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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 2nd, 2009 - Part 1


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schestowitzThe Funkenbusch troll/shill has a new mail header: "X-Fuck-Off-Roy:   Always"Feb 02 00:03
schestowitzSo they invade pro-Linux forums, then tell the regulars to "fuck off".. in  the headers.. that's like a black man entering the KKK annual meeting and telling them all to vacate the building.Feb 02 00:03
twitterbad analogy.  It's like rude people being rude.Feb 02 00:55
twitterthey have invaded the forums for that exact purpose.Feb 02 00:56
twitterthey seek to disrupt and make all shared media unpleasantFeb 02 00:57
twitterAll it really shows is how rude the non free software people really are.Feb 02 00:57
*NeonFloss has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 02 02:25
*NeonFloss ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 02:30
*jose ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 02:46
joseschestowitz, 02 02:48
jose" 'Poverty is pushing our people into doing desperate things just to get through one more day' "Feb 02 02:48
jose>> "Everybody was screaming and most of them were running with fire on their bodies, they were just running into the bush," said Charles Kamau, 22, who was driving through Molo on Saturday night when he saw the road blocked by hundreds of people with gerry cans, plastic bottles and buckets — anything to siphon some free fuel.Feb 02 02:49
*jose has quit ("Leaving")Feb 02 03:03
*The_Mad_Hatter (i=63ee6975@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 03:37
The_Mad_Hatternews about Patent Troll TrackerFeb 02 03:37
The_Mad_Hatter 02 03:37
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 04:29
*oiaohm2 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 04:47
*oiaohm3 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 04:52
*The_Mad_Hatter has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 02 04:53
*jsluvslinux has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 02 04:58
*oiaohm3 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 02 05:05
*oiaohm2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 02 05:06
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 02 05:07
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 05:35
zer0c00lmy new post opposing proprietary in educationFeb 02 05:45
zer0c00l 02 05:45
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 06:06
Ziggyfishtime to go homeFeb 02 06:46
*Ziggyfish has quit ("Leaving")Feb 02 06:47
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 06:55
*flex_ (n=flex@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 07:07
schestowitzSignFeb 02 07:14
schestowitzStill no DBFeb 02 07:14
schestowitzWe urgently need the host to restore boycottn_wrdp1.Feb 02 07:15
schestowitzI'm currently running off backup at boycottn_wrdp3.Feb 02 07:15
schestowitzFor some reason I think they disabled boycottn_wrdp1.Feb 02 07:15
schestowitzAhhh........Feb 02 07:19
schestowitz"This MySQL server has been running for 0 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes and 27 seconds. It started up on Feb 01, 2009 at 06:23 AM."Feb 02 07:19
schestowitzThat seems to suggest the server was started at the same time that the main DB was made not available.Feb 02 07:19
schestowitz11:20 is when we lost it (6:20 server's time)Feb 02 07:19
schestowitzQuery statistics: Since its startup, 5,719,017 queries have been sent to the server.Feb 02 07:21
schestowitz286.08 k queries per hourFeb 02 07:21
schestowitz79.47 queries per secondFeb 02 07:21
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 07:22
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 02 07:23
zer0c00lschestowitz : i have update my blog which opposes proprietary in education i want your comments and suggestions is the link when you get time please go through itFeb 02 07:53
schestowitzI have.Feb 02 07:54
schestowitzI saw the item you wrote about earlierFeb 02 07:54
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 02 08:17
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 08:36
PeterKrauslolFeb 02 08:47
PeterKraus 02 08:47
PeterKraus they couldn't find enough Americans capable of handling sales, lending, and bank administrationFeb 02 08:47
PeterKraus:D:DFeb 02 08:47
schestowitzHAhaFeb 02 08:47
schestowitzPricelessFeb 02 08:47
schestowitzPun intendedFeb 02 08:47
schestowitz 02 08:48
PeterKrausthe signature log is longer than the whole letterFeb 02 08:51
PeterKraus:DFeb 02 08:51
schestowitzMaybe intendedFeb 02 08:55
schestowitzIt's annoying me what the host is doungFeb 02 08:56
schestowitzI'm working on new postsFeb 02 08:56
schestowitzBut I'm waiting for the host to bring back up the main DBFeb 02 08:56
schestowitzThe issue is, the DB is still hammers, even on a Sunday nightFeb 02 08:56
schestowitzWell, it could be worse had we lost dataFeb 02 08:57
schestowitz"Server Load  6.46 (4 cpus)"Feb 02 08:58
schestowitzQuery statistics: Since its startup, 6,304,216 queries have been sent to the server.Feb 02 08:59
schestowitz80 queries/secondFeb 02 08:59
PeterKrausa lotFeb 02 08:59
schestowitzIt's mostly cause of the Intel postsFeb 02 09:00
schestowitzI guess I'll just let it sit there and serveFeb 02 09:00
schestowitzI'll be 'back to normal' later. All comments are closed, so that no DB diffs will developFeb 02 09:00
schestowitzBut I have really good posts that I want to make urgentlyFeb 02 09:00
*oiaohm2 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 09:03
oiaohm2I see you are slowly getting to the bottom of it schestowitzFeb 02 09:05
schestowitzThe site is bonkers right now, so I can't make new posts until it 'calms down'Feb 02 09:06
schestowitzI need your adviceFeb 02 09:06
schestowitzLet me paste somethingFeb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> I reckon the host (and I'm guessing here) took the old DB down deliberatelyFeb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> No mysql error I thinkFeb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> It occurred to while at the gym...Feb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> I mean, the night before they took the whole thing offlineFeb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> I've been thnking... maybe the host manually disabled the DB because of all the trafficFeb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> In which case it would explain what I was seeingFeb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> But would they shoot first, tell us later?Feb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> I don't know..Feb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> Let me check it again.Feb 02 09:06
schestowitz<schestowitz> DB still not there.. :-SFeb 02 09:06
schestowitzoiaohm2: the third DB I could manage to upload eventually from Opera on FedoraFeb 02 09:07
schestowitzSo I have the archives upFeb 02 09:07
schestowitzQuestion is: given the load, did the host disable the DB?Feb 02 09:07
zer0c00lschestowitz : i saw lot of emails between Microsoft employees in boycottnovell how did u managed to get it? In my school ,i am asking a Microsoft student partner to forward the mails M$ has sent to them..but she is keep on refusing ........Feb 02 09:08
