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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 7th, 2008 - Part 2


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EruaranWatching this thing on tv right nowDec 07 13:38
PetoKraustill... TODAY? WTF?Dec 07 13:38
PetoKrausEruaran: whichDec 07 13:38
benJImanPetoKraus: Well the alternative is virgin who throttle non-http traffic, throttle all traffic at peak times, run all traffic through phorm, and block sites they don't like such as mp3 sharing sites.Dec 07 13:39
EruaranYou know how in the US they catch Paedophiles by going to chat channels (or whatever) and posing as 13 year old girls etcDec 07 13:39
PetoKrausbenJIman: i've got Virgin :/Dec 07 13:39
EruaranI watched the footageDec 07 13:40
PetoKraushmmDec 07 13:40
benJIman€£127 is only €£10 a month over 12 months, if you pay €£22 for your internet per month that's €£30 per month for your connection over the year.Dec 07 13:40
EruaranThis guy does drive up to meet a girl at this parkDec 07 13:40
EruaranBut he seems to have second thoughtsDec 07 13:40
PetoKrausbenJIman: and which provider over BT would you recommend? BE?Dec 07 13:40
EruaranHeads back to his vehicle to leaveDec 07 13:40
EruaranThen they arrest himDec 07 13:40
benJImanPetoKraus: Until yesterday certainly. Not sure now, will see what comes out of this wikipedia filtering thing.Dec 07 13:41
EruaranMy thinking on this is, sure he thought he wast talking to a 13 year old girl online and his head is clearly in a "bad place"Dec 07 13:41
EruaranBut, heres my problemDec 07 13:42
EruaranThe police set this whole thing upDec 07 13:42
EruaranAnd at the last minute, the guy has second thoughts or maybe comes to his sensesDec 07 13:42
EruaranSo he never attempts to meet with this ficticious girlDec 07 13:43
Eruaran(because there is no girl)Dec 07 13:43
EruaranAnd they arrest him though he hasn't really done anythingDec 07 13:43
schestowitzEruaran: maybe they have knowledge about himDec 07 13:43
EruaranmaybeDec 07 13:43
EruaranI suppose, if he has already committed crimes then okDec 07 13:44
schestowitzUnless they do it randomly they might try to trip up known troublemakersDec 07 13:44
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 07 15:19
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 15:19
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 07 15:27
twitterRan across an analysis of Vista EULA the other day, I'm not sure I shared it.Dec 07 15:33
twitterThe important parts of these licenses is their unilateral clauses, which basically give M$ the ability to do anything they want from spying to deleting all of your work and disabling your computer.Dec 07 15:34
twittertechnical details now are only important as they report the mechanisms used to spy on people, but even that is secondary to intent.Dec 07 15:35
EruaranGood news for Kopete users: Windows Live Messenger support with webcam support and now Yahoo webcam support as well... Telepathy is in the worksDec 07 15:44
schestowitzIt's more outrageous that some OEMs push these EULAs onto peopleDec 07 15:46
EruaranIn svn playground there is a kpart called konqueror-webkitDec 07 15:46
EruaranKHTML/Webkit merging is in progress.Dec 07 15:53
schestowitzWhat about Apple?Dec 07 15:55
EruaranApple has nothing to do with itDec 07 15:56
trmancoOur guide to building your own online distro: 07 15:57
trmanco 07 15:58
trmanco*sounds* goodDec 07 15:58
EruaranQtWebKit is free and does not rely on Apple for contributions. KHTML and QtWebKit are being merged. (basically putting an end to the mess Apple created).Dec 07 15:59
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 07 15:59
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 16:02
twitterEruaran, that is good news about kopete.Dec 07 16:16
twitterI'm waiting for it all to work better with jabber though.Dec 07 16:16
twitterRMS is blogging today,  lots of interesting news.Dec 07 16:17
Eruarannite all gtgDec 07 16:20
PetoKrausgnDec 07 16:20
twitterlaterDec 07 16:24
schestowitzl8erDec 07 16:26
trmanco 07 16:29
trmanco"Google employees not using the secret OS are employing various versions of Unix, such as Linux or Ubuntu, and some older operating systems, like X11, he says."Dec 07 16:30
trmanco:ODec 07 16:30
twitter:-DDec 07 16:30
schestowitzThey have GoobuntuDec 07 16:32
schestowitzSOS: The Secret OSDec 07 16:32
*neighborlee ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 16:34
neighborleehi allDec 07 16:34
trmanco Usability Hall of Shame: ExcelDec 07 16:34
trmancoHiDec 07 16:34
neighborleeyou know, gnome has really gotten lame anymore, not sure why I bother at allDec 07 16:34
schestowitzHi, neighborlee Dec 07 16:40
schestowitztrmanco: "Error 404 - Not Found"Dec 07 16:41
trmancowaiDec 07 16:41
trmancothose 2 dots at the endDec 07 16:41
trmanco 07 16:41
trmancohow do you call these " : " ?Dec 07 16:42
neighborleepower management only allows up to 1 hour before it at least offers up to '5' yours if you wish..some might find that extreme, but sometimes choice IS better when it comes to how your apps function ;)Dec 07 16:44
