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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 6th, 2008


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*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 06 00:27
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 00:30
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 00:46
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerOct 06 00:46
twitterSorry about the server but isn't the host that got turned off automatically?Oct 06 00:48
*pombat42 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Oct 06 02:20
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 06 05:28
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 06:17
schestowitztwitter: yes, it is.Oct 06 06:46
*Tallken_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 07:06
*Tallken has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 06 07:19
*Tallken_ is now known as TallkenOct 06 07:20
schestowitzThe MAFIAA up to no good: "Judge halts sales of RealDVD [...] Representatives from the MPAA and RealNetworks could not be reached Sunday." 06 07:25
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 07:39
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 06 07:39
schestowitzPJ (on the Portugal/Microsoft scandal): If you read the entire press release, I think you'll agree that OLPC made a mistake allowing Microsoft inside the tent. They can't possibly offer the kinds of financial packages Microsoft can offer to kill the XO. They should have stayed separate, and present the security and privacy issues that come with Microsoft software instead, in my view. Note that "Magellan computers will also feature Oct 06 07:40
schestowitzMicrosoft Office 2007" which means XML.Oct 06 07:40
*Tallken has quit ()Oct 06 07:59
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 08:07
MinceRhayOct 06 08:30
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Oct 06 08:44
schestowitzMicrosof'ts lapdog Carmony is suing Roberton: (ping: tessier)Oct 06 08:56
schestowitzThe Century of the Self: 06 09:36
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Oct 06 09:37
schestowitz"now that the load on the server has declined somewhat (tens of gigabytes in days), we decided that it’s safe to upload this graphics-rich HTML version of 1080 (comprising over 11,000 pertinent files)": 06 10:33
*aevin has quit ( 06 11:00
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*aevin (i=eivindsy@unaffiliated/aevin) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 11:00
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*tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 11:00
*twitter (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 11:00
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 11:01
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*tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 11:01
*MinceR (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 11:01
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Oct 6 11:24:03 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellOct 06 11:24
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Oct 06 11:24
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Oct 06 11:24
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelOct 06 11:24
-NickServ-Invalid password for roy__.Oct 06 11:24
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Oct 6 11:24:30 2008
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Oct 6 11:27:20 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellOct 06 11:27
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Oct 06 11:27
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Oct 06 11:27
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelOct 06 11:27
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzOct 06 11:27
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:21
*aevin has quit ( 06 12:49
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*[H]omer has quit ( 06 12:49
*zoobab has quit ( 06 12:49
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*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:49
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*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:49
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*twitter (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:49
*tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:49
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:49
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:49
*nenolod (n=nenolod@atheme/member/nenolod) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:49
*tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:49
*MinceR (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:49
* gives channel operator status to ChanServ [H]omerOct 06 12:49
*cj_ (n=cjac@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 12:54
*cj has quit (Connection timed out)Oct 06 12:59
-christel-[Global Notice] Hi all, Apologies for taking you on a detour via Splitsville this morning, the issues were a result of late-scheduled maintenance at NERO. It should all be done now and we'll strive to ensure that we can give you advance warning next time! Thank you for using freenode and apologies for the inconvenience caused.Oct 06 13:09
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 13:12
*AVRS2 (n=AVRS2@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 13:41
schestowitzOh oh.... BN might make Digg's FP. Much 'worse' than Slashdot.Oct 06 14:18
schestowitz 06 14:18
trmancodugg :POct 06 14:23
schestowitzI'll use CORAL distributed cacheOct 06 14:24
trmancoit works?Oct 06 14:27
schestowitzI don't know if I can CORAL the whole page now.Oct 06 14:27
schestowitzI'm passing the image to cache just in case though.Oct 06 14:27
schestowitz 06 14:27
schestowitz 06 14:29
schestowitzI'm not sure though if Apache will let me redirect past the Apache Rewrite rules. It's a real pain.Oct 06 14:30
schestowitzNow sure about this one... 06 14:33
zoobab 06 14:46
zoobabJoseX and AlexH are real trollsOct 06 14:46
schestowitzJose is not a troll.Oct 06 14:46
schestowitzzoobab, maybe you can help me here: I have quick question. How can I redirect from a WP page to another page (CORAL)? WordPress's virtual structure supersedes rules for a 301 redirect. Digg might take my site soon if I don't sort this out.Oct 06 14:47
zoobabno ideaOct 06 14:47
zoobabyou can either write a redirect in ApacheOct 06 14:47
zoobabI think it is trivial to write a HTTP301 rule in apache.confOct 06 14:48
schestowitzYes, but the CMS already have them in place, for the virtual structure.Oct 06 14:48
schestowitzI don't think I have access to it.Oct 06 14:48
zoobabno idea how it works in WPOct 06 14:48
schestowitzhtaccess instead...Oct 06 14:48
zoobab.htaccessOct 06 14:49
zoobab<Files .htaccess> order allow,deny deny from allOct 06 14:49
zoobab</Files>Oct 06 14:49
zoobab<IfModule mod_alias.c> Redirect permanent /dossier01/page01.html RedirectMatch permanent /dossier01/(.*)\.html$$1.php Redirect permanent /dossier01 Redirect permanent / 06 14:49
zoobab</IfModule>Oct 06 14:49
zoobab 06 14:49
zoobabtry with this .htaccessOct 06 14:49
zoobabif you can use the <IfModule> that might be enoughOct 06 14:49
zoobabRedirect permanent /dossier1 06 14:49
schestowitzLet me try it, thanks.Oct 06 14:54
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 15:05
schestowitzAh!Oct 06 15:17
schestowitzzoobab: you cracked it!Oct 06 15:17
schestowitzThe site \collapsed so many times before when hitting Digg's FP. If only I knew how to resolve this earlier...Oct 06 15:19
schestowitzAlert: Moonlight sniffing Debian... 06 15:30
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 15:41
*AVRS2 has quit ()Oct 06 15:44
twitterhere's a crash for you... 06 15:45
twitterdump follows pumpOct 06 15:45
*AVRS2 (n=AVRS2@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 15:49
schestowitz"52Wk Low:  23.50"Oct 06 15:49
schestowitz "Mkt Cap:  1.68B"Oct 06 15:49
schestowitzSinks like a rock.Oct 06 15:49
twitterWell, Sweaty B did say tech stocks were overvalued and that was unhealthy.Oct 06 15:50
twitterHe should be careful what he wishes for.Oct 06 15:51
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 15:51
twitterThe vassal of a loser is worth less than a loser 06 15:52
twitterHere's something outrageous, 06 15:54
schestowitzBe aware of 06 15:59
schestowitzYou've got to stop the gaming. As I said at the time, for the Linux Foundation to fight fire with fire is pointless and that's just what you do.Oct 06 15:59
