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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 12th, 2009 - Part 2


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schestowitzGoogle FUD: "Apparently ye average innocuous search - ie "how big is my carbon footprint?" - produces 7g of CO2 whilst a boiling kettle generates about 15g. Don't even get us started on Googling WHILST drinking a cuppa." 12 18:28
schestowitzWhy don't they say how much pollution Microsoft generates for running such services that almost nobody uses???Jan 12 18:28
schestowitzIt's similar to yesterday's Greenpeace message, which Wintel press only uses to target Microsoft competitors while ignoring Microsoft.Jan 12 18:29
schestowitzNot Quite The Full Story On The Environmental Impact Of Google Searches < >Jan 12 18:30
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 12 18:30
schestowitzSeagate CEO jumped ship: Seagate replaces CEO < >Jan 12 18:45
schestowitzDixon's Web site is down... but it runs Apache, so......Jan 12 18:45
schestowitzlet the remixes begin (UPDATED) < >Jan 12 18:48
schestowitzColbert is an idiotJan 12 18:50
tessier_Colbert from the Colbert Report? Or some other Colbert?Jan 12 18:55
schestowitz*LOL* 12 18:56
schestowitzThis is great!Jan 12 18:56
schestowitztessier: he's giving Lessig a hard time. Watch it.Jan 12 18:56
schestowitz 12 18:58
tessier_Colbert is a comedian. It's his job.Jan 12 18:59
schestowitzI know, but he disrupted Lessig's message a lot... he didn't get to get the point across, IMHOJan 12 19:03
schestowitz "Is Google Running Short of Hackers? - How hard can it be porting Chrome to GNU/Linux? Hard, apparently..." MinceR's gonna love this..Jan 12 19:03
MinceRthey should have designed it on a multiplatform library, like any clueful software engineering wouldJan 12 19:04
MinceRsadly, google has a dire shortage of clueful software engineersJan 12 19:04
schestowitzThey hire from MSJan 12 19:04
schestowitzThat's what I was told wrt thing like Picasa (DirectX) and some ActiveX stuff they put on the WebJan 12 19:04
MinceRlolJan 12 19:05
MinceRs/ing//Jan 12 19:05
MinceRelsewhere i've read that they've managed to move off WinHTTP alreadyJan 12 19:05
schestowitzThey have a good future ahead of them.Jan 12 19:06
schestowitzI couldn't help but think how frantic MJF and other professional MS fans must be... when I saw her blog earlierJan 12 19:06
schestowitzSome years ago they bothered writing about the company's criminal activities because they felt some complacency. Now they are just MS salespeople with blogs.Jan 12 19:07
schestowitzPro-mafia Facebook pages cause alarm in Italy << >>Jan 12 19:09
*PeterKraus is now known as PetoKrausJan 12 19:14
PetoKrausconsidering freenode runs gentooJan 12 19:15
PetoKrausthe maintenance downtime was quite quickJan 12 19:15
schestowitzMaybe they compiled on a test boxJan 12 19:17
PetoKraus:)Jan 12 19:18
*neighborlee ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 12 19:36
trmanco 12 19:41
tessier_Speaking of class actions...Jan 12 19:42
tessier_I received a letter in the mail. I didn't notice it was addressed to a previous owner of the house (some 10+ years ago) until after I had already opened and read it. It was a class action suit settlement check. For $10. Whoopie-freakin-doo.Jan 12 19:43
tessier_I've received one of those before also. I forget what for. But I got just a few bucks out of it.Jan 12 19:43
tessier_I've never known anyone who made anything more than enough to buy dinner with from a class action suit. The lawyers sure cleaned up though.Jan 12 19:44
