Two years ago, by Thomas Grzybowski:
Free Software Freedom is Not Linux

Jim Zemlin became not a symbol of Linux but of rejection of Linux and promotion of the 'Linux' Foundation, a front group representing and fronting for companies that attack Linux
Summary: Software Freedom (as in Free/Libre/Open Source software) and GNU/Linux matter; but the latter are brands and we have other essential freedoms which need guarding
THE concept of Software Freedom is very precious to us. Internet Freedom too, but that's connected to Software Freedom. The Internet is built on Free software and embraces many of the same values/psyche.
We recently worked on a number of documents and charts in an effort to better understand and map high-profile threats. Software Freedom is a big component of that.
With changes afoot in the site, which increasingly becomes a Gemini capsule with copies in IPFS, it is likely we'll spend more time (and effort) explaining
concepts. This means decreased focus on brands (like company names), but they will still be mentioned as examples. Over time companies come and go (or rise and fall), whereas the underlying issues persist for decades if not centuries. We'll try to accompany our writings with more Daily Links (which contain new supporting evidence).
A couple of days ago we showed
the OSI's demise (loss of funding). Sooner or later the 'Linux' Foundation too will run out of things to sell (or sell
out). Its reputation is already in the gutter, practices have
gone rogue, key staff is leaving, and
secrecy has increased. The
communication style is akin to crisis management (
same in Mozilla).

"The dog ate my homework"