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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 9th, 2009


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schestowitzYes, I reckon there's lots of fraud there.Jan 09 00:03
schestowitzThanks for the headsups.Jan 09 00:03
schestowitzThis will be a long night for me. Buckets of antitrust stuff to go through soon, as well.Jan 09 00:04
schestowitzIs someone on the typo squad? ;-) Can you read this quickly, please: 09 00:24
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 09 00:27
Tallkenw8Jan 09 00:29
schestowitzIt's poorly written cause I wrote it fastJan 09 00:29
schestowitzI've fallen behind cause of ComesJan 09 00:30
Tallkenschestowitz, seems fineJan 09 00:31
Tallkenschestowitz, read it fast as well thoughJan 09 00:31
schestowitzThat's OKJan 09 00:31
schestowitzIs it hard to read fast?Jan 09 00:31
schestowitzI just need to get the message across.Jan 09 00:31
schestowitzBut it lacks clarity I think.Jan 09 00:32
schestowitz 09 00:34
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 00:34
schestowitzThere's a bot on BN from p5480BD98.dip.t-dialin.netJan 09 00:43
schestowitzMaybe an indexerJan 09 00:43
schestowitzA lot of OpenSUSErs come from that ISPJan 09 00:43
schestowitzThis indexer is chewing up over 15000 pagesJan 09 00:44
Tallkenuser agent ?Jan 09 00:50
schestowitzI haven't chckedJan 09 00:51
schestowitzIt could be spoofed though.Jan 09 00:51
TallkentrueJan 09 00:51
Tallkenbut that sounds like a "normal" hostnameJan 09 00:51
Tallkenor maybe notJan 09 00:51
Tallkendon't know where could they stuff the ip info in itJan 09 00:51
schestowitzMaybe wgettingJan 09 00:54
schestowitzWe had that befor.eJan 09 00:54
schestowitzBut a lot of our trolls come from *.dip.t-dialin.netJan 09 00:54
TallkenhumJan 09 01:11
TallkencoolJan 09 01:11
Tallkenwell my point of view is that Novell has a nice PRJan 09 01:12
schestowitzIt does?Jan 09 01:12
TallkenI don't get is from where they "publish" their stuffJan 09 01:12
schestowitzWhat do you mean?Jan 09 01:12
Tallkenor if it is from inside the communityJan 09 01:12
schestowitzWhat specifically?Jan 09 01:13
Tallkenand, in that case, I'm confounding fanboyism, which I must admit, I also suffer from :pJan 09 01:14
Tallkenor really misinformationJan 09 01:14
TallkenwellJan 09 01:14
TallkenI'll explainJan 09 01:14
TallkenI was earlier today speaking with a friendJan 09 01:14
Tallkenwho based his choice of using openSuSE onJan 09 01:14
Tallken* it's goodJan 09 01:14
Tallken* Novell it's goodJan 09 01:14
Tallken* Novell has lots of hired programmers working on FOSS (and no-one denies that, for the record :p)Jan 09 01:15
Tallken* Novell contributes way moreJan 09 01:15
Tallkenand the point that really annoyed meJan 09 01:15
schestowitzNovell has PR, unlike say... SlackwareJan 09 01:16
schestowitzBut it's not good PRJan 09 01:16
TallkenNovell fought for patents in Linux against SCO and won, and let them be used freely OSSJan 09 01:16
Tallkenand Red Hat, for example, stood still and did nothingJan 09 01:16
Tallkenso Novell is good as does good stuff noone else doesJan 09 01:17
Tallkenit annoys meJan 09 01:17
Tallkenit remembers me of Mac fanboys... for god's sake, I annoy ppl showing them Compiz like a brat child (for the record again, Novell's doing)Jan 09 01:17
Tallkenbut I always try to be sure of what I sayJan 09 01:17
Tallkenafaik, what was being mentioned was a copyright case of SCO vs NovellJan 09 01:18
Tallkenof course Red Hat couldn't go to court 'cause... well, they weren't the ones being judgedJan 09 01:18
Tallkenyes maybe it's not PRJan 09 01:19
Tallkenmaybe it's a fact on all distrosJan 09 01:19
Tallkenmaybe it's me expecting too much of the guyJan 09 01:19
Tallkenexpected him to be more certain of the facts he presentedJan 09 01:19
Tallkenand got annoyed he was throwing them around like godsend truthsJan 09 01:20
Tallkenand got kinda madJan 09 01:20
Tallkenon the other handJan 09 01:20
TallkenLinux communities tend to form... well, a community, sometimes based not only on friendship inside a community and commitment to core valuesJan 09 01:20
Tallkenbut sometimes also with the companionship of hate of outsiders workJan 09 01:21
Tallkeninstilling yet more distro-warsJan 09 01:21
schestowitzNovell has a mad pastJan 09 01:23
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 01:23
schestowitzBut it places no emphasis on itJan 09 01:23
schestowitzwb, Omar87 Jan 09 01:23
*macabe has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jan 09 01:23
*macabe ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 01:23
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 09 01:24
TallkenI wouldn't be too surprised if Greg KH doing on the Ubuntu patches stats had that intention... however, until I see further developments from the Ubuntu & Canonical, namely open-sourcing Launchpad, I can't honestly pick a side because Novell's guys do have a point...Jan 09 01:24
Tallkenintention = spilling fuel on outside distro hateJan 09 01:25
schestowitzThey are different typos of companiesJan 09 01:26
Tallkenwell yesJan 09 01:28
Tallkenhowever as i tried to end the argumentJan 09 01:28
Tallkeni don't give a f*ck as long as it is GPLv3 or equivalent work that those companies doJan 09 01:29
Tallkeni do careJan 09 01:29