schestowitzI'm sure that Slashdot is infested with corporate 'lobbyists' (shills,whatever), but you can't fight them by doing the same thing.Oct 06 16:00
schestowitzGate... ""It's a very interesting crisis," Microsoft founder told CNN, discussing the US Congress's 700-billion dollar bailout bill for Wall Street which was passed Friday to stem economic jitters spreading around the world."Oct 06 16:00
schestowitzGates is not feeling the pinch, I think. He and other Microsoft executives/investors amassed a fortune, so regardless of Microsoft's future, they will have earned money from all those crimes they committed. < > < >Oct 06 16:02
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 06 16:14
*kentma1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 06 16:14 3 comming on the 14thOct 06 16:22
trmancotomorrow they will be releasing RC4Oct 06 16:22
trmanco 06 16:22
trmancoFeatures -> 06 16:23
schestowitzThanks.Oct 06 16:24
schestowitzJust in time. I'm writing a post about ODF.Oct 06 16:24
trmancogreatOct 06 16:25
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 06 16:38
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 16:39
twitterLeft a comment about gaming.  I realize it's pointless.Oct 06 16:41
twitterbut I'm not ashamed of it by a long shot.Oct 06 16:41
twitterIf more people gave a shit and had the time to do something about it, Slashdot would not be where it is now.Oct 06 16:42
twitterMost people prefer a passive resistance and have retreated long ago.Oct 06 16:42
schestowitztrmanco: thanks for the help with this new one (just posted): 06 16:43
trmancothanksOct 06 16:44
trmancoschestowitz, Error establishing a database connectionOct 06 16:44
trmancoforget it, its fine nowOct 06 16:44
schestowitztwitter: you'll save yourself time by dedicating efforts and offering insights to sites that are filled with shills.Oct 06 16:44
schestowitzI understand your frustration because people still attack anything I do in Digg, but I don't retaliate.Oct 06 16:45
schestowitzI used to leave about 40 comments a day in Digg, but now I just spend more time blogging instead.Oct 06 16:45
schestowitzIf Digg can't police the shills and even ignores my plea to react (they just let it be), then I won't contribute to them as much as I used to. It's /that/ simpleOct 06 16:46
schestowitzIf Slashdot blacklists your journal entires, why not put it elsewhere. I'd be pleased to give them a place in BN, for example.Oct 06 16:46
schestowitztrmanco: error? :-O where?Oct 06 16:47
trmancoforget it, its fine nowOct 06 16:47
schestowitztwitter: my first sentence was wrong. Should have said: " you'll save yourself time by dedicating efforts and offering insights to sites that are NOT filled with shills."Oct 06 16:47
schestowitzThat also ought to pressure Slashdot to react and extinguish the problem. More shills = less regulars = less business for Larry Augustin and the Boyz.Oct 06 16:48
*_Doug (i=c3c24bd1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 17:01
schestowitztwitter: I just replied.Oct 06 17:04
schestowitzI still think you can submit journal stuff to Slashdot for Grownup, AKA Technocrat (Bruce Perens)Oct 06 17:05
_Dougre: twitter: I just replied .. wha' ?Oct 06 17:09
_DougMicrosoft "Voices for Innovation" ..Oct 06 17:10
_Doug 06 17:11
twitterYes, I've been spending more of my time elsewhere.  The destruction of sites like Slashdot bothers me and I'm still not willing to be passive about it.Oct 06 17:15
schestowitz_Doug: see for contextOct 06 17:16
schestowitztwitter: it was the same with Digg. Leaving it was like an admission of defeat (for Digg, not for me), which is a shame.Oct 06 17:17
twitterEvery now and then I'm going to use M$ techniques to fix things.  They crap flood every comment section, usually by grabbing a first post and chaining a long series of replies.  They use that chain to push other comments out of view with the most vile and offensive comments they can imagine.Oct 06 17:19
twitterI'm going to keep hammering them with the truth every now and then.Oct 06 17:19
trmanco 06 17:19
twitterI have to admit, time spent here is more pleasant and rewarding, but Slashdot is still a huge community that deserves better than what they get.Oct 06 17:20
schestowitztwitter: yes, FP +chain. I see that too. The first one is not always provocative though. I hardly see Microsoft critique anymore. Where it exists, it's FAR too gentle, treating Microsoft like a cuddle bear in need of breakfast.Oct 06 17:21
