WE are turning 15 this year and are still facing unprecedented pressure, including deplatforming attempts (we'll spare the pertinent details because airing them would not help).
"The key point is, large corporations and states are different because even when their crimes are exposed they're still out there, neither apprehended nor restrained."Case of point? Consider the EPO. We've exposed many crimes at the EPO and Benoît Battistelli as EPO President sent many lawyers (I've lost count) to send me threatening letters. António Campinos continues to ban Techrights as a whole even 6-7 years after Battistelli did that. Is it because the information presented here is false? No! It's because it's embarrassing. Moreover, this information poses a risk to those EPO managers; they might actually be arrested one day, in spite of diplomatic immunity, which begets impunity. Campinos is the 'bin Salman of Europe'.
If you care about what's true, you will ignore baseless smears against us (right now there are attempts to link me to random rants of somebody else in IRC). As we become more effective (and drive concrete change), such smears will certainly intensify. They come from the very same people who spent nearly a decade trying to banish Linus Torvalds and then Richard Stallman. ⬆
"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."
--Malcolm X