schestowitzschestowitz> "Server Load   6.46 (4 cpus)"Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> Query statistics: Since its startup, 6,304,216 queries have been sent to the server.Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> 80 queries/secondFeb 02 09:08
schestowitz We urgently need the host to restore boycottn_wrdp1.Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> I'm currently running off backup at boycottn_wrdp3.Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> For some reason I think they disabled boycottn_wrdp1.Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> Ahhh........Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> "This MySQL server has been running for 0 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes and 27 seconds. It started up on Feb 01, 2009 at 06:23 AM."Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> That seems to suggest the server was started at the same time that the main DB was made not available.Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> 11:20 is when we lost it (6:20 server's time)Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> Query statistics: Since its startup, 5,719,017 queries have been sent to the server.Feb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> 286.08 k queries per hourFeb 02 09:08
schestowitz<schestowitz> 79.47 queries per secondFeb 02 09:08
schestowitzzer0c00l: it was presented as antitrust evidence.Feb 02 09:08
schestowitzzer0c00l: well, it was going to. Microsoft paid a lot of money for it to go awayFeb 02 09:09
zer0c00lohFeb 02 09:09
schestowitzAsk the school about EDGI or escalate to higher level where they sign MOUsFeb 02 09:09
oiaohm2schestowitz: its possable but is possable mysql broke too.Feb 02 09:09
schestowitzMOU=Memorandum of Understanding (Microsoft calls it Project Marshall) internally. its goal being to lock out competition... Feb 02 09:09
schestowitzoiaohm2: they rebooted just at the same timeFeb 02 09:10
oiaohm2Server could have rebooted at the wrong time too halfway threw a mysql write.Feb 02 09:10
schestowitzThe mysql server (not just this DB) has been "running" only since I lost the access to the DBFeb 02 09:10
oiaohm2So breaking the database.Feb 02 09:10
schestowitzAhh...Feb 02 09:10
schestowitzoiaohm2: can this be recovered?Feb 02 09:11
schestowitzBy admins?Feb 02 09:11
oiaohm2Most cases yes last write will be lost of course.Feb 02 09:11
schestowitzOr should I go on with the clean copy from backup?Feb 02 09:11
schestowitzoiaohm2: being a Sunday, no word from the hostFeb 02 09:11
oiaohm2Normally my play from here is prepare the clean copy.Feb 02 09:12
schestowitzPrepare in what sense?Feb 02 09:12
oiaohm2Its monday here.Feb 02 09:12
schestowitzoiaohm2: it's in the US (the host)Feb 02 09:12
schestowitzSo 4AM at the latestFeb 02 09:12
oiaohm2Have it incase the damage is worse from the reboot than expected.Feb 02 09:13
schestowitzGood, thanks. Well, I have the backup running there nowFeb 02 09:13
schestowitzWe still get heavy loads there.Feb 02 09:13
oiaohm2Having something big enough to take a slashdotting is hard.Feb 02 09:14
schestowitzNo Slashdotting this time.Feb 02 09:14
oiaohm2Is there a squid proxy running on there ?Feb 02 09:14
schestowitzNo, but there might be soonFeb 02 09:14
schestowitzlars suggested that I install it.Feb 02 09:14
oiaohm2I would suggest it as well.Feb 02 09:15
oiaohm2Takes a lot of load off.Feb 02 09:15
oiaohm2Next is mysql proxy of some form caching requests.Feb 02 09:15
schestowitzHe's checking if is not betterFeb 02 09:15
schestowitzI think there's already mysql cachingFeb 02 09:16
schestowitz"phpMyAdmin: Query cache"Feb 02 09:16
schestowitzQcache_hits  4,958 k   The number of cache hits.Feb 02 09:17
zer0c00lschestowitz: its higher than edgi. with the help of so called "Microsoft student partners" they are trying to dump M$ products inside schools and colleges...These student partners give all students in the college access to Microsoft products free of cosrFeb 02 09:17
zer0c00l*cost visit 02 09:17
zer0c00lthey call it as e-academyFeb 02 09:17
schestowitzIs there any tool in phpMyAdmi for checking/reparing DBs?Feb 02 09:18
schestowitz*piringFeb 02 09:18
schestowitz*repairing I meanFeb 02 09:18
zer0c00lyou can download virtually all crap microsoft products thereFeb 02 09:18
schestowitzzer0c00l: yes, that's EDGI/DreamSparkFeb 02 09:18
oiaohm2No one has coded a frount end that does that job yet schestowitzFeb 02 09:19
schestowitzIt should be ruled illegal or something, no? They turn schools into a client pool.Feb 02 09:19
zer0c00lyeahFeb 02 09:19
schestowitzoiaohm2: I guess I need to wait for the host then.Feb 02 09:19
oiaohm2With all the usage of mysql and other databases is shockly missing schestowitzFeb 02 09:19
zer0c00lits illegalFeb 02 09:19
zer0c00li am going to fight with school officialsFeb 02 09:19
schestowitzzer0c00l: please doFeb 02 09:19
zer0c00lbut most of them are dumpFeb 02 09:19
zer0c00lyeahFeb 02 09:19
schestowitzExplain to them the ethics of what they doFeb 02 09:19
schestowitzThey sell the kids to MicrosoftFeb 02 09:20
zer0c00lyeahFeb 02 09:20
schestowitzThey don't care. Maybe they make personal gainsFeb 02 09:20
schestowitzLike dinners with Microsoft execsFeb 02 09:20
zer0c00lplease give me some inputs so that i can effectively fightFeb 02 09:20
schestowitzFind out who is responsibleFeb 02 09:21
schestowitzget names, pressure themFeb 02 09:21
schestowitzDon't get logos and intitution namesFeb 02 09:21
zer0c00lsureFeb 02 09:21
schestowitzThese are the 'shaddows'Feb 02 09:21
zer0c00lokFeb 02 09:21
schestowitz*shadows... like the corporations casting a shadow in government  for people to blameFeb 02 09:21
zer0c00lthey have paid M$ some money to get into this programFeb 02 09:22
schestowitzMaybe. Maybe it's the oppositeFeb 02 09:22
schestowitzMicrosoft will be willing to pay (bribe) them to make the students future slaves of Microsoft ecosystemFeb 02 09:22
schestowitzThat's like selling tobacco to kids in high education because the tobacco companies give it away for freeFeb 02 09:23
schestowitzSo they set up vending machines for cigarettes where you swipe in your student card and off you go smokingFeb 02 09:23
oiaohm2The thing is schestowitz even if you could fullly recovery the database without dealing with the load issue we could end back up in the same mess if writes are reenabled.Feb 02 09:23
schestowitzWhen you are no longer a student (graduation) you're stuck with it... addictedFeb 02 09:23
schestowitzThat's when the tobacco companies start cashing inFeb 02 09:23
zer0c00lyeahFeb 02 09:23
schestowitzIf the college refuses to see how /harmful/ it is what they do, they'll carry on doing thisFeb 02 09:24
zer0c00lthey refuse to understand that M$ is an evilFeb 02 09:24
oiaohm2Sites up limited by my book that is a pass for a few days.(Ok might not be yours schestowitz).  Now is working threw the issue.Feb 02 09:24
schestowitzoiaohm2: agreed. Another thing I want to see is trobleshooting/diagnosis.Feb 02 09:24
schestowitzJust side-stepping the issue means it can recurFeb 02 09:24
zer0c00lyou people having problems with server overload?Feb 02 09:25
