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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 14th, 2009


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*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 14 00:04
schestowitzFUD Attack: "Does anyone find this funny that the Federal Government is Microsoft's biggest customer and they still refuse to move their own federal employee's to a free OS, like Linux?" 14 00:06
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 00:07
*mib_4dyooa (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 00:13
*mib_4dyooa has quit (Client Quit)Feb 14 00:14
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 00:45
yuhongI do hate the MS-Novell deal and don't even touch SUSE.Feb 14 00:46
yuhongI don't think Windows 7 is bad.Feb 14 00:46
benJImanMono wins developer product of the year \o/Feb 14 00:47
yuhongIn summary, I do not even touch Novell SUSE and Mono, but do like Windows.Feb 14 00:47
yuhongWhat do you think of that?Feb 14 00:47
yuhongThe MS-Novell deal is a bad deal, in my opinion.Feb 14 00:49
schestowitzhm.... youtube is downFeb 14 00:49
schestowitzearlier was downFeb 14 00:49
yuhongThe deal allows MS to pay Novell to add MS patented tech to open source.Feb 14 00:50
yuhongMS then can sue all other Linux distributors so they pay MS.Feb 14 00:52
yuhongSo your claims of poisoning are right.Feb 14 00:52
schestowitzYou're happy about it?Feb 14 00:53
yuhongNo!Feb 14 00:53
yuhongThis is certainly dangerous and not good.Feb 14 00:53
yuhongI do like Windows, but this is still not good.Feb 14 00:53
schestowitzWhy not?Feb 14 00:53
benJImanBoth youtube and microsoft down? :o conspiracy!Feb 14 00:53
yuhongI said why above.Feb 14 00:54
yuhongI am referring to the MS-Novell deal.Feb 14 00:54
schestowitzbenJIman: what does that have to do with "Conspiracy"?Feb 14 00:54
schestowitzI made an observationFeb 14 00:54
yuhongThe deal allows MS to pay Novell to add MS patented tech to open source.Feb 14 00:54
yuhongMS then can sue all other Linux distributors so they pay MS.Feb 14 00:55
yuhongSo your claims of poisoning are right.Feb 14 00:55
yuhongWhat do you think about me now?Feb 14 00:56
yuhongI do touch Windows and don't think it will die, but don't even touch SUSE.Feb 14 00:57
yuhongI may touch Moonlight if I need to view Silverlight content on Windows, but that is it.Feb 14 00:57
yuhongschestowitz: What do you think about me now?Feb 14 00:58
schestowitzyuhong: I don't knowFeb 14 00:58
schestowitzYou appear like "buzz" marketerFeb 14 00:59
yuhongNeutral?Feb 14 00:59
yuhongschestowitz: Anyway, why are you covering Windows on your blog, I though the only thing you are going to cover is on the deal.Feb 14 01:00
yuhongI believe ODF is more open than OOXML which is more open than the Office binary formats.Feb 14 01:01
schestowitzWhat are your professional interests if you don't mind me asking?Feb 14 01:02
schestowitzAre you a developer per chance?Feb 14 01:02
yuhongA student.Feb 14 01:02
yuhongBTW, anyone predict when MS will sue other Linux distributors?Feb 14 01:04
benJImanIt could sue Novell. The deal doesn't preclude that.Feb 14 01:04
benJImanSo Novell can't afford to infringe Microsoft patents.Feb 14 01:04
yuhongYea, but it provide a incentive to sue other Linux distributor so they pay MS, and that is the problem.Feb 14 01:05
yuhongI mean, it provide a incentive for Novell to poison the code.Feb 14 01:06
yuhongIn other words, anyone predict when the Mono trap will go off?Feb 14 01:07
yuhongIn contrast, without the MS-Novell deal, there is less incentive for MS to sue, even if Linux did infridge on MS patents.Feb 14 01:08
yuhongschestowitz: Anyway, why are you covering Windows on the Boycott Novell blog.Feb 14 01:09
yuhongI though the only thing you are going to cover is on the deal.Feb 14 01:09
schestowitzyuhong: the name of the site is misfortunate, but that's not a new issueFeb 14 01:09
yuhongIn fact, the site was started to cover the problems of the deal.Feb 14 01:10
yuhongThen it began to cover Windows.Feb 14 01:11
yuhongI was asking why it began to cover Windows.Feb 14 01:12
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]")Feb 14 01:14
MinceRgnFeb 14 01:21
schestowitzYes, *LOL* 14 02:52
*BenWin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 03:10
*BenWin ( has left #boycottnovellFeb 14 03:10
schestowitzgnFeb 14 03:11
*silentivm has quit ("Segmentation fault (core dumped)")Feb 14 04:02
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 04:03
*zer0c00l has quit ( 14 04:39
*trmanco has quit ( 14 04:39
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*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 04:40
*trmanco (i=trmanco@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 04:40
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 04:40
* gives channel operator status to ChanServFeb 14 04:40
*BradbrookLee (i=724a9fd2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 06:30
*BradbrookLee has quit (Client Quit)Feb 14 06:35
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 14 07:05
*PetoKraus has quit ("Leaving")Feb 14 09:15
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 09:31
schestowitzMore public looting: 14 10:13
*mib_9ykhg9 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 10:15
*mib_9ykhg9 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 14 10:15
zoobab01this kind of stimulus will go into the pockets of large companies as usualFeb 14 10:36
schestowitzYesFeb 14 10:36
zoobab01not in the pocket of independent workersFeb 14 10:36
schestowitzThey work for the companiesFeb 14 10:36
schestowitzFixed wagesFeb 14 10:36
zoobab01middle class won't even see the colorFeb 14 10:37
schestowitzYes, only the poor managers who need to get the next bonus (for another private jet ;-) )Feb 14 10:37
zoobab01"The bill includes $7.2 billion to help deploy broadband in rural and other unserved areas, $17 billion for incentives for health care providers to adopt electronic health records, and $11 billion to update the nation's electricity grid by hooking it up to the Internet."Feb 14 10:38
schestowitzGood for companiesFeb 14 10:38
schestowitzMarketing: we help people get connectedFeb 14 10:38
schestowitzWho pays: publicFeb 14 10:38
schestowitzWho gets paid: private tyrannies.Feb 14 10:39
zoobab01connecting the grid to the net?Feb 14 10:39
zoobab01SCADA disaster?Feb 14 10:39
schestowitzHeh.Feb 14 10:39
zoobab01disasters?Feb 14 10:39
schestowitzThis has been done over and over again.Feb 14 10:40
zoobab01"Republicans also complained they had less than 24 hours to digest the final version of the bill, about 1,000 pages long. No lawmaker has had the time to read the entire bill, Boehner said."Feb 14 10:40
zoobab01"Broadband Internet deployment creates jobs," she said.Feb 14 10:40
zoobab01she does not understand that it is not the deployment of infrastructure that make jobsFeb 14 10:41
zoobab01but the usage of itFeb 14 10:41
zoobab01basic university course in transportFeb 14 10:41
