Articles About Free Speech at Facebook
THE 'Facebook vs Linux' story is now receiving a lot more media coverage. We thought we'd add it all here. This is our coverage: Facebook Banning Linux Sites (or People Who Link to Linux Sites) is Another Symptom of the Web's Demise | GAFAM Hates - Except in a Worryingly Parasitic Way - GNU/Linux and Its Freedoms (or Its Users)
There's lots more, including:
LWN ☛ Linux-related discussion as a cybersecurity threat
The DistroWatch January 27 edition includes this interesting tidbit:
Starting on January 19, 2025 Facebook's internal policy makers
decided that GNU/Linux is malware and labeled groups associated with
Linux as being "cybersecurity threats". Any posts mentioning
DistroWatch and multiple groups associated with GNU/Linux and Linux
discussions have either been shut down or had many of their posts
We've been hearing all week from readers who say they can no longer
post about GNU/Linux on Facebook (Farcebook) or share links to DistroWatch. Some
people have reported their accounts have been locked or limited for
posting about Linux.
One can only hope that this is a mistake that will be resolved soon.
Tom's Hardware ☛ Facebook flags GNU/Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked
Facebook is banning posts which mention various GNU/Linux related topics, sites, or groups.
Facebook censors Linux topics
Social notworking site Facebook is censoring posts mentioning Linux-related topics, according to Linux news and discussion site DistroWatch.
A DistroWatch post claims that Facebook's internal policymakers decided that Linux is malware and labelled groups associated with Linux as 'cybersecurity threats.'
“We tried to post some blurb about on Facebook and can confirm that it was barred with a message citing Community Standards.”
DistroWatch says that the Facebook ban took effect on 19 January. Readers have reported difficulty posting links to the site on this social notworking platform. Some have told DistroWatch that their Facebook accounts have been locked or limited after sharing posts mentioning Linux topics.
Facebook was blocking Distrowatch
Facebook has lifted a temporary ban preventing users from posting links to popular OS comparison site Distrowatch – after going so far as to lock the account of the site's editor.
In the latest installment of its weekly newsletter, the smaller site's editor, Jesse Smith, claimed his efforts to report the issue got him blocked:
In the meantime, regular Distrowatch readers were recommended to follow its RSS feeds. (We note that the Thunderbird email client supports RSS, in addition to Usenet newsgroups and Matrix chat, if you're looking for more open alternatives to the increasingly closed social networks.) Distrowatch also has an active account on Mastodon for denizens of the Fediverse.
Facebook is blocking Linux topics and channels with no apparent reason
Some posts mentioning Linux-related topics, sites, or groups are being blocked on Facebook for unknown reasons, reports have claimed.
The latest DistroWatch weekly news roundup noted, “We've been hearing all week from readers who say they can no longer post about Linux on Facebook or share links to DistroWatch.”
It detailed how posts and pages mentioning DistroWatch or talking about Linux have had their posts removed, or been shut down entirely.
Facebook bans Linux posts, community rebels, saying they've been treated like malware - GIGAZINE
We've seen Facebook ban posts about various Linux-related topics, sites, and groups, and we've seen reports of people getting their accounts locked for posting Linux content. Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.
Facebook flags Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked | Tom's Hardware
According to DistroWatch, a website that covers Linux-related content, many Linux-related posts have been deleted on Facebook since January 19, 2025.
DistroWatch reported that 'Facebook's internal policy writers have labeled Linux as malware and Linux-related groups as 'cybersecurity threats.''
No, Facebook (Farcebook) is Not Censoring "Linux", Only "DistroWatch".
Facebook is flagging and censoring links to as "malware".
Asinine Facebook=Meta 'BANS' mentions of DistroWatch! (as Cyber threat)
This isn't exactly new. Back in the early days of this century, some official US body published a guide for parents to enable them to find out if their child was being radicalised. A big danger flag was the discovery of something called Linux on the child's computer.
Facebook removing Linux discussions as security threats
Mark Zuckerberg recently struck a new pose in hopes of pleasing President Trump, saying Meta would no longer check facts or censor free speech, and blaming other executives for previous policies at the company he runs. Since then, however, the company has struggled to explain why it was hiding search results for left-wing political topics—and now users are complaining it categorizes some posts about Linux as malware.
If there's no obvious bias to these content removals, that things are disappearing from Facebook in odd and changing ways contradicts the rhetoric about less censorship. If anything, it suggests that the platform is experimenting with new controls on what users can discuss and share.
Facebook calls Linux «a cybersecurity threat» and bans people who mention the OS
It seems that Facebook is now banning some posts or threads that mention the word «Linux».
As reported by Tom’s HardwareSome posts mentioning the Linux family of operating systems or related communities (sites) are immediately deleted, while users or pages that published them are restricted or banned.
As far as we can see, Facebook has not yet responded to this. No official statement, retraction, apology etc. █