schestowitzzer0c00l: not just Microsoft. Adobe does similar stuffFeb 02 09:25
schestowitzThey need to teach methods and offer (free) libre s/w, not $Vendor_XFeb 02 09:25
schestowitzzer0c00l: sort of.Feb 02 09:25
schestowitzzer0c00l: DB issueFeb 02 09:25
schestowitzoiaohm2: same thing happened to Groklaw, I thinkFeb 02 09:26
schestowitzWhen SCO filed Chapter 11Feb 02 09:26
schestowitzThe DB went bonkersFeb 02 09:26
schestowitzI bet Mathfox restored from backup or somethingFeb 02 09:26
schestowitzoiaohm2: ø per second: 81.82 (so it still goes up on Monday, not down)Feb 02 09:27
schestowitz"Note: Enabling the database statistics here might cause heavy traffic between the web server and the MySQL server."Feb 02 09:28
schestowitzI don't have that enab;edFeb 02 09:28
oiaohm2Yep that will kill you.Feb 02 09:36
oiaohm2Mysql raw own data is far lighter.Feb 02 09:37
schestowitz << re: Linus on GNOMEFeb 02 09:37
oiaohm2Of all things I though I would have this week off.   The jobs I love are auditing systems and data recovery because they pay well.Feb 02 09:43
oiaohm2I now have the job of building a 3d website.Feb 02 09:43
oiaohm2I normally avoid web development like the plague.Feb 02 09:44
schestowitz3D?Feb 02 09:44
schestowitzFlash?Feb 02 09:44
oiaohm2What ever I choose.Feb 02 09:46
oiaohm2Yes I get all the nice jobs of we want this make it happen some how.Feb 02 09:47
schestowitzI see you get many flames :-) http://linux-haters-redux.blogspot.c...Feb 02 09:50
kentma1heheFeb 02 09:51
schestowitzkentma1: what's that?Feb 02 09:51
oiaohm2HmmFeb 02 09:53
oiaohm2off to watch to gear will be back latterFeb 02 09:53
PeterKraustopgear?!Feb 02 09:54
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 02 10:18
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 10:20
MinceRj0Feb 02 10:27
schestowitzI'm doing the DRM postFeb 02 10:30
schestowitz3 exhibitsFeb 02 10:30
oiaohm2Yes topgear I typoedFeb 02 10:31
oiaohm2I am in AustraliaFeb 02 10:31
schestowitzMusic DRM = Microsoft "born here" technoloigyFeb 02 10:31
schestowitzø per second: 83.94 (still rising)Feb 02 10:38
schestowitzNo DB restored, eitherFeb 02 10:39
schestowitzI have like 10 posts to makeFeb 02 10:39
amarsh04hi oiaohm2 - I'm in AdelaideFeb 02 10:44
*amarsh04 must go to sleep, has to be up in just over 6 hours for a 12 hour shiftFeb 02 10:45
oiaohm2Linux hater redux is still purelly incompetent.Feb 02 11:15
oiaohm2I realy do miss the non redux.  At least he was on the money more of the time.Feb 02 11:16
schestowitzit's u, right?Feb 02 11:18
oiaohm2I am always oiaohmFeb 02 11:21
oiaohm2Ok the 2 bit at the moment is miss placed password to freenode.Feb 02 11:21
schestowitzø per second: 86.53Feb 02 11:23
schestowitzStill no DB restoredFeb 02 11:24
*Ziggy1 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 11:24
schestowitzThis is a test of patience. I guess I can write posts 'on the dry' and proofread then, by they are lines up like bullets.Feb 02 11:24
schestowitz*linedFeb 02 11:24
*Ziggy1 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 02 11:25
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 11:25
oiaohmBingo remembered my password for freenode at long lastFeb 02 11:25
*oiaohm2 has quit ("by all")Feb 02 11:26
MinceRhe was on the money some of the time?Feb 02 11:31
MinceRthe posts i've seen so far on that blog fail hard.Feb 02 11:31
oiaohmLinux hater redux has never been right.Feb 02 11:31
oiaohmLinux Hater did have about 5 major articals that were dead on that spreed and caused fixes in the Linux world.Feb 02 11:32
oiaohmHater that is correct can see things fixed.Feb 02 11:32
schestowitzDo you know who he was?Feb 02 11:32
schestowitzMiguel knows him.Feb 02 11:32
schestowitzBeranger vanished onto the horizon.Feb 02 11:33
oiaohmI never knew Linux Hater in person.  But his writing style did suggest one particular author that did start off proLinux.Feb 02 11:34
oiaohmThere always should be Haters.   No matter how good a OS there should be real findable defects.Feb 02 11:35
*zer0c00l agrees with oiaohmFeb 02 11:36
oiaohmI have nothing against true researched haters.   I just hate these non researched haters.Feb 02 11:36
oiaohmLike Beranger not knowning that com started in windows in 1989 its formal spec was released in 1993.   Stuff like protection from files from overwriting when multiable programs writing to it without locking depends on something like com.Feb 02 11:37
schestowitzBallmer and cancer hate come to mind.Feb 02 11:37
MinceRknowing a defect doesn't mean having to hateFeb 02 11:37
schestowitzCalling a blog LinuxHaters is another way.Feb 02 11:38
oiaohmIf the defect is stoping you from doing something important hate is a understanble responce MinceRFeb 02 11:38
MinceRnot all defects doFeb 02 11:38
schestowitzBTW, The backup/DB disaster led me to checking other possible 'Maydays', such as my passwords that are in some proprietary Palm PDB. I can scoop it up manually shall something go wrong or just rely on some apps.Feb 02 11:38
oiaohmYep people learn the importance of data either after they lose it or almost lose it.Feb 02 11:40
zer0c00lwhen i used windoze my download manager was orbitdownloader which splits and downloads faster....I dont know there are such download managers exist in linux...but i never hated linux for thatFeb 02 11:40
zer0c00ldo you people know any such download managerFeb 02 11:40
oiaohmThere are a few downloaders like that for Linux.Feb 02 11:41
oiaohmEven commandline ones.Feb 02 11:42
oiaohmCurrently cannot search and get list.Feb 02 11:42
zer0c00li agree there exist...but when it comes to integration with firefox they suck a lotFeb 02 11:43
zer0c00lthat proprietary software uses some firefox extension and gives pretty integrationFeb 02 11:43
zer0c00lis there any such download manager exist for linux?Feb 02 11:44
oiaohmOk better check my other machine.Feb 02 11:44
oiaohmNext time I am on it.  It does have good intergratation from firefox to a few of them under Linux.Feb 02 11:45
oiaohmSpliting does not help much any more under windows if you don't remove the MS TCP/IP limiter.Feb 02 11:45
schestowitzOr server capacityFeb 02 11:46
schestowitzPeers are differentFeb 02 11:46
schestowitzUse torrentFeb 02 11:46
oiaohmNumbers of half open connections.Feb 02 11:47
zer0c00li am behind a proxy so i use torrent downloading service...when i try to download those files using downloader for x.i never downloaded for meFeb 02 11:47
zer0c00l*itFeb 02 11:48
oiaohmYou did change the user agent string of downloader for xFeb 02 11:49
oiaohmI have had that on a few sites.   Downloader for X agent string equals no connection.Feb 02 11:49
oiaohmYes site maintains do have a good reason to ban it.   It can cause way too much load on there poor servers compared to Windows clients.Feb 02 11:50
zer0c00lin fedora 10 they dropped downloader for xFeb 02 11:50
oiaohmPersonally I don't touch fedora with a 10 foot barge pole.Feb 02 11:50
oiaohmMost likely they have something curl based instead.Feb 02 11:51
schestowitzoiaohm: touch Fedora 10 with a bargepole?Feb 02 11:52
*zer0c00l too wonders what is itFeb 02 11:53
oiaohmFedora have you seen there kernel build.Feb 02 11:53
oiaohm1000 and 1 warning messages.Feb 02 11:53