Tallkenbut it's the minimal common baseJan 09 01:29
TallkenGPLv3 or another license which prevents patents issueJan 09 01:29
schestowitzYes, that tooJan 09 01:35
schestowitzI have an antitrust memo to postJan 09 01:35
schestowitzOne of them shows how Microsoft planned to plant patents in standardsJan 09 01:35
schestowitzWhy? Because of Linux. Microsoft actually admits thisJan 09 01:35
Tallkenexpectable :pJan 09 01:50
Tallkenthat's why I want GPLv3 :pJan 09 01:50
Tallken"want"Jan 09 01:50
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has left #boycottnovellJan 09 01:51
schestowitzWhat a stupid headline:  Can broadband save the economy? < >Jan 09 01:59
twitterha ha, it's  Bernard Madoff in the spotlight of securities fraud again.Jan 09 02:07
twitterI suppose M$ is running out of hush money.Jan 09 02:08
schestowitzAgain?Jan 09 02:09
twitterYes, it's in the article linked above.Jan 09 02:11
twitterInfrastructure investments would be very useful and could help everyone's economy.  Like they say, "  a new era of teleworking which in turn could reduce the traffic on our roads. "Jan 09 02:12
twitterHere in the US, where public transport basically does not exist, that would be a great thing.Jan 09 02:12
schestowitzit does not exist (in good shape) due to collusion from the motors (automobile) and oil companies.Jan 09 02:14
schestowitzThey needed to maximise waste for profit.They got sued for it and lost the case.Jan 09 02:14
twitterAuto companies have failed.  Next goes oil.  That's why gas is back to $1.40 a gallon - big oil is desperate to save Detroit.Jan 09 02:15
twitterThat, and everyone is fired and has nowhere to drive anymore.Jan 09 02:16
schestowitzI heard 3 millions are affectedJan 09 02:16
schestowitzMy friend Dave said 3 million people are in this industry in the USJan 09 02:16
schestowitzYou refuted and didn't believeJan 09 02:16
schestowitzThen my friend Steve independently said the same -- 3 million.Jan 09 02:16
twitterI did not refute.Jan 09 02:16
twitterDid I?Jan 09 02:17
twitter.... still don't believe the number unless you are including people on car lots doing the selling.Jan 09 02:17
schestowitzSomeone in IRC didJan 09 02:17
schestowitzYes, that was it.Jan 09 02:17
twitterYou can have just as many selling Honda then.Jan 09 02:18
twitterIt would be sad to see US lose its auto makers but Detroit has killed them all everywhere else and deserves the same fate.Jan 09 02:19
twitterWithout Detroit screwing things up, honest companies might grow.Jan 09 02:19
twitterIn any case, even Walmart is expecting a bad year.  That's fucked up.Jan 09 02:20
schestowitzI have some good pick on Wal-martJan 09 02:20
schestowitzHow Microsoft schemed to ruin Linux at Wal-martJan 09 02:20
schestowitzantitrust exhibit from 2006...Jan 09 02:20
twitternice, do share.Jan 09 02:21
schestowitzIn a few days/weeks.Jan 09 02:24
schestowitzI have s*loads of stuff I want to post properly.Jan 09 02:24
schestowitzI could use people's helpJan 09 02:24
schestowitzI'll plea for help in IRC.Jan 09 02:24
schestowitzWe'll do the Wal-mart one tomorrowJan 09 02:25
twitterShip me the docs or a link.  I'll help out when I can.Jan 09 02:27
twitterHere's something fun with Walmart in it.  Baby got back in Walmart. 09 02:27
schestowitz 09 02:31
*captain_1agnus ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 02:32
twitterwowJan 09 02:33
schestowitzI have more on this.Jan 09 02:34
twitterI'll see what I can't transcribe tonight.Jan 09 02:35
Tallkencya later!Jan 09 02:37
*Tallken has quit (Client Quit)Jan 09 02:37
schestowitzThanks.Jan 09 02:38
twitterI wonder what happened to these people, Walmart/Linux Taskforce: Robin Bradshaw, Christine Briggs, Mark Croft David Hoffman & Tom PerrierJan 09 02:38
schestowitzNaming them might helpJan 09 02:38
*captain_magnus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 09 02:39
twitterI misunderstood, I thought at first they were Walmart employees.  Silly me.Jan 09 02:40
twitterNaming them is a good idea if what they have done is evil.  Reading on.Jan 09 02:40
twitter"The first Microtel Lindows PCs appeared on in June 2002.  We are responding with a taskforce and coordinated efforts to understand the situation and intentions of all parties involved."  Ominous.Jan 09 02:43
twitter"We understand that there has not been a customer satisfaction issue.  Walmart sets fairly strict standards for customer return rates and service calls."  and that they were shipping about $200,000 per week.Jan 09 02:49
twitterGod, how I hate these slime balls at M$.Jan 09 03:00
twitter"Continue the engagement with Rich Hindman to focus on strategies to differentiate the offerings as Microtel introduces a new wave of SKU's.  This will seperate the offerngs and focus on the added value of the Windows based systems.  (Avoid the current situtation where the $299 Windows Home SKU is the same config as Lindows model but $100 more for the same model with XP Home, with no other differentiation).  This can be accomplishJan 09 03:00
twitter"All of the conversations with Microtel are centered on growing their Microsoft business, and improving the relationship between Microtel and Microsoft.  We avoid any direct conversations on Linsows."Jan 09 03:04
twitter"Luke is concerned that Microsoft is mad at them for selling Linux PCs."  Please, master, don't hurt me again.Jan 09 03:10