trmanco:-PJan 12 19:44
trmancoLOLJan 12 19:45
trmancomsn got back onlineJan 12 19:45
trmancowait, maybe I'm dreamingJan 12 19:45
trmancono I'm notJan 12 19:46
trmancoit is back onlineJan 12 19:46
trmancoyep, people can confirm thisJan 12 19:48
trmanco se the latest commentsJan 12 19:48
trmancosee*Jan 12 19:48
trmancocrappy servers :|Jan 12 19:48
schestowitz 12 19:49
trmancoLOLJan 12 19:50
trmanconice oneJan 12 19:50
schestowitzWow. A lot of people sure noticed this.Jan 12 19:50
trmancoyesJan 12 19:50
trmancoand it was not a pidgin issue, it was a server side issueJan 12 19:51
trmancothe pidgin devs said thisJan 12 19:51
schestowitzBut was it affecting just Pidgin users?Jan 12 19:51
trmanconoJan 12 19:51
schestowitzMSN too?Jan 12 19:51
trmancopurple based IM?sJan 12 19:51
schestowitzAhh..Jan 12 19:51
trmanconoJan 12 19:51
schestowitzWhat's Purple for?Jan 12 19:51
trmancothe proprietary program worksJan 12 19:51
schestowitzOrange for IM? ;-)Jan 12 19:51
schestowitzWow. Linux news sure got quietJan 12 19:52
schestowitzMany of the sites that typically report are quiet, BUT BUT BUT... it applies to all news, AFAICTJan 12 19:52
schestowitzIt's like journalistic Depression or sumthin';Jan 12 19:52
schestowitzSo it's good that I have Comes stuff. See if you can find typos in what I posted 5 mins agoJan 12 19:53
trmanco 12 19:53
PetoKrauspurple is backendJan 12 19:55
PetoKrausah, there's the link :)Jan 12 19:56
trmancoI can't access itJan 12 19:56
trmancodon't know whyJan 12 19:56
schestowitzHeh.Jan 12 19:57
schestowitzRough day.Jan 12 19:57
schestowitzAlso for FreeNodeJan 12 19:57
trmancobut worksJan 12 19:58
trmancoweirdJan 12 19:58
PetoKrausi love how the ubuntu folk doesn't believe upstreamJan 12 20:04
schestowitzUbuntu is not linux is not gnu is not x ;-)Jan 12 20:07
trmancoI can't say anything in the pidgin channelJan 12 20:07
trmanco:|Jan 12 20:07
trmancothey haven't been warned, look at the topicJan 12 20:08
schestowitzBlankenhorn feeds the Novell FUDsters... 12 20:09
trmancoha done :)Jan 12 20:09
schestowitzAre they using Windows??/ 12 20:11
schestowitzI doubt it.Jan 12 20:11
trmancoschestowitz, yesJan 12 20:11
trmancoI'll give you a headerJan 12 20:11
schestowitzhehe.Jan 12 20:12
schestowitzYou never command in BNJan 12 20:12
schestowitz*commentJan 12 20:12
*schestowitz can't spell while talking on phone..Jan 12 20:12
trmancoI'm s little shyJan 12 20:14
trmanco20:15:09) soap: current HTTP/1.1 200 OKJan 12 20:14
trmancoDate: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 20:15:07 GMTJan 12 20:14
trmancoServer: Microsoft-IIS/6.0Jan 12 20:14
schestowitz Segway inventor wants to know: When should I quit? < >Jan 12 20:14
trmancoX-Powered-By: ASP.NETJan 12 20:14
trmancoX-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727Jan 12 20:14
trmancothere you goJan 12 20:15
trmancook I'll commentJan 12 20:17
schestowitzI just haveJan 12 20:19
trmanco 12 20:20
trmancooopsJan 12 20:20
trmanco1 minute faster schestowitzJan 12 20:20
schestowitz:-)Jan 12 20:21
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 12 20:22
Omar87Hey allJan 12 20:22
Omar87schestowitz: I heard that MS servers couldn't handle the Windows 7 beta downloaders.Jan 12 20:22
Omar87schestowitz: And that there were no more than 2 milion downloaders.Jan 12 20:23
twitterThey tried to spin it as massive demand.  I can't imagine 2 million.Jan 12 20:23
twitterThey did their best to encourage people - they said that only 2.5 million could have one, so that even causal observers would try to get one to avoid fake scarcity.Jan 12 20:25