oiaohmWarnings exist for very good reasons.  I prefer my kernels built warning less thank you.Feb 02 11:54
oiaohmThat kind of thing spreeds threw fedoras complete source base.Feb 02 11:54
oiaohmNote that a kernel from normally builds without a single warning message.   They have completely come from poor quality patches applied to kernel.Feb 02 11:55
zer0c00li agree oiaohmFeb 02 11:56
zer0c00li got warning messages when i compiled the kernel for my projectFeb 02 11:56
zer0c00lwill it affect any thing? why its not goodFeb 02 11:57
oiaohmWarnings are about things not checking right to the complier.Feb 02 11:57
oiaohmProblem is not bad enough to cause 100 percent sure failure.Feb 02 11:57
oiaohmBut each one could be a failure complier has failed to confirm that its not.Feb 02 11:58
oiaohmSo yes warnings are bad.Feb 02 11:58
zer0c00lthe funniest thing i did is i tried to compile 2.6.28 kernel in RHEL 5 , and it resulted in a kernel panicFeb 02 11:58
oiaohmWorst thing I ever did was build kde 3.0 on a 255 pent.Feb 02 11:59
oiaohm255 mhz pentFeb 02 11:59
oiaohmThat took a few days.Feb 02 11:59
zer0c00llolFeb 02 12:00
oiaohmI still have the 255 pentFeb 02 12:00
oiaohmReally should fire it up and build kde 4.2 on it for the fun of it some time.Feb 02 12:00
zer0c00lmicrosoft addicts usually stare at my computer when i compile the kernelFeb 02 12:01
zer0c00lthat will be funFeb 02 12:01
oiaohmMore fun is that my Linux Laptop is fully setup for network secuirty testing.Feb 02 12:02
zer0c00lohFeb 02 12:02
zer0c00lgreatFeb 02 12:02
zer0c00lsnort?Feb 02 12:02
oiaohmAbout 100 packages decated to the task.Feb 02 12:02
oiaohmIncluding about 15 that are just mine.Feb 02 12:02
zer0c00li use ettercap, nmap ,metasploitFeb 02 12:03
zer0c00ljust a script kidde thingFeb 02 12:03
zer0c00lwhat you use oiaohmFeb 02 12:03
oiaohmWindows guy going on how secure windows is.  I say just plug your sever in and I will see how long it lasts.Feb 02 12:03
zer0c00lhahahaFeb 02 12:04
oiaohmI can secure windows servers to a point my Linux machine cannot get in.Feb 02 12:04
zer0c00li cracked my schools windows server password and used to steal question papersFeb 02 12:04
oiaohmSimplest way is a Network card with Linux embeded and filters.Feb 02 12:04
oiaohmBoy does that make MS people cry.Feb 02 12:05
zer0c00lthey still dont know abt itFeb 02 12:05
zer0c00lpoor peopleFeb 02 12:05
oiaohmIt also boost threw put by 20 percent.Feb 02 12:05
zer0c00li have access to all their servers including the webserverFeb 02 12:06
oiaohmYep they are really screwed without Linux they don't have performance.Feb 02 12:06
oiaohmEver had the fun of using a TILE64 card.Feb 02 12:06
oiaohmPeople like to steal exam paper answers use to hate me.Feb 02 12:08
zer0c00lhahahFeb 02 12:08
zer0c00l:DFeb 02 12:08
oiaohmI would always print 50 exam paper answer sheets per exam only 1 was right.Feb 02 12:08
MinceR:DFeb 02 12:08
oiaohmYep opening the file was no help to you at all.Feb 02 12:08
zer0c00lhahaha they have to study all the 50 papersFeb 02 12:09
zer0c00l:DFeb 02 12:09
MinceRwhy even let them have the file?Feb 02 12:09
schestowitzSo that's how a 9-yo passed the MCSE test...Feb 02 12:09
MinceRlolFeb 02 12:09
*macabe_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 12:09
zer0c00l:DFeb 02 12:09
schestowitzpassword: peachFeb 02 12:09
oiaohmWho said I left the correct answer sheet in the file for them to have.Feb 02 12:09
MinceR:>Feb 02 12:10
oiaohmNo matter what you do a theif can always find away.  Final defence is obsecrity.Feb 02 12:10
oiaohmSome cases I never even bothered making a correct answer sheet.Feb 02 12:11
oiaohmI also did the same with exams.   I would pull one out a stack and photocopy it on the day of the exam.Feb 02 12:12
oiaohmYep never had a single student with me cheat by exam access.Feb 02 12:12
schestowitz "Australian teachers are failing to effectively intervene in school cyber bullying, with "significant progress" needed to help bring them up to speed with interactive internet tools."Feb 02 12:13
schestowitz"Kill tah internets," said the teacherFeb 02 12:13
oiaohmHmm I should visit the schools in my areaFeb 02 12:13
oiaohmI have a firewall box that will do the job perfectly.Feb 02 12:14
oiaohmOk kids will not like it.Feb 02 12:14
*zer0c00l says internet is like a mirror if you dont like what you see dont blame the internetFeb 02 12:14
MinceRblame the people who put it there :>Feb 02 12:15
schestowitzI didn't realise the Telegraph is known as "Torygraph" :-)Feb 02 12:15
MinceRthe content, that isFeb 02 12:15
oiaohmMost schools don't have the IT skills to hunt cyber bulls down and anyone taking part.Feb 02 12:15
oiaohmOne school I did work with in the past I was quite effective at stamping it out.Feb 02 12:15
schestowitzMinceR: unless they say the truth (the messenger), in which case examine own behaviourFeb 02 12:15
oiaohmBasically anyone caught with anything releated to cyberbulling was punished.Feb 02 12:15
MinceRindeedFeb 02 12:15
oiaohmZero tollerence works quike well.Feb 02 12:16
zer0c00lyeahFeb 02 12:16
schestowitzGroklaw was worried about people whom it flaggedFeb 02 12:16
schestowitzFor, well... things they just didFeb 02 12:16
schestowitzYou don't want to be a "crony for Microsoft", then don't be.Feb 02 12:16
zer0c00lit happened in my school when they failed technically block ultrasurf.. "Any one who found using ultrasurf will be fined"Feb 02 12:17
schestowitzYou don't want to be an "anti-Linux persona", then stop it. Feb 02 12:17
schestowitznmap is illegal here and in Germany, apparentlyFeb 02 12:17
zer0c00lohFeb 02 12:17
schestowitzBecause, you know, giving tools to people make them CRIMINA~1Feb 02 12:17
schestowitzLet's stop selling kitchen knives tooFeb 02 12:18
oiaohmAustralia is interesting.Feb 02 12:18
oiaohmI can legally have network attack tools.Feb 02 12:18
oiaohmSince I am a auditor/system admin/data recoveryFeb 02 12:18
*s0ulslack (i=soul@unaffiliated/s0ulslack) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 12:18
oiaohmyet normal person could be charged under the same law as lock picks.Feb 02 12:18
oiaohmAnd I have used that from time to time to stop people bring in breaking software when they should not be.Feb 02 12:19
oiaohmWonder if Germany is the same.Feb 02 12:19
oiaohmHere knives that are sharp must be sold cased.Feb 02 12:19
oiaohmYou are not allowed to carry a knive in a public place any more.Feb 02 12:20
oiaohmUnless its cased.Feb 02 12:20
schestowitzWhat's "in public"?Feb 02 12:21
schestowitzYou don't see people running around waving knives in thew streetsFeb 02 12:21
zer0c00lrailway station ,airportFeb 02 12:21
zer0c00l:DFeb 02 12:21
schestowitzYou also have no people running around with PDAs and nmap on themFeb 02 12:21
schestowitzMurder rarely happens in public placesFeb 02 12:21
schestowitzSo this point is moorFeb 02 12:22
schestowitz*tFeb 02 12:22
oiaohmOk me did have a pda with nmap.Feb 02 12:22
zer0c00lme tooFeb 02 12:22
zer0c00li wardriveFeb 02 12:22
oiaohmIt also had wireshark and a few wireless hacking tools.Feb 02 12:22
oiaohmpda was for business secuirty checking.Feb 02 12:23
oiaohmLeave it behind running and see if number 1 it get turned off number two if it breaches the network number 3 I get it back no questions asked.Feb 02 12:23
