Other findings include big gains for Apple and RIM, and a 49 percent increase in sales of Linux smartphones.
Though some would argue that Linux’s time has come and gone, it looks like netbook manufacturers aren’t giving up on the OS entirely. According to Liliputing, an HP Mini 1000 Linux edition is coming in January. It’s only $20 less than the XP version, which makes me wonder what the real advantage is of choosing it over Windows?
In this article, we examine three kinds of "Linux as tool" distributions that can help you in a pinch: small-footprint Linuxes, whose boot and runtime images fit in cramped spaces; Linuxes for old hardware, which are designed to execute on systems you might otherwise push to the back of a closet; and system-rescue Linuxes for recovering lost data from crashed systems.
As you may have seen from my recent posts I’m trying out OS X. There is no doubt that for the casual computer users viewpoint OS X kicks Linux’s ass. But I’m a open source computer programmer, and for us things are definitely not as clear cut. Five years ago, they probably would have been, but then Ubuntu arrived. Ubuntu is an operating system I can put my wife on and she will not be any more lost then she is on Windows. That is a big step for Linux and open source: Having an operating system that can compare favorably to the commercial ones.
X3: Reunion is a game developed by Egosoft, and is the sequel to X2: The Threat, which is being ported to Linux by Linux Game Publishing. LGP has been working on porting this Microsoft Windows title to Linux since January of 2007.
The OU provides students with technical support, but only if they use Microsoft software. It advises students that if they don't use a Windows PC they "may have problems accessing the software and data files supplied with course materials". It has produced a 31-page guide to using Microsoft software and extensive demonstrations. It has produced upgrade advice for Microsoft's Vista operating system and even gone as far as promoting a Microsoft discount offer to its students.
Why so many choices? For the same reasons as there are numerous versions of the Linux operating system. Feature sets, corporate policies, budgetary restrictions, and scalability are among the deciding factors in choosing a suitable container.