Omar87twitter: But as someone told me, that MS servers failed to handle this load, how true is this?Jan 12 20:26
twitterWhen the "big demand" hit, they pulled the plug, screaming "there's too much demand."  Five people could have hit it and the same result would have come out.Jan 12 20:26
trmancoLOLJan 12 20:26
twitterThere's no telling what's true or not when you are talking to a liar like M$.Jan 12 20:26
trmanco...Jan 12 20:26
Omar87twitter: That's 100% true. :)Jan 12 20:27
trmanconice one >> "When the "big demand" hit, they pulled the plug, screaming "there's too much demand."  Five people could have hit it and the same result would have come out."Jan 12 20:27
Omar87:)Jan 12 20:27
Omar87Everything will be revealed when Vista 7 is out.Jan 12 20:28
Omar87And after that, they will have no chance to lie.Jan 12 20:28
twitterSomething resembling truth may come out in five years in either the next anti-trust suit or shareholder lawsuits from the failed company.  They you will be able to read their emails and see what they thought, or at least told each other.Jan 12 20:29
twitter*ThenJan 12 20:29
Omar87As their lies won't work at all, since the consumer is gonna try it for himself and if he's not satisfied then that's it.Jan 12 20:29
twitterKennedy had an early look at the mess and declared it Vista.Jan 12 20:30
twitterI'm not sure how many people they will be able to sucker into trying it next time.Jan 12 20:30
twitterVista was such a burn, you would think people would be shy now.Jan 12 20:31
twitterM$ probably pulled the 2.5 and 2 million numbers out of news about Firefox and OO downloads.  It's doubtful as many people would be interested in something that would take as much work as a Vista install without some good reviews.Jan 12 20:32
twitterRight now, the reviews are mixed at best.Jan 12 20:32
twitterRoy got the fake demand story right on target the other day.Jan 12 20:32
PetoKrauswellJan 12 20:33
PetoKrausi have got mixed feelingsJan 12 20:33
twitterdo shareJan 12 20:34
schestowitzYou can't judge it, eitherJan 12 20:34
PetoKrausi might be interested in trying the softwareJan 12 20:34
schestowitz"it's just a betaVista"Jan 12 20:34
schestowitzVista7, i hereby call you betavistaJan 12 20:34
schestowitzVista minus the stability plus some gui thingiesJan 12 20:34
twitterand compatibility with some Vista applications - some reward for the M$ faithful eh?Jan 12 20:35
schestowitzActually, since Vista 7 does not even exist yet (Microsoft wants to create the illusion that it does), it ought be be called BetaVista 7Jan 12 20:35
schestowitzSo..Jan 12 20:35
schestowitzIt's BetaJan 12 20:35
schestowitzIt's VistaJan 12 20:35
schestowitzIt's 7Jan 12 20:35
schestowitzNow put it all togetherJan 12 20:35
twitterVista Beta 7, one for each year of development?Jan 12 20:36
schestowitzThey still work on improving XPJan 12 20:36
schestowitzIt's like Coca Cola trying to improveJan 12 20:36
twitteryou misspelled "selling"Jan 12 20:36
schestowitzIt makes Cherry and New Coke... then runs away to Classic before it's dead.Jan 12 20:36
twitterDRM, the HFCS of software.Jan 12 20:37
twitterPromotes bloat, kills your computer.Jan 12 20:37
twitterI wonder if the HFCS Coke will survive Depression 2.0 12 20:38
PetoKrausyeahJan 12 20:39
PetoKraussugar's been laid asideJan 12 20:39
schestowitzBecause of IntelJan 12 20:40
tessier_What a mess. :(Jan 12 20:41
tessier_I really hope OLPC can get its act together.Jan 12 20:41
tessier_I'll be bummed if I spent $400 and gave a couple of kids laptops that aren't going anywhere.Jan 12 20:41