oiaohmI would of course have a contract to check there secuirty first.Feb 02 12:24
oiaohmIt works 100 percent of the time.Feb 02 12:24
oiaohmUntil staff know that a left behind PDA could be harmful.Feb 02 12:24
schestowitzIDG is again out with an anti-"migration to Linux" message: 02 12:24
MinceRoh noes, nmap! everybody get down to the floor!Feb 02 12:24
MinceR;)Feb 02 12:24
schestowitzThey last did this just over a week ago. Is IDC pulling strings for its (pay)masters?Feb 02 12:25
oiaohmDoes not matter here I am most likely going to covert over 1000 people in a local computer club.Feb 02 12:26
schestowitzcovet? :-)Feb 02 12:26
oiaohmMost of them cannot afford windows.Feb 02 12:29
oiaohmMS is basically pricing themselfs out market.Feb 02 12:29
schestowitzYesFeb 02 12:30
schestowitzBut they try to eliminate competitionFeb 02 12:30
schestowitzI.e. reduce choiceFeb 02 12:30
schestowitzAnd Comes shows this well.Feb 02 12:30
oiaohmUnix to Linux that one is partly correct at times.Feb 02 12:30
schestowitzNow, if only I could carry on posting :-)Feb 02 12:30
oiaohmThat is not always cheeper.Feb 02 12:30
schestowitzI'm tempted to just bring the new DB up to dateFeb 02 12:30
schestowitzBut that's not solving the issue and it's 7AM over at the hostFeb 02 12:31
oiaohmThat is a option schestowitzFeb 02 12:31
schestowitzoiaohm: but what it this recurs?Feb 02 12:31
schestowitzNo waiting for some diagnosis?Feb 02 12:31
oiaohmUpto day no comments allowed will protect the mysql from harming self.Feb 02 12:31
oiaohmI guess nothing else on page writes to db.Feb 02 12:32
oiaohmIts called safe mode of database operations.Feb 02 12:32
schestowitzThat's to do with keeping the 'broken' DB without added (missing) componentsFeb 02 12:32
schestowitzUntil it comes backFeb 02 12:32
schestowitzI was writing to the DB when it failedFeb 02 12:33
schestowitzWhen the server was rebootedFeb 02 12:33
schestowitzOr around that timeFeb 02 12:33
schestowitzI was doing a post and then there was no DBFeb 02 12:33
oiaohmThat would explain failed database.Feb 02 12:33
oiaohmBad write.Feb 02 12:33
schestowitzI guess it rebooted, but the DB was no longer there.Feb 02 12:33
schestowitzSo you think that just writing something took the whole server down?Feb 02 12:33
oiaohmThere but not readable.Feb 02 12:33
oiaohmNoFeb 02 12:34
oiaohmServer crash just lined up at the wrong moment.Feb 02 12:34
schestowitzAhh..Feb 02 12:34
schestowitzAnd the host can correct this?Feb 02 12:34
schestowitzWithout taking old copies of the DB..?Feb 02 12:34
oiaohmOld copy has to remain incase it was not your write.Feb 02 12:35
oiaohmIf it was your write mysql repair there end should work.Feb 02 12:35
schestowitzI guess I'll waitFeb 02 12:35
oiaohmNow if it was something else like db being on a bad disk section.Feb 02 12:35
oiaohmIt could be lot harder to recover.Feb 02 12:36
schestowitzNon-lossy recovery?Feb 02 12:36
oiaohmYep.Feb 02 12:36
oiaohmNormally internal backups of mysql work.Feb 02 12:36
oiaohmYou don't want to write to damage database until host side is shown to be ok.Feb 02 12:37
schestowitz*damaged?Feb 02 12:37
oiaohmYou write a block to a damage file due to drive you can release the damage section on disk to be reused by something more important.Feb 02 12:37
oiaohmYep go from a lost DB to a crashing server every 5 secs.Feb 02 12:38
oiaohmBasically there are a few checks that need to happen host side.Feb 02 12:38
oiaohmHigher than normal load also can be caused by bad ram.Feb 02 12:39
oiaohmIf services are restarting lot more than normal.Feb 02 12:39
oiaohmHow much information does the web interfaces tell you.Feb 02 12:40
oiaohmDoes it tell you the last times services restarted?Feb 02 12:40
schestowitzRAM usage is about 60% on the boxFeb 02 12:41
macabe_ECC & Chipkill no worry as RAM is continously ck'ing itselfFeb 02 12:41
schestowitzI cannot see uptime without phpshell of the likesFeb 02 12:41
schestowitzI can see DB uptimeFeb 02 12:41
schestowitz"With the UK being brought to a halt by snow, Linux users may wish to bring snow to their desktop." << snows here endlessly todayFeb 02 12:41
schestowitzOne thing I do see in the IRC log (with timestamp)Feb 02 12:42
schestowitzis that the server restarted around the same time (minutes) that I had the issueFeb 02 12:42
schestowitzSo it's related to the rebooting somehowFeb 02 12:42
oiaohmThe question is what caused the rebootFeb 02 12:42
schestowitzOr maybe the boot caused the issue?Feb 02 12:43
oiaohmWithout the server logs we cannot be sure.Feb 02 12:43
schestowitzwithout access to /var/mysql or whatever I don't know either.Feb 02 12:43
oiaohmthis is the problem we have lack of information.Feb 02 12:44
oiaohmYou need information to make a informed selection of action.Feb 02 12:44
oiaohmI would be asking for webaccess to logs at a min.Feb 02 12:44
oiaohmFor next time so you can see what in hell happened.Feb 02 12:45
oiaohmIf its was like a kernel update where the system shut down cleanly at the wrong time.Feb 02 12:45
oiaohmIs one thing if it is hardware caused its another.Feb 02 12:45
oiaohmIf its attacker caused that is a completely different game.Feb 02 12:45
schestowitzI can't find thatFeb 02 12:46
schestowitzI'm still lookingFeb 02 12:46
schestowitzphpMyAdmin doesn't expose thatFeb 02 12:46
schestowitz"This MySQL server has been running for 1 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 41 seconds. It started up on Feb 01, 2009 at 06:23 AM."Feb 02 12:47
oiaohmLot of these hosters under exestmate the importances of having logs.Feb 02 12:47
schestowitz11:23AM GMTFeb 02 12:47
oiaohmdmesg from kernel is kinda important.Feb 02 12:48
oiaohmTo see if it shutdown at that point.Feb 02 12:48
oiaohmIe cleanly shutdown.  Or was kicked over by a watchdog or hardware failure.Feb 02 12:48
oiaohmThere is also the chance Mysql was the only thing to restrart too.Feb 02 12:49
oiaohmI guess you cannot see the http server log either ?Feb 02 12:49
schestowitzNo, not really.Feb 02 12:50
schestowitzIs the DB server on the same box?Feb 02 12:50
schestowitzI don't know, but it's localhostFeb 02 12:50
schestowitzWhich I suppose means that it's on the same boxFeb 02 12:50
oiaohmlocalhost equals same box.Feb 02 12:53
oiaohmOr at least same clusterFeb 02 12:53
schestowitzYes, that's what I though, unless it's mapped to 'fake' localityFeb 02 12:54
schestowitzI'm watching system variables and everything, but no logs I can accessFeb 02 12:54
schestowitzEven if I found the logs, I can't repair, just made judgment.Feb 02 12:55
schestowitzThe assumption is that this can recur unless the host is made aware of what happened and whyFeb 02 12:55
schestowitzIf part of the bridge falls and misses people's head you don't just sigh in relief and move on, you fix the bridge. We had this incident in Manchester 2 years ago. The bridge was beneath the rail track near the cirty centre.Feb 02 12:56
oiaohmYep just like a bridge while its not fixed complete thing could fail too.Feb 02 12:58
oiaohmReason why the first thing I asked did you have all backups.Feb 02 12:59
*s0ulslack (i=soul@unaffiliated/s0ulslack) has left #boycottnovellFeb 02 13:02
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 02 13:02
