Bonum Certa Men Certa

Over at Tux Machines...

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Oct 25, 2024

Tropical palm trees with a blue sky above

Updated This Past Day

  1. today's leftover
    GNU/Linux focus
  2. Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers
    Linux creator Linus Torvalds on Wednesday affirmed the removal last week of about a dozen kernel maintainers associated with Russia


  3. Canonical, Mozilla, and Coding
    today's leftovers
  4. Games: Best ASCII Games, Electronic Arts Gives GNU/Linux Users the Middle Finger
    gaming picks
  5. GNOME Desktop/GTK: Alice Mikhaylenko on SteamOS, GNOME Foundation on Event
    some GNU or GNOME stuff
  6. DTrace 2.0 for Gentoo and Hacking the Linux Kernel in Ada
    Programming in Linux
  7. Fedora and Red Hat Leftovers
    IBM camp in the news and blogs
  8. Istio, FOSS Weekly, qmpbackup, Log2ram, and More
    Software leftovers
  9. Security Leftovers
    Security with FGSS focus
  10. Proprietary Traps and Openwashing
    by rOpenSci and Google
  11. Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi, Open Source Lathe, RISC-V, and More
    Some Open Hardware picks
  12. Huawei Introduces HarmonyOS Next, Built Entirely Independent of Android and Linux
    Technically speaking, it’s based on a self-developed microkernel using the company’s OpenHarmony open-source core
  13. today's howtos
    second batch of howtos for today
  14. IBM's mainframe bubble bursts and growth stalls
    IBM falls
  15. Android Leftovers
    BOOX upgrades its e-reader lineup with Android-powered options of all sizes
  16. Programming Leftovers
    Programming related picks
  17. Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
    FOSS leftovers
  18. Open Hardware: RISC-V, Raspberry Pi, and FLOSS Weekly at Hackaday
    Some hardware centric news
  19. Twenty Years with Ubuntu, Canonical in Brazil, Canonical Chasing CentOS Users
    Canonical/Ubuntu news
  20. Vivaldi Browser 7.0 Introduces Redesigned UI and Tools
    Vivaldi 7.0 is here with floating tabs, sleek icons, and a powerful Dashboard that brings Mail, Calendar, and Feeds together in one space
  21. Free and Open Source Software
    This is free and open source software
  22. today's howtos
    today's first batch of them
  23. MiniOS – lightweight and fast Linux distribution
    MiniOS is a lightweight and fast Linux distribution designed for installation on a USB drive
  24. MIRACLE LINUX – Japanese distro based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    MIRACLE LINUX is a RHEL-compatible license-free Linux distribution
  25. Windows TCO: SharePoint, Microsoft Word, and More
    Devastation by Microsoft
  26. Games: Proton Experimental, The Rogue Prince of Persia, EA Anti-Cheat (Rootkit) and More
    8 articles from GamingOnLinux
  27. New LWN Articles on Kernel
    with Rust focus, now outside paywall
  28. Today in Techrights
    Some of the latest articles

    The corresponding text-only bulletin for Thursday contains all the text.

    Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):

    Span from 2024-10-18 to 2024-10-24
    830 /n/2024/10/20/GNUHealth_GNU_Boot_and_GNU_World_Order.shtml
    699 /n/2024/10/20/Linux_6_12_rc4.shtml
    697 /n/2024/10/15/Solus_4_6_Convergence_Released_Here_s_What_s_New.shtml
    689 /n/2024/10/19/Wine_9_20_Rolls_Out_with_Improved_DirectPlay_Support.shtml
    669 /n/2024/10/22/Clementine_Music_Player_Released_1_4_1_Stable_after_8_Years_of_.shtml
    595 /n/2024/10/22/HiFive_Premier_P550_mini_DTX_motherboard_features_ESWIN_EIC7700.shtml
    571 /n/2024/10/18/_Latest_in_Wordpress_Drama.shtml
    561 /n/2024/10/18/Ardour_8_10_Open_Source_DAW_Released_with_Fixes_for_New_Major_I.shtml

