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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 31st, 2009 - Part 3


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schestowitzMicrosoft says another storyMar 31 14:14
oiaohmTime line don't line up for that coping direction.Mar 31 14:14
schestowitzIt invested everythingMar 31 14:14
schestowitz*invented (Freudian)Mar 31 14:14
schestowitzWait, I'll get you the memos! :-)Mar 31 14:15
oiaohmYes DaemonFC there are memos even it back up that you have it backwards.Mar 31 14:15
DaemonFCwell, it's bad designMar 31 14:15
DaemonFCand who copied who is not really the pointMar 31 14:15
zer0c00lconflicker attack graph its awesome 31 14:15
DaemonFCbut I believe they copied VistaMar 31 14:16
schestowitzHere, DaemonFC, read this MS e-mail: 31 14:16
DaemonFCthose can come from anywhereMar 31 14:16
oiaohmKDE 4 had the design first.Mar 31 14:16
schestowitz"From; Vic GundotraMar 31 14:16
schestowitzSent; Wednesday, 3une 30, 2004 8:29 AMMar 31 14:16
schestowitzTo: Jim Allchin; Brian Valentine; Will Poole; Joe PetersonMar 31 14:16
schestowitzCc; Sanjay Pathasarathy; Chrles FitzgeraldMar 31 14:16
schestowitzSubject: RE: tigerMar 31 14:16
schestowitzSteve is trying hard to retain the developers he has left.Mar 31 14:16
schestowitzHe showed “spotlight” functionality embedded in 4 different apps, then highlighted that developers can build (and should build) the same functionality in their apps,Mar 31 14:16
schestowitzI have SDK - will send to QuentinMar 31 14:16
schestowitzThey even showed a bit of extensibility in their design.Mar 31 14:16
schestowitzI don’t have details, but at first blush, I think they will be there 80% on developer platform too.Mar 31 14:16
schestowitz€° Their Avalon competitor (core video, core image) was hot - lots of transparency, ripple effects, etcMar 31 14:16
schestowitzÌ„€° I have the coot widgets (dashboard) running on my Mac right now with all the effects he showed on stage. I’ve had no crashes in 5 hours."Mar 31 14:16
oiaohmMS managed to get it consuted firstMar 31 14:16
oiaohmFirst to market people like thinking of as the inventor of stuff.Mar 31 14:17
oiaohmEven when its not true.Mar 31 14:17
schestowitzWhat's for Google to gain here ->  Google to invest $100 million in start-ups < >Mar 31 14:17
oiaohmAdvertisement schestowitzMar 31 14:18
schestowitzFor 100m?Mar 31 14:18
oiaohmOf both forms.Mar 31 14:18
oiaohmIe start ups need advertisement like everyone else.Mar 31 14:18
schestowitzMaybe make those businesses 'client states' of GoogleMar 31 14:18
schestowitzLike colonies..Mar 31 14:18
oiaohmSo they can sell there products.Mar 31 14:18
oiaohmSneeky way of self building ad income.Mar 31 14:18
schestowitzNvidia has unleashed a monster (see pic): 31 14:20
oiaohmNot the muli OS bit.Mar 31 14:23
schestowitzhe toll of GNU/Linux? "Sun Confirms 1500 Jobs Cut This Week" < >Mar 31 14:23
oiaohmnot/noteMar 31 14:23
schestowitzNVidia cards are used in clusters... on LinuxMar 31 14:23
schestowitzIn studios, NASA, etc.Mar 31 14:23
schestowitzWindows ain't reliable for that stuff.Mar 31 14:24
schestowitzImagine having your NASA cluster sneeze up a Conficker when you do important simulations.Mar 31 14:24
oiaohmHmm sun ibm merge must be moving forward.Mar 31 14:24
oiaohmSun just sacked all the staff that would not be important after a merge.Mar 31 14:25
schestowitzGNU/Linux users to laugh all the way to their PCs tomorrow. Conficker: Getting the Last Laugh < >Mar 31 14:25
schestowitzoiaohm: which divisions?Mar 31 14:25
oiaohm25 percent to 50 percent of Sun's customer-facing staff.  << That divisionMar 31 14:26
oiaohmwhy would ibm and sun when merge need a double up of sales people.Mar 31 14:26