schestowitzObama's Climate Change Negotiator Comes With PR Pedigree "He has also frequently advised on crisis management matters, including advising on the development and execution of media strategy that is sensitive to both underlying legal concerns and public relations imperatives." The firm's website does not identify which clients he has worked for."Feb 02 13:03
schestowitzWell, Obama campaign *is* PR.Feb 02 13:03
*DarkUranium ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 13:06
schestowitzNoise keeps coming from IDG/IDC.. they link to Net Applications BS to give it credibility... Look! We have some pies! What do they measure? Well, not a proper population. The IDG lackeys keeps linking to < > non scientific measures!Feb 02 13:09
schestowitz " The Iraqi government, showing a little independence, has ordered Blackwater out of the country. However, if it wants to show real independence, it should free the shoe-thrower of Baghdad, and drop teh case against him. "Feb 02 13:14
schestowitzShoe-throwers go to prison, mass murderers are hailed as heroes.Feb 02 13:14
schestowitzChaos in France... 70% rise against the SarkofascismFeb 02 13:16
schestowitzFrench workers down tools in general strike over handling of financial crisis < >Feb 02 13:16
oiaohmThis financial crisis has cost me contracts.Feb 02 13:17
schestowitzEveryone'sFeb 02 13:17
oiaohmOver 64000 and counting.Feb 02 13:17
schestowitzI keep wondering about those who claim to have made money from it all.Feb 02 13:17
schestowitzLike G SorosFeb 02 13:17
oiaohmYes I really do mess that ammount of money.Feb 02 13:18
oiaohmI am starting to see money coming back in again.Feb 02 13:18
schestowitzPaul Allen lost at least 7 bilFeb 02 13:18
oiaohmMore open source training.Feb 02 13:18
oiaohmSo by the end of it I could end up ahead.Feb 02 13:18
schestowitzOpen source is chosen for cost now.... later the Free software message might kick into people's headsFeb 02 13:18
schestowitzAlong with realisation of ethical issues and the dangers of 'free market'Feb 02 13:19
schestowitzOn "Free market": 02 13:20
schestowitzThe Anti-Stimulus Crowd Blows a Gasket < >Feb 02 13:21
schestowitz"  The anti-stimulus crowd is getting desperate. The possibility that a young charismatic new president will push through an ambitious package that begins to set the economy right is truly terrifying to this crew. After all, if the economy begins to turn around and has largely recovered in three or four years, the Republican leadership can look forward to spending most of their careers in the political wilderness."Feb 02 13:21
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 13:21
schestowitzEliteWars(R)Feb 02 13:21
*zer0c00l has quit ("Ex-Chat")Feb 02 13:22
schestowitzOMG. (Revealed: Bailed-Out Execs Plotting Against EFCA). So the money they receive from taxpayers ('bailout') is now being used to bribe (aka 'lobby') against unionisationFeb 02 13:22
macabe_None of the funds are directed at the people who are really funding the bailouts (The Tax Payer)Feb 02 13:24
schestowitzMaybe it's time to pay more attention to economic and political corruption and less to computing. The crime out there is surfacing now.Feb 02 13:25
schestowitzmacabe_: well, lobbyists pay tax too.... http://www.bermanexposed.orgFeb 02 13:25
macabe_But they direct their 'tax' where they see a return.Feb 02 13:26
macabe_Equ=BribesFeb 02 13:26
schestowitzYesFeb 02 13:27
schestowitzLobbying is to be known as "legalised bribery"Feb 02 13:27
oiaohmLot of people are shocked how much I can do for nothing.Feb 02 13:27
schestowitzGlobal Warming Fix? Some Of Earth's Climate Troubles Should Face Burial At Sea, Scientists Say < >Feb 02 13:28
oiaohmLike building complete Flash applications at no cost in software.Feb 02 13:28
oiaohmI operate quite well on a Zero software budget most of the time.Feb 02 13:28
schestowitzoiaohm: Linux Today: Money is Not Wealth < >Feb 02 13:28
schestowitzIn s/w, spendings != qualityFeb 02 13:29
schestowitzIt means perception of qualityFeb 02 13:29
oiaohmThere is money in open source software.Feb 02 13:29
schestowitzLike my crappy Nike pair of shoes that falls apart after months of use. Cheaper shoes are better and endure for yearsFeb 02 13:29
oiaohmPeople also need training.Feb 02 13:29
schestowitzBut hey! Tiger Woods has a Nike cap!! : DDFeb 02 13:29
oiaohmAs I said I am a very multi sided employee.Feb 02 13:30
*MinceR prefers adidas :>Feb 02 13:30
oiaohmAdmin some days.  System auditoer another,  Builder another,  Cable layer another, Teacher another and Web developerFeb 02 13:30
oiaohmOpps left out data recovery expert.Feb 02 13:30
macabe_Nike caps made by sweatshopsFeb 02 13:31
oiaohmSo far  don't know what to put on my business card.Feb 02 13:31
schestowitzThere's an ethical issue with theseFeb 02 13:34
schestowitzBut the socio-economical conditions are put in place to force people into thisFeb 02 13:35
schestowitzPeople are forced to grow coco(aine) in Colmbia or starveFeb 02 13:35
schestowitzThen they get attacked by chemical weapons and treated like criminalsFeb 02 13:35
*oiaohm_ (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 02 13:35
macabe_Lady in a hurry to cross street to get to work, killed by SUV. Guy in SUV was on phone, sipping starbucks coffee.Feb 02 13:36
macabe_Dead lady left 5 orphans.Feb 02 13:36
schestowitzLikewise, sweatshops offer the only labour one if forced into... and what option do people have but to buy that stuff? Too little.Feb 02 13:36
*oiaohm has quit (Nick collision from services.)Feb 02 13:36
schestowitzSuper-Predators: Humans Force Rapid Evolution of Animals < >Feb 02 13:36
oiaohm_Ok schestowitz with secuirty auditing hardware has to be updated from time time same with data recovery.Feb 02 13:37
schestowitzmacabe_: got a link? Phone AND coffee?Feb 02 13:37
oiaohm_Out of that 64000 over half was ear marked for tool replacement.Feb 02 13:37
schestowitz64000 what?Feb 02 13:37
oiaohm_64000 australianFeb 02 13:38
oiaohm_dollarsFeb 02 13:38
oiaohm_That is how much I have lost in contracts since the mess started.Feb 02 13:38
schestowitzic..Feb 02 13:38
schestowitzWell, here's how to look at itFeb 02 13:38
macabe_Democrat & Chronicle was the news, no link, But I was there and was telling the cops the dude was on the phone.Feb 02 13:38
schestowitzNo-one was immune. Everyone is equally f*ed, except for those who pillaged for many yearsFeb 02 13:38
schestowitzThat's why 70% in France now support a protest (c.f. link above)Feb 02 13:39
schestowitzSarko gave the country away to private tyrannies, many of which are not even France.Feb 02 13:39
oiaohm_Ok last time I used MS software at home was 6 years ago.Feb 02 13:39
schestowitzHe told France to elite groups with elements of tatalities.Feb 02 13:39
oiaohm_Most of my work is Linux based.Feb 02 13:39
schestowitz*totalitiesFeb 02 13:39
oiaohm_So yes pain.  MS guys are doing worse.Feb 02 13:40
macabe_This was on my way to work last week. Reason for me to stay and witness was I saw it. Cops ignored it.Feb 02 13:40
schestowitzI touched WIndows when I needed to reboot into the Live CD in my parents' house.Feb 02 13:40
oiaohm_One of the MS guys has lost in contracts over 2 million.Feb 02 13:40
