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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 22nd, 2008 - Part 2


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*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 16:57
schestowitzMicrosoft has begun pressuring the Chinese to abandon Windows: ""The computer is mine", one angry blogger penned, "Microsoft has no right to control my hardware without my agreement", the poor fool thought." 22 17:27
*mib_8hsxxh (i=5a3dca2c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 17:34
mib_8hsxxhany novelians there ?Oct 22 17:34
schestowitzHere?Oct 22 17:34
PetoKrausnovelians?Oct 22 17:35
schestowitzNovellers maybe.Oct 22 17:36
schestowitzWe sometimes have them intruding here. x-|Oct 22 17:36
mib_8hsxxhrightOct 22 17:37
schestowitzbenJIman report to some of his Novell/OpenSUSE buddies.Oct 22 17:37
mib_8hsxxhany layoff rumors yet ?Oct 22 17:37
schestowitzAnd we have at least one 'MS spy' here, but I can't tell which one it is.Oct 22 17:38
schestowitzmib_8hsxxh: it's probably coming.Oct 22 17:38
mib_8hsxxhok thxOct 22 17:38
schestowitzThey have delayed it for a while and the stock is still down today (below $5)Oct 22 17:38
schestowitzmib_8hsxxh: I don't wish to see layoffs.Oct 22 17:38
schestowitzUnless...Oct 22 17:38
mib_8hsxxhneither do IOct 22 17:38
schestowitzIt's Hovsepian, Steinman, jafee and the other cronies who arranged the sellout.Oct 22 17:39
mib_8hsxxhlolOct 22 17:39
schestowitzIt's them who deserve to go.Oct 22 17:39
schestowitzNoorda would send them off if he was still around.Oct 22 17:39
mib_8hsxxhI hear that all the timeOct 22 17:40
schestowitzThey punished the engineers.Oct 22 17:40
schestowitzTo tell you the truth, I'm not surprised.Oct 22 17:40
mib_8hsxxhlike UTAH has been self-sufficient on energy plugging him on the electrical  networkOct 22 17:40
schestowitzThe corporate culture some of them come from is Microsoft's 'patent'.Oct 22 17:41
schestowitz*parentOct 22 17:41
schestowitz 22 17:42
twitterATT, US Steel and Standard Oil are the intellectual parents of M$.Oct 22 17:42
schestowitz"..responsible for IBM's security, directory, and networking software business."Oct 22 17:42
twitterSteel, glass, oil and telco monopolies are their examples.Oct 22 17:42
*mib_8hsxxh has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 22 17:43
twitterThey have been innovators in slavery though.Oct 22 17:43
schestowitzIBM Influence in Novell : 22 17:43
twitter 22 17:48
schestowitz 22 17:51
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 22 17:52
twitterwow, what a blast of comments.  I'm not the only person who thought XP only was a bad idea.Oct 22 17:54
twitterActually, I think XP on them at all is a bad idea.Oct 22 17:54
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 17:54
schestowitzThey wrote a similar article to mine.. I only noticed that a moment ago.Oct 22 17:54
schestowitzTry to help me find MSI-MS connections.Oct 22 17:55
twitterI'd just google your site.Oct 22 17:55
schestowitz < MSI Systems Integrators Earns Gold Certified Partner Status in Microsoft Partner Program >Oct 22 17:56
schestowitzMSI, Golf-certified MS partner, chooses Ballnux, then dumps it and throws Linux FUD. Precious!Oct 22 17:56
twitterThey crippled it first with a weak battery, 22 18:01
twitterI'd never seen a picture of Wind I liked and I remember reading about a big M$ executive pushing for small computers years ago, think it was a Register article.Oct 22 18:02
schestowitzThat too. Illusion of choice of apathy.Oct 22 18:02
twitterI ignored it at the time because I had no interest in a M$ laptop with difficult hardware.Oct 22 18:02
schestowitzLet's see if they keep the promise and choose (or try) another distro that's at least optimised for this device. Just left a comment here: 22 18:03
schestowitzI'll just do a quick post about Novell's latest software patents (Meeks got one)Oct 22 18:04
*benJIman scrolls up to see what schestowitz wanted him to report.Oct 22 18:10
schestowitzIt's posted now: 22 18:13
twitterhe's looking for M$ influence at MSI, can you help Benji?Oct 22 18:13