schestowitzSave $400 on Intel chips then. Avoid them. ;-)Jan 12 20:43
schestowitzA triple-boot system with GRUB: Debian GNU/Linux "Lenny", FreeDOS 1.0, and Windows 98SE < >. Don't people know that Win98 is zombie-happy platform?Jan 12 20:43
PetoKrausit's for gamesJan 12 20:44
schestowitz"After doing a lot of other things while Visaster SP2 (Windows 7) installed",10000... I remember saying "Visaster" like two years agoJan 12 20:44
schestowitz[H]omer called it MEII and Charlie from the Inquirer 'borrowed' his nameJan 12 20:45
schestowitzPetoKraus: yes, that's what the crackers sayJan 12 20:45
PetoKrauswellJan 12 20:45
PetoKrausbut i wanna play my mechwarrior 2!Jan 12 20:45
schestowitzIt's like a game of Risk with botnetsJan 12 20:45
tessier_ 12 20:49
tessier_Despite the economy, he says, Amazon and Microsoft “seem to be really hiring in full swing” on the MIT campus.Jan 12 20:49
PetoKraustwo 10" pizzas and i'm fullJan 12 20:49
tessier_WTF? Are they hiring or are they laying off? Are they booming or teetering on disaster? I'm so confused!Jan 12 20:49
schestowitz (Google Chrome Dumps WinHTTP, Linux Version Inevitable)Jan 12 20:50
PetoKrausfirst year studentJan 12 20:50
PetoKrauscan't know a ***kJan 12 20:50
twittertalk is cheap and many companies visit universities more for PR reasons than hiring.Jan 12 20:50
trmancochrome more "open source"Jan 12 20:50
PetoKrausWords are worthless cause they're freeJan 12 20:51
PetoKraussays Josh HommeJan 12 20:51
twitterI worked at a fortune 100 company and saw this from the inside.  Everyone wanted to put on their best face for the world.Jan 12 20:51
schestowitzStudents are cheaperJan 12 20:52
twitterThat too.Jan 12 20:52
schestowitzMicrosoft also opened some centers in China last yearJan 12 20:52
schestowitzIBM in India..Jan 12 20:52
schestowitzThey fire in the US, then they can hire where it's cheaperJan 12 20:52
schestowitzBut Microsoft-Abramoff used corruption to also import cheap labourJan 12 20:52
twitterBut students are not always cheaper if the company has kept salaries up with inflation.Jan 12 20:53
PetoKrausactually i liedJan 12 20:53
schestowitzInstead of colonies they do the equivalent of buying slavery or doing wage slavery as it's calledJan 12 20:53
PetoKrausthe proper quote is: "Words are weightless here on earth because they're free"Jan 12 20:53
*PetoKraus hides in shameJan 12 20:53
PetoKrausthe most funny part isJan 12 20:54
PetoKrausthat I guess I violated copyright by using that phrase... it's lyrics, therefore it's covered by some strange and insane copyright lawJan 12 20:54
tessier_PetoKraus: Don't sing happy birthday in a public place.Jan 12 20:54
PetoKrauswhy?Jan 12 20:54
PetoKrausis it ۩ as well?Jan 12 20:55
schestowitzNot enforcedJan 12 20:59
schestowitzWhat happens if you do it in a stadium or TV, I wonder...Jan 12 20:59
PetoKraushere's a bit of fun from slovakia: 12 21:00
PetoKrausour Prime Minister is a Tough Guyâ„¢Jan 12 21:00
schestowitzDoes Hotmail expire accounts after a perdiod of inactivity?Jan 12 21:06
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has left #boycottnovellJan 12 21:09
PetoKrausschestowitz: i am not aware of thatJan 12 21:09
schestowitzI've just tried logging in with a 5+ year-old account that I needed to create to talk to this girl (she used MSN and I was reluctant to join of course). is no longer on their system. ;-)Jan 12 21:10
twittermaddoff avoids jail 12 21:11
schestowitzGaspJan 12 21:11
schestowitzCorrupt rich people can get away with mur.. genocideJan 12 21:11
schestowitzYou still have some of them around the White House, so..Jan 12 21:11