schestowitzI see...Mar 31 14:27
schestowitzChina Closes More Porn Web Sites in Crackdown < >Mar 31 14:27
DaemonFC"No updates would be accepted by Conficker unless they are signed by the Conficker author's private encryption key."Mar 31 14:28
DaemonFCroflMar 31 14:28
oiaohmBy saying it was planed in advance avoids unfair dismissel clams.Mar 31 14:28
schestowitzSun is still important, mostly because of OOo and Java.Mar 31 14:28
DaemonFCthat way they can't get it to disinfect itselfMar 31 14:28
DaemonFCusing its update featureMar 31 14:28
DaemonFCcleverMar 31 14:28
oiaohmprivate encryption key can be colided with large enough procesisng power.Mar 31 14:29
schestowitzFOSS to Microsoft: get offa me[sic] cloud: 31 14:29
oiaohmProblem is Linux guys are about the only people with that DaemonFCMar 31 14:29
oiaohmSo unlikely to save MS people without money.Mar 31 14:30
DaemonFCThere's a new security option in Linux 2.6.29-git3 and laterMar 31 14:30
DaemonFCto protect against stack smashing attacksMar 31 14:30
oiaohmYep I know.Mar 31 14:30
oiaohmThere is also a new security frame work in 2.6.30Mar 31 14:31
DaemonFCI have the stack protector enabledMar 31 14:31
oiaohmLinux kernel is always upgrading it secuirty.Mar 31 14:31
DaemonFCSELinux and Apparmor are just stupid thoughMar 31 14:32
oiaohmSo you like SMACKMar 31 14:32
oiaohmThinking Apparmor is not offically in the main kernel.Mar 31 14:32
twitterThe death of Encarta is getting a lot of attention from newspapers.Mar 31 14:33
oiaohmDaemonFC:  What is the idea behind SELinux and SMACK?Mar 31 14:33
twitterThis seems to be more than the usual M$ love.  There's a lot of fear too.Mar 31 14:34
twitter 31 14:34
DaemonFCto replace the simple functional UNIX security model with asinine and complex rulesMar 31 14:34
MinceRoiaohm: don't ask him such difficult questions, you'll confuse him :>Mar 31 14:34
DaemonFCwhich break legitimate applicationsMar 31 14:34
oiaohmNicely wrong.Mar 31 14:34
DaemonFCand cause users to gnash teeth and tear out their hairMar 31 14:34
oiaohmalso wrong.Mar 31 14:34
twitter" In January, Wikipedia got 97 percent of the visits that Web surfers in the United States made to online encyclopedias, according to the Internet ratings service Hitwise. Encarta was second, with 1.27 percent. Unlike Wikipedia, where volunteer editors quickly update popular entries, Encarta can be embarrassingly outdated."Mar 31 14:35
oiaohmNumber one to be highest rated UNIX you needed something like selinux with its kinds of protecton.Mar 31 14:35
schestowitztwitter: they go lightweightMar 31 14:35
DaemonFCtotal overkill for any desktop userMar 31 14:35
schestowitzLess divisions, less employeesMar 31 14:35
DaemonFCSELinux is jsut ridiculousMar 31 14:35
oiaohmDaemonFC:Mar 31 14:35
oiaohm    * Login or register to post commentsMar 31 14:35
oiaohm    * ShareMar 31 14:35
oiaohmSecurityMar 31 14:35
oiaohmBy Corbet - January 26, 2009 - 12:14pmMar 31 14:36
oiaohmSecurity is a difficult and complicated problem, which must be addressed at several levels. The technologies discussed in this page are mainly concerned with mandatory access control - the hardening of the system so that no component of that system may go beyond its permitted capabilities. The largest value of MAC schemes is often seen when a system component is compromised as a result of an internal bug. If the MAC system has been set upMar 31 14:36
oiaohmproperly, the compromised application should not enable the attacker to take control of the system as a whole. It is claimed that SELinux has already mitigated some vulnerabilities in this manner.Mar 31 14:36