twitter"Their goal with Lindows was to hit a very low price point - if it sold, they would keep it, if it didn't they would dump it after 90-120 days.  It's selling."Jan 09 03:13
twitter""Naked PCs" (no O/S) are still outselling Linux PCs (but not by much)"Jan 09 03:14
schestowitzWe'll work on it tomorrow. It's 3:20amJan 09 03:18
schestowitzI have about 30 exhibits lined up for processing.Jan 09 03:19
twitterI'll email you what I've got later.  I'm on page 3 of 5.Jan 09 03:20
schestowitzThanks. Is that not OCRed?Jan 09 03:22
*schestowitz checksJan 09 03:23
schestowitzNo OCRJan 09 03:23
schestowitzHaving it in plain text would make a great future reference and be indexedJan 09 03:23
schestowitzMany links there.Jan 09 03:24
*NeonFloss has quit ("Going!")Jan 09 03:25
twitterYes, I'm typing it by hand.Jan 09 03:25
*NeonFloss ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 03:26
twitterfunny.  this address still has the correct article name but errors for content. 09 03:42
twitterI guess they want me to subscribe to look at their adverts.Jan 09 03:42
twitterziff davis articles almost all vanish.Jan 09 03:45
twitter 09 03:45
twitter 09 03:45
twitter 09 03:45
twitter 09 03:45
*captain_1agnus is now known as captain_magnusJan 09 04:01
twitterthere you go, 09 04:03
twitterI can email plain text if you like.Jan 09 04:03
*Omar871 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 09 04:29
*ushimitsudoki has quit ("Leaving.")Jan 09 05:32
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 05:36
*ushimitsudoki has quit ("Leaving.")Jan 09 06:16
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 06:17
MinceRhm, Nova == Palm webOS?Jan 09 08:00
schestowitztwitter: can you mail the text to r at Thanks.Jan 09 08:31
schestowitzYelpian astroturfers invade Blighty < >Jan 09 08:34
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 08:37
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 08:37
Omar87Hello everyone.Jan 09 08:38
Omar87schestowitz: Are you there?Jan 09 08:38
kentmahiJan 09 08:38
Omar87kentma: hetJan 09 08:38
Omar87hey*Jan 09 08:38
schestowitzHey, what's up?Jan 09 08:41
Omar87schestowitz: I need some consutltation please.Jan 09 08:43
schestowitzSure.Jan 09 08:43
Omar87How do I bring good traffic to my blog? What, from your experience do I think I do order to make my blog more famous?Jan 09 08:44
schestowitzGood stories make subscribers based on what I've learned. One subscriber can read thousands of posts.Jan 09 08:47
Omar87So, you say I should keep posting good posts and subscribers come on their own?Jan 09 08:48
Omar87*will*Jan 09 08:49
schestowitzYes.Jan 09 08:49
Omar87I also think that posting FOSS-related stuff on FSD would too, right?Jan 09 08:52
schestowitzYes, possibly so. Some people there read BN and they voluntarily link to BN occasionally.Jan 09 08:53
schestowitzIt's good when the site has fans that spread the wordJan 09 08:53
Omar87Of course.Jan 09 08:54
MinceRj0Jan 09 09:15
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 09:25
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Jan 09 09:32
schestowitzThe new O/S from Palm looks decent. 09 09:42
schestowitzPalm Announces WebOS and Pre Phone < >Jan 09 09:43
schestowitzNokia Ends Production of Its Only WiMax Device < > "The devices are larger than typical cell phones but smaller than laptops and run the maemo Linux-based OS2008 operating system."Jan 09 09:45
schestowitzbrbJan 09 10:01
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 9 10:07:35 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellJan 09 10:07
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Jan 09 10:07
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Jan 09 10:07
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJan 09 10:07
*#boycottnovell :[freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. 09 10:07
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz.Jan 09 10:07
*services. sets mode +e schestowitzJan 09 10:07
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 09 10:07
schestowitzDid I miss anything?Jan 09 10:20
MinceRnopeJan 09 10:20
schestowitzMy other server ran out of space and I didn't noticeJan 09 10:21
PetoKrausschestowitz: pre phone looks amazingJan 09 10:21
PetoKrausschestowitz: 09 10:23
schestowitzIt's okay now, I fixed it remotely, but oddly enough it won't respons to SCP/fish, but does fine with SSHJan 09 10:23
MinceRtoo bad it only supports web-based appsJan 09 10:23
MinceR(html5 and javascript)Jan 09 10:23
MinceRis the webOS the Palm Pre runs the same as Nova?Jan 09 10:23
schestowitz (Has Our Economy Become Dependant On Bubbles?)Jan 09 10:36
MinceRinterestingJan 09 10:42
schestowitzWooo. I'm sooo scared... (Microsoft "actively" considering rebranding Live Search)... what if they changed the name ... /again/? Like they tried with embedded Windows because they just keep losing to Linux there.Jan 09 10:44
MinceRwhen did they rename embedded windows to?Jan 09 10:47
MinceRs/ to//Jan 09 10:47
MinceRis that the wince->windows mobile thing?Jan 09 10:47
schestowitzI'd have to checkJan 09 10:49
schestowitz"Renames its family of products to target the embedded market." 09 10:59
schestowitzThis characterises marketing company. They focus on messages and names, not products.Jan 09 10:59
schestowitzIt's all about perception and mind-wash, ain't it?Jan 09 11:00
