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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 13th, 2009 - Part 1


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*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 00:05
schestowitzMinceR: but let's leave that aside...Apr 13 00:05
schestowitzHow are the APPSApr 13 00:06
schestowitz?Apr 13 00:06
schestowitzThat's what matters mostApr 13 00:06
MinceRthey'll take some getting used toApr 13 00:06
_Hicham_which APPS?Apr 13 00:06
MinceRand no, that isn't what matters most because i can use them in any DEApr 13 00:06
schestowitzSome KDE bugs I reported are supposedly fixed only in the kde4 versions and the same goes for most bugs in general because kde4 is the same branch for projectsApr 13 00:06
twitterwhy don't you just use the 64 bit package?Apr 13 00:06
_Hicham_freedesktop have done a great workApr 13 00:06
schestowitzMinceR: true.. could.Apr 13 00:07
_Hicham_DaemonFC : any news about Windows 7?Apr 13 00:07
DaemonFCnot really, that computer has been off most of the day, went out to eat with my dad for my birthday and easter kind of in oneApr 13 00:08
trmanco 13 00:08
trmanco"NSA has access to Windows Mobile smartphones"Apr 13 00:08
DaemonFCshowed it to him and his reaction was "That's Vista, right?"Apr 13 00:08
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 00:08
_Hicham_that would be most people's reactionApr 13 00:08
_Hicham_normalApr 13 00:08
_Hicham_same themes engineApr 13 00:08
_Hicham_that what differs through Windows versionsApr 13 00:09
_Hicham_theme engineApr 13 00:09
DaemonFCWell, if it wasn't stamped Release Candidate, I'd figure they were just saving the UI work for later like alwaysApr 13 00:09
DaemonFCbut the GUI is 95% identical to VistaApr 13 00:09
twitterthree years ago people thought E16 was vista tooApr 13 00:09
twitterha haApr 13 00:09
DaemonFCthere's some minor improvements in 7 and many more major new problemsApr 13 00:09
_Hicham_Microsoft hires artists more than developers :DApr 13 00:10
DaemonFCit's not an upgrade even by Vista standardsApr 13 00:10
twittermore sales than artApr 13 00:10
_Hicham_improvements?Apr 13 00:10
DaemonFCyeah, I like the way the window grouping is handled, IE 8 is better than 7 but it's still awfulApr 13 00:10
schestowitztrmanco: old news (to me)Apr 13 00:10
DaemonFCand even if you use IE, there is an IE 8 for VistaApr 13 00:10
schestowitzThat's why they wanted OBAMAA to ditch CrackberryApr 13 00:11
DaemonFCso it really isn't worth anything even assuming you're on VistaApr 13 00:11
trmancoI thought it was only in Windows NTApr 13 00:11
twitterwhat was that cartoon I saw?  an image of Hitler is an improvement over vistaApr 13 00:11
schestowitz_Hicham_: that would be AppleApr 13 00:11
DaemonFCwell, my problem with 7 is not mainly technical defects, it's intentional onesApr 13 00:11
schestowitzMicrosoft is just catching up when it comes to artistsApr 13 00:12
DaemonFCnew DRM and suchApr 13 00:12
DaemonFCProduct ActivationApr 13 00:12
schestowitzKDE has some good artists like the Lancelot guy and this other Portuguese guy who made Raptor, IIRC... and OxygenApr 13 00:12
twittercatching up?  I suppose ripping KDE off is a way to catch upApr 13 00:12
schestowitzyesApr 13 00:12
schestowitzApple did that tooApr 13 00:12
schestowitzXerox PARCApr 13 00:12
DaemonFCI don't think Windows or OS X rip KDE offApr 13 00:13
twitterat least Apple made things their own.Apr 13 00:13
twitterM$ just coppiesApr 13 00:13
DaemonFCI dislike KDE's layout moreApr 13 00:13
_Hicham_best artwork is fedora'sApr 13 00:13
twitterI've seen Windows 7 screenshots that are complete KDE ripoffsApr 13 00:14
DaemonFCthe choose your own adventure menu, the various "What the hell is that?" apps like AkonadiApr 13 00:14
twitterit does not matter, it's all vapor reallyApr 13 00:14
schestowitz skip to 13:00Apr 13 00:14
schestowitzThink of MSFTApr 13 00:14
DaemonFCMandriva has the only usable KDE 4 and it's because they made the classic menu work exactly like KDE 3'sApr 13 00:14
DaemonFCand ripped out Phonon and replaced it with PulseaudioApr 13 00:15
schestowitzMandriva KDE FTW (using it here)Apr 13 00:15
trmancophonon?Apr 13 00:15
trmanconever heard of itApr 13 00:15
