Corrections: Setting the Record Straight
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2007-09-13 01:05:37 UTC
- Modified: 2007-09-13 01:05:37 UTC
There are a few things stated in this site which turn out to be false. We have always insisted that we would correct mistakes, which are never made deliberately. Having exchanged some E-mails with
Jeff Waugh, there are three main clarifications which need to be made:
- Mono was not part of the goals of GNOME since inception (I misread an article)
- Miguel de Icaza does not intend rebuild GNOME using Mono (a case of poor reporting by some journalists)
- GNOME does not have Mono dependencies at its core (a test made by a Fedora maintainer is contradicted by Jeff)
We would like to apologise for these mistakes. If you do spot anything which you know is false, please do let us know.
2007-11-05 21:00:05
And the results do conclusively show that Fedora is indeed deeply infested with Mono components, to the tune of around 48 packages, at the last count:
The results are incontestable. Anyone attempting to deny that there is any such infestation is lying.
I've also recently discovered a dependency on libbeagle in Yelp (Gnome's help system). Novell's Beagle is yet more Mono "Poisonware".
This threat is real. The poison may be slow-acting, but it's still poison, and it is working its way through the Free Software tree as we speak (something that I'm sure makes Ballmer and his cronies absolutely delighted).