twitterM$ has to spend orders of magnitude more time than I do to keep Slashdot crapped out.  I like that it wastes their time and money.Oct 06 17:21
schestowitz*cuddlyOct 06 17:21
_Doug"They use that chain to push other comments out of view", I've noticed .. another thing to watch out for is the mod up +5 comments ..Oct 06 17:22
twitterMy activity also forces them to more extreme behavior and vileness.Oct 06 17:23
_DougOr the, I'm a Linux supporter except for it doesn't have X feeture :)Oct 06 17:23
_DougOr I work for Sun, Oracle, the NSA etc :)Oct 06 17:23
trmanco 06 17:24
_Dougsorry, I'm late to the discussion, who is 'twitter', does he troll slashdot and if not who is accusing him of this ?Oct 06 17:25
schestowitztrmanco: see this comment from minutes ago < >Oct 06 17:26
schestowitzThanks for the CW link (Moody). I'll use it later.Oct 06 17:26
twitterI'm not a troll, thanks.  :)Oct 06 17:27
_DougPersonally, for serious news, I gave up on SlashDot a long time agoOct 06 17:27
schestowitzSame here.Oct 06 17:27
schestowitz 06 17:27
twitterThinking of serious news, Dow has broken below 10,000 again.... 06 17:27
schestowitzWhich is ironic because BN was at their front page the other day.Oct 06 17:27
twitterOh my.Oct 06 17:28
schestowitzChair breaking too, eh?Oct 06 17:28
_DougIt seems to contain nothing but modded up bum-fluff for the MICROS~1 organizationOct 06 17:28
schestowitz "-1.71 (-6.49%)"Oct 06 17:28
_DougLots of adverts for shiney gadgets and free adverts for books,Oct 06 17:29
twitteryeah, the chairman is sure to be pissed about sub $25 price.Oct 06 17:29
schestowitz "It hasn't exactly been a great year for the Vole, what with losing 90 Billion Dollars in the first half of the year, then another 24 Billion - in just 2 weeks - recently. Let's not even get started about their 40 Billion dollar stock buyback."Oct 06 17:29
_DougLike how to turn Excel into a rival for Matematica :)Oct 06 17:29
schestowitzThey already pump $40 billion into it, borrowing money (yes, borrowing) in the process to resore confidence.Oct 06 17:29
schestowitzWithout the illusion (for the CIO) that "microsoft will be there forever^TM", business will suffer. It's a downward spiral also when the brand suffers (it declined and loses to Google now).Oct 06 17:30
_Dougot: 'slashvertisements' .. well put schestowitz .. that's what this should be called slashvertisements: an free advert pretending to be real news ..Oct 06 17:31
schestowitzZafara.Oct 06 17:31
schestowitzDid you see that? Proprietary trap (dual licence) in the clothing of GPLv3, advertised in /. last week (well, two weeks ago actually).Oct 06 17:32
schestowitz"By Paul Krill" 06 17:33
schestowitzKrill does a lot of Microsoft boosting.Oct 06 17:33
schestowitz 06 17:34
schestowitzHe's also the one behind "Linux Foundation would like to talk to Microsoft" (or something along those lines)Oct 06 17:34
*_Doug has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 06 17:35
schestowitzHe promoted things like Silverlight, Moonlight, and also, IIRC, does a lot about how Microsoft is all k00l about open source. Maybe they pulled him over for a visit at some stage. I'd love to find that out...Oct 06 17:35
twitterlook, it's more PC Guy adverts and 06 17:40
zoobab 06 17:41
zoobabsome patent stuff in thereOct 06 17:41
zoobabRoy, you really have to try Lighttpd for next SlashdottingOct 06 17:41
zoobabit is much fasterOct 06 17:41
zoobabthen this ApacheOct 06 17:41
schestowitzzoobab: I don't own the server though.Oct 06 17:42
twitterlunch time, back in a bitOct 06 17:42
schestowitzre: PDFs... I rely on you to pull stuff from there.Oct 06 17:42
schestowitzzoobab: I got some new info on OOXML.Oct 06 17:42
tessier_schestowitz: And it turns out we were wrong about it all along and that it really is a great open document format?Oct 06 17:54
tessier_If I were building a server to survive a slashdotting I would put squid in front of apache.Oct 06 17:55
schestowitzHeh. No.Oct 06 17:55
tessier_Schucks.Oct 06 17:55
schestowitzIt's actually about possible 'gentle bribe' as they call it.Oct 06 17:55
schestowitzThere's lots of this confirmed, but once at a national level are, well... more noteworthyOct 06 17:55