DaemonFCPhonon has failed to use blah blah blah device....falling back to blahblahblah"Apr 13 00:15
DaemonFCthat was annoyingApr 13 00:15
trmancowell, good thing people have a choiceApr 13 00:16
_Hicham_PulseAudio is a good transitional solutionApr 13 00:16
DaemonFCyeah, that's why Kubuntu doesn't have Pulse, Phonon is meant to do some of the same thingsApr 13 00:16
DaemonFCand installing both can make troubleApr 13 00:16
trmancopulseaudio isn't completely bakedApr 13 00:16
schestowitzWow.Apr 13 00:16
schestowitzIt turns out that American military bases in the UK are disguised as RAF basedApr 13 00:17
schestowitz*basesApr 13 00:17
schestowitzPredictable, but interesting.Apr 13 00:17
DaemonFCwe have military bases on every continent and in almost every country of strategic importanceApr 13 00:17
trmancoroyal air force?Apr 13 00:17
DaemonFCand even when something is out of reach of thatApr 13 00:18
DaemonFCwe have aircraft carriersApr 13 00:18
DaemonFCand attack submarinesApr 13 00:18
DaemonFCand guided missile destroyersApr 13 00:18
_Hicham_DaemonFC : and u have MicrosoftApr 13 00:18
*howdy (i=5ef5cbb0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 00:18
DaemonFCwe've got nukes, we've got drones, we've got bombers, fighters, guns, knives, sharp sticksApr 13 00:18
*howdy has quit (Client Quit)Apr 13 00:18
DaemonFCand bad languagerApr 13 00:18
DaemonFC*languageApr 13 00:19
DaemonFCB-)Apr 13 00:19
DaemonFCthe problem with having the best technology is that when the enemy is in an urban area and can draw you in and force you to go door to doorApr 13 00:20
DaemonFCit's nearly uselessApr 13 00:20
schestowitzOver 6000 military bases in the US...Apr 13 00:20
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, battles of scaleApr 13 00:20
schestowitzThe assumption if that it's a confrontation between countriesApr 13 00:20
DaemonFCschestowitz: That's where Saddam Hussein went wrongApr 13 00:20
schestowitzNot guerrilla warfareApr 13 00:20
schestowitzThat's why it fails so badly in Iraq, Vietnam...Apr 13 00:21
DaemonFCa T-72 battle tank could be effective against an M1A2 Abrahms at close rangeApr 13 00:21
DaemonFCif he had had his forces fall back into Kuwait CityApr 13 00:21
DaemonFCthat would have negated our technological advantageApr 13 00:21
DaemonFCas effective range, computer targeting, and GPS no longer matterApr 13 00:22
DaemonFCand it's jsut who gets the shot off firstApr 13 00:22
schestowitzyesApr 13 00:22
schestowitzhbombsApr 13 00:22
twitternuke fixes problem -> the problem with having the best technology is that when the enemy is in an urban area and can draw you in and force you to go door to doorApr 13 00:22
schestowitzit f*cks up even water and electricity systemsApr 13 00:22
twitterconcentrating forces for a nuke strike is a bad ideaApr 13 00:23
schestowitzPeople starve after a while if hit in particular places. Time to take the treaties seriously and disarmApr 13 00:23
DaemonFCschestowitz: We would never have used a neutron bomb to knock out Kuwait CityApr 13 00:23
schestowitzThey should rearm with wind turbines insteadApr 13 00:23
DaemonFCthat would have crippled their oil extraction infrastructureApr 13 00:23
schestowitzWork on efficient energy, not plutoniumApr 13 00:23
_Hicham_DaemonFC : u have done more in IraqApr 13 00:23
DaemonFCthe EM pulse would knock out most of Kuwait's electronicsApr 13 00:23
twitterGWB wanted to bomb Al Gazera anywayApr 13 00:24
schestowitzit's not a buildingApr 13 00:24
DaemonFCwell, I'm no more responsible for Iraq than schestowitzApr 13 00:24
schestowitzIt's like fighting "terrorism"Apr 13 00:24
schestowitzOr fighting "hate"Apr 13 00:24
DaemonFCI'm sure his government would jail him for not paying taxesApr 13 00:24
twitterno?  you pay taxesApr 13 00:24
schestowitzOr fighting "nitrogen"Apr 13 00:24
twitterfighting flatulence!Apr 13 00:24
twitterobesityApr 13 00:25
DaemonFCtwitter: If I want to go to prison for yearsApr 13 00:25
DaemonFCthen yeah I could evade taxesApr 13 00:25
schestowitztwitter: bomb those "flatulence" bastardsApr 13 00:25
DaemonFCso I'm a victim in this tooApr 13 00:25
schestowitzGet rid of themApr 13 00:25
schestowitzNuke the hate ;-)Apr 13 00:25
twitterniceApr 13 00:25
DaemonFCtwitter: 1 person can't stop the stupidity that 305 MILLION put into placeApr 13 00:26
