Links 18/12/2024: Karate Love and Advent of Code
Gemini* and Gopher
Lurking memories in a cemetery
... it was 7 pm, the night sky was still unwinding. The cemetery is closed, only the cemetery employees could be seen inside. I didn't want to leave. I tried to hide. It's huge so I thought I could do it. But every time I had to pass by someone who would say "Hey, cemetery's closing", and I pretended to "Oh, really? Sorry, I gotta go", what a liar, me!
... I entered some kind of office, there was a big hall or corridor or something. Everything was golden colored. Shiny. There was a wide stairway and I dunno how many floors of rooms related to the cemetery's inner workings. I passed by a woman who said something about the cemetery closing, and I replied "uh... sorry... I'm looking for... Aldrich, he promised me he'd be somewhere around here..." and I pretended to go find this "Aldrich" I just had invented out of my head.
The wrath sing, Yoda, of Anakin’s son, Skywalker
If The Empire Strikes Back had been written by the same hacks that took over writing Yoda later on, some of his most evocative lines would’ve been completely garbled. “Try, there is not”, “These things, a Jedi craves not”, “One great make, war does not”.
My disillusionment and aspirations
I'm having a hard time articulating things right now, so please bear with me. I'm recovering from being triggered earlier today when I heard Trump claim that pesticides are responsible for the "rise" in autism cases. I feel like I'm sufficiently cooled off, but some of my anger might still be lingering in the background, which may affect my ability to be objective here.
Karate Love
What an intense few days.
It was the full moon, and yeah the shift in reality was quite palpable. Not only reality itself seemed completely made up, but I had some intense nightmares, so intense I can't really write about them. In short I was abused by a dark force, and couldn't fight back, I woke up screaming. I smudged the house but I could shake the feeling, have I been abused in my youth?
Technology and Free Software
Advent of Code 2024, Day 16
I used Dijkstra’s algorithm. In part 2, I extended it to track predecessors and computed the transitive closure of the end configurations under the predecessors. I lost time because I tried to come up with some custom recursive function at first (instead of just using Dijkstra’s algorithm) and because I had to look up how to extract a key from a dictionary whose value (not the key itself) is minimal.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.