Cellphones (Mobile Phones) in Classrooms
Mobile phones were extremely rare among pupils of my generation, except when people grew to become adolescents (mid- and late-90s) and classes targeted older or more responsible people. Even then, mobile phones were for calls, SMS, and maybe "Snake"; people were more likely to brandish a Gameboy in class, not a "phone".
Based on texts and videos that I read and watched, things have gotten so bad that nowadays even young children carry mobile phones, they take them to school, and often use these inside the classroom. That makes no sense at all.
What is the purpose of schools and why isn't common sense imposed on the kids? Because teachers too are "Addicts" and they too have kids who are "Addicts"?
There's now a "Utah bill barring cellphone use in schools" and "short of a full-day ban," an associate says, "this is yet another weak, half-assed attempt intended to and guaranteed to fail."
Sweden did the same.
A recent study confirmed that people's intelligence has dropped in recent years/decades, based on scientific, measurable methods. Letting kids scroll up and down in social control media instead of learning new ideas/knowledge/tools guarantees this trend may carry on. █