With open source projects, every contributor and every user is a potential source and they don’t have to be vetted by corporate PR first. For instance, with the openSUSE Project we have had board members and other contributors and users quoted (and blogging) about openSUSE and will again in the future.
“A word like "crusade" (religious connotation) is an insult to those who defend their rights and basic freedom.”Back to that first blog, there is another new rant there which defends Novell from 'crusaders'.
A word like "crusade" (religious connotation) is an insult to those who defend their rights and basic freedom. It's not a case against Microsoft either, but Microsoft happens to be the company that attacks digital Freedom the most, whereas others giants like IBM and Sun try to live in harmony with it and even embrace some of it. Since when are activists for freedom "crusaders"?
Were women who fought for equality "crusaders"? Did they carry a cross?
Did people who fight against slavery do something 'religious'? That's the crux of the matter.
Are people who (still) fight for racial equality do it on grounds of religion or based on descent?
So please... enough with words like "zealots", "crusaders" and "fanatics" to marginalise those whom you disagree with. Fighting with labels is easy [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Microsoft and the MAFIAA (daemonisation name) have their reasons for calling customers "pirates" and naming kill switches "Genuine Advantage". There are many examples just like that ("trusted computing", "digital rights management" and so forth).
Debate with messages, not with words. ⬆
--Microsoft, internal document [PDF]
2008-12-14 13:39:13
freedom exist when i can choose for FREE, and i choose to use suse i don't care about your stupid stuffs.. i really appreciate novell work, and i can ear no more you stupid words if you touch my friends.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 13:46:18
"A choice of masters is not freedom [...] The ethical and political issues are not addressed by the slogan of “freedom of choice (for developers only)”."
2008-12-14 13:46:48
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 13:49:14
2008-12-14 13:51:15
the choice is mine, and why boycott novell and not canonical?
is ubuntu tha tprovides kernel modules that not rispect GPL not suse ecc ecc
so please stop to tell stupid things, and spend your time to do something usell (you may want to find a job go to work)
2008-12-14 14:11:16
2008-12-14 14:17:40
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 14:24:50
2008-12-14 14:29:41
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 14:33:59
"a person whose strong admiration for something is considered to be extreme or unreasonable"
Is it not reasonable to defend one's rights? Are feminists fanatics? Was Rosa Parks a fanatic?
2008-12-14 14:40:37
jo Shields
2008-12-14 14:42:49
jo Shields
2008-12-14 14:43:05
Too many Opens
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 14:46:05
I noticed these links in Mixx some time ago, but I have no idea who CyberPhoenix is. He used to be in Digg before he got banned.
Judge my attitude not based on how other people present it. You are welcome to make your personal judgment, but please don't pass your opinion about me based on other people's actions.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 14:46:54
I hate OpenSUSE??? OpenSolaris???
jo Shields
2008-12-14 14:53:20
Here's a choice quote:
You believe, quite clearly, in single routes to computing. In absence of choice. In monopolies :)
2008-12-14 14:55:28
2008-12-14 14:56:19
Nowadays "freedom" is a big and illusion dream.
Nowadays People are not free to act or think in any case. Think about the fact that for example a person is not free not even to commit suicide (ironically speaking) so that is no point to criticize Novell, we should start to think about worse realities
Sorry but this is a reality.
I accept your opinion but I desagree with you
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 14:59:15
Preference is not an "attack". It is a preference.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 15:00:43
He modifies headlines and stalks you. I don't defend this. This makes the site look aggressive, which it is not.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 15:06:53
Yes, I agree with you 100%. When The Free Software movement/GNU project began, to RMS it was intended to secure and accomplish other goals like freedom of speech and better society (these goals predate computing).