oiaohmEqually important, of course, is maintaining the integrity of the kernel itself. As the recent vmsplice() vulnerability showed, that can be a hard thing to do - we are trying to maintain a large and complex code body while being faced with capable and motivated attackers. Upcoming kernels are likely to reflect an increased interest in the use of technical means to avoid vulnerabilities - buffer overrun detection and the like. But there is noMar 31 14:36
DaemonFCyou have to castrate it to the point of ineffectivenessMar 31 14:36
oiaohmsubstitute for old-fashioned code auditing and review.Mar 31 14:36
oiaohmContentsMar 31 14:36
DaemonFCto get it to not malfunction so muchMar 31 14:36
oiaohm    * 1 AppArmorMar 31 14:36
oiaohm    * 2 SMACKMar 31 14:36
oiaohm    * 3 TOMOYO LinuxMar 31 14:36
oiaohm    * 4 TALPAMar 31 14:36
oiaohm    * 5 Credential recordsMar 31 14:36
oiaohm    * 6 Integrity measurementMar 31 14:36
DaemonFCI won't use thoseMar 31 14:36
oiaohmAppArmorMar 31 14:36
oiaohmAppArmor is a mandatory access control mechanism acquired (and open-sourced) by Novell. Like SELinux, AppArmor controls the behavior of programs with the idea of containing any potential security breaches within those programs. AppArmor differs from SELinux, however, in that it addresses a smaller set of potential threats and is intended to be much simpler to administer.Mar 31 14:36
DaemonFCthey're ridiculousMar 31 14:36
*oiaohm has quit (Excess Flood)Mar 31 14:36
DaemonFCand AppArmor is easy to hack aroundMar 31 14:36
schestowitzAppArmor is dead almostMar 31 14:36
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 14:36
schestowitzNovell fired the devsMar 31 14:36
DaemonFCthey list a number of ways to do it in the Ubuntu FAQMar 31 14:36
oiaohmTOMYOYO SMACK and Selinux are manditory access controolsMar 31 14:37
schestowitzThe founder of AppArmor was snatched by Novell's allyMar 31 14:37
twitterThis is amazing, “Bill Gates bought Corbis, and Encarta had access to all these images that Wikipedia could never get,” he said. “Right now, that is a big weakness of Wikipedia -– the material has to be free.”Mar 31 14:37
DaemonFCTomoyo is mostly documented in JapaneseMar 31 14:37
oiaohmNormal Unix are DACMar 31 14:37
DaemonFCand SELinux breaks shitMar 31 14:37
DaemonFCunless you castrate itMar 31 14:37
oiaohmWhat is the difference betwean MAC and DACMar 31 14:37
twitterThey just got their ass kicked by tons of free material and people call that a weakness?Mar 31 14:37
oiaohmIts key to understand DaemonFCMar 31 14:37
DaemonFCthe normal user root user conceptMar 31 14:37
DaemonFCwhich worksMar 31 14:37
schestowitztwitter: didn't Gate found Corbis?Mar 31 14:37
DaemonFCMAC is stupid for desktop usersMar 31 14:38
schestowitzAm I missing something here?Mar 31 14:38
DaemonFCand unreasonableMar 31 14:38
oiaohmroot user does nto work.Mar 31 14:38
oiaohmProblem is services.Mar 31 14:38
oiaohmMAC main job is protecting them.Mar 31 14:38
DaemonFCMAC is heavy, stupid, and problematicMar 31 14:38
DaemonFCnot suitable for a desktopMar 31 14:38
twitterNot sure.Mar 31 14:38
oiaohmA service with root power really does not need to access everything.Mar 31 14:38
oiaohmIt is suitable for a desktop.Mar 31 14:38
schestowitztwitter: here is my take on the death of Microsoft's Wikipedia 'rival': 31 14:38
oiaohmMost of your back ground servers DaemonFCMar 31 14:38
oiaohmThat are running all the time.Mar 31 14:39
twitter   "Goodbye, Encarta. A cautionary tale for newspapers?"Mar 31 14:39
DaemonFCSELinux is never appropriate for a desktopMar 31 14:39
DaemonFCyes, those are SERVERSMar 31 14:39
DaemonFCnot DESKTOPSMar 31 14:39
oiaohmservices.Mar 31 14:39
oiaohmRunning behind your desktop.Mar 31 14:39
oiaohmLike your printer server.Mar 31 14:39
