THE GNU Project started in 1983 and in 1991 it was made more viable in everyday life owing to a kernel called Linux, which over time got more closely integrated or at least conjoined in what would be called "GNU/Linux distros" (or distributions). I knew and worked with with the person who made the first distribution (MCC). GNU is still around, it's more widely used than ever before (even if corporate media refuses to say its name), and its steward, the FSF, brought back (at a public capacity) the founder of GNU, who was also all along the chief of the GNU Project. Meanwhile, the company which bragged about just monetising the whole thing (and brain-draining some projects in the process) is turning its so-called 'community' into some sort of police state.
"GNU is still around, it's more widely used than ever before (even if corporate media refuses to say its name), and its steward, the FSF, brought back (at a public capacity) the founder of GNU, who was also all along the chief of the GNU Project."Here's the news discussed in this video and previous posts of ours [1, 2, 3] (shown in the above video).
The bottom line is, those of us who want to support a real community will back GNU and the FSF, which has now earned over 6,260 signatures in support of its decision to bring back to the Board its very own founder! Latest graph below. ⬆
Plotted minutes ago, based on the latest git repositories' data