zoobab01why create a road?Feb 14 10:41
schestowitz:-)Feb 14 10:41
zoobab01because it makes trade easierFeb 14 10:41
zoobab01Romans understood it long time agoFeb 14 10:42
schestowitz1000 pages in 24 hoursFeb 14 10:42
zoobab01it is worse then OOXMLFeb 14 10:42
zoobab01:-)Feb 14 10:42
schestowitzOOXML express editiion?Feb 14 10:42
schestowitzHow long was Lisbon's?Feb 14 10:44
zoobab01strategy?Feb 14 10:44
schestowitz 14 10:44
schestowitzNAFTA.....Feb 14 10:44
schestowitzThe public couldn't vote on itFeb 14 10:45
schestowitzThey vote for 'brands'Feb 14 10:45
schestowitzThe Obama brand won this time aroundFeb 14 10:45
schestowitzPolicies were not an option, just characterFeb 14 10:45
schestowitzContemporary control of thoughts.Feb 14 10:46
zoobab01there are new docs to requestFeb 14 10:46
schestowitzLeak too?Feb 14 10:46
schestowitzACTA docs was leaked (part of the latest)Feb 14 10:46
zoobab01 14 10:46
schestowitz "If true, these are to the credit of the EU delegation, which is clearly trying to limit at least some of the most damaging aspects of ACTA."Feb 14 10:47
zoobab01EU delegation is Luc Devigne, pushing for undefined scope and so onFeb 14 10:47
schestowitz** Queued for posting later  **Feb 14 10:48
schestowitzIs Luc a Neo con?Feb 14 10:48
zoobab01the Americans don't know but the IPRED1 lowers the level for injunctions, it is a very dangerous EU exportation to the USFeb 14 10:49
zoobab01very good for patent trollsFeb 14 10:49
zoobab01At the last meeting in June, he was very arrogantFeb 14 10:49
zoobab01willing to take, not to answer any questionFeb 14 10:49
schestowitzTake and not answer?Feb 14 10:50
schestowitzHow does that work?Feb 14 10:50
zoobab01take the worst ot of what the lobby wantsFeb 14 10:50
zoobab01probablyFeb 14 10:51
zoobab01you don't know, the mandate is secretFeb 14 10:51
zoobab01if citizens do not create a real revolt against Council unaccountability, it will last foreverFeb 14 10:51
zoobab01we had similar problems with the Swpat directiveFeb 14 10:51
schestowitzBut how do you  create a revolt?Feb 14 10:52
schestowitzEven protesters are these days daemonised.Feb 14 10:52
zoobab01a good drafted petitionFeb 14 10:52
zoobab011 million signaturesFeb 14 10:52
zoobab01replace CouncilFeb 14 10:52
zoobab01by emulation of national parliamentsFeb 14 10:52
schestowitzExpressing opinion by practicing rights of free speech on the Web might workFeb 14 10:52
zoobab01even source code form?Feb 14 10:53
schestowitz1 million signatures? Good luck with thatFeb 14 10:53
schestowitzPeople are too busy with their WiiFeb 14 10:53
zoobab01people are more and more onlineFeb 14 10:53
schestowitzThey don't even understand what it is they ought be be signing -- and more importanlyu -- /why/Feb 14 10:53
zoobab01when we did webcampaigns in 2003, we had less people online then we have nowFeb 14 10:53
zoobab01what you need is a good enemyFeb 14 10:54
schestowitzMeans for dissent are hurt by new UK lawsFeb 14 10:54
zoobab01Council is perfect for thatFeb 14 10:54
zoobab01Montesquieu do not like themFeb 14 10:54
schestowitzIt is now possible to harm people all arround the world to limit rights of expressionFeb 14 10:54
zoobab01Seperation of powers is their enemyFeb 14 10:54
schestowitzNo, oppositeFeb 14 10:54
schestowitzUnless you mean something elseFeb 14 10:54
zoobab01EU is no democracyFeb 14 10:54
schestowitzKeeping people separate and divided is a way to keep them out of the public arenaFeb 14 10:55
schestowitzzoobab01: no country is democracyFeb 14 10:55
schestowitzWatch the definitionFeb 14 10:55
schestowitzDemocracy is a euphemismFeb 14 10:55
schestowitzSome are just closer than others to itFeb 14 10:55
zoobab01sure, there are critics of seperation of powersFeb 14 10:55
zoobab01but you have to start somewhereFeb 14 10:55
schestowitzYes, indeedFeb 14 10:56
zoobab01when things get hot, it gains tractionFeb 14 10:56
zoobab01like the Lisbon treaty in IrelandFeb 14 10:56
schestowitzYes.Feb 14 10:56
schestowitzBut they try again.Feb 14 10:57
schestowitzWhat <company> wants <company> getsFeb 14 10:57
schestowitzEventuallyFeb 14 10:57
schestowitzWatch the OOXML corruptions galoreFeb 14 10:57
schestowitzFly in journalismsFeb 14 10:57
schestowitzSmear criticsFeb 14 10:57
schestowitzBribe peopleFeb 14 10:57
schestowitzBully professors..Feb 14 10:58
zoobab01sureFeb 14 10:58
schestowitzMany people ought to have been locked up for the OOXML thingFeb 14 10:58
schestowitzBut... only shoplifters are criminalsFeb 14 10:58
schestowitzMajor criminals are rich people... you've got to admire them and admire their judgmentFeb 14 10:58
*user2731 (i=5d883b66@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 11:00
*user2731 (i=5d883b66@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellFeb 14 11:01
trmancolookFeb 14 11:03
trmanco 14 11:03
trmanco 14 11:03
trmancowhy the f*ck did this dupe hit the frontpageFeb 14 11:04
schestowitzIt's typicalFeb 14 11:06
zoobab01"Winegcc is a gcc wrapper which tries to provide a MinGW compatible compiler under Linux. This is most useful to Win32 developer"Feb 14 11:08
schestowitzNovell sold Wine outFeb 14 11:09
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 11:13
zoobab01?Feb 14 11:23
schestowitzYou don't know?Feb 14 11:28
*Casperin has quit ("Leaving")Feb 14 11:31
*mib_cpt1lq (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 12:36
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MinceRhow are you gentlemen !!Feb 14 13:14
*BradbrookLee (i=a5e406bc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 13:16
schestowitzzoobab01: Lots of news picks on the subject of software patents and far beyond them < >Feb 14 13:17
amarsh04schestowitz, having read rms' political blog link that you posted, I actually emailed rms about the conditions leading to the .au bushfiresFeb 14 13:33
amarsh04short story - the near extinction of ground-based marsupials lead to the build-up of underbrush that causes high-intensity firesFeb 14 13:34
schestowitzHe might reply. He reads all his mailFeb 14 13:35
amarsh04posted a reply to that link alsoFeb 14 13:41
amarsh04my mum was a zoologist, once met David Attenborough evenFeb 14 13:42
amarsh04must get some sleep soon, working in the morningFeb 14 13:44
schestowitz.BBC has a new article, "Sound future", which I read as "sound torture". It took me like 20 seconds to figure out the article did not match the headline because i misread it. I suppose you heard about sound torture in Guantanamo Bay.Feb 14 13:44
*schestowitz was actually very surprised the MSBBC would cover torture.Feb 14 13:45
amarsh04I received rms' autoreply. I already knew that he gets his email in daily bundlesFeb 14 13:46
*tanderson has quit ( 14 13:50
*tanderson (n=gentoofa@gentoo/developer/gentoofan23) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 13:51
oiaohmAmd releasing specs is about priorart.Feb 14 13:55
oiaohmOne of the reason why companies should release specs on stuff.Feb 14 13:55