DaemonFCI read that out of the corner of my eyeMar 31 14:39
DaemonFCyesMar 31 14:39
oiaohmDoes it need to be able to acess everything.Mar 31 14:39
oiaohmIt has a place on desktop in background.Mar 31 14:39
DaemonFCbut there's no use for SELinux on a desktopMar 31 14:39
oiaohmDoing what it designed to do.Mar 31 14:40
DaemonFCit causes way more harm than it is worthMar 31 14:40
oiaohmReally not.Mar 31 14:40
oiaohmIf you turn on strict yes.Mar 31 14:40
DaemonFCit gets pissed off when you run things in WineMar 31 14:40
oiaohmNopMar 31 14:40
DaemonFCeven when you use the targeted policyMar 31 14:40
DaemonFCbest to shut it offMar 31 14:40
oiaohmI run selinux here all the time.Mar 31 14:40
MinceRit only needs to be preconfigured properly by the distro maintainers.Mar 31 14:40
oiaohmNo wine problems.Mar 31 14:40
oiaohmI have selinux set to target all the services running in background.Mar 31 14:40
DaemonFCSELinux as configured by Fedora ruins a desktop systemMar 31 14:40
oiaohmAnd anything running as root.Mar 31 14:40
DaemonFCyou have to install it with selinux=0Mar 31 14:41
oiaohmFedora is crap.Mar 31 14:41
schestowitzDon't people want to keep THEIR mail on THEIR PCs? Gmail Labs Goes International < >Mar 31 14:41
oiaohmtruely Fedora is crap.Mar 31 14:41
oiaohmIt gets lots of proto type stuff that don't work.Mar 31 14:41
oiaohmIncluding prototype selinux rules.Mar 31 14:41
DaemonFCotherwise you get AVC denials for Tomboy notes, anything you run in Wine, NautilusMar 31 14:41
DaemonFC......Mar 31 14:41
DaemonFCSELinux is some STUPID shitMar 31 14:41
DaemonFCseriouslyMar 31 14:41
oiaohmAnyone using fedora is a crash dumby.Mar 31 14:41
twitterCSM takes a lot of time to smear Wikipedia with the usual BS.Mar 31 14:41
oiaohmEvery used Selinux on a debian based system DaemonFCMar 31 14:42
schestowitzMinceR: Why online privacy is no 'luxury': YouTube to Collect Real-Name Data in South Korea < >Mar 31 14:42
qdevtell that to linus torvalds, oiaohmMar 31 14:42
MinceRDaemonFC: repeat it 234 more times and i'm sure we'll all be convinced.Mar 31 14:42
oiaohmSet in permissive mode ie only effecting services.Mar 31 14:42
DaemonFCno, I removed it from my kernelMar 31 14:42
twitterI keep all of my email in the same archive.  Gmail lets you use pop and other normal protocols.Mar 31 14:42
DaemonFCthe module isn't even builtMar 31 14:42
DaemonFCgood riddanceMar 31 14:42
schestowitztwitter: they still hold the mailMar 31 14:42
schestowitzISP+GoogleMar 31 14:42
schestowitzThat's two tiersMar 31 14:42
oiaohmSo you don't run a MAC at all DaemonFCMar 31 14:42
DaemonFCSELinux is masturbationMar 31 14:42
schestowitzAnd I'm not sure if Gmail does PGPMar 31 14:42
schestowitzIf it did, then it would have the keys too, i.e. no privacyMar 31 14:43
oiaohmIf you don't want SElinux you should run like Smack or equal.Mar 31 14:43
MinceRDaemonFC: what you're doing now is masturbationMar 31 14:43
twitter 31 14:43
DaemonFCMAC is a bad ideaMar 31 14:43
DaemonFCfor desktopsMar 31 14:43
DaemonFCit makes no senseMar 31 14:43
DaemonFCit is a tin foil hatMar 31 14:43
qdevmac is a bad idea at it's rootMar 31 14:43
oiaohmBecause all you are doing is leaving all you users weak to attacks from any borked service.Mar 31 14:43
DaemonFCnot reallyMar 31 14:44
schestowitzMURDOCHsoft lock out GNU/Linux users: MySpace, Microsoft Announce Two New Deals < >Mar 31 14:44
oiaohmThat is using rootMar 31 14:44
twitternone of these articles makes the leap, Wikipedia:Encarta and GNU/Linux:WindowsMar 31 14:44
DaemonFCdon't run services that leave open ports to the internet?Mar 31 14:44
DaemonFClike gee, shit, I don't knowMar 31 14:44
oiaohmNo need toMar 31 14:44
DaemonFCa desktopMar 31 14:44
twitterMy ISP keeps all of my email too.Mar 31 14:44