twitterI know that but it does not keep me from being responsible.Apr 13 00:26
_Hicham_DaemonFC : most americans don't know anything about the worldApr 13 00:27
_Hicham_it is a factApr 13 00:27
twittermost people don't know anythingApr 13 00:27
_Hicham_the administration wants thatApr 13 00:27
DaemonFC_Hicham_: And 99% of all opinions about Americans are just made up on the spotApr 13 00:28
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 00:28
DaemonFCpeople abroad just act like America is a person and that person can change after stopping on a dimeApr 13 00:29
twittertractor production is up 200%Apr 13 00:29
DaemonFCthey forget that Nazi Germany was not a single personApr 13 00:29
DaemonFCit was that most of a nation had gone madApr 13 00:29
DaemonFCand were pulling the unwilling along in towApr 13 00:29
_Hicham_DaemonFC : I am not saying that America is one personApr 13 00:29
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 13 00:29
_Hicham_but most Americans don't care about what is going on in the worldApr 13 00:30
DaemonFCit's fairly ignorant to just say that everyone here is responsible for everythingApr 13 00:30
_Hicham_I didn't say thatApr 13 00:30
DaemonFCI wouldn't say that everyone in Iran is responsible for the Iranian regimeApr 13 00:30
DaemonFCmost of them go along with it for fear of retributionApr 13 00:30
_Hicham_no one can say thatApr 13 00:30
DaemonFCit's how a minority rules, when every candidate of every party is the same thingApr 13 00:31
DaemonFCbut they can say they were fairly electedApr 13 00:31
DaemonFCso you can feel less cheatedApr 13 00:31
_Hicham_there is no fair electionsApr 13 00:31
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 00:31
_Hicham_fair elections exists only in computer scienceApr 13 00:32
_Hicham_in distributed systemsApr 13 00:32
DaemonFCI kind of like how Ubuntu overthrew Debian's messed up system claiming it stifled developmentApr 13 00:33
DaemonFCthen set up something about like what they were complaining of in only 5 short yearsApr 13 00:34
_Hicham_DaemonFC : Ubuntu didn't do anythingApr 13 00:34
_Hicham_they did marketing, yesApr 13 00:34
_Hicham_but on technical side, there was no major improvementsApr 13 00:34
DaemonFCthey've made changes in order to be able to better market it as having the feel and features you'd expect in a modern systemApr 13 00:35
DaemonFCand there's still a few things it does betterApr 13 00:35
_Hicham_like for example?Apr 13 00:35
DaemonFCbut overall, they've become another unmovable projectApr 13 00:35
DaemonFCWell for one, you can use newer software without risking really awful bugs that typically get into SidApr 13 00:36
DaemonFCDebian still doesn't use UpstartApr 13 00:36
DaemonFCDebian offers no official support for it if you need thatApr 13 00:36
_Hicham_DaemonFC : Upstart isn't that greatApr 13 00:36
DaemonFCFedora is using itApr 13 00:37
DaemonFCMandriva 2010 willApr 13 00:37
schestowitz      twitter: "I know that but it does not keep me from being responsible."Apr 13 00:37
schestowitzExactlyApr 13 00:37
schestowitzThere is no moral value in regretting something that happenedApr 13 00:37
_Hicham_DeamonFC : Progeny offers official support for DebianApr 13 00:37
schestowitzThe responsibility is to act upon something to fix while you canApr 13 00:37
_Hicham_DaemonFC : I was an Ubuntu user for more than 3 yearsApr 13 00:38
schestowitz_Hicham_: progenty hasn't existed since 2007 iircApr 13 00:39
schestowitz*ProgenyApr 13 00:39
_Hicham_schestowitz : it is not difficult to get commercial support for DebianApr 13 00:39
_Hicham_Progeny was just an exampleApr 13 00:40
schestowitz_Hicham_: skip to 30:00 < > About media deceiving peopleApr 13 00:40
DaemonFCUbuntu used to have a supported aptitude upgrade pathApr 13 00:40
schestowitzChalmers Johnson is brilliantApr 13 00:40
DaemonFCto get a Debian system to turn into an Ubuntu systemApr 13 00:40
_Hicham_DaemonFC : to lock u inApr 13 00:40
_Hicham_as if they were doing of their ownApr 13 00:41
_Hicham_Ubuntu is basically a bunch of ex-debian devs who weren't going well inside the communityApr 13 00:41
_Hicham_Shuttleworth is an ex debian devApr 13 00:42
_Hicham_debian model is more robust than ubuntu'sApr 13 00:42
_Hicham_especially for corporate entitiesApr 13 00:43