neighborleeI guess linus couldn't endure gnome anymore for that reason, and im getting thereDec 07 16:44
neighborlee:)oh well...bitch bitch huh ;)Dec 07 16:44
neighborleegnome simple is more , I get that..but you would think    advanced features would be at least accessible  or what do you think ? ;)Dec 07 16:45
schestowitztrmanco: colonDec 07 16:45
trmancothanksDec 07 16:45
trmanco 07 16:59
schestowitzI'm writing about it. SortaDec 07 17:05
schestowitzI'll add your linkDec 07 17:10
PetoKrausPK went on a rant: 07 17:11
schestowitzYou deserveDec 07 17:11
schestowitzDemocracy is under fireDec 07 17:12
schestowitzNot that it was ever democratic in thew first placeDec 07 17:12
trmanco:-)Dec 07 17:12
PetoKrausi need to do some front page designDec 07 17:14
schestowitzNaaa..Dec 07 17:14
PetoKrausi don't like the fact that older pages just scroll out of the menu on the leftDec 07 17:14
PetoKrausthough, finally, i moved from tabled design to <div>'sDec 07 17:15
PetoKraussome parts are still generated as a table... i am crappy coderDec 07 17:15
PetoKrausoh wellDec 07 17:15
PetoKrausat least, there is enough prog rock and psychedelia in my playlistDec 07 17:17
schestowitzWikipedia. Meh..Dec 07 17:20
schestowitzBlack Wikpedia...Dec 07 17:20
schestowitzThat'll stop the perverts...Dec 07 17:20
schestowitzThey won't move anywhere else.Dec 07 17:20
schestowitzWikipedia *is* the Web.Dec 07 17:20
schestowitzYou're getting sleeeeeeeeeepy...Dec 07 17:20
PetoKrausi mean honestlyDec 07 17:21
PetoKrauscensoring wikipedia is likeDec 07 17:21
PetoKrauscensoring textbooksDec 07 17:21
schestowitzThey already use PEDOPHELIA to KILL THE WHOLE OF USENETDec 07 17:21
schestowitzPolitical newsgroups...Dec 07 17:21
schestowitzTechnical newsgroups...Dec 07 17:21
schestowitzWhat's left? CNN?Dec 07 17:21 07 17:21
schestowitzThey are idiots, like the media industryDec 07 17:22
schestowitzThey think that if they block p2p PORTS, then people won't swap CDs?Dec 07 17:22
schestowitzOr that DRM will stop people from striping the locks?Dec 07 17:22
schestowitz*strippingDec 07 17:22
PetoKrausi mean what can you doDec 07 17:22
schestowitzNot muchDec 07 17:22
schestowitzJust scaring peopleDec 07 17:22
PetoKrausin slovakia, it's fairly easy to create ltd companyDec 07 17:22
schestowitzLike the MAFIAA threatens with lawsuitsDec 07 17:23
PetoKrausand provide your mates with internetDec 07 17:23
PetoKrauscause, you know, in SIX (slovak internet exchange), all the folks are friendsDec 07 17:23
PetoKrausUK just feels like it's not europe anymoreDec 07 17:24
*PetoKraus np: Pink Floyd - One Of My Turns (The Wall)Dec 07 17:24
benJImanYou could do something useful like writing to your MP instead of complaining on IRC.Dec 07 17:24
PetoKrausbenJIman: right, i'll do soDec 07 17:24
PetoKrausgood stuff the school is overDec 07 17:25
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 07 17:28
PetoKrausbenJIman: could you give me a hint as to where to start?Dec 07 17:29
benJIman 07 17:30
PetoKrausyou know, in slovakia, i'd complain to the state trade inspection office...Dec 07 17:30
benJImanWorth writing to ofcom too.Dec 07 17:30
benJIman 07 17:31
PetoKrausthank yeeDec 07 17:31
PetoKrausi feel like a bitching idiot... I've already sent like 4 letters this term to various companies just complainingDec 07 17:36
schestowitzComplaints drive behaviourDec 07 17:42
schestowitzBarriers.Dec 07 17:42
schestowitzPeople gravitate towards misbehaviour.Dec 07 17:42
schestowitzbblDec 07 17:55
twitterut oh, P.J. is operating under a flawed assumption, "Novell is interested in making it very clear that Linux is perfectly safe to use in the enterprise, after all." 07 17:56
schestowitzI didn't read it.Dec 07 17:57
schestowitzShe must be referring to the SCO case in isolationDec 07 17:57
schestowitzbblDec 07 17:57
twittergoogle responded to ATT bandwith fud 07 18:10
twitterindeed, ATT bought the "study"Dec 07 18:10
*_doug (n=_doug@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 18:33
_doug............................................................Dec 07 18:35
PetoKrausbenJIman: ofcom page says, send formal complaint to your ISP first. I guess i'd follow the proceduresDec 07 18:46
PetoKrausthank you anyway, you've been helpfulDec 07 18:46
PetoKrauswould you like to read the letter i've typed?Dec 07 18:46
*mib_neuu1o (i=507e8138@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 18:51
*mib_neuu1o has quit (Client Quit)Dec 07 18:52
_douglater ..Dec 07 18:53
_douggtgDec 07 18:56
*_doug has quit ("Java user signed off")Dec 07 18:56
*neighborlee has quit ("Leaving")Dec 07 19:21
*kevin832 has quit ("leaving")Dec 07 19:33
*GoblinRFD ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 20:04
PetoKrauswho said "analysts sell out, it's their business model"Dec 07 20:04
macabe"Analysts sell out - that's their business model... But they are very concerned that they never look like they are selling out, so that makes them very prickly to work with." (Pg.54)Dec 07 20:18
macabe-Microsoft, internal document 07 20:18
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 20:26
