Gemini Links 10/04/2024: Notifications, Motivation, Profectus Graphical Browser for the Smallnet
Gemini* and Gopher
Feria, Mass of Preceding Sunday - Low Sunday (W)
As newborn babes, alleluia, desire the rational milk without guile, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Psalm: Rejoice to God our Helper, sing aloud to the God of Jacob.
Glory be to the Father. As newborn babes, alleluia, desire the rational milk without guile, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
being useless
People are more often than not useless.
Why do people feel the need to stop being useless to begin with?
Is it because of what society thinks, or is it because of what you think?
Do you seriously need validation just to end up being useless in other ways?
Be useless, not because it is bad to be useful, but because we are all useless, no matter how useful we try to be.
Root Causes
Some recent article had an American dentist complaining that their little Johnny had cavities, maybe from too much sugar, but that's not important because someone else had been under-fluoridating the town's water supply. So the only solution here is to fluoridate that water, because lord knows they will not brush and floss and are unlikely to change what they are being fed. Reduce the sugar in their diet? That's somewhat problematic on account of all the money that can be made selling sugary foods to sugar addicts. So more likely there will be kluges that hopefully keep the cavity and type 2 diabetes rates down to acceptable levels.
I think we have 2 opposite extremes:
- Being obsessed checking something due to FOMO, every time your mind asks for it
- Being interrupted in any random moment, so you 'have' to stop what you are doing to check the notification
IMO the healthy part would be not being interrupted (so often) and not being obsessed (that much). If we were unable to do that, and had to pick one, I'd choose trying to manage my FOMO, and not being interrupted by external forces, but my own mind.
Motivation 4/...
Yesterday was good
Today was violent
I don't feel like talking about it yet
I noticed my thoughts slipped in the morning. But the problem that came was absolutely unrelated.
Intellectual self-defence and intentionality with media
When I was around 17 years old I came across the term 'intellectual self-defence' in some of the earliest readings that politicised me and helped encourage me to cultivate a critical disposition towards the social structures and information structures around me (n.b. for context, when I was 17 this was a few years before any of the big social media networks were a thing - let's say around a decade or so into the existence of HTTP).
Technology and Free Software
Java games
... Java games may represent 0.01% of total games, I think they hold about 70% of my playtime.
It's not that the language is actually good for games.
I'm guessing the language making things harder is what makes these games unique. They all came out unfinished, in a state where any game that is not amazing gameplay-wise will fail.
Hidden key unlocks gate
Introducing Profectus: A New Graphical Browser for the Smallnet
Near the end of March, I started a new series of posts talking about the design choices of Gemini (and Gopher), which you can find here: Scroll Protocol Devlog
However, I stopped just before the start of April because I was working on an entirely new project - a new graphical browser for gemini, nex, spartan, and scroll. This is a project I've been wanting to take up for the past two years. About two years ago I wrote a custom GUI library in the Odin programming language. However, I was unable to use it for browsers and networking because Odin lacked a TLS/SSL library.
citation and/in context of gemini
tamsin recently wrote about her "ethically questionable citation practices" [1] that she intends to apply on her gemini capsule. i think she is rightly conscious of citation practices being central to knowledge construction and conventions of expression, and how gemtext (and gemini itself) allow us to think differently. she notes that her style — in actuality, methods — will evolve, so my terse comments are really limited to the version as it existed on 2024-04-09.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.