We face more barriers than just thought/mind monopolies (software patents), even NSA-'enhanced' (back doors) and RIAA-'enhanced' (DRM) binary prisons.
jo Shields
2008-12-14 15:22:18
But saying "It's not what I like, that makes it bad, I want it to fail" is not preference. Especially given the drooling idiots who take you at face value.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 15:25:55
Josh Bell
2008-12-14 17:28:02
Diamond Wakizashi
2008-12-14 17:32:56
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 18:59:33
OpenSUSE/SuSE was the best distro in 2005, IMHO (I used Ubuntu at my work office, SUSE at the university office and SUSE at home), but in order to restore a lead they'll need to fork out of Microsoft/Novell. It's bound to get worse.
2008-12-14 19:48:21
So its probably up to you and your shills to fork openSUSE (according to your definition it€´s as easy as applying one single patch since go-oo is a fork and Novell forked the kernel ...) but we all know that this will never happen since it would mean that you had to do something productive ...
However, just in case, please let us know as soon as "Boynux" 1.0 is available. I surely will try it just to have a good laugh.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-14 20:14:10
Words are cheap. Please produce proof (not the crooked and sleazy lies that Microsoft and Novell manufactured).
G. Michaels
2008-12-15 01:09:47
Oh wait: http://slashdot.org/~SockDisclosure/journal/214377
That's your friend and collaborator, 'twitter', correct? So now this 'CyberPhoenix' (probably just another nym) is on mixx harassing people? It's just a huge coincidence, is it not.
And to stay on topic... I don't know why people are even arguing about this. All one needs to do is look at Roy's IRC logs to see the extremism oozing out into what eventually makes it to the front page. I don't know about the 'religious' thing, which was probably used on purpose as a negative reinforcement (clever), but the extremism is there for sure. Do you have a paying job? Have you ever been within 10,000 miles of Seattle, WA? Do you not think that Free Software is perfect and the answer to all of man's problems? Well then, you're obviously on Microsoft's payroll.
You're going to end up marking everyone's posts with silly red text Roy. People will eventually figure out what's happening, no matter what you do.
Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.
G. Michaels
2008-12-15 01:15:14
Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.
Dan O'Brian
2008-12-15 02:34:39
How many accounts is this guy going to create?
Dan O'Brian
2008-12-15 02:36:07
Josh Bell
2008-12-15 04:01:14
Your answer is
If I interpret this correctly Novell has to fail. OpenSuSe/SuSe can continue if it is forked.
I use Ubuntu and CentOS as well at home and think they are great products. I happen to use OES2 and SLES at work.
G. Michaels
2008-12-15 07:03:51
Apparently, as many as necessary to make sure Slashdot is not gamed :)
Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.
2008-12-15 08:52:00
Oh, but wait, no - it's not us signing into IRC as willhill.
I don't doubt twitter is a few people here either.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-15 09:01:07
2008-12-15 09:08:30
I couldn't care less who twitter is, or what he gets up to on Slashdot, but when he starts making accusations against me - which both you and I know are totally false - I take notice.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-15 09:22:44
As you will notice in my posts, where other people contribute something, it's stated explicitly or put in quotation marks. I'm a fan of attribution and I have dozens of people sending me tips, suggestions and opinions. I'm sure you could find flaws in some of these sources (probably things I'm not aware of), but to use that against the site is a stretch.
Since you can't attack me as a messenger, you're looking for other people to point the finger at.
Jo Shields
2008-12-15 09:32:12
If your message could stand on its own, you wouldn't need to lie.
If your message were consistent and directed, people wouldn't use a site with "Novell" in the name as a source of info on Microsoft issues.
If you weren't holding the leash of your "team" (you told me off for suggesting a more passive "groupie" role), then there wouldn't be explicit evidence that you're the one sending THEM on stalker missions.
I don't doubt the extent to which you believe in the righteousness of your campaign, Roy. But your credibility is zero when you feel the need to resort to deception, doublespeak, demagogy, and lies. You're the proverbial boy who cried wolf - why should anyone believe you, even when you ARE right, when so much of what you do is founded on lies?
2008-12-15 09:36:30
When you repeat personal remarks other people make, that doesn't make you "the messenger", it makes you the person making the remarks.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-15 09:40:17
2008-12-15 09:41:20
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-15 09:51:12
G. Michaels
2008-12-15 09:52:59
Uh... you're publishing them on the site.