schestowitztessier: in case we made Digg < >, I use CORAL now for distributed cache. Digg effect is like 3 times worse than Slashdot, depending on topic and subject.Oct 06 17:56
PetoKrausthat page doesn't work for me (the one linked at digg)Oct 06 18:00
schestowitzHmmm... works fine for me (just clicked on it). :-SOct 06 18:03
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 06 18:09
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 18:10
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 06 18:12
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 18:13
zoobab 06 18:33
schestowitz That's OK now, I've 'offshored' the caching. Weird layout that for 06 18:35
*cj_ is now known as cjOct 06 18:37
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 18:38
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 06 18:43
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 18:44
*pombat42 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Oct 06 18:52
schestowitzMicrosoft programming contest hacked, defaced: 06 19:05
twitterha haOct 06 19:07
twitterhere's more 06 19:07
schestowitz : down 7%Oct 06 19:07
schestowitz"Well, it is true that there will be no depression for the richest man in America. The rest of us, who have lost factory jobs to Chinese slave labor and white collar jobs to people abused on the H1B visa plan can take comfort in Gate's continued optimism. Perhaps strong IP laws will save us!"Oct 06 19:09
twitter:)Oct 06 19:11
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 06 19:17
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 19:17
schestowitzBtw, an independent analisys of that covenant is available... 06 19:27
schestowitzAw s*. CORAL is down now??!Oct 06 19:36
schestowitzIt's not responding... 06 19:36
schestowitz "Error: 500 Internal Server Error... Server CoralWebPrx/0.1.19 (See at"Oct 06 19:40
schestowitzCORAL is back now.. 06 19:51
trmancololOct 06 19:51
trmancohaving a hard timeOct 06 19:51
trmanco:POct 06 19:51
schestowitzThis took a lot of time today, yes...Oct 06 19:51
schestowitzAt least I learned why it didn't work before, so I can prevent being hammered offline in the future.Oct 06 19:52
schestowitzzoobab: give me 5 minutes and I'll post that OOXML thingie.Oct 06 19:52
MinceRwas CoralCDN down at some point?Oct 06 19:53
schestowitzYes, which is odd.Oct 06 19:53
MinceRodd indeed.Oct 06 19:54
schestowitz "Error: 500 Internal Server Error... Server CoralWebPrx/0.1.19 (See at"Oct 06 19:54
schestowitzIt seems too later now... aww well... 06 19:56
schestowitz*lateOct 06 19:57
trmancowon't connectOct 06 20:07
trmancowhat happened ?Oct 06 20:07
schestowitz 06 20:11
schestowitzIt's a big conspiracy. ;-) ;-) ;-) Microsoft threatened Coal at gunpoint. ;-)Oct 06 20:12
schestowitz*CoralOct 06 20:12
schestowitzYes, it's down again. :-(Oct 06 20:13
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 20:24
Tallkenhi schestowitzOct 06 20:24
Tallkenschestowitz: wanna a trick or treat?Oct 06 20:25
MinceRhayOct 06 20:25
MinceRwhat are you Tallken about? ;)Oct 06 20:25
Tallken:DOct 06 20:25
Tallkenhi MinceROct 06 20:25
schestowitz"Treat" sounds kind of wrong, so I'll take a trick. *ducks*Oct 06 20:27
Tallkenrofl :POct 06 20:27
*Tallken searchingOct 06 20:28
schestowitzMonovell is contaminating the Linux news feeds this afternoon.Oct 06 20:30
schestowitzLinux laptops news:,10000005...Oct 06 20:33
Tallkenschestowitz: there ya go! the program is 90% in English: (search for Ballmer ;) )Oct 06 20:34
schestowitzIt's him! 06 20:35
schestowitzTHIS guy went to have 'tea' in Oslo.Oct 06 20:35
Tallkentea?Oct 06 20:35
MinceRwho's the guy on the left?Oct 06 20:37
schestowitzWhat does it say, Tallken?Oct 06 20:39
schestowitzTallken: context here (posted before you came): 06 20:39
Tallkendon't know schestowitz, only watched it on TV the last part; downloaded the FLV though to watch againOct 06 20:40
Tallkenin the part I watched he said Portugal's actions were innovativeOct 06 20:40
Tallkenthat Classmate was only a concept which Portugal was the first to implementOct 06 20:40
Tallkennoone mentioned OLPCOct 06 20:40
schestowitzINNOVA~1?Oct 06 20:41
schestowitzLinus Torvald: "I think that "innovation" is a four-letter word in the industry. It should never be used in polite company. It's become a PR thing to sell new versions with."Oct 06 20:41