DaemonFCdamnMar 31 14:44
qdevso you're tracked twiceMar 31 14:44
oiaohmLook more closely at the services you are running DaemonFCMar 31 14:44
oiaohmSome are outside connecting.Mar 31 14:45
DaemonFCif I was running a server, I would bother with pulling teethMar 31 14:45
twitterthe only way I could avoid people keeping my email would be to run a mail server myself and only accept encrypted connections.Mar 31 14:45
schestowitz"Computer experts are warning that the Conficker virus could strike infected computers on 1 April 2009." 31 14:45
twitterMy ISP won't let me do that.Mar 31 14:45
oiaohmSo open ports is not a requirement to attack box DaemonFCMar 31 14:45
schestowitzMSBBC wasting space on Windows-specific problems and offering Q&AsMar 31 14:45
oiaohmMost common is bind for dns look ups.Mar 31 14:45
twitterSo, I might as well use gmail too.Mar 31 14:45
twitterMy ISP's mail service is not reliable.Mar 31 14:45
DaemonFCwhateverMar 31 14:45
DaemonFCSELinux won't stop anythingMar 31 14:45
oiaohmIt does.Mar 31 14:45
DaemonFCnot in the way you have to set it up to leave a working systemMar 31 14:46
oiaohmIf you brake bind and it protected.Mar 31 14:46
twitterI can't turn off their filters and the stupid thing blocked lots of important mail last month.Mar 31 14:46
oiaohmonly bind is distored.Mar 31 14:46
oiaohmThat is wrong selinux permissive mode DaemonFCMar 31 14:46
oiaohmanything without rules define does not have rules appled.Mar 31 14:46
DaemonFCSELinux Permissive doesn't stop things, it only bitchesMar 31 14:46
oiaohmThat is permissive mode.Mar 31 14:46
oiaohmIt does stop things in well setup systems.Mar 31 14:47
twitterWithout network freedom, you don't have software freedom.Mar 31 14:47
DaemonFCright, enforce won't stop things eitherMar 31 14:47
DaemonFCit makes it harderMar 31 14:47
DaemonFCfor youMar 31 14:47
oiaohmBecause all services have have one.Mar 31 14:47
DaemonFCto use your systemMar 31 14:47
oiaohmNot really never used graphic selinux configuration tools.Mar 31 14:47
schestowitzAnother major Fail for DRM, this time in computer games, not just music: 31 14:47
oiaohmSounds like a person who dumbly tryed to configure it by text files.Mar 31 14:47
oiaohmWithout learning modes or anything else.Mar 31 14:48
DaemonFCI don't have any need for itMar 31 14:48
oiaohmIts no harder than setting up zonealarm and any other learning firewall.Mar 31 14:48
DaemonFCwhy would I piss around with all that?Mar 31 14:48
oiaohmIf you want to configure it from scratch.Mar 31 14:48
oiaohmIf not used provided templates.Mar 31 14:48
DaemonFCif I wanted it, I would have built it into the kernelMar 31 14:48
DaemonFC:)Mar 31 14:49
oiaohmFrom distributions that know how to make them.Mar 31 14:49
oiaohmIe never fedora.Mar 31 14:49
DaemonFCmehMar 31 14:49
DaemonFCit's easier to turn it offMar 31 14:49
oiaohmCentos Debain both do good jobs of them.Mar 31 14:49
DaemonFCor just leave it out of the kernelMar 31 14:49
oiaohmReally no effort.Mar 31 14:49
*mib_25g4xq (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 14:50
*mib_25g4xq has quit (Client Quit)Mar 31 14:50
oiaohmThey are just installed works and you forget about them.Mar 31 14:50
DaemonFCEveryone I've ever seen use SELinux feels the way I doMar 31 14:50
DaemonFCit's a pile of shitMar 31 14:50
DaemonFCjust turn it off and be happyMar 31 14:50
oiaohmExcept me.Mar 31 14:50
DaemonFC:PMar 31 14:50
oiaohmProblem is I have used it without graphical tools.Mar 31 14:50
oiaohmAnd with.Mar 31 14:50
oiaohmWithout graphical tools it crap.Mar 31 14:50
oiaohmToo hard to manage.Mar 31 14:50
DaemonFCFedora provides graphical setup toolsMar 31 14:50
DaemonFCand troubleshooting toolsMar 31 14:50