schestowitzMSI stands for MicroSoft Incorporated.Oct 22 18:14
twitteryou know, thinks like executive and cash transfusionsOct 22 18:14
schestowitzMSFT is Microsoft Corp.Oct 22 18:14
twitterNow I'm confused.  What is the MSI wind?Oct 22 18:14
twitterMicrosoft Incorporated Wind?Oct 22 18:14
twitterduh, that's a joke.  slowwwww me. 22 18:16
schestowitzYou're all TERRO~1!! ALL OF YOU! :-) 22 18:16
schestowitzMicrosoft sued in China for black screen of death < >Oct 22 18:17
twitterha haOct 22 18:17
schestowitzThey got 'addicted' like gates wanted them too (he said addicted)Oct 22 18:17
schestowitzBillG has decided that the cure to this disease will no longer be free.Oct 22 18:17
twitterso much for the great China growth potential.Oct 22 18:17
schestowitzPay up or drop dead.Oct 22 18:17
schestowitzBlack screen of death = black plague.Oct 22 18:17
twitterThey are going to give him the finger.Oct 22 18:18
schestowitz1 billion+ people at risk of computer withdrawal syste,Oct 22 18:18
schestowitzTo me, this means in advance that Microsoft is struggling to keep investors happy.Oct 22 18:18
schestowitzIt's squeezing the goose for more golden eggs and not it's slaughtering the goose because it's growing impatient for the laying of eggs.Oct 22 18:19
twitterthose people who have less than 1/2 of what they bought ten years ago?Oct 22 18:19
schestowitzWhen the goose dies, Linux spreads like fire in China.Oct 22 18:19
schestowitzLo and behold!Oct 22 18:19
schestowitzChinese bloggers publicly slam Microsoft in the Land of Censorship:Oct 22 18:19
schestowitz 22 18:19
schestowitz"China's vocal bloggers seemed stunned that their computers seemed to have phoned Microsoft for the anti-piracy tool without asking."Oct 22 18:19
schestowitzNo sh*, SherlockOct 22 18:19
schestowitzWhen Windows is installed on the PC, that PC is owned and controlled  by Mirosoft. Read the EULA. Is the Chinese version of the EULA more ambiguous or jargon-filled?Oct 22 18:20
twitterThey thought they had the source code.Oct 22 18:20
schestowitzNaOct 22 18:20
schestowitzJust the suppressive regimeOct 22 18:20
schestowitzNot sure if due to worries about back door or /REQUEST/ for back doors.Oct 22 18:21
schestowitzMicrosoft dive the UK govermment and police back-door access to Windows.Oct 22 18:21
twitterThat regime thought it would not suffer this because it had the source code.Oct 22 18:21
schestowitzIt is all well documented and confirmed.Oct 22 18:21
schestowitzMicrosoft shies away when it's brought up and its Munchkins attack the messenger or deby that Heise/BBC are credible.Oct 22 18:21
schestowitzThey have contengencies though.Oct 22 18:22
twitterThe anger is government tolerated, that makes it close to government statement.  Plausible deniability and allOct 22 18:22
schestowitzThey have a better office suite than MS Office in the making (no English version) and they also have some localised GNU/Linux distrosOct 22 18:22
schestowitzThe next few years will therefore be very interesting.Oct 22 18:22
twitterChina is not going to put up with being bugged by M$.Oct 22 18:23
schestowitzWoohoo:  Instant-on Dell Desktop to Debut Next Week < >>Oct 22 18:23
schestowitzI wonder if their deal with Microsoft/Novell affects the cost of this in some way.Oct 22 18:23
twitterWhen M$ squeezes, China will dump.Oct 22 18:23
schestowitzThat's Linux on tens of millions Dell laptops.Oct 22 18:24
schestowitzAh! For the change, the LF didn't hire shills like Al Gillen and IDC to do lying for Linux.Oct 22 18:25
schestowitz Linux Foundation Publishes Study Estimating the Value of Linux < >Oct 22 18:26
schestowitzBrian Proffitt is there too... he's the long-time LinuxToday editor.Oct 22 18:26
schestowitzThe DB of BN runs away sometimes. I wonder if it's to do with the load on the server (quite high today). WP generates errors like 10% of the time today.Oct 22 18:27
schestowitz "In a windowless room on Microsoft’s campus here, T. J. Campana, a cybercrime investigator, connects an unprotected computer running an early version of Windows XP to the Internet. In about 30 seconds the computer is “owned.”"Oct 22 18:39