schestowitz - > "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31' "Jan 09 11:00
MinceRthis is differentJan 09 11:03
MinceR(i'm reading the google cache since the server didn't respond)Jan 09 11:03
MinceRlooks like they've renamed Windows CE to Windows Embedded Ready or something like thatJan 09 11:03
MinceRbut it's more complicated than thatJan 09 11:04
schestowitzIt *is* complicated. Windows is complicated.Jan 09 11:11
schestowitzIDG mistake:  It's NOT open source.Jan 09 13:14
schestowitzThe handcuffs are free of charge in H-P's Linux offering: 'What caught my eye on the product page wasn't the description of the GUI, it was what followed on the next line. Preceded by "Please note" in bold, the HP page states "the Linux command line interface is disabled on this edition."'Jan 09 13:30
MinceRlolJan 09 13:32
schestowitzThe feature is that they disabled the most basic feature. It's like selling a car where they tell you the bonnet is welded shut.Jan 09 13:33
MinceRi wonder how much hacking would it take to put bash on itJan 09 13:37
schestowitzWhy even offer them the pleasure of acquiring the overpriced h/w? They are Microsoft lackeys (H-P).Jan 09 13:38
MinceRindeedJan 09 13:39
schestowitzThey only offer Linux because it's the superior (and right) choice. Look what happened to home server: 09 13:39
MinceRbut at least they'll probably desert m$ once things look worse for m$Jan 09 13:39
schestowitzThey will.Jan 09 13:39
schestowitzI have lots of dirt to spill on the Vole in weeks to come.Jan 09 13:40
MinceRand even if they're offering linux with handcuffs, it still hurts m$.Jan 09 13:40
schestowitz "French president Sarcoma plans to eliminate French investigating magistrates, who in the past have been crucial to prosecuting official corruption."Jan 09 13:41
MinceRlol SarcomaJan 09 13:43
schestowitz"Nearly all Obama's choices for important government positions are known for pro-business, repressive or corrupt policies in their fields. Either he means to disregard them and not let them influence his policy, or he is planning to treat the public very badly." 09 13:43
schestowitzI watched this video the other dayJan 09 13:43
schestowitzHow marketing managers tell candidates what to sayJan 09 13:43
schestowitzNothing new there, but it's nice when you hear that after they get elected they come back to the funders (corporations) and toss away the sweet talk, which intentionally hides all the policies.Jan 09 13:44
schestowitzElections are an illusion of choice when views are imposed upon people, the options are all pretty much the same (same elites fund the two candidates) and policies are not even offers as a differentiated packageJan 09 13:45
schestowitzThat at last is American politics... as corrupt as it gets _in the West_... it's worse in other countries though... like BrazilJan 09 13:45
schestowitzObama picks RIAA's favorite lawyer for a top Justice post < >Jan 09 13:46
PetoKraushmmJan 09 13:47
PetoKraushere go modpoints againJan 09 13:47
PetoKrausit's quite frequentJan 09 13:47
schestowitzWhy Big Finance Is Laughing All the Way to the Bank < >Jan 09 13:47
schestowitzBanks are corrupt, so who can one trust?Jan 09 13:47
schestowitz "Looters have taken over America's Treasury. The executives who successfully ransacked their own banks, investment funds and insurance companies have set their eyes on Obama's stimulus. Tragically, the architects of the current economic fiasco have been placed in charge of America's recovery."Jan 09 13:48
schestowitzObama urged to relax US tech restrictions < >Jan 09 13:49
schestowitzAnti-ODF spin from a Microsoft employee who once again gets a carte blanche in the India Pre$$$: 09 13:56
schestowitzeBay is poisoned by Microsoft now: (Former Microsoft search leader resurfaces at eBay)Jan 09 14:07
schestowitzbrbJan 09 14:13
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 9 14:16:07 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellJan 09 14:16
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Jan 09 14:16
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Jan 09 14:16
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJan 09 14:16
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 09 14:16
schestowitzNew comment: "I wouldn't worry too much about anyone taking anything Byfield has to say seriously anyway. He's a crappy writer who's lousy at hiding his personal agendas."Jan 09 14:19
schestowitzMicrosoft looks for rebirth in dying automobile companies: 09 14:20
schestowitzOngoing migration: 09 14:23
schestowitzNovell's EMEA President Quits: 09 14:27
schestowitzUK Wants Obama Administration in on Internet MPAA < >Jan 09 14:50
ushimitsudoki1The UK seems really scary to meJan 09 14:55
schestowitzIt's a nanny nation.Jan 09 14:58
*ushimitsudoki1 is now known as ushimitsudokiJan 09 15:08
schestowitz*LOL* 09 15:15
schestowitz says a reader: "This is all quite interesting...I simply do not understand why more people aren't screaming for further investigations into Microsoft's business practices.  I'm hoping that Lawrence Lessig's anti-corruption campaign will help get the attention of the US DoJ...Jan 09 15:16