oiaohmFedoras tools are crap.Mar 31 14:51
oiaohmThey are patched and unstable.Mar 31 14:51
oiaohmBasically playing with selinux never do it on fedora.Mar 31 14:51
DaemonFCthey're an inelegant work around to try and put lipstick on the SELinux pigMar 31 14:51
DaemonFC;;)Mar 31 14:51
oiaohmDebian CentosMar 31 14:51
oiaohmIt basically works without effort.Mar 31 14:52
oiaohmThe tools for both work.Mar 31 14:52
DaemonFCCentOS is Red Hat crap rebrandedMar 31 14:52
DaemonFCDebian is ewwMar 31 14:52
oiaohmDifferent maintainers.Mar 31 14:52
oiaohmMake a stack of difference.Mar 31 14:52
DaemonFCwell, you can't very well be 100% compatible if you change thingsMar 31 14:52
oiaohmEven Ubuntu has good base selinux rules.Mar 31 14:52
DaemonFCso CentOS is practically Red HatMar 31 14:52
DaemonFCUbuntu doesn't use SELinuxMar 31 14:52
DaemonFCit uses AppArmorMar 31 14:52
oiaohmBut lack good configation tols.Mar 31 14:53
schestowitzBTW: Stay away from MonoDevelop and spread the word. TomTom shows why: 31 14:53
oiaohmUbuntu has option of switching to SELinux.Mar 31 14:53
DaemonFCyeah, they decided against itMar 31 14:53
oiaohmAppArmor is default but you can change between 3 mode.Mar 31 14:53
DaemonFCmostly for the reasons I laid outMar 31 14:53
oiaohmAppArmor is techically flawed.Mar 31 14:54
oiaohmSo its completely worthless.Mar 31 14:54
DaemonFCwhy do you think I don't bother building my own CrappArmor moduleMar 31 14:54
oiaohmIts the joke of secuirty moudles.Mar 31 14:54
DaemonFCfor my kernelsMar 31 14:54
oiaohmsmack is lot simpler than selinux to useMar 31 14:54
oiaohmYet is solid.Mar 31 14:54
DaemonFCanything that fucks with the file system is badMar 31 14:55
oiaohmTOMOYO does not fuck with file systemMar 31 14:55
oiaohmAnd is also techincally solid in 2.6.30Mar 31 14:55
DaemonFCanything that labels the filesystem has a good chance of messing things upMar 31 14:55
oiaohmTOMOYO does not.Mar 31 14:56
DaemonFCand label based MAC controls slow down file operationsMar 31 14:56
DaemonFCconsiderablyMar 31 14:56
DaemonFCthere's just so much BAD that MAC doesMar 31 14:56
oiaohmYou would have noticed a reduction in that in 2.6.29Mar 31 14:56
DaemonFCand so few goodMar 31 14:56
oiaohmIf you had build with selinux and smack.Mar 31 14:57
oiaohmProblem was not exactly reading form the filesystem.Mar 31 14:57
oiaohmIt was many more memory operations to get answers.Mar 31 14:57
schestowitzAsay is up with more BS... defending Microsoft's lies. there is no "Open Cloud Manifesto's anti-Microsoft bias" See , also about odf... how they fool the CNET|CBS sheepleMar 31 14:57
DaemonFCif I was really anal about security I'd just go join the masturbating monkeys at OpenBSD ;)Mar 31 14:57
oiaohmDo you know the limittions of DACMar 31 14:58
DaemonFCsaying you're worried about security then using proprietary drivers and firmware blobs is really pointlessMar 31 14:58
oiaohmExactly why Long term my system will have very few of them.Mar 31 14:59
DaemonFCDas Machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren musten keepen das cotten-pickenen hands in das pockets - relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights.Mar 31 14:59
oiaohmNo insulting in german.Mar 31 15:00
oiaohmThinking I read german insults perfectly.Mar 31 15:00
oiaohmThinking I am 1/4 german.Mar 31 15:00
DaemonFChehMar 31 15:00
*ToreadorVampire has read a number of articles on the boycottnovell website over the last year or so (mostly linked to me by MinceR in another network I hang out on) - one thing I always wish about it: if it used a less alarmist tone ...Mar 31 15:00
MinceRToreadorVampire: the house is on fireMar 31 15:01
DaemonFCwake up the house is on fireMar 31 15:01
