Springtime Plans
Springtime is nearly here* and we're running/jogging a lot more, drinking outdoors, sorting out the garden/yard (while reporting possible intruders [1, 2]), buying more fruit/vegetables, sometimes a few bottles of wine (only in moderation). Nevertheless, I still drink a lot of coffee in daytime (sometimes nighttime as well) and do my best to curate news links and publish long-form articles. This year we made 5 "resolutions"; 2 of them pertain to length and depth of articles. We strive to improve, as always, but to some people it'll never be enough. If everything we show is "slam-dunk" and perfectly factual, they'll try to claim ridiculous things about "privacy" (the whole point of reporting is making the public aware of material or information previously unknown to the public; everything else isn't investigative journalism and typically adds nothing).
We currently have two long series underway; we eagerly look forward to future parts being ready, not just "camera-ready". Refining the evidence and the arguments helps, as does the splitting into smaller parts for easier absorption by readers. In the case of OSI, we need to properly partition the scandals.
We are very motivated by the fact that there were vicious efforts to silence us. These efforts made the site technically stronger and legally stronger [1, 2]. Contrary to false narratives (coming out from Microsoft-sponsored media), the company Microsoft does not have much money and some Microsoft money ended up funding SLAPP against us. Whose terrible idea was this? Bad ideas result in backlash and failure.
How long will we be covering this issue? Well, there's no limit. But the harder they try to censor us, the more we'll have to write and to show the general public because this problem isn't unique to us and together with NGOs - with imperative (and permissible) transparency - we'll pursue solutions, helped by regulators and reformers (politicians).
After SLAPP about a decade ago (from the person who had threatened us too) TechDirt shifted focus to free speech or First Amendment activism; we too can do this.
Two years ago we said "Free Speech Rejected by Opponents of Free Software" and a few months later they proved that to be true. As a result, they must now answer courts [1, 2].
Courts won't occupy much of our time (we're the plaintiffs too) as our real goal is to stay on track, acting as a hub for whistleblowers and advance justice by publishing suppressed information.
We don't expect this month or next month to be particularly eventful, so let's get back to normal. Being SLAPPed by some vicious Microsoft men who strangle women is a badge of honour in a way. █
* According to official sources in the United Kingdom, Spring Equinox is expected 20th of March 2025 at 9:01 AM.