_Hicham_plus Ubuntu suffers from big stability issuesApr 13 00:43
_Hicham_take for example, Ubuntu 8.04, they shipped a beta firefox in itApr 13 00:44
_Hicham_and it is supposted to be long term supportedApr 13 00:44
_Hicham_and I am not that Ubuntu is bad, it is a great distroApr 13 00:46
DaemonFCbecause as soon as you get an is Firefox 3.0.8Apr 13 00:46
DaemonFCB-)Apr 13 00:46
DaemonFCFirefox 2 was too old and behind Firefox 3 to even want to mess withApr 13 00:46
DaemonFCeven if that meant shipping with a betaApr 13 00:46
*mib_j9m7a9 (i=95a968ed@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 00:47
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*trmanco has quit ("ERROR: crap-talking overflow - Aborting")Apr 13 00:47
_Hicham_do u remember this beta's problems?Apr 13 00:48
_Hicham_it still had the horrible fsync problemApr 13 00:48
DaemonFCstill doesApr 13 00:49
_Hicham_not that badApr 13 00:50
DaemonFCwhy nitpick about that though when KDE and GNOME use tons of little settings filesApr 13 00:50
DaemonFCthat are constantly being written toApr 13 00:50
DaemonFCB-)Apr 13 00:50
DaemonFCthat's just begging for data loss if the system goes down suddenlyApr 13 00:51
_Hicham_GNOME uses gconfApr 13 00:52
_Hicham_and KDE uses kconfApr 13 00:52
_Hicham_it is a Windows Registry implementation in LinuxApr 13 00:52
DaemonFCnoApr 13 00:54
DaemonFCit's a front end to the various scattered files in ~/.gnomeApr 13 00:54
DaemonFCor ~/.kdeApr 13 00:54
_Hicham_and what is the difference then?Apr 13 00:55
_Hicham_Windows uses hive files in system32Apr 13 00:56
_Hicham_they are scattered in a folder in system32Apr 13 00:56
_Hicham_so what is the difference?Apr 13 00:56
_Hicham_xml vs hive files?Apr 13 00:56
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MinceRthe difference is that config files are human-readable, editable and more resistant to damageApr 13 01:14
MinceRalso, file system access controls work on themApr 13 01:15
MinceRand they can be managed with scripts, version controlled, etc.Apr 13 01:15
schestowitzgnApr 13 01:16
MinceRo/Apr 13 01:35
twitterunlike the Windows registry, a broken config file won't keep your computer from booting and you can generate a new one easily.Apr 13 01:47
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 13 01:49
DaemonFCI've never lost any data with XFS when the system went down with no warning, but I lost several hundred megs with Ext4 when I had jsut downloaded some kernel patches and had un-tarred some kernel sourceApr 13 01:50
DaemonFCit was so corrupt I had to delete all of it and start over, and it somehow took out some of my GNOME settings tooApr 13 01:50
silentivmI never had data loss with either Ext3, Ext4, ReiserFS or XFSApr 13 01:52
DaemonFCReiser and Ext4 were the only problematic ones I've seenApr 13 01:53
DaemonFCExt3 and XFS are at least fairly recoverableApr 13 01:53
silentivmthe only FS I've had data loss with was FAT32, but it doesn't countApr 13 01:53
MinceRgnApr 13 01:54
DaemonFCFAT32 kept a backup allocation tableApr 13 01:54
silentivmgnApr 13 01:54
DaemonFCScandisk could restore it if neededApr 13 01:54
DaemonFCgnApr 13 01:54
silentivmDaemonFC, ... which also got corrupted in my caseApr 13 01:54
DaemonFC:PApr 13 01:54
silentivmit was when I still bothered with Windows, this was a long time agoApr 13 01:54
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 01:55
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DaemonFCWindows 9x blue screened for far more reasons than NT doesApr 13 01:56
silentivmexactlyApr 13 01:56
DaemonFCin 9x it was expected that you would get them oftenApr 13 01:56
DaemonFCin NT it's really something seriousApr 13 01:56
silentivmyepApr 13 01:56
DaemonFCthe way I remember 9x was that you'd get at least a blue screen every day, sometimes twoApr 13 01:57
DaemonFCI've seen a handful between NT through VistaApr 13 01:57
silentivmso did IApr 13 01:57
DaemonFCand MANY on 7Apr 13 01:57
DaemonFCthat's why Office has automatic backupsApr 13 01:58
silentivmyepApr 13 01:58
DaemonFCbecause that way when 98 BSOD'd you'd "only" lose 10 minutes of work and not hoursApr 13 01:58
silentivmif nothing was corrupted because of the crash, then yesApr 13 01:59
silentivmotherwise...Apr 13 01:59