DaemonFCand the cat's caught in the dryerMar 31 15:01
DaemonFC;)Mar 31 15:01
MinceRour society has let m$ & co. run unchecked for decadesMar 31 15:01
schestowitzToreadorVampire: I was told this beforeMar 31 15:01
schestowitzIt's not deliberateMar 31 15:01
schestowitzIt's more to do with anger than 'alarmism'Mar 31 15:02
DaemonFCMinceR: Because they sell stuff abroadMar 31 15:02
DaemonFCand rake in moneyMar 31 15:02
DaemonFCand buy politiciansMar 31 15:02
DaemonFCdon't you know how stuff works? :)Mar 31 15:02
ToreadorVampireThings like:  calling monodevelop "poisonware factory 2.0" - it makes it seem that the site is resorting to baseless name-calling, when I presume that there is a real message in thereMar 31 15:02
MinceRthe most prominent religion on earth is money.Mar 31 15:02
DaemonFCmeh, Christians, moneyMar 31 15:02
schestowitzToreadorVampire: yes, it's a strong wordMar 31 15:02
DaemonFCwhat's the difference?Mar 31 15:02
schestowitz[H]omer made it upMar 31 15:02
*qdev has quit ()Mar 31 15:02
schestowitzPoisonware - free but patent encumbereddMar 31 15:02
MinceRDaemonFC: money is useful for somethingMar 31 15:02
schestowitzA trap basicallyMar 31 15:03
*wtfyan has quit ("Going offline, see ya! (")Mar 31 15:03
DaemonFCThe highest suicide rates in America are in the most Christian areasMar 31 15:03
ToreadorVampireI have to wade through the "crap speak" to find the actual information that helps me make an informed decision about what I want to doMar 31 15:03
schestowitzMinceR: the US was built on religionMar 31 15:03
DaemonFCI wonder if that's them or the people that have to deal with their shitMar 31 15:03
DaemonFC:)Mar 31 15:03
schestowitzAnd it's in the money tooMar 31 15:03
MinceRindeedMar 31 15:03
schestowitzThe country was built by people waving the Holy BookMar 31 15:03
schestowitzLesser known fact BTWMar 31 15:03
DaemonFCand murdering the nativesMar 31 15:03
DaemonFCeven though their book says Don't KillMar 31 15:03
schestowitzYesMar 31 15:03
schestowitzYou beat me to itMar 31 15:04
DaemonFCand raping them, because women are objectsMar 31 15:04
DaemonFCnot peopleMar 31 15:04
schestowitzThe religion justified killing the nativesMar 31 15:04
DaemonFConly men have rightsMar 31 15:04
schestowitzGenoccide for GodMar 31 15:04
DaemonFC:PMar 31 15:04
schestowitzReally?Mar 31 15:04
schestowitzThey raped Indian women?Mar 31 15:04
schestowitzThat would be new to meMar 31 15:04
DaemonFCI've always said that if men could get pregnant, there's be a 24-hour abortion clinic on every blockMar 31 15:04
MinceRaccording to Richard Dawkins, the bible has several stories where the Good Guys offer their women for rapingMar 31 15:05
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 31 15:06
DaemonFCThe bible is an illogical fallacyMar 31 15:06
schestowitz "Mostly a rape followed by a quickie jump over the broomstick, is my guess.Rape of women is part of war."Mar 31 15:06
DaemonFCself-contradictingMar 31 15:06
DaemonFCpoorly writtenMar 31 15:06
DaemonFCwith more lies cover to cover than Acts of CongressMar 31 15:06
DaemonFCB-)Mar 31 15:06
schestowitzBible is LibleMar 31 15:06
schestowitzVery genocidalMar 31 15:07
schestowitzAnd some people would say that it was "written by God"Mar 31 15:07
schestowitzOr in 'his' spiritMar 31 15:07
schestowitzSo they can basically write anything they want and then say "because God said so"Mar 31 15:08
schestowitzI should write my "Linux bible"Mar 31 15:08
schestowitzIn the spirit of God"Mar 31 15:08
MinceRthere's no need toMar 31 15:08
MinceRthe facts are on our side.Mar 31 15:08
schestowitz10 commandments: "1. All your Conflicker-capable machines shelt be abolished..."Mar 31 15:08
*devq ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 15:08