schestowitzThat's how 'close' I ever get to Microsoft software.Feb 02 13:40
oiaohm_I am not going to go broke.Feb 02 13:40
schestowitzI get mail from people whose workforce was cut by over 50%Feb 02 13:41
oiaohm_Its just going to be tight.Feb 02 13:41
schestowitzThe middle class stays out of being brokeFeb 02 13:41
oiaohm_I am going to have to make some of the hardware last longer.Feb 02 13:41
schestowitzBut the issue is NOT thatFeb 02 13:41
schestowitzThe issue are those who go hungry of insanly sesparateFeb 02 13:41
oiaohm_Issue for me is using hardware that should have been binned and replaced.Feb 02 13:41
schestowitzThey'll put a knife to you neck demanding moneyFeb 02 13:41
oiaohm_Once hardware gets past a particular age it starts becoming not dependable.Feb 02 13:42
schestowitzYes.Feb 02 13:42
schestowitzCybercrime will rise alsoFeb 02 13:42
schestowitzIt already doesFeb 02 13:42
schestowitz2009: cybercrime keeps increasing... out of work IT wizards who are bitter and vengefulFeb 02 13:43
oiaohm_Not like I have not picked up new contracts.Feb 02 13:43
oiaohm_I expect by end of 2009 I will be back to level or ahead.Feb 02 13:43
oiaohm_Its the short term incoventence.Feb 02 13:43
oiaohm_Poor MS guy does not see a way back.Feb 02 13:43
macabe_Kodak just laid-off another 20% last week. Not news in this area.Feb 02 13:44
macabe_Majority was IT support.Feb 02 13:45
schestowitz20%?Feb 02 13:46
schestowitzyea... no newsFeb 02 13:46
oiaohm_Some business have droped IT personal.Feb 02 13:46
schestowitzI keep good track of theseFeb 02 13:46
oiaohm_Lot are MS personal.Feb 02 13:46
schestowitzThe IRC channel anyway... mostly IT issues.Feb 02 13:46
oiaohm_That will not retrain.Feb 02 13:46
macabe_Local paper D&C has good relations with them.Feb 02 13:47
schestowitzRepugnant: 02 13:47
schestowitzSome of the slogans and schemes there.Feb 02 13:48
macabe_Most corporations stopped matching 401's; not newsFeb 02 13:48
schestowitzLike pro-war shirts some of them.. or pro-bribery or whatever.Feb 02 13:48
schestowitz401k OH..Feb 02 13:48
schestowitzI though oiaohm_ said thisFeb 02 13:48
macabe_Kodak's screwing retirees health plan; not newsFeb 02 13:48
schestowitzmacabe_: yes, only the US calls them that, eh?Feb 02 13:48
schestowitz401k = "future is bright" vapourwareFeb 02 13:48
schestowitzEnron veterans found out earlier than the rest ;-)Feb 02 13:49
oiaohm_cybercrime depends on human stupidity.Feb 02 13:49
schestowitzThe phone company here sort of went bustFeb 02 13:49
schestowitzThey owe me moneyFeb 02 13:49
schestowitzNow I'm just being bounces between "him", "her", "them", "this number" and so on. You can't see the money that they owe you. That's 2009 'justice'Feb 02 13:50
oiaohm_Ok buzz broadband?Feb 02 13:50
oiaohm_Like that?Feb 02 13:50
schestowitz?Feb 02 13:51
macabe_Don't understand why the push against a gold 'metal' standard.Feb 02 13:51
oiaohm_One phone company here shut up shop buzz broadband.  They were really quick about it inside 48 hours people went from having working phones to no phone.Feb 02 13:51
schestowitzGang's PR @ blogging: 02 13:51
macabe_Fedreal Resrve 'presses' working overtime printing moneyFeb 02 13:52
oiaohm_Not even a bonce.  It was just disconnected.Feb 02 13:52
schestowitzThese people can really believe it when they beautify a corporation's crime against an industry and society: He's also the pisser who threatens FOSS and Linux with patentsFeb 02 13:52
schestowitzmacabe_: question to you (cause you seem to know this well)Feb 02 13:53
schestowitzSay the US has over 10tri in debtFeb 02 13:53
oiaohm_Patents are a limited threat.Feb 02 13:53
oiaohm_They are a bigger threat for people with money.Feb 02 13:53
schestowitzNow, in the past it could claim assurance with assets and revenueFeb 02 13:53
oiaohm_You cannot get blood out a stone.Feb 02 13:53
oiaohm_No matter how hard you try.Feb 02 13:53
schestowitzThen umemployment rises, replaced by benefits (minuses)Feb 02 13:53
schestowitzAt the same time, market cap of US assets like GM drop sharplyFeb 02 13:54
schestowitzWhat does that mean to paying back the debt. How does the workforce repay it?Feb 02 13:54
schestowitzoiaohm_: it's "them" who set the rules thoughFeb 02 13:54
schestowitzWatch IBM trying to stifle trolls while keeping the same 'protection' (broken system with sw patents)Feb 02 13:55
oiaohm_Who has patents hurt more.Feb 02 13:55
oiaohm_Ones who wanted patents or thoses who did not.Feb 02 13:55
macabe_Gov won't tell you, but the scales have to even out. The taxpayer has to work harder to pay up.Feb 02 13:55
oiaohm_If you look at the cases more trolls are attacking the ones who wanted them.Feb 02 13:55
macabe_In 1961 you could buy a Corvette with 16 golden eagles. In 2009 you could buy a Corvette with 16 golden eagles.Feb 02 13:56
schestowitzmacabe_: doing what? Farming?Feb 02 13:56
schestowitzBuilding commerce around technology production in the States is not bound to be competitive compared to the eastFeb 02 13:57
macabe_Farming is at an all time low. Many are corporate farms, e.g. general mills, etc.Feb 02 13:57
oiaohm_People are not watching closely enough.Feb 02 13:57
schestowitzI think there is a huge problem here -- more than 90% of the population realises and the government is willing to tell people.Feb 02 13:58
oiaohm_People forget farmmer had some of the largest debts.Feb 02 13:58
oiaohm_No farmmers no food.Feb 02 13:58
schestowitzOr no mortgages no food?Feb 02 13:58
schestowitzThey will probably need to nationalise eventually.Feb 02 13:58
macabe_They get subsidized not to grow things.Feb 02 13:58
oiaohm_Australia were are not that bad off here.Feb 02 13:59
schestowitzThe sustainability question, based on what happens in France ATM, seems to suggest that unrest will turn more countries into police states and lead to confrntationFeb 02 13:59
oiaohm_Minor havic but be have seen worse.Feb 02 13:59
schestowitzwhere?Feb 02 13:59
macabe_Create fake shortages of commodities.Feb 02 13:59
schestowitzAre you 70+ years old?Feb 02 13:59
oiaohm_Yep the ressession we had to have that one of our political leaders created on Australia.Feb 02 13:59
oiaohm_So far its not that bad.Feb 02 14:00
schestowitzThey try to control info in AussieFeb 02 14:00
oiaohm_that was only in the 19xxFeb 02 14:00
schestowitzConroy et alFeb 02 14:00
schestowitzThere are protests about thatFeb 02 14:00
schestowitzIt's no longer about child-molesting TERROR~1 anymore, either. Now they just have a secret list of banned sitesFeb 02 14:00
oiaohm_Australian goverment is sick of over 10 billion dollars a year going in niggreian scams.Feb 02 14:01
oiaohm_With a good block from AustraliaFeb 02 14:01
schestowitzThat's social engineeringFeb 02 14:01
schestowitzIt's not a Web problemFeb 02 14:01
schestowitzThey should stop policing the Internet and instead banish the spam-spewing botnets (mostly Windows)Feb 02 14:02
oiaohm_Other thing that has upset people is pirated software sites being blocked.Feb 02 14:02
oiaohm_MS really should have been careful what they asked for.Feb 02 14:02
oiaohm_That is the other thing the filter is about schestowitz is bot nets and worms.Feb 02 14:03
schestowitz9am at the host's side, still no db showingFeb 02 14:03
oiaohm_Australian internet backbone is not large.Feb 02 14:03
