Skype is Spy Campaign

There are many reasons to avoid Skype. Among them:
How I Learned that Skype is a Spy Campaign (My Personal Story) -- by Yuval Levental
New NSA Leaks Confirm That Microsoft Skype is a Wiretapping Hub
Reader’s Article: Skype Spying Reaches New Levels of Blatant
Why Do FOSS Sites Promote NSA-Friendly Malware Like Microsoft Skype?
When NSA/PRISM/Microsoft Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time
Skype Chief Executive Quits Microsoft Amid NSA Scandals
Microsoft Pays CBS (ZDNet/CNET) Which Calls Snowden a Traitor, ACLU Should Sue Microsoft Over Skype
Militarisation of Patent Battles: Militant Patents and Microsoft Spying (Skype, Kinect, Audio/Video Surveillance)
Microsoft Control Over Users
Skype Back Doors Confirmed, Allegedly Put in by Microsoft
Microsoft Surveillance of Over 100,000 Skype Accounts?
Microsoft Skype Gives Everyone’s Location, Enabling DDOS Attacks
Microsoft Skype Heavily Used for Surveillance by British Government/Secret Services
Microsoft Helps Oppress Populations for Profit (and Why Skype Should be Abandoned)
Microsoft’s Skype as a Universally-accessible Backdoor, Patent Infringement
Microsoft Skype Messaging Surveillance Not the Main Issue, Audio Recording (Bugging) and Computer Hijacking Are
Microsoft Spin Regarding Skype Spying Does Not Withstand Scrutiny
Skype Teaches Us That All Microsoft Software Should be Assumed Spyware Unless Proven Otherwise
With Xbox, Microsoft Helps Spy on Living Rooms, Not Just Personal Space Through Webcam/Microphone (Skype)
Glenn Greenwald Should Copy Snowden’s Leak for Wikileaks to Publish in Full in Order to Counter Denials of Microsoft et al. (Updated)
Microsoft’s Very Latest Ways of Spying on People Far Worse Than Google’s and Facebook’s
Microsoft Was Lying About Skype, It’s More or Less an NSA Honeypot
Project Chess Teaches Us That the Government is Indeed Listening to Skype Calls
Privacy Crimes of Microsoft Confirmed: Microsoft Colluded With the NSA in Criminal Surveillance (Illegal, Unconstitutional Program)
Techrights Was Right About Skype All Along
New ACLU Campaign Warns Against Use of Microsoft’s Skype (Audio/Video/Text Surveillance)
Microsoft is Breaking the Law by Giving Skype Data to Private Firms, Getting People’s Data (e.g. Web History) Through Facebook
New Reports Confirm That Microsoft Skype is Spying on Users, Sharing Personal Data
Skype in Microsoft’s Hands Gives NSA Access to International Phonecalls
The Skype Interception Campaign
Microsoft is Listening to Everyone
All Your Communications Belong to Microsoft
When Microsoft Tracks Identities and Conversations
Software Freedom
When Mono Gets Treated Similarly to Skype (Proprietary)
Canonical Adds Skype (Proprietary Software) to the Ubuntu Repository (Corrected)
Microsoft Skype Takes Over Machines Without Users’ Knowledge
Nokia Crushed by Microsoft While Windows Mobile Dies. Is Skype Next?
What the Skype Takeover Means for Microsoft Patents (and Other Software Patents News)
Debt-saddled Microsoft Wastes Money on Skype While the Staff is Leaving
Microsoft’s CEO More Likely to Leave After His Disastrous Skype Move
Microsoft Skype is Collapsing While Ballmer is Pressured to Resign and More People Flee
TechBytes Episode 45: Skype, Facebook, and Weekly Musings
A Call to Boycott Skype
European Commission Should Also Fine Microsoft for Using Skype to Further Harm Interoperability
Microsoft Skype Fights Benevolent API Hacking
Microsoft Makes Skype More User-hostile and Buggy
Proprietary Software + Windows = VoIP System Down for Everyone
Skype Cracked, All User Accounts Are Vulnerable