PetoKrausmaddox has new articleJan 12 21:12
PetoKrausoh man, he ownsJan 12 21:12
schestowitzHe should get  ChairJan 12 21:12
schestowitzNot chairman of NASDAQJan 12 21:12
twitterCES attendance down 23%Jan 12 21:13
twitter 12 21:13
schestowitzOnly in America.. shoplift some tomatoes cause you're hungry, get arrested. Steal from millions of people, get a slap on the wristJan 12 21:14
twitterWow, here's a bomb for you, " Most personal-computer makers aren't expecting Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT) new Windows 7 operating system software to provide much of a sales spark when it debuts later this year, an influential investment analyst says."Jan 12 21:14
twitter 12 21:14
schestowitzCES is dead on.. or deadJan 12 21:14
twitterso much for the hype demandJan 12 21:14
schestowitzAlll those extravagant shows remind me of Hollywood.Jan 12 21:14
twitter->PC makers aren't holding out much hope because they "feel burned by Vista,"Jan 12 21:15
schestowitzTortured horse, explosions, wrecked cars and 150-million-dollar budget for a film that can't match something simple with romanticismJan 12 21:15
schestowitz"debuts later this year"?Jan 12 21:16
schestowitzThat's BSJan 12 21:16
schestowitzMicrosoft denied/decline to confirm thisJan 12 21:16
schestowitzVapourware classicsJan 12 21:16
twitterBig picture, Vista 7 is stillborn.Jan 12 21:16
schestowitzWindows Vapourware... in 2 years... (2003)Jan 12 21:16
twitterno one is ramping up for it.Jan 12 21:16
twitterM$ credibility is zero for the whole industry.Jan 12 21:17
schestowitz 12 21:17
schestowitzLots of work on faking stuff and making mockupsJan 12 21:17
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 12 21:23:51 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellJan 12 21:23
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Jan 12 21:23
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Jan 12 21:23
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJan 12 21:23
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 12 21:24
trmanco7 review -> 12 21:26
trmancobut not that "7"Jan 12 21:26
trmancoin PT btwJan 12 21:26
twitterThat Longhorn video is some trashy.Jan 12 21:30
twitterOctober 2003, LMAO.Jan 12 21:31
schestowitzCES 2009! 12 21:32
trmanco 12 21:33
twitter 12 21:34
*trmanco has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jan 12 21:37
schestowitzWow, so 7 *is* out... not 7.1?Jan 12 21:37
twitterIt's interesting how the "Longhorn" desktop mockup looks a lot like the Vista Beta 7 desktop.Jan 12 21:37
schestowitzCheck this out: 12 21:39
schestowitzSomeone just buzzed me about itJan 12 21:39
schestowitzGuess who 'won'?Jan 12 21:39
schestowitzNumero uno: 12 21:40
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 12 21:40
schestowitzMaybe BN will become BM[icrosoft] some time soon... assuming Microsoft buys NovellJan 12 21:40
schestowitzWhich is becoming more liekly all the timeJan 12 21:40
schestowitzI'll do a post to explain why. Other people have said the same for agesJan 12 21:41
twitterCongratulations, your EDGI story is /. FP material, 2009-01-10 17:20:58 How M$ Beats GNU/Linux in Schools. (Your Rights Online,Microsoft) (accepted)Jan 12 21:44
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 12 21:52
schestowitzOh oh.Jan 12 21:53
schestowitz /.?Jan 12 21:54
*schestowitz makes db backupJan 12 21:54
trmanco 12 21:55
schestowitzWe endured /, effects (not Digg) and this one is a large page though.Jan 12 21:56
schestowitzI'll use Corral if it does not respons.Jan 12 21:57
schestowitzI'll use Corral if it does not respond.Jan 12 21:57
