Iphone and converts Cil to bytecodeDec 11 17:51
seller_liar 11 17:51
seller_liarI do not read such sitesDec 11 17:51
PetoKraushmm, roy, do you know about FSF suing cisco?Dec 11 17:52
schestowitzI remember it.Dec 11 17:52
schestowitzThey setttled, right?Dec 11 17:52
PetoKrausnoDec 11 17:53
PetoKraus 11 17:53
schestowitzOh, I see...Dec 11 17:54
schestowitzBrett SmithDec 11 17:54
schestowitzNo Java, Flash for IPhone This Christmas < >Dec 11 17:58
seller_liarXMLVM helpsDec 11 18:00
seller_liarwww.xmlvm.orgDec 11 18:00
seller_liarcrApple defautl platform uses Objective-CDec 11 18:01
seller_liarxmlvm can convert java bytcode to Objective-cDec 11 18:02
MinceRbuying a real phone or pda/phone helpsDec 11 18:04
MinceR:>Dec 11 18:04
seller_liar 11 18:04
seller_liarof courseDec 11 18:04
schestowitzMinceR: openmoko freerunner?Dec 11 18:08
seller_liarHow much openmoko costs?Dec 11 18:08
schestowitzThe PR gestapo is attacking OpenMoko.Dec 11 18:08
schestowitzNow it's under $400, IIRCDec 11 18:08
seller_liarand Iphone?Dec 11 18:09
schestowitzOver $1000Dec 11 18:09
schestowitzIt comes with contracts and s*Dec 11 18:09
seller_liarWhy people are Soooooo stupid?!!!!Dec 11 18:10
seller_liarand helps a stupid obssessive companyDec 11 18:11
seller_liarwhich try to control hardware and does a lot of lobbyDec 11 18:11
schestowitzIt's media/govt-imposedDec 11 18:12
schestowitzJustice is not a priorityDec 11 18:12
seller_liarFor me ,it's only mediaDec 11 18:12
seller_liarmedia controls the govtDec 11 18:12
schestowitzIf you 'dissent' then they pass new laws, point the finger at you and call you a "criminal"Dec 11 18:12
schestowitzCriminalizing opposition... like they try with the World Wide Web at the moment.Dec 11 18:13
seller_liarwhat's happened with Itunes DB case?Dec 11 18:13
schestowitzGovernment has a hand in education curricula and mediaDec 11 18:13
seller_liarApple wins?Dec 11 18:13
schestowitzThere is also the role of industry that uses these as 'training centres'Dec 11 18:13
schestowitzAnd lest we forget the corporations run the government tooDec 11 18:13
schestowitzItuneDB... yeah, I wonder about that.Dec 11 18:14
schestowitzApple has bullied projects like this for hyearsDec 11 18:14
seller_liarbut the project will continue, or notDec 11 18:14
schestowitzMy cousin just mail me this: 11 18:14
schestowitzHe says, "If Illinois and the city of Chicago are far from the worst of our 50 states when it comes to corruption, can you imagine the depths of malfeasance in government in our nation?"Dec 11 18:15
_dougFSF Files Suit Against Cisco For GPL ViolationsDec 11 18:15
_doug 11 18:15
schestowitz_doug: PetoKraus beat you to it.Dec 11 18:15
schestowitz"Of course, like all statistics, there is a huge flaw in what USA today is showing us. It only gives the percentage of convictions for fraud per 100,000 residents. How about all the fraud that was either ignored, unseen or undetected?"Dec 11 18:15
schestowitzNo regulation = second great depression Dec 11 18:15
PetoKrausjust posting a blog about copyrights right nowDec 11 18:16
schestowitzMaybe the US can build another bubble quickly and buy another 8 years of money orgy before its blows up even more badly.Dec 11 18:16
schestowitzYahoo Spits Out Poison Pill < >Dec 11 18:20
schestowitzbblDec 11 18:22
*seller_liar has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 11 18:36
PetoKrauswas there already case when someone sued someone for breaching GPL?Dec 11 18:44
twitter"  if a potential change in control transaction is pending, Yahoo!'s Board of Directors . . . may terminate or amend the severance plans in connection with a negotiated change in control transaction." - what does that mean?Dec 11 18:44
twitterYahoo submission 11 18:56
MinceRschestowitz: i'm not sure yet, i have a wm5 pda/phoneDec 11 19:01
twitterMore bad news, another half a million US jobs seem to have evaporated, "If this pace is sustained, then it would suggest that November's net job loss of 533,000 was not an outlier but perhaps an indicator of more severe deterioration to come," wrote Andrew Gledhill, an economist for Moody's "Dec 11 19:02
twitter"What is troubling is that labor market conditions have usually not deteriorated by this much by this early in a downturn."Dec 11 19:03
twitter 11 19:03
*neighborlee has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 11 19:05
PetoKrausright... 11 19:16
MinceRschestowitz: i'm thinking of getting the developer version of g1 and putting some mobile linux distro on itDec 11 19:36
MinceRbut i'd have to see how it worked out for others firstDec 11 19:37
PetoKrausDIF!Dec 11 19:37
PetoKraus:/Dec 11 19:37
MinceRor perhaps an alternative will appearDec 11 19:37
*me2 (i=521f3d27@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 19:50
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 19:52