schestowitzNOVL is down 5% at the moment. Microsoft -5.3%... the whole market is sinking for reasons that are still guesses: 22 18:42
twittertrouble with China sounds like a good reason.Oct 22 18:45
twitterIf they won't pay their license fees, who will?Oct 22 18:45
twitterM$ has touted growth in china for years.Oct 22 18:45
twitterThe IP Empire was a pipe dream.Oct 22 18:46
schestowitzThey can still sell arms.Oct 22 18:46
twitterThe US?Oct 22 18:46
twittersure, but that won't make money for M$Oct 22 18:46
schestowitzIt would not. They sell cyber-armsOct 22 18:47
twitterM$ is part of the Dow Jones Average.Oct 22 18:47
schestowitzBack door edition: http://gadgets.boingboing.n...Oct 22 18:47
twitterNYT reporting on botnets may also harm M$.  Their ability to restrain the press is fading with their advertising budget and stock price.Oct 22 18:49
twitterThe end will come quickly.Oct 22 18:49
twitterRemember Time calling M$ an "empire in rapid decline"?Oct 22 18:50
twitterIn Slog terms, their failure is so large that it's becoming part of the mythos of IT, epic fail.Oct 22 18:51
schestowitzTime??Oct 22 18:51
schestowitzThe same magazine that published Gates glorification from Gates' own buddies?Oct 22 18:51
twitteryep, want link?Oct 22 18:52
schestowitz ( Dutch youths convicted of virtual theft )Oct 22 18:54
schestowitzYes, please (link)Oct 22 18:54
twitter  , and finally 22 18:54
schestowitzI think I remember this article.Oct 22 18:54
schestowitzYahoo exposed so much of Microsoft's troubles and gave it nothing.Oct 22 18:54
schestowitzWithin about 3 months (after the bid) the value of Microsoft fell over $40bn and $90bn within about 5-6Oct 22 18:55
twitterI'm surprised the article is still there.  Time wants a DRM world and thought M$ was their bitch.Oct 22 18:55
schestowitz"In 2007, PC Magazine, PC World, the Atlantic Monthly, ZDNet, the Independent, EWeek, ITWeek, Dvorak, CNet and Network World all agreed with 90% of IT managers in thinking that Vista should be avoided. ExtremeTech wrote Vista's obituary in 2008. This was followed by USA Today and Time, which called Microsoft an "empire in rapid decline". Even Dan Lyons sees, "a gloomy Vista for Microsoft." "Oct 22 18:56
schestowitzGood assortment.Oct 22 18:56
twitterM$ troubles were well underway before the Yahoo distraction.Oct 22 18:56
schestowitzGatess himself hates DRMOct 22 18:56
schestowitzHe said you should rip your newly-bought CDsOct 22 18:56
schestowitzhe also 'pirates' films in YouTube, by his own admission.Oct 22 18:57
twitterReally?  The NDA man himself?Oct 22 18:57
schestowitzAnd he hates patents.... well, he did before he became a monopolist (and a hypocrite)Oct 22 18:57
twitterDRM is fine by him as long as he's in charge.Oct 22 18:57
schestowitzYes, all true.Oct 22 18:57
schestowitzI can find the links from repuitable publications with quotes.Oct 22 18:57
schestowitzQuotes from the -man- wuss himself.Oct 22 18:58
schestowitzAnd as long as it's _Windows_ DRMOct 22 18:58
twitterHe has deprived people of their software freedom for decades, digital restrictions flow directly from that effort.Oct 22 18:58
schestowitzRemember how Microsoft harasses Apple over DRM (iTunes) at all where Apple has controlOct 22 18:58
twitterIf he says other things, he's lying or fooling himself.Oct 22 18:58
schestowitz.Well, it's 'for the investor'Oct 22 18:58
schestowitzLEt me find something I found moments ago.Oct 22 18:59
schestowitz "So it all comes back to the same old story-- don't trust the suits because their business models are based on exploitation, and even when they profit handsomely from Linux it's shameful and not mentioned in polite company."Oct 22 18:59
schestowitzThis includes Novell and IBM. Can't trust them. They exploit.Oct 22 18:59
twitterLaws can protect software freedom in any case.Oct 22 18:59
schestowitzI'm gonna for a quick round through MS news. Should be fun. I'll spew the findings here.Oct 22 19:00
twitterPeople should be punished for their crimes.Oct 22 19:00
twitterhave fun with the round upOct 22 19:00
schestowitzI'll report as I go along. Oct 22 19:01
