OOXML Incidents Index: From [K]enya to [N]orway
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2008-05-26 07:19:18 UTC
- Modified: 2008-05-26 11:00:50 UTC
The listing continues.
Kenya (Phone: +254 20 60 54 90):
Korea (Phone: +85 0 2 18111, +82 2 509 73 99):
Lebanon (Phone: +961 1 48 59 27):
Libya (Phone: +218 21 462 72 80):
Malaysia (Phone: +60 3 88 85 80 00):
Malta (Phone: +356 21 24 24 20):
Mexico (Phone: +52 55 57 29 94 80):
Netherlands (Phone: +31 15 2 690 390):
New Zealand (Phone: +64 4 498 59 90):
- OOXML Defeated Easily in India; Microsoft in Hot Water in New Zealand Over Smear Campaign
- Microsoft Takes OOXML Lobbying Up a Notch
- Internet Society of New Zealand Comes Out Swinging Against OOXML
- OOXML Publicity Stunts Continue Whilst New OOXML Flaws Get Widely Publicised
- OOXML: Stacking, Exclusion and Snubbing in the US, Australia and New Zealand
- ISO: Everybody, Calm Down. It's All Under Control. (It's Not!)
- More Media Charades for Microsoft's OOXML Ahead of the BRM
- OOXML Poison: Melvin Calimag Received Redmond's Kool-Aid Too
- If Cattle, Use OOXML; If Wise, Use ODF
- OOXML Discussions in the Australian Continent
- OOXML and ECMA: Same Scandal, Different Day
- Signs That Your 'Open Standard' is Actually Proprietary
- ”This [Microsoft] Abuse is Well Documented and Should be of Major Concern”
- Losing Your Job for Opposing a Monopoly Abuser? (Lassi Nirhamo)
- OOXML in Australia Revisited
- OOXML Watch: More Lies, More Deception, and More Spin (It Just Won't Stop!) (Updated)
- Australia Changes Mind on OOXML, Brazil and New Zealand Explain Why OOXML is Bad
- OOXML Watch: Latest Stories of Deception, Corruption, and Disapproval
- ODF/OOXML Watch: Brazil and India Say “No” to OOXML, Microsoft Lobbying Intensified (Updated)
- ODF/OOXML Watch: Bill Gates Lobbies Behind the Scenes Again, Jason Matusow Deceives (Updated)
- ODF/OOXML Watch: Australia, New Zealand, Finland, and the United States
- Finland and New Zealand's Fight Against Vendor Lockin; IBM Set to Release Lotus 8 with ODF Support on Friday
- Once Again We Find One-sided and Promotional Journalism
- Novell Could Take a Lesson from New Zealand
Nigeria (Phone: +234 1 27 08 247):
Norway (Phone: +47 67 83 86 00):
- Approval of OOXML Might Be Delayed Due to Formal Complaints
- Another Official Complaint Against Microsoft/OOXML: Denmark's Turn
- Microsoft Literally Pays ISO (Sponsors ISO Meeting) (Corrected)
- Thank You, Norway, for Pictorial Memories
- ISO Maxes Up Damage Control, OOXML Storm Looming
- Steve Pepper Spills the Beans on MSOOXML in Norway
- HarmonISOsation After OOXML Protests in Norway?
- Norway's Protest Against Microsoft Abuse Goes More Public (Updated)
- OOXML Dirty Tricks Miscellanea: Norway, Misdirection, GPL Exclusion as Standard
- European Nations Give the Thumbs Down to Microsoft OOXML, Misconduct Noted
- OOXML Protests Scheduled in Norway, Microsoft's Reputation Claimed Tarnished
- Update on OOXML and Norway: How a Technical Panel of 7 Grew to 30!
- Return of the 'Peter O'Kelly Mouthpiece' and Why Microsoft Lost the Standards War
- Selected Reactions and EU Investigation of the OOXML Fiasco
- ISO Feels OK With Corruption, Officially Approves OOXML (Updated)
- Microsoft's Latest OOXML Corruptions in Germany, Croatia, Norway
- Quick Mention: Norway Favours OpenDocument Format in Government (Updated)
- Using Money to Escape Interoperability Scrutiny/Litigation (Updated)
- OOXML in Norway, Denmark, and Poland... Looking More Closely at the Stories (Updated)
- This Just in: Sweden's Vote on OOXML Nullified Due to That So-called ”Bribery” Incident (Updatedx3)
- OOXML Watch: More Deception and More Manipulation, Norway 'Corrupted'
- Shouldn't Novell Just Drop Its Oh Oh XML Support Plans?

Please ask your standards body to join
South Africa's complaint while it's
still possible. Norway (above) seems likely to do so.
2008-05-26 08:48:20