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Dec 11 20:13
*me2 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 11 20:48
_dougJobless techies will turn to crime ..Dec 11 20:53
_doug 11 20:53
_doug"A recent report by security vendor McAfee also found there is a risk that cyber crime may further slow the speed of UK economic recovery"Dec 11 20:54
_dougsolution: make computers that aren't vulnerable to phishing attacks ..Dec 11 20:56
_dougOEMs desktop Linux ..Dec 11 20:57
_doug 11 20:57
_dougCowell contract say you can't criticise him ..Dec 11 21:03
_doug 11 21:03
schestowitzI'm back.  PetoKraus there were many prior cases.Dec 11 21:10
schestowitzThe GPL was upheld (won) in Germany and no-one was brave enough to challenge it in the US, just settlements.Dec 11 21:10
schestowitztwitter: I spoke about the economy with some friends an hours ago. They hardly know anything. Brainwash works.Dec 11 21:11
schestowitzRe: " November's net job loss of 533,000" They say it'll peak in 7 months (or 6)Dec 11 21:12
schestowitzIt's important the people start talking about it to friends who are left in the dark until the boss calls them "redundant"Dec 11 21:12
schestowitzPetoKraus: thanks for the link, I'll use it.Dec 11 21:13
schestowitz"Jobless claims jump to 573,000, a 26-year high" How many in the UK, Germany, Canada...?Dec 11 21:15
*_doug has quit ()Dec 11 21:15
schestowitzUS: us first, the world later.Dec 11 21:15
schestowitz Obama makes pick for energy chief, sources say < >. Will there be emission control?Dec 11 21:26
schestowitzHere is boycottnovell in Chinese: 11 21:29
schestowitzFollowup: Asterisk Bug is Old, Fix is Also Old: 11 21:35
*kapipi has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Dec 11 21:48
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 21:49
schestowitzWorld Bank's forest and carbon fund fails forests and peoples < >Dec 11 21:53
schestowitz"The World Bank has been in a hurry to get its Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) up and running, meaning that the process to date has been "rushed" and "corners have been cut," according to a new report by scientists from the Forests and the European Union Resource Network (FERN) and the Forest Peoples Programme."Dec 11 21:53
schestowitzA Different View of Viewdle [...] "Monetizing video assets"? "Multiple patents"? Great. But I'm sure the British government will be interested in all that facial-recognition technology in order to build its own people-in-video reference database, and thus screw down UK society even more...." 11 21:56
schestowitz"About 19% of Earth’s coral reefs, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, have been destroyed and the other 81% could follow the same path if humans do not actively (and successfully) reduce carbon dioxide emissions." < >Dec 11 22:02
schestowitzGroklaw (members-only): "I haven't had a real vacation in five years, because Groklaw is a bit like a newborn." < >Dec 11 22:08
schestowitzShe lost motivation  :-( :-(Dec 11 22:09
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 22:27
schestowitzI just got a compliment: "I submit articles from websites that tell people the truth." 11 22:29
TallkenhizDec 11 22:30
schestowitzHuzzahDec 11 22:30
twitterGL is not like a newborn, the trolls are.Dec 11 22:31
schestowitzHere's the thingDec 11 22:32
Tallkenschestowitz: cool pic ^^Dec 11 22:32
schestowitzI don't think I wrote this here (you can readt the post if you're  a member)Dec 11 22:32
schestowitzI think I said this in BN comments, but it 's the hecklers which she said tried to ruin Groklaw who led to some frustrationDec 11 22:33
schestowitzIn GL nobody feeds themDec 11 22:33
Tallkeni honestly believe someone should buy NYTIMES front cover, quote that guy, and tell MS that monopoly resembles more like totalitarian regime than capitalist competition for cheaper and better thingsDec 11 22:33
Tallken^^Dec 11 22:33
Tallkener, by that guy I meanDec 11 22:33
schestowitzTallken: I was looking for one that's free. COuldn't find one, so I played with the Credit thingDec 11 22:33
schestowitzI did a search for Python gazelle.Dec 11 22:33
Tallken"I’m an American; I believe in the American way, I worry if the government encourages open source"Dec 11 22:33
schestowitzFirst thing was this yucky thing: (labeled "Python Eats Pregnant Sheep")Dec 11 22:34
twitterIt takes almost as much time to boot the trolls as it does to feed them, they cause stress no matter what you do about them.Dec 11 22:35
schestowitzI'm not sure what to do with itDec 11 22:36
schestowitzWe never censored before, so I don't want to ever start. it's better to ignore. The label thing was a suggestion from a regular reader.Dec 11 22:36
schestowitzI've been in daily touch with Groklaw for almost 3 years and I know how much of a PITA anti-Groklaw protesters could be. They try to get her emotional/distracted, IMHO. That worked on me at the time (I got used to this, so it makes almost no impact).Dec 11 22:38