schestowitzWhoa. Microsoft Wttch has /really/ slown down.Oct 22 19:01
schestowitzMaybe it's a good signOct 22 19:01
schestowitz.Joe Wilcox made just 5 posts in a week.Oct 22 19:02
schestowitzIt used to be like 3 a dayOct 22 19:02
schestowitzAnd his RSS feed keeps breaking for some reason.Oct 22 19:02
twitter 22 19:02
schestowitz ""A month ago, I would have bet Microsoft could push past the U.S. economic crisis unscathed. But as the bears bite overseas bulls, Microsoft won't avoid being mauled.Oct 22 19:03
twitterWachovia lost $24 billionOct 22 19:03
schestowitzThey'll blame the recession tomorrow.... and the 'PIRATES'!!!Oct 22 19:03
twitterlast quarterOct 22 19:04
schestowitzArrrr.... them evil pirates 'steal' from Mister SofteeOct 22 19:04
twitterYesterday was anti-pirate day, woot.Oct 22 19:04
schestowitzPropaganda day.Oct 22 19:04
schestowitzThey exploited this for BSA chantingOct 22 19:04
schestowitz.The BSA pressured journalists.Oct 22 19:04
twitterI took down my jolly rogers and promised to never say "arrr" again.Oct 22 19:04
schestowitzOr that's what I read... or got the impression of.Oct 22 19:04
schestowitzIt's more like awareness day for whitepapers against  free (gratis/libre) s/wOct 22 19:05
schestowitz   "News Commentary. For weeks, I've watched Microsoft's "I'm a PC" commercials. As a marketing campaign, my verdict: Fail."Oct 22 19:06
schestowitzMicrosoft Watch displaying anti-MS ads.Oct 22 19:06
twitterI'm going to have to add those things to my M$ Death Watch journal.Oct 22 19:07
schestowitzHuh?Oct 22 19:07
schestowitzNever seen that.Oct 22 19:07
twitterIt's relatively new.  Not refined like the Vista Failure Log.Oct 22 19:08
twitter 22 19:08
twitterThe China WGA rejection is big news.  Lots of submissions on the firehose.Oct 22 19:09
twitterLike I've said, M$ is not going to make it through the downturn.Oct 22 19:10
twitterDon't feel sad for the employees, they will be able to find honest work.Oct 22 19:10
schestowitzNew Scientist: Microsoft accused of hacking in piracy clampdown < >Oct 22 19:10
schestowitzMore people will become aware of the danger of blobs on their PCsOct 22 19:11
schestowitztwitter: no, the employees that are discarded do more damage elsewhere. Watch Nokia and MSBBC, for instance.Oct 22 19:11
schestowitz : Microsoft Xbox: Not Ready For Primetime Oct 22 19:13
schestowitzThe XBox lawsuit reports are all over the place this week.Oct 22 19:14
schestowitzis Nokia GPL-allergic? "By choosing the Eclipse Public License as the license for the software to come out of the Symbian Foundation, the group takes a road safely chosen. The Eclipse Foundation welcomes the foundation’s support. But what aboutOct 22 19:21
schestowitz the GPL?"Oct 22 19:21
schestowitzOuch. "As for you Carla, you should count all the Microsoft ads on the Linux Today website and give that some serious thought - just where is your paycheck coming from?"Oct 22 19:31
twitterM$ employees can't do as much harm if the company is bankrupt and repudiated and they are dispersed to honest work.Oct 22 19:34
*mib_4mr7cj (i=47ee1c4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 19:39
twitterhonest work, like waiting tables.  I was just reading an RMS transcript about honest living yesterday.  I'll try to find it.Oct 22 19:40
twitterNovell flunks, 9.4 %Oct 22 19:40
schestowitzYes, I know. Gardening too.Oct 22 19:40
schestowitzhe lectured about it here in Manchester.Oct 22 19:40
twittergood lecturesOct 22 19:40
schestowitzPeople think that the idea of earning less money is worse than suicide or something.Oct 22 19:40
schestowitzAsk "seller_liar" from Brazil about ethics and money...Oct 22 19:41
twitterThose with wealth and power like to say, "Do as I say or you will starve"Oct 22 19:41
schestowitzPeople give up on ethics for another little extra buck.Oct 22 19:41
twitterThose who have given up their ethics deserve to fail.Oct 22 19:41
*mib_4mr7cj has quit (Client Quit)Oct 22 19:42
twitterIf most of us acted like RMS, the rich and powerful would not be able to abuse anyone.Oct 22 19:42
twitterThey would be in jail.Oct 22 19:43
MinceRthen they wouldn't be rich or powerfulOct 22 19:44