oiaohm  Wounder how long if this reactive armor get deployed before snipper makes person jump in front of tank.Feb 14 13:58
*ofc (i=4f722d1e@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 14:02
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*ofc has quit (Client Quit)Feb 14 14:05
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 14:05
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*burmas ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 14:15
*amd-linux (i=54393633@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 14:24
schestowitzGermany military... 14 14:47
schestowitzGot your message (was in queue)Feb 14 14:47
schestowitzSo France is down.. now Germany... by WindowsFeb 14 14:47
schestowitzWasn't the German army moving to GNU/Linux (gradually)Feb 14 14:48
oiaohmFunny enough Australia not effected.Feb 14 14:48
schestowitzOh.. I see it's the fedral forcesFeb 14 14:50
oiaohmWe really do need a good system break here.Feb 14 14:51
*mib_odumzm (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 15:08
amd-linuxsorry was afkFeb 14 15:09
amd-linuxbut the best:Feb 14 15:09
amd-linuxthere is a box describing what systems are safe and which are notFeb 14 15:09
amd-linuxSafe systems: Systems that do not use a Windows operating system :-)))Feb 14 15:10
*mib_odumzm has quit (Client Quit)Feb 14 15:10
amd-linuxAnd Spiegel Online is quite far reaching, it is the online arm of Spiegel magazine, the German version of Time magazineFeb 14 15:10
amd-linuxso at least some people are getting the messageFeb 14 15:11
schestowitzYes, good magazineFeb 14 15:11
schestowitzIt linked to BoycottNovell before.Feb 14 15:11
amd-linuxthey can easily down a website with all their traffic....Feb 14 15:11
schestowitzNot like DiggFeb 14 15:11
amd-linuxalso heise is a good and reliable sourceFeb 14 15:11
*burmas ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 14 15:12
amd-linuxright, Digg has more readersFeb 14 15:12
amd-linuxHeise recently started to have quite a lot MS ads but they are still very criticalFeb 14 15:12
amd-linuxthe guys behind are old IT "rocks", not easy to buy them I hope that stays that wayFeb 14 15:13
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 14 15:14
*amd-linux has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 14 15:15
trmanco 14 15:24
schestowitzreader says: "I really like the piece about Neelie and Steve!  Wouldn't you have liked to be a mouse under the table at that meeting?  Hard to imagine Steve Ballmer being charming, I think he's more than a little creepy.  Hopefully Neelie wasn't overly impressed."Feb 14 15:31
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 16:31
toroshiFeb 14 16:31
*mib_wahz44 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 16:32
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schestowitzHey, what's up?Feb 14 16:32
torosI'm just reading the article about Mono...Feb 14 16:33
schestowitzMonolight[sic]?Feb 14 16:33
torosI mean moonlight :)Feb 14 16:33
torosyepp :)Feb 14 16:33
torosI hope Silverlight will never be successfullFeb 14 16:36
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 16:47
*mib_50iwsu (i=5d5604cf@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 16:47
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 16:48
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_doug 14 17:09
schestowitz"for those of you watching the sopranos on a&e, here’s what you’re missing. this is every single curse, from every single episode of the sopranos, ever."Feb 14 17:10
schestowitz"[ Javascript required to view QuickTime movie, please turn it on and refresh this page ]"Feb 14 17:10
schestowitzIs spying a requirement?Feb 14 17:11
schestowitz" This content requires the QuickTime Plugin. Download QuickTime Player."Feb 14 17:11
schestowitzWTF?Feb 14 17:11
schestowitzCTRL+WFeb 14 17:11
_dougyea ..Feb 14 17:11
zer0c00lwhat is sopranosFeb 14 17:11
zer0c00lyum install libquicktime helpsFeb 14 17:12
_doug 14 17:12
schestowitzI could probably play it, zer0c00l. I didn't tryFeb 14 17:12
zer0c00lokFeb 14 17:12
_dougLinux MCE ..Feb 14 17:14
_doug 14 17:14
*mib_4m2vek (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 17:14
schestowitzSome companies prebuild theseFeb 14 17:20
*mib_4m2vek has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 14 17:21
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 14 17:23
_dougLinux MCE, very impressive ..Feb 14 17:25
zer0c00l_doug is that video is in high resolution ? (google vid)Feb 14 17:26
_dougDon't think so ..Feb 14 17:27
zer0c00lokFeb 14 17:28
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 17:28
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerFeb 14 17:28
_dougit's a mov file ..Feb 14 17:28
zer0c00lok i am i need of good videos on linux compiz effectsFeb 14 17:31
zer0c00lmost of them i got are low resolution vidsFeb 14 17:32
zer0c00l*in needFeb 14 17:32
zer0c00ldownloading Miro have to check some channelsFeb 14 17:32
zer0c00l:)Feb 14 17:32
balzacyoFeb 14 17:35
_dougyo ..Feb 14 17:37
balzacI was wondering if anyone else was up since Roy's in the UKFeb 14 17:38
balzacIt's almost 1pm ESTFeb 14 17:38
schestowitzI was just about to disappear.Feb 14 17:39
balzacIt's bright and early for you, isn't it?Feb 14 17:39
balzacI popped some valium and slept nicely.Feb 14 17:39
schestowitzAnother record year for Chinese patent applications and grants < >Feb 14 17:40
_dougIt's 5:46 PM hereFeb 14 17:41
balzacwhere's that _doug ?Feb 14 17:41
balzacoh, right, it's later there than here.Feb 14 17:41
balzacduhFeb 14 17:41
balzacyou're six hours ahead, right?Feb 14 17:42
_dougyo ...Feb 14 17:42
_doug 14 17:42
twitterEST = Z + 5Feb 14 17:43
twitterRoy is close to zulu time.Feb 14 17:43
balzacokFeb 14 17:44
schestowitzI'm back in 2 hoursFeb 14 17:45
balzacokFeb 14 17:45
balzacI may be around some today. I'm going to try to get some work done on websites.Feb 14 17:45
_doug 14 17:45
_dougbeer .. uuuuugh !!!Feb 14 17:46
balzacThose plush WTC dolls would sell like hot-cakes in NYC.Feb 14 17:47
balzacactually, not so much.Feb 14 17:47
_dougWTC dolls ?Feb 14 17:48
balzacthe flickr photostreamFeb 14 17:48
_dougahh, got it, brain stopping, need beer .. :)Feb 14 17:49
_doug 14 17:49
_dougbalzac: 'here' is the UKFeb 14 17:51
balzacit must suck to be those ants in that little boxFeb 14 17:51
balzacwhat to do... bite more of that blue stuff off and move it aroundFeb 14 17:53
_dougyea ..Feb 14 17:53
_doug:)Feb 14 17:53
_dougbeats sitting in a cubical ..Feb 14 17:53
balzacI suppose it doesFeb 14 17:53
_doug 14 17:54
_dougor one of these ..Feb 14 17:54
_doughttp://genetics.biozentrum.uni-wuerzb...Feb 14 17:54
balzacby the end of the video, the ants have definitely made their place a bit more interestingFeb 14 17:55
_dougnot much difference, I sit in a box and press leavers, and get a reward ... :)Feb 14 17:55
_dougwonder why the ants do that ?Feb 14 17:55
balzacbut one hopes the ant farm is not some kind of non-native ants which were dumped out, only to become an invasive species in a new place.Feb 14 17:55