schestowitzHey, I'm back. PetoKraus it's part of Microsoft's seminar material.Dec 07 20:27
PetoKrausyes, i found itDec 07 20:31
PetoKrausi am trolling page of one politician in slovakiaDec 07 20:31
PetoKrausshe is running for presidentDec 07 20:31
PetoKrausapart from the fact, that i don't agree with her policy, her fanbois include stuff likeDec 07 20:31
PetoKraus"according to social analysis"Dec 07 20:31
PetoKrausit's the same momentum as barack obamaDec 07 20:33
PetoKrausshe's young and woman. He's young and umm, what's the current way to say it politically correctly?Dec 07 20:33
schestowitzHaha.Dec 07 20:33
schestowitzUnity, hope, change...Dec 07 20:33
schestowitzRepeat the sloganDec 07 20:33
schestowitz"he's such a nice guy... a special person"... WHAT ABOUT HIS BL00dy policies?Dec 07 20:34
schestowitzIt's very bad when important issues are replaced by personality. Just watch how Bush plays the "good Christian" card to win votesDec 07 20:34
schestowitzSome politicians even fake it just to win votes... they have "Campaign Managers"...Dec 07 20:34
PetoKrausthe point isDec 07 20:44
PetoKrauspresidentship in slovakia is...Dec 07 20:44
PetoKrausbeing a lame duck from the start, basicallyDec 07 20:44
PetoKrausyou can return laws which you don't like back in the parliament. Once.Dec 07 20:44
PetoKrausthat's it?Dec 07 20:44
PetoKrausit's more of a representative functionDec 07 20:45
PetoKrauswhen you want to have someone to represent slovakia, you put there someone who looks good in national clothing, who doesn't speak any language, who can out-drink any other president in drinking contest (except russia), who can dance and stuffDec 07 20:46
PetoKrausyou don't put a woman, who studied in oxford... that's just so not-slovakDec 07 20:47
schestowitz*LOL*Dec 07 20:47
schestowitzDancing and drinkingDec 07 20:47
schestowitzIt seems like the US is the same.Dec 07 20:47
PetoKrausyeah, and you wonder why bush came to our country so many times :)Dec 07 20:47
schestowitzSax play who's having oral sex with young women in the white house... now some dancer guy.Dec 07 20:47
schestowitz*payersDec 07 20:48
schestowitz*player I meanDec 07 20:48
PetoKrausyeahDec 07 20:48
schestowitzBush drinks a lotDec 07 20:48
schestowitzIt shows... not only in him, but also in the form of the wine cellars he has in his ranch.Dec 07 20:48
schestowitzSome intellectual have shelves with books.... US president has 'shelves' with alcohol.Dec 07 20:49
PetoKrausi mean, the difference between US president and Slovak president is only that simple thing - US president actually can do something with the country. Slovak president is representative puppet.Dec 07 20:49
schestowitzA pupoet to whom?Dec 07 20:49
PetoKrauswell to the countryDec 07 20:49
schestowitzPuppet to people or corps?Dec 07 20:49
PetoKraushe doesn't have any real powerDec 07 20:49
schestowitzWhat is country?Dec 07 20:49
PetoKrausexcept of that vetoDec 07 20:49
schestowitzEconomy?  Social beings?Dec 07 20:49
PetoKrausother than that, he just has to appoint people.... and the appointments are handed to him from Prime MinisterDec 07 20:50
schestowitzStates (people) are rarely the problem; those that run them can become problem.Dec 07 20:50
PetoKrausit's useless position. think US vice presidentDec 07 20:50
schestowitzOh, wait..Dec 07 20:50
schestowitzPM is not President in SK.Dec 07 20:50
PetoKrausyeah :)Dec 07 20:50
schestowitzI know other countries where President is just a symbol.Dec 07 20:51
PetoKrausor Queen ^^Dec 07 20:51
schestowitzAmerica (US)) is a little more totalitarian than that.Dec 07 20:51
schestowitzUS is like a monarchy without a functioning PM equivalent.Dec 07 20:51
schestowitzSpirituality (the religion is money) drives the country.Dec 07 20:52
PetoKrausi mean, the political system in slovakia is quite goodDec 07 20:52
PetoKrausunless someone gets over 80% of votesDec 07 20:52
PetoKrausTHEN you're in trouble (constitutional majority)Dec 07 20:52
PetoKrausthere's parliament, which is directly elected body every 4 years (and by directly elected, i mean % representation, not some freaking electoral votes system); the parties in parliament have to form a coalition with 51% of overal votes; they hand the list of ministries and PM to the president, he appoints them, and that forms our government... for 4 years. Presidential elections are in the midterm, and the only real power pDec 07 20:56
PetoKrausresident has is the veto power, but only once for each law...Dec 07 20:56
PetoKrauswhat I find a bit weird thoughDec 07 20:57
PetoKrausis you vote for a party and not for a person....Dec 07 20:57
schestowitzWhat's with the number 4?Dec 07 20:57
schestowitzWhere does it come from?Dec 07 20:57
PetoKrausno idea...Dec 07 20:57
schestowitzAnd 8-year 'expiry'..Dec 07 20:57
PetoKrauswe don't have that, luckily enoughDec 07 20:57
schestowitzOnce in 4 years people have the chance to pretend they have power.. and then be left off... that's not necessarily effective.Dec 07 20:58
schestowitzReferendums are better.Dec 07 20:58
PetoKrauswell yeah, but costlyDec 07 20:58
schestowitzBut they can be manipulated through brainwash and disinformation.Dec 07 20:58