schestowitzBut they are not in jailOct 22 19:44
schestowitzSome of them should be.Oct 22 19:44
schestowitzAs long as the law is written by the affluent, it does not work that way.Oct 22 19:44
schestowitzIt's those who can't afford to buy stuff (i.e. the poor/abused) who are most likely to be jailed.Oct 22 19:44
twitterYes, it's funny how a grocery store clerk might end up in jail for stealing a few hundred dollars from a register, but the CEO gets a golden parachute for a merger that bankrupts the company and screws everyone.Oct 22 19:47
twitterThat kind of thing would not happen if people stood up to it.Oct 22 19:47
schestowitzLaw are for people, 'superhumans' (in America that's athletes and rich people) are a little bit above the law.Oct 22 19:48
schestowitzThey can also pay bail money, i.e. bribe the system to leave them alone.Oct 22 19:48
schestowitzMicrosoft seen lowering outlook: 22 19:49
schestowitz"Microsoft's shares have plunged to an eight-year low and its rivals such as SAP AG (SAPG.DE: Quote, Profile, Research) have warned of tighter demand.Oct 22 19:49
schestowitz"Oct 22 19:49
twitterIt was not always this way.  People really did use to limit their salaries and compensation for the good of the company.Oct 22 19:50
PetoKrausWHY the HELL is my CV saved in .doc?!?Oct 22 19:50
schestowitzMicrosoft cancels Fallout 3 in India : http://www.computerandvideogames.c...Oct 22 19:50
schestowitzPetoKraus: where?Oct 22 19:50
twitterI have relatives who lived through the depression.Oct 22 19:50
twitterThey knew better than to rape their companies.Oct 22 19:51
PetoKrausschestowitz: on my PCOct 22 19:51
PetoKraus:SOct 22 19:51
schestowitzMaybe they grew up in a different environemtn.Oct 22 19:51
twitterPeto, just print to pdf.  It looks better that way.Oct 22 19:51
schestowitzOne where people cares about their environment (social env.) a little more.Oct 22 19:52
twitterHardly anyone asks for .DOC anymore.Oct 22 19:52
schestowitz*caredOct 22 19:52
twitterThey grew up angry at the last gang of corporate rapists.Oct 22 19:52
PetoKrauswell, i don't knowOct 22 19:52
PetoKrausi am sure i saved everything into odfOct 22 19:52
schestowitzAnother example of rich theif asked for their opinions on stuff they don't understand:,2817,2333088,00.asp (  Bill Gates Adds His Voice to White Spaces Debate )Oct 22 19:53
schestowitzWho RUNS  the country?Oct 22 19:53
schestowitzRich elite, that's whoOct 22 19:53
twitterCountry, meet ground.  Ground meet country.Oct 22 19:54
schestowitz"The Microsoft chairman on Monday spoke separately with Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin and Democratic Commissioner Michael Copps to urge passage of a final white spaces rule on November 4. "Oct 22 19:55
schestowitzSince when is Gates white space expert?Oct 22 19:55
schestowitzCan they not ask an impartial professor?Oct 22 19:55
schestowitzNo, they have to ask someone rich. Rich people have more money,  so they must know everything better.Oct 22 19:55
twitterCongress has taken testimony from Bose and Reed.Oct 22 19:55
twitterMr. Gates is showboating, propping himself up as technically aware and business aware.Oct 22 19:56
twitterHe's saying, "this can make money for me and others"Oct 22 19:56
twitterThat's not a bad argument.  The devil is in the details.Oct 22 19:57
twitterBroadcast is a waste of spectrum.Oct 22 19:57
schestowitzMicrosoft uses D.C. muscle to squash Google-Yahoo deal : 22 19:57
schestowitzI love an evening with good corruption to witness.Oct 22 19:57
schestowitzAnd Novell befriends these people?Oct 22 19:57
twitterWe shall see if the deal is squashed anywhere but the Wintel press.Oct 22 19:58
twitterI'm glad some of the corruption is being exposed.Oct 22 19:59
schestowitzExposed /where/?Oct 22 19:59
schestowitzIn Time? Oct 22 19:59
schestowitzNo, all these magazines cover no corruption.Oct 22 19:59
schestowitzFor 10 years they have ignored people who warned about the economic collapse. How come?Oct 22 19:59
twitterBrainwash.Oct 22 20:00
schestowitzFor years people have laughed at the idea of Mcirosoft dying. Where are we today with Vista, xb0rks, etc.?Oct 22 20:00
