A Final Post for BoycottNovell
- Shane Coyle
- 2007-04-01 14:29:05 UTC
- Modified: 2007-04-01 14:29:05 UTC
Well, I'm not sure if y'all heard, but BoycottNovell.com is closing up shop. Roy and I have each been made offers of employment that are just too lucrative to pass up, despite the tremendous amount of flak I'd expect to take over this one...
Roy and I have been hired by Microsoft, in seperate transactions, to serve in a newly created position: "Linux Custodian". I will be the LC here in the North America, while Roy will see to similar duties throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. At this time, I do not know if MS will be hiring Linux Custodians for any other regions, perhaps I can post more on that later.
Anyhow, for those who haven't clicked away in total disgust already, let me explain a little bit about exactly what my new position will entail: As a Microsoft Linux Custodian, it will be my job to travel throughout North America and clean out the offices and distribution centers of each and every competitor that Microsoft embraces, extends, and then extinguishes.
As a matter of fact, I leave for Waltham in about 2 months, then out to Utah for the big clean-up. If things go really well, perhaps I can be in Raleigh before the end of the year.
;^ )
Stephane Rodriguez
2007-04-01 15:00:20
Roy Schestowitz
2007-04-01 15:18:04
2007-04-01 18:44:29
Congratulations for shutting down this ridiculous site.