PetoKrausi mean, we had the referendum whether we wanna join EUDec 07 20:58
schestowitzInvasion of Iraq was costly too, PetoKraus Dec 07 20:58
PetoKrausthe turnover rate was what, 15% of populationDec 07 20:59
schestowitzThe issue is that they brainwashed the masses, so many would have voted for it.Dec 07 20:59
PetoKrausI was quite surprised there's like regional PM for every county in UKDec 07 21:00
PetoKrauslike, glasgow north has it's own PM...Dec 07 21:00
PetoKrausin slovakia, the "city council" forms this sort of low-level government... meaning the capital itself has over 600 MP'sDec 07 21:00
PetoKraustalk about admin overheadDec 07 21:00
PetoKrauson another note, Pepsi Cola sucks quite a lotDec 07 21:01
schestowitzDissemination of power is effective though.Dec 07 21:01
schestowitzThere's still the opportunity for cronyism (puppet states inside a state)Dec 07 21:02
PetoKrausschestowitz: did you see/read Hitchhiker's guide by Adams?Dec 07 21:02
schestowitzI haven't, no.Dec 07 21:02
PetoKrausthere is this concept of noticeboardDec 07 21:02
schestowitzI haven't hitch hiker for almost 10 yearsDec 07 21:02
PetoKrauswhere all the relevant information (for your galaxy) are postedDec 07 21:02
schestowitzI mean, /proper/.. with sleeping bad and all... I used to do that often.Dec 07 21:02
PetoKrausso earth gets demolished, and when earth people ask why no one told themDec 07 21:03
PetoKrausthey get reply "the notice was on the noticeboard on Alpha Centauri for 4 years, enough time to comment on"Dec 07 21:03
schestowitzEnjoy Earth while it lastsDec 07 21:04
schestowitzLikewise, enjoy a wasteful Xmas while it lasts (this year)Dec 07 21:04
PetoKrausit's something very similar in slovakia. They put notices on weird noticeboards somewhere, and then you read about ridiculous laws they pass on city-scale levelDec 07 21:04
schestowitzPeople are fooled into believing they should carry on spending to 'drive the economy'Dec 07 21:04
schestowitzToo bad next year people will lose jobs, houses, and remainder of the loan/savings.Dec 07 21:04
PetoKrausschestowitz: yes. economy is crumbling so.... let's lower the VAT!Dec 07 21:04
PetoKrausso we get LESS money in the budget!Dec 07 21:05
schestowitzAs for planet Earth, we are told by the High Propaganda that Planet Earth has infinite resources as a garbage dumpDec 07 21:05
schestowitzThis helps large company drive demand that they create and fulfill it to the max at the expense of whatever's ruined.Dec 07 21:05
schestowitzLower the VAT?Dec 07 21:05
PetoKrausyeahDec 07 21:05
schestowitzWhat about the bailout?Dec 07 21:05
schestowitzGotta pay out tax to rich people.Dec 07 21:06
PetoKraus:)Dec 07 21:06
PetoKrausbut you know, the bail out actually may helpDec 07 21:06
schestowitzIf not 'drive the economy' (euphemism), then 'save the economy'Dec 07 21:06
schestowitzAll are forms of taxationDec 07 21:06
PetoKrausthe VAT change... not at allDec 07 21:06
schestowitzThe loan givers earnDec 07 21:06
schestowitzPeople spend money they don't have, so they take more loans with higher interests rates.Dec 07 21:06
schestowitzThe only ones earning are the people in Asia who export the merchandise while deficist in the west grows.Dec 07 21:07
schestowitz*deficitDec 07 21:07
schestowitzBailout... help?? Who do you think pays for it?Dec 07 21:07
schestowitzThey try to sell people the story that when you and I pay to save... let's say... some company that makes cars... or save some corrupt bank and make it 'nationalised' then we somehow 'win'.Dec 07 21:08
schestowitzIt's an international problems, but not all nations are in considerable debt . Some have skills and worforce. The likelihoods seem to suggest that China can buy American to be their 'slaves' some time in the not-so-distant future.Dec 07 21:09
schestowitzShame on CNN < >Dec 07 21:12
schestowitzLawrence Lessig: 07 21:12
schestowitzNTY shilling for Microsoft again: 07 21:25
schestowitzMicrosoft endless yet-no is a way of just battering Yahoo! and making it cheaper (while emitting employees).Dec 07 21:27
schestowitzNo.... ($20bn Microsoft-Yahoo! deal disputed)  ... then "yes" ... (Yahoo Rises After WSJ Says Miller May Buy Company (Update3))Dec 07 21:27
schestowitzMicrosoft: we're the best ... (more lies about numbers that are bogus and don't account for downgrades)Dec 07 21:30
schestowitzJohn Paczkowski, troll < >: he neglects to mention that Microsoft is the motor that lobb^H^H^H^H^Hrrupted the DOJ to sue Google after it was clear for takeoff with no opposition from anyone but shills whom they hired via LawMedia and existing cronies.Dec 07 21:36
schestowitzplays chherleader for the Vole:  But: "Lies damn lies and statistics :) From your very own chart, Google search only: 650 mil increase Msn live search : 77 mil increase So Google also increased its total search volume by 10x as Microsoft's as well.Dec 07 21:39
schestowitzPlease don't use these cheap tricks, low volume search engines might have %1000 increase and it does not mean anything"Dec 07 21:39
schestowitz[From Joseph Tartakoff at ]Dec 07 21:40