schestowitzNo, media control.Oct 22 20:00
twitterRich people too busy packing up factories to send to China.Oct 22 20:00
schestowitzAnd editors that are loyal to disinfo resonance and edvertisers.Oct 22 20:00
schestowitzadverOct 22 20:00
schestowitzGood for China.Oct 22 20:01
schestowitzMore wintel disinfo: ( Advertisers wary of Google, Yahoo deal )Oct 22 20:01
schestowitzIt's established by now that it's not true.Oct 22 20:02
twitterNot good for China.  Money in the hands of their government is bad for everyone there.Oct 22 20:02
schestowitzThe deal was shown to have been mischarachterised by the shills and corrupt politicians Mirosoft recruited (google "lawmedia")Oct 22 20:02
schestowitzNo better than money in the hands og GWBOct 22 20:03
twitterI have more hope for freedom in a richer USA than a poorer one and less hope for freedom in a richer China than a poorer one.Oct 22 20:04
twitterGWB has used the destruction of industry to eliminate organized labor.Oct 22 20:04
twitterMedia consolidation.Oct 22 20:05
schestowitzHa, *that*Oct 22 20:05
twitterWithout effective resistance, he's turned the US into a fucking police state.Oct 22 20:05
schestowitzSpeaking of which: 22 20:06
twitterSure, there are many willing tools, people who are afraid they will starve if they don't surrender their rights.Oct 22 20:06
schestowitzThere's another one about privitisation of the media somewhere.Oct 22 20:06
schestowitzWell, Mandella was in jail and almost executed, no?Oct 22 20:07
schestowitzChe Guevara was assassinated with assistance of the CIAOct 22 20:08
trmancoI'm starting to use EMACS for my C programmingOct 22 20:10
schestowitzBuybacks take a beating : 22 20:10
trmancolooks weird, but it is powerfulOct 22 20:10
schestowitz : Ballmer Needs to Live Up to the HypeOct 22 20:11
schestowitzI tried emacs in 2002. Went back in nedit after a few weeks.Oct 22 20:11
schestowitz ( Earnings Preview: Microsoft to post 1Q results )... not recommended. Forbes presents A$$sasinated Press (fighters against fair use)Oct 22 20:17
schestowitzWow. MSFT is down 7%+. They issued an outlook warning and boom.Oct 22 20:19
twitterI use kate.  I like the file view.Oct 22 20:19
twitterM$ a real market leader.Oct 22 20:19
twitterIt's all the fault of those dirty bad Communist pirates in China.Oct 22 20:20
*schestowitz uses Kate all the timeOct 22 20:21
schestowitzNOVL below $4.5 againOct 22 20:21
schestowitzAs I go through Microsoft news (350+ headlines) I see almost nothing positive for them. No new products, no raves.Oct 22 20:22
schestowitzWhich was RARE a year ago..Oct 22 20:22
twitterThey have been touting Windows 7, but that's a vaporware joke.Oct 22 20:23
schestowitzBotch Thursday tomorrow... like Patch Tuesday...  Is Microsoft's Stock Down? It Must be Patch Tuesday < >Oct 22 20:23
schestowitzBallmer killed 7 alreadyOct 22 20:24
schestowitzHe called it Vista. Even Microsoft banned scolded him for it.Oct 22 20:24
schestowitz /s/banned/fans/Oct 22 20:24
schestowitz "Is Microsoft showing Google the legislative ropes?  [...] The suspected instigator, of course, is Microsoft, a company well-versed by hard experience with the necessity of managing its profile in Washington (DC... the "other Washington" as we like to call it out here in Seattle) and lining the right pockets to ensure legislators or regulators Oct 22 20:25
schestowitzdon't stand overmuch in its way in the corridors of power."Oct 22 20:25
twitterThe buyback article echos what my trolls have been saying, buybacks are "smart"Oct 22 20:26
twitter"  The irony is that this might be the time to have any real faith in them. Right now only companies in decent shape - generating real, secure cash flow and not dependent on the debt or capital markets - can afford to buy back stock, and this is a chance to get the stock cheap."Oct 22 20:26
twitterReal bright, blowing your cash reserve right next to a depression.Oct 22 20:26
schestowitzMS mentality: Why compete with Google using better products..? Just obstruct and sabotage Google insteadOct 22 20:26