schestowitz"....not that they'll do anything, but it would at least bring it to the main stream news.  Hopefully it will cause even MORE people to decide to avoid MS products. I see that avoidance happening already, but it would be nice to see the process accelerated a bit."Jan 09 15:16
twitterThere are stupid people everywhere who don't understand how the internet works and who want to chisel the naughty bits off public statues and otherwise protect the children.Jan 09 15:16
twitter 09 15:16
twitter 09 15:17
twitterI've seen studies that show a majority of US citizens want to censor the internet the same way movies and TV were censored.Jan 09 15:17
twitterIt's disturbing they think that way and I can only hope elected officials don't go for it.Jan 09 15:18
schestowitzThe power of the Web is its openness to many voiceJan 09 15:18
schestowitzForeign of public relations have provided too much centralised power for propaganda (they no longer use this term after WW2).Jan 09 15:18
twitterPeople don't realize what the internet can do for them yet.  They think of it like movies, radio and other entertainment more than a research tool or a press.Jan 09 15:19
twitterThey are so used to a broadcast world that the power of a free press is lost on them.Jan 09 15:20
twitterWe have a good constitution and some good laws but the idiots are wrecking them.Jan 09 15:21
schestowitzSome people just use the Internet to read BBC and get some tunesJan 09 15:21
schestowitzSo their perception of the Web is very different, and some people like it that wayJan 09 15:22
twitterSome people never go to the library but have respect for it.  They have yet to make the connection between the web and "real" libraries.Jan 09 15:22
schestowitzNow it's proposed that there should be a ranking system, but I think, TBH, that even timbl supported it. Schmidt said something about it too.Jan 09 15:22
twitterBroadcasters and big publishers want to hobble the internet as much they can.Jan 09 15:23
schestowitzPeople are raised to associated books with wisdom.Jan 09 15:23
schestowitz*associate (no d)Jan 09 15:23
schestowitzIn order to establish a system of consent, people are taught to ignore one medium while blindly respecing another.Jan 09 15:24
twitterPeople are taught to trust large institutions and ignore their neighbors.Jan 09 15:27
twitterIt is an inversion of traditional trust relations.Jan 09 15:27
twitterLooking at your 98 EOL story.  bblJan 09 15:27
schestowitzIt "keeps them helpful and divided"Jan 09 15:31
schestowitzRMS is not the only one that uses such explanationJan 09 15:32
schestowitzFor people to just fight each other for wealth and ego (the way they are educated) means that their only influence comes from aboveJan 09 15:32
schestowitzThis does not allow for trade unions and other forms of groping where like-minded people with common pain request change. It is easier for the 'elites' to reform the population through (mis)education rather than physically suppress their attempts to restore rights.Jan 09 15:33
schestowitz little does he know that "Gordon" is more interested in those behind-closed-door deals like BECTA's. Corruption... white-collar crime.Jan 09 16:00
ushimitsudokiwho is the "gordon" he is referring to?Jan 09 16:04
schestowitzBrown, PMJan 09 16:12
schestowitzHe's part of a secret society that aligns with the Gates family.Jan 09 16:12
schestowitzLook at small companies taking pride using a PRESS RELEASE in some mention from a corrupted magazine: 09 16:43
schestowitzeWeek has Microsoft moles in it. It's Ziff|Gates too.Jan 09 16:44
Omar87schestowitz: Did you see this? 09 16:50
Omar87Look at what they wrote on the header.Jan 09 16:51
Omar87..actually nothing is unusual..Jan 09 16:52
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellJan 09 16:52
schestowitz"With performance and value like that, it's no wonder SUSE Linux Enterprise is endorsed by SAP and Microsoft as their preferred Linux platform."Jan 09 16:54
schestowitzYayJan 09 16:54
schestowitzEndorsed by SweatyB himself.Jan 09 16:54
schestowitzSo where do I pay patent royalties (aka "coupons"/"vouchers")?Jan 09 16:54
schestowitzNovell brags about Linux Magazine honours, but a Novell employee is quite a chief there: 09 17:03
*neighborlee (i=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 17:29
neighborleeschestowitz, were you just being facetous re: ogre3d and moonlight ( moonbeam) or do you find it ok...the poster about this cleary seems to think its fine since 'moonlight is open source'...that and the thread about this seems locked or something ?Jan 09 17:29
schestowitzWhere is that?Jan 09 17:31
neighborlee 09 17:31
schestowitzI notice that Novuel de Icaza is posting about Mono games again.Jan 09 17:31
neighborleeno surpriseJan 09 17:32
neighborleeyeah , the more enticing they can make mono the more liklihood they think they can get people to use itJan 09 17:33
schestowitzWell, no-one was forcing themJan 09 17:33
schestowitzIt's an art of deceitJan 09 17:33
neighborleeyupJan 09 17:33
neighborleeforce no, deceive yes,Jan 09 17:33
schestowitzNobody forces people to go and kill (and die) in wars, but if you fuel hatred and zeal, then they do it.Jan 09 17:33
schestowitzIt's marketing at all levels.Jan 09 17:33
schestowitzIn this case, it's mono marketing, not the role of the PR industry in public relations and national agenda... let's call it "software agenda"Jan 09 17:34
neighborleeI think you should have prob. elabored a bit on your reply is allJan 09 17:35