GoblinRFDHi Roy, sorry I wasnt ignoring, Ive just been running through Hv3 alpha ver....Dec 07 21:42
schestowitzThe browser?Dec 07 21:42
GoblinRFDyeahDec 07 21:43
GoblinRFDverdict:Dec 07 21:43
GoblinRFDpantsDec 07 21:43
GoblinRFDslow, poorly rendered pages wrapped up in a gui that cant decide if it wants to crash or not.Dec 07 21:43
GoblinRFDsorry, pants is a very unprofessional word.Dec 07 21:44
GoblinRFD"Rather poor and lacks luster"Dec 07 21:44
trmanco 07 21:44
trmancoF-spot for lastDec 07 21:45
GoblinRFDIm testing Dillo next.Dec 07 21:45
schestowitzMono-spot?Dec 07 21:46
schestowitzGoblinRFD: Dillo ought to be mature.Dec 07 21:46
schestowitzThere's another one with a very long name... Firefox derivative maybe.Dec 07 21:46
GoblinRFDI havent heard anything about it.Dec 07 21:46
PetoKrausGoblinRFD: Dillo is niceDec 07 21:47
PetoKrauswhat are you doing, anyway?Dec 07 21:47
PetoKraus:PDec 07 21:47
GoblinRFDjust a comparison for my blogDec 07 21:47
PetoKrausrightDec 07 21:47
PetoKrausbe sure to include arora and epiphany-webkit :)Dec 07 21:47
GoblinRFDMS-watch has been dull and shillerless for the last couple of days.Dec 07 21:47
PetoKrausor is it only small-scale stuff?Dec 07 21:47
GoblinRFDsmall scaleDec 07 21:48
schestowitzSix critical: Eight bulletins wrap up Microsoft's security year < >Dec 07 21:48
*schestowitz looks at mswatchDec 07 21:48
GoblinRFDIm thinking of coding my own browser at the end of this.  I have a few ideas.Dec 07 21:48
PetoKrausummDec 07 21:48
PetoKrausthat'd be a good idea ;)Dec 07 21:49
schestowitzVery quiet...Dec 07 21:49
schestowitzI see..Dec 07 21:49
schestowitzIt was better when Mary Jo Foley ran the place.. 07 21:49
GoblinRFDI love Andre Da Costa, he's class entertainment.Dec 07 21:50
schestowitzHer old articles still score some hits and she passed many subscribers to those who inheritedDec 07 21:50
schestowitzA Microsoft employee/turncoat (Peter galli) used to write in this siteDec 07 21:50
schestowitz(Just to shed light on the Mcirosoft connection to such sites)Dec 07 21:50
GoblinRFDAndre could put a positive spin on the end of the world.Dec 07 21:50
schestowitzIsn't that the guy who runs a Winders site?Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzLike Windows Pro or something?Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzOne of the fans of Win7 and boot lickers for the Vole?Dec 07 21:51
GoblinRFDHe claims no connection with MSDec 07 21:51
schestowitzHaha.Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzLet me check soemthing.Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzHaha.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzActiveWinDec 07 21:52
GoblinRFDwin 7Dec 07 21:52
GoblinRFDarticle?Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzNo connection.. yeah... like I'm not connected to my cousins.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzI mentioned him here: 07 21:52
GoblinRFDI started a new section on my blog.  "Lord of The Shills" a sort of tribute to the best of best on the net.  Recieved quite a few nice mails about it too.Dec 07 21:55
schestowitzGoblinRFD: don't call them AstroTurfers; they are boosters.Dec 07 21:55
schestowitzThey boost the Microsoft brand and receive all kinds of awards (material or not) for it. It's part of the 'ecosystem', sometimes known as movement or even cult.Dec 07 21:56
GoblinRFDah.Dec 07 21:56
schestowitzRemember that freedom cannot be a cult because it's natural for people to attain and maintain freedoms. On the other hand, you have those corporate clubs with Silver/Gold/whatever partnership. This is supposed to motivate them to fight rivals and protect the 'emperor' APple has that too.Dec 07 21:57
GoblinRFDbrb smoke break - got to go outside!Dec 07 21:58
schestowitzApple more proprietary than Microsoft, survey finds < >Dec 07 21:59
MinceRoh, it's from asayDec 07 22:01
*MinceR promptly closes itDec 07 22:01
*kapipi has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Dec 07 22:01
schestowitzBill Gates Urges Obama to Increase Spending < >Dec 07 22:03
schestowitzMinceR: I tossed Asay out of my feeds. He still makes it into Google News 'cause of Allen Paul's/MS precious CNETDec 07 22:03
MinceRicDec 07 22:04
schestowitzGates: spend, spend... don't regulate... me? I don't pay taxes... I invest in BP via my charity shell.Dec 07 22:04
schestowitzAntitrust Complaint Filed Against Microsoft in Europe… Again < >Dec 07 22:08
schestowitzWhen will Microsoft be embargoed? It was close to it. Maybe it bribed some cronies to give a cold shoulder.... Dec 07 22:09
schestowitzIs Microsoft Now Banned from EU Contracts?Dec 07 22:09
schestowitz 07 22:09
schestowitzEuro MP thinks Microsoft should be banned from government contractsDec 07 22:09
schestowitz 07 22:09
schestowitzGreen MEP says Microsoft should be excluded from EU contract awarding procedureDec 07 22:09
schestowitz 07 22:09
schestowitzmaybe it's the way I was brought up, but I was taught that criminals needs to go to prison and Big Criminals get life.Dec 07 22:10
MinceRwhy do i get the feeling the EU won't do anything effective against m$?Dec 07 22:10