DaemonFCbut this "feature" itself would freeze Office every ten minutes and make you lose your train of thought B-)Apr 13 01:59
silentivm:DApr 13 01:59
DaemonFCprobably explains most of the documents written around that era in MS OfficeApr 13 01:59
silentivm:)Apr 13 01:59
*twitter1 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 02:25
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twitter1:)Apr 13 02:27
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*twitter1 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 03:04
twitter1hmph, W32 virus hits US hospitals at U of Utah 13 03:05
twitter1conficker continues to break people dumb enough to use windoze.Apr 13 03:05
twitter1" Patient records have not been touched, Nelson said. IT cut off Net access for up to six hours on Friday in order to isolate the virus, the AP reported."  Yeah, right.Apr 13 03:06
*twitter1 ( has left #boycottnovellApr 13 03:06
DaemonFCDaemonFC> he uses he knows what Tab Complete is. You may as well have asked him how the warp core is functioning in his 1988 Geo Metro.Apr 13 03:06
DaemonFCB-)Apr 13 03:06
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amarsh04oiaohm and schestowitz, I'm way behind the in the scroll-back but my non-it university student step-daughter alerted me to the fact that her uni had removed OOo: 13 06:30
*mib_5doyz9 (i=44e625da@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 06:39
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schestowitzACTA leaked: 13 07:29
schestowitzPJ has turned the point I sent to her into an article: 13 08:01
schestowitzLabour wants free labour (watch 'glamour' photo of Brown): 13 08:21
schestowitz "If the UK is really not becoming a police state, then the police must demonstrate their independence of the government today by immediately arresting Damian McBride, Charlie Whelan and Tom Watson for the crime of misconduct in public office. "Apr 13 08:25
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 08:41
zer0c00l The BJP’s awkward embrace of Free Software: 13 08:49
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oiaohmamarsh04: Firefox 2.0.0 << Kinda a little out of date on the auto deployment system.Apr 13 08:55
schestowitzoiaohm: you've got to listen to the last 20 minutes of this: 13 08:58
oiaohmIts happening to Microsoft as well schestowitzApr 13 09:05
schestowitz 13 09:05
schestowitzoiaohm: well, it's part of the USApr 13 09:05
schestowitzThe above URL is about the training by CIA of terrorists who overthrow governments.Apr 13 09:06
schestowitzIt's interesting that the CIA even organised interception of planes with American people to incite against leaders in South AmericaApr 13 09:06
oiaohmTerrorists = shills in the business world.Apr 13 09:07
oiaohmBoth powered by myths.Apr 13 09:07
schestowitzTurns out the UK had wealth prior to WW1 Apr 13 09:07
DaemonFC 13 09:07
schestowitz10% of GDPApr 13 09:07
schestowitzNow it's $3 trillion or so in debtApr 13 09:07
DaemonFCAt least our new President is literateApr 13 09:08
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 09:08
schestowitzI think Bush was faking. So they said... even the accentApr 13 09:10
DaemonFC 13 09:20
DaemonFC"Well they may not eat babies, but they ain't too far off, they'll euthanize your grandma just cause she has a cough, so stay away from Canada and you'll be doin' well, but if you don't you'll see the Numa Numa guy in Hell....They got the National Healthcare, it's such a dirty trick, they'll help you just as soon as Joseph Stalin says you're sick..."Cause there's no such thing as a good Canadian, good Canadian, good Canadian...."Apr 13 09:20
DaemonFClmaoApr 13 09:20
schestowitzIs that first one a reference to the Monster from Munster?Apr 13 09:21
DaemonFCthat guy is so funny, you should catch on if you've watched his other stuff that it's satire, so don't get too madApr 13 09:21
DaemonFChuh?Apr 13 09:22
schestowitzYes, I figured thatApr 13 09:22
schestowitzMaybe offensive to some people, not only those whom he speaks about but also that whom he impoersonatesApr 13 09:23
DaemonFCI follow that stuff and Shelley The RepublicanApr 13 09:23
DaemonFCoh at least the Liberals have a sense of humor B-)Apr 13 09:23