balzacmaybe they sweeten the blue gunk a little bitFeb 14 17:56
_dougA lot of new species come in on food containers ..Feb 14 17:56
balzac they just have an impulse to dig, but they also need something to live onFeb 14 17:56
balzacthe transparent blue gunk is for the benefit of observers, not the antsFeb 14 17:57
balzacthey're probably getting sick of itFeb 14 17:57
balzacI think dilbert could quite plausibly be a Microsoft employeeFeb 14 17:58
_dougWho would keep an ant farm, reminds me of that kid from 'the far side'Feb 14 17:58
_doug 14 17:58
balzac 14 17:59
balzacI think the ants which ate this gecko had more enjoymentFeb 14 17:59
_dougI saw the link, didn't click on it, too close to lunch .. :)Feb 14 18:01
_dougfinally a tech story ..Feb 14 18:02
_doug5 Sickening Habits of Mainstream WebsitesFeb 14 18:02
_doug 14 18:02
_dougbalzac: do you work/study in IT ?Feb 14 18:02
balzacyeahFeb 14 18:03
balzacman, that list was on pointFeb 14 18:03
balzacthose kinds of websites really do have very little respect for readersFeb 14 18:04
_dougI particularly hate those talking ads ..Feb 14 18:04
balzacbeyond no respect, they treat readers as moronsFeb 14 18:04
balzacthey demean and insult readersFeb 14 18:04
balzacthose flash pop-out ads are some of the worstFeb 14 18:05
balzacI think flash is a parasite, but I haven't wanted to give up on youtueFeb 14 18:05
balzacyoutubeFeb 14 18:05
_dougI use noscript and a customized userContent.css file ..Feb 14 18:05
balzacI'm about to install lynx on my web-serverFeb 14 18:05
_dougare you a microsoftie or a member of the church of Linus ?Feb 14 18:06
balzacI'm using irssi inside of gnu screen for this irc sessionFeb 14 18:06
balzacneitherFeb 14 18:06
balzacI'm a gnu evangelistFeb 14 18:06
_dougunbeliever :)Feb 14 18:06
balzaca member of the church of emacsFeb 14 18:06
_dougwhy lynx ?Feb 14 18:07
balzacwell, it's the most well-known text-based browser as far as I knowFeb 14 18:07
balzacI'm trying to really get into my applications which  don't have GUIsFeb 14 18:07
_dougmost modern sites are unusable in a text-based browser, yea ?Feb 14 18:08
balzacless mousing aroundFeb 14 18:08
balzacwell, I still use FF3 all day as a web-developer and surf with it tooFeb 14 18:08
balzacbut I'm sure a text-based browser has its benefitsFeb 14 18:08
balzacFF3 with firebugFeb 14 18:08
_dougI used Mozilla in keyboard-only mode in a college, there was no mouses as the students kept stealing them :)Feb 14 18:09
balzacemacs is my editorFeb 14 18:09
balzacsome people use emacs for email, irc, calendar, organizer, etc.Feb 14 18:10
balzacbut I'm not that deep into itFeb 14 18:10
_dougI have used emacs, I configured it for MS keyboard, <CTRL> ZXCV, as I was too used to it ..Feb 14 18:10
balzacyeah, the call it cua-modeFeb 14 18:10
_dougI only used it for text, not familiar with its innards ..Feb 14 18:10
balzaccommon user access mode, i guessFeb 14 18:10
*burmas ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 18:10
_dougI copied someone elses config file :)Feb 14 18:10
balzacI used cua-mode for a while, but then I learned to go without itFeb 14 18:11
balzacit was good for my transition phasseFeb 14 18:11
balzacnow i use transient-mark mode, nxhtmlFeb 14 18:11
_dougI can't unlearn the MS key presses ..Feb 14 18:11
MinceRvim ftw ^_^Feb 14 18:11
balzacyou canFeb 14 18:11
*burmas ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 14 18:11
balzacI need to learn vi, just to cover my basesFeb 14 18:12
_dougI only ever use PicoFeb 14 18:12
balzacbut I favor gnu tools whenever I have the choice, so I may be more inclined to use ed or nano as my light editorFeb 14 18:12
_dougNano = Pico ..Feb 14 18:12
balzacahFeb 14 18:12
_dougI know a few bash commands, and that's about it ...Feb 14 18:13
balzacfor my gui-based simple text editor, i use leafpadFeb 14 18:13
balzacgedit is annoying as hellFeb 14 18:13
balzacok, maybe not that bad, but annoying nonethelessFeb 14 18:14
_dougthere's a GUI version of emacs ..Feb 14 18:14
balzaci use that primarily to edit files on the server using TRAMPFeb 14 18:14
balzacbut I also use emacs inside of ssh connectionsFeb 14 18:14
_dougwhat does TRAMP do that a SSH session don't ?Feb 14 18:15
balzacyou can get syntax-highlighting in emacs inside a ssh connection, but not inside gnu screen, unfortunately (not with the defualt setup)Feb 14 18:15
balzacwell, TRAMP just serves as the connection (using ssh among other protocols)Feb 14 18:16
balzacI think it's a multi-protocol bridge for emacs to talk to serversFeb 14 18:16
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balzacso you put in a ssh:user@host.tld:/dir/dirFeb 14 18:16
balzacas your connection strinkFeb 14 18:17
balzacstringFeb 14 18:17
_dougEven though there's a GUI for most/every config option nowadays. I figure learning to use the console is more usefull, as the same commands work across all distros.Feb 14 18:17
balzactrueFeb 14 18:17
balzacI have my emacs connection and a shell connection in an xterm which I use concurrentlyFeb 14 18:17
_douglets get into a my-distro-is-better-than-your-distro war .. :)Feb 14 18:17
balzaci'm using ubuntu, but I could see myself going upstream to debian in the futureFeb 14 18:18
MinceRmy gui-based text editor is gvim :>Feb 14 18:18
balzacor downstream to gnewsenseFeb 14 18:18
_dougI figure the best distro is the one with the bigger support forum ..Feb 14 18:19
balzacyeah, that would be debuntuFeb 14 18:19
balzaci mean debian/ubuntuFeb 14 18:19
_dougwhat ever does the job ..Feb 14 18:19
balzacRedhat doesn't get as much community loveFeb 14 18:19
balzacwell, debian is the strongest community distro and ubuntu is it's public faceFeb 14 18:20
_dougThey split off Fedora .. that may be the reason ..Feb 14 18:20
balzacubuntu is really just a polished version of debianFeb 14 18:20
balzacwell, redhat is more corporate and enterprise-oriented.Feb 14 18:20
_dougI installed kbuntu and xfce, less is more ..Feb 14 18:20
balzacthey have different prioritiesFeb 14 18:20
balzacdebian is strong in academic and scientific circles and has the strongest community of any distroFeb 14 18:21
balzacand the best package managerFeb 14 18:21
balzacimhoFeb 14 18:21
_dougI was an ioen SuSE user until I got bumped off the forum ..Feb 14 18:21
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 18:22
balzacsuse is getting pooped on by novellFeb 14 18:22
balzacit's sad to see a venerable distro get ruined by M$Feb 14 18:22
balzacoh well...Feb 14 18:22
_dougNovell is gettign pooped on by MS, and paying them for the privelage ..Feb 14 18:22
balzac"Thank you sir, may I have another?"Feb 14 18:22
balzacNovell was a good company before the M$ dealFeb 14 18:23
balzacHewlitt Packard used to be a great companyFeb 14 18:23
balzacbut they've been getting tea-bagged by M$Feb 14 18:23
balzacI think their last CEO, Carly Fiorini, was actually working for M$ as HP's CEOFeb 14 18:23