schestowitzThey don'tDec 07 22:10
schestowitzFFII carries on complaining.Dec 07 22:11
schestowitzThey are too soft (and you can read it in two ways)Dec 07 22:11
MinceRrecently we've found out that sarkozy is the king of the EUDec 07 22:11
MinceRnot its president or anything.Dec 07 22:11
MinceRor perhaps it's "emperor"Dec 07 22:11
schestowitzLabel Blackstone "tainted" by Microsoft cronies now: hires former Microsoft India chief < >Dec 07 22:12
schestowitzSame with BMW and Blockbuster, who use Linux on their PVR (BMW turned to Ballnux to please Microsoft)Dec 07 22:13
schestowitzThey're like Wal-mart... and (Blockbuster teams up with Microsoft to offer services via Live Mesh platform). We need to have some chart with companies and their cronyism levelsDec 07 22:14
MinceRindeedDec 07 22:14
MinceRwho's blockbuster?Dec 07 22:14
schestowitzSarko gets backing from those to whom he;'s a frontDec 07 22:14
schestowitzit's similar with B'Liar and Clown.Dec 07 22:15
MinceRactually not just levels but also links to articles detailing itDec 07 22:15
schestowitzThey summon the power to win the election from all those G8 summit-typo people they met in the secret meetings, at least according to some theories.Dec 07 22:15
MinceRclown?Dec 07 22:15
schestowitzBrownDec 07 22:15
MinceRoh.Dec 07 22:15
schestowitzBilderbergers.Dec 07 22:15
schestowitz"You give us 3-strike...we give you presidency"Dec 07 22:16
schestowitzIt's easy to buy the electionDec 07 22:16
MinceRstill, the eu shouldn't be structured to allow thisDec 07 22:16
schestowitzThe likes of Gates and Murdoch own the press, so they can say and filter anything.Dec 07 22:16
schestowitzThere are historical examples of media distortion of this kind.Dec 07 22:16
schestowitzlater I'll write about Microsoft's latest manipultors in govtDec 07 22:17
schestowitzMicrosoft names new top lobbyist [...] Humphries has strong ties to Democrats. 07 22:17
schestowitzThe system there (administrative, not just juridical) can make you barf once you realise how it truly operates. They keep it low profile, behind closed doors.Dec 07 22:19
schestowitzChief Lobbyist Leaves Microsoft < http://undertheinfluence.nationaljournal.c... >. They recently bought some EU lobbyists too.Dec 07 22:19
schestowitzGroklaw reckons it was in order to get away with the corruptions of OOXML, unpunished. That's how it works. Commit crime, then poison the system and pray to hell you stay out of jail. Same with SCO.Dec 07 22:20
macabeThere are three orgs in US that according to the constitution are illegalDec 07 22:22
MinceRis m$ one of them?Dec 07 22:23
macabeThe Federal Reserve, IRS, and Social Security. How were lobbyists originated?Dec 07 22:24
macabeAccording to the law M$ should be.Dec 07 22:25
macabeFannie mae Freddie Mac also.Dec 07 22:25
schestowitzThey run the country with some others.Dec 07 22:25
schestowitzThey are above ones like mthe IRSDec 07 22:25
schestowitzMicrosoft hardly even pays any tax (Ireland); neither does GatesDec 07 22:25
schestowitzThey mooch the system and then advise the President to spend more (of the public's money, because it bails out the likes of Microsoft)Dec 07 22:26
macabeAlso why the fake Gats foundation?Dec 07 22:26
macabe*GatesDec 07 22:26
MinceRand above the IRS there's the Cult of $cientology. :)Dec 07 22:27
MinceRmacabe: money laundering, buying the press, things like thatDec 07 22:27
schestowitzEducation with Microsoft: Topics Education lands Microsoft deal < >Dec 07 22:28
schestowitzI just caught another cronies trying to push Microsoft lockin into the Open university... will write about it later.Dec 07 22:28
schestowitzMinceR: you can't say that. The NYT would object (they are owned)Dec 07 22:29
MinceRwhat's the NYT?Dec 07 22:29
schestowitzYou are supposed to believe that white is black and criminals are philanthropistsDec 07 22:29
macabeThey (NYT) lost credibility a while backDec 07 22:30
MinceRwell, i'm sorry, but i'm a turrist, that is, i dare to think for myselfDec 07 22:30
MinceR;)Dec 07 22:30
schestowitzYou are also expect to believe that presidents who are terrorists by their own definition are heroes fighting terror.Dec 07 22:30
macabeBy whittiling away rights grated by the ConstitutionDec 07 22:30
macabesorry fot the typosDec 07 22:31
schestowitzDon't worry about typosDec 07 22:31
schestowitzI don't :-)Dec 07 22:31
schestowitzI have some good posts comingDec 07 22:31
schestowitzWhat I don't put here is typically better stuff that's worth a good bunch of referemceDec 07 22:32
macabeThere are no lobbyists for the common man.Dec 07 22:32
schestowitzNo.Dec 07 22:32
schestowitzCommon man has no money.Dec 07 22:32
schestowitzMoney is earned by corrupting the systemDec 07 22:32
schestowitzThat money is a cyclic thing. Corrupt, make money, pay for someone to corrupt further.Dec 07 22:33
schestowitzRegularisation comes from people who stand up and demand changeDec 07 22:33
schestowitz.Lulling them is easy. brainwash/marketing/media... tradionally called in the older says "propaganda" (the Nazis must have added a bad connotation to the word)Dec 07 22:33
