'Confidential Computing'? More Like a Giant Back Door.
Far from the first time:
MICROSOFT and x86 oligopolies love this misleading misnomer: 'Confidential Computing'!
What does this even mean? It means "OUTSOURCE TO US AND TRUST US!!!"
There have been many warnings about it, but the so-called "media" outlets (big publishers or the puff piece industry) belittle or ignore those. That's just the latest one. Source is legitimate. Does this sound familiar? We keep hearing such stories about 'Confidential Computing' and some media gets paid to shill 'Confidential Computing' like it's the best thing since sliced bread. Companies led by GAFAM pay the Linux Foundation's Jim Zemlin, who is totally not technical, to market this thing. Confidential! Wow! Cloud! Wow! Amazing! Modern! The future! Is it also "smart" and "Hey Hi" with "blockchain" in the "metaverse"?
Just like UEFI, what's described as extra "secure" may in fact be the exact opposite (wolf in sheep's clothing). It's opaque, proprietary, secret (blackbox module you can neither audit nor modify). It's promoted by the NSA's main tentacles and by companies like Canonical on behalf of Microsoft [1, 2]. They even hijack the acronym (in technology), CC.
It's promoted by Microsoft moles who call everyone who doubts the security of such a thing "racist", "sexist" etc. Yes, that actually happened...
Oh, by the way, those moles have no background in security or even a computing-related degree. They're there to provoke. They're like face-saving mules and trolls. Do not listen to them about security.
This past summer in Italy Dr. Stallman openly complained that the term "security" had lost its meaning. █