Other Recent Techrights' Posts

Public First Ltd as a Snake Inside the British Government, Shoehorning Microsoft Surveillance and Rogue Deals
this is the outcome of corrupt systems wherein decisions are made by "moles", lobbyists and infiltrators instead of honest, well-meaning people
Let's Ensure Links Don't Rot
"I hate link rot. It’s been common when servers disappeared or domains expired, in the past and still today." -Drew DeVault
[Meme] The Drew Report
Throwing stones in a house made of glass
Links 27/10/2024: Scam in YouTube, Tensions for Taiwan
Links for the day
Gemini Links 27/10/2024: Loneliness and Announcing gemxw
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Links 26/10/2024: "Open Source on Its Own is no Alternative to Big Tech" and Iran Death Toll
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“If you point one finger, there are 3 more pointing back at you”
"There is one thing I forgot to tell you and it's about me"
Mozilla Firefox is Spyware, Even in ESR Form (Debian 12)
Consider installing LibreWolf instead
New Site:
The goal is to kill the whole FSF
The Attack is Not on RMS, the Attack is on the Ideas of Software Freedom
behind the scenes
Guest Contribution: Open Software is Not Open Source
This reader is deeply familiar with Microsoft's internal documents (obtained through subpoena) because he helped curate them
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, October 26, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, October 26, 2024
Links 27/10/2024: "Toxic Individuality" and Dead Pinephone
Links for the day
Richard M. Stallman, or RMS for Short, Photos from Peru (Where He Gives Many Talks This Month)
some articles with photos
Drew Earned Himself a Meme for His Latest Attack on the Founder of GNU/Linux
Credibly accused by many
Two Years of Nothing (and Microsoft's Nothing to Show For It)
2 years have passed since the vapourware from charlatans. Now there is epic debt and sagging demand.
Our Most Productive Year
the intensity of the attacks is proportional to the positive impact of the publications
[Meme] Microsoft Gimmicks for Weak Leadership
Outsource everything to Microsoft, even the decisions
The Linux Foundation Scandal Nobody Talks About
Can anyone still say this without being attacked (name-calling or worse)?
Links 26/10/2024: Malaria Surge and Chatbots Resulting in Suicides; Some Software Patents Squashed Again
Links for the day
Welcome to Russia: Disinformation and LLM Spam From Guardian Digital (
There have been many articles - real articles - about the incident. Now come the fake "articles" with the plagiarism tools that distort facts and pollute search engines (SEO)
Links 26/10/2024: Surrealism at 100, ChatGPT Plagiarism Highlighted
Links for the day
Gemini Links 26/10/2024: ICON 49 Retrospective and Recovering SeaweedFS
Links for the day
What Linux Foundation Did to for Halloween
Links 26/10/2024: Harald Welte Back to Taiwan, Military Targets in Tehran Under Fire
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, October 25, 2024
IRC logs for Friday, October 25, 2024
Gemini Links 26/10/2024: Getting Older, "To Learn What Something Is, Learn What It Isn't"
Links for the day
Links 25/10/2024: Erosion of Trust Online and Disability Rights
Links for the day
Gemini Links 25/10/2024: "Staff Engineer", Executing Commands via NNCP, and More
Links for the day
No, Microsoft, You Cannot Silence Techrights
No legal basis
Links 24/10/2024: Apple Fines and Vision Pro Shows Signs of Dying Already (Production Stalled)
Links for the day
China Has Bypassed Sanctions by Making Its Own Operating System
"Huawei Consumer Business Group Chairman, Richard Yu, stated that there are currently 15,000 apps and services in the HarmonyOS Next ecosystem with more on the way"
Mono Was Always Just a Front of Microsoft
threats sent from Microsofters
What's Left of the Talks by Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project, the Man Who Started GNU/Linux 41+ Years Ago
Coming up in Peru
Endorsing Facts, Not Political Parties
Sure, some parties can deceive as they care about facts less than others
NSA is NOT "Obama", NSA is Harry S. Truman
It's important to fact-check Lunduke
The News Drought Problem
We always adapt. We've always adapted. That's life.
What It Means When All Russians Get Banned From All Free Software
It's very easy to ban those whom you dislike or distrust; but banning over 100 million people (from the largest country on the planet) would damage the concept of Software Freedom
Almost 18
This coming year we expect to (again) smash the record for number of articles per year
[Meme] IBM's Leadership Has Sacrificed IBM (Abolished Its Long-Term Future for Wall Street Rallies)
Financial obligations cannot just be thrown away
Financial Engineering at IBM (Faking Growth Where None Exists)
Buybacks aside, it seems like IBM's alleged "growth" (that is illusion) comes at the expense of others
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, October 24, 2024
IRC logs for Thursday, October 24, 2024