schestowitztrmanco: is he talking about Zune?Jan 12 21:57
trmancoschestowitz, yeahJan 12 21:57
trmancoand millions of million of million of phones a yearJan 12 21:58
trmanco... whateverJan 12 21:58
schestowitzWhat page is references, twitter?Jan 12 21:59
schestowitz*rencedJan 12 21:59
trmanco 12 21:59
schestowitzLook how he twisted the headline on the old articleJan 12 22:00
schestowitzMade it anti OOoJan 12 22:00
schestowitzShowing his true coloursJan 12 22:00
schestowitzSubheadline: "Sun and OOo Are Dying--Again"Jan 12 22:00
schestowitztwitter: which page is cited?Jan 12 22:03
twitterI got the acceptance news when submitting.  It should turn up on the front page sooner or later.Jan 12 22:03
schestowitzBut which page is refrenced?Jan 12 22:04
schestowitzI need to divert it to CorralJan 12 22:04
twitterlet me dig it upJan 12 22:04
twitter 12 22:05
twitterpoints to 12 22:05
twitterand 12 22:05
twitterand 12 22:05
schestowitzThanks.Jan 12 22:05
twitteryou are welcome.  I can't say what, if any, of those links will show up.Jan 12 22:05
schestowitzI needed to apologise to the host before...Jan 12 22:06
schestowitzIt can't take these things wellJan 12 22:06
trmanco 12 22:07
twitterSounds like they should apologize to you.Jan 12 22:07
twitterbut I understand their point of view.Jan 12 22:07
schestowitzIt doesn't redirect for some reasonJan 12 22:10
schestowitzHmm.. I can't get the redirect to workJan 12 22:13
twitterhere it is. 12 22:17
schestowitz.htaccess won't let me redirect: 12 22:17
schestowitz" Not subscriber, or not subscribed page"Jan 12 22:18
schestowitzIf you follow the links, e.g., it won't move to /, will it?Jan 12 22:18
twitterI don't know.  Looks like it did before.Jan 12 22:20
schestowitzWhen?Jan 12 22:21
schestowitzDid it redirect for you earlier?Jan 12 22:21
twitternoJan 12 22:21
schestowitzOh.Jan 12 22:21
schestowitzAh! Jan 12 22:22
schestowitzGot itJan 12 22:22
schestowitzMissing slashesJan 12 22:22
schestowitzTry nowJan 12 22:22
twitterredirect ... slow but there.Jan 12 22:23
schestowitzCool.Jan 12 22:23
schestowitzBetter slow than downJan 12 22:23
schestowitzAnd down means down... maybe for half a day and trouble from the hostJan 12 22:23
schestowitzI've become afarid of these sitesJan 12 22:23
schestowitzAnd the page you cite is like 500kb per pageviewJan 12 22:23
twitterThat's where the info is.  Glad you got it hooked up.Jan 12 22:24
schestowitzSo for 20,000 visits that can be almost a megabyte each assuming others stay and explore other pagesJan 12 22:24
twitterIt was lucky I saw it.Jan 12 22:24
schestowitzKeep an eye in case Corel falls on us. It screwed badly before.Jan 12 22:24
schestowitzit's in FPJan 12 22:41
schestowitzCoral caoughed on the Quinn link so I had to remove the redirectJan 12 22:42
schestowitz"Peter" is misspelled BTWJan 12 22:42
schestowitzThey fixed the typoJan 12 22:54
twittertypo :)Jan 12 23:00
schestowitzSlashdot is broken right nowJan 12 23:00
twitterNow I can't see the story.  I get an error, "The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again."Jan 12 23:00
schestowitzAlmost anything you click gives an errorJan 12 23:00
twitterahJan 12 23:00
schestowitzThis has gone on since you made FPJan 12 23:00
schestowitzNo story can be viewedJan 12 23:00
schestowitzEven the poll widgets gives an errorJan 12 23:01
twittercoincidence?Jan 12 23:01
schestowitzNaa..Jan 12 23:01
schestowitzSteve threw a chair at em ;-)Jan 12 23:01
twitterHe might have.Jan 12 23:01
schestowitzI checked my RSS feedsJan 12 23:01
schestowitzThose new items don't appear yetJan 12 23:01
