[Meme] What Happens When You Get Rid of the Founders (Like Stallman and Torvalds, Whose Decision-Making Powers Are Severely Curtailed)
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2022-03-06 05:06:12 UTC
- Modified: 2022-03-06 05:06:12 UTC

Source: Without Sergey Brin, Google has lost its healthy fear of authoritarianism
Summary: Mr. Brin (co)founded Google around his love of GNU/Linux, which had been a priority of the company before greedy shareholders and career-climbing sociopaths* [1, 2, 3] from prestigious "business schools" took over (by contrast, IBM was pure rubbish right from the very start because the real founder left a fraudster in charge [1, 2, 3])
* "There is also probably an inverse relation between the number of MBAs on the payroll and the viability of a business," an associate notes, "especially a startup."
"There was not much written about the displacement of Google's founders.
RMS and eventually Linus must pass on the reins and assume an advisory role if only to ensure a smooth transition and a continuation of the values they founded their respective projects on. Both waited a bit too long and got sidelined instead. Both can recover (AFAIK) but would have to expend effort. RMS can advise now, I hope the FSF and GNU are on good footing. Linux though is in a harder spot with
so many Microsofters now in high places. A purge is needed there."