_dougA very bad decision .. but I can see MS buying them out, except they don't want to go into court again ..Feb 14 18:23
balzacHP is old and venerable, but I've  got one of their computers at workFeb 14 18:24
balzacit has a button on the keyboard labelled "club hp"Feb 14 18:24
_doug 14 18:25
balzacit has an idiotic row of consumer-grade buttons along either edge of the keyboardFeb 14 18:25
balzacI hate keyboards which have consumer buttons on them - like a button for shopping, email, etc.Feb 14 18:26
_dougI see these customized keyboards everywhere, trying to look like a mac ..Feb 14 18:26
_dougand they neveer work .. )Feb 14 18:26
balzacI just want to ritually destroy that keyboard - tear it apart with a screw-driver and light it on fire, then post it on youtube.Feb 14 18:26
MinceRi like extra keysFeb 14 18:27
balzacI don't like mac keyboards eitherFeb 14 18:27
balzacthere's a difference between backspace and delete, and each one is worth havignFeb 14 18:27
MinceRbut it's hard to find a wired(usb) low-profile keyboard with a non-compressed layout, L-shaped enter key and multimedia keysFeb 14 18:27
MinceRone that actually lasts, that isFeb 14 18:27
balzacI've got a particular keyboard in mindFeb 14 18:27
MinceRi've settled for a compressed one with no multimedia keys nowFeb 14 18:27
MinceR(my KVM switch swallows multimedia keys anyway)Feb 14 18:28
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balzac 14 18:28
balzacI'm going to get one of these IBM Model M keyboards because there's a springy mechanism that gives good resistance on every keystrokeFeb 14 18:29
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 18:29
balzacBut there's another keyboard which a programmer friend of mine hasFeb 14 18:30
balzacIt's an ergonomic keyboard that's robust, built with thick plastic casing and keys which will last many years of heavy use, and the key-placement was designed by this guy himself, based on statistical analysis of popular programming languages and conventionsFeb 14 18:31
_dougsorry .. gtg ..Feb 14 18:31
balzacit's solid like the IBM Model M, but the keys are layed out in concave structureFeb 14 18:31
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balzacok, ttylFeb 14 18:32
MinceRi prefer low-profile keyboards (but i'm starting to have my doubts about their reliability)Feb 14 18:34
balzacthey're no goodFeb 14 18:35
balzacyou want good resistance for each keystroke to stave off carpel tunnel syndromeFeb 14 18:35
MinceRtwo i had are mostly unusable because their keys are hard to depress and their resistance along the way varies wildlyFeb 14 18:35
balzacI think you're better off on a mechanical type-writerFeb 14 18:35
balzacmap the keys of an old mechanical type-writerFeb 14 18:36
MinceRi don't want good resistance because i don't want to work hard while typing :>Feb 14 18:36
balzacwhack! whack!Feb 14 18:36
balzacwell, if it's too easy, the micro-muscle control is what kills you, ultimatelyFeb 14 18:36
MinceRalso, the O key on my laptop has come out on its ownFeb 14 18:36
MinceRi did a little hacking with a piece of paper to make it stay in its placeFeb 14 18:36
balzacthe d key popped off my old acer notebookFeb 14 18:37
balzaci'm using an asus eee 901 currentlyFeb 14 18:37
balzacthey keyboard is tinyFeb 14 18:37
balzacbut it's so light, I don't really mind how cramped it is. I have big hands but I don't have fat fingers.Feb 14 18:38
MinceRi was thinking of getting a 901 but realized that the keys are too small for meFeb 14 18:38
MinceRi've had getting a 1000 in mind, but i'll wait until they bring out the ones with touch screens :)Feb 14 18:38
balzacif you hold your finger tips together in a line and they're too broad for the asdf and jkl; keys, you gotta have a bigger modelFeb 14 18:38
MinceRthat's how i checked :)Feb 14 18:39
MinceRoriginally i resized a photo of the keyboard on the screen and checked there, then i verified it in a shopFeb 14 18:39
balzacI just like how small this thing is, but it's no great pleasure to type on.Feb 14 18:40
balzacit's actually annoying, but it's just so small and lightFeb 14 18:40
balzacplus it's all solid-state storageFeb 14 18:40
balzacthe 1000 has a hard driveFeb 14 18:40
MinceRno, the 1000 has an SSDFeb 14 18:41
MinceRthe 1000H has a hddFeb 14 18:41
balzacoh, okFeb 14 18:41
MinceRand sadly, they don't sell the 1000 in most places hereFeb 14 18:41
balzacI'll have to check out the 1000, because I might be ok with itFeb 14 18:41
balzacI carry a very nice little mouse with itFeb 14 18:42
balzacnot too small, but quite a nice mouseFeb 14 18:42
MinceRi have a Logitech Ultra-Flat keyboard now, btwFeb 14 18:42
MinceRapparently they aren't marketing this model anymoreFeb 14 18:43
balzachmmFeb 14 18:43
balzacWell this programmer I mentioned - he's got 8 of these keyboards he designed. Each one cost like $500Feb 14 18:43
balzache has them placed here and there in cities around the world where he worksFeb 14 18:43
balzacI want one of those for my work stationFeb 14 18:44
MinceR:)Feb 14 18:44
balzaclemme see if I can find itFeb 14 18:44
MinceRi still have my old Logitech Internet Navigator SE in case this one fails, though :>Feb 14 18:45
balzac 14 18:45
MinceRi've read about these onceFeb 14 18:46
balzac 14 18:46
balzacyou know a guy is a serious programmer when he's got 8 of thoseFeb 14 18:47
balzacwell, I need to do some laundryFeb 14 18:48
balzacbbiabFeb 14 18:48
MinceR:)Feb 14 18:49
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trmanco 14 19:07
trmanco"IP Innovation L.L.C. and Technology Licensing Corporation (collectively, "Plaintiffs") have brought a patent-infringement action against Red Hat, Inc., and Novell, Inc., alleging infringement of U.S. Patent Numbers 5,072,412; 5,533,183; and 5,394,521."Feb 14 19:07
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balzacwell, it'll keep some lawyers busy for a whileFeb 14 19:22
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trmancohttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.n...Feb 14 19:58
trmanco 14 20:02
trmanco 14 20:05
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schestowitz>>>>       <balzac> it's sad to see a venerable distro get ruined by M$Feb 14 20:16
schestowitzThis is true. They laid off SUSE employees as though Novell's direction is now MS tech, not Linux.Feb 14 20:16
MinceRi'm not sure suse was that great to begin with, actuallyFeb 14 20:18
schestowitzIt was good at the time. I used it and compared it to Ubuntu. No contest.Feb 14 20:20
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trmancoBespin is awesomeFeb 14 20:35
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schestowitzbrbFeb 14 20:40
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Feb 14 20:44:18 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellFeb 14 20:44
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Feb 14 20:44
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Feb 14 20:44
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-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelFeb 14 20:44