neighborleeIt almost sounds likle you are condoning moonilght.Jan 09 17:35
schestowitzHmmmm....Jan 09 17:36
schestowitzIt's not a very visible post anywayJan 09 17:36
schestowitzIt's PageRank 5, but it's just some short piece of honour.Jan 09 17:37
neighborleeah okJan 09 17:37
schestowitzLike an interlude.Jan 09 17:37
neighborleegotchaJan 09 17:37
schestowitzA massive patent lawsuit hits Microsoft, Novell and many others: Can you quickly typo-check?Jan 09 17:38
PetoKrausseems awrightJan 09 17:40
PetoKrauslolJan 09 17:43
PetoKrauspriceless!Jan 09 17:43
PetoKrausi just read the sauceJan 09 17:43
schestowitzSource?Jan 09 17:46
PetoKrausyeah, the link you linked in your last articleJan 09 17:48
PetoKraus:) it's so ridiculous I hope they win :DJan 09 17:48
schestowitzNovell is dyingJan 09 17:48
schestowitzSCO 2Jan 09 17:48
schestowitzI'm working on another longer postJan 09 17:48
PetoKrauswhere's the stallman's article?Jan 09 17:49
schestowitzWait, I'll check.Jan 09 17:52
schestowitz 09 17:54
schestowitz Campaigners highlight 'toxic TVs' < >Jan 09 18:10
schestowitzYahoo Nears End of Search for a CEO < >Jan 09 18:14
schestowitzCommentary: Create a tech-friendly U.S. government < >Jan 09 18:26
ushimitsudokiThat's a nice little commentaryJan 09 18:36
ushimitsudoki"The era of handing implicit subsidies to politically favored companies by adopting their closed proprietary software must end."Jan 09 18:37
ushimitsudokiI like that thoughtJan 09 18:37
schestowitzIt's true.Jan 09 18:44
schestowitzThis is corruption.Jan 09 18:45
schestowitzBut they wear suits, so they think it's no crime.Jan 09 18:45
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 18:51
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Jan 09 18:55
*mib_bdd4t8 (i=5496cd37@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 19:22
*mib_bdd4t8 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Jan 09 19:34
schestowitz"Here's some good food for thought: Free Market Myth < > The article mentions copyright and patent protections as examples of how the government interferes in the free market.  It cites the Internet as an example of the free market. I thought I would mention this because of the rubbish I've heard recently which implies that Microsoft is a free market player. "Jan 09 19:38
schestowitz"They are not a free market player because they rely so heavily on copyright protection to prohibit illegal copies.  It's difficult to see how this "advances the arts and sciences", as copyright is intended to do. There is entirely too much confusion between "advances the arts and sciences" and "possibly increases profitability."  Of course, copyright is also what enables the GPL to work, so it isn't all bad."Jan 09 19:38
twitterbest buy has a hard dime 09 19:59
twitter*timeJan 09 19:59
*mib_70zxtb (i=425c4ee9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 19:59
twitterWalmart may end up with the business 09 20:00
twittermore fraud 09 20:02
*mib_70zxtb has quit (Client Quit)Jan 09 20:02
twitterbiggest job loss since 1945 09 20:03
schestowitzHard dime a typo? :-)Jan 09 20:06
schestowitzHeh. That typo was a good one.Jan 09 20:07
schestowitzAnother pyramid goes naked.Jan 09 20:08
schestowitzThere are many more. They come out of the hiding.Jan 09 20:08
schestowitzNew interview: Let me know if you spot typos.Jan 09 20:08
schestowitz"Minkow said in the report that neither he nor the Fraud Discovery Institute is shorting the stock or has purchased put options on Lennar. A put option gives the purchaser of the option the right but not the obligation to sell a stock at a specific price by a specified time."Jan 09 20:11
schestowitz"The Labor Department reported that the nation lost 2.589 million jobs in 2008, just shy of the 2.75 million decline at the end of World War II."Jan 09 20:13
schestowitzBloomberg seems decent, but how promiscuous is it?Jan 09 20:16
twitterI don't know.  M$'s assessment of one of their reporters I think was, "always tells the complete story"Jan 09 20:18
schestowitz "Once again — with remarkable clarity — we peer into our crystal ball and pick which companies in and around open source are going to grab your attention in 2009"Jan 09 20:18
schestowitz"IBM, Citrix, Cisco, Novell, Microsoft, Terracotta, Dell, Zimory, Check Point, Astaro, Likewise Software, Open-Xchange, Coraid, Parallels, VMware, Hyperic, ScaleMP, NetGear .."Jan 09 20:18
schestowitzReader: "Citrix: is more purely Open Source with its XenServer, based on the Xen hypervisor [...] Cisco: leveraging Linux as a platform for developers with their ISR routers [...] Odd there, no mention of Red Hat or Canonical [...] who owns/runs Linux Mag?" This related to this post: 09 20:19
schestowitzTso, Linus and LF 'pragmatists' want to change "Linux" too. Reader: "I don't have a link for you but did see a report that there is an attempt at forcing Debian to accept blobs.  It would be dumb-ass move and weaken portability, maintenance and above all security."Jan 09 20:20
PetoKrausduuhJan 09 20:21
PetoKrausi wish the folks at debian would just tell everyone to fizz offJan 09 20:21
PetoKrausand let them do their jobJan 09 20:21
schestowitzTso flamed them in a way. Very obnoxious message...Jan 09 20:22
