Reference (EFF article): The Times Profiles a Patent Troll
1. You seem angry—in a few days that anger is only going to get worse when you realize you are just fucking wrong (again) 2. Is the anger because you are poor, stupid and irrelevant? 3. I can’t imagine how horrible it must feel to know that you are poor and stupid--but the worst has to be knowing that a few weeks after you depart this earth no one will remember you 4. If you can afford counseling you might want to consider this as a way to deal with this anger – it will not fix the problem, but may make your miserable pathetic existence slightly more palatable for you – of course, there are other options and you should give consideration to more definitive solutions to finally address these issues (Holland is just a short trip if you can afford the flight) 5. Best
Erich Spangenberg
SK14 Advisors