DaemonFCschestowitz: I guess it doesn't take much effort to lampoon organizations that almost parody themselves, but it's still funny sometimesApr 13 09:24
DaemonFCschestowitz: I guess I'm just the product of watching too much news as a childApr 13 09:26
DaemonFCI have a high tolerance for BS nowApr 13 09:27
schestowitzThere is no 'News'Apr 13 09:28
schestowitzThe news is not called newsApr 13 09:28
schestowitzMoney is made by the press by selling a line, as they say in RussiaApr 13 09:29
DaemonFCschestowitz: I ended up emailing our library complaining about the use of my tax dollarsApr 13 09:29
schestowitzYou want news? Seek commentary and interpretation from peersApr 13 09:29
schestowitzNot centralised authoritiesApr 13 09:29
schestowitzThey are not lyingApr 13 09:29
schestowitzThey are lying by SELECTINOApr 13 09:29
DaemonFCto create a website optimized for Internet Explorer and which lets you "borrow" audio booksApr 13 09:29
DaemonFCin DRM'd WMAApr 13 09:29
schestowitzLike evidence they allow journalists to witness (the pool)Apr 13 09:29
schestowitzI am writing about the ACTA at the momentApr 13 09:30
schestowitzObama is being a wuss... not allowing people to see itApr 13 09:30
DaemonFCoh yeah, the Canadians are bending over for the recording industryApr 13 09:30
DaemonFCthey make anything we do look positively awesomeApr 13 09:30
schestowitzIt's not MAFIAAApr 13 09:30
schestowitzIt's also patentsApr 13 09:30
schestowitzACTA is very uglyApr 13 09:30
schestowitzIt's like restrating the IP lawApr 13 09:31
schestowitzFrom scratchApr 13 09:31
schestowitzOnly people are not involved in itApr 13 09:31
schestowitzJust corporations like Oracle and WarnerApr 13 09:31
DaemonFCisn't ACTA that Canadian DMCA on Steroids?Apr 13 09:31
schestowitzI don't think soApr 13 09:31
schestowitzIt's a lot broaderApr 13 09:31
DaemonFCoh, it's WTO bullshitApr 13 09:32
DaemonFCwonderfulApr 13 09:32
DaemonFCyeah, the WTO is basically a legalized conglomerate of international crime syndicatesApr 13 09:32
schestowitzWIPO?Apr 13 09:33
DaemonFCrewriting laws of various "member countries" without approval by that government in the wholeApr 13 09:33
schestowitzYes, they are not confined by lawApr 13 09:33
schestowitzLike the HagueApr 13 09:33
schestowitzOperating on the assumptions that its creators cannot be held accountable.Apr 13 09:33
DaemonFCThe WTO has been a scourge on US sovereigntyApr 13 09:34
schestowitzPeople are never taught to cherish a constitutionApr 13 09:34
DaemonFCmakes me wonder what the Clintons and that Congress got bribed with to pass itApr 13 09:34
schestowitzTo make matters worse, they are not even familiar with itApr 13 09:34
schestowitzOr Magna Carta here.Apr 13 09:34
schestowitzDaemonFC: Clinton did NAFTAApr 13 09:34
DaemonFCso much of this globalization bullshit got fast tracked under ClintonApr 13 09:35
schestowitzHuge outrage it deserved, BUT...Apr 13 09:35
DaemonFCthat it's surrealApr 13 09:35
schestowitzPeople should not know about the crimes... it leads to unrest :-)Apr 13 09:35
schestowitzWell, they have to figure out how to pay the debt over timeApr 13 09:35
schestowitzOtherwise people will be out of the streetsApr 13 09:35
DaemonFCmeh, power is money, and once a nation signs over its authority to make and control currencyApr 13 09:35
schestowitzLenders are from places like Japan and ChinaApr 13 09:35
DaemonFCit no longer rulesApr 13 09:36
DaemonFCthe bank doesApr 13 09:36
schestowitzWait until nations start dropping the dollarApr 13 09:36
DaemonFCthat's what happened in the UKApr 13 09:36
schestowitz /that/ would be the collapse of Wall Street, not Oct/Sep 2008Apr 13 09:36
DaemonFCtook over 100 years to have happen hereApr 13 09:36
DaemonFCbut it happenedApr 13 09:36
DaemonFC1913Apr 13 09:36
DaemonFCthe Federal Reserve and the Federal Income TaxApr 13 09:36
DaemonFCand the IRSApr 13 09:36
DaemonFCit doesn't matter, it won't be them doing itApr 13 09:37
DaemonFCit will be their Central BankApr 13 09:37
DaemonFCabout every semi-modern country has made their financial system a semi-autonomous systemApr 13 09:38
DaemonFCdollars aren't real, pounds aren't real, Euros are not realApr 13 09:38
DaemonFCthey are just promissory notesApr 13 09:39
DaemonFCcounterfeited out of thin airApr 13 09:39
