Last year we moved from Thunderbird to QuiteRSS, as it has a broad range/wealth of features (we compared it to many other RSS/XML tools; we also developed our own)
is not on social control media. It never was. Partly owing to principles. I myself was recently at risk of censorship at Twitter. Someone tried to de-platform me using something I had written years ago, taken out of context and misrepresented (of course, the usual). The centralisation associated with social control media is very dangerous because it places great power in very few hands. Unlike E-mail or newsgroups (USENET) or even some assorted bulletin boards, what we have is communication conglomerates. They get to decide who can and cannot speak (or who to). This in itself is a form of injustice. It's also dangerous because it encourages uniformal thinking, which permits no real deviation from some norm (and that norm too gets changed over time, can be applied retroactively). Last week Daniel Miessler wrote about the upsides of Really Simple Syndication, or RSS for short (same as my initials!), listing the virtues of it. It's a decent little list and an associate sent it for sharing in our latest Daily Links. To quote a little portion:The point is that curation of an RSS reader forces one to think about their inputs, and to exercise their values in doing so. Are you building a list of inputs that agree with you? Are you including people who you respect but disagree with? What about people you can’t stand at all?
"A lot of the reading I do is in plain text; no ads, no "recommended" links, no nonsense basically..."Techrights has one main RSS feed, a secondary one for wiki changes (if someone wants to keep abreast of those), and few others that aren't important enough to list. The feeds are dynamically generated and cached.
To avoid us having to self-censor for fear of retaliation from private companies (sometimes foreign-owned) please follow us using RSS feeds, i.e. directly. We're still the subject of some DDOS attacks (the latest was only hours ago) and we predict further efforts to suppress access or limit our reach/audience.
My personal views, expressed in personal accounts and my personal site (, aren't the stance of Techrights. They're also full of typos as I very rarely proofread/spellcheck anything outside this site. I preserve and reserve the time for fact-checking and I focus on ensuring the accuracy of everything published in Techrights (final works). Social control media was never -- and will never be -- a substitute/surrogate of proper investigations. To certain type of 'presidents' it's difficult to write more than a single sentence (let alone ensure it contains truthful statements). And to certain constituents it's also difficult to read and digest more than one barely-coherent sentence full of insults or at least dog-whistles.
As a side note, for those who think that "subscribe for updates" (over E-mail) is a substitute to RSS, well... it's not. It doesn't scale well. Imagine having to send out (without risk of centralised blacklisting) 10,000 E-mails each time you publish a single post. If there's some company or service offering to do this, it will only be a matter of time before the service goes out of existence (along with subscribers' lists), starts charging heavily, or sticks unwanted ads into the E-mail. That's hardly a way to control distribution of messages in a decentralised fashion. Our RSS feeds have had exactly the same addresses since 2006 and some of our subscribers really do go this far back (having just checked, the RSS feeds get about a quarter million requests per week or a million a month). We also maintain similar layout and format. We can proudly claim to be a site that's compatible with old browsers, computers and setups. So-called 'phones'? Not interested. They're generally a bad form factor for reading anything but social control media "quips" and "tweets" and "selfies" or whatnot... ⬆
2020-06-02 23:15:45
Or even a link to whatever feeds you get the links from?
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2020-06-03 05:57:04
2020-06-03 06:31:56
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2020-06-04 02:50:11
For GNU/Linux only:
For everything:
Those are similar to what ends up in Daily Links, albeit in 'real time'...