schestowitzReader: "I see that it is important to keep a distinction between the distro Debian and its goals and the Linux kernel. The blob debate, as far as I am concerned, was over years ago.  For me it was in the 90's but the topic was done in the 70's.  Despite that, it resurfaced recently among the BSDs: "Jan 09 20:22
schestowitzHe says: "It seems the Nvidia driver scandal and treacherous computing / digital restrictions are not given the serious concern they warrant.  With the TC and DRM modules now more or less unavoidable in most, if not all, commodity hardware, the threat to freedom that blobs pose has increased several orders of magnitude."Jan 09 20:23
schestowitz"Torvalds was right in choosing the GPL for the kernel, the phenomenal growth and advancement of the Linux kernel shows us that.   Let's not trip up so near the finish line."Jan 09 20:23
trmanco 09 20:23
trmanco 09 20:24
schestowitzI left a a commentJan 09 20:25
schestowitzEmail Scams Already Way More Prevalent in '09 < >Jan 09 20:26
twittercool, the badvista victory was published.  It was in their newsletter before it was on the web for some reason.Jan 09 20:27
twitterThat goes into the Vista Failure Log for sure.Jan 09 20:27
twitterFeel the hate here, 09 20:28
schestowitzIBM president who grew up in Cuba: "Being trapped in an anachronistic, repressive government is one half of Cuba's misery.  The other half is the equally anachronistic, foolish US embargo. " 09 20:28
twitterIt is interesting how much time the troll have to write such shit.Jan 09 20:28
schestowitzEmbargo = financial strangulation. Make the people miserable (punish the people) so that they overthrow the government, replacing it with a puppet regime (to the US)Jan 09 20:28
PetoKraustwitter: nice modbombingJan 09 20:30
PetoKraus-1 informativeJan 09 20:30
PetoKraus:DJan 09 20:30
schestowitzIt was only months ago that Microsoft ran aggressive ads for Vista. It no longer mentions the V wordJan 09 20:31
schestowitzIf I look at the MS feeds (hundreds of item), there's more 7apourware than Visduh!Jan 09 20:31
twitterThe Cuban embargo started off as a moral issue, like the Soviet and China embargo.  People in a free economy can't compete with slave labor, everyone loses their rights and the dictators grow stronger on both sides of the trade.Jan 09 20:31
twitterYes, Vista has failed and everyone knows it.Jan 09 20:32
PetoKrausthough i have to agree, you should cite more sourcesJan 09 20:32
twitterI'm here to help Roy find sources.Jan 09 20:33
PetoKrauswell that's your businessJan 09 20:34
twitterAny link to BN links to all of our work.Jan 09 20:34
schestowitzMicrosoft marketing people roam Slashdot, for a fact. It's already confirmed.Jan 09 20:34
schestowitzAT least they waste Microsoft's budgetJan 09 20:34
benJImanMicrosoft employees in reading websites shocker.Jan 09 20:34
PetoKrausit doesn't matterJan 09 20:34
schestowitzbenJIman: manipulating.Jan 09 20:35
PetoKrauslinking to one page as a sourceJan 09 20:35
PetoKrausis really....Jan 09 20:35
schestowitzThey also hire peripherals to so this.Jan 09 20:35
PetoKrausi don't know the word for itJan 09 20:35
twitterIt's more than their employees, Benji, they hire people to crap flood.Jan 09 20:35
PetoKrausbut it makes me smileJan 09 20:35
twitterHere's a link that will give you hundreds of sources. 09 20:36
twitter:-D just for you.Jan 09 20:37
twitterTime to update it with the good news from Bad Vista.Jan 09 20:37
schestowitz"The author of the email, posted on ZDNet in a Talkback forum on the Microsoft antitrust trial, claimed her name was Michelle Bradley and that she had “retired” from Microsoft last week.Jan 09 20:37
schestowitz    “A verbal memo [no email allowed] was passed around the MS campus encouraging MS employee’s to post to ZDNet articles like this one,” the email said.Jan 09 20:37
schestowitz    “The theme is ‘Microsoft is responsible for all good things in computerdom.’ The government has no right to prevent MS from doing anything. Period. The ‘memo’ suggests we use fictional names and state and to identify ourselves as students,” the author claimed."Jan 09 20:37
schestowitz 09 20:37
PetoKrausi'm just trying to say you shouldn't wonder when you get modbombedJan 09 20:37
PetoKrauswhen your articles lack basic journalist fundamentalsJan 09 20:37
PetoKrausas plurality of sources...Jan 09 20:38
PetoKrauseven though you're rightJan 09 20:38
PetoKrausit looks lame.Jan 09 20:38
schestowitz Protests against Nanny Gordon.Jan 09 20:39
PetoKrausschestowitz: 09 20:40
schestowitzSri Lankan newspaper editor shot dead "The Sunday Leader is locked in a legal battle with the president's brother, Sri Lankan defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who is suing the newspaper for defamation over stories it published alleging corruption, Reuters reported. Rajapaksa has denied any wrongdoing."Jan 09 20:42
twitterAck!  Roland is dead. 09 20:42
schestowitz"As you may or may not be aware, Sweden is not a state in the United States of America. Sweden is a country in northern Europe. Unless you figured it out by now, US law does not apply here. For your information, no Swedish law is being violated."Jan 09 20:43
schestowitzMaybe they'll bribe some officials to buy new laws then.Jan 09 20:43
schestowitz (Police probe Satyam over $1bn blackhole); (Another 524,000 US jobs go)Jan 09 20:49