schestowitzWatch celebs, foorball, drink beer and have sex and drugs... just don't watch what happens in DC, let alone understand it.Dec 07 22:34
macabeBad is good-good is becoming bad. It was predicted a while back. Befor the birth of US.Dec 07 22:35
schestowitzThat's what the constituttion is forDec 07 22:36
schestowitzBut it's being overridden or violated now. All sorts of Marshal laws and stuff...Dec 07 22:36
schestowitzPolitical philosophy foresees lots of this but not enough people protect the rules from self-appointed elites that mock them (not politicians but companies that pull their strings).Dec 07 22:38
macabeStanding up for the constitutuion; they label us loonies and that we interpret it wrong.Dec 07 22:38
macabeIt was written in simple english.Dec 07 22:39
schestowitzIngram Micro enters the subculture too: 07 22:39
schestowitzNo, don't listen to themDec 07 22:39
schestowitzTypical tacticsDec 07 22:39
schestowitzDistancing people like RMS from national radio..Dec 07 22:39
schestowitzTrying to stick labels on people to conceal reasonable arguments.Dec 07 22:39
schestowitzJournalists like Dan Gillmor still have some guts to talk about these issues like the "copyrights cartel" and how they use the media (which they own.. DUH!) to brainwash people buy voicing only /their/ side of the debate.Dec 07 22:40
macabeGeneral apathy & entitlements are ruining a lt of people.Dec 07 22:42
macabelt=a lotDec 07 22:42
macabeIt's almost as a massive bribe to keep quietDec 07 22:43
schestowitzMemo to Microsoft: Enough With The Bribery < >. If only he knew it was not just in search. OOXML is one recent example where there is evidence that leaked.Dec 07 22:44
schestowitzRMS must have realised that his fight from freedom ascends to corruptible politicians where is why he spends so much time on this now.Dec 07 22:45
schestowitzMicrosoft Brings Holiday Cheer with LOCKIN (in disguise of cheapness): 07 22:47
GoblinRFDsorry to interupt, does anyone know whats happened to Gutsy Geeks Radio show?  The site is now parked.Dec 07 22:52
macabeTargeting Hispanics - we've been trying to get a movement going in Puerto Rico; exposing MS's crimainal activities.Dec 07 22:52
schestowitzPredators in Turkey where they move to Linux (Pardus and SaaS): 07 22:53
schestowitzGoblinRFD: I remembered the show but haven't heard about it in a while.Dec 07 22:54
schestowitzmacabe: they manufacture Vista in Puerto Rico..I can only guess why.Dec 07 22:54
GoblinRFDit was up last week... now its...gone :(Dec 07 22:56
macabeEvery time my buddy in Universidad De San German gets something going it get shot down by the profs and staff.Dec 07 22:57
macabeI ask him to get me something I can show to expose curruption in the school; they're always watching him and he's getting real paranoid.Dec 07 23:00
macabeCrime in P.R. is worst than the States. Same in Brazil.Dec 07 23:01
schestowitzThey can leak informationDec 07 23:04
schestowitzIt's measier to shoot from overseas.Dec 07 23:04
macabeWe're looking into that. All politicians in P.R, bar none, are on the take.Dec 07 23:05
schestowitzSame in the U.S.Dec 07 23:06
schestowitzThe west likes to accuse other administrations of being corruptDec 07 23:06
schestowitzIt enables the to justify wars to 'save the people' and overtake other government and regimes where the vote as the population is seen as the 'wrong voteDec 07 23:07
schestowitzThen they can use the CIA agents to assist assassinations of leaders and appoint "out type of guy" (real quote), who serves agenda of other countries too and promote 'democracy'. Lots of this was done in Asia, the middle east and central America.Dec 07 23:08
*kentma has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Dec 07 23:08
macabeBeen there, done that, worked with the spooks in southeast asia.Dec 07 23:09
schestowitzMore Microsoft talking points in the 'news': 07 23:10
schestowitzYou did?Dec 07 23:10
macabeIn '71, went into Laos & Cambodia, yet when filing reports we were near the DMZ.Dec 07 23:10
schestowitzSo there was no total invasion then, just uncover?Dec 07 23:11
macabeYes, in the dead of night - to convince tribal leaders. The pheonix program.Dec 07 23:13
macabeNothing on paper, always led by two or three really clean dressed guys.Dec 07 23:14
PetoKrausit seems shit hit the fanDec 07 23:14
macabeNot suits, just extremely clean jungle gear.Dec 07 23:15
PetoKrausthe Virgin_Killer thing has been slashdotted three hours before my rantDec 07 23:15
PetoKrausthe measures have been introduced only on fridayDec 07 23:15
schestowitzWithout documentation history will stay deficient.Dec 07 23:16
PetoKrausbuddies definitely stumbled upon wrong toe, censoring internet in the UK... let's see how the folks can handle itDec 07 23:16
schestowitzI've learned a lot about missing of selective documentationDec 07 23:16
schestowitz'Irrelevant' information is left out to tell the story which sounds better.Dec 07 23:16
schestowitzThey'll get raped, PetoKraus It's a fight over control of information.Dec 07 23:17
PetoKrauswell, i selfishly hope i can get on the waveDec 07 23:17
