2017: The Year of EPO Getting Leaky(ier)

This utterly absurd sentence was actually used by EPO recruitment in LinkedIn
Summary: When the brain drain deepens and the HR department is unable to replace talented people with other talented people an institution is basically doomed and the EPO under Bergot as HR head is going nowhere fast
TECHRIGHTS INTENDS to step up its work unearthing and exposing EPO scandals, even if that means leaving aside some software activism, antagonism of software patents at the USPTO (a problem which was increasingly being resolved in 2015-2016), and various other subjects that Techrights has been focused on for more than a decade.
The EPO is a rogue institution. People both inside and outside the EPO know that the direction the management has taken spells doom both for insiders and outsiders (like EP holders). As one person
has just put it (anonymously) "PDHR has the highest staff turnover ever... only her body guards seem to survive! ...this comes of course with a price tag of approx. 1 Million EUR a year on expenses, rumour also says that these individuals are not even registered in a company. Surprisingly the IU also appears to be too busy with harassing the SR's instead of catching the big fishy HR stuff.."
IU is the investigative unit, which we exposed here before [
7]. SRs are staff representatives -- those who bear most of the brunt due to the IU's aggression (an effort to disenfranchise EPO staff and control it by terror). PDHR is one who appears to have gotten her job thanks to family connections [
4] and
her department is crumbling. This isn't new to us. Last week
we reported that she was probably having conflicts/infighting also (allegedly involving the IU). Her newly-found bodyguards addiction was covered her several times before and we constantly hear truly embarrassing stories about her -- though we cannot tell such stories for fear that it would compromise sources. Bergot, being a member of Team Battistelli (confidants and family members),
has become a liar too.
Well, in 2017 we intend to take it up a notch and climb deeper down the EPO's throat. If Team Battistelli is wise enough, it will follow
Willy Minnoye's footsteps and take as early [sic] (actually, much belated at age 70 or so) retirement. Vice-President Minnoye was quite vocal about his fear of
Techrights and EPO leaks. Well, it's about to get worse for them and no doubt they will
attempt to silence us. That's how Battistelli and his goons
deal with media. That's revolting. It's
absolutely disgusting and unheard of (for sure unprecedented at the EPO).