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzFeb 14 20:44
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 14 20:53
*PeterKraus is now known as PetoKrausFeb 14 21:00
schestowitzPlunder and Blunder; How the 'Financial Experts' Keep Screwing You < >Feb 14 21:24
schestowitz"The financial industry proved to be more incompetent and corrupt than its worst critics could have imagined. Did people who manage multi-billion dollar portfolios in the late 1990s really believe that price-to-earnings ratios would continue rising, even when they already exceeded 30 to 1?"Feb 14 21:25
twitterblogging the demise of asus 14 21:25
schestowitz+1Feb 14 21:27
schestowitzThe Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We? < > America is stuck in "war on terror" mode, so it's no time for change and rights... just "SupportTheTroops(R)"Feb 14 21:27
schestowitz "The daily bleeding of thousands of jobs will soon turn our economic crisis into a political crisis. The street protests, strikes and riots that have rattled France, Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Iceland will descend on us. It is only a matter of time."Feb 14 21:29
schestowitz"And not much time. When things start to go sour, when Barack Obama is exposed as a mortal waving a sword at a tidal wave, the United States could plunge into a long period of precarious social instability." I watch the speech again half an hour ago.. < >. It contains a few iffy parts.Feb 14 21:29
*mib_1i7seg (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 21:37
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*[H]omer_ (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 22:05
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schestowitzHeh. "Longet was convicted of criminal negligence and sentenced to 30 days in jail." 14 22:11
schestowitz...didn't even know she was marries to Andy Williams.Feb 14 22:12
twitter" Will we radically transform our system to one that protects the ordinary citizen and fosters the common good, that defies the corporate state, or will we employ the brutality and technology of our internal security and surveillance apparatus to crush all dissent?"  Uhhh, crush?Feb 14 22:30
twitterBorat Voice, "I crush you!"Feb 14 22:30
schestowitzObama?Feb 14 22:30
twitterBorat Obama?  Oh my, that's not the juxtaposition I had in mind.Feb 14 22:31
schestowitzIs that from the speech?Feb 14 22:32
schestowitzHe didn't write this, you know? The whole thing is just a PR campaign from the get-go. he also said something about "defeating" or whatever... in a context that suggests more imperialsmFeb 14 22:32
twitterMore like CIA + FBI + Homeland defense.  No, it's from 14 22:32
schestowitzAhhh.. OK, never mind.Feb 14 22:32
schestowitzRare rant from Jack Wallen: 14 22:34
twitter"[Inverted totalitarianism] finds its expression in the anonymity of the corporate state. It purports to cherish democracy, patriotism and the Constitution while cynically manipulating internal levers to subvert and thwart democratic institutions."  Blah - there is no such thing.  Lawless power always concentrates into a single person.Feb 14 22:35
schestowitzYou cannot present it that way.Feb 14 22:38
schestowitzMight CNET be sacking already?Feb 14 22:40
schestowitzThey import articles from ZDNet, which can be a bad sign: 14 22:41
schestowitzI'd personally love it if both cnet and zdnet bit the dust like eweek. They are all Wintel press with a touch of Apple boot licking.Feb 14 22:41
twitterJack Wallen, no too bright.  His kind of "Standards" are only important for non free software.Feb 14 22:44
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 14 22:44
twitterZDNet had an interesting story where they called M$'s patent game extortion.Feb 14 22:47
twitterCan't find link here.  It's on my laptop, which is sleeping.  I can get it if you like.Feb 14 22:48
twitterASUS story was mod bombed 14 22:50
schestowitzWallen is an ardent Linux advocate with knowledge, so I wouldn't knock it blindly.Feb 14 22:50
schestowitzMany articles called it extortion/racketeering/others. BN has many of these. In May -June 2007 archivesFeb 14 22:51
twitter"Standardization" is an issue that comes up all the time and is mostly FUD.Feb 14 22:51
twitterIt spins the strength of diversity into some kind of disadvantage because it hinders non free software like games.Feb 14 22:52
schestowitzJack Wallen: 10 reasons why Linux will triumph over Windows < >Feb 14 22:54
schestowitzTo suggest no independent implementation of sound system is to ask for monopoly and end of  expression and creativity that GPL is all about itFeb 14 22:55
twitterIt's almost as bad as that moh-ohm dude's argument to port GNU/Linux applications to Windows.  He tries to spin the free software world's overpowering application advantage into some kind of disadvantage.  Both come down to, "Free software will never succeed because it's not like Windows."Feb 14 22:55
schestowitzIt's like saying "we want everyone to have freedom of speech as long as everyone is agreeing with our assault on Iraq"Feb 14 22:55
schestowitzBut that's not freedom of speech. It's conditional or reliant on herd/cattle effectFeb 14 22:56
twitterDistributions seem to be managing their sound systems just fine.  There are a few hangups from time to time but there are workarounds that any OEM or Vendor can take into account and fix for their customers.Feb 14 22:57
twitterComplaining about how free software is different from non free software usually misses the larger point of what a great gift free software is for everyone.Feb 14 22:58
schestowitzNon-Free software gets some things right, BUTFeb 14 22:59
twitterAh ha.  Now you know why people love traffic cameras. 14 22:59
twitterevery road a toll road, just like central London.Feb 14 22:59
schestowitzThis assumes that you want an EMPEROR controlling your digital life and can trust him/herFeb 14 23:00
twitterWhat does non free software get right that can't be done as free software?Feb 14 23:00
schestowitzSo when $emperor decides no patch is needed for $flaw, then Good Luck with All That...Feb 14 23:00
schestowitztwitter: marketing under one brandFeb 14 23:00
twitterwhat's good about that?Feb 14 23:01
schestowitz"Linux" is close, but not entirely helpfulFeb 14 23:01
schestowitztwitter: recognitionFeb 14 23:01
twitterI don't get it.Feb 14 23:01
schestowitzBut I quite like the many flavous of Linux and their different visual identityFeb 14 23:01
schestowitzThat's like a candy storeFeb 14 23:01
twitterDistributions and developers know what works.Feb 14 23:01
schestowitzMicrosoft is like Burget KindFeb 14 23:01
twitterUsers figure it out.Feb 14 23:01
schestowitzOne flavour, one productFeb 14 23:01
schestowitzJunk.Feb 14 23:01
schestowitz*King, not KindFeb 14 23:02
twitterThat's not really an advantage, it is the end result of them squashing everyone else.Feb 14 23:02
schestowitzPeople suffer frok imposed ignoranceFeb 14 23:02