schestowitzSlashdot has haltedJan 12 23:01
schestowitzI guess it's not too bad as long as top story is this oneJan 12 23:02
twitterNo, it's bad that the story won't get the attention it deserves.Jan 12 23:02
twitterThe editors will move along.Jan 12 23:02
schestowitzNo comment. :-)Jan 12 23:02
schestowitzI don't mind because it's not something I control or can prevent.Jan 12 23:03
schestowitzFrom my POV, if I miss /my/ chance to prevent my server from going AWOL, then I have myself to blameJan 12 23:03
schestowitzAs for Slashdot, well...Jan 12 23:03
twitterCrime can never be prevented.Jan 12 23:03
schestowitzSame with the global ecnomyJan 12 23:03
schestowitzIt doesn't matter how you feel about it or do about it (or pray for something), it is a problem of 6 billion people.Jan 12 23:04
twittersubscribers were able to see the story, so the fail came shortly after.Jan 12 23:07
twitterSlashdot is back.  Story is subscriber only or gone.Jan 12 23:10
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 12 23:10
twitterIt must have been a big chair.Jan 12 23:11
schestowitzProbably queuedJan 12 23:11
schestowitzNo, if it was censorship, they wouldn't break the /whole/ siteJan 12 23:12
schestowitzMaybe they resorted from bckupJan 12 23:12
schestowitzInternal Server ErrorJan 12 23:12
schestowitzNo, they are still f*Jan 12 23:12
schestowitzNo new comments and error if you try to view stories.Jan 12 23:12
twitterCould have been external censorship - the chair throw.Jan 12 23:12
schestowitz"Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error."Jan 12 23:12
schestowitzNa.. unlikelyJan 12 23:13
schestowitzRemember WikileaksJan 12 23:13
schestowitzDNS block or somethingJan 12 23:13
schestowitz 12 23:13
schestowitz"On February 18, bloggers reported the unprecedented attempt by Bank Julius Baer to censor the web site by having a San Francisco judge issue a restraining order telling the web site's domain name registrar to stop from pointing to its actual IP address, "Jan 12 23:14
*trmanco has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jan 12 23:14
schestowitz". This was the first know instance of a court shutting down an entire web site. One Kafkaesque feature of this omnibus order is that the court order and other materials were ordered to be emailed to Wikileaks. But with the domain name abolished, no mail sent to them could get to anyone."Jan 12 23:14
PetoKrauswelcome to the USAJan 12 23:15
schestowitzMicrosoft paid Iowa how much? Hundreds of millions (undoclosed) just to stop this suit and lock their site for public access.Jan 12 23:15
schestowitzShoot first, questions.. laterJan 12 23:15
PetoKrauswhere's wikileaks hosted?Jan 12 23:15
schestowitzInvade a country first... then check if it has WoMD.Jan 12 23:15
schestowitzPetoKraus: I dunnoJan 12 23:16
PetoKrausschestowitz: provided that your victim didn't buy AK47 at the newspaper stall as wellJan 12 23:16
schestowitzI can view /. stories now... but no new comments appeared for like 15 minutesJan 12 23:16
schestowitz:-)Jan 12 23:17
schestowitzIt usually takes some phonecalls and a personal with a handle on the interwebbiesJan 12 23:17
schestowitz*personJan 12 23:17
PetoKraushow much traffic does one /. attack generate?Jan 12 23:18
twitter.Jan 12 23:18
twittercat did thatJan 12 23:18
schestowitzcat?Jan 12 23:19
schestowitzPetoKraus: depends on the appeal of the storyJan 12 23:19
twitteryes, my cat stepped on the "." and return key.Jan 12 23:19
schestowitzAnd prominence of link too, time of day, etc.Jan 12 23:19
MinceRcats ruleJan 12 23:19
MinceRgnJan 12 23:20