twitterIt's smart for company members who want to unload their shares at company and public expense.Oct 22 20:27
schestowitztwitter: it's a bucket gameOct 22 20:27
schestowitzIBM does this too.Oct 22 20:27
schestowitzRed Hat and Novell also.Oct 22 20:27
twitterM$ is out of buckets.Oct 22 20:27
schestowitzIt's like passing money from your bank account to under your bricks at home. You're not richer... but just at higher risk of being robbed.Oct 22 20:28
MinceRm$ can't competeOct 22 20:28
MinceRand they know itOct 22 20:28
schestowitzThey approach debt nowOct 22 20:28
twitterno, it's like they are going into debt because they don't have product anyone wants.Oct 22 20:28
schestowitzThey haveVista 7Oct 22 20:28
twitterVista 2.0Oct 22 20:29
schestowitzVista 7.0Oct 22 20:29
MinceRVista7Oct 22 20:29
schestowitzVista 7.0 Super Omega Better(TM) editionOct 22 20:29
MinceRWindows SemenOct 22 20:29
schestowitzIt's really really good. Really. Look at the nameOct 22 20:29
twitterI think it's more like the OMG eddition.Oct 22 20:29
schestowitzOops. bad typo there.Oct 22 20:29
PetoKrausyou mean, good for skin, right?Oct 22 20:29
MinceRlolOct 22 20:30
PetoKraus[pun intended]Oct 22 20:30
PetoKraus:DOct 22 20:30
PetoKrauswhere is itOct 22 20:30
PetoKraus 22 20:30
schestowitzVista failed, so Microsoft ejaculated Windows Sevmen 2 years later.Oct 22 20:31
PetoKrauswell, maybe Vista failed BECAUSE Microsoft ejaculated....Oct 22 20:32
schestowitzHaha.Oct 22 20:32
twitterMore like gas.  Hot air from the marketing department.  The last one stank too.Oct 22 20:32
schestowitzI've just seen a headline about Surface.Oct 22 20:32
schestowitz*LOL* Now is the time to sell $7500 PCsOct 22 20:32
schestowitzAs big as tables... not like an Eee PCOct 22 20:32
twitter$25,000 super computers too.Oct 22 20:32
schestowitzHaha.Oct 22 20:32
schestowitzJus build a Linux clusters from existing PCs and pool the resources. That's what I do... with Fedora.Oct 22 20:33
twitterJust in case you have trouble getting a job on the many linux clusters at every University.Oct 22 20:33
schestowitztwitter: no Vista was just 'release' prematurelyOct 22 20:33
schestowitzIt had the bad genes of Longhorn.Oct 22 20:33
twitterSix year Karma Sutra produces Vista?Oct 22 20:33
twittermore like a Sweaty B tantrum tan tantric.Oct 22 20:34
schestowitz (  Microsoft and Google face off in Washington )Oct 22 20:35
schestowitz"Mixed in among the complaints from the usual lobbying suspects were letters from several farming groups, including the National Association of Farmer Elected Committees and the National Latino Farmers and Ranchers Trade Association, arguing that since farmers use the Internet, they were worried about a Google-Yahoo monopoly."Oct 22 20:35
schestowitzThese are SHILLSOct 22 20:35
twitterI did not do a statistical study of the words people used to describe Vista in the 53 videos I collected but shit is probably the most frequent followed by fuck.Oct 22 20:35

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Microsoft Windows Down to 8.5% in South Africa
South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
There's a lot to show
Doing Free Software for a Living in an Era or a Time of Abundance of Code (and Fast Internet to Pass It Around Freely) or Writing When the Web is Attacked by LLM Slop
Tailoring code to needs is the key
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Gemini Links 03/03/2025: Copyrights, GrapheneOS, and SpaceBeans
Links for the day
Links 03/03/2025: Europe Rallies Behind Ukraine, Measles Flourishes in US Again
Links for the day
After Fund-raising Campaign the Free Software Foundation Still Raises About $13,000 Per Week (Without Campaigning for New Donors/Members)
Richard Stallman in the Board is not a liability
Links 03/03/2025: 'Monetisation' Myth' and Microsoft's LLMs Helping Criminals
Links for the day
The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
Also based on the leading publication that they want removed
Links 03/03/2025: Mass Layoffs in IBM China, Intel Still in Trouble
Links for the day
3 Out of 4 in Cuba Use Linux to Access the Web
Maybe change does come about...