schestowitz"It was Edison who said "1% inspiration, 99% perspiration". That may have been true a hundred years ago. These days it's "0.01% inspiration, 99.99% perspiration", and the inspiration is the easy part. As a project manager, I have never had trouble finding people with crazy ideas."Oct 06 20:41
TallkenlulzOct 06 20:42
schestowitz"I have trouble finding people who can execute. IOW, "innovation" is way oversold. And it sure as hell shouldn't be applied to products like MS Word or Open office."Oct 06 20:42
Tallkenyou been using DOS too much, haven't you? :DOct 06 20:42
schestowitzMe?Oct 06 20:42
TallkenDidn't know the first nor the last thoughOct 06 20:42
TallkenINNOVA~1 lolOct 06 20:42
schestowitzOh, that. It's still under DEVEL~1 DEVEL~1 DEVEL~1!Oct 06 20:43
Tallken:POct 06 20:43
schestowitzOops. Missing O.Oct 06 20:43
Tallken:POct 06 20:44
Tallken6 letters plz :POct 06 20:44
schestowitzSee if you can find evidence of Ballmer rewarding Portugal in some way.Oct 06 20:44
schestowitz# Portuguese Government and Microsoft Partner on Affordable Computing Agreement for SchoolchildrenOct 06 20:44
schestowitz# 07:23PM October 10/05/08, 2008 Oct 06 20:44
schestowitz"[PJ: If you read the entire press release, I think you'll agree that OLPC made a mistake allowing Microsoft inside the tent. They can't possibly offer the kinds of financial packages Microsoft can offer to kill the XO. They should..."Oct 06 20:45
schestowitz"have stayed separate, and present the security and privacy issues that come with Microsoft software instead, in my view. Note that "Magellan computers will also feature Microsoft Office 2007" which means XML.] - Microsoft PressPass"Oct 06 20:45
schestowitzGood news: 06 20:45
schestowitzMicrosoft employees (former) boosting Mono: 06 20:47
schestowitzNotorious Microsoft shills' attack' Linux: 06 20:47
schestowitzWhy do they even bother attacking Linux? That says plenty, especially now that Microsoft is 7% on the downside (in one day)Oct 06 20:48
schestowitzA shame about the price of this one because it''s an energy-efficient unit... 06 20:50
schestowitz "Nonetheless, when we polled CSI members -- almost all of whom are security professionals -- not a single respondent planned to migrate their XP-running machines to Vista, not in six, or even 12 months."Oct 06 20:50
*ZiggyFish1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 21:00
schestowitzSomething Fishy here: 06 21:17
aevinMinceR: btw, the guy on the left is the norwegian prime minister, jens stoltenberg.Oct 06 21:19
MinceRicOct 06 21:19
schestowitzThe guy on the right has influence on the US government, so... did they exchange IP or just arms? :-| Maybe McCain can just appoint him somewhere in politics (China) and be rid of this bully in Tech.Oct 06 21:22
MinceRi'm sure he'd want to get rid of sweaty beastOct 06 21:24
MinceRit's not like they're the same kind of asshole :>Oct 06 21:24
*Adaptux has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 06 21:25
schestowitzPJ has just written: “Funny how countries that buckled under in the OOXML vote keep popping up with new Microsoft investment. By the way, you don’t want to miss the photograph of Ballmer.Oct 06 21:26
schestowitz Looks like he pulls some incentives or something in anger.Oct 06 21:26
MinceRi hope he'll run out of those soonOct 06 21:27
MinceRi hope we can cast them off without having to organize an armed rebellion against the establishmentOct 06 21:27
schestowitzeBay to slash workforce by 1,000: 06 21:27
schestowitzDebian didn't sack anyone. Neither has the FSF. :-)Oct 06 21:27
MinceRwhom is ebay involved with?Oct 06 21:28
schestowitzSkype, maybe some Amazon... not so much Microsoft.Oct 06 21:29
schestowitzThey use GNU/Linux in PayPal but eBay has some DLL Redmonism.Oct 06 21:30
MinceRicOct 06 21:33
TallkenhumOct 06 21:34
Tallkendid you read about China's demands to have the source of electronic apps? :DOct 06 21:34
MinceRi didOct 06 21:35
MinceRit's pretty unclear to meOct 06 21:35
schestowitzOverall, the weakening of software megacorps is quite irrelevant to FOSS developers with no 'daytime' job.  This favours change, also in the patent system and the sources of production.Oct 06 21:35
MinceRfor example, what will they do with the source code?Oct 06 21:35
schestowitzTallken: yes, I have. Let me find something.Oct 06 21:35
