Despite Budget Cuts Microsoft is Still Infiltrating Linux Events (Herding People Back to Windows, .NET, and User-Hostile Proprietary Spyware)
Microsoft is a major sponsor of SCaLE21x, the only sponsor at the highest level (in spite of yet more Microsoft layoffs, as reported today in British media):
THE erosion of Windows market share makes Microsoft eager to hijack and disrupt the competition from the inside.
Hijacking and controlling the competition is a high priority at Microsoft right now.
Hence, Microsoft issues false advice on "installing" Linux ("Microsoft Does Not Teach People How to Install GNU/Linux But Teaches Them How to Avoid It") and "Microsoft Infiltrates Ubuntu", as my wife put it this morning (so far we've seen three articles about this and it was discussed in IRC earlier today).
To be clear, they go there to attack Linux and put people off. Remember the "killed at least two Mac conferences" quote, which we add below because it is relevant. Over a decade ago we did a review of that Plaintiff's Exhibit, illustrating the evilness of Microsoft "joining" the competitors' conferences, as explained in Microsoft's own words. The annoyance isn't a side effect; it is the intention.
In fact, someone has told us that "a review or revisitation of the topic is probably appropriate due to recent increase of use [of GNU/Linux]."
"Plus recent injection of Code Of Censorships into the mileues ensures that no one can question what Microsoft is trying to get away with let alone be able to criticize it."
As I noted a few hours ago in the sister site, "Canonical is promoting and helping Microsoft's proprietary prison: "found publicly on the Canonical Github org." [sic]" Canonical keeps promoting Microsoft's GitHub, WSL (Windows), and even .NET, regardless of the data breaches at GitHub. Why GitHub anyway? Follow the money and ask SCaLE how much Microsoft paid. Sometimes there are Microsoft keynote speeches attached to that money (conditional upselling, a fast lane for corporations by conference organisers). █
"I’ve killed at least two Mac conferences. [...] by injecting Microsoft content into the conference, the conference got shut down. The guy who ran it said, why am I doing this?"
--Microsoft's chief evangelist
Plaintiff's Exhibit 2456 from Comes v Microsoft