Links 02/03/2025: Day Off, POWER9, Console Challenge
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 02, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 02, 2025
Microsoft Windows Falls to All-Time Low in Thailand
We're seeing many all-time records like these so far in 2025
Gemini Links 02/03/2025: Snowdrop Flower and Hostile Leaders
Links for the day
Links 02/03/2025: Microsoft Outlook Goes Offline, Foreign-Owned Social Control Media Interfering With Fair Elections
Links for the day
According to statCounter, Windows Falls Off a Cliff in Maharlika, GNU/Linux Surges to 5%
But mobile is king
New Video Clip of Richard Stallman's Latest Visit to and Talks in Italy
Richard Stallman or RMS giving his latest talk last week
Windows Used by Only One in Six Asians to Access the Web, According to statCounter
maybe more governments in Asia should move away from Microsoft
GNU/Linux Reaches 5% in Brazil, an All-Time High According to statCounter
There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
If one puts aside Russia and east Europe, not many countries exist that still connect to the Web from Windows more than from Android
GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Sweden has many Chromebooks in schools3 nations
Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
For the First Time GNU/Linux is Measured at Over 4% in Europe (Not Counting ChromeOS/Chromebooks)
Europe, on average, is now estimated to have GNU/Linux on 1 in 25 Web-connected laptops/desktops
Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
People still use search, not chatbots
Apple's iOS Almost Bigger Than Windows Now (Internationally), Windows Falls to 22% According to statCounter
Without Windows domination, there's not much left going for Microsoft
Putin's Loyal DOGE
We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
The Media Barely Reported This (Late Friday): IBM Lays Off About 2,000 More Workers, Effective Hours Ago
Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
The longer it goes on for, the greater the Streisand Effect
Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
"Guns for hire" in London can only issue "legal" threats
Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
Right now there are many articles about Microsoft Outlook being down completely
Gemini Links 02/03/2025: OFFLFIRSOCH 2025 and Programming
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 01, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 01, 2025
Another Day and Another LLM Slopfest From Madame Day at the Slopfarm
Can't take a break, can she?
Sucking Up to Fascists (Like IBM's Watson Sucked Up to Adolf Hitler in the 1930s) Did Not Help IBM
IBM could stick to better principles, but instead it treats the Free software community and even its own staff like trash
Links 01/03/2025: GB News Loses Over 100 Million Pounds, Zelensky Wins World's Sympathy
Links for the day
Getting Serial Sloppers to Knock the Habit of Plagiarism by LLM Slop
All in all, the fewer the slop objects, the better
As Prices Soar and Services Shut Down (Even YouTube Starts Demanding Money for the Original or a Tolerable Experience) It's Time to Explore the Real Alternatives is the most viable instance of Invidious these days
Gemini Links 01/03/2025: Amends and GNU/Linux
Links for the day
Links 01/03/2025: Scam Altman's Latest Excuse, Google Price Hikes
Links for the day
Justice Will Find Its Way at the End
We deserve an award, not SLAPP, for what we've done
March Already, Rumours of IBM Layoffs in Brazil
Red Hat might be impacted too
Links 01/03/2025: Squashing Software Patents, USPTO Facing Additional Cuts
Links for the day
Links 01/03/2025: UNM Gopher and Getting One's Pages on gemini://
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, February 28, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, February 28, 2025