TallkenI found it amazingOct 06 21:35
TallkenDidn't like it thoughOct 06 21:36
twitterThat's not a very fair review of the Shuttle system.  Shuttle builds things well so that they are quiet.  Emachines are usually crap.  The hardware was almost identical otherwise.Oct 06 21:36
*aevin (i=eivindsy@unaffiliated/aevin) has left #boycottnovell ("later guys. too much daylight for me.")Oct 06 21:39
schestowitz 06 21:39
schestowitz 06 21:40
schestowitzGates reveals Windows code to ChinaOct 06 21:40
schestowitz"In addition, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates hinted that China will be privy to all, not just part, of the source code the government wishes to inspect. The Chinese government and military have previously stated their preference for the rival Linux operating system because its source code is publicly [...]"Oct 06 21:41
schestowitz"Last month, it announced GSP agreements with Russia, NATO and the United Kingdom. Microsoft is in discussions with more than 30 countries, territories and organizations regarding the program"Oct 06 21:41
schestowitzCryptome: NSA has access to Windows Mobile smartphones : 06 21:41
schestowitzDual_EC_DRBG Added to Windows Vista : 06 21:41
schestowitzMicrosoft Cofee brews 'back door' fears :,micr...Oct 06 21:41
schestowitzMicrosoft-China GSP Deal: Perjury OR Treachery? : 06 21:41
schestowitzEither way, the gist of it (opening paragraph): "Microsoft on Friday signed a pact with the Chinese government to reveal the Windows source code, making China among the first to benefit from its program to allay the security fears of governments."Oct 06 21:41
schestowitzWhat comes first: money or Planet earth? (bigger issue than a recession)Oct 06 21:45
schestowitzAlso [OT]:  1 in 4 mammals at risk of extinction, scientists say < >Oct 06 21:46
twitterThe Earth and Money are the same thing.  It's just a matter of how you use what you have, who decides who gets what and what you leave behind to your children.Oct 06 21:56
twitterRight now wealth is concentrated and most of us have neither wealth nor the ability to make real changes.Oct 06 21:57
schestowitz"elpless and devided" rings any bell?Oct 06 21:58
schestowitz"Helpless and divided" rings any bell?Oct 06 21:58
twitterGlobal warming models have been showing serious economic consequences to most of North America and Europe.  Crops ruined by both drought and flood.Oct 06 21:58
twitter 06 21:59
trmancoA recent interview quoted an MSI executive as saying that returns of Linux netbooks were more than four times higher those of Windows XP netbooks. However, the quote may say more about MSI's SUSE Linux implementation than the suitability of Linux as a netbook OS.Oct 06 21:59
trmancodang, forgot the quote marksOct 06 21:59
MinceRlol, suseOct 06 21:59
twitterMSI, how well is that selling next to EEEPC that everyone seems to love?Oct 06 22:00
schestowitztrmanco: where is this from?Oct 06 22:01
schestowitzI was going to write about this because Ubuntu Mobile/Remix does well.Oct 06 22:01
trmanco 06 22:01
trmancohereOct 06 22:01
schestowitzH-P is equally f* with SUSEOct 06 22:01
schestowitzSUSE b0rks itself when 'updated'Oct 06 22:01
twitterPart of it is from Ed Bott's "attack" yous sent.Oct 06 22:01
twitterXandros is not my favorite distro but I've seen EEEPC used and liked by hardened Windoze users.Oct 06 22:01
schestowitzIt's nice to blame "Linux"Oct 06 22:02
schestowitzIt's all just one thing. Command line, only for server, less than .0001% maket share.Oct 06 22:02
twitterIsn't MSI some kind of M$ infested company?Oct 06 22:03
schestowitzACTA and other monsters discussed behind Council closed doors: 06 22:04
zoobab 06 22:05
schestowitzLinpus is based on Fedora and used by many. It's simplified (dual mode). "omg, where's me stRat menu!!!!??"Oct 06 22:05
zoobabI was thinking to port OpenWrt to my netbook once I have bought oneOct 06 22:08
zoobabin order to boot Linux in 2secondsOct 06 22:08
zoobab1 second for the kernelOct 06 22:08
zoobaband 1 second for the X to launchOct 06 22:08
zoobabI am sure I can defaeeat the 5 seconds of moblin.orgOct 06 22:09
schestowitzHow heavy is moblin though?Oct 06 22:09
schestowitzIs yours ARM-based?Oct 06 22:09
twitterWhy do people worry about boot times?Oct 06 22:11
schestowitzMobilityOct 06 22:11
schestowitzMy Palm boots in less than 5 seconds.Oct 06 22:11