schestowitzUp To' Marketing Strikes Again: UK Customers Get 45% Of Promised Broadband Speed < >Jan 09 20:51
schestowitz (Goldman Sachs: IT-spending growth to halt) BUT... he doesn't cite his source. :-(Jan 09 20:57
schestowitz Memorandum of 'Understanding' (R)Jan 09 21:00
schestowitz "For my existence proof," West said, "I give you the open-source community." The developers of open-source programs like the Apache Web server easily coordinate their coding efforts across vast distances. And yet, he continued, "They need to have these events like ApacheCon... now and then where people can have a beer and gJan 09 21:03
schestowitzet to know each other."Jan 09 21:03
schestowitzContinued demise of the term "open source": 09 21:05
twitterThere have been a few stories on lower IT spending.  Government, banking and others.Jan 09 21:05
twitterI'm not sure about that.  Nine Inch Nails has put their tracks up and invited people to remix and distribute them.Jan 09 21:06
schestowitzYes, but no code.Jan 09 21:07
schestowitzGoogle Group has just gotten a new favicon: 09 21:07
twitterTracks are code for music, no?Jan 09 21:07
twitterI'm not sure he has not also made sheet music available.Jan 09 21:08
twitterThey are a band that seems to understand free culture better than most.  Free Culture is a better term than Open Source for such things.Jan 09 21:08
twitterWhen I say tracks, I mean individual instrument tracks.Jan 09 21:09
schestowitzHere is a BS Ziff"Davis 'article' that sucks up to 'analysts': Either 'predicting' the obvious (did anyone predict slump?), hiding away from bad forecasts or making self-fulfilling prophecies (lies)Jan 09 21:10
schestowitzI have loads of material about Gartner corruptionJan 09 21:10
schestowitzIt'll take me a while to get around to ot.Jan 09 21:10
schestowitz(otJan 09 21:10
schestowitz*itJan 09 21:10
schestowitzTracks  =  free culture, I think. Open source loses its meaning.Jan 09 21:11
schestowitzWon't be long before 'open-source' toilet paper... that you can modify and redistribute.Jan 09 21:12
schestowitzWhat vendors really mean by 'open source' 09 21:15
schestowitzPalm's Pre Is Coming to Europe, Says CEO < >Jan 09 21:22
*MinceR is waiting for Palm PostJan 09 21:22
MinceR;)Jan 09 21:22
twitterI saw economic collapse on the way ten years ago because of trade with China and the decline of western industry.Jan 09 21:24
twitterThere was nothing I could do about it, of course.Jan 09 21:25
twitterbesides live modestly and gain as many self reliance skills as I could.Jan 09 21:26
schestowitzEconomists knew this too.. G8 and all..Jan 09 21:28
schestowitzOffshoring used to be predicated, but instead it just want "poof" like a bubble at the end of Sept. 2008 (and onwards)Jan 09 21:29
schestowitzPrepare for Intel layoffs too.. 09 21:30
schestowitzLots of OSS sites are writing about 'open source Windows': 09 21:49
twitterreactos and freedos, generally better than the original.Jan 09 22:03
twitterhere's more on vista failure 09 22:03
schestowitz "Pixel will be leaving Mandriva on February. We would like to take the opportunity to thank him for his commitment and endeavour whilst at Mandriva and we wish him every success in his future activities."Jan 09 22:04
twitterI can back that cartoon up with what I saw over Christmas.  Vista reduced itself to a single line of text that blinked.Jan 09 22:05
schestowitzAt least it had animationJan 09 22:06
twitterThey call that an improved GUI.Jan 09 22:13
schestowitz"Wow" momentJan 09 22:15
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has left #boycottnovellJan 09 22:27
schestowitzWhere is from?Jan 09 22:33
schestowitzResverse DNS  returns null.Jan 09 22:34
MinceRwhois says it's owned by novellJan 09 22:35
schestowitzNovell busted: 09 22:38
schestowitzActually, I ought to just make a post about it too. It's amusing.Jan 09 22:38
schestowitzNovell does not employ the sharpest of people.Jan 09 22:38
schestowitzMiguel visits BN as well: 09 22:40
schestowitzHe's back from Microsoft (Novell IP again)Jan 09 22:44
schestowitz130.57.22.201 in case you want to parse your logsJan 09 22:44
*DarkUranium ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 22:48
schestowitzHeh. What do you know? Miguel reads BN every day.Jan 09 22:53
schestowitzquick grep through the log shows this.Jan 09 22:53
*neighborlee_ (i=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellJan 09 23:25
schestowitzAnonymous Novell employees are found responsible for negative comments in this Web site: 09 23:37
schestowitzThe next time people say "boycottnovell is not realiable" or whatever, be sure to point out that the message might be coming from Novell, because sometimes it does. SCO tried the same tactics against Groklaw.Jan 09 23:38
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 09 23:43
tessier_Man, you guys post such a flood of stuff there is no way I could ever keep up with it.Jan 09 23:52
tessier_I wish there was some sort of prioritization.Jan 09 23:52
tessier_I would like to see daily choice of the one links of all of the links found that day that I should really read.Jan 09 23:52
tessier_Or something like that.Jan 09 23:52
schestowitzWe already do daily linksJan 09 23:56
schestowitzYou want "importance" assignment to each? That would be easy.Jan 09 23:56

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