schestowitzcat5Jan 12 23:20
twittergood nightJan 12 23:20
twitter@MinceRJan 12 23:20
twitterI'll be up for a whileJan 12 23:20
schestowitzNo new comments in /.Jan 12 23:20
PetoKrausgnJan 12 23:20
schestowitzStill froze^H^H^HrokenJan 12 23:20
PetoKraustwitter: so you are beranger!Jan 12 23:20
MinceRschestowitz: cat five from userfriendly? :)Jan 12 23:20
schestowitzI left BerangerJan 12 23:20
schestowitzHe blogs WindersJan 12 23:20
PetoKrauswindaesJan 12 23:21
schestowitzWind~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~ 1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1Jan 12 23:21
twitterha ha.Jan 12 23:21
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 12 23:21
twitterHere's a comment. 12 23:21
schestowitzPrince "Jihad"Jan 12 23:21
twitterRobber barron.Jan 12 23:21
schestowitzGates may have used the word "Jihad" againJan 12 23:21
tessier_ 12 23:22
tessier_You guys might get a kick out of thatJan 12 23:22
schestowitzI have quite a collection of his pen wisdomJan 12 23:22
schestowitzGood one, tessier .Jan 12 23:23
schestowitzThe story is back in //. FPJan 12 23:24
schestowitzComments still don't workJan 12 23:24
twittercoolJan 12 23:24
schestowitz6 commentsJan 12 23:25
schestowitzOKJan 12 23:25
twitterNow I'm going to do something gross.  I'm going to look at microsoft.comJan 12 23:25
twitterthat's enough of that.Jan 12 23:25
schestowitzI wonder how many comments are from MS marketing people whom I was told about (it's a fact)?Jan 12 23:26
MinceRhe gets it wrong -- m$ is not a software company, m$ is a marketing companyJan 12 23:28
schestowitzThe resident trolls like G Michaels are there.Jan 12 23:28
schestowitzAlso a law firmJan 12 23:29
schestowitzBecause bullying and guerrilla marketing are pushing the envelope, so one must cope with judges or tire them relentlessly (or have them kicked out a la Jackson)Jan 12 23:29
tessier_schestowitz: You could start a service offering to correlate the IP addresses of blog posters from other peoples forums with addresses of known trolls on your forums to see who is making the rounds.Jan 12 23:34
schestowitzIsn't it topic dependent?Jan 12 23:35
schestowitzTwo trolls that I label in red (there are only 3) hope between IPs.Jan 12 23:35
schestowitzI've just realise that I coral-ed the URLs before disabling commentsJan 12 23:36
schestowitzSo if Slashdot people try to comment in the cites articles they send their comment to an abyss. Oops.Jan 12 23:36
schestowitz*citedJan 12 23:36
PetoKrauswheeeeJan 12 23:42
PetoKraus:) me like abbysJan 12 23:42
twitterIt will be good for the likes of G.Jan 12 23:43
schestowitzG?Jan 12 23:43
schestowitzOh, the comments..Jan 12 23:44
schestowitzLOLJan 12 23:44
schestowitzLike Dan and other, he spends /hours/ on some days just writing insults (comments)Jan 12 23:44
twitterMust be a full time job for them.Jan 12 23:44
PetoKrausWell I use to stand for something Now I'm on my hands and knees Trading in my god for this one and he signs his name with a capital GJan 12 23:45
twitterThe days they are not on BN, they are somewhere else.Jan 12 23:45
PetoKrausit's funny how all the powerful people have "G"Jan 12 23:45
PetoKrausGates, George W, GodJan 12 23:45
twittergoatseJan 12 23:45
twitterThe spinners are all over the comments in the EDGI story.  "It's not dumping," amazing bullshit.Jan 12 23:46
twitterdinner time.Jan 12 23:47
schestowitzThat's another story...Jan 12 23:50
schestowitzJames P and the "technical evangelists"Jan 12 23:50
schestowitzThey keep busy to earn "mindshare"Jan 12 23:50

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