twitterThere is always an impact.  Ever talked to an abused woman about the day she "snapped"?Dec 11 22:40
Tallkenschestowitz: have fun :pDec 11 22:44
schestowitztwitter: you mean life women who shoot the husband?Dec 11 22:44
schestowitzTallken: This one is well written.Dec 11 22:45
Tallken:)Dec 11 22:56
schestowitzwhurley pretends to be a FOSS guy whilst sucking up to Apple and feeding them with the DRM traps... ... at least he tries... sounds like he hasn't bought one yetDec 11 23:02
schestowitzOmar871: 11 23:06
*GoblinRFD ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 23:11
*Casperin has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 11 23:24
schestowitzCory on selling people their rights back to them: 11 23:25
Tallkencya later :)Dec 11 23:31
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 11 23:32
*NZheretic (n=NZhereti@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 11 23:36
schestowitzHey there.Dec 11 23:39
schestowitzI was just writing a reply.Dec 11 23:39
NZhereticschestowitz : Any questions before you reply?Dec 11 23:40
schestowitzI've just posted a reply.Dec 11 23:44
NZhereticschestowitz : Gaining ( or just restoring ) Civil rights has always been a step by step process.Dec 11 23:44
schestowitzIt's interesting what's happenign in GLDec 11 23:44
MinceRgnDec 11 23:44
schestowitzShe barely posts anymore... no more than a post a day. Very dormant in general. It's garbage-collection time.Dec 11 23:44
NZhereticschestowitz : Pj really need a break for at least a  couple of months.Dec 11 23:45
schestowitzNZheretic: the issue is differnetDec 11 23:45
schestowitzi didn't say this in my quick comments (got distracted by another chain of 100 comments < >), but the issue is trolls.Dec 11 23:45
schestowitzOIN admits it can't cope with trolls.Dec 11 23:46
schestowitzJerry Rosenthal said so and Keith's reply I'll post shortly.Dec 11 23:46
schestowitzThey fight ghostsDec 11 23:46
schestowitzNZheretic: a couple of months?Dec 11 23:46
schestowitzFigure of speech or do you know something I missed (didn't read the whole post)?Dec 11 23:47
NZhereticschestowitz: The thing about ghosts is that they don't work well in the light. It's time to start putting faces to the names behind the trolls.Dec 11 23:47
schestowitzUS teacher detains student for using Linux < >. *LOL* Kens's a superstar! Power to himDec 11 23:48
schestowitzNZheretic: Rick Frenckel tried.Dec 11 23:48
schestowitzHe was unmasked and sued, along with his employer at the timeDec 11 23:48
schestowitzThey put a bounty on his head.Dec 11 23:48
schestowitzActually... wait.Dec 11 23:49
schestowitzCan we pull the content of his now-dead blog?Dec 11 23:49
schestowitzDamn.*/http://...Dec 11 23:50
NZhereticschestowitz: Playing the expose game is  not something you can do anonymously. Even PJ herself is limited by her own choice of anonymity.Dec 11 23:50
schestowitzA goldmine of information (trolls catalogue) down through litigation. Now I understand why people download entire controversial sitesDec 11 23:51
schestowitzMaybe I'll mail himDec 11 23:51
schestowitzI'll ping trolltracker@gmail.comDec 11 23:51
schestowitzIf he has backups of his posts, maybe I can salvage themDec 11 23:52
schestowitz "This blog is open to invited readers only"Dec 11 23:52
schestowitzSo it's still there, just hidenDec 11 23:52
schestowitz*hiddenDec 11 23:53
NZhereticMaybe the community ( for want of a better word ) need to create a new online investigative news/journal organization, with part time full time paid staff. That way ( at least in the US ) it will have full first amendment.Dec 11 23:55
NZheretic... protection.Dec 11 23:55
schestowitzI think it works differently.Dec 11 23:56
schestowitzPJ said, based on something I mailed her, that putting adsense in GL would give her that protection.Dec 11 23:56
schestowitzShane is the one receiving about $50/month from the ads, which is more than hosting costs him. I don't know if that counts as anything. Neither me nor him write anonymously and we have no disclosures to make other than sentimental attacments... to freedom.Dec 11 23:57
NZhereticThe payment ( if large enough to be a living wage ) may eliminate the need for  anonymity.Dec 11 23:57
schestowitzShe's hardly anonymous ahywayDec 11 23:58
schestowitzThose who want to find her will.Dec 11 23:58
schestowitzShe's routing her mail via Peter now.Dec 11 23:58
schestowitzBlogging anonymously is not the greatest thing anyway.Dec 11 23:59
schestowitzWriting with a clear conscience does give one a certain higher ground. Anonymity means disclosure is a mystery.Dec 11 23:59
schestowitzBTW, paid journalists too are sensitive to lawsuits.Dec 11 23:59

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