PetoKrausi can imagine the shitstorm Virgin Media will get in their Customer Support today and tomorrowDec 07 23:17
schestowitzSome German cop (maybe secret service) took Wikipedia down less than a months ago after he did not like his profile there.Dec 07 23:17
schestowitzPetoKraus: I put a link to you in BN. I suppose you saw?Dec 07 23:18
PetoKrausand all over the week, since some people (like me) preffer paper communicationDec 07 23:18
PetoKrausschestowitz: no, where?Dec 07 23:18
schestowitzIt's far from overDec 07 23:18
schestowitzIn latest linksDec 07 23:18
macabeHad the bronze, 2 purples, field commendations up the kazoo. DD214 says I was in for 2 months. Even though was in country 13 months, 2 weeks.Dec 07 23:18
PetoKrauscheers man ;)Dec 07 23:19
schestowitzTraining in how to be a Microsoft customer: 07 23:20
schestowitzThey treat it as though learning how to use the GUI in Microsoft Word is 'learning computers'Dec 07 23:20
schestowitzmacabe: did you make any literature about this?Dec 07 23:21
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 23:21
schestowitzit disturbs me deeply that the US committed quite a few acts of terrorism along with other countries (sheesh. We can't say that) and then let history be kinder. There are many examples of this, even in technology (e.g. Intel+Microsoft assault on OLPC).Dec 07 23:22
macabeStarted to write to SOF at one time. Was rejected. Didn't pursue it 'cause too many of my people were dying with agent orange crap.Dec 07 23:23
schestowitzHere is the Microsoft press using the death of people to elevate the public image of Microsoft: 07 23:23
macabeAttended too many funerals.Dec 07 23:23
schestowitzWhat does SOF stand for?Dec 07 23:23
schestowitzSorry to hear that.Dec 07 23:24
schestowitzIs it true that veterans are quietly being re-recruited? I heard it from two sources.Dec 07 23:24
macabeSoldier of Fortune. Big mistake, they weren't what I thought they were and they were in position to really publicize.Dec 07 23:25
macabeYes, in Texas heard of a group of ex-GI's (specilizing in crowd control). Sonics Blasters and the like.Dec 07 23:26
schestowitzDo you stil possess the submission somewhere?Dec 07 23:26
macabeDisrupters not blasters.Dec 07 23:26
schestowitzback then you hadn't the possibility to publicise on the Net.Dec 07 23:27
schestowitzThey already manufacture these? I didn't know.Dec 07 23:27
schestowitzI thought it was under testing the last time I heard of itDec 07 23:27
schestowitzIn the UK they use water streams... Belgium for sure.Dec 07 23:27
macabeThey showed them off at the WTC anniverary in NY.Dec 07 23:28
schestowitzThe British cops just got some new toys too... about 5000 tazers, IIRCDec 07 23:28
schestowitzmacabe: did they do a demo? :-sDec 07 23:29
PetoKrausi dunno what's bad about good old uspDec 07 23:29
PetoKrausi mean, i've never heard of someone shot in slovakia by the police...Dec 07 23:29
macabeNo. They were parked, but not hidden; about quarter mile from the siteDec 07 23:30
schestowitzNothing like display of power and weaponry... like in Soviet Russia. :-)Dec 07 23:30
macabeNYC police where confiscating cameras and phones.Dec 07 23:30
PetoKrausschestowitz: well but dohDec 07 23:32
PetoKrausit actually worksDec 07 23:32
schestowitzmacabe: did they also delete brains? People can draw. ;-)Dec 07 23:36
schestowitzUnisys diverted away from FOSS: Unisys, Microsoft Team For Collaboration Solution < >Dec 07 23:38
macabeMay be able to get a pic from one of the guys in connecticut. He's a spy gadget freak. Has a lapel cam.Dec 07 23:39
schestowitzWeb cam?Dec 07 23:39
macabeWill call him and let you know.Dec 07 23:39
schestowitzWhat would we do with it?Dec 07 23:39
schestowitzIt's dodgy to write on the Web about politics.Dec 07 23:40
schestowitzGroklaw avoid politics like the plagueDec 07 23:40
macabeI know it back to fighting, "He's a loon".Dec 07 23:40
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 07 23:44
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 23:44
schestowitzWhat do you mean?Dec 07 23:46
schestowitzI notice that one of the BN protesters keeps polluting the comment sections with insults against "twitter"Dec 07 23:46
schestowitzTotally off topic garbage-tossing.Dec 07 23:47
macabeIt's like what you do. You show people documents of criminal behavior with the corps. They totally ignore that.Dec 07 23:52
macabeAnd they start calling you all kinds of names. Nothing has to do with the argument at hand.Dec 07 23:52
macabeYou show them a mirror, they don't like what they see.Dec 07 23:54
schestowitzIt's a distraction.Dec 07 23:55
schestowitzI thought about closing comments on some items, but then we receive no corrections or additional infoDec 07 23:55
schestowitzRecently about 70% of the comments were from anti-BN people. It takes up a lot of time and space.Dec 07 23:56
schestowitzHehe. I'll do a batch of "Microsoft crimes" posts before I go to bed.Dec 07 23:56
macabePeople have short, convenient memories. Have to keep showing them again.Dec 07 23:58
schestowitzOld articles don't workDec 07 23:59
schestowitz 07 23:59

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