schestowitzHave you ever thought about the projecttons they are siubjected to in adsFeb 14 23:02
twitterIgnorance is imposed on them through massive FUD and anti-trust.Feb 14 23:02
schestowitzJust watch how imagary is used to create connotations.Feb 14 23:02
schestowitzIts nothing to do with merits of products, but more to do with fashionable imageryFeb 14 23:03
schestowitzSo Mac/Apple has the Acqa cr**Feb 14 23:03
schestowitzWindows has the flip mode BSFeb 14 23:03
twitterThese too are not advantages of non free software.  Indeed free software can pull the same stunts if anyone is so immoral to do so.Feb 14 23:03
schestowitzI'm not too happy with Linux being analogous with CLI or "Brown"Feb 14 23:03
twitterWho said it was?Feb 14 23:04
schestowitzThe common perceptionFeb 14 23:04
twitterYou got a study for that?Feb 14 23:04
schestowitzMicrosoft shills perpetuate thisFeb 14 23:04
schestowitzTrust me, I spoke to people and that's what they hear or readFeb 14 23:04
schestowitzThe MS ISVs/partners spread these lies tooFeb 14 23:04
twitterYes, they do but you can't have both CLI and brown GUI.Feb 14 23:04
MinceRsure you canFeb 14 23:05
schestowitzWhilst Microsoft ensures that LINUX can NEVER be displayed at the shopsFeb 14 23:05
MinceRopen a terminal window :>Feb 14 23:05
twitterI see a funny on the way.Feb 14 23:05
schestowitzHad people seen Linux with Compiz and all, that would shatter their perceptions of a world of just PC|Mac.Feb 14 23:05
twitterThey will see it.  It's all over YouTube.Feb 14 23:05
twitterPeople who care get to it.Feb 14 23:05
schestowitz 14 23:06
twitterBesides, GNU/Linux's CLI tools are yet another strength that's spun as a disadvantage.  You don't really have to use it but it's often the easiest way to do things.Feb 14 23:07
twitterThat ease can't be found under the primitive Mac and even worse Winblows CLIs.Feb 14 23:07
schestowitzYes, but it's connotations againFeb 14 23:08
schestowitzPeople thing of it as antiquated because they are taught to think this wayFeb 14 23:08
schestowitzAsay is trolling the Cuba migration to Linux. Surprise, surprise..Feb 14 23:09
twitterAll of these things you mention are not advantages for non free software, they are advantages of a multibillion dollar advertising budget and a dedication to lies.Feb 14 23:09
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schestowitzYes, and still..Feb 14 23:10
schestowitzBTW, yesterday someone told me that Red Hat employees read BN :-)Feb 14 23:10
twitterIf you want to say that non free software proponents are better at lying, I'll agree.Feb 14 23:10
twitterCool.  Go Red Hat.Feb 14 23:10
schestowitzProp' software = con artistsFeb 14 23:11
schestowitzThe Madoffs of the sw industry :-)Feb 14 23:11
schestowitzWinFS... out in 2003... some time in OctoberFeb 14 23:11
schestowitz"I'll pay you back, trust me..."Feb 14 23:11
schestowitz"Vista 7 will have fast boot" (2008)Feb 14 23:11
twitterI think they are more like alcohol and tobacco in the food industry.Feb 14 23:12
schestowitz"vista will be the most secure o/s ever" (2006)Feb 14 23:12
schestowitzOh eyah... sending models down the street to -smoke- use ZUneFeb 14 23:12
twitterdistributors of poison with very big mouths.Feb 14 23:12
schestowitzOr pretending that Obama uses oneFeb 14 23:12
twitterYeah, I think that was a real low point.Feb 14 23:13
twitterOrganized crime.Feb 14 23:13
schestowitzit's very interesting how Colombian farmer are driving into producing this poison or die.Feb 14 23:13
schestowitz50 million Chinese will have died from this poison by the end of their life (terminal cause)Feb 14 23:13
schestowitzHere's how it goes in /,Feb 14 23:14
twitterWhat, Coke, tobacco?Feb 14 23:14
schestowitz1. Find something addicaiveFeb 14 23:14
schestowitz2.Create artificial wants for itFeb 14 23:14
schestowitz3. {something with underwear}Feb 14 23:14
schestowitz4. profit!Feb 14 23:14
schestowitztwitter: similar things... addictive substances.Feb 14 23:15
twitter3 is supposed to be the "unpleasant part no one is able to remember."  Lots of hard work.Feb 14 23:15
schestowitzAlcohol too is just another drug, albeit a legalised one.Feb 14 23:15
schestowitzIt's more harmful than some other drugs, too.Feb 14 23:15
schestowitzLand of the Fee: Rodeo Discovers That It Doesn't Own The Copyright On Videos Taken By Spectators < >Feb 14 23:16
twitterReally.  I wonder what the NFL will think of that.Feb 14 23:17
twitterThat's a big deal.Feb 14 23:17
twitterMusic concerts too.Feb 14 23:17
twitterWowlFeb 14 23:17
twitterThat is huge.Feb 14 23:18
schestowitzOh yeah.. concerts.Feb 14 23:20
schestowitzMaybe also those nightclub videos that Viacom took down because of their background music *rolls eyes*Feb 14 23:20
schestowitz*LOL* 14 23:23
schestowitzHe has no mercy on journosFeb 14 23:23
schestowitzNo bias in ZDNet??? "I am not a lawyer (IANAL), but this latest legal complaint sure seems wobbly, to me. But hey — I initially thought the Vista Capable suit (which became a class action) was wacky and misguided." Is this what she thinks or what she /wants/?Feb 14 23:26
schestowitzThat's what Mirosoft has mole reporters... when the company gets sued for its abuses, then all the moles discredit the critics.Feb 14 23:26
schestowitzNew software would play any videogame ever created < >Feb 14 23:28
schestowitz"We are almost there it's called Linux aint much it can't do (in the computing world)"Feb 14 23:28
twitter 14 23:35
twitterRoughly Drafted, what a gem.Feb 14 23:38
twitterNo good in this case.  I don't care how clever the algorithm is, software patents are bogus.Feb 14 23:42
twitterOther people have been using gestures for a long time too.Feb 14 23:43
twitterThe reason iPhone works so well is not because Apple had a few good ideas that work well, or even because they made an actual invention, it's because they took the pains to make sure their software worked well.Feb 14 23:43
twitterIt's a collection of particularly good expressions, not an invention even though it looks new to the ignorant.Feb 14 23:44
MinceRthe iphone works well?Feb 14 23:45
silentivmfor me, any phone which requires hacking to be unlocked doesn't work well at allFeb 14 23:45
schestowitziphone suckedFeb 14 23:45
silentivmi don't see what's so cool about itFeb 14 23:45
schestowitzThey got it wrong the first time, according to Apple fansFeb 14 23:46
schestowitzApple iPhone 3G apparently resolved some issues.Feb 14 23:46
silentivmmainly because it makes people go "aaaaah, how cute"Feb 14 23:46
schestowitzBut they had a massive sort of crash at launcgFeb 14 23:46
silentivmyesFeb 14 23:46
schestowitzThis doesn't matter to those who buy iPhone like sheepFeb 14 23:46
twitterMincR, everyone that I know who owns an iPhone loves it.Feb 14 23:46
schestowitzIt had the Apple logo carved onto the back, so they smiled like a schoolgirl.Feb 14 23:46
silentivmI know some Apple fanboysFeb 14 23:47
silentivmwhich swear that the only phone that doesn't suck is the iPhoneFeb 14 23:47
