We cannot really find an abstract, but there is contextual description. The event put it like this: "Patent attorneys and a few large corporations advocate patent law as an appropriate protection tool for software development. Most economists, software professionals and SMEs disagree. They believe patent law does not serve market needs. This year the European Parliament rejected a 'Directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions'. However, as the European Patent Offices continues to grant them problems remain. Our expert panel with discuss further developments."
Compare that to a biased talk about GPLv3 -- a talk which was uploaded again to YouTube some days ago. It calls a "libertarian approach" Linus' approach towards the issue, which is the exact opposite given the comparison to Dr. Richard Stallman's approach. Judge for yourselves: ⬆
Maybe the media - at least some of it - actually deserves doom. If it covers up for the powerful to muzzle and gaslight the oppressed, then what sort of media is that anyway?