DaemonFCit's funny how economics work considering that money is imaginary and it's just buying and selling of debt which in turn represents slavery at some pointApr 13 09:40
DaemonFCthe bottom rungs of society, the people making minimum wages are the ones who are enslaved, and the top 10% control over 60% of the "money" which represents how much slavery they can demandApr 13 09:41
DaemonFCschestowitz: The idea of intellectual property is just a plug-in for the idea of moneyApr 13 09:42
DaemonFCyou owe me someone elses real labor or goods for something intangible that the law says I have a right to grant youApr 13 09:42
DaemonFCso money and Imaginary Property are both the inevitable result of a fiat currency systemApr 13 09:43
DaemonFCbecause the two are not all that dissimilarApr 13 09:43
DaemonFCnow the WTO and so-called free trade just make the process apply internationally, and then the bank cartels and the patent trolls can all prey on each others pool of slave laborApr 13 09:44
DaemonFCit's really much more efficient that wayApr 13 09:44
DaemonFC;)Apr 13 09:44
DaemonFCschestowitz: And don't even get me started on the "Fractional Reserve System" part of Modern Money MechanicsApr 13 09:45
DaemonFCI assume it works the same in your area of the world, since you jsut reside in a semi-autonomous region of the "international community"Apr 13 09:46
DaemonFC:DApr 13 09:46
schestowitzDaemonFC: catching upApr 13 09:48
schestowitz   >dollars aren't real, pounds aren't real, Euros are not realApr 13 09:48
schestowitzMoney is symbolicApr 13 09:48
DaemonFCschestowitz: For what it's worth, I can see several parts of ACTA that blatantly violate the United States ConstitutionApr 13 09:48
schestowitzIt represents ownership of real asetsApr 13 09:48
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 09:49
DaemonFCmostly the 4th AmendmentApr 13 09:49
schestowitzLike a note from your mom saying you deserve a lump of goldApr 13 09:49
schestowitzThe issue comes about when you cannot redeem this couponApr 13 09:49
DaemonFCoh, how many of those do I need to buy your car?Apr 13 09:49
*DaemonFC calls his momApr 13 09:49
schestowitzOf your 401k pension if declared void overnightApr 13 09:49
DaemonFC:PApr 13 09:49
schestowitz        "For what it's worth, I can see several parts of ACTA that blatantly violate the United States Constitution"Apr 13 09:50
schestowitzDaemonFC: constiution schmostiution.Apr 13 09:50
schestowitzThey already mocked it beforeApr 13 09:51
DaemonFCISP cooperation / The leaked document includes a provision to force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide information about suspected copyright infringers without a warrant, making it easier for the record industry to sue music file sharers and for officials to shut down non-commercial BitTorrent websites such as The Pirate Bay.Apr 13 09:51
schestowitzLaws passed prior to that without resistance from people (or FOX)Apr 13 09:51
DaemonFCFourth Amendment / The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.Apr 13 09:51
schestowitzHow can one fight it?Apr 13 09:52
schestowitzWell, how does one issue a veto in democracies?Apr 13 09:52
DaemonFCin the court systemApr 13 09:52
DaemonFCthe court can strike any law that goes against the constitutionApr 13 09:52
schestowitzUnder current laws Bush can call you a "bad guy" if he doesn't like you and send you to North Carolina to some facility and throw away the keyApr 13 09:53
DaemonFCBush can't do anything ;)Apr 13 09:53
schestowitzThat in itself, I believe, contradicts your constitutionApr 13 09:53
DaemonFCBush can sign booksApr 13 09:53
schestowitzIn the past you needed evidenceApr 13 09:53
DaemonFCand open a libraryApr 13 09:53
schestowitzCan't recall the latin phrase it's called Apr 13 09:53
DaemonFCthat's what former presidents usually do ;)Apr 13 09:53
schestowitzAd Hobrus or something...Apr 13 09:54
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 09:54
DaemonFCschestowitz: And noApr 13 09:54
DaemonFCthe argument was if you were an "enemy combatant" "captured on foreign soil" they argued that they could hold you in a prison that was not on "US territory" and technically not violate the constitutionApr 13 09:55
DaemonFCit was a flimsly argumentApr 13 09:55
DaemonFC*flimsyApr 13 09:55