schestowitz10 ms to switch on.Oct 06 22:11
twitterSure, it's never really "off" is it?Oct 06 22:11
MinceRwell, mine isOct 06 22:12
MinceRsince it refused to boot anymoreOct 06 22:12
schestowitzBrick.Oct 06 22:12
twitterSorry to hear that.  My handspring still works.  Laptops should be able to do the same thing with power management.Oct 06 22:12
MinceRbrick indeedOct 06 22:13
MinceRone month after warranty expired.Oct 06 22:13
schestowitz"Order your Microsoft Brick now and get another one ab-so-lutely free. it's immune to viruses because it's always switched off"Oct 06 22:13
schestowitzMine has a borked speaker cause of the headphones jack.Oct 06 22:14
MinceRsounds better than the iBrick...Oct 06 22:14
schestowitzSometimes the digitizer goes off/bad, but it's manageable if I shake it up a bit.Oct 06 22:14
schestowitzThe iBrick is a myth but I read about irt earlier.Oct 06 22:14
schestowitz 06 22:15
twitterHandspring required a "module" for music playing, cameras or phones.  The phone was a cool first.Oct 06 22:15
schestowitzI think I saw something in the Inquirer though.Oct 06 22:15
schestowitzShiny! 06 22:16
twitterBe nice.  People love their iPhones.  At least here in the US where they will never have phone choices.Oct 06 22:17
PetoKraus:DOct 06 22:17
PetoKrausi love my nokia 2310 and it loves meOct 06 22:17
PetoKrausit's the only phone where throwing it againist the wall can cost you actually less than doing it with a brick.Oct 06 22:18
twitterI have something similar but I've seen iPhone work and it's nice.Oct 06 22:19
twitterI don't want one because it's non free and it's owners include ATT.Oct 06 22:19
twitterIt's a computer.  If I can't put Debian on it, I don't want it.Oct 06 22:20
MinceRi call the iPhone iBrick.Oct 06 22:20
MinceR(it's slightly more useful than a rock)Oct 06 22:20
schestowitzYou can put Debian on the FreeRunnerOct 06 22:20
ZiggyFish1MinceR: I call it crapOct 06 22:20
schestowitztessier has one.Oct 06 22:21
MinceR 06 22:21
PetoKrausschestowitz: the battery life is pathetic, thoughOct 06 22:21
ZiggyFish1ICrapOct 06 22:21
schestowitzPetoKraus: you buy a crank for it.Oct 06 22:21
PetoKraus:) it's too expensive for me, still.Oct 06 22:22
PetoKrauspoor student living off few hundred quid a month...:)Oct 06 22:22
ZiggyFish1lolOct 06 22:23
PetoKrausone freerunner is my monthly wage, so...Oct 06 22:23
twitterI'd like a FreeRunner but I'm not sure it would work with my phone provider.  It's one of those last mile problems that will only go away with Open Spectrum.Oct 06 22:23
PetoKrausthough, if FSF could give it's members a FreeRunner discount...Oct 06 22:23
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Oct 06 22:24
PetoKrausI would consider it more seriously. For now, 100 pints > freerunner.Oct 06 22:24
twitterGiven the non free phone choices available, the less functionality the better.  iPhone, Windozemobile and the rest will be "polite" devices, remote controlled by those with power.Oct 06 22:24
twitterThey will turn off right before officer friendly tazes you and your friends.Oct 06 22:25
twitterno more youtube videos of official misconductOct 06 22:26
schestowitzNo? No tazering?Oct 06 22:27
schestowitz 06 22:27
MinceRfreerunner has no keyboard :/Oct 06 22:27
twitterI like pen interfacesOct 06 22:28
PetoKrausi like tactile response.Oct 06 22:29
schestowitz 06 22:31
twittergotta restart X, some nasty site zombied my gnash.Oct 06 22:32
MinceRi like tactile feedbackOct 06 22:32
twitterthen I'll get some din din.Oct 06 22:32
twitterlaterOct 06 22:32
*twitter (n=willhill@ has left #boycottnovellOct 06 22:32
*twitter (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 22:35
MinceRgnOct 06 22:35
AVRS2gnOct 06 22:37
Tallkengnu?Oct 06 22:42
schestowitzGNU Night is Not  UNIX.Oct 06 22:43
ZiggyFish1I'm off (got to go to work)Oct 06 22:44
schestowitzWeird. Australia is upside-down.. literally.Oct 06 22:45
*ZiggyFish1 has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 06 22:45
Tallkencya ZiggyFish1Oct 06 22:46
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 06 22:58
*AVRS2 has quit ()Oct 06 23:05
*mystere_man (n=none@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 23:53
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 06 23:58

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