schestowitzThen we'll go around with long lightening sticks and claim to be fulfilling the will of Ignucius..Mar 31 15:09
schestowitz*shaltMar 31 15:09
DaemonFCI was touched by his noodly appendageMar 31 15:10
DaemonFCI've found that if I use preemptible RCU, realtime kernel, and Dynamic Ticks disabled and HZ=1000, then timer-based Pulseaudio works fineMar 31 15:11
schestowitzTomTom - "Settled, But Not Over Yet" says SFLC <  >Mar 31 15:11
DaemonFCI won't be buying a TomTomMar 31 15:12
MinceRme neither, as long as they pay m$Mar 31 15:12
DaemonFCI bought a GarminMar 31 15:12
DaemonFCthey run GNOME and LinuxMar 31 15:12
DaemonFCwell, parts of GNOME anywayMar 31 15:12
MinceRGPE?Mar 31 15:12
DaemonFCmmhmMar 31 15:12
DaemonFCand they give back their source diffs as the GPL requiresMar 31 15:13
DaemonFCso they seem fairly Linux friendlyMar 31 15:13
schestowitzAnother major setback for SCO: 31 15:13
DaemonFCSCO?Mar 31 15:14
schestowitzYesMar 31 15:14
DaemonFCWhat the hell?Mar 31 15:14
schestowitzNot MicroSCOftMar 31 15:14
DaemonFCdo they STILL exist?Mar 31 15:14
DaemonFCthey were delisted last year!!!!Mar 31 15:14
schestowitzIn their suitors embodiment maybeMar 31 15:14
schestowitzWell, in Groklaw they still existMar 31 15:14
schestowitzIt's the raison detre of the site, ain't it?Mar 31 15:14
DaemonFCI noticed they had their yearly meeting in Las VegasMar 31 15:15
DaemonFCnothing like liquidating company assets on a hooker/cocaine/gambling/drinking bingeMar 31 15:15
schestowitzThis is so ghey: 31 15:17
schestowitzThey give no credit to RMS _at all_Mar 31 15:17
DaemonFCRMS is a kookMar 31 15:18
DaemonFCif coughing up a kernel is so easy, where is HURD/Mar 31 15:18
DaemonFCright....thought soMar 31 15:18
schestowitzEU issues warning on Internet user rights < >Mar 31 15:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: it's not just engineeringMar 31 15:19
MinceRDaemonFC: if writing a unix userspace is so easy, why don't you do it?Mar 31 15:19
schestowitzThe foundations too, including public support and licenceMar 31 15:19
DaemonFCthe user space is not really that much compared to the kernelMar 31 15:19
DaemonFCand GNU is not the only userspace Linux could useMar 31 15:19
schestowitzWhy not?Mar 31 15:19
schestowitzGNU =15% of DebianMar 31 15:19
schestowitzLinux= about 3%Mar 31 15:19
DaemonFCthey had the entire GNU userspace before 1990!Mar 31 15:19
DaemonFCand they STILL have no kernelMar 31 15:19
DaemonFCyou tell me which is harderMar 31 15:20
schestowitzThey did it lastMar 31 15:20
schestowitzIt was plannedMar 31 15:20
DaemonFCrightMar 31 15:20
schestowitzThis is not an issue of practiceMar 31 15:20
DaemonFC25 yearsMar 31 15:20
schestowitzHey, BSD had a kernelMar 31 15:20
DaemonFCand it's still not doneMar 31 15:20
schestowitzMore than one reallyMar 31 15:20
schestowitzAnd GNU was gonna do it rightMar 31 15:20
DaemonFCso will my great grandkids be enjoying GNU HURD 1.0?Mar 31 15:20
schestowitzWhether or not performance would be good in a m-kernel is another qMar 31 15:20
schestowitzDaemonFC: it's a matter of competitoonMar 31 15:20
MinceRDaemonFC: have you ever bothered to check what kind of kernel they're aiming for?Mar 31 15:20
schestowitzThere was a GPL-licesed kernel alreadyMar 31 15:21
DaemonFCHURD is ridiculousMar 31 15:21
schestowitzSo RMS achieved his goalMar 31 15:21
DaemonFCand will be broken because it came from GNUMar 31 15:21
MinceRDaemonFC: go on, keep ranting on about stuff you know nothing aboutMar 31 15:21
schestowitzThe fact that it eas then labeled Linux as a WHOLE is anotherMar 31 15:21
DaemonFCif it ever is releasedMar 31 15:21

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