DaemonFCnow since I am neither an enemy combatant, or on foreign soil, they would have to abduct me from US soil and their flimsy argument falls apartApr 13 09:56
DaemonFCI suppose you could be cynical and say "They could make another excuse"Apr 13 09:56
DaemonFCbut so far that hasn't happenedApr 13 09:56
DaemonFC*and* the Supreme Court order standsApr 13 09:57
DaemonFCwhich nullified Bush's argument that detainees do not have Habeas Corpus rightsApr 13 09:58
DaemonFCand Obama has signed an Executive Order to cease all tribunals while they decide who to try in civilian courtsApr 13 09:58
DaemonFCwith civilian jurorsApr 13 09:58
schestowitzYeah, well... that's the characteristic of a state going out of controlApr 13 09:58
DaemonFCso I'm hopeful that the Bush era is over withApr 13 09:59
DaemonFCand at least mostly buriedApr 13 09:59
schestowitzThey need to prosecute himApr 13 09:59
schestowitzBut he was the ring leader, so the same people who needed to be prosecuted are STILL in chargeApr 13 09:59
schestowitzSome of those in the PentagnApr 13 09:59
DaemonFCWell, right now I think they're trying to unfuck what he and his guys did over the last 8 yearsApr 13 09:59
schestowitzYou never get to elect those.Apr 13 09:59
DaemonFCand they did a lot of nasty shitApr 13 09:59
DaemonFCand set a lot of bad precedentsApr 13 10:00
schestowitzTake Northern Alliance or whatever it's calledApr 13 10:00
schestowitzIn essense, orders are sent without a democracy out of Arlington.Apr 13 10:00
schestowitzNot the White House.Apr 13 10:00
schestowitzFor 'your security'Apr 13 10:00
DaemonFCwell, I'd say that I'd rather see this government trying to untangle Bush's messApr 13 10:00
DaemonFCthan a President McCain trying to dig us deeper :)Apr 13 10:00
schestowitzBut MaCain is a Maverick! :-)Apr 13 10:01
schestowitz*McCainApr 13 10:01
DaemonFCI've only ever voted cause of BushApr 13 10:01
DaemonFChe alone has ruined me on the idea of ever voting for anyone in his party, everApr 13 10:01
DaemonFCMcCain's biggest boost came from the borderline Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazi rallies they heldApr 13 10:02
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 13 10:03
DaemonFCChristianity has always been within arms reach of racist and homophobic and anti-semitic militant groupsApr 13 10:04
DaemonFCso it doesn't surprise me that a lot of their factions were throwing in with McCainApr 13 10:04
DaemonFCschestowitz: They're what Joseph Stalin would have referred to as "useful idiots"Apr 13 10:05
DaemonFCthe kind that get you into powerApr 13 10:05
DaemonFCyou don't necessarily agree with their radical thinking, but you pretend to to get their supportApr 13 10:06
DaemonFCI think we were heading to a fascist state that no longer would even try to pretend to be anything elseApr 13 10:07
DaemonFCand we came that closeApr 13 10:07
schestowitzDaemonFC: where is information received?Apr 13 10:08
schestowitzThat's the keyApr 13 10:08
schestowitzYou shape a person's behaviour (output) through  dis/information (input)Apr 13 10:08
schestowitzMurdoch uses the network to promote a party lineApr 13 10:08
DaemonFCThe same kind of people that threw in with Hitler and the Nazis (at the risk of Godwins Law) are the same types you saw at the McCain ralliesApr 13 10:08

Recent Techrights' Posts

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[Meme] Reliable Sources
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Focusing on the Issues
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[Meme] Free Software and Socially-Engineered Groupthink (to Serve Big Sponsors Like Google and Microsoft)
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[Video] Daniel Pocock's Public Talk About Free Software Politics, Social Engineering, Debian Deaths and Suicides, Coercion and Exploitation of Women
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Pocock shot in the face, shot in the back, shot on Hitler's birthday saving France, Belgium and FOSDEM
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Dr Richard Stallman in Montpellier, Robert Edward Ernest Pocock in France
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Over at Tux Machines...
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IRC logs for Monday, January 20, 2025