"No I'm paid to idle in #boycottnovell by novell remember. [...] Lol at $29,000 per year. You make more than that working in mcdonalds."
--OpenSUSE's Ben Weber, an hour ago (sarcastic)

It has been a very quiet week in Nürnberg, at least judging by coverage that relates to OpenSUSE.
This was probably the most 'major event'. The outage ended around Saturday when Andreas sent out some E-mails and finally issued
this post.
Our admins and developers - in Nuernberg, Provo and from home offices - worked hard today to get all openSUSE services up and running again. Thanks a lot to all of them!
OpenSUSE's board elected already? Well,
not yet.
Due to the unforeseen circumstances of last week the Board Election Committee have agreed that for fairness and transparency the Election deadline will be extended. The new closing date for polls will now be 1200UTC Saturday 25th October.
Ouch. Well, it's not as though OpenSUSE is coming along at the right pace either.
[opensuse-announce] openSUSE 11.1 Beta3 Delayed
Hi all,
openSUSE 11.1 beta 3 will be delayed by several days. We originally
scheduled the release for today (October 16) but the power outage last
Friday left us unable to check in packages temporarily, and pushed the
schedule back by several days.
We had a first build this morning and have checked in more than 20
packages to fix the most serious problems. We expect to release the
third beta on Monday (October 20), or later, depending on the status
of the builds on Friday.
We'll give an update Friday as to the status of the next beta release.
Thanks for your patience, and we look forward to your help in testing
and working on openSUSE 11.1 when we release beta 3!
Well, at least there was
this installation review of the current beta, which no longer
fries one's Intel hardware. Speaking of which, here are
some new Nvidia experiences under Beta 2.
Booting up takes me to the customized grub screen, nice. I choose Installation. after a quick graphical progress bar, it comes to another graphical progress bar. The first one was for loading the kernel and this one is for starting up the OS, I guess.
OpenSUSE 11.0
Going back a bit to OpenSUSE's stable release, there is
this decent chunk of coverage.
I do have one issue with 11.0, though. I now have no sound, which means no working Skype. I'm hoping I can resolve this sooner rather than later. Otherwise, I'm happy. Let's hope I can get the sound thing working, though!
Here is a
guide to making custom OpenSUSE 11.0 distributions.
I’m writing an article series about : “Remastering openSUSE : How to Build your own openSUSE Based Distro” as part of my presentation at Indonesian openSUSE Community monthly meeting [0] last week. The article based on my experience while making openSUSE 11.0 KDE 3.5+Multimedia Support LiveDVD (beware with it’s restricted media if you want to rebuild this. I make it as part of my presentation tutorial).
It has been a slow week, just as we warned at the start. Anyway, here is a nice writeup about
10 things every new OpenSUSE user should know.
Some people asked me to compile a 10 bullet list what every user should know if new to openSUSE. It’s not intended to be useful for the hardcore user, it’s for beginners. It’s not only openSUSE 11.0 focused, most of the stuff can be also used with older versions. This is my list, totally biased and based of what i found are the most asked questions on events.
Let's hope for a better and more productive week next week.