schestowitzPeople will share with or without the netFeb 02 14:03
oiaohm_Part of the idea is really to reduce bandwidth usage.Feb 02 14:04
schestowitzThey have CD-ROMs (which apparently are now 'owned' by the MAFIAA too)Feb 02 14:04
oiaohm_Block uncachable stuff.Feb 02 14:04
oiaohm_Try getting a CD threw Australian post fast.Feb 02 14:05
macabe_Is it the extra .02 cents on the purchase of CD'sFeb 02 14:05
oiaohm_Never underextemate the bandwidth of a truck with harddrives going down the highway.Feb 02 14:05
oiaohm_One way good filtering could make that effective for somethings.Feb 02 14:07
schestowitzWhat they do, like with DRM, is inconvenience those who are innocent and achieve nothingFeb 02 14:07
schestowitzEben Moglen: "Everybody is connected to everybody else, all data that can be shared will be shared will be shared: get used to it."Feb 02 14:07
oiaohm_One of the wost things for the internet is MS preventing computer mags having windows updates other than sp's.Feb 02 14:07
oiaohm_schestowitz: there is sharing and there is screwing it.Feb 02 14:07
oiaohm_Part of the problem is bittorrent itself.Feb 02 14:08
oiaohm_Normal web traffic is simple to cache at the ISP servers.Feb 02 14:08
oiaohm_stuff like bittorrent does not cache well.  So same data to move around really takes more network traffic.Feb 02 14:08
schestowitzWhat about Akamai?Feb 02 14:09
oiaohm_Filtering sounds bad but it might be the only way to get on top of traffic problems.Feb 02 14:09
schestowitzYou could centralise the files for more people.Feb 02 14:09
oiaohm_Akamai is most web.Feb 02 14:09
schestowitzLike Telstra (??) and OOoFeb 02 14:09
schestowitzBefore they sold out to Microsoft and others, then dropped the mirrorFeb 02 14:09
oiaohm_OOo is still on the telstra file mirrorFeb 02 14:10
oiaohm_Just internal for its ISP customers.Feb 02 14:10
schestowitzPeople use torrents because the stuff like distro is not there on enough mirrors that are fast perhapsFeb 02 14:10
oiaohm_Legal content ends up on those mirrorsFeb 02 14:10
schestowitzOh wait.. that's the ISP with a name like FishPond..Feb 02 14:11
oiaohm_and yes it does reduce there problems.Feb 02 14:11
oiaohm_BigpondFeb 02 14:11
schestowitzYes.Feb 02 14:11
oiaohm_Yes close.Feb 02 14:11
oiaohm_Now yes mirrors are not fast enough.Feb 02 14:12
oiaohm_If ISP's were caching torrents it would still be faster than mirrors.Feb 02 14:12
oiaohm_torrent has the right idea decentralise.  But stuffed it up.  Decentralised between ISP's not users is better.Feb 02 14:13
schestowitzMore government PR: 02 14:13
schestowitzGive pretense of  "openness", do (Almost) the same old crimesFeb 02 14:13
oiaohm_Goverment is a hard thing.  Remember the britsh series yes mister.Feb 02 14:14
*schestowitz looks at news, finds no press releases of significance, reckons that 'company avalanche' is pending, not just layoffsFeb 02 14:14
oiaohm_Most companies are in brace mode.Feb 02 14:15
oiaohm_Ok failures will come but question is how many.Feb 02 14:15
oiaohm_Windows 7 is going to be rushed I can bet.Feb 02 14:16
oiaohm_Because MS cannot wait until 2010 for money.Feb 02 14:16
schestowitzYesFeb 02 14:16
schestowitzBut there won't be upgrades eitherFeb 02 14:16
schestowitzI reckon they'll need to wrestle with PRFeb 02 14:16
schestowitzThey already flood the Web with W7 astroturfsFeb 02 14:16
schestowitzOffice is another fiasco for themFeb 02 14:17
oiaohm_This is different this time.Feb 02 14:17
oiaohm_We have anti-turfers out in numbers.Feb 02 14:17
schestowitzThey go to the Web to compete with 'Office to rent' (mostly Google Apps) and what many see as "Cheapo" workaround (OOo d/l)Feb 02 14:17
schestowitzYes, we fight the Turf backFeb 02 14:17
schestowitzBut this need to be exposed to the commisionFeb 02 14:18
oiaohm_Notice the numbers fighting back are growing.Feb 02 14:18
schestowitzMicrosoft is breaking the law (well, duh, tell Neelie something she doesn't know)Feb 02 14:18
oiaohm_MS has lots the bind trustFeb 02 14:18
oiaohm_Astroturfing depends on it.Feb 02 14:18
schestowitzThe 'ecosystem' prepares for the worst: 02 14:19
schestowitzI hope the ZDnet cartel collapses soonFeb 02 14:19
schestowitzIt serves Microsoft under the CNET-Ziff|Gates embrellaFeb 02 14:20
schestowitz*unbrellaFeb 02 14:20
oiaohm_Notice recently znet backed off because anti-turfers come out in numbers.Feb 02 14:21
oiaohm_The game is changing.Feb 02 14:21
schestowitzYesFeb 02 14:21
oiaohm_The anti-turfers are learning how to fight.Feb 02 14:21
schestowitzThey are pressure to be less of a marketing deptFeb 02 14:21
oiaohm_Stick to the facts.Feb 02 14:21
schestowitzSee their whitepaper brothel.Feb 02 14:21
schestowitzThat's where they 'loot the stash'Feb 02 14:21
schestowitzAll kinds of IDC/Gartner trust-corrupting 'studies'Feb 02 14:22
oiaohm_Some how I think I kicked that off with my attackes on Linux HaterFeb 02 14:22
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has left #boycottnovellFeb 02 14:22
schestowitzFacts!="consensus"Feb 02 14:22
schestowitzThe trouble is that Microsoft goes to great length to set consensus using repetitionFeb 02 14:22
schestowitzIDG|IDC is a good exampleFeb 02 14:22
oiaohm_Past a lot of anti-turfers would thow insults.Feb 02 14:23
oiaohm_Notice that has also reduced this year.Feb 02 14:23
schestowitzThe whole "WIndows is easy", "Linux is for servers" mentality that comes from Windinosaurs.Feb 02 14:23
schestowitzWait..Feb 02 14:23
oiaohm_I am sorry they have been right on that point.Feb 02 14:23
oiaohm_Linux has not had desktop support in kernel.Feb 02 14:23
oiaohm_Kinda required to have a crash proff desktop.  Ok Windows by design should not fully crash without bad drivers.Feb 02 14:24
oiaohm_Linux world is also changing in 2009 in ways the MS people cannot dream.Feb 02 14:24
schestowitzTook me ages to find it: 02 14:25
schestowitz"rom: George Ou <>Feb 02 14:26
schestowitzSent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 3:54 PMFeb 02 14:26
schestowitzTo: XXXXXXXXXXXXXFeb 02 14:26
schestowitzSubject: RE: Gutmann Vista DRM paper uses shoddy Web Forums as sourceFeb 02 14:26
schestowitz[...]Feb 02 14:26
schestowitzSchneier is a moron if he thinks telling Hollywood no will force them to useFeb 02 14:26
schestowitznon-DRM content.  All you need to do is look at the CableCard fiasco. You giveFeb 02 14:26
schestowitzHollywood the finger and they give you the finger right back because they'dFeb 02 14:26
schestowitzrather NOT have any content on the PC to begin with.  Like Apple, MicrosoftFeb 02 14:26
schestowitzwill humor Hollywood so they come join the party.  Once they're in, they'llFeb 02 14:26
schestowitzget screwed out of their DRM protections because Microsoft won't patch the DRMFeb 02 14:26
schestowitzholes and let their customers bypass DRM.  The latest DRM stripper for WindowsFeb 02 14:26
schestowitzMedia has worked for almost 2 months now and Microsoft hasn't patched it yet.Feb 02 14:26
schestowitz[...]Feb 02 14:26
schestowitzGeorge"Feb 02 14:26
schestowitz"(the "bunch of freaking morons" includes Bruce Schneier and Charlie Demerjian of the Inquirer, whom he refers to in a preceding email)."Feb 02 14:26

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