Crossed Fingers for Software Freedom and Wider Adoption of GNU/Linux (or the Various BSDs)
THE founder of UNIX, or pedantically speaking the co-founder of it, is moving to GNU/Linux. Many companies moved to GNU/Linux a long time ago (decades!) and Microsoft merely pretends to accept the exodus away from Windows (in reality, it's trying to retain Windows users by keeping them entrapped, wrongly believing Windows is "Linux").
I've been advocating GNU/Linux for more than two decades and developed for it since I was a teenager. I remember the awful days of MSIE dominance (the Web was hostile towards GNU/Linux users) and I remember how much of a pain it was to play AAA games, adopt complex multimedia workflows (no Blender as Free software back then), or do video chats online. I still remember all that like it was yesterday because I wrote about it and what I wrote back then is still online.
As noted in Tux Machines some moments ago, what we need at the moment is more people spreading the word about GNU/Linux. The so-called 'media' is failing us, partly by design. It wrote many thousands of puff pieces about a chatbot/chaffbot that nobody gives a f* about anymore (because Microsoft sponsored these puff pieces; they helped distract from tens of thousands of Microsoft layoffs), but at the same time almost nobody is writing about the growth of GNU/Linux. █