twitterThese are not fanboys, they are normal users.Feb 14 23:47
schestowitztwitter: check who owns itFeb 14 23:47
twitterMost never owned a Mac.Feb 14 23:47
MinceRthe iphone is a featurephone for the price of a pda/phone :>Feb 14 23:47
schestowitzIt's like saying, "many people in a church love the new testament"Feb 14 23:47
MinceR(though even featurephones tend to be locked down less)Feb 14 23:47
schestowitzJesusphone is usually possessed and advocated by a sub-populationFeb 14 23:48
schestowitzG1 looks goodFeb 14 23:48
twitterno, I've seen a diverse population using and liking iPhone.Feb 14 23:48
schestowitzSome Apple fans like Bray chose G1 over iPhoneFeb 14 23:48
MinceRtwitter: why would someone whose needs can't be served with an iphone buy one? :>Feb 14 23:48
schestowitzAnd I found other such examples, last of which was 5 days ago or something like thatFeb 14 23:49
schestowitzMinceR: there's the use of words like "business ready"Feb 14 23:49
schestowitzMicrosoft uses the Gartner f*ks to utter this sound biteFeb 14 23:49
schestowitzIt's like TCOFeb 14 23:49
MinceRis that like "ready for the desktop"?Feb 14 23:49
MinceR:)Feb 14 23:49
twitterThey like having a good portable browser, chat, email and those kinds of things.  The interface is good for them.  The device's lack of freedom is bad for everyone.Feb 14 23:49
schestowitzIn MS terms, "business ready"=can run OfficeFeb 14 23:49
MinceR(windows isn't ready for the desktop; osx isn't ready for the desktop unless as an ornament)Feb 14 23:50
schestowitzIf you can't run office, fuh-get-about-iit!Feb 14 23:50
MinceR:)Feb 14 23:50
twitterApple's patent attack is noxious, but the iPhone interface lives up to the hype.Feb 14 23:50
MinceRi can run office on my pda/phone but it's horribly suckyFeb 14 23:50
twitterOffice is horribly sucky.Feb 14 23:50
MinceRi haven't seen excel mobile succeed at saving over an existing file in years.Feb 14 23:50
schestowitztwitter: other phones have those features you mentionedFeb 14 23:50
MinceRand there's no "quit without saving", eitherFeb 14 23:50
schestowitz     > The interface is good for them.Feb 14 23:51
schestowitzWhat does that mean?Feb 14 23:51
MinceRso it's achieved by failing to save.Feb 14 23:51
schestowitzLook at iPhone meniFeb 14 23:51
schestowitzIt's like palm OS circa 1990sFeb 14 23:51
twitterI want gestures and other multitouch features in OpneMoko.Feb 14 23:51
schestowitz*menuFeb 14 23:51
MinceRthe interface is good for them because it has a crApple logo on it.Feb 14 23:51
MinceRremember crApple fanboys don't care about functionalityFeb 14 23:51
twitterHave you used one yet MinceR?Feb 14 23:51
MinceRi haven'tFeb 14 23:51
twitterI have.Feb 14 23:51
MinceRi already know it lacks vital features i use daily.Feb 14 23:51
MinceRlike copy and paste.Feb 14 23:52
MinceRor a real keyboard.Feb 14 23:52
schestowitzThere's Docs2Go but I heardly ever used it on mineFeb 14 23:52
MinceRi remember docs2goFeb 14 23:52
schestowitzit's not suited for PDA... spreadhseets and all.Feb 14 23:52
MinceRunlike excel mobile, it could actually save :>Feb 14 23:52
MinceRspreadsheets are useful everywhere, even on pdasFeb 14 23:52
schestowitzNeed keyboard, which is not very 'on the go' (2go)Feb 14 23:52
twitterDon't get lost in details, MinceR.  What's important is that Apple is claiming patents on something that works well.Feb 14 23:53
MinceRtwitter: and something they didn't invent.Feb 14 23:53
MinceRas usual.Feb 14 23:53
schestowitzYupFeb 14 23:53
schestowitzYou beat me to itFeb 14 23:53
twitterIf you want those things in a free device, you need to fight software patents.Feb 14 23:53
schestowitzIt has nothing to do with "works well"Feb 14 23:53
MinceRand something they don't really use anywayFeb 14 23:53
MinceRthere's no functionality behind it, it's just a shiny toy.Feb 14 23:53
schestowitzMy toilet works well, I don't claim ownership of bowlsFeb 14 23:54
MinceRor you need to fight apple.Feb 14 23:54
twitterNo, it's a very useful and functional toy.Feb 14 23:54
schestowitzToy..Feb 14 23:54
schestowitzSo what do iphone users buy when they grow up?Feb 14 23:54
twitterI've seen people surf the web, watch YouTube and text message with ease.Feb 14 23:54
MinceRschestowitz: then they dieFeb 14 23:54
schestowitzHeheFeb 14 23:54
MinceRas far as i can tell, most human beings never grow upFeb 14 23:55
schestowitzThat would be Sony laptopsFeb 14 23:55
MinceRthey make life hell for each other (and for sentient beings like me) and then they dieFeb 14 23:55
twitterWhen they grow up, they will demand gestures, scrolling, pinch zoom and other cool features for OpenMoko, where they might also get a hardware keyboard, cut and paste and other cool things.Feb 14 23:55
schestowitzIt's reportedly true that a guy in China due from an exploding cellphone. Poor bugger...Feb 14 23:55
schestowitz*diedFeb 14 23:55
silentivmschestowitz, exploding batteries have happened here in BrazilFeb 14 23:56
silentivmbut no deathsFeb 14 23:56
twitterPinch zoom and gesture scrolling are particularly useful.Feb 14 23:56
twitterThey are what makes the iPhone really work.Feb 14 23:56
schestowitzIn Jpaan (IIRC) someone murdered a collague and claimed that his phone killed himFeb 14 23:56
schestowitzIt's actually a dangerous thingFeb 14 23:56
MinceRthey probably are, but without actual apps, they're uselesFeb 14 23:56
MinceRsFeb 14 23:56
schestowitzIt's liike malwareFeb 14 23:56
schestowitzKill someone, blame phoneFeb 14 23:56
schestowitzCrack someone's PC, blame malwareFeb 14 23:57
schestowitzGet caught with kiddie pr0n, blame "malware"Feb 14 23:57
schestowitzLose data (or leak it), claim Windows is to blameFeb 14 23:57
twitterI've seen a lawyer, a medical physicist and a grocery store employee all use iPhones and love it.  Two of these had never used a Mac in their life.  The device interface really works well.Feb 14 23:58
schestowitzI've seen people who liked PalmFeb 14 23:58
silentivmI like PalmFeb 14 23:58
silentivm:)Feb 14 23:58
schestowitzHeck, I know people who like Windows.Feb 14 23:58
twitterI like palm tooFeb 14 23:58
MinceRyay, people who needed a mobile phone could manage to use a mobile phone they paid the price of a pda/phone to getFeb 14 23:59
schestowitzI still use a PalmFeb 14 23:59
silentivmone of my friends still uses his Palm a lotFeb 14 23:59
MinceRit's a wonder of modern technologyFeb 14 23:59
twitterPeople who like Windows don't know anything else.Feb 14 23:59
schestowitzWill Pre offer a smooth migration of data like calendar?Feb 14 23:59
MinceRnotify me when they manage to install an app on it that wasn't blessed by apple and got to keep their warranty.Feb 14 23:59
schestowitzMore importantly, will they finally support Linux desktops?Feb 14 23:59
twitterI'd like to see gestures and pinch zoom for my PDA device.Feb 14 23:59
MinceRnotify me when they manage to copy some text from a note they took with a real keyboard into an appointment.Feb 14 23:59

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