Microsoft and Apple Pay Net Applications (Hitslink)
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2009-02-04 15:50:22 UTC
- Modified: 2009-02-04 16:39:54 UTC
"Linux under 1%," says company with Apple/Microsoft money on its table
YESTERDAY we wrote about the Big Lie which is Net Applications 'statistics'. Even the company admits that its statistics are flawed. Well, guess what? Their Marketing and Strategic Relations writes:
Our Partners/Clients include Microsoft, Apple, Amazon/Alexa, Opera and ExactTarget.."
Mind the order in this list. Additionally, Net Applications is among the minority of Web sites that choose a pure Microsoft stack for hosting.
Well, where
else have we
seen this recently? Oh yeah, that's right. Google-hostile 'statistics', coming from a company founded by a former Microsoft manager.

Trust is lost when there is money on the table
Chips B Malroy
2009-02-04 18:15:52
Jordi Ferrando
2009-02-04 22:28:42
2009-02-04 22:32:51
Roy Schestowitz
2009-02-04 22:43:42
2009-02-04 23:30:50
2009-02-04 23:31:59
2009-02-04 23:33:39
2009-02-04 23:34:20
If Lifehacker is right, we don't need any more evidence that Net Applications' stats are worthless. Creating a hacked Mac is much more challenging than installing a Linux distro.
Roy Schestowitz
2009-02-04 23:42:51
Larry Ellison is also a big Gartner investor, but eventually you must look at the numbers that come from each company and what it's spent on (e.g. any commissioned study to slam Linux?).
No disclosure, no confidence.
Roy Schestowitz
2009-02-04 23:49:49
Yes, I saw that. Watch Safari 'market share' and try keeping a straight face.
Also remember that the US, China, Korea and several other countries have exceptionally low GNU/Linux penetration. As for Apple, it's big in the US, Japan and parts of Europe. That's about all.
Have a look at the methods and you'll find that not even traffic is measured in the already biased population. They measure something different and cryptic. The sample set is secret too, so it might as well be Apple and Microsoft sites combined (aggregated) with much smaller sites that have negligible impact.
2009-02-05 00:48:49
IF Linux desktop market share had dropped 3.2% in the last five years, instead of increasing, it would have made no sense for DELL and other OEMs to offer Linux as an OS choice.
It is my opinion that the Linux desktop market share IS already at 8% or higher, and rankings to the contrary are merely FUD by those with the most to lose: Microsoft and Apple, but mainly Microsoft. In fact, in some countries of the world Linux desktop market share is over 12% and growing.
Roy Schestowitz
2009-02-05 00:58:17
2009-02-05 12:10:17
BTW: the very same figures you use to indicate MS's decline, in that case you like the results so you use the figures, if you dont like the results you dont like it and you accuse of bribery.
Cant have it both ways. Then again ive never seen BN let facts get in the way of a good story.
Why if Netapps was being paid by MS would they put MS OS's down by 2% ??
Lets face it, no one cares about OS's anymore, linux while it could be good has been polluted by elitists, zealots and fanboys. There is a thing in the real world called "Good Will". Without it you have nothing.
You think by being spoilt, bitter, negative, whiney you will be given a free "leg up".
NO, the only way you make it in this world is by performing, and being responsible, to listen to potential clients, and making it on your own.
Not sounding like a zealot, fanatic that wants to destroy the western world like a bunch of crazed terrorists.
Its sad you have stooped so low, sad but not unexpected.
2009-02-05 13:36:06
>> the very same figures you use to indicate MS’s decline, in that case you like the results so you use the figures, if you dont like the results you dont like it and you accuse of bribery. ..Cant have it both ways.
See this comment . All of these companies can hide behind secret formulas for how they determine their stats. Unfortunately, there is a significant discrepancy with the stats many others have pulled out.
So while you could possibly be correct technically if we only look at the writing at the top and ignore all links and all other data, I think there is enough evidence floating around (and linked) which points to companies, like Net Application, keeping secrets yet producing results that coincide positively with those patronizing them.
Maybe Net Applications meant well (reader can come to their own conclusion). Maybe they simply have an odd methodology that produces results Microsoft, Apple, and others like?
>> Why if Netapps was being paid by MS would they put MS OS’s down by 2% ??
Because MS OS is actually down by 4%? [That's just a suggestion.. I don't really know.]
>> Lets face it, no one cares about OS’s anymore
Though you say you don't care, you certainly seem to care.
And I can tell you that I care tremendously. The OS is the most important software running on any system. It's what is most responsible for Microsoft being able to "compete" and maintain their various monopolies and monopoly profits.
Yes, it matters, but I fully expect those sympathizing with Monopolysoft to downplay what is the main reason for the "Monopoly" in Monopolysoft.
>> There is a thing in the real world called “Good Will”. Without it you have nothing.
It's pretty safe to say you were implying boycottnovell does not have it and Microsoft does. I guess this is just one more point where we disagree.
... I think you did not take a good look at this page before, so I will link to it again:
chips b malroy
2009-02-05 18:33:13
Net Applications Management Team
Of the 5 top management staff listed, one has clearly worked for Microsoft: Matt Hopkins Executive Vice President of Sales and Business Development
It is also possible that others have, as companies are sometimes owned by MS.
Roy Schestowitz
2009-02-05 18:45:52