Anyway, like you and your friends like to say, I know I'm on the right track when your nyms start accusing me of having nyms, they whine about evidence following them around, and you start tagging my posts. If this was some sort of a competition, that means I'm winning! :)
I bet your head hurts Roy, when twitter starts theorizing about who is a sockpuppet of whom. That just cracks me up.
Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-15 09:54:54
2008-12-15 10:00:43
As I said, I don't care who twitter is. I do take notice of his accusations against me (and others), that you publish on this site.
Your "don't shoot the messenger" defence is a very transparent attempt to shift liability, and it doesn't work. By publishing, you're the one making the remark, so don't be under the illusion that you're somehow not responsible.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-15 10:03:22
2008-12-15 10:14:24
G. Michaels
2008-12-15 10:23:51
Uh... every other post you make to your blog is peppered with "...someone just mentioned on IRC..."
Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-15 10:27:17
2008-12-15 10:30:16
Dan O'Brian
2008-12-15 14:19:12
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-15 14:25:11
Speaking of which, the biggest of Web sites make horrible mistakes that I see all the time. They don't ever bother correcting these.
Reputation is sometimes mistaken for obedience.
Paul Gaskin
2008-12-17 03:39:30
If not for Roy, there wouldn't be as much resistance to Microsoft's attempts to hijack Free and Open Source software.
Thank goodness not everyone's opinions are for sale.
Dan O'Brian
2008-12-17 04:45:18
If he had inquisitiveness, he would read the articles he links to rather than drawing conclusions from thin air. He'd also try to be objective, but he's not. He's not trying to uncover the truth of anything, he's trying to dig up dirt on companies, projects and people he doesn't like. If he can't find it, he makes it up by perverting the "facts".
Puh-lease. All he's done is rally a lynch mob of people who already hated Microsoft.
Yea, because clearly everyone who disagrees with you must have been bought, right?
Typical of Roy's cult followers - if someone doesn't agree with you guys, they must be paid shills.
2008-12-17 08:23:30
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-17 09:11:50
2008-12-17 11:08:36
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-17 11:10:19
You're here just to disrupt. Some people would call it "trolling".
2008-12-17 11:18:26
if you find this 'disrupting', then I hope it disrupts your smug, walled-in, hate-filled ignorance
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-17 11:35:16
2008-12-17 12:08:36
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-17 12:12:30
2008-12-17 12:28:54
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-17 12:45:22
Jo Shields
2008-12-17 13:56:07
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-17 14:03:38
There are accidental errors in each Web site. Why do you target us?
To give new examples, Wall Street Journal is shamed for FUD:
NBC is also vilified:
Jo Shields
2008-12-17 14:05:19
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-17 14:07:24
Jo Shields
2008-12-17 14:20:15
BN is bad for a plethora of reasons. The specific one I'm talking about here is the use of demagogy and fabrication to support a point.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I DO NOT HAVE AN ISSUE WITH PEOPLE DISAGREEING WITH ME, INCLUDING ON THE TOPIC OF MONO. I've had interesting chats with people I respect who hold an opposing viewpoint. But they, unlike you, are capable of presenting their concerns and complaints without demagogy. We agree to disagree, respectfully.
That is not possible on BN, or with its ardent supporters. There is no respect, because on one side any disagreement is characterized - as pointed out by MANY people other than me - as part of some grand conspiracy involving bribes. On the other side, the detachment from reality breeds nothing but mockery. It's unhealthy, and distracts from the core issues you purport to represent.
So, here it is again. Disagreeing with Mono, Novell, etc, is fine. Debate is good. BN is not debate or good, it's built on constant lies & demagogy
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-17 14:24:18
Jo Shields
2008-12-17 14:27:40
I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking generally. EVERYONE who disagrees with you on your little blog is characterized as a shill, an employee of one of the companies you're in the mood to moan about, or similar. Nobody could possibly disagree with you unless their very livelihoods depend on disagreeing, right Roy?
Roy Schestowitz
2008-12-17 14:42:40
2008-12-17 14:57:33