THE EPO's elusive battle for the UPC (broadening litigation scope and patent scope, e.g. software patents in the whole of Europe in one fell swoop, bypassing national laws and courts) is rather long-forgotten a battle. The EPO rarely mentions the UPC anymore (it did some months ago and then in passing about a week ago). António Campinos hasn't uttered the word or acronym since the start of July. That in its own right is rather revealing. The UPC is likely dead, primarily owing to (or "due to" as Team UPC views it) a constitutional complaint in Germany.
"The UPC is likely dead, primarily owing to (or "due to" as Team UPC views it) a constitutional complaint in Germany.""Seeing how Team UPC corrupted the political system," I responded to him, "this isn't unthinkable. UPC is extension of EPO corruption..."
Benjamin Henrion (FFII) meanwhile cited and quoted [1, 2] the paper of Dr. Stjerna, in which he named Tilmann from Team UPC. To quote: "Would C. H. Beck put the commentary into print and make the associated considerable investment if it had to fear not being able to later on sell the book as a result of a decision by the BVerfG against ratification of the UPCA? [...] Prof. Tilmann is co-editor of a 1500-page commentary on the UPCA which has been announced since 2016 and is to be published by C. H. Beck..."
"The German court is watched closely," I told Henrion. "Will it be corrupted like the German political system? Will Team UPC resort to corrupting judges too?"
Remember that part of the constitutional complaint is inadequate appointment of judges. Don't lose sight of what Battistelli did to judges because rumours persist that Battistelli is just "on hold" in CEIPI, waiting or hoping to become UPC chief.
"Remember that part of the constitutional complaint is inadequate appointment of judges. Don't lose sight of what Battistelli did to judges because rumours persist that Battistelli is just "on hold" in CEIPI, waiting or hoping to become UPC chief."Whitney Moore and Team UPC are meanwhile spreading UPC lies again. As for Bristows? Nothing. Not a word about UPC for over a month. IP Kat has nothing to say about EPO corruption and the UPC. Bristows staff is just posting lots of self-promotional crap in a few different blogs (notably IP Kat and Kluwer Patent Blog) to promote patent trolls' interests in the UK (where they get serviced by Bristows). It's disgusting. The only thing IP Kat has had to 'say' about the EPO so far this month was copy-paste of a face-saving press release for António Campinos, in which they helped him hide or distract from overt abuses. That happened yesterday as well. In "Wednesday Whimsies" (a side attraction) the Kat, which is neutered nowadays, said nothing about EPO problems. Instead it amplified EPO press releases again. It said this: "The Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation has appointed Stephen Rowan (UK), Christoph Ernst (Germany) and Nellie Simon (Austria) as the next vice-presidents of the European Patent Office (EPO). The three new vice-presidents will take up their positions on 1 January 2019 for a period of five years. The IPKat wishes the three new vice-presidents all the best with their new role. You will find the press release here.'
Wow, some 'kickass' journalism right there from IP Kat. Pose for the camera again, Mr. Jones. ⬆